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(Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút)

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in
pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. counterfeit B. courtesy C. drought D. ouster
Question 2: A. teenage B. dosage C. voyage D. carriage
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of the main stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. comfortable B. devastating C. facsimile D.
Question 4: A. administrative B. productivity C. electricity D.
Question 5: A. introduce B. reconcile C. daffodil D. devastate
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 6: Li has _______; he loves cakes, chocolate, ice-cream – anything which is sweet.
A. a sweet mouth B. sweet lips C. a sweet tongue D. a sweet
Question 7: Samuel Clemens, ____ under the pen name Mark Twain, created characters that reflected purely
American traits and habits.
A. he wrote B. and he wrote C. who wrote D. wrote
Question 8: We regret to tell you that the materials you ordered are __________.
A. out of stock B. out of work C. out of reach D. out of
Question 9: Neither of them will be treated preferentially, __________?
A. won't they B. will they C. won't them D. will them
Question 10: I know his name, but I can't recall it at the moment. It's on the tip of my ___________.
A. tongue B. mind C. memory D. brain
Question 11: The Wilsons have recently purchased a _________ cottage on the outskirts of town.
A. 19lh-century, charming, stone B. charming, 19th-century, stone
C. stone, 19th-century, charming D. charming, stone, 19th-century
Question 12: This painting stands a good ________ of winning the prize.
A. possibility B. chance C. opportunity D. certainty
Question 13: It is _______ that I can't put it down.
A. so interesting a book B. so interesting book C. such interesting book D. too
interesting book
Question 14: _________ his assistance in those days, I would not be so successful now.
A. If it had not for B. Had it not been for C. If there were not D. Unless I
Question 15: Unemployment is on the rise again, which means that good jobs are ________
A. far and away B. far from it C. few and far between D. as far as
they go
Question 16: - Anne: "Make yourself at home". -John: “___________”
A. Not at all. Don't mention it. B. Yes, Can I help you?
C. That's very kind. Thank you. D. Thanks! Same to you.
Question 17: _________, I like the Rolling Stones.
A. No need to say B. Needless to say C. Needless saying D. Don't
need to say
Question 18: Tennessee has about 140 newspapers, _________25 are issued daily.
A. about which B. which are about C. of which about D. which is
Question 19: We are considering having ________for the coming New Year.
A. redecorated our flat B. to redecorate our flat C. our flat redecorated D. our flat to
be redecorated
Question 20: I couldn't believe that they were brothers. They were as different as ________
A. Mars from Jupiter B. chalk and cheese C. dogs and cats D. milk from
Question 21: The rumors go that Jason will be arrested. He is said ________ a bloody robbery.
A. to have taken part in B. to have joined in C. to join in D. to take
part in
Question 22: __________ that she burst into tears.
A. So angry she was B. She was so anger C. Such was her anger D. Her anger
was so
Question 23: My brother usually _______ at cards. It's no surprise that he win several games.
A. lies B. misleads C. deceives D. cheats
Question 24: Sarah is a young girl with _______ and a straight nose.
A. almond-shaped eyes B. eyes shaped almond C. almond-shape eyed D. almond-
eyed shape
Question 25: - Peter: "You have a good voice! You sang so beautifully!" - Jean: "__________"
A. Your compliment is encouraging. B. Your compliment isn't Correct.
C. Better than you are thinking. D. Don't joke me.
Question 26: When you have a small child in the house, you ________ leave small objects lying around. Such
objects __________ be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death.
A. needn't / may B. should not / might C. should / must D. mustn't /
Question 27: - John: "What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary!" - Mary: "_________"
A. Thank you very much. I am afraid B. Thank you for your compliment
C. You are telling a lie D. I don't like your sayings
Question 28: ________ they decided not to go to Australia for their holidays but went to America instead.
A. At least B. At the end C. In the end D. In the
Question 29: - Jack: "Do you like the weather here?" - Jenny: "I wish it _______"
A. doesn't rain B. hadn't rained C. didn't rain D. won't rain
Question 30: Helen's new boyfriend is not _________ what I expected.
