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The rotational spectrum and dynamical structure of LiOH and LiOD:

A combined laboratory and ab initio study
Kelly J. Higgins, Samuel M. Freund,a) and William Klemperer
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
Aldo J. Apponi and Lucy M. Ziurys
Departments of Chemistry and Astronomy, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721
共Received 30 June 2004; accepted 20 September 2004兲
Millimeter wave rotational spectroscopy and ab initio calculations are used to explore the potential
energy surface of LiOH and LiOD with particular emphasis on the bending states and bending
potential. New measurements extend the observed rotational lines to J⫽7←6 for LiOH and J
⫽8←7 for LiOD for all bending vibrational states up to (033 0). Rotation-vibration energy levels,
geometric expectation values, and dipole moments are calculated using extensive high-level ab
initio three-dimensional potential energy and dipole moment surfaces. Agreement between
calculation and experiment is superb, with predicted B v values typically within 0.3%, D values
within 0.2%, q l values within 0.7%, and dipole moments within 0.9% of experiment. Shifts in B v
values with vibration and isotopic substitution are also well predicted. A combined theoretical and
experimental structural analysis establishes the linear equilibrium structure with r e (Li–O)
⫽1.5776(4) Å and r e (O–H)⫽0.949(2) Å. Predicted fundamental vibrational frequencies are v 1
⫽923.2, v 2 ⫽318.3, and v 3 ⫽3829.8 cm⫺1 for LiOH and v 1 ⫽912.9, v 2 ⫽245.8, and v 3
⫽2824.2 cm⫺1 for LiOD. The molecule is extremely nonrigid with respect to angular deformation;
the calculated deviation from linearity for the vibrationally averaged structure is 19.0° in the 共000兲
state and 41.9° in the (033 0) state. The calculation not only predicts, in agreement with previous
work 关P. R. Bunker, P. Jensen, A. Karpfen, and H. Lischka, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 135, 89 共1989兲兴, a
change from a linear to a bent minimum energy configuration at elongated Li–O distances, but also
a similar change from linear to bent at elongated O–H distances. © 2004 American Institute of
Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.1814631兴

I. INTRODUCTION XOX ⬘ , with X and X ⬘ arbitrary monovalent ligands, the

similarity in angular geometry of a wide variety of molecules
Molecular structure plays a fundamental role in chemical is used to establish the validity and power of the presented
reactions. The understanding of chemical bond lengths is explanation. Clearly, it is equally useful to examine the in-
learned essentially from the potential energy function for a stances in which the geometry of XOX ⬘ is very different than
radial coordinate and thus may be readily obtained from a that of water. There are many systems in which the angle
variety of diatomic examples. Furthermore, the relatively around oxygen is linear or near linear. For example, this is
small variation in internuclear distance generally encoun- the most common angular geometry of Si–O–Si units in
tered in a particular elemental pair reduces the incentive for silicate crystals and Li–O–Li molecules in the gas phase.2
detailed understanding with predictive power. Evaluation of The system just between bent H2 O and linear Li2 O is
the angular geometry and with it the potential energy func- LiOH. The LiOH molecule was first studied in the gas phase
tion for angular coordinates is both more important and prob- by Freund,3 who directly measured the l-type doubling tran-
ably much more difficult. Since virtually all molecular ge- sitions for v 2 ⫽1, 2, and 3 in the microwave region. Mc-
ometries can be summarized by an angle of 135°⫾45°, it is Naughton et al.4 later studied LiOH and several isotopically
clear that for a predictive utility, theories of angular potential substituted species at millimeter wavelengths by measuring
functions must be accurate to a few degrees. It is indeed the its rotational spectrum in the ground state and in a number of
angular geometry of stereochemistry that has been the target the bending modes, but only included data for J⭐5 and v 2
of numerous ad hoc models.1 ⭐2. These authors found LiOH to be linear at least to a first
The explanations for the geometry of the water molecule approximation. They also showed the difficulty in establish-
play an important role in the development of the nature of ing the linearity of the minimum energy configuration from a
directed valence. The H2 O molecule is the simplest stable, pure rotational spectrum for systems suspected of having
readily studied polyatomic molecule. Since the general ex- large amplitude oscillations.
planations of the 104° angle of HOH holds equally for Previous computational studies of LiOH range from ge-
ometry optimizations and harmonic frequency calcu-
Present address: Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New lations5–10 to more complete potential energy surfaces and
Mexico 87545. rotation-vibration state calculations.4,11 Early work by Pople

0021-9606/2004/121(23)/11715/16/$22.00 11715 © 2004 American Institute of Physics

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11716 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 23, 15 December 2004 Higgins et al.

and co-workers6,7 calculated geometries as a means to evalu- pious amounts of both LiOH and LiOD were produced with-
ate theoretical methods and basis sets. Gurvich et al.12 have out the aid of a dc discharge, the signals were even stronger
summarized computational and experimental work through in the presence of one, where the optimal conditions were
1996. Most recently, several groups have separately calcu- typically 500–1000 mA and 3–20 V. A variable amount of
lated various properties of LiOH, including its structure and Ar carrier gas was introduced to further optimize the signals
heat of formation using high-level methods, large basis sets, as required. This production technique is quite different to
and several levels of core electron correlation.9,10,13,14 Mc- those used by either McNaughton et al.4 or Freund,3 where
Naughton et al.4 performed limited ab initio calculations of Li2 O was heated to 1400 K and then reacted with H2 O or
the bending potential, determining the optimal bond lengths D2 O and resulted in weak signals. In the work presented
for six LiOH bond angles at the MP3/6-311G** level of here, high signal to noise was achieved for all the modes
theory. The most extensive calculations were performed by observed, and with that, complete spectral coverage was pos-
Bunker et al.,11 who calculated the potential energy at 166 sible across the entire working band pass of the instrument,
geometries using the average coupled pair functional 共ACPF兲 which allowed for the collection of a more complete data set.
method, fit the results to an analytic expression, and calcu-
lated the rotation-vibration energies using Jensen’s morse B. Experimental results
oscillator-rigid bender internal dynamics 共MORBID兲 varia- The rotational transitions measured for LiOH and LiOD
tional approach on the full three-dimensional analytic sur- in the X 1 ⌺ ⫹ ground state are listed in Tables I and II. As
face. They also discovered that there is a large Li–O stretch- these tables show, seven transitions were recorded for LiOH
bend interaction that results in an optimal LiOH structure and eight transitions for LiOD in the frequency range 70–
that is bent when the Li–O bond is stretched. 504 GHz starting from the lowest possible transition (J lower
The methodology of the present research is to generate ⫽l) in each case. This approach allowed the unambiguous
an extensive data set of reliable experimental and fully ab assignment of the rotational spectrum in each vibrational
initio results. In this paper, we present a combined laboratory mode because J must be greater than or equal to l. The lines,
and ab initio study of LiOH to further investigate its poten- for example, associated with the (033 0) mode disappear in
tial energy surface, paying particular attention to the bending the J⫽3←2 transition. The same effect was observed for the
potential and excited bending states. The experimental mea- (022 0) and the (011 0) modes as well. Moreover, this restric-
surements were extended to include v 2 ⫽3 for both LiOH tion verified the position of the (020 0) mode because its
and LiOD, and J⫽7 for LiOH and J⫽8 for LiOD. The lines have a similar intensity to those of the (022 0) mode
computational approach utilizes extensive coupled-cluster
and they are seen all the way through the J⫽1←0 transition.
electronic structure calculations with core electron correla-
Spectra for v 2 ⫽0, 1, 2, and 3 were measured for both LiOH
tion and a large basis set to calculate the potential. The
and LiOD.
rotation-vibration energy levels of LiOH, LiOD, Li 18 OH,
Figures 1 and 2 are stick diagrams illustrating the pro-
and 6 LiOH for the generated three-dimensional potential are
gression of the vibrational modes as a function of frequency
calculated using the DVR3D package of Tennyson and within the J⫽5←4 rotational transition of LiOH and LiOD
co-workers.15 The resulting energy levels are then compared
near 352 and 317 GHz, respectively. As these figures illus-
to experiment through fitted molecular constants as a means
trate, the line intensities drop off considerably with increas-
to assess the accuracy of the potential.
ing v 2 quantum number. Using the calculated vibrational en-
ergies listed in Table XI, a vibrational temperature of about
II. EXPERIMENT 400 K is typically found under normal experimental condi-
tions. In LiOH, the v 2 progression occurs towards lower fre-
A. Experimental method
quency of the ground 共000兲 state, indicating that the rotation-
The rotational spectra of LiOH and LiOD were mea- vibration term ␣ 2 ⬎0, and it is fairly regular for the states
sured using one of the millimeter wave spectrometers of the with v 2 ⫽l. The l-type splitting is sufficiently large in the
Ziurys group that has been used to detect more than 70 new (011 0) and (031 0) modes that the upper l-type component in
metal containing species. Detailed descriptions of these in- these cases lies to the high frequency side of the 共000兲 line.
struments have been given previously.16 Briefly, the absorp- The (022 0) mode is split by a much smaller amount, and the
tion experiment consists of a Gunn oscillator/Schottky diode l-type doubling could not be resolved in the (033 0) mode for
multiplier source operating in the range of 65– 650 GHz, a any of the measured transitions. The (020 0) mode is shifted
gas cell incorporating a Broida oven, and an InSb hot elec- by over 1 GHz higher in frequency from that of the centroid
tron bolometer detector. Phase sensitive detection is achieved of the (022 0), indicating some degree of anharmonicity in
by FM modulation of the tunable radiation source followed the potential. The rotational constant decreases essentially
by demodulation with a lock-in amplifier. linearly with v 2 , indicating a strong cross anharmonicity be-
The LiOH and LiOD species were generated in a dc tween v 2 and v 3 . The (022 0) state is bent more than the
discharge reaction of Li vapor and the appropriate precursor: (020 0) state. For LiOD, the vibrational progression begins at
50% H2 O2 for LiOH and D2 O for LiOD. Lithium vapor was the higher frequency of the 共000兲 state, indicating a small
produced by resistive heating of solid Li in an alumina cru- negative value for ␣ 2 , but reverses at the (033 0) mode ow-
cible lined with a steel sleeve. Without the sleeve, the experi- ing to high-order terms in the vibration-rotation interaction.
ment would not have been possible because Li reacts readily The l-type doubling in the (011 0) state is large enough to
with the alumina crucible at high temperature. Although co- place the lower component of the doublet on the low fre-

