Mathematics in Dialectics Inquiries On M

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TALISIK: An Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy

Mathematics in Dialectics: Inquiries on

Mathematical Process through Hegel, Marx
and Lakatos
Charles Jason P. Cahilig
University of Santo Tomas |

Abstract: It is arguable to conclude that mathematics is really consistent

and adheres to a coherent system. This paper studies the extent of the
dialectical process on the progress of mathematical knowledge. Individuals
particularly mathematicians involved in an exchange and agreement of
conceptual objectives require attention and recognition in the developmental
process of mathematical notions. It is substantial to the approach of
mathematicians and educators in mathematics to know what really their
subject matter is. This paper aims to answer these questions: does the
dialectical method a part of the nature of mathematics? If it does, what does
it imply on the mathematical discoveries? Considering the dialectical process
in mathematics, this aims to consider the rationale behind mathematical
discoveries. The dialectical process provides a heuristic procedure that brings
to the fundamentals of a proof in a theorem. The paper uses an archival
approach to disclose the historical data needed for the dialectical nature of
mathematics; the discussion among mathematicians through history
provides significant indications on the growth of mathematical knowledge.
The production of mathematical discoveries is a result of interactions of the
mathematicians throughout history. The paper adopts Imre Lakatos’ method
of proofs and refutations and methodology of scientific research
programmes to present the growth of mathematical discoveries with Hegel’s
and Marx’s dialectics to support the foundation on the nature of
mathematics as a dialectical. This paper will add to the answers on what
mathematics is, what really its foundation and what is behind the certitude
of mathematics. It can be used for future references to disclose theorems for
the development on the discourse of mathematics.

Keywords: Lakatos, Mathematics, Dialectics, Marx, Hegel

M athematics has a very significant

role in justifying knowledge by
providing a constructed model. It is
in mathematics that the foundation of science
is established; through the models, science is
able to create statements from the truth that is

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ISSN 2362-9452
TALISIK: An Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy

claimed to be true.1 The selection of model to propositions, or postulates. Every

affirm appropriately a scientific phenomenon proposition follows from the
render credits to mathematics in presenting postulates by a finite number of
models to be used. The rational systems and logical steps.2
models presented by mathematics derived
either from a heuristic process or by inductive Relating it to mathematics thus it is
or deductive reasoning. Through the founded by undefined symbols which
collaboration of the inseparable qualities of represent abstract objects and by primitive
science and mathematics led to knowledge or propositions. 3 As Padoa stated, symbols
discoveries. denote elements that signifies descriptions to
ensure the comprehension of the abstract
In every fortified system, there are entities of mathematics. Before a theorem was
foundations that support the structure. These created, there are certain propositions that
foundations are the underlying elements which support a conclusion. These conclusions are
sustain the system. Foundations are the pillars accepted as true and precise because of its
which keep the erection of the structure. There logical basis. Obtaining a definite system of
is a careful statement of the fundamental undefined symbols and a definite system of
generalities was given by Padoa in a paper postulates, it is necessary that it has a notion of
before the Paris Congress of Philosophy, 1900: the compatibility of these postulates.4 Thus, it
is subject to assessment; that is, that it is
We have as a basal science logic, and impossible to prove by a finite number of
as depending upon it the special logical steps the simultaneous validity of a
deductive sciences which involve statement and its contradictory statement and
undefined symbols and whose Padoa introduces the idea of the irreducibility
propositions are not all capable of of the system of undefined symbols.5 The idea
proof. The symbols denote either of Padoa precludes reducing the primitive
classes of 'elements or relations proposition into another proposition to retain
amongst elements. In any such its statement.
science one may choose in various
ways the system of un-defined Mathematics is composed of proofs,
symbols and the system of conjectures and concepts which are elements
undemonstrated or primitive of informal mathematics.6 Yet these

1 science; from the point of view of mathematicians,

McClimans, Micah, What is the difference between
mathematics and science? (February 3, 2015) science is a field for the application of mathematical truth. For further readings, see Comstock, Clarence E.,
between-mathematics-and-science, retrieved: April 25, Correlation of Mathematics and Science “The Elementary
2017 School Teacher” Vol. 6, No. 2, 82 – 96.
Moore, Eliakim Hastings. On the Foundations of Moore, “On the Foundations of
Mathematics, “Science, New Series” Vol. 17, No. 428 Mathematics,” 402.
(American Association for the Advancement of Science, Ibid., 402.
1903), p. 402. 6
Bart Van Kerkhove, “Aspects of Informal
Mathematics is related to science. From the Mathematics: Towards a New Epistemology of
point of view of the scientist, mathematics is a tool of
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foundations was questioned by Lakatos and Mathematicians are free to choose

created a method to improve the mathematical any consistent set of axioms they
knowledge. Concepts, conjectures and proofs please. Since consistency is the only
develop as time passes by through continuous constraint, the choice must be a
discussion for the sake of mathematical matter of subjective preference and is
discovery. By the interactions of different therefore philosophically
mathematicians, they could discover or create uninteresting. […] They do not feel
a new idea which includes the methods of themselves to be constrained by
surrender, monster-barring, exception-barring, consistency alone. When they
monster-adjusting, lemma-incorporation, and evaluate a piece of research they are
proofs and refutations.7 not satisfied with the information
that all the theorems have been
GIST OF DIALECTICS IN validly deduced from consistent
MATHEMATICS premises. Some work is judged
Axioms provide structural models – important, some trivial, some
formal and informal mathematics – that can be promising, some not, and so forth.9
applied to problems within mathematics as well
Hence, mathematical process and
as outside mathematics i.e. by application to
development depends on the influence of the
architectural problems. However, dialectics
mathematicians. Consistency and accuracy are
argues that “none of these two fundamental
significant to mathematicians since it provides
positions alone can explain the nature of
a firm structure or model that gives satisfaction
mathematics.”8 Models and structures do not
to a rigorous development of mathematics;
consider the producing subjects as well as the
selective recognition and identification is the
concrete objects of production in a
operation used to supply the necessary bits of
mathematical process.
information to the process.
The producing subjects or the
The dialectical philosophy perceives
mathematicians are responsible for the
human minds, however fallible, to be the only
development of mathematics. They have the
accessible and feasible medium for the greater
capacity to arrange, manipulate and create
rationality of mathematics.10 The subject’s
structures. Since they possess such capabilities,
rationale is the faculty of cognitive process that
they are free to shape mathematics in any
it possesses; the subject provides productivity
and efficiency to constitute a structured model.

Mathematics,” GAP.6-workshop, 14-16 September theory and the philosophy of mathematics (Netherlands:
2006, 4. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2008), 5-6.
7 8 Uwe V. Riss, “Objects and Processes in
Lakatos introduced these methods in his
book Proofs and Refutations: A Logic of Mathematical Mathematical Practice,” Foundations of science 16, no. 4
Discovery whereas in an imaginary classroom setting, (2011): 341.
9 Brendan Larvor, “What is dialectical
there are students conversing and arguing the definition
of a complex polyhedron. For further readings about a philosophy of mathematics?,” Philosophia Mathematica 9,
computational model of Lakatos’ theory, read Pease, no. 2 (2001): 213.
10 Ibid., 214.
Smail, Colton, Lee. Bridging the gap between argumentation
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TALISIK: An Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy

