(2019-) A Class of Geometric QSO Generated by 2-Partition of A Singleton

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Karim et al. / Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol. 15, No.

6 (2019) 872-877


A class of geometric quadratic stochastic operator on countable

state space and its regularity
Siti Nurlaili Karim*, Nur Zatul Akmar Hamzah, Nasir Ganikhodjaev
Department of Computational and Theoretical Sciences, Kulliyyah of Science, International Islamic University Malaysia, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah,
Bandar Indera Mahkota, 25200 Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia

* Corresponding author: nurlaili.karim2812@gmail.com

Article history Abstract

Received 11 February 2019
Revised 21 Mac 2019 We have constructed a Geometric quadratic stochastic operator generated by 2-partition ξ of
Accepted 12 September 2019
singleton defined on countable state space X , where X = 0,1, 2,... . We have studied the trajectory
Published Online 3 December 2019
behavior of such operator for any initial measure   S ( X , F ) . It is shown that such operator
converges to a fixed point which indicates the existence of the strong limit of the sequence V n (  ) .
This follows that such operator is a regular transformation.

Keywords: Singleton, countable state space, quadratic stochastic operator, regular transformation
© 2019 Penerbit UTM Press. All rights reserved

INTRODUCTION state x( ) = V x(
( )) 0
which indicates the probability of the first
Bernstein’s work on population genetics has triggered the study of generation,
quadratic stochastic operator since the early of 20th century. The study
of quadratic stochastic operator is still advancing even though it is
the second generation x( 2) = V x(1) = V V x(0) ( ) ( ( )) = V ( x( ) ) , and
2 0

considered as the simplest nonlinear operator. This theory frequently so on. Therefore, the evolution states of the population system can be
arises in many models in various fields such as biology, physics, game described by the following discrete dynamical system,
theory, finance, mathematics, and economics. x( ) , x( ) = V x(
0 1
( ) ), x( ) = V ( x( ) ), x( ) = V ( x( ) ),...
0 2 2 0 3 3 0
The quadratic stochastic operator is a mapping of the simplex
where V n ( x ) = V V (...V ( x ) ) ... ) denotes the n times iteration of V
 m
 to x .
S m −1 =  x = ( x1 , x2 ,..., xm )  m
xi  0,  xi = 1 , (1)
 i =1 
Given that this operator involves the evolution of a free population
into itself, of the form from one generation to the next generation, thus it is also known as

evolutionary operator. For a given x( )  S m−1 , the trajectory x(
 ) ,

V : xk ( ) =
i , j =1
x ( ) x j ( ) , k = 1,..., m ,
ij , k i
(2) n = 0,1, 2,... of x(0)  S m−1 under action of the mapping V in (2) is

where Pij , k are the coefficients of heredity and

defined by x(
n +1)
( ) ) , where n = 0,1, 2,... .
= V x(

In other words, a distribution of the next generation can be

described by quadratic stochastic operator if the distribution of the
Pij , k  0, P
k =1
ij , k = 1, i, j, k = 1,2,..., m .
current generation is given. We should emphasize that the mapping V
is a nonlinear (quadratic) operator, and it is higher-dimensional if
Note that each element x  S m −1 is a probability distribution on m  3 . Higher dimensional dynamical systems are important but there
I = 1,..., m .
are relatively few dynamical phenomena that are currently understood,
for example, pendulum and solar system in mechanics, and evolution
in biology.
The association x( ) → x( ) means that the population evolves from
0 1
The main problem for a given dynamical system (3) is to describe

 )

an arbitrary state of probability distribution x (
0) (
for arbitrary given x ( ) .
n 0
, then passing to the the limit points of x
n =0

Karim et al. / Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol. 15, No. 6 (2019) 872-877

