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Once upon a time, there lived two great families.

They are the Capulet and Montague

families from Verona city, Italy. These two families had a feud with each other. This hostility
has been going on for so long and they often got into a fight between families.

Among the Montagues was Romeo, a young man who is seeking for a true love. One day,
Romeo attended the feast of the Capulets, a party where he expected to meet his love interest,
Rosaline, even though he already knew that the young woman is not swayed by him, not for a
single bit. Romeo goes there together with his fellow, Mercutio and Benvolio.

“Now, Romeo. Why don’t you look for another young woman other than Rosaline. There are
so many other gorgeous ladies attending the party,” says Mercutio, convincing Romeo.

“You are right, my dear friend. But how could I find someone that is more dazzling than
Rosaline? I have never seen anyone more-“ before Romeo could finish his sentences, his eyes
felt upon the Capulets daughter, Juliet. After admiring Juliet’s stunning appearence from head
to toes, he thought of Rosaline no more.

Juliet then took a glance on him, signalling him to walk up on her. He badly wanted to know
her name, so he asked bravely, “pretty lady, would it be a sin if I question for your name?”

Juliet giggles faintly and replies him, “well, handsome young man.. I am pretty sure that it’d
be rude to not introduce yourself first,” getting embarassed, Romeo immediately bows down.

“Oh, pardon me for being impolite. Romeo, at your service, milady,” he introduced himself
and postured his body all-sturdy again. Juliet also bows down and smiled in return.

“What a nice name you have, Romeo. I am Juliet.. I do hope that we will get along nicely,” as
Juliet says that, Romeo grins happily and offered her a hand, in a manner of asking for a

Before she could accept the firm hand of Romeo, suddenly.. Her cousin, Tybalt Capulet

Juliet looked at Romeo in shock, getting disappointed for a second. Mercutio immediately
grabbed Romeo with Benvolio then quickly goes, hiding away, fleeing from the party before
Tybalt and his minions could reach them.
Mercutio and Benvolio got home, while Romeo was hidden in a garden in front of Juliet’s
room, among the trees. There, he was surprised to find Juliet on the balcony, confessing her
love for him and wishing, “oh, Romeo.. Why are you Romeo? Why can’t you be anyone
else? Our faith is doomed.. It isn’t fair, isn’t it?” She says, holding a rose while pulling a long

“Call me but love, and I'll be new baptized--henceforth I never will be Romeo," Romeo was
ready to deny his name and professed his love. Juliet shrieked as she get startled, dropping
the rose she held before, “Romeo? Dear, you must get out of here at once! What if they find

Romeo says, “Then, before I leave.. I will propose you at this moment, Juliet.. We shall get
married tomorrow,” taken aback to Romeo’s surprising plan, she frowned even more.

“Married? Are you insane?” She asked warily.

“This is the only way, so that our love could be bound,” Romeo’s sweet words have flattered
her. Of course, she cannot refuse that offer.

“Oh God, how would I possibly say no to that..?” As Juliet says that, they chuckled to each
other for the last time this night. Romeo waved a bye to his beloved and the two finally
agreed to meet at nine o’ clock the next morning to be married.

Early the next morning, Romeo and Juliet came to Friar Lawrence, begging the friar to marry
him to Juliet. The Friar accepted and performed the ceremony, praying that the union might
someday put an end to the feud between the two families.

“I do hope that with both of you, being a husband and a wife.. Both of your parents could
finally see, that all of this hostility is not worth it. Still, it is best to keep this marriage a secret
for a time,” he advised to the couple.

On the way home, Romeo found his friend Mercutio arguing with Tybalt.

“Where is Romeo?! I still cannot accept the disgrace that he had gave to the Capulet at the
party night! I do not want you, his stupid little companion to be here instead,” Tybalt yelled
in annoyance.
Romeo came up and replied, “stop this, Tybalt! I do not want any fight, I beg you.. We could
bring peace to both of us,” of course, his words didn’t convince Tybalt at all. On the other
hand, it also made Mercutio very mad.

“You are being too delicate with the Capulets, Romeo. What is wrong with you? Well, if you
resist, then I might as well shall end this fight by myself. Come forward, Tybalt!” His dear
friend challenged.

He charged himself towards Tybalt, only to end up getting stabbed by him.

“URGH!!” Mercutio grimaced, falling to the ground harshly.

“MERCUTIO!” Romeo screamed in agony, watching his close friend dying by the stab of
Tybalt’s sword. The quarreling ends and caused Mercutio died. It snapped Romeo’s patient,
and finally he was reluctant no longer.

“.. Life for a life, Tybalt. I will make you feel what Mercutio felt,” he drew his sword and
quickly slew Tybalt died when he’s off guard. That’s when Romeo realized, he had made a
terrible mistake.

He was sentenced to be banished. Poor Juliet and her young husband met that night indeed;
but their meeting was a sad one, and they parted with bitter tears and hearts heavy, because
they could not know when they should meet again.

Years goes by, Juliet is an adult now and his father had decided the time for her to marry a
man that proposed to her, Paris. Of course, she did not want to marry the man whom he
doesn’t love.

“I must not let father took advantage of me.. I only love Romeo, only him..” She whispered
as she hugged herself tightly. Juliet then goes to consult this problem with Friar Lawrence
and made a plot to take sleeping potion for which would simulate Juliet’s death for three

The plot proceeded according to the plan. Juliet was sleeping in death, so he could not marry
Paris. Unfortunately, The Friar’s explanation letter failed to reach Matua and Juliet’s fake
death is the only thing that reached Romeo’s ear. So he quickly went back to Verona.

Under the cover of darkness, he broke into Juliet’s tomb.

“No.. Juliet.. Why would you leave me, too..?” He said, knees falling to the ground as he sobs
badly. He felt that he has no other purpose in living if Juliet also has left him.

Desperate, Romeo kissed his beloved Juliet one last time and decided to drank a poison that
he brought with him. “Then, I will make us meet together again, Juliet. I will meet you, in
heaven..” He muttered, drinking the poison and then dies.

Meanwhile, the effects of the sleeping potion wear off, poor Juliet woke up and she gasped as
she found her love next to her but was lying dead, with a bottle of empty poison on his hand.

“No, no, no, no.. Romeo! Wake up.. Wake up.. Please!” She sobbed, begging him to wake
up. But there is no response. Getting depressed, finally, she brought up her last plan.

“Remember when you said that you will love me until the end, Romeo? Finally, you reached
the end.. So I should also do it, for the sake of our love,” then Juliet pulledd out a dagger and
plunged it into her chest. And so, falling with her head on her Romeo's chest, she died. Here
ends the story of these star-crossed and most unhappy lovers.

When the old folks of Capulet and Montague knew from Friar Laurence of all that had
befallen, they sorrowed exceedingly, and now, seeing all the mischief their wicked quarrel
had wrought, they repented them of it, and over the bodies of their dead children they clasped
hands at last, in friendship and forgiveness.

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