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MEDG 3.0  
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Energy  Management Department 
Masdar City Unit 

For New Buildings 

Certain content in this document has been licensed for use by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
Engineers, Inc. from ASHRAE Standard 90.1 (
Masdar Energy design guidelines (MEDG) for buildings – Version 3.0 - Rev 1 – 16 January 2011

Table of Contents

Table of Contents........................................................................................................................................................... 2
Revision History ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Purpose and Scope ....................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1.1 Mixed Use Buildings ............................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Current Codes, Guidelines and Standards .................................................................................................... 7
1.2.1 Building Energy Codes and Standards around the world ........................................................................ 7
1.2.2 ASHRAE 90.1 ......................................................................................................................................... 8
1.2.3 ASHRAE 189.1 ....................................................................................................................................... 8
1.2.4 Energy Codes, Standards and Green Building Rating Systems ............................................................... 9
1.2.5 Masdar Energy Design Guideline (MEDG)........................................................................................... 10
1.3 Definitions.................................................................................................................................................. 11
1.4 Administration ........................................................................................................................................... 11
1.4.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 11
1.4.2 Compliance ............................................................................................................................................ 12
2 Energy Design Guidelines .................................................................................................................................. 13
2.1 Building Envelope. ..................................................................................................................................... 13
2.1.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 13
2.1.2 Mandatory Provisions ............................................................................................................................ 13
2.1.3 Prescriptive Path Requirements ............................................................................................................. 14
2.2 Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning ............................................................................................... 16
2.2.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 16
2.2.2 Mandatory Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 16
2.2.3 Prescriptive Path Requirements ............................................................................................................. 18
2.3 Service Water Heating ............................................................................................................................... 19
2.3.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 19
2.3.2 Mandatory Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 19
2.4 Building Lighting Systems. ......................................................................................................................... 20
2.4.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 20
2.4.2 Mandatory Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 22
2.4.3 Prescriptive Path Requirements ............................................................................................................. 22
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Masdar Energy design guidelines (MEDG) for buildings – Version 3.0 - Rev 1 – 16 January 2011

2.5 Electric Power, Motors and Energy Management Systems. ...................................................................... 23

2.5.1 General. ...................................................................................................................................................... 23
2.5.2 Mandatory Provisions ............................................................................................................................ 23
2.6 Compliance Model Path ............................................................................................................................. 23
2.6.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 23
2.6.2 Simulation General Requirements ......................................................................................................... 24
2.6.3 Compliance Model Requirements.......................................................................................................... 25
2.7 Calculation of Net Energy Building Performance...................................................................................... 36
APPENDIX A: Definitions.......................................................................................................................................... 37
APPENDIX B1:........................................................................................................................................................... 39
APPENDIX B2:........................................................................................................................................................... 39
APPENDIX C: Additional Requirements Pertaining to Air Tightness........................................................................ 40
1. Air Infiltration Rates for use in Energy Model ................................................................................................... 40
2. Suggested Air Tightness Specification Section ................................................................................................... 40
APPENDIX D: Alternative Compliance Path ............................................................................................................. 42
APPENDIX E: Schedules ............................................................................................................................................ 43
APPENDIX F: Masdar-wide factors for converting non-electricity utilities consumption to “electricity-equivalent”
units ............................................................................................................................................................................. 45

Additional attachments (provided as separate documents):

 APPENDIX G: Certificate (MUST BE FILLED and submitted to MEMD together with Appendix B)

 APPENDIX H: Life-Cycle Analysis

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Masdar Energy design guidelines (MEDG) for buildings – Version 3.0 - Rev 1 – 16 January 2011

Revision History

Revision Date  Author  Version  Revision  Status  Description 

29/04/09  Afshin Afshari  1.0  4  Final  General release version 

24/12/09  Afshin Afshari  2.0  3  Draft  Internal pre‐release 

17/01/10  Afshin Afshari  2.0  6  Draft  Draft to Fraunhofer for review 

28/01/10  Afshin Afshari  2.0  8  Final  General release version 

16/01/11  Michel Abi Saab  3.0  1  Draft  General release version 

Reviewers and Approvals

This document requires the following reviews and approvals. Signed approved forms are kept in the
project file.
Name  Position, Unit  Signature on Approval  Date  Version 

Afshin Afshari  Manager, Energy    16/01/11  3.0 


Alan Frost  Director, Masdar City    16/01/11  3.0 


This document has been distributed to:

Name  Date of issue  Version 

Alan Frost  16/01/11  3.0 

MCU  Managers  16/01/11  3.0 

Siemens Design Team  16/01/11  3.0 

Infra‐structure Design Team  16/01/11  3.0 




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Masdar Energy design guidelines (MEDG) for buildings – Version 3.0 - Rev 1 – 16 January 2011

The valuable contribution of the following individuals (and their respective organizations) is gratefully

 Dr. Duncan Philips, Dr. Andrea Frisque, RWDI, Guelph (Canada) [MEDG 1.0]

 Ed Garrod, PHA, London (UK)

 Pr. Peter Armstrong, Masdar Institute, Abu-Dhabi (UAE)

 Pr. Gerd Hauser, Pr. Andreas Holm, Fraunhofer-IBP, Holzkirchen (Germany) [reviewers of version 2.0]

This document supersedes previous MEDG version(s). 

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Masdar Energy design guidelines (MEDG) for buildings – Version 3.0 - Rev 1 – 16 January 2011

1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose and Scope

“The goal of Masdar is to provide residents with the highest quality of life with the lowest environmental
footprint.”1 To that end, buildings in the Masdar community are to be designed with energy efficiency in
mind to reduce their energy consumption and subsequently, their environmental footprint. Ultimately, it
is the goal for Masdar to derive 100 percent of its energy requirements from renewable sources; thus,
designing buildings that use the minimum amount of energy without sacrificing occupant comfort is

This Masdar Energy Design Guideline (MEDG) has been developed specifically to serve as a mandatory
framework for designing energy efficient buildings in Masdar City. It will be updated, administered and
enforced by Masdar’s Energy Management Department (MEMD). To ensure that community buildings
adhere to the MEDG, two compliance methodologies are currently available, and the building designer is
able to choose the preferred method to follow.

1. Prescriptive Methodology: The minimum required design parameters (such as level of

insulation, window-wall ratio, etc.) are specified to the designer. Compliance with the MEDG
will be achieved if all mandatory prescriptions are followed.

2. Model-Based Methodology: The proposed buildings are modelled in an energy software

package and are compared to a reference model to ensure compliance with the MEDG. In
addition, minimum mandatory requirements will need to be met.

Although the mandatory requirements are generally the outcome of an optimal trade-off between cost,
constructability, local availability and energy efficiency, it is recognized that the economic, commercial
and technological circumstances out of which they have arisen are subject to gradual or sudden change.
Exceptionally, therefore, requests for adjustment of one or several of the mandatory parameters
may be deemed admissible. Such requests must be submitted by the design team to MEMD at concept
stage, together with a complete MLCA analysis (as per Appendix H) for a case-by-case approval.
Adjustments are rare and only thorough and solid cases will be considered.

This edition of the MEDG applies to all building typologies.

The MEDG will provide minimum requirements for new buildings in Masdar in the following areas:

 Building Envelope
 Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning
 Service Water Heating
 Building Lighting Systems
 Electric Power, Motors and Energy Management systems

The MEDG will not address design requirements for district systems supplying electricity, chilled water
and hot water to buildings in the community, as these will be addressed by the central utility.

 Foster + Partners, “Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company Masdar Development Project – Detailed Master plan Executive Summary, January 
2008”, 102 pages. 
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Masdar Energy design guidelines (MEDG) for buildings – Version 3.0 - Rev 1 – 16 January 2011

The MEDG version 1.0 was developed in collaboration with RWDI.

The MEDG version 2.0 was developed in collaboration with Fraunhofer-Institute Building Physics.
The MEDG version 3 was developed internally in view of achieving city-wide energy efficiency KPI of
50% better than ASHRAE 90.1-2007. It is largely inspired by the newly released ASHRAE 90.1-2010
standard but also refers to the ASHRAE 189.1-2009.

Please Note: In the event that safety concerns exist relating to requirements within this MEDG or its
addendum, building designers should discuss concerns, design alternatives and possible exemptions with
the Masdar Energy Management Department (MEMD).

1.1.1 Mixed Use Buildings

Buildings that include more than one building typology must apply the following methodology in order to
comply with the requirements of the MEDG:

a. The building must be delineated to identify the building typology to which each space belongs.
b. The requirements of Section shall apply separately to the total gross wall areas for each
building typology in the building.
c. The requirements of Section shall be applied separately to each building typology
based on the building delineation described in Part a. of this section.

1.2 Current Codes, Guidelines and Standards

Building energy efficiency is currently governed by one or more of the following:

 Building energy codes and standards, which incorporate provisions for energy efficient
building design in building codes at various levels of government, typically based on standards or
model codes developed by such organizations as the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating
and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and the International Code Council (ICC); or
 Green building rating systems, which are typically rating systems by government-independent
entities, such as the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) and government-dependent
entities, such as the Abu Dhabi urban Planning Council (UPC). Amongst other performance
criteria, they address the energy efficiency of new building developments, as well as other
measures of environmental sustainability.

1.2.1 Building Energy Codes and Standards around the world

The European Union has enacted the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive2, which is legislation on
energy efficient buildings to be adopted by all of its member states. This legislation mandates that all
 Official Journal of the European Communities, “Directive 2002/91/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on 
the Energy Performance of Buildings”, January 2003, 7 pages. 
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Masdar Energy design guidelines (MEDG) for buildings – Version 3.0 - Rev 1 – 16 January 2011

member states develop minimum performance targets for energy efficiency in new buildings and large
existing buildings undergoing renovations. The legislation also requires that member states outline
methods for calculating the energy performance of these buildings, including that of the building envelope
and heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Furthermore, certificates detailing the
energy performance of the building must be issued whenever a particular building is built, sold or rented,
and routine inspection of boilers and air conditioning systems must take place.

Currently, it is up to the member states to establish their own building energy performance targets.
According to the directive, these targets are to be reviewed at least every five years and revised if
advances in building science warrant it.

