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Basic Etiquettes to be kept in mind while making oral presentation

• Keep your attire formal, i.e., formal.

• Speak slowly and carefully, know on what points to emphasize and thereby change your
tone. Make eye contact with the judge where possible.
• You should first seek permission to approach podium, then seek permission to address
the judge or the bench: “the Petitioner [or respondent] seeks permission of the Hon’ble
court to address the bench as “Your Lordship” or “Your Honour” (“Your Excellency”
for international moot)
Begin your submission with the following statement:
“May it please the Court, my name is ________ and I appear on behalf of ______ in
the present case of ______________.”
Then ask permission to present the facts or if you think that the Court is already apprised
of the facts then jump to the issues by saying something like this “If the court is well
aware of the facts may I proceed to the issues”.
Ask permission to state the issues if not previously asked
Ask permission to place the arguments
Ask permission to place the prayer
Always express gratitude for permissions granted, for being corrected when wrong,
when complimented by saying “much obliged”.
Seek permission of the judge/ judges to proceed further. This can be done by
mentioning- 'The counsel humbly seeks the permission to proceed with....’
• Conclude with one of the following statements:
“That concludes my submission. May I be of any further assistance to the Court?”
Or, “Unless the Court has any further questions, that concludes my submission (on
behalf of) …”
• If in doubt or there is lack of clarity about the question asked then use the phrase:
“I would be obliged if the Court would clarify the question.”
• If you disagree with the court’s opinion then the phrase: “I accept the Court’s point;
however, it is my submission that…” [or] “I would submit that…”
• Avoid phrases like “I think”. “I believe”, “I feel”. Speak about your submission in
formal terms - ‘I submit’, ‘it is my submission’ or ‘it is submitted’.
• Never interrupt a judge when he/she is making a point or asking question to you. If a
judge interrupts you in between your arguments for asking question etc., then stop
speaking and listen carefully to the judge’s question or comment.
• Answer all questions as courteously as possible.
• Plead Ignorance when answer not known.
• Avoid using slangs such as ‘yeah, yup, okay, all right’.
• When the first counsel is finished with his argument then he should ask permission to
call his co-counsel to further carry the arguments. The phrase which is advice to call
upon counsel is
“The counsel humbly seeks permission to call upon the co-counsel who will be
dealing/continuing with….”
• Use phrase “it is humbly prayed before this Hon’ble Court…” while stating prayer.
After the prayer is complete take leave of the court or take your seat after thanking the
• Make sure to always maintain eye contact with the Judge. Pay full attention to what
the Judge is asking. If your fail to understand a certain point the seek clarification.
• Do not prepare a fully rehearsed speech. Jot down the material points that you
need to cover.

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