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J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 23, 15 December 2004 Rotational spectrum of LiOH 11717

TABLE I. Observed transition frequencies 共in MHz兲 for LiOH (X̃ 1 ⌺ ⫹ ). TABLE II. Observed transition frequencies 共in MHz兲 for LiOD (X̃ 1 ⌺ ⫹ ).

Frequency Observed- Frequency Observed-

( v 1 , v l2 , v 3 ) Transition observed Calculated ( v 1 , v l2 , v 3 ) Transition observed Calculated

共000兲 J⫽1←0 70 684.827 ⫺0.007 共000兲 J⫽1←0 62 954.770 0.009

J⫽2←1 141 364.458 0.007 J⫽2←1 125 905.882 0.001
J⫽3←2 212 033.641 0.008 J⫽3←2 188 849.733 0.015
J⫽4←3 251 782.599 ⫺0.031
J⫽4←3 282 687.165 0.001
J⫽5←4 314 700.981 0.005
J⫽5←4 353 319.812 ⫺0.014 J⫽6←5 377 601.122 0.007
J⫽6←5 423 926.405 0.003 J⫽7←6 440 479.411 0.006
J⫽7←6 494 501.678 0.002 J⫽8←7 503 332.199 ⫺0.005
(011c 0) J⫽2←1 140 187.606 0.024 (011c 0) J⫽2←1 125 412.870 ⫺0.013
J⫽3←2 210 268.260 ⫺0.002 J⫽3←2 188 110.215 0.008
J⫽4←3 280 333.188 ⫺0.018 J⫽4←3 250 796.581 ⫺0.009
J⫽5←4 350 377.172 0.001 J⫽5←4 313 468.386 0.000
J⫽6←5 420 394.917 0.005 J⫽6←5 376 121.958 0.010
J⫽7←6 490 381.183 ⫺0.001 J⫽7←6 438 753.630 0.002
J⫽8←7 501 359.776 ⫺0.005
(011d 0) J⫽2←1 141 370.558 0.000
(011d 0) J⫽2←1 126 607.559 0.019
J⫽3←2 212 042.371 0.006
J⫽3←2 189 901.644 0.004
J⫽4←3 282 698.008 0.001
J⫽4←3 253 184.114 ⫺0.022
J⫽5←4 353 332.096 0.003 J⫽5←4 316 451.142 ⫺0.018
J⫽6←5 423 939.221 ⫺0.015 J⫽6←5 379 698.854 0.010
J⫽7←6 494 514.055 0.008 J⫽7←6 442 923.353 0.032
J⫽8←7 506 120.702 ⫺0.019
(020 0) J⫽1←0 70 331.918 ⫺0.054
J⫽2←1 140 655.765 ⫺0.065 (020 0) J⫽1←0 63 194.510 ⫺0.107
J⫽3←2 210 963.418 ⫺0.043 J⫽2←1 126 378.475 ⫺0.223
J⫽4←3 281 246.754 0.005 J⫽3←2 189 541.556 ⫺0.151
J⫽5←4 351 497.638 0.055 J⫽4←3 252 673.077 ⫺0.033
J⫽6←5 421 707.929 0.081 J⫽5←4 315 762.480 0.111
J⫽6←5 378 799.147 0.198
J⫽7←6 491 869.362 ⫺0.067
J⫽7←6 441 772.409 0.094
(022c 0) J⫽8←7 504 671.774 ⫺0.157
J⫽3←2 210 104.778 0.134
J⫽4←3 280 114.958 0.060 (022c 0) J⫽3←2 189 049.044 0.196
J⫽5←4 350 103.961 ⫺0.058 J⫽4←3 252 047.741 0.119
J⫽6←5 420 066.612 ⫺0.059 J⫽5←4 315 031.378 0.012
J⫽7←6 489 997.487 0.037 J⫽6←5 377 996.187 ⫺0.084
J⫽7←6 440 938.337 ⫺0.118
(022d 0) J⫽3←2 210 114.728 ⫺0.058 J⫽8←7 503 854.004 0.088
J⫽4←3 280 140.236 ⫺0.030
J⫽5←4 350 154.806 ⫺0.005 (022d 0) J⫽3←2 189 074.709 0.041
J⫽6←5 420 155.730 ⫺0.012 J⫽4←3 252 112.145 ⫺0.041
J⫽7←6 490 140.466 0.019 J⫽5←4 315 160.430 ⫺0.121
J⫽6←5 378 222.454 ⫺0.072
(031c 0) J⫽3←2 208 802.505 ⫺0.021 J⫽7←6 441 301.003 0.056
J⫽8←7 504 398.794 0.024
J⫽4←3 278 373.373 0.021
J⫽5←4 347 918.473 0.023 (031c 0) J⫽3←2 188 115.134 0.077
J⫽6←5 417 431.349 ⫺0.039 J⫽4←3 250 789.440 ⫺0.021
J⫽7←6 486 905.749 0.014 J⫽5←4 313 437.571 ⫺0.054
J⫽6←5 376 053.064 ⫺0.033
(031d 0) J⫽3←2 212 463.497 ⫺0.112 J⫽7←6 438 629.728 0.070
J⫽4←3 283 252.183 ⫺0.057 J⫽8←7 501 161.510 ⫺0.021
J⫽5←4 354 013.067 0.114
J⫽6←5 424 738.861 ⫺0.094 (031d 0) J⫽3←2 191 893.843 ⫺0.063
J⫽7←6 495 422.623 ⫺0.081 J⫽4←3 255 824.349 0.004
J⫽5←4 319 725.313 0.052
(033cd 0) J⫽4←3 278 489.120 0.003 J⫽6←5 383 588.945 0.042
J⫽5←4 348 080.687 0.012 J⫽7←6 447 407.040 ⫺0.073
J⫽8←7 511 171.102 0.021
J⫽6←5 417 651.727 ⫺0.024
J⫽7←6 487 198.260 0.010 (033c 0) J⫽4←3 251 938.141 a
J⫽5←4 314 914.894 ⫺0.001
J⫽6←5 377 886.567 0.002
J⫽7←6 440 851.625 ⫺0.002
J⫽8←7 503 808.614 0.000
quency side of the 共000兲 line. The l-type splitting of (022 0)
(033d 0) J⫽4←3 251 938.141 a
is again much smaller, but in this case the (033 0) doublet is J⫽5←4 314 916.569 0.001
resolved in all the observed transitions; these features are J⫽6←5 377 891.090 ⫺0.002
shown in the inset. Like LiOH, the (020 0) line for LiOD is J⫽7←6 440 861.953 0.001
J⫽8←7 503 829.481 0.000
shifted by more than 1 GHz from the centroid of the (022 0)
doublet. Unresolved doublet not included in the fit.

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11718 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 23, 15 December 2004 Higgins et al.

FIG. 3. Spectrum of the J⫽5←4 transition of LiOH in its ground vibra-

FIG. 1. A stick figure showing the progression of the vibrational modes in
tional and first excited modes near 353 GHz. The scan width is 100 MHz
the J⫽5←4 rotational transition of LiOH. The heights of the sticks indicate
and the acquisition time is ⬇1 min. The signal to noise ratio of this spectrum
the observed relative intensity as compared to the ground vibrational mode.
is ⬎200:1, illustrating the improvement of this method over those used in
the past.