A. just B. absolutely C. very D. at all
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in weaning to the underlined word(s) in each of
the following questions.
Question 31: There are many opportunities for work in the city.
A. possibilities B. advantages C. difficulties D.
Question 32: Be careful! The tree is going to fall.
A. Look up B. Look out C. Look on D. Look
Question 33: The length of an X - ray wave is incredibly small: less than one ten-millionth of a millimeter.
A. believably B. considerably C. famously D.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) .
Question 34: The farmers removed some undeveloped trees to improve the growth of the rest. .
A. eliminated B. planted C. fertilized D.
Question 35: She was brought up in a well-off family. She can't understand the problems we are facing.
A. wealthy B. kind C. broke D. poor
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
for each of the blanks .
Ask anyone over forty to make a comparison (36) ________ the past and the present and nine (37)
________ ten people will tell you that things have been getting (38) __________ worse for as long as they can
remember. Take the weather for example, which has been behaving rather strangely lately. Everyone remembers
that in their childhood the summers were (39) __________ hotter, and that winter always included abundant falls of
snow just when the school holidays had started. Of course, the food in those days was far superior too, as nothing
was imported and everything was fresh. Unemployment was negligible, the pound really was worth something, and
you could buy a sizeable house even if your means were limited. And above all, people were (40) __________ better
in those days, far more friendly, not inclined to crime or violence, and spent their free time making model boats and
tending their stamp collections (41)_______ than gazing at the television screen for hours on end. As we know that
this picture of the past (42)______ cannot be true, and there are plenty of statistics dealing with health and
prosperity which prove that it is not true, why is it that we all have a (43) ___________to idealize the past ? Is this
simply nostalgia? Or is it rather that we need to believe in an image of the world which is (44) _________ opposite
of what we see around us? Whichever it is, at least it leaves us with a nagging feeling that the present could be
better, and perhaps (45) _____us to be a little more critical about the way we live.
Question 36: A. between B. from C. with D. in
Question 37: A. to B. out of C. or D. from
Question 38: A. virtually B. so C. steadily D. out
Question 39: A. considerably B. at least C. rarely D. not only
Question 40: A. more B. somehow C. whatsoever D. as
Question 41: A. usually B. different C. other D. rather
Question 42: A. especially B. hardly C. simply D. specifically
Question 43:A. tendency B. custom C. habit D. practice
Question 44:A. utterly B. widely C. quite D. rather
Question 45: A. makes B. encourages C. reassures D. supports
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined, part that needs correction.
Question 46: Owing to their superior skills, highly competitive athletes have been known
to win contests and break records even when suffered from injuries, physical disorders, and infections.
Question 47: One of the features of London is the number of big stores, most of them are to be found in or near the
West End.
Question 48: To turn on the light, I was surprised at what I saw.
Question 49: The flag over the White House is risen at dawn every day by a color guard from the United States
armed forces.
Question 50: When the Panic of 1857, some US citizens who had been rich or
comfortable became poor while a few others, capitalizing on economic shifts, became richer.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer
to each of the questions .
Many folk cures which have been around for centuries may be more therapeutic than previously
suspected. A case in point is that of penicillin Alexander Fleming did not just randomly choose cheese molds to
study when he discovered this very important bacteria-killing substance. Moldy cheese was frequently given to
patients as a remedy for illness at one time Fleming just isolated what it was about the cheese which cured the
In parts of South America, a powder obtained from grinding sugar cane is used for healing infections in
wounds and ulcers. This usage may date back to pre-Colombian times. Experiments carried out on several hundred
patients indicate that ordinary sugar in high concentrations is lethal to bacteria. Its suction effect eliminates dead
cells and it generates a glasslike layer which protects the wound and ensures healing.
Another example of folk medicine which scientists are investigating is that of Arab fishermen who rub their
wounds with a venomous catfish to quicken healing. This catfish excretes a gellike slime which scientist found to
contain antibiotics coagulant that helps close injured blood vessels, anti-inflammatory agents, and a chemical that
directs production of a glue-like material that aids healing.
