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Cultural Sensitivity,

Stereotype, and Prejudice

1. Darisa Taqiya Labiba J1A018050
2. Farah Fina Muhamad J1A019004
3. Fajar Okta Maulana J1A019024
4. Muhammad Raihan A J1A019030
5. Tri Fera Sulistiyani J1A019032
6. Rose Mutiara Yanuar J1A019033
7. Alfiani Indah J1A019034
8. Dhias Athalah N A. J1A019037
9. Via Korneta Agustin J1A019038
10. Farah Antasya J1A019039
"No one is born fully-formed:
it is through self-experience in the
world that we become who we are."

-- Paulo Freire
What is Stereotype?
→ The word stereotype is derived from two Greek words: stereos, which
means hard, and typos, which means model. Widely held beliefs about a
group of people.

What is Prejudice?
→ An attitude (usually negative) toward a cultural group based on little or
no evidence.

What is Cultural Sensitivity?

→ Being aware that cultural differences and similarities between people
exist without assigning them a value – positive or negative, better or worse,
right or wrong.
Papua Jakarta

Looks bad/harsh (fierce, arrogant) Modest

Low education High education

Ancient Modern

Monolingual Bilingual

Dwell on the sense of togetherness Individualist

Old-fashioned Fashionable
Cultural Sensitivity Carried Out by TNI personnel to

The expulsion of two TNI officers in Papua after a video showed them stepping on a Merauke
resident's head was insufficient, and a transparent trial was required. Komnas HAM Papua saw
an occurrence identical to what occurred in the United States, when police pushed a black
citizen's neck, George Floyd. After a video leaked showing an Air Force soldier treading on the
head of a crippled man, two TNI officers in Papua were dismissed, namely the Commander of
the Air Base, Johanes Abraham Dimara, and the Commander of the Military Police Unit. With
his knee, another guy pinned the man's body. The Air Force Chief of Staff (Kasau), Air Marshal
Fadjar Prasetyo, acknowledged the dismissal on Wednesday (28/07). Hadi Tjahjanto, TNI
Commander, had stated that the officials needed to be dismissed since they were unable to
instruct their members.
The incident began with Indonesian Air Force troops attempting to settle a quarrel between
Merauke locals and chicken porridge vendors in the vicinity. Those good intentions backfires
when two of the members engaged in excessive/violent behavior while protecting Steven's
brother, the victim. The victim had abrasions on his forehead as a consequence of this action,
and two personnel of the Indonesian Air Force then ordered him to return home. After the
event was uncovered, Air Marshal Fadjar Prasetyo, the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Air
Force, apologized and dismissing the TNI official in charge of the two soldiers. The two
individuals involved were arrested right away, and the legal procedure is still on. So
basically, the two members of the TNI are less culturally sensitive because they treat Papuans
who are physically different from other Indonesians, they don't need to step on the heads of
Papuans, even though they have good intentions to intervene and if they have cultural
sensitivity, they can break up fights in a more human way.
Cultural Sensitivity and its case towards Papua’s Students

As for the second case, it is regarding the lack or absence of cultural sensitivity to
the Papua students. The stereotype about Papuan people who smell and like to get
drunk, or even troublemakers. Due to these stereotypes, students who come from
Papua to study in Jakarta receive inappropriate treatment, such as rejection to live in
one of the boarding houses. The mistreatment of Papua’s student(s) is due to
different physical appearance, language, or ways of dressing.
Women, the Role of Youth, and Special Autonomy in

Papua's development is still unable to meet the requirements of its

population, particularly women. The special autonomy fund, on the other
hand, will not be able to completely resolve the problem.

Around 200 researchers from the Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia

(LIPI) have conducted more than 150 scientific activities in Papua over the
last 40 years, spanning a wide range of fields. The Papuan documentation
website can be utilized as a data source in the development of regional
policies and programs.
LIPI studies and research address issues such as marginalization and
discrimination against women, in addition to topics such as the development of
outlying islands and special autonomy. It is believed that through virtual
dialogues, women's empowerment may be followed up on in order to improve
the welfare of women and children in Papua, as well as to promote gender
Frida, activist of the Papua Women's Working Group, disclosed various
problems that often obstruct women's roles, including patriarchal culture,
oppressive rituals in the name of adat, and patriarchal culture, which prevent
women from communicating information. Because it is restricted in public
spaces, people's opinions are limited.
Frida also did not dismiss the government's attempts to provide a wide range of
educational opportunities for women, as well as the legal requirement for
women to participate in politics. "These efforts promote women to be able to
perform and attend school outside of the home."
Issues that can Cause Problems (the consequences)