Nonlinear operator theory falls within the general area of nonlinear Let P ( x, y, A) : x, y  X , A  F  be a family of functions on
functional analysis, an area which has become of interest in recent
years. One of the central problems in the nonlinear operator theory is X  X  F which satisfy the following conditions:
the asymptotical behavior of nonlinear operators. To study this
problem, several classes of quadratic stochastic operator were (i) P ( x, y, )  S ( X , F ) for any fixed x, y  X , that is,
constructed and investigated many publications. Similarly, limit P ( x, y, ) : F → 0,1 is the probability measure on F ,
behavior of the trajectories and the fixed points of the quadratic
stochastic operator have been studied extensively by previous (ii) P ( x, y, A) is measurable function on (X  X,F  F)
researchers, see (Akin & Losert, 1984; Akin, 1993; Bernstein, 1924; which regarded as a function of two variables x and y
Ganikhodjaev et al., 2015; Ganikhodjaev, 1993; Ganikhodjaev,1994; with fixed A  F ,
Ganikhodzhaev & Zanin, 2004; Ganikhodzhaev et al., 2011; Hofbauer
(iii) P ( x, y, A) = P ( y, x, A) for any x, y  X and A  F .
& Sigmund, 1998; Jenks, 1969; Kesten, 1970; Losert & Akin, 1983;
Lyubich, 1978; Lyubich, 1992; Mukhamedov & Embong, 2015;
Rozikov & Zhamilov, 2008; Ulam, 1960; Volterra, 1931; Zakharevich, Definition 2: A mapping V : S ( X , F ) → S ( X , F ) is called a quadratic
1978). stochastic operator generated by the family of functions
Another problem in nonlinear operator theory is the study of the
asymptotical behavior of the trajectories. This problem was fully solved P ( x, y, A) : x, y  X , A  F  if for an arbitrary measure   S ( X , F )
for Volterra quadratic stochastic operator, see (Ganikhodjaev, 1993; , then the measure   = V  is defined as follows:
Ganikhodjaev, 1994). Furthermore, there are many publications   ( A) =   P ( x, y, A) d  ( x ) d  ( y ) , (5)
devoted to the study of Volterra quadratic stochastic operator on finite X X
and infinite state space, see (Akin & Losert, 1984; Ganikhodjaev &
Hamzah, 2015b; Ganikhodzhaev et al., 2011; Kesten, 1970; Lyubich, where A  F is an arbitrary measurable set.
1978; Lyubich, 1992; Mukhamedov et al., 2005; Mukhamedov, 2000;
Ulam, 1960; Zakharevich, 1978). Assume V (  )  S ( X , F ) : n = 0,1,2,...
is a trajectory of the

(  ) = V (V n (  ) )
For the non-Volterra case, some new classes of quadratic stochastic
initial measure   S ( X , F ) , where V
n +1
operator have been constructed. In Ganikhodjaev & Hamzah (2014a, for all
2014b, 2015a, 2016), the authors introduced and studied Poisson, n = 0,1, 2,... , with V 0 (  ) =  .
Gaussian, and Geometric quadratic stochastic operator on infinite state
space. Ganikhodjaev & Hamzah (2015c) have introduced a new class
Definition 3: A measure   S ( X , F ) is called a fixed point of a
of quadratic stochastic operator on the segment 0,1 generated by 2-
quadratic stochastic operator V , if V (  ) =  .
partition  , and it was shown that such operator is a regular
transformation. Rozikov and Zhamilov (2008), and Mukhamedov and
Embong (2015) also defined and introduced another class of quadratic Definition 4: A quadratic stochastic operator V is called a regular if
stochastic operator. Then, the authors thoroughly described the for any initial point   S ( X , F ) the limit
properties as well as their trajectory behavior.
lim V n (  ) ,
In the next section, the concept of quadratic stochastic operator on
the set of all probability measures as well as the definition of Geometric (6)
n →
quadratic stochastic opera or are presented in details.
Note that the limit point is a fixed point of a quadratic stochastic
Let us recall some preliminaries. operator V . Hence, the fixed points of quadratic stochastic operator
Let ( X , F ) be a measurable space, and S ( X , F ) be the set of all manifest a limit behavior of the trajectories at any initial point.
probability measures on ( X , F ) , where X is a state space and F is If X is a state space, where X = 0,1,2,..., m , thus for any
 - algebra on X . It is known that the set S ( X , F ) is a compact, i, j  X , a probability measure P ( i, j, ) is a discrete measure with
convex space and a form of Dirac measure  X which is defined by: m

 P (ij,k) = 1 ,
i , j =1
where P ( ij,k) = Pij , k and corresponding

1 if x  A stochastic operator V is defined as follows.

 x ( A) =  (4)
0 if x  A
Definition 5: A mapping V : S m −1 → S m −1 is called a quadratic
for any A  F are extremal elements of S ( X , F ) . stochastic operator, if for any x = ( x1,..., xm )  S m−1 , Vx is defined as

Definition 1: Suppose ( F , ) is a partially ordered set, M and m are

(Vx )k =  Pij , k xi x j , (7)
i , j =1

elements of F , and A is a subset of F .