The dialectical nature of mathematics mystical force in control of human

penetrates the reality or the principle behind historical activity. Hegel’s dialectics
the systematic structure of axioms. that “converges” with metaphysics
Considering dialectics as the nature of describes the objectivity of law as the
mathematics, Riss’ states that: “Dialectics self-movement of “impersonal
regards both subjective and objective capacities reason” and does not therefore mean
as inseparable moments of the mathematical an end to metaphysics but only its
development process. Each discovery depends completion. Marx’s dialectics that
on the subject’s effort and capacity to find the puts an end to metaphysics describes
solution as a moment of development; each historical laws as “real people and
invention also includes the aspect of tripping over their historical development” and
the solution as a moment of discovery. The does not therefore mean a
inventive character also comes to the fore in convergence with metaphysics but an
the fact that mathematicians often find several end to it.12
independent solutions to the same problem.”11
Hegel proposes a dialectical idealism however
DIALECTICAL FRAMEWORK OF Marx, adopting Hegel’s and modifying it in a
MATHEMATICS material framework, introduces dialectical
materialism. Hegel does not abandon
Considering the history of
metaphysics in his philosophy of history rather,
mathematics, the notion of dialectics in the
his dialectics emphasizes the ‘impersonal
mathematical process is conducive for locating
reason’. On the other hand, Marx deals with
the changes in mathematical concepts. The
the real people who engage themselves to a
development of mathematics, in a dialectical
sense, offers contrasting concepts to engage in
a discourse. The dispute between contrasting Sun made an evaluation of the
concepts will eventually be reconciled when contemporary significance of Hegel’s
the subjects arrive to a satisfactory conclusion. dialectical metaphysics and he presents these
Moreover, dialectics and history are two sides four questions: “first, evaluation of the “history
of the same coin that are inseparable to each of metaphysics”; second, evaluation of Hegel’s
other. dialectics as the logic of the movement of
human thought; third, evaluation of Hegel’s
The objectivity of historical laws
dialectics as the logic of modernity; fourth,
comes from the objectivity of human
evaluation of the “true significance” of Hegel’s
historical activity. Set apart from the
dialectics for Marx’s dialectics.”13 The historical
objectivity of human historical
significance of metaphysics portrays the
activity – practice, the objectivity of
development of a metaphysical thought. As the
historical laws would become a

Riss, op. cit., 346.

11 13 Ibid., 13.
Zhengyu Sun, “Dialectics: Hegel, Marx and

post-metaphysics,” Social Sciences in China 29, no.4 (2008):

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development of the metaphysical thought, it measures, which is made explicit in

endures along with the movement of human the following section. That in terms
thought through a dialectical logic. Marx of which we measure can be thought
adopts the dialectics of Hegel and he places it of as the relevant quality, even if that
in a material conditions. measure can itself be given a
numerical form.17
Moreover, in Hegel’s words, he
expresses that “the reals14 themselves can be On the other hand, Imre Lakatos who
considered as examples of quantity but only as unconsciously followed Hegel’s idea develop
pure quantity. It may be interesting to remark his historical observation into the historical
that here, Hegel foreshadows the fact that if conjecture that mathematical criticism was the
one generalizes (as Cantor did) the quantity of motive behind the growth of mathematical
natural numbers as the cardinality of finite sets knowledge during the nineteenth century.
to the cardinality of the reals, one obtains a new “More than thus, the philosophy of
concept not useful for measurement.”15 Real mathematics represented by P&R18 also
numbers were only deliberately argued and presents a rich analysis of how mathematics
explained in the early 1860s, Hegel did not can be thought of as an essentially historical
reach those years thus he uses neither that discipline, primarily through Lakatos’
terminology nor particular mathematical thoroughly brilliant and original
designs and notation that were developed later. historiography.” 19
Kadvany argues that
“But Hegel’s ‘quantity’ and its associated “somehow Lakatos has wedded his historicized
logical categories represent another philosophy of mathematics to Popper’s
terminology for describing many of the falsificationist philosophy of “conjectures and
mathematical features that since the 1860s refutations,” after which P&R is self-
have been taken to be essential to analysis and consciously titled, but in spite of Popper’s
number theory and to the theory of the reals in primary use of history as illustrative of
particular.”16 methodological issues and not as a
Thus, Hegel’s new argument here is fundamental dimension of his logic of
not just that what mathematicians scientific discovery.”20 The dialectics is indeed
now call the real numbers are best present in the history of mathematics whereas
understood against the background conflicting ideas contend with each other.
of our use of them in practices of In brief, Lakatos argues that the usual
measurement but rather that they can formulation of refutation - the
themselves be understood as production of a counterexample to a

14 Kaufmann and Yeomans refer it to 16 Ibid., 2.

mathematical objects i.e. rational or irrational numbers, 17 Ibid., 18.
geometrical figures, mathematical signs and symbols etc. 18 Lakatos’ Method of Proofs and Refutations
15 Ralph Kaufmann and Christopher Yeomans, 19 John Kadvany, “A Mathematical
“Math by Pure Thinking: R First and the Divergence of Bildungsroman,” History and Theory 28, no. 1 (1989): 25.
Measures in Hegel’s Philosophy of Mathematics,” 20 Ibid., 28.

European Journal of Philosophy (2017): 5,

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theorem with respect to a fixed Returning to Hegel, according to Sun,

domain of mathematical objects -is he included “the logical pre-existence of the
insufficient to explain critical periods identity of thought and being and the
in the historical development of endogenous emergence of the difference
mathematics. The dialogue shows between thought and being as a dual premise
that in the creation of a mathematical and attributed the possibility of cognition to
falsification, counterexamples often the dialectical movement of concepts, that is,
become refutations only when the unity of thought and being displayed as a
accompanied by the informal process of the movement of concepts from
expansion, or concept-stretching, of abstract identity to concrete identity. […] the
the concepts involved defining the process of the identification of individual
theorem's domain. The reason with universal reason is both a process
counterexamples are formal, logical of cognition from abstract identity to concrete
refutations in the expanded domain, identity and a process of freedom from abstract
perhaps also with an implied universality to concrete universality.”23
expansion to a new theoretical
“History” as “the activity of man” is
language, but the process of
the form of men’s being. The
expansion itself is not part of the
essential difference between man and
straightforward Popperian notion of
animals is that man is a “historical”
falsification, which essentially
being. As “the first premise of all
depends only on classical logical
human history is, of course, the
existence of living human
For both Hegel and Lakatos, individuals,” Marx “set out from real,
knowledge reveals a certain improvement only active men,” from “the real
if one’s epistemic domain alters along with the individuals, their activity and the
criterion of truth. In Lakatos' case, Kadvany material conditions of their life.” He
states: “the criterion is the proof, as it shows said, “The existence of the human
why the theorem is true, and his historical point race is the result of an earlier process
about the method of proofs and refutations is which organic life passed through.
that this pattern in the growth of mathematical Man comes into existence only when
knowledge is a relatively recent innovation. a certain point is reached. But once
Lakatos, remarkably, has translated Hegel's man has emerged, he becomes the
phenomenological method not just into an permanent pre-condition of human
account of nineteenth-century mathematics, history, likewise its permanent
but into a feature of mathematical criticism product and result, and he is pre-
itself.”22 condition only as his own product and
result.” Man himself acts as the
“precondition” and “result” of

21Ibid., 37. 23 Sun, op. cit., 7.