In North America, energy codes have been adopted by many states in the United States, and by provinces
in Canada. The most stringent energy codes belong to the US states of California (Title 24) and Florida
(Chapter 13). They apply to both commercial and residential buildings. Compliance with the standards is
achieved by meeting a set of minimum mandatory design requirements in conjunction with either the
prescriptive path (additional mandatory design requirements) or the performance path (building energy
use falls within a given energy budget).

1.2.2 ASHRAE 90.1

First published in 1975, the ASHRAE 90.1 standard (Energy Standard for Buildings except Low-Rise
Residential Buildings) is the most frequently applied standard governing energy efficient buildings. The
latest version was released in 2010; and has an objective to achieve savings of 30 percent compared to the
2004 version of the standard.3

The standard outlines a detailed framework for the energy efficient design of all buildings, apart from
low-rise residential types. It details requirements with respect to the building envelope, HVAC systems,
service hot water heating, power distribution, motors and lighting systems.

As was the case with the state codes mentioned previously, compliance with the standard is achieved by
meeting a combination of minimum mandatory requirements plus following either a prescriptive path of
design criteria or a performance path, known as the Energy Cost Budget Method. The latter method
involves using building energy simulations to compare the proposed building design to that of a budget
(or “baseline”) building, and the proposed design is in compliance if its energy cost does not exceed that
of the budget building.4

1.2.3 ASHRAE 189.1

This standard was created in a collaborative effort between ASHRAE, the U.S. Green Building Council,
and the Illuminating Engineering Society. This standard is written in code-intended language (mandatory,
enforceable language) so it may be referenced or adopted by enforcement authorities as the minimum
acceptable level of performance for high-performance green buildings within their jurisdiction.

 ASHRAE, “Ruling Issued Dec 30: Standard 90.1‐2004 Established as National Reference Standard by DOE,”, modified January 6, 2009, accessed March 24, 2009. 
 ASHRAE, “ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1‐2007: Energy Standard for Buildings except Low‐Rise Residential Buildings,” 2007, 189 pages. 
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Masdar Energy design guidelines (MEDG) for buildings – Version 3.0 - Rev 1 – 16 January 2011

Standard 189.1 provides a “total building sustainability package” for those who strive to design, build and
operate green buildings. From site location to energy use to recycling, this standard sets the foundation for
green buildings by addressing site sustainability, water use efficiency, energy efficiency, indoor
environmental quality, and the building’s impact on the atmosphere, materials and resources.

The energy efficiency goal of Standard 189.1 is to provide significant energy reduction over that in
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007. It offers a broader scope than Standard 90.1 and is intended
to provide minimum requirements for the design and construction of high performance, green buildings.

1.2.4 Energy Codes, Standards and Green Building Rating Systems

Green building assessment guidelines have been developed in numerous countries around the world, all
providing a framework for measuring green building performance. Examples of these assessment
guidelines include:

 The Pearl Rating System of Estidama: One of Estidama’s key initiatives, Developed by the
Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council (UPC). The Pearl Rating System aims to address the
sustainability of a given development throughout its lifecycle from design through construction to
operation. The Pearl Rating System provides design guidance and detailed requirements for rating
a project’s potential performance in relation to the four pillars of Estidama. The Pearl Rating
System comprises the following documents:
- Pearl Community Rating System: Design & Construction
- Pearl Building Rating System: Design & Construction
- Pearl Villa Rating System: Design & Construction
 LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design): Developed by the Green Building
Councils of the respective member countries. The first Green Building Council was formed in the
USA (USGBC), with Canada following suit (CaGBC). Although LEED is still used primarily in
the United States and Canada, an Emirates Green Building Council has recently been formed in
 BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method): Used in
the United Kingdom and internationally.
 Green Star: Applicable to buildings in Australia.

These assessment guidelines typically rate green building performance by awarding credits in a series of
environmental areas, including:

 Energy Efficiency;
 Water Efficiency;
 Indoor Environmental Quality;
 Sustainable Building Material Use;
 Sustainable Site Development;
 Waste Management; and
 Transportation.

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Masdar Energy design guidelines (MEDG) for buildings – Version 3.0 - Rev 1 – 16 January 2011

Buildings that incorporate efficient design strategies in these areas score well under the rating systems,
and receive the according high level of certification.

Respective assessment guidelines will include documentation as to how to achieve credits in the different
environmental areas. There is typically also a category addressing building energy consumption; this can
be in the form of voluntary, achievable credits or mandatory prerequisites. For instance, in the case of The
Pearl Rating System for Estidama and LEED US, a minimum building energy performance is required as
a mandatory prerequisite. This minimum performance is defined relative to the ASHRAE 90.1 baseline.

There are also voluntary rating systems addressing only energy performance and related comfort factors,
such as for example Passivhaus developed in Germany and Minergie developed in Switzerland. Both
systems are voluntary, government-independent programs. These programs have their roots in small
residential buildings and in heating dominated climates, but have grown beyond this. In particular, the
Passivhaus Institut has now regionalised its performance standards to address variations in climates across
the European Union.  One major difference between the two programs is that Passivhaus offers a specific
recommended design, where Minergie focuses solely on the total energy density, indoor quality and cost
of the building development. Passivhaus puts a strong emphasis on building envelope performance by
mandating that compliance with maximum air leakage is confirmed through a test of the completed
building, and by requesting detailed calculations of the thermal performance, i.e. thermal bridges of the
building envelope.

Though some municipalities have legislated minimum ratings in such rating systems for buildings within
their jurisdiction, these rating systems are generally optional, while compliance with the energy code is

1.2.5 Masdar Energy Design Guideline (MEDG)

The MEDG has drawn from several of the aforementioned documents, with particular emphasis on the
ASHRAE 90.1 and ASHRAE 189.1 standards. It is the intent that the MEDG will enable designers to
meet the Masdar City Masterplan energy intensity targets for all primary building types.

The MEDG focuses on the design of efficient buildings, but it cannot control actual building usage once
buildings are occupied. In some instances, building design influences building usage strongly, such as for
example when building occupancy densities are decided upon. When such decisions are made, they
should be driven by energy efficiency considerations.

Two different compliance options are allowed. The first option, the fully prescriptive path, sets out a
number of design requirements (such as maximum window-to-wall ratio, shading, minimum glazing
performance, wall/ roof insulation) for new buildings. If the proposed design meets all prescriptive
requirements it complies with the MEDG.

The second option, the compliance model path, includes some mandatory (prescriptive) design
requirements; however, compliance of the proposed design will be demonstrated through energy
simulations: a model of the proposed design will be compared to a reference model.

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Masdar Energy design guidelines (MEDG) for buildings – Version 3.0 - Rev 1 – 16 January 2011

1.3 Definitions
1.3.1 General. Certain terms, abbreviations, and acronyms are defined in this section for the purposes of
this standard. These definitions are applicable to all sections of this standard. Terms that are not defined
herein, but that are defined in standards that are referenced herein (e.g., ANSI/ASHRAE/
IESNA Standard 90.1-2010 and ANSI/ASHRAE/USGBC/IES Standard 189.1-2009), shall have the
meanings as defined in those standards.

Please refer to Appendix A for a list of definitions applicable to the guideline.

1.4 Administration

1.4.1 General Scope. Only new buildings shall comply with the guideline as described in Section 2.
Modifications to existing buildings are not covered by this guideline. Administrative Requirements. Administrative requirements relating to permit requirements,

enforcement by MEMD, interpretations, claims of exemption, and rights of appeal are specified by
MEMD. Alternative Materials, Methods of Construction, or Design. The provisions of this guideline
are not intended to prevent the use of any material, method of construction, design, equipment, or
building system not specifically prescribed herein. Validity. If any term, part, provision, section, paragraph, subdivision, table, chart, or referenced
standard of this guideline shall be held invalid, or ineffective, in whole or in part, such determination shall
not be deemed to invalidate any remaining term, part, provision, section, paragraph, subdivision, table,
chart, or referenced standard of this guideline. Other Laws. The provisions of this guideline shall not be deemed to nullify any provisions of
local or federal law. Where there is a deemed conflict between a requirement of this guideline and such
other law affecting construction of the building, designers shall bring such conflict to the attention of the
MEMD for final determination. Referenced Standards. The methodology standards referenced in this guideline shall be
considered part of the requirements of this guideline to the prescribed extent of such reference. Units. All values in the MEDG are in accordance with the International System of Units. Climate. Climate zone 1.B shall be considered whenever referred to ANSI/ASHRAE/
IESNA Standard 90.1 and ANSI/ASHRAE/USGBC/IES Standard 189.1-2009.

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Masdar Energy design guidelines (MEDG) for buildings – Version 3.0 - Rev 1 – 16 January 2011

1.4.2 Compliance Compliance Paths. New buildings shall comply with either the provisions of Sections 2.1 to 2.5
or Section 2.6. Buildings larger than 2,000 m2 in size shall follow the provisions of Section 2.6. Compliance Documentation Compliance Forms. Please refer to Appendices B1 and B2 for a set of compliance forms/lists.
At every stage of the design/construction process (concept, schematic, detailed, construction,
commissioning), the forms/lists must be filled—to the extent that the required information is available—
and submitted to MEMD, together with supporting documents/files. Construction Details. Compliance documents shall show all the pertinent data and features of
the building, equipment, and systems in sufficient detail to permit a determination of compliance by
MEMD and to indicate compliance with the requirements of this guideline. Supplemental Information. Supplemental information necessary to verify compliance with this
guideline, such as calculations, worksheets, compliance forms, vendor literature, or other data, shall be
provided together with the regular submissions. Manuals. All relevant operating and maintenance information shall be provided to the building
owner. Labelling of Material and Equipment. Materials and equipment shall be labelled in a manner
that will allow for a determination of their compliance with the applicable provisions of this guideline. Inspections. All building construction subject to the provisions of this guideline shall be subject
to inspection by the MEMD, and all such work shall remain accessible and exposed for inspection
purposes until approved in accordance with the procedures specified by said representative. Items for
inspection include at least the following:

a. Wall insulation after the insulation and air barrier are in place but before concealment.
b. Roof/ceiling insulation after roof/insulation is in place but before concealment
c. Hot water system and insulation after installation but before concealment.
d. Fenestration after all glazing materials are in place.
e. Mechanical systems equipment and insulation after installation but before concealment.
f. Electrical equipment and systems after installation but before concealment.

