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30 November 2001

Chemical Physics Letters 349 (2001) 249±256

The millimeter/sub-millimeter spectrum of the LiS

radical in its 2Pi ground state
M.A. Brewster, L.M. Ziurys *

Department of Chemistry, Department of Astronomy and Steward Observatory, University of Arizona,

933 North Cherry Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA
Received 12 September 2001

The pure rotational spectrum of LiS …X2 Pi † has been recorded in the v ˆ 0 and v ˆ 1 states in the region 130±540
GHz using millimeter/sub-millimeter direct absorption methods. This radical was synthesized from lithium vapor and
CS2 in a DC discharge. Transitions arising from the two orbit components were measured, both which exhibited
lambda-doubling and, for the X ˆ 1=2 ladder, hyper®ne interactions. Rotational, lambda-doubling, and hyper®ne
parameters have subsequently been determined. These data prove unambiguously that the ground state of LiS is 2 Pi
and suggest that the A2 R‡ state lies  4300 cm 1 higher in energy. The bonding in this radical appears to be pre-
dominantly ionic. Ó 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction longer and sometimes weaker than their oxide

counterparts. They also may be more covalent in
Metal oxide species play a major role in a certain instances.
variety of environments, including high tempera- One oxide system which has been heavily in-
ture reactions, corrosion processes, catalysis and in vestigated in the past is the alkali metal group.
stellar atmospheres [1±3]. Examining the bonding These molecules have attracted particular interest
in these molecules has thus been the topic of much because the ground state term is predicted to
experimental, e.g., [4±6], and theoretical work, change from 2 P to 2 R as the periodic table is
e.g., [7±9]. Also of interest are the corresponding descended [12,13], with the cross-over occurring
metal sul®de species. Although substitution of the between NaO and KO. Experimentally, it has been
oxygen atom by sulfur produces an isovalent found that both NaO and LiO have 2 P ground
compound, di€erences in electronegativity and electronic states [14,15], while those of RbO and
valence electron con®gurations between these two CsO are 2 R [5,6]. There is some evidence that KO
elements are thought to generate subtle structural has 2 P symmetry in its ground state as well [16].
variations [10,11]. For example, metal mono- This change in electronic term and hence electron
sul®des are predicted to form bonds that are con®guration (r2 p3 vs. p4 r1 ) has been attributed
to the competition between electrostatic and ex-
change interactions [11]. A similar trend is pre-
Corresponding author. Fax: +520-621-1532. dicted for the alkali sul®des, except the change in
E-mail address: (L.M. Ziurys). symmetry is calculated to occur later down the
0009-2614/01/$ - see front matter Ó 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 0 9 - 2 6 1 4 ( 0 1 ) 0 1 2 0 2 - 7
250 M.A. Brewster, L.M. Ziurys / Chemical Physics Letters 349 (2001) 249±256

column. Computations have suggested that KS phase-locked Gunn oscillator/varactor multiplier

