Schuster Kaleb Fieldactivity1 2021

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Field Activity 1- Introduction to Distance Measurements and Azimuths

Your Name: /t. ~ L<.½ <;; c L,,v c:-. W,

Group Member Names (do not forget to add these) : ::5 .., I=,.(. , 6 c...,,; "'- , € +1,,._
Part 1: Distance Measuring Techniques

l. Number of paces to walk60 meters (1 pt)

Trial 1 7 0
Trial 2 7 L.
Trial 3 7 l
Trial 4 1 \
Average 7 l

Average Pace Length (m) 0 •~~

Table l. Distances between flags using various methods. (3 pts)

Line Number of Pacing Field Tape Laser

Paces (m) (m) Rangefinder
1-2 ' \ ac, . 'l.V
2-3 , <; , 1-0
3-4 q, , 30
4-5 . '1 't :; ,/ 0
5-6 . '-/1 41, S-0
6-7 . r;, Cf S-:>. 'io

Provide well-written sentences for your responses to all short answer questions.

Review the section in your textbook on precision and accuracy. I also highly recommend watching this
video for an explanation of accuracy and precision. watch?v=EeHtK5UYEMM

l. Clearly explain the difference between accuracy and precision in your own words . (2 pts)

Acc. 1/q u,, V\,<.M,.i c lo~ +tu. t'<-~v I f I <, iv -f'lv_ + vv-<

Vti.(v<... p('.er_ •· ~ ,' (J A. /s h (IV\,,,) C{ oS.A fiv_ ,S.d-- oP o(Je.

po t~ (}.A.. ¼ OY\A._ a(/(.._j+~.

2. Which method do you think is more accurate for measuring ground distance, the fiberglass field
tape or pacing? Clearly explain your reason using well-written sentences . (2 pts)
h " , -t cl r .__ ✓ ,.,JJ-(_ ,;JJl-,< " ; o , ) c.. c. ,,.,.
c)... -1--- •O' i. .
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L,_ +- fk( .c,-(, (r.J -/r,..,v. I':,; '? I i;v01 z -ftu. :-Cit ,. -t
3. Which method do you think is more precise for measuring ground distance, the fiberglass field
tape or pacing? Clearly explain your reasons for the questions using well-written sentences . (2
+--c, ..µ M 1.,>"-e f I..{.(... l "e--<
fJCcC...,"1'!,--. ,,_..... l"-7~~..:... ~

-riv +', ~ (c) fr,. ~ vv I , C( C 0v,,, ,J- 1/ y..,f';, ~°J (1/c-c, ::,
( / r• J M) ar-.4,, li vv1..-rc,.,,, IJ.,r ✓- u,r.
4. The precision of the fiberglass field tape " measuring instrument" is to the nearest centimeter
(i.e., hundredth of a meter) and the rangefinder is to the nearest decimet er . What do you think
is most appropriate degree of precision to use when representing your pacing " instrument"
measurements in Table 1? Why would you not wantto provide whatever your calculator
provides (which may extend to the nearest millionth of a meter)? Clearly expla in your reasons
for the questions using well-written sentences. (2 pts)

h.::, ·, 111-1,0.-11..,-.{ c,( " ,,- /~ . f2cv- ~4-.,,,,,.,; u.._ ·{:. Cc {2;e,.., ~ //. 1.h.A.-"-:.--'....,_!.,.,,,.J I :_.

CR ~ (_ .e. ,1..J ,,~ ~ I 1" ~ ~vk.L Ju. r -{_ ~uc,.1...J....cJ ,.. '., 0, ~0 ...... ..,, ,,., J f-
: l-to ""-" t-1-tJ f'i✓u.,K / ::> C~-f ; ,.,,..,,, <,,1-vy ~ f' r CL ·s1 C"°'
5. How should you represent the following measurements when using the fiberg lass field tape
knowing that the field tape is capable of mea suring to the nearest centimeter (i.e., hundredth of
a meter)? (1 pts)

a. 10 meters and 68 centimeters ➔ ( 0, (o g, meters

b. 1 meter and SO centimeters ➔ {· ~ meters
c. 14 meters and 0 centimeters ➔ ' '-f . 00 meters

Check your values in the table? Are they correctly represented using this knowledge?