It is hoped that by documenting these folk remedies and experimenting to see if results are indeed
beneficial, an analysis of the substance be made, and synthetic substances be developed for human consumption.
Question 51: This passage is mainly about _________.
A. antibiotics in the field of medicine
B. the validity of folk remedies and their use for advances in modem medicine
C. using folk medicines in place of modern medicines
D. isolating antibiotics in cheese, sugar, and slime
Question 52: The word “therapeutic” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to __________
A. psychological B. physiological C. traditional D. medicinal
Question 53: It can be inferred from the Message that Alexander Fleming _________
A. isolated infectious patients B. discovered moldy cheese
C. suspected medicinal properties of mold D. enjoyed eating cheese
Question 54: The word “eliminates” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to __________
A. excretes B. disposes of C. kills off D. cleanses
Question 55: According to the passage, _________.
A. sugar kills unhealthy cells B. bacteria feed on sugar C. sugar promotes healing D. lass is
formed from sugar
Question 56: The gellike substance which promotes healing comes from ___________.
A. Arab fishermen B. coagulants C. catfish bodies D. catfish
Question 57: Which one of the following is NOT an important quality of the catfish slime?
A. It produces mold. B. It fights bacteria. C. It stops bleeding. D. It
prohibits inflammation.
Question 58: The word "consumption" in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ___________.
A. utilisation B. destruction C. manipulation D.
Question 59: In what way are cheese molds, sugar, and catfish slime similar?
A. They eliminate dead cells B. They cause blood clots C. They heal wounds D. They
fight bacteria
Question 60: According to the passage, why is it important to study folk medicine?
A. To perpetuate superstitions. B. To document cultural heritages.
C. To advance modern medical practices. D. To experiment with synthetic substances.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
The hard, rigid plates that form the outermost portion of the Earth are about 100 kilometers thick. These
plates include both the Earth's crust and the upper mantle. The rocks of the crust are composed mostly of minerals
with light elements, like aluminum and sodium, while the mantle contains some heavier elements, like iron and
magnesium. Together, the crust and upper mantle that form the surface plates are called the lithosphere. This rigid
layer floats on the denser material of the lower mantle the way a wooden raft floats on a pond. The plates are
supported by a weak, plastic layer of the lower mantle called the asthenosphere. Also like a raft on a pond, the
lithospheric plates are carried along by slow currents in this more fluid layer beneath them.
With an understating of plate tectonics, geologists have put together a new history for the Earth's surface.
About 200 million years ago, the plates at the Earth's surface formed a "supercontinent" called Pangaea. When this
supercontinent started to tear apart because of plate movement, Pangaea first broke into two large continental masses
with a newly formed sea that grew between the land areas and the depression was filled with water. The southern
one, which included the modern continents of South America, Africa, Australia, and Antarctic, is called
Gondwanaland. The northern one, with North America, Europe, and Asia, is called Laurasi. North America tore
away from Europe about 180 million years ago, forming the northern Atlantic Ocean.
Some of the lithospheric plates carry ocean floor and others carry land masses or a combination of the two
types. The movement of the lithospheric plates is responsible for earthquakes, volcanoes, and the Earth's largest
mountain ranges. Current understating of the interaction between different plates explains why these occur where
they do. For example, the edge of the Pacific Ocean has been called the "Ring of Fire" because so many volcanic
eruptions and earthquakes happen there. Before the 1960's, geologists could not explain why active volcanoes and
strong earthquakes were concentrated in that region. The theory of plate tectonics gave them an answer.
Question 61: The word "carry" in the last paragraph could best be replaced by __________
A. damage B. squeeze C. connect D. support
Question 62: The word "concentrated" in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. allowed B. clustered C. strengthened D. exploded
Question 63: The author compares the relationship between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere to which
of the following?
