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Translation, Notes, and Metrical Explanation copyright 1997 Elizabeth Vandiver


Iridescent-throned<1> Aphrodite, deathless

Child of Zeus, wile-weaver, I now implore you,
Don’t–I beg you, Lady–with pains and torments
Crush down my spirit,

But before if ever you’ve heard my pleadings

Then return, as once when you left your father’s
Golden<2> house; you yoked to your shining car your
Wing-whirring sparrows;

Skimming down the paths of the sky’s bright ether

On they brought you over the earth’s black bosom,
Swiftly–then you stood with a sudden brilliance,
Goddess, before me; Deathless face alight with your smile, you asked me

What I suffered, who was my cause of anguish,

What would ease the pain of my frantic mind, and
Why had I called you

To my side: “And whom should Persuasion<3> summon

Here, to soothe the sting of your passion this time?
Who is now abusing you, Sappho? Who is
Treating you cruelly?

Now she<4> runs away, but she’ll soon pursue you;

Gifts she now rejects–soon enough she’ll give them;
Now she doesn’t love you, but soon her heart will
Burn, though unwilling.

“Come to me once more, and abate my torment;

Take the bitter care from my mind, and give me
All I long for; Lady, in all my battles
Fight as my comrade.
Notes on the translation

1. There is disagreement in the manuscripts about whether the first word of Sappho’s poem is
poikiloTHron’ or poikiloPHron’. This difference of one Greek letter is quite significant; poikiloTHron means
“on a many-colored, or elaborately-worked, throne”, while poikiloPHron means “with a many-colored
mind”. The choice of reading is, ultimately, a matter of the translator’s or editor’s own taste.

2. In the original, the adjective “golden” is grammatically ambiguous, and could refer either to the house
or to the chariot that Sappho asks Aphrodite to yoke. I have tried to preserve this ambiguity by giving the
adjective “shining” to the car.

3. The text is corrupt at this point, and editors differ over whether the word *peitho* should be taken as a
verb, so that Aphrodite is saying “Whom should I persuade…” or as a noun. If one takes it as a noun, as I
have done here, the next question is whether it refers to the personified goddess Peitho, Persuasion, or
simply to the abstract concept. I have chosen to personify the noun by capitalizing it. Again, as with
*poikilothron/-phron” in line 1, the final guide is each reader’s (or translator’s) taste.

4. In the Greek, the sex of Sappho’s beloved is indicated by only one word, the feminine participle
“etheloisa”, “wishing/wanting/willing”. Unfortunately, the text may be corrupt at this point and the reading
is not absolutely certain, although it is generally accepted.

Explanation of Meter

The “Hymn to Aphrodite” is written in the meter Sappho most commonly used, which is called “Sapphics”
or “the Sapphic stanza” after her. Greek meter is quantitative; that is, it consists of alternating long and
short syllables in a regular pattern. The Sapphic stanza consists of 3 identical lines and a fourth, shorter
line, in the following pattern. (- indicates a long syllable, u a short syllable, and x a “syllable anceps,” one
that can be either long or short.)

- u - X - u u - u - -
- u - X - u u - u - -
- u - X - u u - u - -
- u u - -

In my translation, I have attempted to represent this quantitative meter by stressed and unstressed
syllables. That is, the stressed syllables in my translation correspond to the long syllables in Sappho’s
original; the unstressed syllables correspond to the short syllables of the original. For further discussion of
the use of “accentual templates” to represent quantitative meters, see Steven Willett’s introduction to
Horace’s meters.

Permission is hereby granted to distribute for classroom use, provided that both Elizabeth Vandiver
and Diotima are identified in any such use. Other uses not authorized in writing by the translator or in
accord with fair use policy are expressly prohibited.

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