2020 Ideas List

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Some Ideas for Reaching Out to Primary Children

Door visits
Decorate the front door of the birthday child.
Drop off something for the baptism
Drop off a welcome gift for new children

Have the children write their favorite scripture and you pick it up. Pass these on to the
missionaries to share with others.

Phone calls
Call the 7 year olds about to turn 8- do they have questions about baptism?
Have the teachers call the children.

Drive through activity

Can you schedule a time for families to drive through the church grounds and listen to
church music and get a treat at the end?
What about a special walk around the church grounds with station that are about one

Mail them a get well card if they are sick.
Send them a coloring sheet to go with the Come Follow Me Lesson

You tube- Can the music leader make a video teaching a church song?
Marco Polo- like you tube but more personal.
Zoom- try to do something fun to encourage engagement.
Facebook- do you have a ward site? Can you post a short message each week on the
lesson for children to watch on their parents account?

Other Ideas
We saw one class online where the teacher dropped of the makings for a cookie
decorating class and during the week one night taught the children how to decorate

Primary Partners. Assign each child to reach out to during the week. These can be
rotated monthly if you want. Encourage them to send letters, make calls etc.

“Friendship Baskets” fill a box or basket with cards, stickers and paper and a treat for
them.. The families are encouraged to write to someone from the Ward they have
missed seeing How many cards they do is totally up the them. Pick up the basket, put
on the postage, mail out the cards, then restock the basket and give it to another

And because it's online. Don't forget the church has put out the guidelines for virtual activities


Primary presidencies and activity leaders may use this document for help in planning Church-supported
children’s service and activities.
Activities should be planned and carried out by adult leaders. Activities should:

 Focus on meeting individual, family, and local needs.

 Use technologies that are available in your area.

 Give consideration to children who may not have digital access.

 Follow the principles and best practices found in “Service and Activity Guidelines for Children.”

 Follow all Church safety and other policies and best practices (see safety.ChurchofJesusChrist.org).

Safety Practices
The following best practices may be adapted to local circumstances, under the direction of local leaders.
 Counsel together and seek revelation for adapting activities so they can be held digitally.

 Follow online safety practices:

 Use known and secure vendors and sites.

 Avoid sharing personal information online—others’ and your own.

 Avoid sharing pictures of others without their permission.

 Avoid opening attachments from unknown sources.

 Don’t send money or account information.

 Follow Church standards in materials that are posted.

 Ensure that leaders participate in all virtual activities.

 Make parents aware of activities so they can be responsible for the online safety of their children.

 Plan with digital interactions in mind. Not all in-person activities will be successful in a digital environment.
Leaders should consider activities that allow individual efforts to be shared or brought together online.

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