and RbS, for example, have 2 P ground states, in radiation source, a 0.5 m long double-pass reac-
contrast to their oxide counterparts [11]. tion cell containing a Broida-type oven, and an
Naturally, it is of interest to investigate the InSb hot electron bolometer detector. Phase-sen-
electronic ground states of the alkali sul®de spe- sitive detection is carried out using source mod-
cies, as well as their bonding properties and other ulation.
characteristics, especially in comparison to the Lithium sul®de was generated in a DC glow
oxides. To achieve this end, we have measured the discharge in a mixture of 5±8 mTorr CS2 , 15±20
pure rotational spectrum of both NaS [17] and KS mTorr argon, and K 1 mTorr of Li vapor. The
[18], using millimeter/sub-millimeter direct ab- metal vapor was produced by the Broida-type
sorption methods. These radicals had not been oven. Carbon disul®de and argon were mixed to-
studied previously by any spectroscopic technique. gether prior to introduction into the reaction
The recorded spectra have clearly shown that the chamber. They were then ¯owed into the cell be-
ground state of both molecules is 2 P, in agreement neath the oven to assist in carrying the metal vapor
with theory. Moreover, transitions of both radicals into the discharge region, located about 5 cm
exhibited large lambda-doubling, signifying the above the oven itself. The discharged gas mixture
existence of a nearby 2 R state, also predicted by exhibited a bright magenta color, likely due to
theoretical calculations [10]. LiS, on the other emission of atomic lithium.
hand, has never been investigated by any spec- An approximate rotational constant of LiS was
troscopic method. This sul®de is particularly im- initially estimated from theoretical studies [19],
portant because it can be compared most directly which predicted bond lengths. Based on this value,
to the hydrogen analog, SH. Despite the fact that extensive regions in frequency space … 5±6 GHz†
hydrogen and lithium both have one valence were continuously searched to locate the LiS sig-
electron, their corresponding analogs are often nals. Once the rotational pattern had been estab-
predicted to have di€erent electronic ground lished and both spin±orbit components identi®ed,
states, such as CH (X2 Pr ) and LiC …X4 R† [19]. only scans 100 MHz in frequency coverage were
Here we present the ®rst experimental study of required to ®nd additional transitions. The LiS
the LiS radical. The pure rotational spectrum of signals were in general suciently intense such that
this species has been recorded using millimeter/ transition frequencies could be obtained from an
sub-millimeter direct absorption methods. Ob- average of one scan taken in increasing frequency
servation of both spin±orbit components (X ˆ 1=2 and another in decreasing frequency. However,
and 3/2) and their lambda-doubling interactions below 250 GHz, the presence of hyper®ne split-
con®rms that the electronic ground state of this tings required as many as 20 such scan averages to
species is indeed 2 Pi . Hyper®ne splittings, arising obtain reasonable signal levels. Typical linewidths
from the 7 Li nucleus, were also observed. In this varied from 470±1300 kHz.
Letter we present our spectroscopic measurements
and analysis for this molecule, compare these re-
sults with those obtained previously for NaS and 3. Results and analysis
KS, and discuss the implications for bonding in
alkali sul®de compounds. Table 1 presents the transition frequencies
measured for LiS. Forty-three individual lines
were recorded for this radical in its v ˆ 0 vibra-
2. Experimental tional state, and 18 in the v ˆ 1 level. As is evident
in the table, both spin±orbit components were
The measurements were conducted with one of observed in each state. In the X ˆ 3=2 ladder, the
the millimeter/sub-millimeter direct absorption lambda-doubling was found to be on the order of
spectrometers of the Ziurys group. Details can be 3±35 MHz, with the splitting increasing with in-
found in [20]. Brie¯y, this instrument consists of a creasing J; it was considerably larger … J 5 GHz†
Table 1
Observed transition frequencies for LiS (X2 Pi )a
vˆ0 vˆ1
2 2 2 2
P3=2 P1=2 P3=2 P1=2
J 00 J0 Parity F 00 F0 mobs mo c mobs mo c mobs mo c mobs mo c

2.5 3.5 f 4 5 132 017.458 )0.160 135 072.592 )0.017 ± ±
2.5 3.5 f 3 4 ± 135 073.530 0.197 ± ±
2.5 3.5 f 2 3 ± 135 073.876c 0.175 ± ±

