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Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Facultad de Ciencias y Educación

Proyecto Curricular de Licenciatura en Fı́sica

Fı́sica Moderna 1 - Taller

Profesor: Edwin Munévar Espitia

Fecha de revisión: miércoles 5 de junio de 2019

Ley de Stefan-Boltzmann, Ley de Wien, Ley de deplazamiento de Wien:

1. The heating wires of a 1-kW electric heater are red hot at a temperature of 900◦ C. Assuming that
100 % of the heat output is due to radiation and that the wires act as blackbody radiators, what is the
effective area of the radiating surface? (Assume a room temperature of 20◦ C.)

2. A blackened, solid copper sphere of radius 4.0 cm hangs in vacuum in an enclosure whose walls have a
temperature of 20◦ C. If the sphere is initially at 0◦ C, find the rate at which its temperature changes,
assuming that heat is transferred by radiation only.
3. Liquid helium is stored at its boiling point (4.2 K) in a spherical can that is separated by a vacuum
space from a surrounding shield that is maintained at the temperature of liquid nitrogen (77 K). If the
can is 30 cm in diameter and is blackened on the outside so that it acts as a blackbody radiator, how
much helium boils away per hour?

4. The surface temperature of the filament of an incandescent lamp is 1300◦ C. If the electric power input
is doubled, what will the temperature become? (Show that you can neglect the temperature of the

5. Calculate the net rate of heat loss in radiated energy for a naked person in a room at 20◦ C, assuming
the person to be a blackbody with a surface area of 1.4 m2 and a surface temperature of 33◦ C.

6. The radiation emitted by the surface of the sun emits maximum power at a wavelength of about 500
nm. Assuming the sun to be a blackbody emitter, what is its surface temperature?

7. Show that uν = ν 3 φ ν 3 V is a solution of the differential equation obtained in class:
ν ∂uν ∂uν
uν = −V
3 ∂ν ∂V
8. Show that Wien’s law can be written as a function of λ as:
c4  c 
uλ = 5 φ
λ λT
9. Show that from the expression obtained in class for Wien’s law, one can derive Wien’s displacement
law: λmax T = constant
10. Show that from Wien’s law, one can obtain the Stefan-Boltzmann law (I = σT 4 ) in terms of the
function φ.

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