● Prejudice is often based on nonverbal aspects of behavior. That is,

the negative prejudgment is triggered by physical appearance or
● these stereotypes can lead to prejudice and discrimination—in social
and professional settings (Fasoli et al., 2017)
● They may even start to avoid places and situations in which they do
not feel welcome (Marsiglia & Hecht, 1998).
The Importance of cultural sensitivity
The Importance of Cultural sensitivity in the case of "Stepping on the head of a
Papuan by military personnel/TNI". Actually, this case is an incidental case carried out
by members of the Indonesian Air Force against a Merauke resident because of a
commotion. However, this incident resulted in the "nation's wound" of the Papuan
people which left a deep mark on them. According to the contrast agency's records,
there were 16 cases of human rights violations including torture, shootings, and cases
of wrongful arrests suspected by the authorities in 2021. This incident created a bad
stigma by the Papuan community towards the apparatus. They may think about "is
our lives (Papuans) that low in the eyes of the authorities so you can do whatever you
want with us". This needs to be a lesson for all of us that all humans have the same
degree and have the same rights.
the importance of cultural sensitivity in the case of "The demonstration of Papuan’s
Student" is that we as humans must eliminate the stereotype that Papuans are like
this and that way even though sensitivity to different cultures can be an advantage
for each of us in this life, for example we can improve our understanding
circumstances around us or something that is happening near us. Cultural sensitivity
can also improve our communication with people who have different backgrounds
from ours, for example I am a Javanese native, Javanese people are known to be
more conflict-averse, and Papuans are known to have a habit of carrying sharp
weapons and often fighting wars. Between tribes in Papua, if I did not have
sensitivity to this habit, I might stay away from this Papuan friend, but if we try to
understand why they have this habit, we will know that they are doing this habit to
defend themselves and protect their tribe or their place of residence. In this case, it
was also discussed that Papuans were seen or judged to have a smell that might be
more pungent than the people in the city of Jakarta, but in reality they don't, not
many native people from Jakarta also have a strong body odor, it can be influenced
by many On the other hand, Papuan people also do not completely have a strong
body odor.
How do I know if I am culturally sensitive?
Unfortunately, many people live in the misconception that they are empathetic with other cultures
when the reality is very different. To better understand our own personal outlook we must ask
ourselves if we've used any of these phrases lately or ever at all:
"People from ____ country are…"
"It has nothing to do with a cultural issue"
"It's really hard to work with _____ people because…."
By engaging in or stating our own generalizations of people from a country, race or religion, we
actively perpetuate or create stereotypes. These are generally extremely negative, and restrict our
ability to relate to any individuals outside our own culture.
Culture will always be involved when discussing and understanding the human being; to lack
knowledge of others' customs, values, and habits leads to poor communication and a lack of
sensitivity. This causes negative reactions, and even worse, negative consequences. Finally, the
fact that people from other cultures work differently does not mean they are wrong--they still may
accomplish the desired results.
Ways to Overcome Stereotypes and Prejudice
Method 1 → Challenging Your Biases

Step :
Method 3 → Coping with the Prejudice of
1. Assess your own biases* Others
2. Keep yourself accountable*
3. Recognize the negative effects of prejudice Step :
4. Reduce self stigma* 1. Be open and accept yourself
2. Join a group*
Method 2 → Increasingg Social Connection to
3. Get family support*
Reduce Your Biases
4. Expect a positive neutral outcome*
Step : 5. Cope healthfully and creatively*
6. Get involved*
1. Surround yourself with a variety of people*
2. Be around people you admire
3. Avoid justifying stereotypes when interacting
with others*
Effective Communication
The main barrier in verbal communication is the language, in which language differences
themselves are not the only problem, but also the understanding that it is the
responsibility of both parties to learn enough of the other language to communicate with
others. It is equally important to be clear, concise and avoid idioms that could cause
misinterpretation of the message or could even be offensive to another person.
These misconceptions or offenses usually occur in nonverbal communication because
even though there are emblematic gestures (gesture of peace, thumb up, etc.) these can
mean different things in different cultures and we don't inherently know the connotation.
Another important issue is personal space. In Latin American it is common for
conversation to happen with a fairly short distance between people, unlike North
American culture, where personal space is of greater importance. A good way to politely
establish a comfortable space is with a handshake.
Stereotypes, prejudices, and cultural sensitivity are all linked. Stereotypes are
negative depictions of people that are overt but basic. They reduce people to an
exaggerated set of character qualities. A bias and constantly unfavorable
attitude toward a social group and its members is defined as prejudice. Cultural
sensitivity is a natural result of awareness, and it relates to the ability to read
culturally based circumstances, contexts, and actions and react appropriately.
With the foregoing description of the case, it is vital to comprehend the
community's understanding of multiculturalism, which is everyone's
responsibility. This understanding can emerge if the community, whether it be
the people of Papua or Jakarta, is continuously socialized. Conflicts between
communities can be overcome if each community is prepared to be open in their
communication and attitudes toward all new things.
Thank You

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