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NeXskill was founded in November 2018 by the founders of AUJ & OZI Group of Companies.
NeXskill aims to train individuals through practical knowledge by training in real time
business environment. Our instructors with deepest knowledge of industry augment
technical capabilities of individuals that lead to significant ascend in their career path. Our
mission is to enhance the skills in such a way where the individuals start giving
productivity from the very first day of their jobs.'

We facilitate our untrained youth to focus, train, develop and one day lead their own team
of youngsters and make a positive change in society by counteracting on redundancy with
the help of our world-class dedicated, passionate, and hardworking trainers who are expert
in their own respective fields.
Being part of two big groups, OZI Group the best mobile
games and apps publisher in Pakistan and AUJ Group the
pioneer of E-bikes in Pakistan, NeXskill promises to maintain
the reputation build by OZI and AUJ Group of companies.
NeXskill offered multiple courses in the field of Design,
Development, Marketing, Engineering, Professional
Development, Accounts & Finance, Networking & E-
NeXskill offered internships to the top performing students of
the batch leading to permanent placements in companies
working under AUJ & OZI Groups that have established
brands in local and international markets.
Office#19, 8th Floor, ARFA Software Technology Park.

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Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool essential for managing and presenting data in today’s working
environment. In this Microsoft Excel training course, you gain the knowledge and skills to create
and edit worksheets, use formulas and functions, sort and filter detail data visually, and present
summary information in a consumable and professional format.

Today, MS Excel is a critical tool for any kind of business job profile. Knowledge of MS Excel
increases your efficiency at work and you can get more work done in less time.
Nexskills provides best training services for mastering in Microsoft Excel course through most
experienced professional in industry. Nexskills provide training on Basic and Advanced Excel

Course Contents:

 MS EXCEL Course will cover the following topics

 Must Know Tools and Techniques
 Comprehensive Formula Creation Guide
 Cell References Types, Math Operators & Comparison Operators
 Logical Functions (If, If error, And, Or, Not)
 Advanced Excel Functions (Sumif, Sumifs, Countif, Countifs, Average if, Averages ifs)
 Lookup Functions (Lookup, Vlookup, Hlookup)
 INDEX and MATCH Functions
 Formula Nesting (Combining Functions)
 Strategy to Build Long Formulae
 Working with Dates with Important Date Functions
 Sum product, Aggregate and Subtotal
 Practical Usage of Text to Columns and Data Validation
 Complex Conditional Formatting for Data Analysis
 Choose and Rand between functions
 Cell References (Absolute, Relative and Mixed references)
 Advanced Filter, Multisorting and Custom Sorting
 What-If Analysis (Scenario Manager & Goal Seek)
 Dynamic Charts (Slicers & Sparkline’s)
 Dependent Dropdown list
 Excel Tables and its Benefits
 Tracing Precedents and Dependents
 Pivot Tables, Pivot Charts, Slicer and Timeline
 Excel Macro
 VBA in combination with Macros

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