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Name: ___________________________

U n it
Class: ___________________________
U n it 1·1R e c u p e r o Date: ___________________________

Grammar and vocabulary

Present simple passive
1 Complete the text by putting the verbs in brackets in the passive.
Nowadays many people don’t have time to cook a meal for themselves or their
families, so an enormous amount of pre-cooked food 1
is sold (sell) in
supermarkets. This type of food____________ (cook) by the producers and then

it 3____________ (freeze) or 4____________ (pack) in cans and boxes. At home, the

meal 5____________ (put) in the microwave or in a pan and it 6____________ (reheat).
Finally, it 7____________(eat) by the whole family, children included.But how good
is it for our health and our wallets?

2 Transform the sentences from active to passive and vice versa.

1 People buy too many unnecessary things every day.
A lot of unneccessary things are sold every day.
2 We waste a lot of water.
3 Many tourists visit Italy in the summer.
4 Houses in North America are built of wood.
5 How many new books do they publish a year?
6 Our cakes are not made with eggs.

make vs do
3 Look at this extract from Anna’s diary for yesterday.
Write sentences to say what she made or did.

17 Monday
08.00 Housework
10.30 Phone call to Jo
12.00 English homework
13.00 Lunch
14.30 Washing-up
16.30 English test
19.00 Dinner
20.30 Nothing

At 8 o’clock she did some housework.


T h in k E n g Plisr eh - I n t e r m e d ia t e R e c u p e r o O X F O R D ©U N I V E R S I T Y PP RHEOS TS O C O P I1A B L E

Name: ___________________________
U n it
Class: ___________________________
U n it 1·1R e c u p e r o Date: ___________________________

make, do and get

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of make, do, or get.
1 In London you can get a fine for not paying the congestion charge.
2 Some people ________ angry over stupid things.
3 Children ________ tired of new toys easily.
4 I hate________ the ironing.
5 Sheena wants to________ a good impression on her boyfriend’s parents.
6 They ________ a lot of exercise every day.

Everyday English
5 Complete the conversation.
A What’s the matter?
B You know, John really1 makes me mad !
A Why?
B He’s always stressed, always in a hurry.
Yesterday, for example, he tried to
 j________ the q________ in the supermarket
and later, because he was late, he b________ me o________ with a text message.

A Oh, that makes me4 l________ my temper too.

B Yeah, I really have to5 m________ an e________ not to get seriously angry.

The environment
6 Complete the following text with the correct word from the box.

pollution  banks  environment
Recycling  footprint  Greenhouse

Every day newspapers carry articles about the 1

environment and what is
happening in different parts of the world._______________gases have

become a common topic of conversation. But how much do we do for the

planet in our everyday lives?
_______________waste is the most obvious form of action. Plastic bottle
_______________can be found easily, but not everyone uses them. We
know that 5_______________from transport should be avoided, but we still
rely on cars and planes for so many goods and journeys. The truth is that
we think and talk about our carbon6
______________a lot, but we don’t do

Now write three things you and your family do to

protect the environment.

T h in k E n g Plisr eh - I n t e r m e d ia t e R e c u p e r o O X F O R D ©U N I V E R S I T Y PP RHEOS TS O C O P I2A B L E


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