(i) M is a maximal element of A , if and only if M is in F where the coefficients Pij , k satisfy the following conditions:
and there is no x in A such that M  x ; M is a (i) Pij , k  0 ,
maximum of A , if and only if M is in A and x  M (ii) Pij , k = Pji , k ,
for all x in A . m
(ii) m is a minimal element of A , if and only if m is in A (iii) P
k =1
ij , k = 1 for all i, j, k 1,..., m .
and there is no x in A such that x  m ; m is a minimum
It implies that these three conditions are fully consistent with conditions
of A , if and only if m is in A and m  x for all x in formulated in general case.

Karim et al. / Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol. 15, No. 6 (2019) 872-877

Note that, in this paper, we consider a countable state space X , Using the fact that arbitrary singleton in the countable state space
where X = 0,1,2,... . Hence, a quadratic stochastic operator V on X will result on different number of partitions in the unit square
X  X , thus we need to consider the following cases.
measurable ( X , F ) is defined as follows:
 
Case 1. Let A1 = x1 : x1  X  where A1 consists of a singleton
V  ( k ) =  Pij , k  ( i )  ( j ) , (8) x1 = 0 and A2 = X \ A1 . We consider a Geometric quadratic stochastic
i =0 j =0
operator that
where k  X for arbitrary measure   S ( X , F ) .
(1 − r1 ) r1 k
if ( i, j )  B1
Pij , k = 
(1 − r2 ) r2 if ( i, j )  B2
Geometric quadratic stochastic operator is considered in this paper.
Note that a Geometric distribution Gr with a real parameter r ,
for i, j  X .
0  r  1 , defined on X by the equation
Then, for any initial measure   S ( X , F ) , we have
Gr ( k ) = (1 − r ) r k , (9)  
V  ( k ) =  Pij , k  ( i )  ( j )
for any k  X . i =0 j =0
  

Let S ( X , F ) be a set of all probability measure and P ( i, j, ) be = P00, k  ( 0 )  ( 0 ) +  Pij , k  ( i )  ( j ) +  Pi 0, k  ( i )  ( 0 )

i =1 j =1 i =1
a probability measure on ( X , F ) for any i, j  X . 
+  P0 j , k  ( 0 )  ( j )
j =1
Definition 6: A quadratic stochastic operator V in (7) is called a  
Geometric quadratic stochastic operator, if for any i, j  X , the = (1 − r1 ) r1k   ( 0 )  + (1 − r1 ) r1k   ( i ) ( j )

probability measure P ( i, j, ) is the Geometric distribution Gr (i , j ) with i =1 j =1

 
a real parameter r (i, j ) = r ( j, i ) , 0  r (i, j )  1 . + (1 − r2 ) r2 k  ( 0 )   ( i ) + (1 − r2 ) r2 k  ( 0 )   ( j )
i =1 j =1
In this paper, we are motivated to construct a class of Geometric
= (1 − r1 ) r   ( 0 )  + (1 − r1 ) r1 1 −  ( 0 )
k 2 k 2
quadratic stochastic operator defined on countable state space X 1
generated by 2-partition  of arbitrary singleton. The trajectory +2 (1 − r2 ) r2 k  ( 0 ) 1 −  ( 0 ) 
behavior of such operator with initial measure   S ( X , F ) is studied
and described. 
= (1 − r1 ) r1k   ( 0) + 1 −  ( 0)
2 2

+ (1 − r2 ) r2 2 ( 0 ) 1 −  ( 0 )  , and

 
V 2  ( k ) =  Pij , kV  ( i )V  ( j )
Let ( X , F ) be a measurable space with countable state space X . i =0 j =0
  