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Masdar Energy design guidelines (MEDG) for buildings – Version 3.0 - Rev 1 – 16 January 2011

2 Energy Design Guidelines


2.1 Building Envelope.

2.1.1 General. Scope. Section 2.1 specifies requirements for the building envelope. Conditioned Spaces. Spaces shall be assumed to be conditioned spaces and shall comply with
the requirements for conditioned space at the time of construction, regardless of whether mechanical or
electrical equipment is included in the building permit application or installed at that time. Compliance. The building envelope shall comply with Sections 2.1.1, General; Section 2.1.2,
Mandatory Provisions; Section 2.1.3, Prescriptive Path Requirements; and Section 2.4, Product
Information and Installation. Submittals. Design team shall submit compliance documentation and supplemental information,
in accordance with Section 1.4.2 of this guideline. The building envelope shall also comply with Sections
5.7.2 and 5.7.3 of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010. Product Information and Installation. The building envelope product information and
installation shall comply with Section 5.8 Product Information and Installation Requirements of
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010.

2.1.2 Mandatory Provisions General. The building envelope shall be designed to comply with Sections 5.4 of
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010 with the additions in section and of this
standard: Building Air Tightness.  Buildings shall meet the following air tightness requirements:

a. Testing the completed building and demonstrating that the air leakage rate of the building
envelope does not exceed 5.0 m3/hour.m2 of the envelope area of the building, under a pressure
differential of 50 Pa in accordance with EN 13829 or an equivalent approved method. The
envelope area is the total area of all floors, walls and ceilings bordering the internal volume
subject to the test. Under normal operation, building air tightness must meet targets as calculated
in Appendix C.
b. An air-tightness/façade consultant shall assist the design team in detailing and specifying an air-
tight façade. A dedicated Specification Section must be produced defining the required air
tightness performance of each element and other issues related to air tightness. See Appendix C
for suggested Air Tightness Specification Section.

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Masdar Energy design guidelines (MEDG) for buildings – Version 3.0 - Rev 1 – 16 January 2011

2.1.3 Prescriptive Path Requirements General. The building envelope shall comply with Section 5.5 Prescriptive Building Envelope
Option of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010 with the modifications and additions in section to of this standard: Building Envelope Requirements. The building envelope shall comply with the requirements in
Table 2.1.3 of this standard. These requirements supersede the requirements in Tables 5.5-1 to 5.5-8 of
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010.

Table 2.1.3 – Building Envelope Requirements for all Building Types

All Building Types Excluding Residential Buildings
Opaque Building Element

Assembly Maximum U-Value Assembly Maximum U-Value

W/m2-K W/m2-K

Roofs 0.20 W/m2-K 0.20 W/m2-K

Above-Grade Walls 0.28 W/m2-K 0.28 W/m2-K

Below-Grade Walls No specific requirement No specific requirement

Floors (adjacent to non-
0.50 W/m2-K 0.50 W/m2-K
conditioned zones)
Partitions (adjacent to non-
0.50 W/m2-K 0.50 W/m2-K
conditioned zones)
Slab-On-Grade Floors F-Factor: 3.00 W/m-K F-Factor: 3.00 W/m-K

Opaque Swinging Doors 3.00 W/m2-K 3.00 W/m2-K

Opaque Non-Swinging Doors 2.50 W/m2-K 2.50 W/m2-K

All Building Types Excluding
Fenestration Residential Buildings

Assembly Max. Assembly

U-Value Assembly Max. U-Value Assembly
W/m2-K W/m2-K

Vertical Fenestration 1.60 0.25 1.80 0.25

Skylights 2.00 0.20 2.00 0.20

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Masdar Energy design guidelines (MEDG) for buildings – Version 3.0 - Rev 1 – 16 January 2011 Roof Solar Reflectance Index. The entire roof surface not used for roof penetrations and
associated equipment, onsite renewable energy systems such as photovoltaics or solar thermal energy
collectors including necessary space between rows of panels or collectors, portions of the roof used to
capture heat for building energy technologies, rooftop decks or walkways, or vegetated (green) roofing
systems shall be covered with products that have a minimum initial SRI of 78 for a low-sloped roof (a
slope less than or equal to 2:12) and a minimum initial SRI of 29 for a steep-sloped roof (a slope of more
than 2:12).
The Solar Reflectance Index shall be calculated as specified in section of
ANSI/ASHRAE/USGBC/IES Standard 189.1-2009.
This requirement supersedes the requirement in Section of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard
90.1-2010. Vertical Fenestration Area. The total vertical fenestration for conditioned spaces shall not
exceed 30% of the gross wall area for Residential buildings and 35% of the gross wall area for all other
building types. This requirement supersedes the requirement in Section of
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010. Permanent Projections. The vertical fenestration on the west, south, and east shall be shaded by
permanent overhang having an area-weighted average Projection Factor (PF) of not less than 0.50. The
building is allowed to be rotated up to 45 degrees to the nearest cardinal orientation for purposes of
calculations and showing compliance.

Exception: Vertical fenestration that receives direct solar radiation for fewer than 250 hours per
year because of shading by permanent external buildings, existing permanent infrastructure, or
topography. SHGC of Vertical Fenestration.  Shading studies shall be conducted on all vertical fenestration
using Masdar’s geographical coordinates (24.28 N latitude and 54.22 E longitude) and shall demonstrate
the following:

Vertical Fenestration shall have a SHGC not greater than that specified in Table 2.1.3 of this standard.

Exceptions: For SHGC compliance for vertical fenestration shaded by opaque and/or partially
opaque permanent projections that will last as long as the building itself, the methodology in all
exceptions to Section of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010 is allowed,
provided that the SHGC multipliers in Table of ANSI/ASHRAE/USGBC/IES Standard
189.1-2009 are used. This requirement supersedes the requirement in Table of
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010. Table of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA
Standard 90.1 shall not apply. Fenestration VLT: The ratio of VLT over SHGC for all glazing should be at least 1.8. Building Envelope Trade-Off Option. The building envelope trade-off option in Section 5.6 of
ANSI/ ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010 shall not apply. Fenestration Orientation. To reduce solar gains from the east and west, the fenestration area and
SHGC shall comply with the requirements and all exceptions of section of
ANSI/ASHRAE/USGBC/IES Standard 189.1-2009, applicable for climate zone 1.

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Masdar Energy design guidelines (MEDG) for buildings – Version 3.0 - Rev 1 – 16 January 2011 Operable Windows. Whenever compatible with the function of the conditioned space served,
the use of operable windows to enhance natural ventilation is permissible, provided that the benefit is
clearly demonstrated to MEMD at concept stage, via a full “Appendix H” submittal. In most cases
economizers are preferable, because natural ventilation using operable windows may have adverse effect
on U-Value, air tightness and indoor air quality (humidity, pollution). Operable windows must be
equipped with interlocking controls with the building HVAC system as specified in section

2.2 Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning

2.2.1 General Scope. This section specifies requirements for building-level mechanical systems serving cooling,
heating and ventilation purposes. Compliance. Compliance with section 2.2 shall be achieved by meeting all requirements for
Section 2.2.1, General; Section 2.2.2, Mandatory Provisions; and Section 2.2.3, Prescriptive Path
Requirements. Submittals. Design team shall submit compliance documentation and supplemental information,
in accordance with Section 1.4.2 of this guideline. The Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning shall
also comply with Section 6.7.2 of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010.

2.2.2 Mandatory Requirements Equipment Efficiencies, Verification, and Labeling Requirements General. Although cooling for Masdar city is provided by offsite district cooling plant, all
onsite additional equipments shall comply with Section 6.4.1 Equipment Efficiencies, Verification, and
Labeling Requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010 for nonstandard conditions. Cooling Load and Ventilation Rate Calculations Load Calculations. Cooling system design loads for the purpose of sizing systems and
equipment shall be determined using the procedures described in the ASHRAE Fundamentals Manual. Ventilation Rate Calculations. The building shall comply with Sections 4 through 7 of
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010. Controls General. The building controls shall be designed to comply with Sections 6.4.3 of
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010 with the additions and modifications in sections to of this standard. Ventilation Controls for Densely Occupied Spaces. DCV is required for densely occupied
spaces with a design occupant density greater than or equal to 25 people per 100 m2 and where
occupancy is variable and unpredictable. Any request for exemption from the DCV rule must be
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submitted to MEMD together with an “Appendix H” life-cycle analysis, for prior written permission. For
those spaces with DCV, an automatic modulating damper shall be required. This requirement supersedes
the occupant density threshold in Section of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010.
The DCV system shall be designed to be in compliance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010
Occupancy assumptions shall be shown in the design documents for spaces required to have DCV. All
CO2 sensors used as part of a DCV system or any other system that dynamically controls outdoor air shall
meet the requirements:

a. Spaces with CO2 sensors or air sampling probes leading to a central CO2 monitoring station
shall have one sensor or probe for each 1000 m² of floor space and shall be located in the
room between 1 and 2 m above the floor, or in the return duct if specifically designated for
this zone.
b. CO2 sensors must be accurate to ±50 ppm at 1000 ppm.
c. Outdoor air CO2 concentrations shall be determined by one of the following:
1. Outdoor air CO2 concentrations shall be dynamically measured using a CO2 sensor
located in the path of the outdoor air intake.
2. When documented statistical data are available on the local ambient CO2
concentrations, a fixed value typical of the location where the building is located shall
be allowed in lieu of an outdoor sensor
d. Occupant CO2 generation rate assumptions shall be shown in the design documents Automatic Control of HVAC and Lights in Hotel/Motel Guest Rooms. In hotels and motels,
the lighting switched outlets, television, and HVAC equipment serving each guest room shall be
automatically controlled such that the lighting, switched outlets, and televisions will be turned off and the
AC setpoint raised at least 3°C in the cooling mode whenever the guest room is unoccupied. Automatic Control of HVAC and Lights in Residential units. In residential units, the
operation of exhaust and lighting systems serving each toilet and kitchen shall be directly related to
occupancy in each of these spaces in the most effective manner, and the outdoor air supply to the living
areas shall also be responsive to these controls to comply with the requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE
Standard 62.1-2010 and to maintain an adequate air balance within the residential unit. Natural Ventilation Controls. Building designs that incorporate operable windows to
encourage natural ventilation must include interlocking controls with the building HVAC system to
disengage the HVAC system when windows are opened, such that there shall be no space conditioning
and no air supply from HVAC systems if and when windows are open. Alternative methods of achieving
the same result may be acceptable but must be submitted to the MEMD for explicit written approval prior
to implementation. HVAC System Construction and Insulation. General. The building HVAC System Construction and Insulation shall comply with Sections
6.4.4 of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010 with the additions and modifications in section and of this standard. Duct Insulation. Duct insulation shall comply with the minimum requirements in Section Duct Insulation of ANSI/ASHRAE/USGBC/IES Standard 189.1-2009. These requirements
supersede the Requirements in Tables 6.8.2A and 6.8.2B of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010.
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Masdar Energy design guidelines (MEDG) for buildings – Version 3.0 - Rev 1 – 16 January 2011 Pipe Insulation. Pipe insulation shall comply with the minimum requirements in Section, Pipe Insulation of ANSI/ASHRAE/USGBC/IES Standard 189.1-2009. These requirements
supersede the requirements in Table 6.8.3 of ANSI/SHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010. The exceptions
a through e in Section of ANSI/ ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010 shall apply.