M.A. Brewster, L.M. Ziurys / Chemical Physics Letters 349 (2001) 249±256
2.5 3.5 f 1 2 ± 135 073.876c 0.164 ± ±
2.5 3.5 e 4 5 132 015.776b 0.192 130 203.366 )0.062 ± ±
2.5 3.5 e 3 4 ± 130 204.165c 0.377 ± ±
2.5 3.5 e 2 3 ± 130 204.165c 0.055 ± ±
2.5 3.5 e 1 2 ± 130 204.165c )0.229 ± ±
3.5 4.5 f 5 6 169 724.380b )0.057 172 954.484 )0.020 ± ±
3.5 4.5 f 4 5 ± 172 954.955 0.056 ± ±
3.5 4.5 f 3 4 ± 172 955.173c 0.062 ± ±
3.5 4.5 f 2 3 ± 172 955.173c 0.033 ± ±
3.5 4.5 e 5 6 169 721.147b 0.098 168 088.874 0.078 ± ±
3.5 4.5 e 4 5 ± 168 089.273c 0.290 ± ±
3.5 4.5 e 3 4 ± 168 089.273c 0.098 ± ±
3.5 4.5 e 2 3 ± 168 089.273c )0.096 ± ±
5.5 6.5 f 245 107.485 0.028 248 685.234 0.015 ± ±
5.5 6.5 e 245 100.373 0.022 243 828.882 )0.002 ± ±
6.5 7.5 f 282 779.366 0.006 286 529.426 )0.025 ± ±
6.5 7.5 e 282 769.888 )0.005 281 679.080 )0.023 ± ±
7.5 8.5 f 320 435.329 0.001 324 356.743 )0.046 ± ±
7.5 8.5 e 320 423.146 )0.022 319 513.274 0.009 ± ±
8.5 9.5 f 358 073.178 )0.035 362 164.999 )0.032 ± ±
8.5 9.5 e 358 058.025 )0.003 357 329.151 )0.021 ± ±
9.5 10.5 f 395 690.866 0.000 399 951.941 )0.040 391 439.150 0.038 ±
9.5 10.5 e 395 672.283 )0.046 395 124.590 )0.035 391 420.950 0.013 390 820.585 0.006
10.5 11.5 f ± 437 715.408 )0.032 428 630.017 0.006 ±
10.5 11.5 e ± ± 428 608.196 )0.027 428 185.187 )0.004
11.5 12.5 f 470 856.876 )0.007 475 453.219 0.007 465 796.520 )0.014 470 354.374 0.003
11.5 12.5 e 470 830.649 )0.015 470 645.365 )0.010 465 770.796 )0.019 465 525.114 )0.013
12.5 13.5 f 508 400.979 0.029 513 163.161 0.059 502 936.521 )0.027 507 656.253 )0.004
12.5 13.5 e 508 370.429 0.022 508 366.301 0.024 502 906.573 )0.007 502 838.220 0.016
13.5 14.5 f ± ± 540 047.926 0.010 544 928.253 0.002
13.5 14.5 e ± ± 540 013.414 0.030 540 122.233 )0.065
In MHz.
Blend of all hf components.
Blended lines.

252 M.A. Brewster, L.M. Ziurys / Chemical Physics Letters 349 (2001) 249±256

in the X ˆ 1=2 sub-level, and in this case the

splitting decreased with increasing J. The X ˆ 3=2
lines were also found to be stronger in intensity
than the other ladder, verifying the inverted nature
of the P term. In addition, in the lower rotational
transitions of the X ˆ 1=2 ladder, hyper®ne
structure was partially resolved, which arises from
the lithium 7 nuclear spin of I ˆ 3=2. The hy-
per®ne interactions in principle should split each
lambda-doublet into four strong components, but
in the case of LiS, only two features were typically
observed. One such feature appeared to be the
strongest hf component, for example, the
F ˆ 5 ! 6 line in the J ˆ 7=2 ! 9=2 transition
(see Table 1), and the second was composed of the
other three components (F ˆ 4 ! 5, 3 ! 4, and
2 ! 3). Usually, these three hf transitions were
totally collapsed, but in certain cases, one com-
ponent appeared as a shoulder on the line com-
prising the other two, and its frequency could be
measured separately. Hyper®ne interactions were
not observed in the X ˆ 3=2 ladder, and at higher
J, the hf splitting in the X ˆ 1=2 sub-level was
completely collapsed as well. Hence, in these cases

Fig. 2. Spectra of the J ˆ 5=2 ! 7=2 transition of LiS (X2 Pi :

v ˆ 0), showing both the X ˆ 3=2 spin±orbit ladder near 132
GHz (top panel) and the X ˆ 1=2 sub-level near 130±135 GHz
(bottom panel). The X ˆ 3=2 transition consists of two lines
which are lambda-doublets, indicated by parity designations e
and f. The X ˆ 1=2 transition, on the other hand, is split by
both lambda-doubling (see e and f labeling) and hyper®ne in-
teractions. Each lambda-doublet therefore appears as two fea-
tures which result from four hf components, indicated by
quantum number F . The approximate positions and relative
intensities of these hyper®ne components are shown under each
spectrum. The top spectrum is an average of 20, 5 MHz scans,
each lasting 10 s in duration; the bottom spectra are 16 scan
averages, also 5 MHz in frequency coverage and with 10 s scan
Fig. 1. A section of the 25=2 ! 27=2 rotational transition of
LiS (X2 Pi : v ˆ 0) near 508.4 GHz, showing the lambda-doub-
lets of the X ˆ 3=2 sub-level (labeled e and f) and the e parity there is only a single feature observed for each
component in the X ˆ 1=2 ladder. The X ˆ 3=2 doublets are lambda-doubling component.
split by  30 MHz, while those of the X ˆ 1=2 sub-level are
Representative spectra illustrating these e€ects
separated by almost 5 GHz. The stronger intensities of the
X ˆ 3=2 lines indicate that the P state is inverted. This spec- are presented in Figs. 1 and 2. Fig. 1 shows the
trum was obtained as a single, 100 MHz scan, lasting ap- lambda-doublets in the X ˆ 3=2 sub-level of the
proximately 1 min. J ˆ 25=2 ! 27=2 transition of LiS (v ˆ 0) near
M.A. Brewster, L.M. Ziurys / Chemical Physics Letters 349 (2001) 249±256 253