Figures 3 and 4 show typical spectra obtained for LiOH

and LiOD. Figure 3 shows a portion of the spectrum of the sulting spectroscopic constants are given in Table III. The
J⫽5←4 transition of LiOH near 353.3 GHz. The ground data for both molecules in their respective 共000兲 and (020 0)
vibrational state and the upper l component of the (011 0) modes were fit with only two parameters, B and D, while the
mode are shown. The scan width is 100 MHz and the acqui- remaining vibrational modes also required two l-type dou-
sition time is ⬇1 min. The signal to noise ratio in this spec- bling parameters, q and q D . In addition, several high-order
trum is greater than 200:1 for the strongest feature present. centrifugal distortion terms were necessary to obtain an ac-
Figure 4 shows sections of the spectrum of the J⫽8←7 ceptable fit for LiOD.
transition of LiOD near 503 GHz. The panel on the left Using the rotational constants determined for each bend-
shows the ground vibrational mode while that on the right ing vibration, the vibrational progression was modeled with
shows the lower l component of the (022 0) state and the the following expression:
l-type doublet of the (033 0) mode. The intensity of the lines
decreases exponentially with increasing v 2 . This is consis- B 共 0,v 2 ,0兲 ⫽B̃ e ⫺ ␣ 2 共 v 2 ⫹1 兲 ⫹ ␥ 22共 v 2 ⫹1 兲 2 ⫹ ␥ ll l 2 , 共1兲
tent with a Boltzmann distribution, as expected under the
where B (0,v 2 ,0) is the rotational constant per v 2 state, B̃ e
conditions of this experiment.
⫽B e ⫺ 12 ( ␣ 1 ⫹ ␣ 3 ) is the effective equilibrium rotational con-
stant, ␣ 2 and ␥ 22 are the vibration-rotation interaction con-
C. Experimental analysis
stants, and ␥ ll is the l-dependent vibration-rotation interac-
The rotational data in all of the observed vibrational tion constant. The ␣ 2 , ␥ 22 , and ␥ ll parameters determined
states for LiOH and LiOD were analyzed using a standard from Eq. 共1兲 are given in Table IV, as well as theoretical
linear molecule Hamiltonian consisting of rotation, centrifu-
gal distortion, and l-type interactions 共see Ref. 17兲. The re-

FIG. 4. The spectrum of the J⫽8←7 transition of LiOD near 503 GHz; a
baseline has been removed. The panel on the left shows the ground vibra-
FIG. 2. A stick figure showing the progression of the vibrational modes in tional mode while the panel on the right shows the lower l component of the
the J⫽5←4 rotational transition for LiOD. The vibrational modes shown (022 0) mode and both l components of the (033 0) mode. The y scale for the
are 共000兲, (011 0), and (022 0). The heights of the sticks indicate the ob- left panel is ten times larger than that on the right. Each spectrum is a 100
served relative intensity as compared to the ground vibrational mode. MHz scan with an acquisition time of ⬇1 min.

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J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 23, 15 December 2004 Rotational spectrum of LiOH 11719

TABLE III. Experimental and theoretical values of molecular constants 共in MHz兲 for LiOH and LiOD.


Theoretical Theoretical

( v 1 , v l2 , v 3) Constant Experimental Current PES Ref. 11 PES a

Experimental Current PES Ref. 11 PESa

共000兲 B 35 342.852共5兲 35 237.568 35 016.604 31 477.684共4兲 31 391.313 31 211.351

D 0.217 38共7兲 0.216 96 0.214 18 0.151 73共5兲 0.151 46 0.150 11

(011 0) B 35 196.097共4兲 35 088.089 34 868.876 31 503.492共3兲 31 414.508 31 242.106

D 0.221 53共5兲 0.221 05 0.217 63 0.156 56共3兲 0.156 24 0.154 72
q ⫺295.792共8兲 ⫺293.804 ⫺308.271 ⫺298.738共6兲 ⫺296.890 ⫺315.481
qD 0.0060共1兲 0.005 927 0.006 332 0.009 21共7兲 0.009 05 0.010 346
⌬B ⫺146.755 ⫺149.479 ⫺147.727 25.808 23.193 30.756

(020 0) B 35 166.662共5兲 35 055.707 34 850.049 31 598.186共4兲 31 506.259 31 342.270

D 0.338 08共7兲 0.335 85 0.370 51 0.438 99共5兲 0.436 94 0.583 64
⌬B ⫺176.190 ⫺181.861 ⫺166.554 120.502 114.946 130.919

(022 0) B 35 019.956共4兲 34 909.869 34 692.885 31 510.511共3兲 31 419.126 31 249.947

D 0.167 01共6兲 0.167 33 0.143 84 0.021 79共4兲 0.022 19 ⫺0.054 12
qef f 0.1056共1兲 0.1043 0.1418 0.268 94共8兲 0.267 48 0.414 12
q Def f 1.6(3)⫻10⫺7 1.2⫻10⫺7 2.4⫻10⫺7 1.6(1)⫻10⫺7 1.6⫻10⫺7 2.4⫻10⫺7
⌬B ⫺322.896 ⫺327.699 ⫺323.718 32.827 27.813 38.597

(031 0) B 35 109.982共4兲 34 996.234 34 791.941 31 672.034共6兲 31 577.333 31 412.579

D 0.279 41共6兲 0.277 81 0.287 57 0.2885共2兲 0.2869 0.3481
H ⫺2.4(2)⫻10⫺5 ⫺2.4⫻10⫺5 ⫺6.5⫻10⫺5
q ⫺610.591共8兲 ⫺606.044 ⫺611.923 ⫺630.37共1兲 ⫺625.85 ⫺641.197
qD 0.0228共1兲 0.0225 0.0235 0.031共2兲 0.031 0.038
qH 7.3(2)⫻10⫺7 7.2⫻10⫺7 1.8⫻10⫺6
⌬B ⫺232.870 ⫺241.334 ⫺224.663 194.350 186.020 201.228

(033 0) B 34 813.529共4兲 34 701.940 34 491.611 31 492.82共1兲 31 399.367 31 231.924

D 0.170 68共7兲 0.171 16 0.152 68 0.0405共4兲 0.0409 ⫺0.0249
H 2.6(3)⫻10⫺5 2.4⫻10⫺5 6.6⫻10⫺5
qef f Unresolved ⫺0.126 ⫺0.022 0.003共9兲 0.002 0.008
q Def f Unresolved 4.5⫻10⫺4 7.8⫻10⫺4 ⫺3(2)⫻10⫺4 ⫺3⫻10⫺4 ⫺7⫻10⫺4
qH 3.4(2)⫻10⫺5 3.4⫻10⫺5 8.3⫻10⫺5
⌬B ⫺529.323 ⫺535.628 ⫺524.993 15.135 8.054 20.573
rms 0.045 0.034 0.067 0.071 0.076 0.137
From DVR3D calculations using the PES of Ref. 11.

values obtained from computations described below. The single and double excitations and perturbative contributions
terms ␥ 22 and ␥ ll are exceptionally high, suggesting that of connected triple excitations 关CCSD共T兲兴. Preliminary
LiOH and LiOD exhibit large amplitude oscillations. The CCSD共T兲 geometry optimization calculations were per-
nature of the large amplitude motions become clear after the formed to determine the optimal basis set to use, the effect of
comparison of the spectroscopic constants obtained from core electron correlation, and the effect of basis set superpo-
electronic structure theory is made. sition error 共BSSE兲 on the computed geometries and energies
of LiOH. A three-dimensional dipole moment surface was
also calculated using second-order Møller-Plesset perturba-
A. Computational methods tion theory 共MP2兲. Electronic structure calculations were
The three-dimensional potential energy surface 共PES兲 performed using MOLPRO2000.18,19 To gauge the quality of the
for LiOH was calculated at the coupled-cluster level with PES by making comparisons to the current and previous ex-

TABLE IV. Vibrational dependence of B v 共values quoted are in MHz兲 from states in the current study.


Constant Experimental Theoretical Experimental Theoretical

B̃ e a 35 497.50共1兲 35 395.28共3兲 31 451.28共1兲 31 368.07共3兲

␣2 176.86共1兲 179.98共2兲 ⫺14.467共8兲 ⫺11.43共2兲
␥ 22 22.291共2兲 22.332共4兲 11.543共2兲 11.591共4兲
␥ ll ⫺36.9937共6兲 ⫺36.7183共16兲 ⫺22.2339共8兲 ⫺22.1639共16兲
B̃ e ⫽B e ⫺ 2 ( ␣ 1 ⫹ ␣ 3 ).

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11720 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 23, 15 December 2004 Higgins et al.

TABLE V. Geometry optimization results 共in Å and cm⫺1 unless noted兲 and a sampling of previous results.