2.2.3 Prescriptive Path Requirements General. The Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning shall comply with Section 6.5
Prescriptive Path of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010 applicable to climate zone 1B with the
modifications and additions in section to of this standard: Ventilation Fan System Power Limitation. Systems shall have fan power limitations 20% below
limitations specified in Table of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010. This
requirement supersedes the requirement in Section and Table of
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010. All exceptions in Section of ANSI/
ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010 shall apply. Exhaust Air Energy Recovery. Each fan system shall have an energy recovery system having at
least 75% total effectiveness.


a. Systems serving spaces that are not cooled.

b. Systems exhausting toxic, flammable, paint, or corrosive fumes or dust.
c. Commercial kitchen hoods used for collecting and removing grease vapours and smoke.
d. Laboratory systems meeting section of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010.

The equation to determine the total effectiveness is described in the following equation:
ε = (Ms/Mmin)*(E1-E2)/(E1-E3)
The symbols and subscripts used in this equation are as follows:
ε = total effectiveness
Ms = mass flow rate of supply airflow (Kg/s).
Mmin = mass flow rate of minimum of the exhaust and supply air flows (Kg/s).
E1 = Enthalpy at entering supply airflow before passing through the heat exchanger (J/Kg).
E2 = Enthalpy at leaving supply airflow after passing through the heat exchanger (J/Kg).
E3 = Enthalpy at entering exhaust airflow before passing through the heat exchanger (J/Kg).

Provision shall be made to bypass or control the energy recovery system to permit air economizer
operation. Air economizer high limit shut-off control must be based on differential enthalpy between
outside air and return air (not based on differential dry bulb temperature).

This requirement supersedes the requirement in Section Exhaust Air Energy Recovery of
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010. Supply Air Reheat. Non-electric heating techniques shall be used whenever supply air reheating
is required downstream of an air handling unit cooling coil. Examples for such devices: sensible wheels
and wrap around heat pipes.

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Masdar Energy design guidelines (MEDG) for buildings – Version 3.0 - Rev 1 – 16 January 2011 Fan Coil Unit Power Limitation. The specific fan power of fan coil units in the building shall
not exceed 0.6 W/(l/s), measured as the rating weighted average of the fan coil unit installation.
This is calculated by summing the product of the power supplied (Pmains), including ancillary items, and
the specific fan power (SFPfcu) for each fan coil unit in the installation, divided by the sum of the power
supplied (Pmains) for all the fan coil units in the installation.

The specific fan power of a fan coil unit (SFPfcu) is defined as follows:

SFPfcu= (Pmains) / (qfcu)

Pmains = power supplied to the fan coil unit, W
qfcu = airflow rate through the fan coil unit, l/s Variable Speed Fan Control. Ventilation systems shall have variable-speed control for supply,
return and exhaust air fans.

2.3 Service Water Heating

2.3.1 General Scope. This section specifies requirements for building-level service hot water heating for new
buildings. Compliance. Compliance with section 2.3 shall be achieved by meeting the requirements of
Sections 2.3.1, General; and Section 2.3.2 Mandatory Requirements. Submittals. MEMD may require submittal of compliance documentation and supplemental
information, in accordance with Section 1.4.2 of this guideline.

2.3.2 Mandatory Requirements Load Calculations. Service water heating system design loads for the purpose of sizing systems
and equipment shall be determined in accordance with manufacturers’ published sizing guidelines or
generally accepted engineering standards and handbooks (e.g., ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC
Applications). On-Site Solar Thermal Generation Systems. At least 75% of annual service hot water
requirements for the building shall be met via local solar thermal generation methods.

Appropriate sizing to meet 75% of the load with the solar hot water system shall be shown using
RETScreen® Clean Energy Project Analysis Software (latest version) or equivalent. The MEMD may
authorise more energy efficient renewable means of hot water production, on a case by case basis.
RETScreen compliance shall be demonstrated in according to the following procedure:

a. Enter the following inputs into the software:

1. Project type: heating
2. Technology: solar water heating
3. Analysis type: Method 2
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4. Climate data location: Abu Dhabi Intl

b. Use estimated daily hot water usage calculated by RETScreen based on reasonable inputs for
load type, number of units and occupancy rate.
c. Enter geometry and type of solar hot water panels, storage capacity and whether or not a heat
exchanger will be used. Required input miscellaneous losses shall be 4% and 8% for solar hot
water panels and balance of system, respectively.
d. The solar fraction calculated by RETScreen must be 75% at a minimum for an acceptable
design. Service Hot-Water Piping Insulation. The following piping shall be insulated to levels shown
in section, Pipe Insulation of this standard:

a. Distribution piping between the solar hot water array and the storage tank and/or water
b. Recirculating system piping, including the supply and return piping of a circulating tank type
water heater.
c. The inlet pipe between the storage tank and a heat trap in a non-recirculating storage system.
d. Pipes that are externally heated (such as heat trace or impedance heating). Service Water Heating System Controls. Water Heating System Controls shall comply with all
requirements in Section 7.4.4, Service Water Heating System Controls of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA
Standard 90.1-2010. Heat Traps. Heat traps shall comply with Section 7.4.6 Service Heat Traps of
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010.

2.4 Building Lighting Systems.

2.4.1 General Scope. This section specifies building lighting requirements applicable to the following features:

a. interior spaces of buildings

b. exterior building features, including facades, illuminated roofs, architectural features,
entrances, exits, loading docks, and illuminated canopies
c. exterior building grounds lighting provided through the building’s electrical service

a. emergency lighting that is automatically off during normal building operation
b. lighting that is specifically designated as required by a health or life safety statute, ordinance,
or regulation Installed Lighting Power. The installed lighting power shall comply with Section 9.1.3 installed
lighting power of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010.

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Masdar Energy design guidelines (MEDG) for buildings – Version 3.0 - Rev 1 – 16 January 2011 Interior and Exterior Luminaire Wattage. Luminaire wattage, when used to calculate either
installed interior lighting power or installed exterior lighting power, shall be determined in accordance
with Section 9.1.4 interior and exterior luminaire wattage of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010. Compliance. Compliance with section 2.3 shall be achieved by meeting the requirements of Sections 2.4.1,
General; and Section 2.4.2, Mandatory Requirements; and Section 2.4.3, Prescriptive Path Requirements. Prescriptive Requirements The Building Area Method for determining the interior lighting power allowance, described
in Section 9.5 of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010., is a simplified approach for
demonstrating compliance. The Space-by-Space Method, described in Section 9.6 of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard

90.1-2010., is an alternative approach that allows greater flexibility. Interior Lighting Power. The interior lighting power allowance for a building or a separately
metered or permitted portion of a building shall be determined by either the Building Area Method or the
Space by- Space Method. Trade-offs of interior lighting power allowance among portions of the building
for which a different method of calculation has been used are not permitted. The installed interior lighting
power identified in accordance with Section shall not exceed the interior lighting power
allowance developed in accordance with Section

Exceptions: The following lighting equipment and applications shall not be considered when
determining the interior lighting power allowance developed in accordance with Section 2.4.3,
nor shall the wattage for such lighting be included in the installed interior lighting power
identified in accordance with Section However, any such lighting shall not be exempt
unless it is an addition to general lighting and is controlled by an independent control device.
a. Display or accent lighting that is an essential element for the function performed in galleries,
museums, and monuments.
b. Lighting that is integral to equipment or instrumentation and is installed by its manufacturer.
c. Lighting specifically designed for use only during medical or dental procedures and lighting
integral to medical equipment.
d. Lighting integral to both open and glass-enclosed refrigerator and freezer cases.
e. Lighting integral to food warming and food preparation equipment.
f. Lighting for plant growth or maintenance.
g. Lighting in spaces specifically designed for use by occupants with special lighting needs
including visual impairment and other medical and age-related issues.
h. Lighting in retail display windows, provided the display area is enclosed by ceiling-height
i. Lighting in interior spaces that have been specifically designated as a registered interior
historic landmark.
j. Lighting that is an integral part of advertising or directional signage.
k. Exit signs.
l. Lighting that is for sale or lighting educational demonstration systems.
m. Lighting for theatrical purposes, including performance, stage, and film and video production.
n. Lighting for television broadcasting in sporting activity areas.
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o. Furniture-mounted supplemental task lighting that is controlled by automatic shutoff.

p. Mirror lighting in dressing rooms and accent lighting in religious pulpit and choir areas. Submittals. Design team shall submit compliance documentation and supplemental information,
in accordance with Section 1.4.2 of this guideline. The Lighting shall also comply with Section 9.7.2 of
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010.

2.4.2 Mandatory Requirements General. The building lighting systems shall be designed to comply with Sections 9.4 of
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010 with the additions and modifications in sections to of this standard: Lighting Efficacy. High efficacy lamps should be used for all interior and exterior lighting, with
a minimum efficacy of 60 lumens/Watt. Controls for Outdoor Lighting. For lighting of building facades, and canopies, automatic
controls shall be installed to reduce the sum of all lighting power (in watts) by a minimum of 50% one
hour after normal business closing and to turn off outdoor lighting within 30 minutes after sunrise.

a. Lighting required by a health or life safety statute, ordinance, or regulation, including but not
limited to, emergency lighting.
b. Lighting that is controlled by a motion sensor and photocontrol.
c. Lighting for facilities that have equal lighting requirements at all hours and are designed to
operate continuously.
d. Temporary outdoor lighting.
e. Externally illuminated signs and signs that are internally illuminated or have integral lamps. Exterior Building Lighting Power. The total exterior lighting power allowance for all exterior
building applications shall be compliant with section 9.4.3, Exterior Building Lighting Power of
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010. And the Lighting Power Densities for Building Exteriors
shall be a maximum of 0.7 multiplied by the values determined in accordance with the same section.