508.4 GHz. The doublets, labeled by the parity Hence, all four hf parameters (a, b, c, and d) could
designation e and f, are separated in this transition not be independently determined. Because there
by about 30 MHz. Also present in the spectrum is was a noticeable di€erence between the hyper®ne
the e component of the X ˆ 1=2 sub-level; its splittings in the e and f parity components in the
matching doublets lies  5 GHz higher in fre- X ˆ 1=2 ladder, the d constant could be estab-
quency. The X ˆ 3=2 lines are clearly stronger in lished. Also, the a parameter appeared necessary
intensity than the X ˆ 1=2 feature, evidence for a for a reasonable ®t. A signi®cant correlation, on
Pi ground state. the other hand, was found between b and c, and
In Fig. 2, a low frequency transition consequently in the ®nal ®t, only the value …b ‡ c†
…J ˆ 5=2 ! 7=2† in both X ladders is shown at 132 could be determined. The v ˆ 0 transition fre-
GHz …X ˆ 3=2† and at 130±135 GHz …X ˆ 1=2†. quencies were ®t as one data set, even though the
Both lambda-doublets in the X ˆ 1=2 sub-level hf splittings were collapsed for levels with
(lower panel) are additionally split into two fea- J > 11=2, and for all X ˆ 3=2 transitions. Parity
tures because of lithium hyper®ne interactions. was chosen to match that of KS [18], which con-
One feature is attributable to the F ˆ 4 ! 5 sequently made the hf constant d positive.
transition, and the other is a blend of the The spectroscopic constants resulting from this
F ˆ 3 ! 4, 2 ! 3, and 1 ! 2 lines. One of these analysis are presented in Table 2 for both the v ˆ 0
components …F ˆ 3 ! 4† appears as a shoulder on and v ˆ 1 vibrational states of LiS …X2 Pi †, as well
the left side of the f parity line, making it broader as the individual rms of the data ®ts. As shown in
by about 300 kHz than the expected linewidth. The the table, all constants are well determined and the
positions and relative intensities of the four hf rms of the ®ts are well below the estimated ex-
components that compose the e and f transitions perimental uncertainty of 100 kHz. The residuals
are indicated beneath the respective spectrum. At are given in Table 1. (Those listed for the transi-
higher frequencies, these two features merge to- tions where the hyper®ne splitting was totally
gether and eventually form a single line. In the collapsed are an average over the four individual
X ˆ 3=2 spectrum (top panel) there is little evi- residuals given for each hf component.) As is evi-
dence of hf splittings in the closely spaced lambda- dent in the table, centrifugal distortion corrections
doublets. were found necessary for the spin±orbit constant
The data were analyzed using a standard and lambda-doubling parameter p.
Hund's case (a) Hamiltonian consisting of mole- Because two vibrational states were in-
cular frame rotation, spin±orbit interaction, vestigated, equilibrium rotational constants could
lambda-doubling, and hyper®ne coupling, includ- be derived. These values are presented in Table 3.
ing centrifugal distortion corrections [21]:
H^eff ˆ H^rot ‡ H^so ‡ H^LD ‡ H^hf : …1†
Table 2
The v ˆ 0 and v ˆ 1 data sets were ®t sepa- Spectroscopic constants for LiS (X2 Pi )a
rately. Because there had been no previous spec- Parameter vˆ0 vˆ1
troscopic studies of LiS, an estimate of the
A )8 222 000 (90 000) )8 185 000 (81 000)
spin±orbit constant A was not available for the AD )2.69 (94) )2.17 (83)
data ®t. Consequently, that of NaS was used as an BV 18 906.2805 (31) 18 702.7044 (37)
initial value ()8000 GHz [17]). The spin±orbit DV 0.090507 (12) 0.089923 (10)
constant was allowed to vary in the ®t and a rea- p 4 860.84 (27) 4 883.68 (35)
q )6.73 (20) )6.58 (17)
sonably de®ned value was obtained.
pD )0.08569 (52) )0.08910 (57)
Analysis of the hyper®ne interaction in the a 3.92 (69) ±
v ˆ 0 state proved somewhat problematic because b‡c )7.7 (1.4) ±
it was observed only in one X ladder, and, even in d 3.6 (2.1) ±
this sub-level, it was not completely resolved. (No rms of ®t 0.086 0.016
hf splittings were recorded for the v ˆ 1 state.) a
In MHz; errors are 3r.
254 M.A. Brewster, L.M. Ziurys / Chemical Physics Letters 349 (2001) 249±256