Method Basis r(LiO) r(OH) E tot (hartree) De D e (CPC) a CPC%

CCSD共T兲 avqz 1.5954 0.9490 ⫺83.262 878 ⫺73 546 ⫺73 276 0.37
Frozen core av5z 1.5945 0.9486 ⫺83.269 810 ⫺73 849 ⫺73 726 0.17
acvqz 1.5947 0.9491 ⫺83.264 447 ⫺73 548 ⫺73 328 0.30

CCSD共T兲 cvqz 1.5759 0.9477 ⫺83.365 913 ⫺73 634 ⫺73 196 0.59
Full electron acvqz 1.5805 0.9483 ⫺83.369 319 ⫺74 014 ⫺73 781 0.31

Hartree-Fock acvqz 1.5743 0.9300 ⫺82.959 498 ⫺47 350 ⫺47 318 0.07

ACPFb b 1.5857 0.9499 ⫺83.266 532

MP3c 6-311G** 1.5732 0.9446 ⫺82.938 316
CCSD共T兲d 6-311⫹⫹G(2d f ,2pd) 1.587 0.948 ⫺83.268 74
CCSD共T兲e e 1.5802 0.9510 ⫺83.284 58
Counterpoise correction 共CPC兲 applied to noncounterpoise corrected optimized geometry.
Reference 11. See reference for details of the basis set.
Reference 4.
Reference 14.
Reference 9. See reference for details of the basis set.

perimental results, the energy levels, transition frequencies, full electron correlation to those using the frozen-core ap-
and various expectation values for LiOH, LiOD, Li 18OH, proximation. There is very little difference for the binding
and 6 LiOH were calculated using the DVR3D package of Ten- energy and the O–H distance 共0.63% and 0.0008 Å, respec-
nyson and co-workers.15 tively兲, but the Li–O bond distance shrinks considerably
The atomic basis sets used for the preliminary calcula- 共0.0142 Å兲. This shrinkage proved vital to getting the correct
tions were the correlation-consistent polarized valence, rotational constants in the rovibrational calculations pre-
cc-pVnZ共vnz) and correlation-consistent polarized core- sented below. Comparing the acvqz results with the cvqz
valence, cc-pCVnZ共cvnz), 20 basis sets of Dunning and results shows that the inclusion of diffuse functions on the O
co-workers,21,22 and these sets augmented with diffuse func- and H result in a lengthening of the Li–O bond by 0.0046 Å
tions for O and H, aug-cc-pVnZ共avnz) or aug-cc- and of the O–H bond by 0.0006 Å, and an increase in the
pCVnZ共acvnz). For the core-valence basis sets cvnz and binding energy of 0.51%. Also note in Table V the effect of
acvnz, calculations were performed using sets of double-, BSSE as estimated using the CP correction, which for the
triple-, and quadruple-zeta 共the highest available兲 quality, acvqz basis set amounts to just 0.31% of the total binding
while for the vnz and avnz basis sets the quality ranged from energy. The best calculations using the acvqz basis yield an
double to quintuple zeta. Because there are no diffuse func- equilibrium Li–O bond length of 1.5805 Å and an equilib-
tions available for the Dunning basis sets for Li and no core- rium O–H bond length of 0.9483 Å. These results are in
valence sets for H the total basis used for LiOH in each case good agreement with the most recent reported LiOH
is labeled by the set used for the O atom with the understand- calculations.9,10 Included in Table V are results for Hartree–
ing that Li and H used the closest available basis set. Fock level calculations using the acvqz basis set. These cal-
CCSD共T兲 calculations were performed at the frozen-core culations result in a binding energy that is 64% of the
approximation and with all electrons correlated. In addition, CCSD共T兲 binding energy as well as Li–O and O–H bond
a single geometry optimization at the Hartree–Fock/acvqz lengths that are somewhat shorter.
level was performed to determine the effect of completely Based on the results of the preliminary calculations, the
ignoring electron correlation has on the geometry and bind- full three-dimensional CCSD共T兲 potential energy surface
ing energy of LiOH. Binding energies for the optimized ge- was calculated with the acvqz basis set utilizing full electron
ometries were calculated relative to the ground state atoms correlation with no counterpoise correction. The potential
by subtracting the atomic energies calculated in the atomic was calculated in a Jacobi coordinate system with R the dis-
basis from the molecular energy. The energetic effect of tance from Li to the center of mass of OH, r the OH bond
BSSE was calculated by using the counterpoise 共CP兲 length, and ␪ the angle between R and r with ␪⫽0 defined as
method23 with the non-CP optimized geometry. the linear Li–OH arrangement. Calculations were performed
Selected geometry optimization results are listed in on a grid of points with ten values of r ranging from 0.6 to
Table V along with results from previous studies for com- 1.8 Å, eight values of R from 1.1 to 3.0 Å, and ␪ ranging
parison. Frozen-core results using the avnz basis sets illus- from 0° to 180° in increments of 15° for a total of 1040
trate the convergence of the geometry and binding energy as geometries.24 As with the optimized geometry binding ener-
a function of basis set size, with the avqz results differing gies, the potential at each point is taken as the difference
from the av5z results by just 0.0009 Å for the Li–O bond between the LiOH energy and the ground state energies of
length, 0.0004 Å for the O–H bond length, and 0.41% in the the individual atoms calculated with the atom’s basis set.
binding energy. The effect of core-electron correlation can be Interpolation of the potential was performed using a
seen by comparing the results for the acvqz basis sets using three-dimensional cubic spline routine.25 To ensure a smooth

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J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 23, 15 December 2004 Rotational spectrum of LiOH 11721

TABLE VI. Morse oscillator parameters 共in bohr and hartree兲 for the basis sets used in DVR3DRJZ.

LiOH LiOD Li 18 OH 6

r 1⫽ re 2.064 197 3 2.046 788 6 2.062 770 5 2.064 197 3

r(OH) De 0.169 0.169 0.169 0.169
␻e 3.245 356 1⫻10⫺2 1.992 938 8⫻10⫺2 3.234 628 2⫻10⫺2 3.245 356 1⫻10⫺2

r 2 ⫽R re 3.919 755 3 4.014 451 2 3.917 075 7 3.920 488 9

De 0.168 0.168 0.168 0.168
␻e 2.696 256 8⫻10⫺3 2.654 322 3⫻10⫺3 2.620 228 5⫻10⫺3 2.994 541 7⫻10⫺3

and accurate interpolation in the R coordinate additional coordinates to calculate the energy levels, wave functions,
points were generated by fitting the ab initio points for each and expectation values of triatomic molecules. It employs a
r and ␪ combination to an analytical potential function in R, two-step process in which the program DVR3DRJZ solves the
6 pure vibrational (J⫽0) or Coriolis-decoupled vibrational
V 共 R, 关 r, ␪ 兴 兲 ⫽A exp共 ⫺ ␤ R 兲 ⫺ 兺
C n R ⫺n ⫺V OH共 r 兲 , 共2兲 (J⭓0) problem and then the program ROTLEV3 uses the re-
sults of DVR3DRJZ as a basis to solve the full rovibrational
where V OH(r) is the potential energy of OH calculated in the problem. The basis functions for DVR3DRJZ consist of Morse-
same manner as the LiOH potential energy, and then using oscillator-like functions for the radial coordinates and Leg-
this function to produce points on a finer spacing over the endre polynomials or associated Legendre polynomials for
range R⫽0.9– 3.0 Å. 26 Additional points at r⫽0.5 Å were the angular coordinate.
generated by fitting the r dependence of V(R,r, ␪ ) for each By default DVR3D takes as input the number of DVR
关 R, ␪ 兴 combination to a simple quadratic expression using points and the Morse parameters r e , D e , and ␻ e describing
the r⫽0.6, 0.7, and 0.8 Å points as input. The spline routine the basis for each radial coordinate and determines the points
uses a natural spline at both ends of the r range and the outer to use for that coordinate. To test convergence in terms of
end of the R range, a constraint that the slope of the potential range and/or number of DVR points, D e was held fixed
be zero in the ␪ direction for ␪⫽0° and 180°, and a constraint while r e and ␻ e were chosen so that the inner and outer
that the slope in the R direction at the inner end of the R radial limits for a given number of DVR points matched the
range be determined by fitting the inner two points to an values desired. Convergence characteristics were determined
exponential expression in R, A exp(⫺␤R), and taking its by performing extensive calculations in which the number of
slope at R⫽0.9 Å. Because a square grid of potential points DVR points in each coordinate and the inner and outer limits
was used, some of the input geometries were in areas of for the radial coordinates were varied. In addition, the num-
tremendous atomic repulsion with correspondingly high po- ber of basis functions in the final Hamiltonian for DVR3DRJZ
tential energies, and these points caused problems with the and the number of energy levels to be kept and used as input
cubic spline interpolation, therefore any potential energy to ROTLEV3 were varied. Results for J⫽0, 1, and 2 were used
greater than 5⫻105 cm⫺1 was scaled on input to lie between to determine B and D for the 共000兲 and (020 0) states to
5 and 10⫻105 cm⫺1 using the formula V scaled⫽5
gauge the convergence of predicted spectroscopic constants
⫻105 (1 – 5⫻105 /V unscaled)⫹5⫻105 . The potential subrou-
in addition to the convergence of absolute energy levels.
tine also shifts the center of mass used for OD or 18OH in
Convergence to 0.0003 cm⫺1 in absolute energy, 10 kHz in
their respective calculations.
B, and 0.3 kHz in D was achieved using a DVR grid of 50
The dipole moment surface was calculated at the MP2
points in R between 1.1 and 3.0 Å, 40 points in r between 0.6
level using the acvqz basis set on the same grid of points as
the ab initio potential calculation with all electrons and 1.5 Å, and 40 points in ␪ between 0° and 180°. Because
correlated.24 A fixed orientation with the z axis directed along the center of mass of OD is shifted ⬇0.05 Å away from the
the OH bond was used in the MP2 calculations, although for O atom the DVR grid in R for LiOD is between 1.15 and
the dipole expectation value calculations described later the 3.05 Å. Parameters for the Morse-oscillator-like basis func-
calculated dipole components were rotated into the inertial tions for the four isotopomers are listed in Table VI. For
frame by diagonalizing the moment of inertia tensor for each DVR3DRJZ the z axis was embedded along the R coordinate,
geometry calculated. The dipole surface was interpolated us- the intermediate one-dimensional solutions were truncated at
ing the same cubic spline routine as the potential, but this 0 cm⫺1, the final basis size was 2000 functions, and the
time a natural spline was used for both ends of the r and R resulting lowest 200 states were used as input to ROTLEV3.
range while the same constraint of zero slope at ␪⫽0° and Expectation values of various geometric coordinates and the
180° was used. No extra points were necessary because the dipole moment function were calculated with the program
dipole surface is smooth enough for a cubic spline to inter- XPECT3 using the wave function output from DVR3DRJZ for
polate accurately on the calculated grid. J⫽0 and from ROTLEV3 for J⭓0. The dipole moment com-
Rovibrational energy levels of LiOH, LiOD, Li 18OH, ponent along the a inertial axis, ␮ a , is calculated by taking
and 6 LiOH for the CCSD共T兲 potential surface were calcu- the expectation value of the instantaneous projection of the
lated using the DVR3D program suite.15 This package uses a dipole moment along the a axis. For comparison purposes,
discrete variable representation 共DVR兲 method in all three rovibrational energy levels for LiOH and LiOD were calcu-

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11722 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 23, 15 December 2004 Higgins et al.