Definition 7: A probabilistic measure  on ( X , F ) is said to be = P00, kV  ( 0 )V  ( 0 ) +  Pij , kV  ( i )V  ( j ) +  Pi 0, kV  ( i )V  ( 0 )

i =1 j =1 i =1

discrete, there exists a finitely many elements x1,..., xn  X , such 

+  P0 j , kV  ( 0 )V  ( j )
 (xi ) = pi  pi = 1 .
j =1
that for i = 1,..., n , with Then,  
= (1 − r1 ) r1k V  ( 0 ) + (1 − r1 ) r1k V  ( i )V  ( j )
i =1 2

 ( X \  x1 ,..., xn ) = 0 and for any A  F ,  ( A) =  (x ) .i

i =1 j =1
xi  A  

Recall that a partition of ( X , F ) , is a disjoint collection of elements + (1 − r2 ) r2 kV  ( 0 ) V  ( i ) + (1 − r2 ) r2 kV  ( 0 ) V  ( j )

i =1 j =1

of F whose union is X . We shall be interested in finite partitions.

= (1 − r1 ) r V  ( 0 )  + (1 − r1 ) r 1 − V  ( 0 )
k 2 k 2

They will be denoted as  =  A1 ,..., Ak  and is called measurable k -

1 1

+2 (1 − r2 ) r2 kV  ( 0 ) 1 − V  ( 0 ) 
Let  =  A1, A2 be a measurable 2-partition of the state space = (1 − r1 ) r1k (V  ( 0) ) + (1 − V  ( 0) ) 
2 2

 
X = 0,1,2,... where A1  X , A2 = X \ A1 , and  = B1, B2 be a + (1 − r2 ) r2 k  2V  ( 0 ) (1 − V  ( 0 ) )  .
corresponding partition of the unit square X  X , where
B1 = A1  A1  A2  A2 , and B2 = A1  A2  A2  A1 . Note that the Thus, by using induction on the sequence V  ( k ) , we produce the

consideration of this partition is designed by the condition following recurrent equation:

P (i, j, ) = P ( j, i, ) .
We define the family P (i, j, ) : i, j  X  of discrete probability V n +1 ( k )

measures on ( X , F ) as follows. If ( i, j )  Bm where m = 1, 2 , then = (1 − r1 ) r1k (V n  ( 0 ) ) + (1 − V n  ( 0 ) ) 

2 2

 
(i) for (i, j )  B1 assume P (i, j, k ) = (1 − r1 ) r1k for k = 0,1, 2,... + (1 − r2 ) r2 k  2V n  ( 0 ) (1 − V n  ( 0 ) )  , (10)
(ii) for ( i, j )  B2 assume P ( i, j, k ) = (1 − r2 ) r2 for k
where n = 0,1, 2,... .
k = 0,1, 2,...

Karim et al. / Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol. 15, No. 6 (2019) 872-877

One can show that the limit behavior of the recurrent equation (9) is  x1 −1   x1 −1 
= (1 − r1 ) r1k V  ( x1 )  + (1 − r1 ) r1k   V  ( i )    V  ( j ) 
fully determined by limit behavior of recurrent equation V n  ( 0 ) such
 i =0   j =0 
 x1
 x1

+ (1 − r1 ) r1k 1 − V  ( i )  1 − V  ( j ) 
V n +1 ( 0 )  i =0   j =0 
   
= (1 − r1 ) (V n  ( 0 ) ) + (1 − V n  ( 0 ) ) 
2 2 x1 −1 x1

  + (1 − r1 ) r1k   V  ( i )  1 − V  ( j ) 
 i =0   j =0 
+ (1 − r2 )  2V n  ( 0 ) (1 − V n  ( 0 ) )  ,   
x1 x1 −1 x1 −1
(11) + (1 − r1 ) r1k 1 − V  ( i )    V  ( j )  + (1 − r2 ) r2 kV  ( x1 )  V  ( i )
for n = 0,1, 2,... .  i =0   j =0  i =0

x1 −1
 x1

+ (1 − r2 ) r2 kV  ( x1 )  V  ( i ) + (1 − r2 ) r2 kV  ( x1 ) 1 − V  ( j ) 
Case 2. Let A1 = x1 : x1  X  where A1 consists of a singleton j =0  j = 0 
x1  0 and A2 = X \ A1 . Thus, for any initial measure   S ( X , F ) ,  x1

+ (1 − r2 ) r2 kV  ( x1 ) 1 − V  ( i ) 
we have  i =0 
= (1 − r1 ) r1k (V  ( x1 ) ) + (1 − V  ( x1 ) ) 
2 2
 