22Ibid., 38.
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history, and makes his “history” with the dialectical process toward the Geist.
his own activities and his “existence” However, Pinkard modified and reshaped
with his own history. Without man’s Hegel’s thoughts and established a philosophy
“history,” man’s “existence” and the of mathematics of Hegel. Pinkard observes
relationship between man and the that concepts are similar to chess pieces that
world would be abstract. The imply normative character:
existence of the human race is the
Concepts may be thought of as such
“actual life-process” of man; and the
normative kinds. Their 'logical
foundation of man’s “actual life” is
meaning' is that set of rules which
the production of means of material
constitute them, which in their case
subsistence – labor. “Labor” is the
would be inference rules. The
“existence” of the human race.24
movement of concepts may be thus
In his efforts to transform metaphysics conceived in analogy to a game. The
through dialectics, Hegel, through his critique game analogy somewhat breaks
of the “abstract reason” that made up the old down, however, when one asks what
metaphysics, used the dialectical movement of is moving. What moves in Hegel's
concepts to realize a metaphysics in which theory would not really be the pieces,
thought defined concepts, unifying “total i.e., the concepts themselves, but
freedom” with the “necessity of links,” and thought itself. That is (to take the
then reconstructed metaphysics into a game analogy a bit further), each
dialectics in which ontology, epistemology and concept is a position in the game, and
logic formed a unified whole. 25 The structure thought moves from one position to
of this “union” is the arrangement of the another. The meaning of all the
important principles of the ultimate cause particular concepts lies thus in where
through the differences, inconsistencies and they are in the game.26
contradictions in concepts themselves from
Furthermore, Hegel clarifies reason as
“abstract identity” (abstract universality) to
negative and dialectical, “since it dissolves the
“concrete identity” (concrete universality).
determinations of the understanding into
THE GEIST AND MATHEMATICS nothing; it is positive, since it generates the
universal, and comprehends the particular
The dialectical scheme of Hegel is a
therein. Just as the understanding is usually
necessary part of Lakatos’s central thesis on
taken as something separate from reason in
mathematics. Though Hegel did not mention
general, so also dialectical reason is taken as
or disclose thoughts about mathematics in
something separate from positive reason. In its
dialectics, it is evident however in his The Science
truth reason is however spirit, which is higher
of Logic, wherein he considers science following
than both reason bound to the understanding

24 Ibid., 10. 26
Pinkard, Hegel’s Philosophy of
25 Ibid., 6. Mathematics,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 41,
no.4 (1981): 455.
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and understanding bound to reason. It is the does not argue specifically for this move but
negative, that which constitutes the quality of justifies it by appeal to an earlier figure in the
both the dialectical reason and the Wissenchaft de Logik, viz., the move from the
understanding: it negates the simple, thereby concept of a determinate being to that of
posits the determinate difference of the determinate beings. That transition was
understanding; but it equally dissolves this justified (roughly) by the claim that to say of
difference, and so it is dialectical.”27 It exhibits anything that it is something or another is to
an internal revolution as the reason justifies it contrast it with other different things.”29
concurrently negates. Thus, there is an Having done that Hegel continue to bring up
occurrence of construction of contradictions by what means with the one is identical with
and adheres to the dialectical process. the many, yet is not the same with the many.
In Hegel’s view, inherent criticism and Hegel attempts both to alter the way in
analysis delve into contradictions. It offers to which the objectivity of the results of “Spirit’s
disclose and dismiss the conflict between experience to itself” is assessed and to defend
reality and its true essence. “So understood, such a newly defined objectivity. Pinkard
however, immanent critique does not attend asserts that “he (Hegel) tries to account for
merely to discrepancies between reality and such things as how and why a subject would
common conceptions concerning its essence. find its views of another subject “opposed” by
Its chief focus is not a tension between a thing such a subject; how social subjects, groups, or
and what conventionally passes as its true classes find their desires, and especially their
nature rather, its immanent critique examines view of their own desires, opposed and negated
essential contradictions, oppositions between a by other social subjects, groups, or classes; how
state of affairs and its true nature or essence.”28 political subjects with certain notions about
In Hegel’s terms, immanent critique recognizes political life would (and did) find themselves in
self-contradictory, that which affirms then sometimes “tragic” opposition; in what way
negates the affirmation i.e. contradicts its true laboring or even worshipping subjects find
being. A critique absorbing anything but their experience if their own activity “in
essential self-contradiction does not analyze or opposition with itself”; and so forth.”30 It
consider the real in terms of its intrinsic logic stresses the manner of the subject that thinks
but rather, purely abstract. It suggests an of another subject as an opposing factor thus a
'empty' notion; it expresses only the concept of self-contradictory illustration of the subject.
an abstract y which is self-identical or a self-
Inasmuch as the new true object
affirmation. Having laid this groundwork,
issues from it, this dialectical
Pinkard says that “Hegel goes on to speak of a
movement which consciousness
plurality of such empty, self-identical units. He

27 Hegel, G.W.F., The Science of Logic, trans. and 29 Pinkard, op. cit., 457.
ed. George di Giovanni (Cambridge: Cambridge 30 Robert Pippin, Hegel’s Idealism: The
University Press, 2010), 10. Satisfactions of Self-Consciousness (Cambridge: Cambridge
28 Andrew Buchwalter, Dialectics, Politics, and the University Press, 1989), 101.
Contemporary Value of Hegel’s Practical Philosophy (New
York: Routledge, 2012), 47.
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exercises on itself and which affects even expresses two objects of consciousness:
both its knowledge and its object, is in-itself, and the being-for-consciousness.
precisely what is called experience “Experienced objects are always objects of
[Erfahrung]. In this connection there judgments for Hegel, and although in
is a moment in the process just successful knowledge such objects turn out to
mentioned which must be brought be “in themselves” as they are characterized
out more clearly, for through it a new “for consciousness,” they are still taken to be
light will be thrown on the exposition so identical, in a mediated sense, as a result of
which follows. Consciousness knows the subject’s establishing that this is so.”32
something; this object is the essence or
The progress made thus far in the
the in-itself; but it is also for
dialectic of self-consciousness yields
consciousness the in-itself. This is
not just insight into the kind of
where the ambiguity of this truth
object a subject must relate to in
enters. We see that consciousness
order to achieve satisfaction but also
now has two objects: one is the first
a conceptual revision of the ideal the
in-itself; the second is the being-for-
subject aspires to realize. A crucial
consciousness of this in-itself. The latter
lesson that desire’s experience has
appears at first sight to he merely the
taught us is that true self-sufficiency
reflection of consciousness into
for a subject – self-sufficiency that
itself, i.e. what consciousness has in
affords full and stable satisfaction –
mind is not an object, but only its
does not consist in absolute
knowledge of that first object. But, as
independence from everything other
was shown previously, the first
but involves instead dependence on
object, in being known, is altered for
other (numerically distinct) subjects
consciousness; it ceases to be the in-
that one also recognizes as in some
itself, and becomes something that is
sense oneself. In other words, the
the in· itself only for consciousness. And
quest for recognition counts as a step
this then is the True: the being-for-
forward for self-consciousness only
consciousness of this in-itself. Or, in
if one assumes a corresponding
other words, this is the essence, or the
revision in its understanding of what
object of consciousness. This new
a subject’s claim to be self-sufficient
object contains the nothingness of
requires: a subject’s dependence on
the first, it is what experience has
another is compatible with a kind of
made of it.31
self-sufficiency as long as that subject
In Hegel’s excerpt above in can see the being it depends on as
Phenomenology of the Spirit, he recognizes the sufficiently like itself (as of the same
dialectical method of the subject’s inquiry on exalted type – subject rather than
knowledge and its object of experience. He

