Amelíe F, The Shawshank Redemption H.W.

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-Questions Amelíe F

1. What is a prison for? Is it meant to punish people? To re-educate them? To train

them for a new life? Do you think prisoners should be allowed to earn high school
diplomas or college degrees in prison? Why or why not?

- It’s a place to keep guilty people. This way they don’t threatened society and some
even can redeem their crimes. I think it’s a punishment, but also a way they can
redeem themselves. I think they should be allowed to study, that way they can get
a job when they returned to their normal life.

2. In the movie, one character collects rocks. Another has a pet mouse. If you had
an unlimited amount of free time, what would you do? What hobbies or interests
would you pursue?

- I think I would read books like crazy, of all the subjects. That way mi mind would be
able to escape a little bit.

3. Some people in prison hold on to hope by playing music, thinking of people they
love, or caring for animals. Do you think hope is necessary for people to survive?
Why or why not? What gives you hope when you are feeling sad, scared, or

- Yes, with hope you are able to get over most obstacles, when you lose hope, you
lose everything. Everything can give you hope, you family, your friends, a dreams,
something that keeps you going though tough times.

4. Imagine you had to go to prison. What do you think the most difficult change in
your life would be? What are three things you’d miss the most from your old life?

- I think I would feel very lonely, not seeing my friends, family or boyfriends would
crush me. I would miss my dog, my family and my boyfriend.

Slang Expressions Use the next slangs into sentences:

“tall drink of water” “eyes in the back of your head” “go behind your back” “the joint” “cold fish” “life on the

inside ” “roll out”

1. Tall drink of water: The moment I saw her, I realized she was a tall drink of water.

2. Eyes in the back of your head: I know what you’ve done, I have eyes in the back of my head.

3. Go behind your back: You have betrayed me by going behind my back.

4. The joint: In prisons, prisoners usually get high with a joint.

5. Cold fish: When our protagonist arrived jail, he arrived cold fish.

6. Life on the inside: He wondered how was life on the inside.

7. Roll out: "the firm rolled out its newest generation of supercomputers"

Mix-and-Match Match the following words to their definitions.

1. confrontation (n)_i_
21.innocent (adj)_e_
2. intention (n)_m_ 22.rejection (n)_w_
23.con (n)_r_
3. stroll (v)_p_ 24.strategic (adj)_h_
4. hazy (adj)_q_
5. riddled (adj)_j_
6. coincidence (n)_n_
7. condone (v)_l_
8. rehabilitate (v)_a_
9. warden (n)_f_
10.smuggle (v)_s_
11.blasphemy (n)_b_
12.lethal (adj)_g_
13.sweepstakes (n)_t_
14.fairy-tale (n)_c_
15.ignorant (adj)_k_
16.felon (n)_d_
17.discipline (n)_u_
18.locate (v)_v_
19.snobby (adj)_o_
20.convenient (adj)_x_

a. to restore someone to health or normal life with the use of training after imprisonment, addiction,
or illness
b. the act of speaking without respect about God, or religion
c. a children's story about magical and imaginary beings and lands
d. a criminal who has committed a serious crime
e. not guilty of a crime or other wrong act
f. the head official in charge of a prison
g. harmful, destructive, or deadly
h. carefully planned
i. an unfriendly or hostile meeting between individuals or groups who are in serious disagreement
with each other
j. full of a lot of small holes, usually made by bullets
k. lacking knowledge or awareness in general, uneducated
l. a person found guilty of a crime or someone who tricks people into believe something that is not
m. a purpose or reason to do something

n. when events happen at the same time that seem to be connected but are not
o. the belief that you are better than others
p. to walk slowly in a relaxed way
q. not clear, confused
r. to accept, allow or overlook behavior that is considered wrong
s. to move things secretly or illegally
t. a kind of gambling where a prize or money is given to a winner based on luck or chance
u. the practice of training people to follow rules by using punishment to correct bad behavior
v. to discover where something is
w. the stopping of a suggestion or idea
x. fitting in well with a person's needs or plans

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