V  ( k ) =  Pij , k  ( i )  ( j )  
i =0 j =0 + (1 − r2 ) r2 k  2V  ( x1 ) (1 − V  ( x1 ) ) .
x1 −1 x1 −1  
= Px1 x1 , k  ( x1 )  ( x1 ) +   Pij , k  ( i )  ( j ) +   Pij , k  ( i )  ( j )
By using induction on the sequence V  ( k ) , the following
i =0 j =0 i = x1 +1 j = x1 +1 n

x1 −1   x1 −1 x1 −1
+  Pij , k  ( i )  ( j ) +   P  (i )  ( j ) +  P
ij , k ih , k  ( i )  ( x1 ) recurrent equation is obtained
i = 0 j = x1 +1 i = x1 +1 j = 0 i =0
x1 −1   V n +1 ( k )
+  Px1 j , k  ( x1 )  ( j ) +  Px1 j , k  ( x1 )  ( j ) + P ix1 , k  ( i )  ( x1 )
= (1 − r1 ) r1k (V n  ( x1 ) ) + (1 − V n  ( x1 ) ) 
j =0 j = x1 +1 i = x1 +1 2 2

  x1 −1
 x1 −1  
= (1 − r1 ) r1k   ( x1 )  + (1 − r1 ) r1k    ( i )     ( j ) 

 i =0   j =0  + (1 − r2 ) r2k 2V n  ( x1 ) (1 − V n  ( x1 ) ) , (12)

 x1
  x1

+ (1 − r1 ) r1k 1 −   ( i )  1 −   ( j )  where n = 0,1, 2,... .
 i = 0   j =0 
 x1 −1
  x1
 From this, it is clear that the limit behavior of the recurrent equation
+ (1 − r1 ) r1k    ( i )  1 −   ( j ) 
(12) is fully determined by limit behavior of recurrent equation
 i =0   j =0 
V n  ( x1 ) such that
 x1
  x1 −1
 x1 −1
+ (1 − r1 ) r1k 1 −   ( i )     ( j )  + (1 − r2 ) r2 k  ( x1 )   ( i )
 i =0   j =0  i =0
V n +1 ( x1 )

= (1 − r1 ) r1x1 (V n  ( x1 ) ) + (1 − V n  ( x1 ) ) 
2 2
x1 −1
 x1

+ (1 − r2 ) r2 k  ( x1 )   ( i ) + (1 − r2 ) r2 k  ( x1 ) 1 −   ( j )   
 j =0 
+ (1 − r2 ) r2 x1  2V n  ( x1 ) (1 − V n  ( x1 ) )  ,
j =0
 x1

+ (1 − r2 ) r2 k  ( x1 ) 1 −   ( i ) 
 i =0  for n = 0,1, 2,... .
= (1 − r1 ) r (  ( x1 ) ) + (1 −  ( x1 ) ) 
k 2 2

 1
 In other words, for both cases, we can generalize that for any singleton
x1  A1 the recurrent equation in (12) is fully determined by limit
+ (1 − r2 ) r2  2 ( x1 ) (1 −  ( x1 ) )  , and

behavior of recurrent equation in (13).

As n →  , then the recurrent equation (13) can be written as
 
V 2  ( k ) =  Pij , kV  ( i )V  ( j )
i =0 j =0
x = (1 − r1 ) r1x1  x2 + (1 − x )  + (1 − r2 ) r2 x1 2 x (1 − x ) ,
x1 −1 x1 −1 (14)
 
= Px1 x1 , kV  ( x1 )V  ( x1 ) +   Pij , kV  ( i )V  ( j )
i =0 j =0
  x1 −1 
where x1  A1 .
+   Pij , kV  ( i )V  ( j ) +   Pij , kV  ( i )V  ( j )
i = x1 +1 j = x1 +1 i = 0 j = x1 +1 By solving the equation in (14), we have single fixed point x1* as in Fig.
 x1 −1 x1 −1
+  P
i = x1 +1 j = 0
ij , kV  ( i )V  ( j ) +  Pix1 , kV  ( i )V  ( x1 )
i =0

x1 −1 
+  Px1 j , kV  ( x1 )V  ( j ) +  Px1 j , kV  ( x1 )V  ( j )
j =0 j = x1 +1