31 Hegel, Phenomenology of the Spirit, 55. 32 Pippin, op. cit., 114.

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mere thing – that it takes itself to vanished, and perception takes the object as it
be).33 is in itself, or as a universal as such. Singular
being therefore emerges in the object as true
Neuhousser affirms that dialectical singleness, as the in-itself of the One, or as a
process is a progression of the self- reflectedness-into-self.”36 As the dialectical
consciousness toward satisfaction. He exposes process persists, the subject’s own
that Hegel extends the question of a historically understanding disappears and shifts into the
proportionate or developmental assessment of universal understanding.
the very basic principles to a “knowledge
community” in which the subject comes to Dialectic is commonly regarded as an
understand itself and the world. The subject’s external and negative activity which
reliance on another thoroughly confirms or does not belong to the fact itself but
affirms the conscious subject’s knowledge of is rooted in mere conceit, in a
the world. Hegel clears that “the dialectic of subjective obsession for subverting
sense-certainty is nothing else but the simple and bringing to naught everything
history of its movement or of its experience firm and true, or at least as in
and sense-certainty itself is nothing else but just resulting in nothing but the vanity of
this history. That is why the natural the subject matter subjected to
consciousness, too, is always reaching this dialectical treatment. […] Because
result, learning from experience what is true in dialectic was held to be merely the art
it; but equally it is always forgetting it and of practicing deceptions and
starting the movement all over again.”34 The producing illusions, it was straight
self-affirmation and self-certainty of the away assumed that it plays a false
subject is just but a historical process that game; that its whole power rests
persists to attain the end of the history. solely on hiding its deception; that its
results are only deviously obtained, a
The dialectic according to Hegel in his subjective shine. […] It is in this
The Science of Logic states that “once considered dialectic as understood here and
a separate part of logic and, one may say, hence in grasping opposites in their
entirely misunderstood so far as its purpose unity, or the positive in the negative,
and standpoint are concerned, and thereby that the speculative consists.37
assumes a totally different position.”35 In the
Phenomenology of the Spirit, he affirms that “the Hegel never mentioned the
singular being of sense does indeed vanish in “antithesis” rather he affirms that dialectic may
the dialectical movement of immediate appear and move into a negative one.
certainty and becomes universality, but it is “Dialectic as a negative movement, just as it
only a sensuous universality. My 'meaning' has immediately is, at first appears to consciousness

33 Frederick Neuhouser, “Desire, Recognition, 34 Hegel, Phenomenology of the Spirit, 64.

and the Relation between Bondsman,” in Hegel’s 35 Hegel, The Science of Logic, 34.
Phenomenology of Spirit, ed. Kenneth Westphal, 37 – 54 36 Hegel, Phenomenology of the Spirit, 77.

(Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2009), 46. 37 Hegel, The Science of Logic, 35.

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as something which has it at its mercy, and dialectical preparation can neither
which does not have its source in explain nor understand itself. Its
consciousness itself. […]Through this self- certainty always stands over against
conscious negation it procures for its own self other certainties that the dialectical
the certainty of its freedom, generates the journey abolishes. The certainty of
experience of that freedom, and thereby raises my rational ego always stands over
it to truth.”38 As the negative movement of against the certainty of something
dialectic goes up against the opposites, it will else existing alongside myself. The
eventually arrive to the truth, a “synthesis”. dialectical preparation establishes
Westphal contends that Hegel’s notion of the idealism as the only truth, but only in
dialectical contradictions or the negative a general, abstract form which will
movement of dialectics “neither denies nor have to be given concreteness in
violates the law of non-contradiction. Instead, various actual sorts of
Hegel holds that certain important truths can confrontation.
only (or at least can best) be expressed by using
what appears to be a formal contradiction.”39 In The Science of Logic, Hegel adds that
“the concept in its formal abstraction reveals
According to Hegel, The Geist or the itself to be incomplete and through a dialectic
Thing itself unifies the opposites as the immanently grounded in it passes over into
dialectic shift occurs. “By a new shift in the reality: it passes over into it, however, as into
dialectic it is made plain that, if the Thing is something which it generates out of itself, not
conceived as absolutely One, it will be no as if it were falling back again onto a ready-
longer possible to distinguish it from other made reality which it finds opposite it, or as if
things: all will be wholly blank unities and it were taking refuge, because it sought for
indistinguishable. A Thing must be what it is something better but found none, into
only by having its own properties, those proper something that has already been proven to be
and peculiar to itself. Since each of these the unessential element of appearance.42 An
properties has its own separate being, the abstracted concept is insufficient to reveal the
Thing again becomes a loose association of truth rather it is necessary to undergone a
properties: it is A and also B and also C, etc.”40 dialectical process to disclose itself to the
The Thing’s properties either affirm or negate reality and to at least prove the unnecessary
but what is definite and distinct constitute the elements.
totality of the Thing.
The shape of the immediate concept
An idealism which merely asserts this constitutes the standpoint that
certainty (All the world is my idea) makes of the concept a subjective
without going through the relevant thinking, a reflection external to the

Hegel, Phenomenology of the Spirit, 124.

38 Kenneth Westphal, 1 – 36 (Oxford: Blackwell
39 Kenneth Westphal, “Hegel’s Publishing Ltd, 2009), 14.
Phenomenological Method and Analysis of 40 Hegel, Phenomenology of the Spirit, 511.

Consciousness,” in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit, ed. by 41 Ibid., 528.

42 Hegel, The Science of Logic, 522.

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subject matter. This stage subjective talent and did not belong to the
constitutes, therefore, subjectivity, objectivity of the concept.”44
or the formal concept. Its externality
The fundamental prejudice here is
is manifested in the fixed being of its
that dialectic has only a negative
determinations that makes them
result – a point about which more in
come up each by itself, isolated and
a moment. First, regarding the said
qualitative, and each only externally
form in which dialectic usually makes
referred to the other. But the
its appearance, it is to be observed
identity of the concept, which is
that according to that form the
precisely their inner or subjective
dialectic and its result affect a subject
essence, sets them in dialectical
matter which is previously assumed
movement, and through this
or also the subjective cognition of it,
movement their singleness is
and declare either the latter or the
sublated and with it also the
subject matter to be null and void,
separation of the concept from the
while, on the contrary, no attention is
subject matter, and what emerges as
given to the determinations which
their truth is the totality which is the
are exhibited in the subject matter as
objective concept.43
in a third thing and presupposed as
Hegel, as influenced by Kant’s valid for themselves. […]In fact,
noumenon and phenomenon, as stated from therefore, everything rests on these
above, distinguishes the knowledge internal determinations; they are the true
and external to the object. But he affirms that subject matter and content of reason,
intrinsic to the object is what is set to a and anything else that might be
dialectical movement. Essentially, the truth understood by subject matter and
that emanates from the separation of the content in distinction from them has
concept from the subject matter is the entirety meaning only through them and in
which is, according to Hegel, the objective them. It must not therefore be taken
concept. “This no less synthetic than analytic as the fault of a subject matter or of
moment of the judgment through which the the cognition that these
initial universal determines itself from within determinations, because of what they
itself as the other of itself is to be called the are and the way they are externally
dialectical moment. Dialectic is one of those joined, prove to be dialectical.45
ancient sciences that have been the most
Placing Hegel’s dialectics in a
misjudged in the metaphysics of the moderns
mathematical setting, Sommers-Hall does it in
and in general also by popular philosophy, both
calculus: “The dialectical approach to the
ancient and recent. […]Dialectic has often
calculus did not merely allow Hegel to propose
been regarded as an art, as if it rested on a
a resolution to the problems of the calculus,

43Ibid., 527. 45 Ibid., 743.

44Ibid., 741.
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but also allowed Hegel to provide further On the other hand, Sommers-Hall
support for his own dialectical method.”46 He continues that Newton’s understanding of the
adds: “The calculus allows us to characterize calculus is integrated into Hegel’s dialectic, as
the relations between quantities whose ratios to well as why Hegel thought a call for a dialectical
one another vary. Although it can relate any foundation, “the idea of the ratio as it occurs in
variables, I will mostly refer to the relation Hegel’s remarks on the mathematical infinite in
between time and distance travelled by a order to trace the genetic development of
hypothetical body.”47 Calculus simply deals Hegel’s own understanding of the ultimate
with velocity; however, its approach extends to ratio.”49 He states the in the differential
relations between quantities and ratios. relation, “we therefore have a situation
whereby both the ratio itself as well as the
The basic function of the differential
terms can only be understood as a totality. For
calculus is to find the gradient of a
Hegel, this represents the true dialectical
curve at a particular point. The
relation of the quantum and the infinite. In the
difficulty with a curve is that as the
differential ratio, each of the quanta can only
gradient varies, we need to find the
exist in relation to the other. That is, the dy and
gradient of a point. Gradient,
dx only have meaning through their reciprocal
however, seems to involve a
difference. For Leibniz, at least in his
informal account, the solution was to The program involves a
resort to the notion of the reconstruction according to this set
infinitesimal, as an infinitely small of basic principles of the concepts of
difference between two points, dy. As everyday experience (i.e., of the basic
this difference was infinitely small, it notions of those things with which
could be discounted for the purposes we have an 'acquaintance,'
of calculation, but, as it retained a Bekanntschaft),5 of the concepts of
magnitude relative to dx, it could be natural science,6 and of past
used to form a ratio, dy/dx which had philosophical theories. One of the
a determinate value. […]Hegel rejects basic aims in Hegel's program
this Leibnizian approach since the (although certainly not the only one)
idea of neglecting infinitesimal was the construction of what could
values, whilst it may lead us to the be called a thoroughgoing
correct results, does not give us the compatibilist philosophy. That is, a
rigour essential to a proper basic tenet of Hegelianism (at least as
mathematical proof.48 Hegel saw it) was that many apparent
contradictions in our categorical
framework or many apparent