A. A boat floating on the water B. Lava flowing from a volcano
C. A fish swimming in a pond D. The erosion of rocks by running water.
Question 64: With which of the following topic is the passage mainly concerned?
A. The location of the Earth's major plates.
B. The methods used by scientists to measure plate movement.
C. The contributions of the theory of plate tectonics to geological knowledge.
D. The mineral composition of the Earth's crust.
Question 65: According to the passage, the lithospheric plates are given support by the _______.
A. upper mantle B. asthenosphere C. ocean floor D. crust
Question 66: According to the passage, the northern Atlantic Ocean was formed when _________.
A. Parts of Laurasi separated from the each other. B. Gondwanaland collided with other
C. Pangaea was created. D. Pangaea Plate movement ceased.
Question 67: Which of the following can be inferred about the theory of plate tectonics?
A. It refutes the theory of the existence of a supercontinent. B. It is no longer of great interest to geologists.
C. It fails to explain why earthquakes occur. D. It was first proposed in the 1960's.
Question 68: The paragraph following the passage most probably discusses ________.
A. How geological occurrences have changed over the years
B. The latest innovations in geological measurement
C. Why certain geological events happen where they do
D. The most unusual geological development in the Earth's history
Question 69: The word "one" in the second paragraph refers to _______.
A. mass B. movement C. sea D.
Question 70: When were all the current continents a single entity?
A. 200 million years ago. B. 180 million years ago. C. 500 million years ago. D. 400
million years ago.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of
the following questions.
Question 71: Tom was encouraged by my success. He decided not to quit his work.
A. Encouraged by my success, Tom decided not to quit his work.
B. Encouraging by my success, Tom decided not to quit his work.
C. To be encouraged by my success, Tom decided not to quit his work.
D. That he was encouraged by my success, Tom decided not to quit his work.
Question 72: His dog is definitely not a bloodhound.
A. His dog smells definitely good. B. His dog smells badly.
C. His dog smells bad. D. His dog cannot smell blood.
Question 73: Impressed as we were by the new cinema, we found it rather expensive.
A. We were not impressed by the new cinema at all because it looked rather expensive.
B. We weren't as much impressed by the new cinema's look as its cost.
C. We were very impressed by the new cinema, but found it rather expensive.
D. The new cinema was more expensive than we expected.
Question 74: No one but the seven - year - old boy saw the accident..
A. No one in the accident saw the seven - year - old boy.
B. No one at all saw the seven - year - old's accident.
C. Only the seven - year - old boy saw the accident.
D. The seven - year - old boy saw no one in the accident.
Question 75: She smokes all the time. I can't stand that about her.
A. That she smokes all the time I can't stand.
B. I can't put up with what she smokes.
C. What I can't stand about her is the way she smokes all the time.
D. I can't bear her smoke.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best answer built from the
given words or phrases.
Question 76: People / have / difficult /predict/future
A. People have always had difficulty to predict the future.
B. People always have difficult predicting the future.
C. People have always had difficulty predict future.
D. People have always had difficulty predicting the future.
Question 77: I/ not see /point / rule / we / not / cycle / school.
A. I don't see the point of this rule which we are not allowed to cycle to school.
B. I can't see the point of this rule said we can't cycle to school.
C. I can't see the point of this rule which we don't cycle to school.
D. I can't see the point of this rule saying we can't cycle to school.
Question 78: You / come / box / old books.
A. Where did you come to these boxes of old book?
B. Where did you come across these boxes of old book?
C. Did you come across these box with old books?
D. Where did you come across these boxes of old books?
Question 79: They / ask / lock / door / before / leave / home / every day.
A. They are asked to lock the door before they leaving their home every day.
B. They asked to lock the door before leaving home every day.
C. They ask to lock the door before they leave home every day.
D. They are asked to lock the door before leaving their home every day.
Question 80: Only /this way / make / laws / effective.
A. Only with this way we can make our laws effective.
B. Only in this way can we make our laws effective.
C. Only by this way can we make our laws effective.
D. Only this way can we make our laws effective.

The end - Good luck!

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