FIG. 5. Contour plot of the LiOH CCSD共T兲 potential energy surface for
r(OH) held fixed at 0.9489 Å. The origin is at the OH center of mass and
contours are labeled in 104 cm⫺1 .

lated using the PES from Bunker et al.11 in exactly the same
manner described above for the current PES.

B. Computational results
Although the PES and rotation-vibration calculations use
a Jacobi coordinate system, for discussion of the results it is
physically clearer to use the LiOH valence coordinates
r(LiO), r(OH), and ¯␳ , the deviation from linearity for the
Li–O–H bond angle.27 The global minimum on the spline
interpolated surface is ⫺74 014 cm⫺1 and occurs at r(LiO)
⫽1.5805 Å, r(OH)⫽0.9489 Å, and ¯␳ ⫽0°. This is an OH
bond length 0.0006 Å longer than the optimized structure
listed in Table V. This slight structural difference amounts to
only a 3 MHz difference in rotational constant for a static
FIG. 6. Values of the 共a兲 potential energy, 共b兲 Li–O bond distance, and 共c兲
structure. A contour diagram of the CCSD共T兲 PES as a func-
O–H bond distance along the minimum energy path of the CCSD共T兲 poten-
tion of Li position relative to the center of mass of OH for tial energy surface as functions of ¯␳ , the deviation from linearity for the
r(OH) held fixed at its equilibrium distance of 0.9489 Å is Li–O–H angle.
shown in Fig. 5. The minimum in the potential occurs in the
linear Li–O–H configuration and there is a wide, flat trough
in the bending potential about this linear configuration. of the optimal bond lengths, with r(LiO) decreasing to
Details of the minimum energy path as a function of ¯␳ 1.5540 Å and r(OH) increasing to 0.9930 Å at ¯␳ ⫽180°.
are presented in Fig. 6. Figure 6共a兲 shows the energy along The interesting effects of stretching r(LiO) or r(OH) are
the minimum energy path and illustrates the monotonic in- shown in Figs. 8 and 9, respectively, where it is shown that
crease in the potential from ¯␳ ⫽0° to 180° as well as the the minimum energy structure of LiOH becomes bent as ei-
flatness of the potential from ¯␳ ⫽0° to 90°. The value of ther r(LiO) or r(OH) is stretched. The effect for r(LiO) was
r(LiO) stays roughly the same from ¯␳ ⫽0° to 120° but first reported by Bunker et al.11 but this is the first report of
r(OH) lengthens dramatically over this same range and then a similar effect for r(OH). The molecule stays linear until
decreases dramatically as ¯␳ approaches 180°. Note the mini- r(LiO)⫽1.7259 Å and then approaches a tetrahedral angle
mum energy configuration for ¯␳ ⫽180° is O–H–Li, which as r(LiO) approaches 3.0 Å. The difference in energy be-
calculations show is 44 994 cm⫺1 lower in energy than the tween the linear configuration and the bent configuration is
configuration O–Li–H. Figure 7 shows a comparison with shown in Fig. 8共b兲. By r(LiO)⫽3.0 Å the bent form is 2636
the calculations of Refs. 4 and 11 over the range ¯␳ cm⫺1 more stable than the linear form. Figure 8共c兲 shows
⫽0° – 90° and it can be seen that the current PES falls be- that the optimal value of r(OH) changes as well, rising from
tween the previous two in terms of the bending potential and 0.9489 Å at equilibrium to 0.9643 Å at r(LiO)⫽3.0 Å. The
structure over this range. The analytic PES of Ref. 11 was latter value is quite close to the r e value of 0.9644 Å calcu-
derived from ab initio calculations over the range 1.41 lated for OH⫺ using the same basis and method as LiOH.
⭐r(LiO)⭐1.81 Å, 0.78⭐r(OH)⭐1.18 Å, and 0°⭐¯␳ The analytic PES of Ref. 11 is in good agreement in all
⭐90°, which is a smaller range than the current calculations aspects with the current PES, even in the extrapolated region
but the analytic form allows for extrapolation. Extrapolating with r(LiO)⬎1.8 Å, with the change from linearity occur-
beyond ¯␳ ⫽90° results in good agreement in terms of energy, ring 0.0177 Å earlier and the bent structure being 2660 cm⫺1
which at ¯␳ ⫽180° is 3.5% higher relative to equilibrium than lower in energy than the linear structure at r(LiO)⫽3.0 Å.
the current PES; however, it results in disagreement in terms The effect of stretching r(OH), shown in Fig. 9, differs

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J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 23, 15 December 2004 Rotational spectrum of LiOH 11723

FIG. 7. Comparison with previous LiOH potentials of 共a兲 potential energy FIG. 8. Effects of stretching the Li–O bond in terms of 共a兲 ¯␳ for the mini-
relative to equilibrium value, 共b兲 Li–O bond distance, and 共c兲 O–H bond mum energy configuration, 共b兲 potential energy difference between the mini-
distance along the minimum energy path as a function of ¯␳ . Dashed line is mum energy configuration and the linear configuration, and 共c兲 the variation
PES of Ref. 11 and filled circles are from Ref. 4. of the optimal O–H bond distance. CCSD共T兲 values are represented by the
solid lines and Hartree–Fock values are represented by dashed lines.

from that of r(LiO). A local minimum on the PES develops

in the bent configuration at r(OH)⫽1.2900 Å while the lin- computationally determined rotational, distortion, and effec-
ear minimum persists until r(OH)⫽1.3939 Å, so for a short tive l-doubling constants for the current experiment. The
distance there are two minimums. The change from linearity agreement is excellent, with the computed rotational con-
occurs at r(OH)⫽1.3095 Å, when the bent minimum be- stants typically 0.3% too low and the computed distortion
comes lower in energy than the linear minimum and it is constants typically 0.2% too low. Also listed is the shift in B
seen as a discontinuous jump in Fig. 9. By r(OH)⫽1.8 Å the with vibrational level, ⌬B. The computed values are within
optimal ¯␳ value is 103°, the optimal r(LiO) is 1.6894 Å, and 8.5 MHz of the experimental values. The l-doubling con-
the bent configuration is 2940 cm⫺1 lower in energy than the stants are also well predicted, with the computed values typi-
linear configuration. The PES of Ref. 11 predicts qualita- cally within 0.75% of the experimental values. Larger rela-
tively similar behavior even though the change from linearity tive discrepancies start to appear for the higher-order
begins well beyond their calculated r(OH) region. constants that have values in the kHz range, which is pushing
To gauge the quality of the PES a comparison is made to the limits of the current calculations’ numerical convergence.
the experimentally determined molecular constants by deter- The l doubling in the (033 0) state of LiOH is unresolved in
mining theoretical constants using the same program and the current experiment but was measured directly by Freund
same transitions used to determine the experimental con- for J⫽6 – 12.3 Table VII lists the observed and predicted
stants. This approach is favored over a direct comparison of transition frequencies of this state as an illustration of how
transition frequencies because even a slight difference in ro- well the current calculation can predict these small splittings.
tational constant can lead to a systematic disagreement be- Also listed in Table III are constants derived from DVR3D
tween experiment and computation that masks the true qual- calculations using the PES of Ref. 11. The B values are typi-
ity of the PES. In addition, the fitted constants each probe a cally 0.9% too low and the ⌬B values are within 10.4 MHz
different aspect of the PES, with the rotational constant prob- of experiment, but agreement for the other fitted constants is
ing structural agreement and the distortion constants probing much less consistent. Values for D range from within 1.5% to
the stiffness of the PES. Table III lists the experimentally and greater than 13% of experiment while q values range from

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11724 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 23, 15 December 2004 Higgins et al.

TABLE VIII. Experimental and theoretical constants 共in MHz兲 for other
vibrational states and isotopomers.

