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A kidnapping incident was reported by an anonymous note to the United Nations Police
(UNPOL) station in Martissant, Port au Prince at 10.30 hrs, 1 May 2011, it stated that a 30-
year-old Haitian male had been kidnapped one hour before. The note stated that the man was
waiting in front of a medical center, located in downtown Port au Prince when he was forced by
three Haitian men to get into a brown mini-bus, registered in the West Region. The note didn’t
provide any additional information with regards to the vehicle or to the kidnappers. UNPOL
officers had found the note lying on the ground at the front door, in a small white envelope, with
no distinctive marks or signs that could reveal the identification of the author. Nobody inside the
station could provide information about when or how this note was delivered, or by whom. A case
was opened.

On the same day at 11.00 hrs, Ms. Susanna Red showed up at the UNPOL station and
informed that her brother Mr. Charley Red (30) had disappeared. She mentioned that he had gone
to the medical center in the morning for stomach pain he had for about a week and wanted to
check by a doctor. He was supposed to wait for her to pick him up after the appointment. When she
arrived around 10.00 hrs, her brother was nowhere to be seen. She asked people, but no result. She
was very worried and feared about this. He normally waited for her and would never leave without
telling her. He wore blue shirt with jeans when he left the house in the morning.

At 17.00 hrs, on the same day UNPOL officers met with Haitian Local Police at
Martissant Commissariat. According to their files, Mr. Red was arrested three months before by
Haitian National Police at the border in Malpasse for smuggling goods (meat and cigarettes)
from the Dominican Republic. He was detained for a little under three months, recovering his
freedom on 30 April 2011.

At 8.00 hrs, on the next day Ms. Susanna Red came back to the UNPOL station and
stated that she had received a phone call from the kidnapper and told her she should stop
collaborating in the investigation, or that she would regret it. In a state of shock, she can’t ask
more question and couldn’t identify the caller.

On 3rd May, 2011 The UNPOL, together with the Haitian National Police, has requested
local media to announce the kidnapping of Mr. Charley Red. The relevant message was also
disseminated to all the police stations with the photo of the victim, together with his physical
description, was shown on local TV channels and printed in all the major Haitian newspapers on
the same day.
At 18.30 hrs, 8 May 2011, Ms. Susanna Red reported to the UNPOL station and stated
that she had just received a second phone call from the kidnappers, demanding a ransom of
17,000 US dollars by 23.00 hrs the same day. Caller told her that the money needed to be left at
the door of the flower shop near Saint Pierre square and show up alone and unarmed or her brother
would immediately be killed. He also told her that she could not, under any circumstances, tell the
police about this or any other phone calls she received from them.
Based on secret information UNPOL together with Haitian Local police conducted an
operation on at the night club called “After Dark” at 3.00 hours on 9 May 2011. They forced their
way inside, freed Mr. Red and arrested the kidnappers. Mr. Red was taken to the Martissant
station by UNPOL officers for interrogation in order to shed light on the circumstances of his

Mr. Red explained whole story of kidnapping. After kidnapped they were yelling and
swearing at him. There were two other men sitting in the front of the vehicle, wearing masks and
keeping quiet. They took him to the night club called “After Dark”, located in Jacmel. After their
arrival, Mr. Red was taken to the owner of the club, whom he knew very well. He was handcuffed
there and several times beaten by the owner of the night club. Mr. Red explained that he had
previously been involved in some illegal business with the owner of the club. Following orders from
him, Mr. Red smuggled goods from the Dominican Republic. Mr. Red was detained by police for
about three months, and regained his freedom on 30 April 2011. He decided to stop any
involvement in the illegal business. He now wanted to get back to an honest life and redeem
himself. Mr. Red said that while in captivity, the owner of the night club threatened him, saying
he wanted his money back. Mr. Red stated that he didn’t know what money he was referring to
and repeated he did not owe anyone any money.

The case was under investigation.

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