6. How do you think the field tape measurements you made compare to the true horizonta l
distances between each flag ? Should your ground measurements be greater or less than the
true horizontal distance? Why? (2 pt)

C i c.c. ~ V

I , / ·vi....<.2
7. Other than improperly reading or using the equipment, identify and briefly explain at least one
specific thing that reduced your ability to obtain a more accurate distance mea surement using
each of the following techniques. (3 pts)

a. Pacing : \.,J W-M- pCu.,~ ---~ J: c., (2-4.t..,V'. v ....L-v\/-( Gph-,'I( ~ V1 i,_ I 'ti
w""--' e-~ u<-u;."'(i~ yJ-\.1 sf,. te,U.. ~~ ~ ~ o,I C'c:..-
C !,,,__c..n.c;,-t ~ f -l.Sv l of\

b. Field tape
D+:-~ M~ ~~ ~ t.,/ -'! CJ~ o~ s-/2.~ {.__,""
-h v- fu ~ ,"-().rt h,.. 1.LJ2 Se;, t-.. C ) f Y'-e~ o-r ~s '-z (!.J
0,,,1-\.,ie, i,.__ C"- "1 {~ if to ~ 1- ~ 5' -fv- C\.;~ ~
c. Laser rangefinder
t.,v 't,v__,.,__ v $ ;,. .,_ C.l
-t-0~-< ~ ~ c., '1.t, ~

hµ c,~ ljCN
Part 2. Azimuths

Table 2. Declination uncorrected and corrected azimuth measured between flags . (2 pt)
Line Uncorrected Declination
Forward Corrected
Azimuth Forward
1-2 I 1'1 4 ; q "!;1}
2-3 q 10 q o'
-;) it.
~ , 70
~ ,~.
,.; .:l. 'I >

/ C/("'
5-6 I lf_ q O
6-7 (,, 'l o 't.

Part 3. Sketch of Traverse from Flag 1 to Flag 7.

Use a scale (representative fraction) of 1:700 for your map. Use a protractor and the declination
corrected forward azimuth between each flag to position each flag at the correct angle relative to
geographic north. Use the map scale, the distances measured with the field tape, and a ruler to space
each flag at the correct distance from the preceding flag. Include a north arrow and scale bar on your
map. Clearly label the lines connecting the flags with the horizontal distances and forward azimuth
between each point. Label the flags with the appropriate ID. Ask if you have questions ... but only after
giving it a try on your own first. This should be a high-quality map. (3 pts)

Part 4: Measuring Height of Objects(iftime permits for the class)

8. Height of objects measured using clinometer with 3-point method. (2 pts)

Table 3. Height of objects measured using the 3-point method using two techn iques .

Tape and Clinometer Method Rangefinder Method (m)

Apex of Picnic Shelter Roof (;. / (o,'.!,

Top of Street Light '-f, '7 '-(, (f)

Clinometer and Field Tape Work

Clearly show your work for the field tape and clinometer method for measuring height of each
object. Include a sketch for each set of measurements. Be sure to use the 3-point method.
Include the 3 measured values on the sketch (horizontal distance, slope to top in percent, slope
to bottom in percent).

Be sure to make your negative clinometer readings positive before doing the calculations.

Picnic Shelter Roof

(LI~ '2o t \1- .,ti)) 'l-


\00 "2'1>

Rangefinder Work

Include a sketch for each set of rangefinder measurements . Include the 3 values on the sketch
(horizontal distance (HD), slope to top in degrees (Ang_ l), slope to bottom in degrees (Ang_2)).

Picnic Shelter Roof Street Light


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