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A New Industrial Age: Chapter 6

1. What relationship does Social Darwinism reflect between government and business?
2. Name two business strategies that minimized competition during the late 1800s; mention an example.
3. Describe the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire and any social improvements that followed.
4. What were the three factors that lead to US Industrialization?
5. Describe Vertical and Horizontal Integration.
6. What tactics did Andrew Carnegie use against his competitors?
7. What was the goal of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?
8. Name and define a technique used by labor movements to gain worker’s rights.
9. What did employers label striking workers as?

Immigrants and Urbanization: Chapter 7

10. What were the two immigration stations called, where were they located and how did their processing immigrants
11. Explain the Chinese Exclusion Act mentioning the social roots of this legislation.
12. Describe ‘Americanization’
13. The political machine, Tammany Hall, gain great influence in New York during mid 1800s…Explain how…Include
‘graft’ and ‘patronage’ in your answer.
14. True or False: The Social Gospel movement main interest was to reform society.
15. What is graft?

Life at the Turn of the 20th Century: Chapter 8

16. How did new technologies make the building skyscrapers practical?
17. What was the grandfather clause and how is it similar to poll taxes and literacy tests?
18. How was public education changing around 1900?
19. What was the impact of Jim Crow laws?
20. What was the outcome of Plessy v. Ferguson?
21. What beliefs did Booker T. Washington present towards racial segregations?

Progressives: Chapter 9
22. What were the four goals of the progressive movement?
23. What were muckrakers?
24. Define the following: Recall, Initiative and Referendum
25. What is the term used to describe the progressive reform policies of Theodore Roosevelt in his 1904 presidential
26. What was The Jungle?
27. What was the Pure Food and Drug Act?
28. What was the Meat Inspection Act?
29. What did the NAACP strive to achieve?
30. Why was the sixteenth amendment passed?
31. Define suffrage.

America Expands: Chapter 10

32. The quote, “The sun never sets on the British Empire”, best demonstrates
a.) European Imperialism b) American Imperialism c) Asian Imperialism d) Latin American Imperialism
33. What are some factors that stimulated U.S. Imperialism?
34. Which doctrine did the Roosevelt Corollary build on
35. What is the Open Door Policy and how did it affect United States trade?
36. What were the advantages of building the Panama Canal?
37. Was China an Imperialistic power in the late 1800’s?
38. The statement “It is not necessary to own people to trade with them” reflects what kind of attitude?
39. How did the U.S. gain control of the land to build the Panama Canal?
40. The U.S. was producing too many goods for its own people to buy. What did this help fuel?
41. List 3 factors which contributed to the Spanish American War.
42. What president is most responsible for building the Panama Canal?
43. What president is “dollar diplomacy” most associated with?
44. What did Roosevelt’s approach to foreign policy “speak softly and carry a big stick” mean?
Name: _______________________________________ Hour: _____
Teacher’s Name: _________________________________
America Expands: Chapter 10 (con’t)

45. The most significant result of American Imperialism was:

a) Building the Panama Canal b) Acquiring the Philippines
c) Emerging as a major world power. d) Building the Great White Fleet.

World War I: Chapter 11

46. What are some of the causes of World War I?
47. Who were the members of the Allied Powers and the Central Powers?
48. Define: Neutrality
49. What act required men to register for military service?
50. What did the U.S. use to overcome the threat of German U-boats?
51. Who were the members of the “Big Four”?
52. What was Wilson’s Fourteen Points and who rejected it?
53. What was the League of Nations and why didn’t the U.S. join?
54. What was the Espionage and Sedition Acts and who did it target?
55. What nation suffered the fewest casualties in WW1?
56. This person’s assassination sparked WWI.
57. List 2 reasons why the United States decided to enter WW1.
58. List the members of the Allied and Central powers of WW1
59. List and explain the four Origins of War.
60. What was the Treaty of Versailles and explain its impact?

The 1920s: Chapters 12 & 13

61. Why did Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer launch a series of raids against suspected Communists?
62. In the 1920s the Ku Klux Klan expanded its membership in what ways?
63. What was the impact of the automobile?
64. Why do you think the Eighteenth Amendment failed to eliminate alcohol consumption?
65. Summarize the beliefs of Fundamentalists:
66. What was the Scopes trial?
67. What was the Harlem Renaissance?
68. List the tactics and goals of the NAACP during the 20s:

Depression & New Deal: Chapters 14 & 15

69. What were the causes of the Great Depression?
70. What was the Dust Bowl and what created it?
71. Define: Bonus Army
72. In what ways did Hoover try to use the government to relieve the Depression?
73. True or False: Buying stock on margin means paying less than the market price for the stock.
74. Explain how buying stock on margin led to the crash of the market.
75. True or False: The great depression forced many people back to careers of farming.
76. Why did people begin calling their Shantytowns “Hoovervilles”?
77. True or False: The depression induced psychological stress that caused an increase in the suicide rate.
78. True or False: Herbert Hoover’s approach to the Depression economy was based on a belief in voluntary
79. Herbert Hoover’s Reconstruction Finance Corporation
a. Did too little too late to help ease the economic downturn
b. Provided food stamps to the poor
c. Did involve a government attempt to help with the economic crisis
d. Both A and C
80. What was the unemployment rate during the Great Depression?
81. True or False: Tariffs on foreign imports were lowered during the Great Depression.
82. Explain how tariffs impacted the economy during the Great Depression.
83. True or False: Roosevelt first action addressing the depression was to close all of the nation’s banks and order
inspections calling this a “Bank Holiday”.
84. What New Deal program will be established to address the above crisis?
Name: _______________________________________ Hour: _____
Teacher’s Name: _________________________________
Depression & New Deal: Chapters 14 & 15
85. Circle 3 goals of the New Deal.
a. Regulate the stock market through the Securities and Exchange Commission
b. Provide total government control of the agricultural industry.
c. Help the man at the bottom of the economic ladder
d. Provide Bank regulation.
86. Explain the Social Security Act
87. Explain the Emergency Banking Relief Act
88. Explain the National Industrial Recovery Act
89. True or False: Roosevelt’s attempt to Re-organize the Supreme Court was successful.
90. Explain Roosevelt’s plan for Supreme Court restructuring.
91. Which of the following is not a reason that the Tennessee River Valley was chosen for the development of many
a. There are many rivers in the region
b. Residents of the area would benefit from electricity generated by dams
c. The area had a history of dangerous flooding
d. The area needed lakes to provide fish to feed its residents.
92. Which New Deal program was established to help the unemployed, the aged and the ill?
93. Which New Deal program was aimed at helping with environmental issues and provided jobs to young men.
94. What was the role of Federal Emergency Relief Administration?

World War II: Chapters 16 & 17

95. How did Joseph Stalin transform the Soviet Union?
96. What was the Non-Aggression Pact?
97. Which major countries made up the Allied Powers?
98. Which major countries made up the Axis Powers?
99. Explain genocide and what group suffered 6 million deaths as a result of this practice.
100. What country finally pushed the United States into WWII?
101. True or False: Defense spending by the United States Government decreased substantially after 1945
because we were not involved in a war.
102. True or False: The Treaty of Versailles was considered a positive political accomplishment by Adolf Hitler
103. Explain the Munich Pact in terms of appeasement.
104. Why did Roosevelt wait so long to assist the Allies during WWII
a. He did not believe the Holocaust was real
b. He had to convince the American population war was necessary
c. He agreed with the isolationists and promoted the isolationist policy
d. He was waiting for Mussolini to surrender
105. True or False: The Lend-Lease Act was the contract signed by Churchill, Roosevelt and Mussolini for
cooperative Assistance.
106. The invasion of Nazi- occupied Europe was code named

a. Operation Britain overlord c. Nuremberg Launch

b. D-Day d. Campaign for the queen

107. What is the name and date of the end of WWII in Europe?
108. What was the other name for the West Coast Japanese who were held in internment camps during
109. Why were the Japanese placed in internment camps?
110. True or False: The war assisted both African Americans and Women from an economic standpoint.
111. Who made the final decision to drop the A-bomb and what was his reason.
112. True or False: The U.S. government increased production of consumer goods to combat inflation during
the war.

113. The Supreme Commander of the US forces in the Pacific Theater was ____ __________________.
114. The Supreme Commander of the US forces in the European Theater was ____________________.
Name: _______________________________________ Hour: _____
Teacher’s Name: _________________________________
115. What was the Manhattan Project?
116. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are famous for what reason.

World War II: Chapters 16 & 17 (con’t)

117. Which of the following did not attend the Potsdam Conference:

a. Franklin Roosevelt
b. Joseph Stalin
c. Harry Truman
118. What did Robert Oppenheimer create that changed the nature of war forever?

American Studies (A):

Andrew Carnegie

John D. Rockefeller Ida B. Wells

William M. Tweed
Jane Addams

W.E.B. Du Bois Florence Kelley

Booker T. Washington Susan B. Anthony

Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Ida Tarbell

Carrie Chapman Catt

Upton Sinclair

Alice Paul

Theodore Roosevelt

Jacob Riis
John J. Pershing

Eugene Debs
A. Mitchell Palmer

Queen Liliuokalani
Warren Harding

Calvin Coolidge
Woodrow Wilson
John T. Scopes

Louis Armstrong
Sacco & Vanzetti

Marcus Garvey
Al Capone

Charles A. Lindbergh
Herbert Hoover

Babe Ruth
Charles Coughlin
Huey Long
Joseph Stalin

John M. Keynes

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Adolf Hitler Winston Churchill

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Harry S. Truman
Douglas MacArthur

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