46 Henry Somers-Hall, “Hegel and Deleuze on 48 Ibid., 560.

the metaphysical interpretation of the calculus,” 49 Ibid., 562.
Continental Philosophy Review 42, no.4 (2010): 557. 50 Ibid., 563.
47 Ibid., 557

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incompatibilities between competing think in terms of universal concepts, that is

categorical frameworks were only because it is the nature of thinking to abstract
that: apparent and not real from particulars, and grasp their common
contradictions and incompatibilities. properties.”53 He adds that: “Yet when Marx
They could be 'overcome' praises Hegel in such ways, he never fails to
(aufgehoben) if the conceptual attack the ‘mysticism’ of Hegel’s method or to
framework was sufficiently expanded emphasize that the Hegelian dialectic is not
and ordered correctly.51 satisfactory as it is. […] Hegel’s dialectic is, on
the one hand, enclosed or shrouded in
DIALECTICAL MATERIALISM AND ‘mysticism’. It must be ‘stripped of’ this false
MATHEMATICS form, ‘to discover the rational kernel in the
mystical shelf’. On the other hand, with Hegel
Assuming that Hegel’s conceptual
the dialectic is ‘standing on its head’.54
dialectics is “full”, “perfect”, or “complete”
metaphysics and the foundation for the idea of In contrast with Hegel, Marx contends
“truth” are and will continually be of self- with idealism, rather, he deals with the
sufficient and exceptional value and important materialism which reflects the structure of the
in contemporary and future philosophical world. Marx states that “The premises from
research and progress. Sun presents four which we start are not arbitrary; they are no
questions that evaluates the contemporary dogmas but rather actual premises from which
significance of Hegel’s dialectical metaphysics, abstraction can be made only in imagination.
“first, evaluation of the ‘history of They are the real individuals, their actions, and
metaphysics’; second, evaluation of Hegel’s their material conditions of life, those which
dialectics as the logic of the movement of they find existing as well as those which they
human thought; third, evaluation of Hegel’s produce through their actions.”55
dialectics as the logic of modernity; fourth,
Marx’s dialectics that contradicts
evaluation of the ‘true significance’ of Hegel’s
metaphysics portrays history as “real people
dialectics for Marx’s dialectics.”52
and their historical development” and does not
Adopting and modifying Hegel’s therefore convey a concurrence with
notion of the dialectical idealism, for Marx, metaphysics but a close encounter to it.
according to Wood, “the dialectical structure
The fact is, then, that definite
of the world is a complex empirical fact about
individuals who are productively
the nature of material reality. […] dialectical
active in a specific way enter into
thinking only reflects the dialectical structure
these definite social and political
of the world which is thought about. If they
relations. In each particular instance,

51 Pinkard, op cit., 453 – 454. 54Ibid., 207.

52 Zhengyu Sun, “Dialectics: Hegel, Marx and 55 Karl Marx, “German Ideology,” in Karl
post-metaphysics,” Social Sciences in China 29, no. 4 Marx: Selected Readings, ed. Lawrence H. Simon
(2008): 13. (Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 1994),
53 Allen Wood, The Arguments of the Philosophers: 107.
Karl Marx (London: Routledge, 1981), 209.
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empirical observation must show Marx states that in general view of the
empirically, without any people “all collisions in history have their own
mystification or speculation, the origin in the contradiction between the
connection of social and political productive forces and the form of
structure with production. The social interaction.”59 The origin of those
structure and the state continually contradictions varies from a particular
evolve out of life-process of definite historical setting. For Marx, according to
individuals not as they may appear in Wood, “essential contradiction does not
their own or other people’s denote the discrepancy between an entity and
imagination but rather as they really a germinally present, albeit unrealized,
are, that is, as they work, produce conception of rationality; it designates the
materially, and act under definite wholesale falsity of the real. This is the
material limitations, presuppositions, principle of negativity appropriate for a social
and conditions independent of their theory determined to expose the falsity of a
will.56 society based on the forcible exclusion of the
producers from the means of production.”60
Sun affirms that Marx’s dialectics is “by no The contradictions alleviate the current
means a dialectics that criticizes only “abstract paradigm for an improved model to conform
reason,” but also one that criticizes “abstract to the changes. Marx sees the actual falsity of
being” (capital), a dialectics whose criticism the society in which he realizes a need for
turns the independence and personality of reformation, a paradigm shift rather, to
capital into the independence and personality emancipate the oppressive system in the
of man.”57 society.
“Dialectic is not a method in the sense The dialectics cannot be separated
of a set of rules or procedures for inquiry, or a from a historical standpoint. It serves as the
general prolegomenon to science of the logic of history.
Baconian or Cartesian kind, which tries to
prescribe the right way to employ our cognitive (Marx) his dialectics was a dialectics
faculties irrespective of the way the objects of concerned with “historical law.”
our knowledge may be constituted.”58 But With Marx, “dialectics” does not
dialectic does involve some recommendations negate “law,” but is itself “law,” or
about how science should approach the world, the “intensional logic of history”
what sort of order to look for in it, what sorts where ontology, epistemology and
of explanations to employ, even a theoretical dialectics are unified with history as
program to be followed. their common content. It is this
dialectics that forms Capital, the
“capitalized logic.” In the sense that

56Ibid., 111. 60Andrew Buchwalter, Dialectics, Politics, and the

57Zhengyu Sun, op. cit., 11. Contemporary Value of Hegel’s Practical Philosophy (London:
58 Wood, op. cit., 211. Routledge, 2012), 52.
59 Marx, German Ideology, 142.

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Marx’s dialectics is affirmed as the understand historical laws through

“intensional logic of history,” “post- human historical activity.62
metaphysics” that “calls in question”
the logic of truth-law-objectivity Marx obtains Hegel’s principle of the
poses a challenge not only to Hegel’s homogeneity of reason and reality when
dialectics as the “intensional logic of writing his own narrative of normative theory.
thought,” but also (or even more) to “For Marx, Hegel’s conjunction of thought
Marx’s dialectics as the “intensional and being furnishes the methodological
logic of history.”61 parameters for a concept of social criticism that
eschews the dichotomy of descriptive and
Sun adds: prescriptive analysis. Marx calls this immanent
critique.”63 Marx indicts Hegel’s eradication of
The essential difference between the
the line between the descriptive and
dialectics of Marx and that of Hegel
prescriptive in social criticism thus it appears to
lies in the question of whether real
have an endless critique which is inherently
activities form laws or preexisting
engraved in the methodological model.
laws control activities. In essence, the
“convergence” Hegel’s dialectics that Considering the philosophy of Marx,
“converges” with metaphysics turns science was an empirical and theoretical
“laws” into a mystical force with activity conducted by a community of human
“logical preexistence” and deduces inquirers. Observing it in a social setting,
history to be the self-fulfillment of intersubjective collection of thoughts were
logic. In contrast, Marx’s dialectics gathered to create a particular affair of ideas, in
that puts an end to metaphysics other words, it supplies facts that, at various
proceeds from human historical stages of scientific investigation through the
activity and not only “exposes the cooperation of the scientific inquirers.64 But
self-estrangement of human beings Marx believed that progression in science is
in their holy image,” but also influenced by proliferation of theories, not
“exposes the self-estrangement of merely by accumulation of facts. He also
human beings in their unholy image,” believed, according to Farr, “that the most
i.e., the self-estrangement of human important terms in theories could not be
beings in “capital,” thus unifying reduced to observational terms. Rather, they
human historical activity with referred to entities, processes, or relations that
historical laws. Therefore, the key to were real causal agents in the world, the
responding to the challenge posed by discovery and specification of which
“post-metaphysics” to dialectics is to

