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Lesson Plan Title:

Date: February 13, 2018

Subject: Mathematics Foundations 20 Grade: N/A
Topic: Simple Interest Essential Question: How to calculate simple interest?

Materials: Calculator, Work Sheet, Pencil,

Stage 1- Desired Results – you may use student friendly language

What do they need to understand, know, and/or able to do?

Students should be able to solve situational questions that involve simple interest, given three out of four
values in the formula I=PRT and explain their reasoning.

Broad Areas of Learning:

Students will be able to identify as lifelong learners. Because of the nature of simple interest, it will be of great
value to the students to be able to understand the logistics of simple investments.

Students will be engaged citizens who will be able to participate more in a society with advantages in the
knowledge in the handling of money and investments.

Cross-Curricular Competencies:

Students will develop deeper thinking in their understanding of basic algebra and the incorporation of critical
thinking in the solving of problems.

Students will continue their developing interdependence while they are learning about themselves and their
ability to be successful in mathematics. By completing work independently, students will also have
opportunity to help other students with their work improving both their own understanding on the topic as
well as the understanding of another student.


WA20.7: Demonstrate understanding of compound interest.

PGP Goals: My goal is to see the students knowledge of simple interest grow. They need to be able to
understand the importance of simple interest to their everyday lives. This will be a practical lesson for the
students to learn. I am going to try to ease the student into the lesson as the sheets are broken up into 4
different sections. Once the student completes the first part of the lesson I will go over and explain how to
solve the next set of problems.

Stage 2- Assessment

Assessment FOR Learning (formative) Assess the students during the learning to help determine next steps.

While students are working on the assignment I will be looking at how they are working and if they
understand the material they are working on. There will be a variety of instruction methods for explaining
basic algebra and understanding the interpretation of word problems into math equations. I will be able to
understand where the student is at in their learning and assess my own methods of teaching in order to
maximize their understanding. Because they are working on one section at a time the student will be able to
master one section before moving on to a different understanding.

Assessment OF Learning (summative) Assess the students after learning to evaluate what they have learned.

Students will submit the worksheet they have been working on. If the sheet is incomplete or does not
adequately meet the desired outcomes, additional work sheets will be given to give the student additional
opportunity to show their understanding. If inadequate then I will go over the process again and try to explain
the lesson in some other way ensuring the students understanding.

Stage 3- Learning Plan

Motivational/Anticipatory Set (introducing topic while engaging the students)

The students may need a refresher in using basic algebra which will be reviewed before the lesson starts. To
get the student interesting in simple interest I will use various examples of what applied simple interest looks
like. One example could be how long does it take someone who puts $1000 into the bank at a certain rate to
reach one million dollars? What about $2000? 3000$ How does this difference show simple interest?

Main Procedures/Strategies:

Simple interest is the generation of income over a period of time leading to interest earned. This interest can
vary greatly depending on percent it is being invested in. The higher the rate the faster the money will
generate interest. The smaller the interest the longer it will take for the investment to generate interest. The
student will be shown two different formulas for generating interest. I=PRT and FI=P(1+RT). These two
formulas calculate different variables. The first shows Interest gained and the second indicates the Future

This simple interest will be worked on with a worksheet with various problems on it. The problems will give
the student opportunity to show algebra skills and understanding of basic interest.


The adaptions for this lesson is having a varied approach with how to teach algebra and the interpretation of
word problems. Each student will need help with their work so continued support will be offered after a
period of helping time for the student. The student needs to show they can work with different variables in
each equation. If the student has difficulty with one section they can have extra work on that section to
ensure their understanding of the material.

Closing of lesson:

To close the lesson students will be given the opportunity to show their understanding by completing the
Personal Reflection:

M. Wilkinson ’16 *Adapted from Understanding by Design (McTighe and Wiggins, 1998)

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