2.4.3 Prescriptive Path Requirements General. Lighting shall comply with Section 9.5 Building Area Method Compliance Path of
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010 OR Section 9.6 Alternative Compliance Path: Space-by-
Space Method of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1 with the modifications and additions in section of this standard: Lighting Power Allowance. The lighting power allowance shall be a maximum of 0.7 multiplied
by the values determined in accordance with Sections 9.5 and 9.6 of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard
90.1-2010. This requirement supersedes the requirements in Sections 9.5 and 9.6 of
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010.

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2.5 Electric Power, Motors and Energy Management Systems.

2.5.1 General. Scope. This section applies to all building power distribution and only to equipments described
below. Low Voltage Dry-Type Distribution Transformers. Low voltage dry-type transformers shall
comply with section 8.1.2, Low Voltage Dry-Type Distribution Transformers of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA
Standard 90.1-2010. Compliance. Power distribution systems and all equipments described below shall comply with
Sections 2.5.1, General; and Section 2.5.2, Mandatory Provisions. Submittals Design team shall submit compliance documentation and supplemental information,
in accordance with Section 8.7 of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010.

2.5.2 Mandatory Provisions General. The building electric power, motors and energy management systems shall be designed
to comply with Sections 8.4 and 10.4 of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010 with the additions
and modifications in sections and of this standard: Electric Motors. Motors shall comply with the minimum requirements in Table C-13 in
Normative Appendix C of ANSI/ASHRAE/USGBC/IES Standard 189.1-2009. These requirements
supersede the requirements in Section 10.4.1 and Table 10.8 of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-
2010. On-Site Renewable Energy Systems. Building projects shall provide for the future installation
of on-site renewable energy systems with a minimum rating of 40 W/m2 multiplied by the total roof area
in m2. Building projects design shall show allocated space and pathways for installation of on-site
renewable energy systems and associated infrastructure. Annual Load factor/Peak Electrical demand. The proposed design shall have the same or less
peak electrical demand than the Baseline building design. In addition, the proposed design shall have a
minimum electrical annual load factor of 0.25 Energy Consumption Management. The building shall comply with the requirements in Section
7.3.3, Energy Consumption Management of ANSI/ASHRAE/USGBC/IES Standard 189.1-2009

2.6 Compliance Model Path

2.6.1 General Scope. The building Compliance Model Path is an alternative to the prescriptive provisions of
this guideline for buildings below 2,000 m2 and mandatory for buildings above this size.

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Masdar Energy design guidelines (MEDG) for buildings – Version 3.0 - Rev 1 – 16 January 2011 Compliance. Compliance with this section shall be achieved if the following are met:

a. all mandatory requirements of Sections 2.1-2.5 are met;

b. the proposed design energy consumption, as calculated in Section 2.6.3, does not exceed the
baseline energy consumption, as calculated by the simulation program described in Section

Alternative compliance method(s) as per annex D may be acceptable provided that prior approval
by MEMD is secured.


a. Energy consumption is the net energy used by the building. If the building uses non-electrical forms
of energy (district chilled water, district hot water) they must be converted to electricity using the
Electricity Equivalent Factors defined in appendix F.
b. The baseline building design energy consumption and the proposed design energy consumption
calculations are applicable only for determining compliance with this standard. They are not
predictions of actual energy consumption or energy cost of the proposed design after construction.
Actual experience will differ from these calculations due to variations such as occupancy, building
operation and maintenance, weather, energy use not covered by this guideline, changes in energy
rates between design or the building and occupancy, and precision of the calculation tool.
c. Both the proposed building performance and the baseline building performance shall include all end-
use load components, such as receptacle and process loads. Documentation Requirements. Compliance shall be documented and submitted to the MEMD.
In addition to Forms B1 and G (completely filled), the submission shall include all the items listed on the
checklist in Appendix B2, including information on:

a. The energy consumption for two different building models:

i. Baseline building design;
ii. Proposed design.
b. A list of the energy-related features that are included in the design and on which the
performance is based. This list shall document all energy features that differ between the
models used in the baseline building performance and proposed building performance
c. Input and output report(s) from the simulation program or compliance software, including a
breakdown of energy usage by at least the following components: interior lighting, façade
lighting, parking lighting, space heating, space cooling, interior fans, parking garage fans,
pumps, service water heating, office equipment, elevators and escalators, refrigeration,
commercial cooking, and energy production by on-site renewable energy systems. The output
reports shall also show the amount of time any loads are not met by the HVAC system for
both the proposed design and baseline building design.
d. An explanation of any error messages noted in the simulation program output.

2.6.2 Simulation General Requirements

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Masdar Energy design guidelines (MEDG) for buildings – Version 3.0 - Rev 1 – 16 January 2011 Simulation Program. The acceptable building energy simulation programs shall be the latest
version of one of the following: EnergyPlus, DOE-2, IES or another hourly load and energy modelling
software tool subject to MEMD approval. Climatic Data. The simulation program shall use either a weather file provided by the MEMD,
or if said file is not available, the latest IWEC (International Weather for Energy Calculations) Abu Dhabi
international airport weather file. Compliance Calculations. The proposed and baseline building energy performance shall be
calculated using:
a. the same simulation program;
b. the same weather data;
c. the same electricity equivalent factors; and
d. the same occupancy and end-use profiles. Exceptional Calculation Methods. Where the simulation program is unable to adequately model
a design, material, or device, MEMD may approve an exceptional calculation method to be used to
demonstrate compliance with this section. Applications for approval of an exceptional calculation method
shall include theoretical and empirical information verifying the method’s accuracy as well as the
following documentation to demonstrate that the exceptional calculation method and results:

a. make no change in any input parameter values specified by this standard and the MEMD;
b. provide input and output documentation that facilitates the review and meets the formatting
and content required by MEMD; and
c. are supported with instructions for using the method to demonstrate that the baseline and
proposed energy performance required by this section are met.

2.6.3 Compliance Model Requirements

The simulation models for calculating the baseline and proposed building energy performance shall be
developed in accordance with the requirements in Table 2.6.3.

Table 2.6.3 – Compliance Model Requirements for Baseline and Proposed Building Design


1. Design Model

a. The simulation model of the proposed design The baseline building design shall be developed by
shall be consistent with the design documents, modifying the proposed design as described in this
including proper accounting of fenestration and table. Except as specifically instructed in this table,
opaque envelope types and area; interior lighting all building systems and equipment shall be
power and controls; HVAC system types, sizes, modelled identically in the baseline and proposed
and controls; and service water heating systems and building designs.
controls. All end-use load components within and
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associated with the building shall be modeled,

including, but not limited to, exhaust fans, facade
lighting, swimming pool heat pumps and pumps,
elevators and escalators, refrigeration, and cooking.
Where the simulation program does not specifically
model the functionality of the installed system,
spreadsheets or other documentation of the
assumptions shall be used to generate the power
demand and operating schedule of the systems.

b. All conditioned spaces in the proposed design

shall be simulated as cooled even if no cooling
system is being installed. Temperature and
humidity control setpoints and schedules as well as
temperature control throttling range shall be the
same for proposed and baseline building designs.

c. When the compliance model method is applied

to buildings in which energy related features have
not yet been designed (e.g., a lighting system),
those yet to be designed features shall be described
in the proposed design exactly as they are defined
in the baseline building design so that they
minimally comply with applicable mandatory and
prescriptive requirements from Sections 2.1
through 2.5.

2. Space Use Classification

Usage shall be specified using the building type or Same as proposed building design.
space type lighting classifications in accordance
with Section 9.5.1 or 9.6.1 of ANSI/ASHRAE/
IESNA Standard 90.1-2010. The user shall specify
the space use classifications using either the
building type or space type categories but shall not
combine the two types of categories. More than one
building type category may be used in a building if
it is a mixed-use facility. If space type categories
are used, the user may simplify the placement of
the various space types within the building model,
provided that building-total areas for each space
type are accurate.

3. Schedules

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The following schedule types shall be required Same as Proposed Design

input: hourly variations in occupancy, lighting
power, miscellaneous equipment power, thermostat Exception: Schedules may be allowed to differ
set points, and HVAC system operation, defined between proposed design and baseline building
separately for each day of the week and holidays. design when necessary to model nonstandard
The schedules shall be typical of the proposed efficiency measures, provided that the revised
building type as determined by the designer and schedules have the approval of the MEMD.
approved by MEMD. Required schedules shall be Measures that may warrant use of different
identical for the proposed design and baseline schedules include, but are not limited to, automatic
building design. lighting controls, automatic natural ventilation
controls, automatic demand control ventilation
Typical schedules are provided in Appendix E. controls, and automatic controls that reduce service
water heating loads. In no case shall schedules
differ where the controls are manual (e.g., manual
operation of light switches or manual operation of
Appendix E outlines the schedules that can be
applied to Buildings.