61 Sun, op. cit., 16. 64 James Farr, “Science: Realism, criticism,

62 Ibid., 16. history,” in The Cambridge Companion to Marx, ed. Terrell
63 Buchwalter, op. cit., 41. Carver (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991),
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comprised the heart of the theoretical development process. Each discovery depends
enterprise.”65 on the subject’s effort and capacity to find the
solution as a moment of development; each
[…] immanent critique evaluates
invention also includes the aspect of tripping over
reality not with alien principles of
the solution as a moment of discovery.”68 The
rationality but those intrinsic to
innovative character also reaches the fact that
reality itself. An immanent approach
mathematicians generally get several individual
to social criticism exposes the way
solutions to the same problem.
reality conflicts not with some
“transcendent” concept of rationality In the philosophy of mathematics, one
but with its own avowed norms. In would find the question of the nature of the
Hegelian speculation, Marx finds the existence of mathematical entities; whether it
rudiments of an objective or exists inside or outside the mind. Considering
“scientific” approach to critical the realism of mathematical objects, acquiring
theory, one in which reality is the knowledge of them comes into place or
challenged not with arbitrary rather they are invented or discovered and how
constructions but with norms whose do they grow and develop. Mathematics is
acknowledged validity is part and known for its consistency and precision for
parcel of social reality itself.66 truth and validity; thus mathematicians try to
avoid contradiction that will affect the
Through concrete activity and credibility of mathematics. Though getting not
processing, the action goal of the subject is much attention from most of the people that
realized; “they must grasp, transform, and Marx showed an interest to mathematics, the
combine the selected objects. In this way they Mathematical Manuscript contains Marx’s analysis
transcend the consideration of isolated objects on the foundation of calculus emphasizing the
and include the opposition that the setting differential calculus. The aim of Marx is to
activity has set aside. The concrete act expose the underlying reality behind the
actualizes the subjective as well as the objective emergence of mathematical knowledge. Karl
capacities.”67 In other words, the Marx proposes the dialectics of mathematics;
accomplishment of the action can only assume dialectics, according to Blunden, is a science of
its success if the subject possesses the requisite contradiction which is being applied to
capabilities and the objects possess the mathematics to show its development. He adds
appropriate properties. that dialectics is also dialectic logic, a guide
According to Riss, dialectics “regards which indicates a path for the deduction of
both subjective and objective capacities as new, more concrete, truths.69
inseparable moments of the mathematical

65 Ibid., 110. 69 Cf. Andy Blunden, “Dialectics and

66 Buchwalter, op. cit., 42. Mathematics,” Labour Review (1984),
67 Uwe V. Riss, “Objects and Processes in
Mathematical Practice,” Foundations of Science 16, no. 4
(2011):342. athematics.pdf
68 Ibid., 346.

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The central topic of Carchedi's to the history of mathematics, it enables to

argument revolves on the comparison of observe the feasible needs for clarification and
Marx’s method of finding the derivative of a verification of such discoveries whether it is
simple algebraic function with an older, still accepted for the time being. History can
Leibniz-like method for finding the derivative show the origin of the established
of the same function.70 Carchedi uses an characteristics of mathematics and analyzes its
example, the function 𝑦 = 𝑥 3 . The method of foundations. According to Dusek, Lakatos and
Leibniz on finding the derivative of this Marx share the same thought:
function, it starts with 𝑑𝑥 = 𝑥1 − 𝑥 and 𝑑𝑦 = Lakatos’ use of rational
𝑦1 − 𝑦. That is, (𝑥1 , 𝑦1 ) is a point of the reconstruction in his account of
function some distance from an arbitrary point history has a strong resemblance to
(𝑥, 𝑦) and 𝑑𝑥 are the distances in the 𝑥 and 𝑦 that of Marx’s treatment of economic
directions, respectively, between 𝑥 and 𝑥1 , and history. Marx presents an account of
between 𝑦 and 𝑦1 , respectively. It results that economic development, but it is not
𝑥1 = 𝑥 + 𝑑𝑥 and 𝑦1 = 𝑦 + 𝑑𝑦. Marx felt that a simple narration of history. Rather
a more principled method for finding Marx has a schematic model, which
derivatives should be developed. For Marx, does not fit exactly all the vagaries of
differential calculus can be used to compute history. He then adds successive
the instantaneous rate of change in the profit complications, particularly in volume
rate. Marx’s method of differentiation provides III of Capital (Marx 1967), which
key insights into what was Marx’s dialectical brings the model closer to the actual
view of reality. Marx’s method of structure of capitalism. Nevertheless,
differentiation reflects “a process that is real, the resulting corrected model
temporal, in which something (a real number remains a model, not a literal,
for example) cannot be at the same time also detailed historical description
something else (zero) and in which movement capitalism. Lakatos, in his rational
affects the whole rather than only a part of it reconstructions, similarly does not
and is the result of the interplay of potentials simply present historical narration.
and realized.”71 Similarly Lakatos claims that his
concept of the mathematician as
Mathematics must be allowed to speak
imperfect personification of
to us through its history and not act as a screen
mathematics is ‘‘closely analogous to
on which to project our philosophical or
Marx’s concept of the capitalist as the
sociological fantasies.72 This is what Lakatos
proposed in a mathematical process. Returning

70 Russell Dale, “Guglielmo Carchedi on Marx, 72 David Corfield, “Argumentation and the
Calculus, Time and Dialectics,” Science & Society 75, no. Mathematical Process,” in Appraising Lakatos:
4 (2011): 556. Mathematics, Methodology and the Man, eds. George
71 Guglielmo Carchedi, “Dialectics and Kampis, Ladislav Kvasz and Michael Stöltzner
Temporality in Marx’s Mathematical Manuscripts,” (Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002), 130.
Science & Society 72, no. 4 (2008): 424.
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imperfect personification of Capital’’ Marx asserts that the theoretical notion

(Lakatos 1976, 189n1).73 of the relationship of reason and reality hinders
Hegel from extricating existence and actuality
Marx’s materialistic history pervades in an adversely significant way. “Actualization
the reconstruction of the society by denotes not the process in which rationality
emancipation from the oppression of the only implicitly present in existing reality attains
structure. Lakatos, on the other hand, is true being, but that through which a
reinterpreted in the context of mathematics. metaphysical concept of reason finds the
Time will tell if a particular theorem is refuted external expression required for its complete
and needed to be reconstructed. Moreover, realization.”76 Thus, the progression from
Lakatos claims that the relation between partial to complete reality only expresses the
historical theses and historical texts in absolute movement of a materialized subject, a
mathematics is detailed and shows the relation process that leaves existing reality intact.
between physical theories and their empirical
evidence.74 On this evidence it would appear CONCLUSION: LAKATOS’
that Lakatos’ mathematical dialectic is purely DIALECTICS IN MATHEMATICS
epistemological. For him, mathematical
Hegel considers the goal of philosophy
knowledge grows and reinvents itself in order
as directing the "rule of Reason" in the
to improve our apprehension of a fixed
"unfolding of Spirit" through world history.
mathematical reality.
Hegel's logic can thus well be corrupted or
As the result of the process, new rather manipulated to justify anything that
objects come into being. In happens in history. Motterlini states that the
materialistic dialectics the term adverse indication is that “whatever has been
sublation describes the negation of successful is thereby also somehow "right" and
objectivity of the original objects in superior to what has been unsuccessful. The
the processing activity that is dangers of the dialectical approach lie
followed by the negation of this obviously in the authoritarian attitude and in the
process in re-establishing objectivity inexorability of the process as formulated by
in its results. […]The particularly Hegel first and then by Marx. […]In sum,
materialistic aspect in this Lakatos made use of Popper's fallibilism to
consideration is the idea that wring authoritarianism out from Hegel's
sublation is not a mere intellectual act dialectical process and made use of the
but concretized in material Hegelian idea of a dynamically unfolding
transformation. 75 rationality underlying the growth of knowledge
to reject the alleged irrationality of the context
of discovery.”77Lakatos made use of dialectics

73 75 Riss, op. cit., 343.

