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the preacher, who wrote towards the end of the 12th century,

(Leipzig, 1859), and C. Joyneville, Life and Times of

a bag in which the unfavourable winds have been confined.

stirps. Many local differences exist, but none capable of

of Georgia, the Georgia Northern, the Seaboard Air Line, the

the substance known as pigeon's milk. Amongst Mammalia, in

Bupleurum stellatum, Androsace helvetica, A. glacialis, Gentiana

mouth of the river. Vast areas of it are submerged athigh

Futhoro.'' However this may be, the ogam alphabet shows

to the later part of his reign, not improbably to the last

ALLENTOWN, a city and the county-seat of Lehigh county,

translated into Latin) in 1667 is a landmark in the history of

which much of Abbon's correspondence was reproduced, is of great

See P. Russo, Illustrazione storica di Aderno (Adorno, 1897).

as was done by Titus at the inauguration of the Colosseum.

1890 to 1900, and of its factory product 13.2% between 1900 and

most distinguished Jewish men of letters and writers of the

Peru; Barbacoan, Colombia; Betoyan, Bogota; Canichanan,

succeeded Dr Vaughan as master. In 1887 he was presented to a

bronze in Crete must be dated before 4000 B.C. But it will

Calcium carbide. Water. Acetylene. Lime.

neighbouring islands. The first settlement was made in 1642.

The best best elementary work on the history of Algeria

be abandoned in consequence of these swine-fever regulations.

of September 1830. He graduated at Harvard College in 1851 and

by a process resembling tapestry work. The forming of bird

His eldest son GILBERT ARTHUR A BECKETT (1837-1891) was born

Sheffield meeting of the British Association. He died

on which he puts a private mark. These lots are put in a

ultimately reached the Louvre, where in a restored form it

with his cattell; and euery man may eate his oun close at his

has come to have a looser significance than residence,

Ampezzo Pass (Toblach to Cortina and Belluno), carriage path . . . . . . .5,066

period. In 1800 the original Farmer's Magazine came into

they coveted the flourishing cities held by Arabized peoples

the brain and spinal marrow of higher forms. The neurochord

or Panopolis, capital of the 9th or Chemmite nome of Upper

Onesilas. The phil-Hellene Evagoras of Salamis was similarly

occurred if the vessel had been seaworthy and fit for the

been published since 1880 also belong to that direction;

54, or the highest of all the seven plays. The chief doubt

is exercised by the ordinary tribunals, and there are no

the novels Das Haus Dusterweg (1835) and Zwolf Nachte

Graham, by his reforms, put an end to what appeared a divided

accounts. Although the director of stores is really in the

tingitana, which grows in North Africa; it is a dark coloured

Other Drugs . 1,124 124 11.0

f, ch become spirants and e become identified with i.

his monastery and a magnificent altar, he received a popular

In the South African War (1899-1902), however, the bonds

1784-1795), besides various handbooks and translations.

afterwards, with various changes, adopted in all succeeding

interests of peace, although he was a member of the league

of Michigan, adopted in 1850, provided for an agricultural

are found in the Acta Sanctorum Bollandistarum, tome

it shall be a good defence to prove that such admixture has

patronus of the young king, over whom he appears to have

methods. To the wild people over whom he ruled none was

yield amazon-stone, and it is also found in pegmatite in

parliamentary or other franchise, or confer any right of a

of carbonate of lime. The springs are known to the Arabs

in the presence of sunlight, to make use of the carbonic

1830), who married Guy de Charnace, is known as a writer.

successes in an exquisite manner. To be sold by John Holden,

&c.; second, engraving on copper-plates, sealcutting,

occurs in very small quantities in wood spirit. It may be

ADVOWSON, or @ADVOWZEN (through O. Fr. advouson, from

so named by A. F. Fourcroy, from its resemblance to both fat and

Ancient and medieval period.

ABRAHAM IBN DAUD (c. 1110-1180), Jewish historiographer

Petersgrat (Lauterbrunnen to the Lotschenthal), snow. . . . . . . . . 10,516

the subsequent fortunes of this academy would be to write

on ridiculous features in manners and on corrupt symptoms in

on logical works of Aristotle, Porphyry and Boothius, and a

the Apocalypse (see Bibl. Patrum, xiii. 403), on the

palace by fire, an act which has been variously estimated by

works are situated in South Lancashire and the adjoining part of

the rights of the chief who purported to have placed the

The next writer of note is John Mortimer, whose Whole Art of Husbandry,

first of the three courts of appeal of Finland. It has two high

the completion of which belongs to the Persian period, gave the

classes of altars are also to be mentioned those on which

Sulphuric acid

Pic du Thabor. . . . . . . . . 10,316 Brio Bouchet . . . . . . . . . . .9,853

the oospore, from each cell of which a zoospore arises.

eight years a missionary to the Indians at Stockbridge; finally

mill-lead. These cells, when belonging to a Cluniac house,

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