Species ( v 1 , v l2 , v 3 ) Constanta Experimental Theoretical

LiOH b
共100兲 B 34 887.76共5兲 34 785.324
D 0.216 40
⌬B 455.09共5兲 452.244
(120 0) B 34 723.44共10兲 34 616.373
D 0.338 78
⌬B 619.41共10兲 621.195
共001兲 B 35 240.8共5兲 35 079.316
D 0.215 47
⌬B 102.0共5兲 158.252
(020 1) B 34 914.168
D 0.354 19
⌬B 323.400
共101兲 B 34 836共1兲 34 627.023
D 0.215 01
⌬B 507共1兲 610.545

Li OH18 c
共000兲 B 34 531.819共9兲 34 428.414
D 0.20940共26兲 0.208 90
⌬B 811.033共9兲 809.154
LiOHd 共000兲 B 39 244.82共25兲 39 108.503
D 0.264 19
⌬B ⫺3 901.97共25兲 ⫺3 870.935

LiOD 共000兲 B 31 477.684共4兲 31 391.313

D 0.15173共5兲 0.151 46
⌬B 3 865.168共5兲 3 846.255
共100兲 B 31 021.686
D 0.157 96
(120 0) B 31 158.391
D 0.478 66
共001兲 B 31 224.538
D 0.149 66
FIG. 9. Effects of stretching the O–H bond in terms of 共a兲 ¯␳ for the mini-
共101兲 B 30 876.508
mum energy configuration, 共b兲 potential energy difference between the mini-
mum energy configuration and the linear configuration, and 共c兲 the variation D 0.036 47
of the optimal Li–O bond distance. The break in the ¯␳ and r(LiO) lines (020 1) B 31 357.573
indicates a jump between two competing minimums. CCSD共T兲 values only D 0.459 85
shown. a
⌬B values are calculated relative to the B (000) value of LiOH.
Experimental from Ref. 3.
Experimental from Table VI of Ref. 4.
within 0.3% to greater than 30% of experiment for LiOH, d
Experimental from the J⫽1←0 transition frequency listed in Table III of
with the range for LiOD even greater. Ref. 4.
Previous experimental studies3,4 of LiOH have reported
rotational lines for vibrational states and isotopomers not in-
cluded in the current experimental work but useful for com-
parison with the current calculation. Table VIII lists the ex-
isotope shifts relative to LiOH for B (000) are within 0.8% of
perimental and theoretical constants for these species and
vibrational states as well as for several vibrational states of the experimental values. The vibrational shifts for the 共100兲
LiOH and LiOD that have not been observed experimentally and (120 0) states of LiOH are predicted to within 0.6%, but
but are used in the structure determination below. Predicted those for the 共001兲 and 共101兲 states are too high by 55% and
20%, respectively. Given the level of agreement between ex-
periment and theory up until this point, it is probable that the
TABLE VII. l-doubling transition frequencies 共in MHz兲 for the (033 0) state experimental values for 共001兲 and 共101兲 are in error.28
of LiOH.
Vibration-rotation interaction constants provide another
J Experimentala Theoretical measure of the quality of the PES by probing the elasticity at
longer ranges than the distortion constants. Table IV lists the
6 1.040共5兲 0.987
7 2.555共5兲 2.481
experimental and theoretical constants determined using Eq.
8 5.635共5兲 5.481 共1兲 from the states studied in the current experiments. The
9 11.323共5兲 11.028 level of agreement is excellent, including the large change in
10 21.255共5兲 20.608 ␣ 2 upon deuteration, indicating that the PES reproduces the
11 37.260共5兲 36.300 bending potential accurately even for the large amplitude vi-
12 62.555共5兲 60.934
brations in the (03l 0) states. Table IX lists constants deter-
Reference 3. mined using a variety of expanded data sets fit to

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J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 23, 15 December 2004 Rotational spectrum of LiOH 11725

TABLE IX. Vibration-rotation constants 共in MHz兲 determined using data from the current and previous studies.

LiOH all experimental dataa LiOH mixed datab LiOD mixed datac

Constant Experimental Theoretical Experimental Theoretical Experimental Theoretical

Be 35 791.5共4兲 35 703.68共4兲 35 811.06共5兲 35 707.72共4兲 31 734.41共1兲 31 651.20共4兲

␣1 485.9共6兲 458.49共3兲 460.72共9兲 458.49共3兲 390.76 390.76共3兲
␣2 179.63共3兲 183.08共2兲 183.68共3兲 187.11共3兲 ⫺4.781共8兲 ⫺1.75共3兲
␣3 127.3共9兲 158.31共2兲 166.40 166.40共3兲 186.26 186.26共3兲
␥ 22 22.291共2兲 22.332共4兲 22.291共2兲 22.332共4兲 11.543共2兲 11.591共4兲
␥ ll ⫺36.9937共6兲 ⫺36.7183共16兲 ⫺36.9937共6兲 ⫺36.7183共16兲 ⫺22.2339共8兲 ⫺22.1639共16兲
␥ 12 5.54共6兲 6.182共9兲 5.54共6兲 6.182共9兲 10.582 10.582共9兲
␥ 13 50共1兲 0.008共20兲 0.008 0.008共20兲 21.53 21.53共2兲
␥ 23 8.083 8.083共9兲 8.790 8.790共9兲
Experimental values fit using B v values for 共000兲, (011 0), (020 0), (022 0), (031 0), and (033 0) from this work
and for 共100兲, (120 0), 共001兲, and 共101兲 from Ref. 3. Theoretical values fit using B v values from this work.
Theoretical values fit by adding the B v value for (020 1) to the ‘‘all experimental’’ data set. Experimental values
fit by removing the B v values for 共001兲 and 共101兲 from the all experimental data set and fixing ␣ 3 , ␥ 13 , and
␥ 23 at their theoretical values.
Experimental values fit using B v values from this work and fixing ␣ 1 , ␣ 3 , ␥ 12 , ␥ 13 , and ␥ 23 at their
theoretical values.

B v ⫽B e ⫺ ␣ 1 共 v 1 ⫹ 12 兲 ⫺ ␣ 2 共 v 2 ⫹1 兲 Finally we compare the charge distribution parameters

observed with the calculated values. Table X lists the experi-
⫺ ␣ 3 共 v 3 ⫹ 12 兲 ⫹ ␥ 22 共 v 2 ⫹1 兲 2 ⫹ ␥ ll 共 l 兲 2 mentally determined dipole moments and quadrupole cou-
⫹ ␥ 12 共 v 1 ⫹ 21 兲共 v 2 ⫹1 兲 ⫹ ␥ 13 共 v 1 ⫹ 21 兲共 v 3 ⫹ 12 兲 pling constants as well as the calculated dipole moments of
several vibrational states. The calculated ␮ a dipole compo-
⫹ ␥ 23 共 v 2 ⫹1 兲共 v 3 ⫹ 21 兲 . 共3兲 nents show excellent agreement with experiment, falling
The first two columns list experimental and theoretical con- within 0.5% for LiOH and 0.9% for LiOD of the experimen-
stants determined using B v values for all experimentally tally measured values. There is a slight increase in dipole
measured vibrational states of LiOH. The disagreement for moment with the LiO stretching vibration but a significant
the 共001兲 and 共101兲 states noted earlier is apparent in the increase in the dipole moment with the bending vibration,
large differences between the experimental and theoretical and as such this is an excellent test of both the calculated
values for ␣ 1 , ␣ 3 , and ␥ 13 . Although the B v shift is well dipole moment surface and the PES. This variation with vi-
predicted for the 共100兲 state, the value of ␣ 1 is quite far off brational state follows what is expected given the variation
due to the influence of the large experimental ␥ 13 value. The of the calculated dipole moment with ¯␳ and r(LiO) pre-
next four sets of constants presented in Table IX are deter- sented in Fig. 10. Although the current calculation does not
mined from a mix of experimentally measured and theoreti- include quadrupole coupling effects, it is interesting to note
cally predicted states for LiOH and LiOD and are used to the experimental 7 Li quadrupole coupling constant increases
derive a semiexperimental equilibrium structure later in this significantly with bending vibration, indicating a dependence
paper. The theoretical constants are fit using a data set that of the electric field gradient at the 7 Li nucleus on the bending
includes the (020 1) state in order to determine the value of angle.
␥ 23 . The experimental constants are fit by removing the The calculated ground state energies are ⫺71 240 cm⫺1
questionable states 共001兲 and 共101兲 from the experimental for LiOH and ⫺71 849 cm⫺1 for LiOD, giving zero-point
LiOH data set and fixing the undeterminable constants for energies of 2774 and 2165 cm⫺1 for LiOH and LiOD, re-
either LiOH or LiOD to their theoretical values. The agree- spectively. Table XI lists calculated energies and structural
ment between experiment and theory for ␣ 1 is much better parameters for the ground state, the bending states up to
for this data set. (033 0), and the Li–O 共100兲 and O–H共D兲 共001兲 stretching

TABLE X. Observed 共Ref. 3兲 and calculated dipole moments 共in debye兲 and observed hyperfine constants 共in
kHz兲 of LiOH and LiOD in several vibrational states.