Table 3 di€erent rotational spectrum from what has been

Equilibrium constants for LiS (X2 Pi )a observed. As discussed in various theoretical
Parameter This work Theoryb works [11,19], there is competition between elec-
Be 19 008.0681 (39) ± trostatic and exchange forces, the former favoring
ae 203.5761 (48) ± the r2 p3 con®guration, and the latter p4 r1 . For
De 0.090799 (14) ± most of the lighter alkali oxides and sul®des, it has
be )0.000584 (16) ±
been found that the electrostatic forces dominate,
xe 580 cm 1 597 cm 1
2.1497 A 
2.147 A as in the case of LiS.
Although, the 2 P term is the ground state for
In MHz, unless indicated otherwise.
From [19].
the lighter alkali species, the nearest excited state is
predicted to be 2 R, and results from promotion of
From Be and De , the harmonic vibrational fre- a r electron into a p orbital. As the periodic table
quency was also estimated using the relationship is descended, this A2 R state is calculated theoreti-
 3 1=2
4Be cally to move closer in energy to the X2 Pi state,
xe ˆ : …2† until the P state is overtaken, and the energy or-
dering reverses. These theoretical energies are gi-
The frequency obtained is xe  580 cm 1 , close ven in Table 4 for the alkali sul®des and oxides.
to that predicted from ab initio calculations Many of the alkali oxides and sul®des have only
(xe ˆ 597 cm 1 [19]. Furthermore, an equilibrium been studied by pure rotational spectroscopy.
bond length for LiS of re ˆ 2:1497 A  was de-
Hence, measurements of the A2 R‡ excited state
termined from Be , also similar in value to that energies are generally not available. However,
derived theoretically (re ˆ 2:147 A these energies can be estimated from rotational
data using the lambda-doubling constant p, as-
suming pure precession [22]:
4. Discussion
pˆ : …3†
This work is the ®rst spectroscopic observation EP ER
of LiS, and analysis of its pure rotational spectrum Using the p constant derived in this work, the
has veri®ed that the electronic ground state of this A2 R‡ state is estimated to lie  4268 cm 1 above
radical is 2 Pi . The electron con®guration of this the ground state ± close to that predicted by ab
molecule in this state is therefore 1r2 2r2 1p3 . An- initio calculations ( 5000 cm 1 ; see Table 4).
other possible con®guration for LiS is 1r2 1p4 2r1 , Using data from [18,19], the 2 R energies have also
which would have resulted in a 2 R state, and a been estimated for NaS and KS. These values are

Table 4
Lowest-lying 2 R energies for alkali sul®des and oxidesa
Molecule ER EP (experimental)b ER EP (theory) Reference
LiS 4268 4970c , 5088d [11,19]
NaS 3342 4046d [17,11]
KS 1900 1834d [18,11]
LiO 2565 2400e [14,12]
NaO 2050 1902e [15,12]
KO  200 )46e [16,12]
In cm 1 .
Derived assuming pure precession hypothesis (see text).
QCISD (T)/6-311+G (2df) calculation.
SDCI calculation.
MRCI calculation.
M.A. Brewster, L.M. Ziurys / Chemical Physics Letters 349 (2001) 249±256 255