Val Dusek, “Lakatos between Marxism and
the Hungarian heuristic tradition,” Stud East Eur Thought 76 Buchwalter, op. cit., 44.
77 Matteo Motterlini, “Professor Lakatos
67 (2015): 64.
74 Brendan Larvor, “Lakatos as Historian of Between the Hegelian Devil and the Popperian Deep
Mathematics,” Philosophia Mathematica 3, no.3 (1997): 60 Blue Sea,” in Appraising Lakatos: Mathematics, Methodology
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to suffice the constant discovery of new That in their choice of problems the
programmes. greatest scientists 'uncritically' ignore
anomalies (and that they isolate them
Besides from Popperian falsification to
with the help of ad hoc stratagems)
explain the rationality of scientific discovery,
offers, at least on our meta-criterion,
Lakatos adopts the Kuhnian paradigm and
a further falsification of Popper's
modifies it; he called it research programme.
For in large research programmes
there are always known anomalies: Before dealing with the philosophy of
normally the researcher puts them mathematics of Lakatos, it is advantageously
aside and follows the positive start with the methodology of scientific
heuristic of the programme.' In research programme. Paradigm of Kuhn and
general he rivets his attention on the the programme share the same characteristic;
positive heuristic rather than on the they are both disturbed by anomalies. By
distracting anomalies, and hopes that means of anomalies, rational reconstructions
the 'recalcitrant instances' will be occur to repair the vulnerable points of the
turned into confirming instances as paradigm. However, in research programme,
the programme progresses. On the protective belt is the part being falsified; the
Popper's terms the greatest scientists hard core remains. All the rational
in these situations used forbidden reconstructions of history force history of
gambits, ad hoc stratagems: instead of science to embrace hypocritical morality, thus
regarding Mercury's anomalous creating complicated histories, which depend
perihelion as a falsification of the on mythical 'inductive bases ', ' valid inductive
Newtonian theory of our planetary generalizations ', 'crucial experiments ', 'great
system and thus as a reason for its revolutionary simplifications' et. al.
rejection, most physicists shelved it While maintaining that a theory of
as a problematic instance to be rationality has to try to organize basic
solved at some later stage - or offered value judgments in universal,
ad hoc solutions. This coherent frameworks, we do not
methodological attitude of treating as have to reject such a framework
(mere) anomalies what Popper would immediately merely because of some
regard as (dramatic) counterexamples anomalies or other inconsistencies.
is commonly accepted by the best We should, of course, insist that a
scientists. Some of the research good rationality theory must
programmes now held in highest anticipate further basic value
esteem by the scientific community judgments unexpected in the light of
progressed in an ocean of anomalies.

and the Man, ed. George Kampis, Ladislav Kvasz, and 78Imre Lakatos, Methodology of Scientific Research
Michael Stöltzner (Dordrecht: Springer Programmes: Philosophical Papers Volume 1, ed. John Worrall
Science+Business Media, 2002), 29. and Gregory Currie (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1978), 126.
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its predecessors or that it must even detect a complicated war of attrition,

lead to the revision of previously held starting long before, and ending
basic value judgments.' We then after, the alleged 'brucial experiment';
reject a rationality theory only for a and where the falsificationist sees
better one, for one which, in this consistent and unrefuted theories, it
'quasi-empirical' sense, represents a predicts the existence of hordes of
progressive shift in the sequence of known anomalies in research
research programmes of rational programmes progressing on possibly
reconstructions. Thus this new - inconsistent foundations. Where the
more lenient - meta-criterion enables conventionalist sees the clue to the
us to compare rival logics of victory of a theory over its
discovery and discern growth in predecessor in the former's intuitive
'meta-scientific' - methodological - simplicity, this methodology predicts
knowledge.79 that it will be found that victory was
due to empirical degeneration in the
Paradigm is immediately denied and old and empirical progress in the new
overthrown as soon as anomalies display the programmes. […]Thus progress in the
loop holes or the crisis in the current paradigm; theory of scientific rationality is marked by
thus new and modified paradigm emerges. In discoveries of novel historical facts, by the
contrast with Kuhn’s paradigm, Lakatos’s reconstruction of a growing bulk of value-
research programme is not rejected instantly impregnated history as rational.80
because of inconsistencies or anomalies.
Methodology of Scientific Research Through discoveries of factual narratives
Programme identifies anomalies in the which were believed and fortified by history,
framework of research programme; it appears scientific rationality is justified.
that it follows an empirical approach in
On the other hand, Lakatos’s
accomplishing a shift from the inadequate
philosophy of mathematics progressively
programme to a new one. However, the
separates reliability from certainty in
protective belt is where the falsification
mathematics. Assuming the proof of a theorem
happens. The hard core retains the identity and
in a given axiomatic-formal system; “if it is
contains the fundamental postulates of the
accepted that the latter is consistent, it could
programme; they are retained during the
thereby exclude the possibility of formalizing
program’s lifetime. However, protective belt is
any counter-example in terms of the given
the modification of the programme.
system. But mathematics in the making,
Indeed, this methodology mathematics in its growing process, rarely
confidently predicts that where the expresses itself in axiomatic-formal theories;
falsificationist sees the instant defeat instead, mathematicians too make progress
of a theory through a simple battle through conjectures, experiments and
with some fact, the historian will refutations. […] Lakatos considers informal proof

79 Ibid., 132. 80 Ibid., 133.

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as just another name for thought experiment. […] propositions rather than a single one.
so in mathematics we have to analyse "proof- Motterlini explains in detailed the method of
thought experiments" in order to find the proofs and refutations:
hidden assumption from which a paradoxical
Since 1961 , Lakatos had claimed that
result or contradiction follows.”81 It is not
when handling a counter-example to
always simple to attend to an anomaly of a
the initial conjecture ("global
scientific theory; likewise, it is not always
counter-example") or to any of the
simple to attend to a counterexample in
lemmas ("local counter-examples")
mathematics. The proof-thought experiment is
one has to choose between various
the outset to prove the conjecture, however, it
lines of behaviour each characterised
does not prove rather it falsifies.
by promises and risks peculiar to
Method of Proofs and Refutations has itself. The main case study of Proofs
character of a heuristic, therefore it concerns and Refutations illustrates the different
with the autonomous dialectic of mathematics. possible strategies available in dealing
Furthermore, for Lakatos, Euclidianism and with polyhedra that are exceptions to
formalism support a fixed conception of Euler's conjecture. A possible choice
rationality. Heuristic, on the contrary, relates to involves "eliminating monstrosities"
the dynamic movement of concepts. Motterlini by refining the concept of
illustrates the Hegelian dialectical triad lurks polyhedron; another consists in
behind the historical reconstruction of Euler's "surrendering to the
theorem:82 counterexamples" thereby declaring
the conjecture to be false; yet another
THESIS: Primitive conjecture
in making certain " hidden lemmas"
ANTITHESIS: Counterexample from background knowledge explicit
and inserting them into the theorem
SYNTHESIS: Theorem and proof
enunciation, etc. The first kind of
generated concept (+ lemma
tactic reduces the content of Euler's
conjecture and turns it into a "
The heuristic rules of Proofs and Refutations, on miserable convention." The second
the other hand, belong to the realm of the move is that of "naive"
objective growth of knowledge, in a Popperian falsificationism in mathematics. The
terminology, in the sense of world 3 rather than point is, of course, that one must
to mathematicians' minds in the sense of world recognise the element inherent of
2. decision both in restricting the
meaning of basic terms (such as
It remains valid for mathematics too
polyhedron, vertex, edge, face etc.)
that one should examine a series of

