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Name: Amel Ghina Rahima

Class: PS1C
NPM: 9882405121411077

Unit 11
Modal Auxiliaries

Task 1
Choose the right answer !

1. ……… you stand on your head ? I ……..when I was at school but I ………( not )
a. could – could – couldn’t d. could – could – can’t
b. can-can-can’t e. can-could-can’t
c. can – could – couldn’t

2. At five years old, he…….. read quite well.

a. could d. could be able
b. can e. was able
c. is able to

3. It ……. rain, you’d better take a coat.

a. should d. may
b. can e. could
c. must

4. You …….. ( not ) drink this; it is poison.

a. must not d. may not
b. can not e. could not
c. will not

5. They must ………. ( lock ) the door.

a. lock d. locking
b. locks e. to lock
c. locked

6. You should ……… ( come ) early tomorrow.

a. to come d. coming
b. comes e. came
c. come

7. Mother to child : you …….. ( play ) with matches.

a. may not d. could not
b. will not e. must not
c. can not

8. You’ve been traveling all day. You ………… very tired.

a. can d. must
b. will e. must be
c. can be

9. George has traveled a lot. He ………. speak four languages.

a. can d. must
b. will e. must be
c. can be

10. Is he British ? Yes, he …….. British.

a. can d. must
b. will e. must be
c. can be

The Answer Write the alphabet only.

1. E
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. A
6. C
7. E
8. E
9. A
10. E

Task 2
Translate these sentences into English!

1. Anda tidak perlu mencuci jendela-jendela itu. Si pencuci jendela itu akan datang
2. Kamu harus menyalakan lampu itu, gelap sekali disini.
3. Saya mungkin tidak akan bertemu anda lagi.
4. Kami sebaiknya mengerjakan tugas itu sekarang.
5. Bolehkah saya merorok disini ? Tidak, anda tidak boleh merokok di sini.

The translation.
1. You don’t need to wash the windows, the window washer will come soon
2. You must to turn on the light, it’s so dark in here
3. I may never see you again
4. We should do the task now
5. May I smoke here? No, you may not smoke here

Task 6
Vocabulary Building
Words in Context
Directions : use one of the words in the box to complete each sentence.

hours clock watch early


1. I wish there were more than 24 ……. in a day.

2. Our plane came in …………because one of the stops was canceled.
3. I forgot my ……….. today so I don’t know what time it is.
4. The …………. on the wall says it is almost midnight.
5. We will be meeting for lunch this ……….. at around 1 .00 P.M.

minutes sunset evening

time month

6. The recipe says to bake the cookies in the oven for 25 …………
7. September is the worst ………. because we have to go back to school.
8. What ……….. do we have to be at the hockey rink ?
9. I love to watch the ………when the sky turns pink and orange.
10.I made a dinner reservation for this ……….. at 7.00 P.M.

The Answer
1. Hours
2. Early
3. Watch
4. Clock
5. Afternoon
6. Minutes
7. Month
8. Time
9. Sunset
10. Evening

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