ER EP  3342 and 1900 cm 1 , respectively, also with the 7 Li nuclear spin …I ˆ 3=2† and hence is a
reasonably close to ab initio predictions (see Table measure of the electron density near the lithium
4). In contrast, the energies of the R state for LiO nucleus. The Fermi contact term in fact traces the
and NaO are 2565 and 2050 cm 1 , based on pure electron density at the nucleus. Consequently, the
precession [14,15], and that of KO is  200 cm 1 magnitude of hyper®ne constants will indicate
[16]. Again, these values are close to those calcu- the degree of deviation from the Li‡ S structure,
lated theoretically, though there is disagreement in where the unpaired electron lies exclusively on the
the case of KO concerning which state actually lies sulfur atom. The hyper®ne constants established
lowest [12]. (Theory predicts the 2 R state to be for LiS in fact are quite small in value, with the
lower by 46 cm 1 .) In general, the R±P separation Fermi contact term near zero. (The parameter
is about a factor of two larger in the sul®des than …b ‡ c† ˆ 7:7 (1.4) MHz.) In contrast, the
in the oxides. atomic Fermi contact term for 7 Li is 409 MHz, a
Another isovalent molecule that presumably considerably larger number [24]. Hence, there is
could have either a 2 Pi or 2 R‡ ground state, de- little electron density at the lithium nucleus.
pending on its electron con®guration, is the SH Furthermore, the Fermi contact term has been
radical. Like the lighter alkali halides, SH has been measured in SH to be (bF ˆ 73:5 MHz [25]. In
found to have a 2 Pi ground state, but its ®rst ex- this molecule, the nuclear spin arises from the
cited state …A2 R‡ † lies  31 000 cm 1 higher in hydrogen atom (I ˆ 1=2). The electron density is
energy [19]. This energy is considerably larger than clearly greater on the hydrogen nucleus in SH
for any of the alkali sul®des or oxides. SH is cer- than on lithium in SLi. (Both hydrogen and li-
tainly a very covalent molecule, and therefore, the thium have comparable magnetic moments so a
R±P separation may indirectly indicate the degree direct comparison can be made.) The unpaired
of covalent character. Covalent bonding is favored electron is thus shared more evenly in SH than
in the 2 Pi : 1r2 p3 con®guration as opposed to the LiS, and thus the bonding is more covalent in the
2 ‡
R : p4 r1 con®guration because an electron pair in hydride.
a sigma orbital can be shared between the two
atoms in the P case, but only a single electron in
the R case [7]. This property is also apparent in the 5. Conclusion
alkali species. Based on electronegativity argu-
ments, the alkali oxides must be fairly ionic and Measurements of the pure rotational spectrum
hence their R±P energy separation is relatively of LiS have demonstrated that this species has a
small. Because sulfur is less electronegative, the Pi ground state, as do NaS, KS, and SH. Analysis
sul®des have more covalent character than the of the lambda-doubling interactions suggests that
oxides, and the R±P energy separation is sig- the A2 R‡ state in this radical lies  4300 cm 1
ni®cantly larger. above ground state. Although this energy separa-
Despite having more covalent character than tion suggests that the bonding in LiS is more
lithium oxide, LiS is still partly an ionic covalent in character than in LiO, this molecule is
molecule. Evidence for ionicity lies in the spin± still very ionic. Evidence for this ionicity is found
orbit constant for LiS, which is in the spin±orbit constant, which is similar to that
A ˆ 8222 GHz. This constant is fairly close in of S , and in the small values of the lithium hy-
value to that of S (3p5 ): f ˆ 9773 GHz [23]. per®ne parameters. Observation of the v ˆ 0 and
Therefore, the resonance structure Li‡ S must v ˆ 1 states of LiS has allowed for calculation of
contribute substantially to the bonding in this equilibrium constants re and xe , which are in good
molecule. agreement with ab initio calculations. These mea-
A further comparison of ionic vs. covalent surements have demonstrated that, though alkali
character can be made by examining the hy- sul®des and oxides are isovalent, there are notice-
per®ne constants derived for LiS. This interaction able di€erences in their bonding and electronic
arises from the unpaired electron spin coupling structure.
256 M.A. Brewster, L.M. Ziurys / Chemical Physics Letters 349 (2001) 249±256

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