81 Matteo Motterlini, “Professor Lakatos Michael Stöltzner (Dordrecht: Springer

Between the Hegelian Devil and the Popperian Deep Science+Business Media, 2002), 27.
Blue Sea,” in Appraising Lakatos: Mathematics, Methodology 82 Ibid., 28.

and the Man, ed. George Kampis, Ladislav Kvasz, and

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and in extending it. There is growth of mathematics, methodology, heuristic and logic
mathematical knowledge in those of discovery are synonymous.”85 As assumed,
same "adjustments" which allow Lakatos is inclined with Hegelian-Marxist
what in the empirical sciences is an methodology evident in his method of proofs
increase in (corroborated) content. and refutations. Heuristic concerns the set of
I.e. those "stratagems" which allow rules and strategies to be adopted in the
one to invent/discover new context of discovery but heuristic principles are
problems, solve some of them and not objective and autonomous.
give a more elegant formulation of a
Returning from Lakatos' philosophy of
simple conjunction of restrictive
science, the basic unit of scientific progress is
clauses. Only this third way
the "research program." Science is considered
corresponds to the "sophisticated
to be an ongoing contest among research
falsificationism" in the empirical
programs. “The anatomy of a research
program is characterized by two elements,
Given the illustration above, it may namely, its "hard core" and its "positive
assume that mathematics is a product of heuristic". The positive heuristic spells out
human activity that 'alienates itself,' it is guidelines for the program's future theoretical
autonomous and objective. Thus the intention development. It singles out significant
of heuristic methodology is to accept the logic problems, and sketches pathways to their
of the development of mathematics, the solution. Thus, it directs scientists through the
dialectical method of growth, the incomplete maze of confusing difficulties by giving them
rationality of mathematics.84 “From this point an idea where to drive at. The positive heuristic
of view, the heuristic-methodology looks draws a picture of the program's "better self."
backward to identify the rules that made such a One of Lakatos' historical assertions is that the
growth possible in the past, and at the same development of a qualified program is
time it looks forward to advice on how to obtain determined by its heuristic.”86
progress in the future. “Heuristic- Kuhn's claims with respect to paradigm
methodology, although fallible, is both immunity and paradigm substitution are
evaluative and normative. Generally speaking, leveled as descriptive objections at
from the Hegelian-Marxist view the aim of methodological requirements inspired by
philosophy is not a contemplation of eternal Popper. Carrier states that:
truths, but rather an effort to interpret the
present in the light of the past with a view to They are advanced as historical
shaping the present for a better (utopian) counterexamples to Popper's
future. Thus, for the Hegelian philosopher of demands. It is true: a historical
description cannot refute a

83 Ibid., 31. Patterns of Theory Change.” In Appraising Lakatos:

84 Ibid., 34. Mathematics, Methodology and the Man, ed. George Kampis,
85 Ibid., 34. Ladislav Kvasz and Michael Stöltzner (Dordrecht:
86 Martin Carrier, “Explaining Scientific Springer Science+Business Media, 2002), 60.
Progress: Lakatos’ Methodological Account of Kuhnian
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methodological norm. But Popper of scientific knowledge. Lakatos reconcile the

and Kuhn share the commitment two whereas anomalies happen, that cannot be
that historical theory change, at least denied, and in time of crisis, that is inadequate
concerning its fundamental and long- to Kuhn, falsification is expressed to improve
term aspects, is rationally justified the protective belt.
and constitutes growth of
Dialectics (in its explicit form, as we
knowledge. In light of this
encounter it in Hegel or Marxism, as
commitment, historical arguments
well as in its implicit form , as it is
cannot be dismissed offhand. Within
present in the work of Lakatos or
the framework of Lakatos'
Popper) has a tendency to interpret
methodology, by contrast, the two
the evolution of concepts, or of
features of immunity and
knowledge in general, as a process
substitution constitute theorems
which is logical in nature. It is not by
rather than objections. They follow
chance that Hegel called dialectics a
from Lakatos' conception of how
science of logic, and it is not by chance
theories are to be evaluated. The
that Popper speaks about the logic of
important result is that if theory
scientific discovery. According to
change occurs the way Kuhn says, it
dialecticians, knowledge is logical in
does not violate methodological rules
nature. A necessary consequence of
but, rather, conforms to such rules.
this is that the evolution of
Lakatos' conception is thus able to
knowledge comes into conflict with
provide a methodological
explanation of these Kuhnian
characteristics of scientific change.87 It is undeniable to claim that dialectics is
present in Lakatosian philosophy of
Popper, Kuhn and Lakatos share similarities in
mathematics supported by Popper and Kuhn.
their scientific inquiries about the growth of
The fact that Lakatos did not reconstruct any
scientific knowledge. Popper introduces the
deeper conceptual change in history of
theory of falsification i.e. theories are falsified
mathematics or physics is not by chance. “As a
by counterexamples precisely to ‘prove’, in a
dialectician, he conceived evolution to be in
way, the conjecture. Kuhn proposes to look at
conflict with logic, but as Popper's disciple he
the behavior of the scientific community.
was not prepared to give up logic. Thus he
Social behavior of the scientific community
omitted some of the most interesting moments
affects the movement of paradigm in the
in the history of mathematics. If he had tried
context of normal science. Lakatos improves
to reconstruct them, he would have been
them; Popper denies the inductive reasoning
forced to violate logic. Therefore he
through sense-experience and Kuhn’s rejection
of a methodological process of accumulation

87Ibid., 65. Mathematics, Methodology and the Man, ed. George Kampis,
88 Ladislav Kvasz, “Lakatos’ Methodology Ladislav Kvasz and Michael Stöltzner (Dordrecht:
Between Logic and Dialectic,” in Appraising Lakatos: Springer Science+Business Media, 2002), 229.
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reconstructed only those changes, in which refutations (where a theory is confronted by a

relatively small conceptual changes occur.”89 piece of evidence with which it is strictly
inconsistent) and 'heuristic' refutations. In a
That is to say, history is the court in
heuristic refutation, a theory is shown to be
which philosophical accounts of mathematics
insufficiently general, or degenerative, or
are to be judged. This is not simply a question
unable to survive translation into a vocabulary
of laying a philosophically-generated narrative
with greater explanatory power.”91 Recalling
alongside a body of incorrigible historical
Lakatos's fallibilism aggregates the claim in
evidence, just as the appraisal of a physical
which explanatory theories in mathematics
theory is not a matter of comparing it with an
discards the rational grounds in favor of their
incorrigible empirical given. Indeed, we should
rivals. Thus, various interpretations and
expect a truly excellent philosophy of
explanations are open for rationalization which
mathematics to change our view of the history
could be rigorously selected by consensus.
of mathematics.90 Larvor, indeed, affirms the
dialectics in Lakatosian method. He adds that
Lakatos “distinguishes between 'logical'

Ibid., 229.
89 91 Ibid., 44.
Brendan P. Larvor, “Lakatos as historian of

mathematics,” Philosophia Mathematica 5, no.1 (1997): 42.

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