( v 1 , v l2 , v 3) ␮ a 共Experimental兲 ␮ a 共Theoretical兲 eQq Li ␮ a 共Experimental兲 ␮ a 共Theoretical兲

共000兲 4.755共2兲 4.755 295.8共15兲 4.711共2兲 4.715

共100兲 4.851共2兲 4.849 299.7共31兲 4.80共1兲 4.809
(020 0) 5.031共2兲 5.039 346.9共21兲 4.89共1兲 4.934
(011 0) 4.898共5兲 4.906 4.813共5兲 4.827
(031 0) 5.133共5兲 5.158 5.002共5兲 5.033

Downloaded 25 Mar 2005 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see
11726 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 23, 15 December 2004 Higgins et al.

states. The calculated vibrational fundamental transition fre-

quencies for LiOH and LiOD are v 1 ⫽923.2 and 912.9, v 2
⫽318.3 and 245.8,29 and v 3 ⫽3829.8 and 2824.2 cm⫺1. As
far as we know there are no direct gas phase measurements
of these vibrational frequencies and therefore no comparison
with experiment is possible, although a matrix IR study re-
ported v 1 ⫽870.5, v 2 ⫽256.5 cm⫺1 for LiOH and v 1
⫽862.0 cm⫺1 for LiOD.30 Agreement between this work and
the work of Bunker et al.11 is excellent for LiOH for the two
stretching modes, which they predict to be 923 and 3832
cm⫺1, but poor for the bending mode which they predict to
be 289 cm⫺1. DVR3D calculations using the PES of Ref. 11
yield fundamental frequencies of v 1 ⫽921.0, v 2 ⫽293.0,29
and v 3 ⫽3809.5 cm⫺1 for LiOH, which is slightly worse
agreement for the two stretching modes. Given the much
better agreement overall with experiment for this later work,
it is likely the true bending frequency is closer to 318.3 than
to 289 cm⫺1. The angular floppiness of the molecule is illus-
trated by the calculated average deviation from linearity for
the Li–O–H angle ¯␳ , which is 19° in the ground state and
increases to 42° in the (033 0) state for LiOH, and by the
dispersion in this angle, which is 10° for both states. These
values approach those of two weakly bound helium com-
plexes, HeClF and HeOCS, investigated previously by two
of the current authors.31,32
Also of interest in Table XI are the differences in the
energetics and structures for different l values of the same
v 2 . 29 For v 2 ⫽2 the ⌺-⌬ splitting is 32.6 cm⫺1 for LiOH and
15.9 cm⫺1 for LiOD, with the ⌺ state lower in both cases.
The bond lengths are essentially equal but ¯␳ is larger by 2.4°
for LiOH and 2.0° for LiOD in the ⌬ state. Similar results
FIG. 10. Total dipole moment as a function of 共a兲 ¯␳ , the deviation from
linearity for the Li–O–H bond, 共b兲 the Li–O bond length, and 共c兲 the O–H are seen for v 2 ⫽3, where the ⌸ state is 60.3 cm⫺1 lower for
bond length. From the MP2 dipole moment surface, each with the remaining LiOH and 29.6 cm⫺1 lower for LiOD than the ⌽ state and ¯␳
two geometric parameters held fixed at their equilibrium values.
is 2.6° and 2.0° larger for the ⌽ state for LiOH and LiOD,

TABLE XI. Calculated energies, fundamental vibrational frequencies 共in cm⫺1兲, and structural expectation
values 共in Å and deg兲 for LiOH and LiOD.

( v 1 , v l2 , v 3 ) E ⌬E v 0a 具 r(LiO) 典 具 r(OH) 典 具¯␳ 典

LiOH 共000兲 ⫺712 40.2 0.0 1.6001 0.9653 19.0
(011 0) ⫺709 20.8 319.5 318.3 1.6101 0.9671 28.8
(020 0) ⫺706 29.3 611.0 611.0 1.6189 0.9689 33.6
(022 0) ⫺705 94.3 645.9 643.6 1.6194 0.9690 36.0
(031 0) ⫺703 19.7 920.5 919.3 1.6265 0.9707 39.3
共100兲 ⫺703 17.0 923.2 923.2 1.6184 0.9656 19.5
(033 0) ⫺702 57.1 983.1 979.6 1.6277 0.9710 41.9
共001兲 ⫺674 10.4 3829.8 3829.8 1.6007 0.9974 19.4

LiOD 共000兲 ⫺718 48.8 0.0 1.5977 0.9606 16.6

(011 0) ⫺716 01.9 246.9 245.9 1.6057 0.9619 25.1
(020 0) ⫺713 71.4 477.4 477.4 1.6130 0.9632 29.5
(022 0) ⫺713 53.5 495.4 493.3 1.6133 0.9632 31.5
(031 0) ⫺711 33.4 715.4 714.3 1.6197 0.9645 34.8
(033 0) ⫺711 01.8 747.1 744.0 1.6204 0.9647 36.8
共100兲 ⫺709 35.9 912.9 912.9 1.6160 0.9608 17.1
共001兲 ⫺690 24.6 2824.2 2824.2 1.5982 0.9833 16.9
See Ref. 29.

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J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 23, 15 December 2004 Rotational spectrum of LiOH 11727

TABLE XII. Estimated bond lengths 共in Å兲 of M OH species.k

r 0a r̃ e b r ec


LiOH 1.594 0.921 1.584 0.953 1.5776共4兲 0.949共2兲

NaOH 1.95d 1.9435e 0.9543e
KOH 2.212f 0.912f 2.200f 0.968f 2.196共2兲f 0.960共10兲f
RbOH 2.316g 0.913g 2.305g 0.965g 2.301共2兲h 0.957共10兲h
CsOH 2.403i 0.920i 2.395i 0.969i 2.391共2兲h 0.960共10兲h
MgOH 1.780j 0.871j 1.767j 0.940j
Determined from the rotational constants of the ground vibrational mode.
Calculated from B̃ e derived from Eq. 共1兲.
LiOH values calculated from experimental ‘‘mixed data’’ B e listed in Table IX.
Reference 34.
Ab initio values from Ref. 43.
Reference 35.
Reference 36.
Reference 41.
Reference 37.
Reference 17.
Uncertainties for LiOH as discussed in text, others listed when provided in reference.

IV. DISCUSSION Table XII along with those for other M OH species for com-
One particular interesting finding is that LiOH exhibits a parison. The r 0 bond lengths are calculated by using the
positive rotation-vibration interaction constant ␣ 2 for the re- B (000) rotational constants, while the B̃ e values from Table
spective bending modes, and the value for LiOD is negative; IV are used for the determination r̃ e . The r 0 calculation does
a negative value is expected for linear polyatomic species.33 not account for zero-point vibrational motion; therefore the
The usual negative value, however, does not seem to be typi- values represent the average projection of the vibrating mol-
cal of the M OH species. A positive ␣ 2 is consistent with the ecule onto the inertial axis. The r̃ e values account for some
alkali hydroxide species NaOH,34 KOH,35 RbOH,36 and of the zero-point vibrational motion. As the table illustrates,
CsOH,37 the alkaline earth hydroxide radicals MgOH,17 there is a significant difference between these values for all
CaOH,38 SrOH,38 and BaOH,38 as well as AlOH.39 Each of the M OH species listed. In the case of MgOH, the O–H r 0
these species undergoes a significant isotope shift when the bond length is 0.069 Å shorter than the r̃ e value 共0.940 Å兲.
hydrogen is replaced by a deuterium. In every case the value This difference likely arises because MgOH is quasilinear,
of ␣ 2 decreases, but only in the cases of CaOD,40 MgOD,17 and the shortened r 0 bond distance is thought to be a dy-
AlOD,39 and LiOD does the value become negative as ex- namic effect caused by a quartic potential with a low barrier
pected. Lide and Matsumura41 have attributed this large iso- across the C ⬁v axis.17,42 For LiOH, the minimum on the po-
topic shift to an anharmonic contribution in the vibration- tential energy surface corresponds to a linear configuration,
rotation interaction term ␣ 2 , which dominates for the light but owing to a nearly flat potential to 90°, LiOH exhibits
M OH species. This is primarily attributed to the low mass of large amplitude oscillations that are consistent with its O–H
the hydrogen atom and the relatively weak M – O bond. Ad- r 0 bond length being much shorter than its O–H r̃ e bond
ditionally, there seems to be a trend moving up the periodic length.
table on the magnitude of the isotope shift. Comparing the To determine an equilibrium structure for LiOH that is
values in Table IV for LiOH/D with those previously re- not artificially contaminated by vibrational effects, data from
ported for KOH/D, RbOH/D, and CsOH/D the isotope shifts experiments and calculations have been combined and the
are ⫺191, ⫺34, ⫺22, and ⫺16 MHz, respectively, while for resulting r e values are listed in Table XII. These r e values
MgOH/D and CaOH/D they are ⫺114 and ⫺32 MHz, re- were calculated using the experimental B e values for LiOH
spectively. In each case the value decreases with increasing and LiOD from Table IX. As an internal check of consis-
mass number on the metal atom. For the LiOH/D system the tency, r e values were calculated from the purely theoretical
experimental values of ␣ 2 are well reproduced theoretically, B e values and then compared to the known r e values from
as may be seen in Table IV. the PES. The resulting r e values are in excellent agreement,
Determination of the structure of LiOH is complicated with the B e -derived Li–O and O–H r e values 0.0003 and
by the large amplitude bending motion exhibited in all vibra- 0.0002 Å shorter, respectively, than the PES’s r e values.
tional states and by the differences in bending amplitude be- Given this, the largest uncertainty in the equilibrium struc-
tween LiOH and LiOD for the same vibrational state. Sev- ture results from the use of the theoretical vibration-rotation
eral different methods have been used to determine the constants in the determination of the experimental B e values.
vibrationally averaged and equilibrium bond distances using The estimated uncertainties listed in Table XII were deter-
purely experimental and mixed experimental and theoretical mined by doubling the largest difference between experimen-
data. Both r 0 and r̃ e bond distances for LiOH/D have been tal and theoretical ␣’s or ␥’s and varying the theoretical con-
calculated using purely experimental data and are listed in stants used by plus or minus this amount. The resulting

