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of their island.

Subsequently, however, they entered into an

and has been badly damaged two or three times by earthquakes.

is only about 10-8 of the modulus of rigidity of glass.

possibility was recognized, as by Joseph Priestley (Directions

probably to the 2nd century B.C., though groundlessly called

equally true both of the pictographic and the linear Aegean

hat, and agreed to send Cesare, as legate, to Naples with

as to allure the reader irresistibly to follow; sometimes, as

of the Saviour''), a holy season of the Christian church, the

mentor, and Hermes, the blustering and futile jack-in-office,

the advertisement is posted, or of sales, &c., are allowed in

choked with mud; and an inner, called Aden Back-bay, or,

between the oospore and the next sexual stage a series of

in the history of the country the Albanian chiefs combined

1896 34,618,646 12.4 427,684,346 72.6 310,602,539

provinces, he traversed Mesopotamia and struck the Tigris some

skilful observer, and busied himself not only with astronomical

4. English Writers.--There is nothing answering to the German

young men towards the church in considerable numbers, and

energy, carried out a project of his father's, the conquest

bride, Princess Dagmar of Denmark, should marry his successor,

among which Moznayim (``the Scales,'' written in 1140)

alcoholic and acetous fermentation of a sugary liquor. When

3, Africa (specially for government publications). (E. HE.)

the North Saskatchewan river Alexander Mackenzie crossed the

worshipped as a god is the traditional view. Droysen denies

division into two regions. It is well marked off from the

Pathological Society of London recommended that the term

to as strictly as circumstances will permit. Shore-duty

cotyledon. The term is synonymous with Cryptogams, by

less. With this superior description of butchers' stock all

of Cape La Hague on the coast of Normandy. The harbour, on

plague of 1350, at the siege of Gibraltar, only averted a

its native country, and in which it has been proved that the

will, therefore, be convenient to consider first cases of this

portion of the shell was cast around the internal part, and

(d. 1522), wished to marry Anne of Brittany, and to that end

liquid, and which do not combine to form definite compounds,

English college at Rome and should begin the Jesuit mission

India. No place was better fitted for both an emporium and

rings. The German army in 1870 employed ring shell almost

Apingi Manyema including--

Adelaide. The Botanical Park, which has an area of 84 acres,

age, Bio.-Bibl. (1905); Bolland, Acta Sanctorum, April 23; H. G.

military command by Charles V., he took part in the siege of

is the one which must be relied upon. The change in the

elsewhere. Much discussion followed, and a royal commission

efforts to subjugate them, but were now gradually reduced to

B.C., and subsequently renewed, the acceptance of

of this Office are discharged by the president of the

de Henares contains a military academy and various public

philosophy, theology and canon law, becoming a doctor of

(1) Collagen.

in the city. The site of the city (formerly farming

ADEVISM, a term introduced by Max Muller to imply the

delay Alexander returned a polite refusal, on the plea of the

of the Swinge (Sinige), between Alderney and the uninhabited

gradually moved eastward across the Aleutian Islands to the

Kromayer, in Hermes, xxxiv. (1899), pp. 1-54. (M. O. B. C.)

Pyrenees. They are formed of numerous ranges, divided by

flags and fighting the natives who opposed his progress.

work, he read it to the rest, and they gave their opinions upon

people. It is now held, however, that he limited this

Arabian folk-lore, as the manifestation of a demon residing in

school of mathematics and science long after the Christian

of trade rather than territorial acquisitions. In this

by which each of us obtains the most immediate and most

Hector. It makes no mention of the death of Achilles, but

Russians. In March 1880 he came back across the river,

not endure the chains by which his vast possessions bound him to

this shell is practically the same as the lyddite shell.

See 1 Maccab. 10 ff.; Justin xxxv. 1 and 2; Josephus,

take up residence themselves on their property within six

lasted longest was a certain Vannozza (Giovanna) dei Cattani,

at Arkona in Rugen, containing the sanctuary of their god

could not be represented), constituted among themselves a

Schwarzenstein (Z) . . . . . . 11,057 Zsigmondyspitze. . . . . . . . . 10,122

The general political outlook in Italy was of the gloomiest,

both of man and nature, he had few superiors. He says:

under UNITED STATES: History. From a military standpoint

There are also numerous breweries, and Alloa ale has always

Rhenish-Westphalian Polytechnic School (built 1865-1870)

regular ``priories,'' but sometimes only ``cells,'' and even

to the Zambezi the continent was startled into new life.

far west as the Mediterranean Sea, the equation has found

R.P.D. Reverendissimus Pater Dominus.

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