4. Building Envelope

All components of the building envelope in the The baseline building design shall have identical
proposed design shall be modelled as shown on conditioned floor area and identical exterior
architectural drawings. dimensions and orientations as the proposed
building design, except as follows: Equivalent
Exceptions: The following building elements are dimensions shall be assumed for each exterior
permitted to differ from architectural drawings: envelope component type as in the proposed
design; i.e., the total gross area of exterior walls
a. Any envelope assembly that covers less than 5% shall be the same in the proposed and baseline
of the total area of that assembly type (e.g., exterior building designs.
walls) need not be separately described. If not The same shall be true for the areas of roofs, floors,
separately described, the area of an envelope and doors and the exposed perimeters of concrete
assembly must be added to the area of the adjacent slabs on grade shall also be the same in the
assembly of that same type. proposed and baseline building designs. The
b. Exterior surfaces whose azimuth orientation and baseline building design shall also have identical
tilt differ by no more than 45 degrees and are conditioned floor area and orientations as the
otherwise the same may be described as either a proposed building design.
single surface or by using multipliers. The following additional requirements shall apply
to the modeling of the baseline building design:
c. For exterior roofs, the roof surface shall be
modeled with a reflectance of 0.45 if the
reflectance of the proposed design roof is greater a. Opaque assemblies such as roof, floors, doors,
than 0.70 and its emittance is greater than 0.75. and walls shall be modelled as having the same
Reflectance values shall be based on testing in heat capacity as the proposed building design but
accordance with ASTM C1549, or ASTM E1918, with the minimum U-value required in Table 2.1.3.
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and emittance values shall be based on testing in b. Roof albedo—All roof surfaces shall be
accordance with ASTM C1371 or ASTM E408, modelled with a reflectivity of 0.45.
and SRI shall be based on ASTM E1980 calculated
at medium wind speed. All other roof surfaces shall c. Vertical Fenestration—Vertical fenestration
be modeled with a reflectance of 0.30. areas shall equal that in the proposed design or the
When devices are permanently attached to the roof maximum allowed by Section, whichever is
such that they provide some level of roof shading smaller, and shall be distributed uniformly in
(e.g. solar hot water panels), the reflectance of the horizontal bands across the four orientations.
roof may be adjusted. The shaded area shall be Fenestration U-value shall be the minimum
calculated by taking the vertical projection of the required in Table 2.1.3. Fenestration SHGC shall
shading object onto the roof surface. This shaded be the maximum allowed in Table 2.1.3 provided
area can be assumed to have a 100% reflectance. that the vertical fenestration in the proposed
The total surface reflectance shall be calculated building complies with, If not, then the
using an area weighting method. SHGC for west-facing and east-facing fenestration
in the baseline building shall be uniformly reduced
d. Manual fenestration shading devices such as until the vertical fenestration in the baseline
blinds or shades shall not be modeled. building complies with All vertical
Automatically controlled fenestration shades or fenestration shall be modeled as fixed and shall be
blinds may be modeled. Permanent shading devices assumed to be flush with the exterior wall, and with
such as fins, overhangs, and light shelves may be shading by a permanent projection complying with
modeled. Manual window shading devices such as
blinds or shades shall not be modeled.
e. Automatically controlled dynamic glazing may
be modeled. Manually controlled dynamic glazing d. Skylights— Skylight area shall be equal to that in
shall use the average of the minimum and the proposed building design or 5% of the gross
maximum SHGC and VT. roof area that is part of the building envelope,
whichever is smaller, but not less than that required
in section of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA
Standard 90.1-2010. If the skylight area of the
proposed building design is greater than 5% of the
gross roof area, baseline skylight area shall be
decreased by an identical percentage in all roof
components in which skylights are located to reach
the 5% skylight-to-roof ratio. Skylight orientation
and tilt shall be the same as in the proposed
building design. Skylight U-factor and SHGC
properties shall match the appropriate requirements
in Table 2.1.3. of this document.

e. Air Infiltration – Buildings shall be modelled

with air infiltration rates as defined in Appendix C,
section 1.

5. Lighting

Lighting power in the proposed building design Lighting power in the baseline building design

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shall be determined as follows: shall be determined using the same categorization

procedure (building area or space-by-space
a. Where a lighting system has been designed, method) and categories as the proposed design with
lighting power shall be determined in accordance lighting power set equal to the maximum allowed
with Section and for the corresponding method and category in
Section 2.4.2. Lighting shall be modeled having the
b. Where no lighting exists or is specified, lighting automatic and manual controls in Section 2.4.2. No
power shall be determined in accordance with the additional automatic lighting controls (e.g.,
Building Area Method for the appropriate building automatic controls for daylight utilization) shall be
type. modeled in the baseline building design, as the
c. Lighting system power shall include all lighting lighting schedules used are understood to reflect
system components shown or provided for on plans the mandatory control requirements in this
(including lamps, ballasts, task fixtures, and standard.
furniture-mounted fixtures).

d. Lighting power for building facades shall be


e. Credit may be taken for the use of automatic

controls for daylight utilization but only if their
operation is either modeled directly in the building
simulation or modeled in the building simulation
through schedule adjustments determined by a
separate daylighting analysis approved by MEMD.

f. For automatic lighting controls in addition to

those required for minimum compliance under
Section 9.4.1 of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard
90.1-2010. , credit may be taken for automatically
controlled systems by reducing the connected
lighting power by the applicable percentages listed
in Table G3.2. of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard
90.1-2010. Alternatively, credit may be taken for
these devices by modifying the lighting schedules
used for the proposed design, provided that
credible technical documentation for the
modifications are provided to the MEMD.

6. Thermal Blocks – HVAC Zones Designed

Where HVAC zones are defined on HVAC design Same as proposed design.
drawings, each HVAC zone shall be modelled as a
separate thermal block.

Exception: Different HVAC zones may be

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combined to create a single thermal block or

identical thermal blocks to which multipliers are
applied provided all of the following conditions are

a. The space use classification is the same

throughout the thermal block.

b. All HVAC zones in the thermal block that are

adjacent to glazed exterior walls face the same
orientation or their orientations are within 45
degrees of each other.

c. All of the zones are served by the same HVAC

system or by the same kind of HVAC system.

7. Thermal Blocks – HVAC Zones Not Designed

Where the HVAC zones and systems have not yet Same as proposed design.
been designed, thermal blocks shall be defined
based on similar internal load densities, occupancy,
lighting, thermal and space temperature schedules,
and in combination with the following guidelines:

a. Separate thermal blocks shall be assumed for

interior and perimeter conditioned spaces. Interior
conditioned spaces shall be those located more than
5 m from an exterior wall. Perimeter conditioned
spaces shall be those located closer than 5 m from
an exterior wall.

b. Separate thermal blocks shall be assumed for

conditioned spaces adjacent to glazed exterior
walls; a separate zone shall be provided for each
orientation, except orientations that differ by no
more than 45 degrees may be considered to be the
same orientation.

Each zone shall include all floor area that is 5 m or

less from a glazed perimeter wall, except that floor
area within 5 m of glazed perimeter walls having
more than one orientation shall be divided
proportionately between zones.

c. Separate thermal blocks shall be assumed for

conditioned spaces having floors that are in contact
with the ground or exposed to ambient conditions

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from zones that do not share these features.

d. Separate thermal blocks shall be assumed for

conditioned spaces having exterior ceiling or roof
assemblies from zones that do not share these

8. Thermal Blocks – Multifamily Residential Buildings

Residential conditioned spaces shall be modelled Same as proposed design.

using at least one thermal block per dwelling unit,
except that those facing the same orientations may
be combined into one thermal block. Corner units
and units with roof or floor loads shall only be
combined with units sharing these features.

9. HVAC Systems

The HVAC system type and all related The HVAC system type, description and related
performance parameters, such as equipment performance parameters for the baseline building
capacities and efficiencies, in the proposed design design shall be determined from Table 2.6.4. and
shall be determined as follows: Section

a. Where an HVAC system has been designed, the

HVAC model shall be consistent with design
documents. Mechanical equipment efficiencies
shall be adjusted from actual design conditions to
the standard rating conditions specified in Section
6.4.1 of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-
2010. if required by the simulation model.

b. Where no cooling system exists or no cooling

system has been specified, the cooling system shall
be identical to the system modeled in the baseline
building design.

10. Service Hot Water Systems

The service hot-water system type and all related The service hot-water system type the baseline
performance parameters, such as equipment building design shall be identical to the proposed
capacities and efficiencies, in the proposed building design. And shall conform with the following

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design shall be determined as follows: conditions:

a. Where a service hot-water system has been a. The service hot-water system in the baseline
designed, the service hot-water model shall be building design shall meet the minimum
consistent with design documents. requirements of Section and the remaining
25% Hot water requirement shall be met with
b. Where no service hot-water system is specified, electrical resistance.
no service hot-water heating shall be modelled.
b. No wastewater heat recovery shall be included in
d. Solar hot water systems shall be sized the baseline building design.
according to Section
c. Where no service hot-water system is specified,
Note: Energy produced by onsite solar collectors no service hot-water heating shall be modelled.
for domestic water heating shall be deducted from
the total energy consumption. d. Service water loads and usage shall be the same
for both the baseline building design and the
proposed design and shall be documented by the
calculation procedures described in Section

11. Receptacle and Other Loads

Receptacle and process loads such as those for Other systems, such as motors covered by Section
office and other equipments shall be modelled and 2.5, and miscellaneous loads shall be modeled as
estimated based on the building type or space identical to those in the proposed design including
category and shall be assumed to be identical in the schedules of operation and control of the
proposed and baseline building designs except as equipment. Where there are specific efficiency
specifically authorized by the MEMD. These loads requirements listed in Sections 2.1 through 2.5,
shall be included in simulations of the building and these systems or components shall be modeled as
shall be included when calculating the baseline and having the lowest efficiency allowed by those
proposed energy performance and energy requirements. Where no efficiency requirements
consumption. All end-use load components within exist, power and energy rating or capacity of the
and associated with the building shall be modelled. equipment shall be identical between the baseline
building and the proposed design with the
following exception: variations of the power
requirements, schedules, or control sequences of
the equipment modeled in the baseline building
from those in the proposed design shall be allowed
by the MEMD based upon documentation that the
equipment installed in the proposed design
represents a significant verifiable departure from
documented conventional practice. The burden of
this documentation is to demonstrate that accepted
conventional practice would result in baseline
building equipment different from that installed in
the proposed design. Occupancy and occupancy
schedules shall not be changed.

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12. Exterior Conditions

a. Shading by adjacent structures and terrain: Same as proposed design.

The effect that structures and significant vegetation
or topographical features have on the amount of
solar radiation being received by a structure shall
be adequately reflected in the computer analysis.
All elements whose effective height is greater than
their distance from a proposed building and whose
width facing the proposed building is greater than
one-third that of the proposed building shall be
accounted for in the analysis. If the computer
program has a subroutine to simulate shading by
adjacent structures, then this option shall be used. If
the computer program does not have a subroutine
to simulate shading by adjacent structures, then any
portion of a structure that is shaded most of the
time is allowed to be modeled as having a north-
facing orientation.

b. Water main temperatures for service water

heating calculations:
It is acceptable to use either an annual water main
supply temperature or monthly average water main
supply temperatures for calculating service water
heating. If annual or monthly water main supply
temperatures are not available from the local water
utility, annual average ground temperatures may be

13. Modelling Limitations to the Simulation Program

If the simulation program cannot model a Same as proposed design.

component or system included in the proposed
design, explicitly, substitute a thermodynamically
similar component model that can approximate the
expected performance of the component that cannot
be modeled explicitly.