Downloaded 25 Mar 2005 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see
11728 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 23, 15 December 2004 Higgins et al.

largest changes in r e values were used to determine the un-

certainties listed.
The r e values determined from the mixed experimental-
theoretical analysis agree well with the PES values and with
several recent high-level ab initio calculations,9,10,13,14 as
well as with the original estimates by Freund,3 but disagree
with those published previously by McNaughton et al.4 In
particular, their O–H equilibrium bond length is 0.9691共21兲
Å and their Li–O equilibrium bond length is 1.5816共10兲 Å;
these are 0.02 and 0.004 Å longer, respectively, than those
determined in the current study. The Li–O discrepancy is not
major, but the O–H discrepancy is, particularly in light of
discussions on the nature of bonding in LiOH and the nature
of the OH fragment within LiOH. In addition, several recent
computational papers on LiOH have used the McNaughton
r e values as an experimental comparison for the calculated
FIG. 11. Minimum energy path as a function of 1/r(Li–H). Note the x axis
LiOH structure, and in each case the calculated values have uses an inverse scale. Dashed line is a linear fit with slope⫽27 205 Å cm⫺1.
been ⬃0.02 Å shorter than the McNaughton values.9,10,13,14
Although the McNaughton values are taken as experimental
values, it should be remembered that they were derived using considerably from these as well, with the calculated funda-
a semirigid bender model fit to the experimental data and mental frequency for LiOH equal to 3829.8 cm⫺1, while it is
while adjustments were made to account for the different measured to be 3755.8 cm⫺1 for the v 3 mode of H2 O, 52
vibrationally averaged O–H distance upon deuteration, no 3569.6 cm⫺1 for the hydroxyl radical,53 and 3555.6 cm⫺1 for
adjustment was made for the different bending amplitude. the hydroxide anion.51 These differences between the OH in
This may lead to significant error in the O–H equilibrium LiOH and the hydroxyl radical or the hydroxide anion chal-
bond length determined by this method. Also listed in Table lenge the simple view of LiOH as either an undistorted ionic
XII are r e values for other alkali hydroxide species deter- molecule comprising Li⫹ (OH) ⫺ , or of Li interacting with
mined from experiment for KOH,35 RbOH,41 and CsOH,41 some combination of OH between OH radical and OH⫺ .
and from ab initio calculations for NaOH.43 In each case the Further evidence against the simple ionic view is the fact that
O–H r e values are 0.02–0.03 Å shorter than the values de- Hartree-Fock level calculations, which should do well for
termined using the semirigid bender method.44 Given this, electrostatic interactions, recover only 64% of the CCSD共T兲
and the excellent agreement between theory and experiment binding energy.
in the current study, we conclude the O–H equilibrium bond In terms of angular rigidity, the valence field bending
distance in LiOH is 0.949共2兲 Å. force constant k ␦ /l 1 l 2 derived using the theoretical bending
As mentioned in the Introduction, LiOH is the molecule vibrational frequency and theoretical 共000兲 structure for
that lies between bent H2 O and linear Li2 O, and therefore it LiOH is 2.98 N/m, and for Li2 O and H2 O k ␦ /l 2 is equal to
is instructive to compare these three molecules in terms of 1.37 共Ref. 47兲 and 70.3 共Ref. 54兲 N/m, respectively. Com-
structure and bonding. Breckenridge and co-workers have paring to other XY Z linear triatomic molecules, k ␦ /l 1 l 2 is
performed extensive spectroscopic studies45– 47 of Li2 O and equal to 20 and 37 N/m for HCN and OCS, respectively.54
have found it to be a ‘‘very ‘floppy’ ionic molecule.’’46 Using Clearly, LiOH is much closer in nature to Li2 O than H2 O and
dispersed fluorescence and stimulated emission pumping47 is considerably more floppy than typical linear triatomic
they have determined its Li–O r 0 bond length to be 1.611共3兲 molecules.
Å, 0.017 Å longer than the r 0 bond length determined here Excellent agreement is shown with the results of
for LiOH. They did not experimentally determine an r e bond rotation-vibration calculations using a three-dimensional ab
length, but Koput and Peterson48 calculated an r e for Li2 O at initio PES for vibrations involving up to three quanta in the
the CCSD共T,Full兲/cc-pCVQZ level of 1.6159 Å, 0.040 Å bending mode. Moreover, the charge distribution as seen by
longer than the r e calculated for LiOH at the same level in the electric dipole moment is also in excellent agreement. We
this study 共see Table V兲. This apparent discrepancy between may thus examine the origin of the potential. Perhaps the
differences in r 0 and r e values is most likely due to dynamic simplest explanation of the linearity of LiOH is that of el-
effects; r 0 is a measure of the Li–O bond’s projection onto ementary electrostatic repulsion of Li⫹ and H⫹ . Figure 11
the inertial axis, and in the case of LiOH the inertial axis shows the calculated potential along the angular minimum
closely follows the Li–O bond whereas for Li2 O the Li–O energy path as a function of 1/r(Li–H). It is noteworthy that
bond would make a substantial angle with the inertial axis as indeed the bending potential is a linear function of
it undergoes large amplitude bending vibrational motion. The 1/r(Li–H) up to a bond angle of at least 90°. If the bending
O–H r e distance in H2 O is 0.958 Å,49 0.009 Å longer than potential is due to electrostatic repulsion between the partial
the r e determined here for LiOH. In fact, the O–H r e of Li and H charges, the slope of this line would give the prod-
0.949 Å in LiOH is substantially shorter than either the hy- uct of the partial charges. The value obtained by fitting the
droxyl radical, r e ⫽0.970 Å, 50 or the hydroxide anion, r e slope is 0.23e 2 , which falls somewhere between the product
⫽0.964 Å. 51 The O–H stretching frequency is blueshifted of partial charges calculated using either Mulliken or Natural

Downloaded 25 Mar 2005 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see
J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 23, 15 December 2004 Rotational spectrum of LiOH 11729

population analysis at the MP2/acvqz level. For r(LiO) A. J. Apponi, M. A. Anderson, and L. M. Ziurys, J. Chem. Phys. 111,
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greater than 1.72 Å and r(OH) greater than 1.30 Å, the con- 18
MOLPRO is a package of ab initio programs written by H.-J. Werner and P.
figuration of minimum energy is no longer linear. This indi- J. Knowles, with contributions from R. D. Amos, A. Bernhardsson, A.
cates that the view of the bending potential as due to the Berning et al.
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is perhaps the point at which the electrostatic repulsion no 20
cc-pCVnZ and aug-cc-pCVnZ basis sets were obtained from the Exten-
longer dominates the orbital effects. Unfortunately, current sible Computational Chemistry Environment Basis Set Database, Version
experiments do not sample the bond lengths at which this 10/21/03, as developed and distributed by the Molecular Science Comput-
structural change takes place, which is calculated to occur at ing Facility, Environmental and Molecular Sciences Laboratory which is
v 1 ⫽7, more than 6100 cm⫺1 above the ground state, or at part of the Pacific Northwest Laboratory, P.O. Box 999, Richland, Wash-
ington 99352, USA, and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. The
v 3 ⫽10, more than 31 000 cm⫺1 above the ground state. Pacific Northwest Laboratory is a multiprogram laboratory operated by
Battelle Memorial Institute for the U.S. Department of Energy under Con-
V. CONCLUSION tract No. DE-AC06-76RLO 1830. Contact David Feller or Karen Schu-
chardt for further information.
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See EPAPS Document No. E-JCPSA6-121-011446 for complete lists of
observed rotational transitions of a number of bending vibra- ab initio energies and dipole moments and a Fortran subroutine to calcu-
tional levels of LiOH and LiOD. We have predicted vibra- late the potential. A direct link to this document may be found in the
tional transition frequencies which further will test the reli- online article’s HTML reference section. The document may also be
reached via the EPAPS homepage 共
ability of the potential energy surface. In particular, the epaps.html兲 or from in the directory /epaps/. See the EPAPS
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100 cm⫺1 above the v 3 transition of H2 O. This prediction is
Modified from W. H. Press, B. P. Flannery, S. A. Teukolsky, and W. T.
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The authors wish to thank Dr. Phil Bunker for valuable distribution gives a population of 2.0% and 0.8% relative to the 共000兲 state
comments and for supplying code for the calculation of the for the 共001兲 and 共101兲 states, respectively, and it is unlikely that these
PES in Ref. 11. This research is supported by the National states were observed under the reported experimental conditions. In addi-
tion, there are approximately 14 states that lie energetically between the
Science Foundation under NSF Grant Nos. CHE-98-17707 reported (120 0) and 共001兲 states, although an alternate assignment of the
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