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acid, HOOC.CH2.CH(NH2).

COOH, glutaminic acid or a-amino-

C.M.G. Companion of St Michael and St George.

the area of potatoes in Ireland was 804,566 acres, but it

abolish the objectionable practice, but the public pressure

L'Administration financiere du sanctuaire pythioue au IVe

plain. But the last barrier has yet to be passed, the Pongo

and in a few days some 16,000 of their townsmen marched

for those devout meditations and ``experiences'' that give

gas- works, by heating it with milk of lime and then absorbing the

Indian Empire and a seat in the legislative council of Bombay.

Kush. Copper ore from various parts of Afghanistan has been

obscure, and some of the most remarkable have been proved to be

peace. He gained some successes during a war between Turkey

himself a Judahite, had been prophesying in the northern

d'Estaing, but successfully repelled an assault (October 9), and

Selma (8713), Anniston (9695), Huntsville (8068), Bessemer

the 12th century, of which Alexander of Macedon was the

repetition of the first in a more didactic form. Albert's

clearly traceable in the works of the other, that these

Le Istoria Albanesi (Salerno, 1886); G. Gelchich, La Zedda

considerable detail. The limits thus determined resulted partly


plants, and the oospore of Cutleria has been observed to

of his explorations were published in Paris in 1860-1873 in

behaviour under exceptional conditions, as in the following

(Leiden, 1630); Fischer (Leipzig, 1783); in Aldine Edition

department of Tarn, 48 m. N. E. of Toulouse, on a branch

certain areas, especially on the shores of the Gulf of Guinea

bear to the primary alcohols. They are of importance, since

cock---and hung up votive tablets, on which were recorded their

ALARD, JEAN DELPHIN (1815-1888), French violinist and teacher,

SKITTAGETAN, Brit. Col.; Takilman, Or.; TANYOAN, Mex.;

Reading. The choir is long and aisleless; an hexagonal tower

one time, besides relieving the poor of the vicinity twice a

over the Austrians under the Archduke Louis and Genegal Hiller.

holding an already established position. Their institution

of his own compositions in London, performing on various

native chiefs, an even larger number having been concluded

A.M. (Artium Magister), Master of Arts.

1866. The great meteor shower of 1866 turned his attention

NaCd2 is plainly shown. These three examples are taken

house, the jail and the surrogate's office; and about 2 m.

flesh was boiled off the bones at once (``scarification''), or

left. On the 22nd of August he crossed the Narrows to the

throne. In consequence of an oracle which had commanded him

constituted it a royal academy with an endowment fund.

region, including the future of the church of Ephesus (xx.

Scarl Pass (Scarl to Santa Maria Munster), carriage road. . . . . . . .7,386

though somewhat longer, road by Aeclanum was of later date.

put out, or make a great fine or else pay more rent.'' This

for burden, but also for riding. It gets over incredible

unfitted him for dealing with the problems of history in

Aix-la-Chapelle possesses several fine secular buildings:

kinds and coffee. Above 10,000 ft. the crops are confined
passed by parliament in 1892 was an attempt to appease the rural

Traite de la verite de la religion chretienne (1684); its

bride except that she was beautiful, modest and ``brought up

metals. In this case the white tin-rich portions are themselves

very strongly made, they are capable of holding two men

affected about 6000 persons and resulted in about 70

from 1550 and originally peopled by Moslem refugees from

Shibar route be adopted) much exceeding 10,000 ft. That this

admit the cooling sea breezes by cutting through the mountains

Doble's articles in the Academy, November 1884. (P. C. Y.)

lines. The leading troops of the Army of the Potomac were

further instruction, and are then commissioned ensigns.

and contains several smaller winter-resorts. The largest

Iamblichus, De Fit. Pythag. xix. 28). Suidas credits him

growth which covers the floor of an ulcer. These granulations

1660, the French government paid great attention to Canada,

brethren, lay to the north side of the nave of the church (H).


had previously obtained a concession from the emperor Menelek.

Memoires et correspondance avec l'empereur Alexandre I.

A man of small stature and unimpressive appearance, he was

and disbanded his troops. On the 25th of October he departed

E. Chapter-house.

Combes-Dounous (Paris, 1800), and into English by Thomas

establishment should be constantly over those who stood the

at the Cul-de-Sac of Santa Lucia on the 15th of December.

vice-chancellor, who suspended him "from the exercise of his

Continental Line, they awaited further operations of the enemy.

now given himself up to intoxication and lust. When the

still confine the name Ifrikia to the territory of Tunisia.

was still suffering from the effects of the terrible Tatar

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