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Masdar Energy design guidelines (MEDG) for buildings – Version 3.0 - Rev 1 – 16 January 2011 Baseline HVAC System Type, Description and Requirements. The HVAC system type,
description and related performance parameters for the baseline building design shall be determined from
the system descriptions in Table 2.6.4 and accompanying notes and the following rules:

Table 2.6.4 – Baseline System Descriptions

HVAC System Type Cooling Type Heating Type

Variable Speed Drive Fan Coil Chilled Water from Central Free Reheat by Sensible
Units for zones Cooling And District Cooling Plant Recovery Wheel, OR Wrap
Variable Speed Drive Air Around Heat Pipe (whichever is
Handling Units with Energy more suitable)
recovery Wheels for Building

a. On-Site Distribution Pumps. All on-site distribution pumps shall be modeled in both the
baseline and proposed designs.

b. Equipment Efficiencies. All HVAC equipment in the baseline building design shall be
modeled at the minimum efficiency levels, both part load and full load, in accordance with
Section 2.2.2.unless otherwise is specified below. Where efficiency ratings, such as IEER and
ICOP, include fan energy, the descriptor shall be broken down into its components so that
supply fan energy can be modeled separately.

c. Equipment Capacities. The equipment capacities (i.e. system coil capacities) for the
baseline building design shall be based on a sizing run for the model (per Table 2.6.3, No. 4)
and shall be oversized by 15% for cooling, i.e., the ratio between the capacities used in the
annual simulations and the capacities determined by the sizing run shall be 1.15 for cooling.

d. Sizing Run. Weather Conditions used in sizing run to determine Baseline and Proposed
equipment capacities shall be based on the following peak conditions:
- Latent load peak: Wet Bulb Temperature 30.0°C; Dry Bulb Temperature 33.2°C.
- Sensible load peak: Dry Bulb Temperature 44.9°C; Wet Bulb Temperature 23.2°C.

e. Unmet Loads. Unmet load hours for the proposed design or baseline building designs shall
not exceed 300 (of the 8760 hours simulated). Alternatively, unmet load hours exceeding these
limits may be accepted at the discretion of the MEMD provided that sufficient justification is
given indicating that the accuracy of the simulation is not significantly compromised by these
unmet loads.
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f. Ventilation Fan System Operation. Supply and exhaust fans shall operate continuously
whenever spaces are occupied and shall be set to minimum speed during unoccupied hours as
specified in the proposed building.

g. Ventilation Flow. Minimum ventilation system outdoor air intake flow shall be the same for
the proposed and baseline building designs.
a. When modeling demand-control ventilation in the proposed design when its use is not
required by Section
b. When designing systems in accordance with Standard 62.1 Section 6.2 Ventilation Rate
Procedure, reduced ventilation airflow rates may be calculated for each HVAC zone in
the proposed design with a zone air distribution effectiveness (Ez) > 1.0 as defined by
Table 6-2 in Standard 62.1. Baseline ventilation airflow rates in those zones shall be
calculated using the proposed design Ventilation Rate Procedure calculation with the
following change only. Zone air distribution effectiveness shall be changed to (Ez)=1.0 in
each zone having a zone air distribution effectiveness (Ez)>1.0. Proposed design and
baseline design Ventilation Rate Procedure calculations, as described in Standard 62.1,
shall be submitted to the MEMD to claim credit for this exception.

h. Economizers. Outdoor air economizers shall not be included in baseline HVAC Systems

i. Ventilation System Fan Power. System fan electrical power for supply, exhaust, and relief
shall be equal to the maximum allowed in Section for variable volume. The calculated
system fan power shall be distributed to supply, return, exhaust, and relief fans in the same
proportion as the proposed design.

j. Exhaust Air Energy Recovery. Exhaust air energy recovery shall be modeled for the baseline
building design in accordance with Section

k. Piping Losses. Piping losses shall not be modeled in either the proposed or baseline building
design for hot water or chilled water.

l. Chilled-Water Design Supply and Return Temperature. Chilled-water design supply and
return temperature shall be modeled similarly in the proposed and baseline building design to
reflect Sitewide Infrastructure Design.

m. Fan Coil Units Fan Power. Fan power for each Fan Coil Unit in the building shall be equal
to the maximum allowed in Section

n. Fan Coil Units Fan Part-Load Performance. Fan Coil Units supply fans shall have variable-
speed drives, and their part-load performance characteristics shall be modeled using either
Method 1 or Method 2 specified in Table G3.1.3.15 of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-

o. Other Components and Parameters. Components and parameters not listed in Table 2.6.3 or
Section shall be identical to those in the proposed building design.

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2.7 Calculation of Net Energy Building Performance

Different definitions exist to calculate the net-energy consumption of building developments, including
calculations for net-zero energy and net-positive energy developments. As stated earlier in the document,
a net-zero energy building is one that produces as much energy as is required for all building-related
operations averaged over a full year. A net-positive energy building is one which produces more energy
for all building-related operations than is required, averaged over a full year.

When calculating one single, total energy consumption value for the buildings in Masdar, several forms
of energy-related utilities need to be considered and combined in a meaningful way. These forms are,
mainly, as follows:

1. Annual amount of electricity consumed by the building including plug load (in kWhe);
2. Annual amount of heat rejected into the chilled water loop based on building cooling (in kWhth);
3. Annual amount of heat removed from the hot water or steam loop (in kWhth).
4. Annual amount of water, potable or TSE, consumed by the building (in m3)

If these amounts were simply added together, no consideration would be given to the different form and
value of the different energy-related utilities.

Taking a scientific perspective, a building exergy consumption analysis provides a measure of the
different qualities of energy contained in the utilities. This comparison takes into account the different
usability levels and associated values of the utilities provided to the site resulting from the varied levels of
effort needed to create the utilities. For example, generating electricity from concentrating solar systems
requires much higher operating temperatures than generating service hot water and as such, is a more
costly and less efficient process. However, the end product - electricity - is 100% exergy, whereas the
exergy in hot water is only a fraction of the energy contained in it. A net-zero building development in
this context would be a building that produces as much exergy, i.e. usable energy, as it consumes; a net-
positive building development produces more exergy than it consumes. Please refer to Appendix F for a
simplified approach for exergy calculations related to the Masdar utilities’ electricity, thermal energy, and

But the balance must include, apart from building’s internal loads, also the share of infrastructure load
that is attributable to that building to compensate for services received from the city. These services
include: ICT, PRT, waste water treatment, street lighting, etc. As of this writing, the average value of
infrastructure electrical load attributable to each building is in excess of 45 kWh per square meter of gross
floor area. Consult MEMD for an up-to-date figure.

A net zero energy building (ZEB) in this context would have a total zero annual electricity value when
considering both the building load (as modelled per MEDG guidelines) and the share of infra-structure
load attributable to the building.

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APPENDIX A: Definitions

A.1 Scope

Unless otherwise indicated, the definitions outlined in this section shall apply to all instances the term
appears in the guideline. Terms that are not defined herein, but that are defined in standards that are
referenced herein (e.g., ANSI/ASHRAE/ IESNA Standard 90.1-2010 and ANSI/ASHRAE/USGBC/IES
Standard 189.1-2009), shall have the meanings as defined in those standards.

A.2 Definitions

Albedo: a measure of the reflectivity of a surface to solar radiation.

AMCA Standard 500: Test Methods for Louvers, Dampers, and Shutters

Annual Load factor: The calculated annual electric consumption, in KWH, divided by the product of the
calculated annual peak electric demand, in KW, and 8760 hours.

ASHRAE: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers.

ASTM C272: Test Method for Water Absorption of Core Materials for Structural Sandwich

ASTM C1371: Standard Test Method for Determination of Emittance of Materials Near Room
Temperature Using Portable Emissometers

ASTM C1549: Standard Test Method for Determination of Solar Reflectance Near Ambient Temperature
Using a Portable Solar Reflectometer

ASTM D1003: Standard Test Method for Haze and Luminous Transmittance of Transparent Plastics

ASTM E283: Standard Test Method for Determining Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows,
Curtain Walls, and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen

ASTM E408: Test Methods for Total Normal Emittance of Surfaces Using Inspection-Meter Techniques

ASTM E903: Test Method for Solar Absorptance, Reflectance, and Transmittance of Materials Using
Integrating Spheres

ASTM E1918: Standard Test Method for Measuring Solar Reflectance of Horizontal or Low-Sloped
Surfaces in the Field

ASTM E1980: Standard Practice for Calculating Solar Reflectance Index of Horizontal and Low Sloped
Opaque Surfaces

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Communicating programmable thermostat: a fully programmable thermostat with an embedded

communication node enabling two-way communication over an open-protocol Home Area Network (e.g.,
LON, ZigBee, etc) with end-user’s smart meter(s) and/or central Building Management System. In
particular, it will react to utility generated peak tariff or load curtailment signals by automatically
adjusting the pre-programmed set-point for a given period of time. End-user must have the possibility to
opt out of a peak curtailment. LCD display on the device will fully inform end-user of curtailment events.

Continuous air barrier: the combination of interconnected materials, assemblies, and flexible sealed
joints and components of the building envelope that provide air tightness to a specified permeability. (See
building envelope.)

Daylight Area: See ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010.

Demand: the highest amount of power (average kilowatts over an interval) recorded for a building or
facility in a selected time frame.

Efficacy (of a lamp): the ratio of the total luminous output of a lamp to the total power input to the lamp;
typically expressed in lumens per watt.

Efficiency: performance at specified rating conditions.

Electronically Commutated Motor (ECM): motor which uses external power to commutate copper
winding that causes the rotation of a magnet rotor.

Emittance: the ratio of the radiant heat flux emitted by a specimen to that emitted by a blackbody at the
same temperature and under the same conditions.

EN 13829: Thermal performance of buildings – Determination of air permeability of buildings – Fan

pressurization method

Energy value: Total annual energy value that accounts for the differences in generating and distributing
the different forms of energy.