+ 
i = x1 +1
Pix1 , kV  ( i )V  ( x1 )

Karim et al. / Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol. 15, No. 6 (2019) 872-877

Thus, for any initial measure  , the strong limit of the sequence
V  exists and is equal to the convex linear combination

lim V n +1 ( k )
n →

= ( x1* ) + (1 − x1* )  Gr1 ( k ) +  2 x1* (1 − x1* ) Gr2 ( k ) ,

2 2

 

of two Geometric measures Gr1 and Gr2 . It is clear that

Fix (V ) = ( x1* ) + (1 − x1* )  Gr1 ( k ) + 2 x1* (1 − x1* ) Gr2 ( k ) .

2 2

 

By Definition 4, the convergence of the trajectory indicates that the

limit exists. Hence, it is regular.
In the next section, we provide the analytical proof of Geometric
quadratic stochastic operator generated by 2-partition  of a singleton.

(a) Graph 1.1 when r1 = 0.1 and r2 = 0.9 for x1 = 0

Analytical proof of a geometric quadratic stochastic

operator generated by 2-partition ξ of singleton
Based on the equation (14), it is obvious that the equation is a
quadratic equation. Hence, we can rewrite the right-hand side equation
as follows:

y = 2 (1 − r1 ) r1x1 − (1 − r2 ) r2 x1  x 2 − 2 (1 − r1 ) r1x1 − (1 − r2 ) r2 x1  x + (1 − r1 ) r1x1 , (15)

where x1  A1 , and 0  r1 , r2  1 . It is obvious that a function (15) maps

the segment 0,1 (one-dimensional simplex) into itself with

y x = 0 = y x =1 = (1 − r1 ) r1x1 .

Since we have assumed that 0  r1  1 to avoid the analysis of

particularities, then the following statements are valid.

Theorem 1: A fixed point of the transformation (15) is a unique and

belongs to open interval ( 0,1) .
(b) Graph 1.2 when r1 = 0.35 and r2 = 0.75 for x1 = 2
Proof In fact, the equation
Fig. 1 Graph of the Function in (13) for Some Fixed Values r1 and r2 .
x = 2 ( A − B ) x 2 − 2 ( A − B ) x + A, ( A = (1 − r ) r
1 1
; B = (1 − r2 ) r2 x1 ) , (16)
From Fig. 1, using simple calculus, one can show that the trajectory
behavior of quadratic stochastic operator in (12) which defined on zero- has a root in the interval (1, ) when 2 ( A − B )  0 , and has a root in
dimensional simplex, S 0 converges to this fixed point x1* . Then, we
the interval ( −,0) when 2 ( A − B )  0 . If 2 ( A − B ) = 0 , then we
can say that the quadratic stochastic operator in (12) is regular. Thus,
can clearly see that the equation became a linear with
for any initial measure  , we have:
A = (1 − r1 ) r1x1  0 . Thus, for all cases, a root in 0,1 is unique. It is
lim V n  ( x1 ) = x1* . evident that this root differs from 0 to 1.
n →

Now, let us consider the discriminant of the quadratic equation (16)

Then, passing the limit in (12), for any singleton k , we have to investigate the local character of the fixed point, where

lim V n +1 ( k )  = 4 (1 − A) A + (1 − 2 B )
. (17)
n →

1 1 ( 1 ) ( 1 ) 
(1 − r ) r k  V n  ( x ) 2 + 1 − V n  ( x ) 2  
   By using simple calculus, we have that 0    2 , and  takes all
= lim  
+ (1 − r2 ) r2 k  2V n  ( x1 ) (1 − V n  ( x1 ) )  
n → value in this interval.
   
Theorem 2: If 0    2 , then a fixed point is attractive.
= (1 − r1 ) r1  ( x1 ) + (1 − x1 ) + (1 − r2 ) r2   2 x1* (1 − x1* ) 
k  * 2 * 2 k
Proof Let  is a fixed point, where
 

= Gr1 ( k )  ( x1* ) + (1 − x1* )  + Gr2 ( k )   2 x1* (1 − x1* ) .

2 2

  2( A − B) + 1 − 
 = . (18)
4( A − B)

Karim et al. / Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol. 15, No. 6 (2019) 872-877

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