Electricity equivalent factors: Weighting factors that convert the different forms of energy or energy
intensive utilities (thermal energy, water) into an equivalent electricity form.

Exergy: The maximum amount of work that is available in a given process as it is brought into
equilibrium with a reference environment.5

Haze Value: a measure of light diffusing ability of skylights.

ICC: International Code Council.

 For additional discussion on the concept of exergy, please refer to “Introduction to the Concept of Exergy – for a Better Understanding of Low‐
Temperature‐Heating  and  High‐Temperature‐Cooling  Systems”,  by  M.  Shukuya  and  A.  Hammache,  2002,  and  “Energy,  Entropy  and  Exergy 
Concepts and Their Roles in Thermal Engineering”, by I. Dincer and Y.A. Cengel, Entropy, 2001 (Volume 3, Issue 3, pages 116‐149).  
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ISO 6946:2007: Building components and building elements – Thermal resistance and thermal
transmittance – Calculation method.

ISO 10211:2007: Thermal bridges in construction – Heat flows and surface temperatures – Detailed

ISO 13370:2007: Thermal performance of buildings - Heat transfer via the ground - Calculation methods.

IWEC: International Weather for Energy Calculations.

MEMD: Masdar Energy Management Department.

MNECB: Model National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings.

Net-Positive Energy Building: A building that produces more energy for all building-related operations
than is required. This takes into account the renewable energy produced by the central utility, averaged
across all buildings in Masdar.

Net-Positive Exergy Building: A building that produces more exergy for all building-related operations
than is required. This takes into account the renewable exergy produced by the central utility, averaged
across all buildings in Masdar.

Net-Zero Energy Building: A building that produces as much energy as is required for all building-
related operations. This takes into account the renewable energy produced by the central utility, averaged
across all buildings in Masdar.

Net-Zero Exergy Building: A building that produces as much exergy as is required for all building-
related operations. This takes into account the renewable exergy produced by the central utility, averaged
across all buildings in Masdar.

Primary Sidelighted Area: See ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010.

RETScreen: RETScreen® Clean Energy Project Analysis Software (Version 4-1 or latest)

Visible Light Transmittance (VLT): See visible transmittance (VT) in ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA

Standard 90.1-2010.


Currently not available


Currently not available

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APPENDIX C: Additional Requirements Pertaining to Air Tightness

1. Air Infiltration Rates for use in Energy Model

The maximum infiltration from leakage for Masdar buildings is outlined in Section The leakage
rate is specified as an m3/hour.m2 of the envelope area of the building, at a standard pressure differential
of 50 Pascals, denoted as ACH50. ACH50 is a standard industry pressure differential typically attained
from physical measurement with a blower door test.

ACH50 should not be confused with an infiltration rate; it is an air flow at an artificially induced condition
and is an indicator of leakage not infiltration. For energy modelling purposes the infiltration rate is
required to determine the heating or cooling load associated with outside air entering the space through
cracks or other openings. The heat gain from infiltration is proportional to the infiltration air flow rate and
the outside-inside air temperature difference. Therefore, the infiltration rate input into the energy model
represents an average air infiltration rate at a standard pressure differential (4 Pa (ACH4)).

For energy simulation purposes, the following ACH4 values shall be adopted depending on the Building
occupancy schedule:

a. 0.25 ACH when building is occupied.

b. 0.08 ACH when building is unoccupied.

Over-pressurization of 10% must be enforced at all times during outside air handling unit operation.

2. Suggested Air Tightness Specification Section

1. The contractor shall appoint specialist consultants who are members of the Air Tightness Testing and
Measurement Association (ATTMA) to carry out the following works:

 Design Review – to identify the air tight envelope and highlight any elements of work which may
present a risk to the final air test failing.

 Site Audits - A minimum of [ ___ ] site audits with the last site audit carried out 1 week (or more,
as agreed) prior to the air tightness test

 Air Leakage tests – A minimum of 2 tests; the first upon completion of a weathertight envelope,
the last one week before practical completion

 Suggested Specialists: [ ___ ]

2. Prior to the air tightness test, the Architect shall work out the envelope area as set out in EN 13829.

3. The air tightness test shall be carried out in line with EN 13829.
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4. The air tightness test result shall be expressed as an Air Permeability (units: m3/h/m2 of total surface
area @ 50 Pa) and shall not exceed 5 m3/h/m2 @ 50 Pa.

5. The following conditions shall be met during the test:

 External envelope shall be complete when the test is carried out. Raised floors and suspended
ceilings shall have sufficient panels removed by the contractor to allow the free flow of air
through them. Internal doors shall be wedged open.

 All doors, windows and fixed vents shall be closed throughout the test.

 Mechanical ventilation systems shall be temporarily sealed.

 Smoke extracts and lift shaft vents shall not be sealed.

 Drains and water traps shall be filled with water.

 Any areas of temporary sealing or other deviations from the standard test procedure to be
recorded in the test report.

6. If the building air leakage rate is > 5.0 m3/h/m2 @ 50 Pa, the Commissioning Agent and Contractor
shall agree for appropriate remedial action to be taken which could include:

 A site audit of the air tight envelope, while depressurized,

 Localized smoke leakage test, full scale smoke leakage test,

 Thermo-graphic survey,

 Reductive sealing of components and building areas/elements to record their contribution.

7. Further tests shall be carried out until the air permeability is < 5.0 m3/h/m2 @ 50 Pa.

8. The contractor shall arrange for a suitably competent specialist to carry out a thermo-graphic survey
to EN 13187, to establish that insulation is continuous.

9. The contractor shall bear the cost of all air tightness works, tests and any remedial works.

10. The contractor shall operate a Quality Management System and be registered with a relevant body.

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APPENDIX D: Alternative Compliance Path

Demonstrate a minimum 50% performance improvement compared to the baseline building performance
demonstrated by the energy simulation model as per the methodology outlined within Appendix G of
Standard 90.1-2007.

Unlike in Appendix G, performance improvements within compliance strategy are based on reductions in
annual energy consumption (kWh) rather than cost, thus all reference to energy rates within Appendix G
must be ignored, and Cooling System COP of 4.5 shall be used in the baseline and proposed model.
Energy generated through onsite solar thermal collectors dedicated for domestic hot water production,
may be subtracted from the proposed building energy consumption. All other renewable technologies
(such as PV panels) shall be excluded.

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APPENDIX E: Schedules

Housing Buildings

Hour of Day Schedule for Schedule for Schedule for Schedule for Schedule for
(Time) Occupancy Building Lighting Building Plug Loads HVAC System Temperature Set
Percent of Percent of Percent of point (°C)
Maximum Load Maximum Load Maximum Load
Wk Sat Fri Wk Sat Fri Wk Sat Fri Wk Sat Fri Wk Sat Fri
12 – 1 am 90 90 70 20 20 30 20 20 20 On On On 24 24 24
1 – 2 am 90 90 70 15 20 30 20 20 20 On On On 24 24 24
2 – 3 am 90 90 70 10 10 20 20 20 20 On On On 24 24 24
3 – 4 am 90 90 70 10 10 20 20 20 20 On On On 24 24 24
4 - 5 am 90 90 70 10 10 20 20 20 20 On On On 24 24 24
5 – 6 am 90 90 70 20 10 20 20 20 20 On On On 24 24 24
6 – 7 am 70 70 70 40 30 30 80 80 80 On On On 24 24 24
7 – 8 am 40 50 70 50 30 40 80 80 80 On On On 24 24 24
8 – 9 am 40 50 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 On On On 26 24 24
9 – 10 am 20 30 50 40 40 30 40 40 40 On On On 26 24 24
10 – 11 am 20 30 50 25 30 30 40 40 40 On On On 26 24 24
11 am – 12 pm 20 30 30 25 25 30 40 40 40 On On On 26 24 24
12 – 1 pm 20 30 30 25 25 30 40 40 40 On On On 26 24 24
1 – 2 pm 20 30 20 25 25 20 40 40 40 On On On 26 24 24
2 – 3 pm 20 30 20 25 25 20 40 40 40 On On On 26 24 24
3 – 4 pm 30 30 20 25 25 20 50 50 50 On On On 26 24 24
4 – 5 pm 50 30 30 25 25 20 20 20 20 On On On 26 24 24
5 – 6 pm 50 50 40 25 25 20 90 90 90 On On On 26 24 24
6 – 7 pm 50 60 40 60 60 50 90 90 90 On On On 24 24 24
7 – 8 pm 70 60 60 80 70 70 70 70 70 On On On 24 24 24
8 – 9 pm 70 60 60 90 70 80 50 50 50 On On On 24 24 24
9 – 10 pm 80 70 80 80 70 60 50 50 50 On On On 24 24 24
10 – 11 pm 90 70 80 60 60 50 50 50 50 On On On 24 24 24
11 pm – 12 am 90 70 80 30 30 30 30 30 30 On On On 24 24 24

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Office Buildings

Hour of Day Schedule for Schedule for Schedule for Schedule for Schedule for
(Time) Occupancy Building Lighting Building Plug Loads HVAC System Temperature Set
Percent of Percent of Percent of point (°C)
Maximum Load Maximum Load Maximum Load
Wk Wknd Wk Wknd Wk Wknd Wk Wknd Wk Wknd
12 – 1 am 0 0 5 5 20 20 Off On 28 28
1 – 2 am 0 0 5 5 20 20 Off On 28 28
2 – 3 am 0 0 5 5 20 20 Off On 28 28
3 – 4 am 0 0 5 5 20 20 Off On 28 28
4 - 5 am 0 0 5 5 20 20 Off On 28 28
5 – 6 am 0 0 10 5 20 20 Off On 28 28
6 – 7 am 10 5 10 5 30 20 On On 28 28
7 – 8 am 20 5 30 5 80 20 On On 28 28
8 – 9 am 95 5 90 5 90 20 On On 24 28
9 – 10 am 95 5 90 5 90 20 On On 24 28
10 – 11 am 95 5 90 5 90 20 On On 24 28
11 am – 12 pm 95 5 90 5 90 20 On On 24 28
12 – 1 pm 50 5 80 5 90 20 On On 24 28
1 – 2 pm 95 5 90 5 90 20 On On 24 28
2 – 3 pm 95 5 90 5 90 20 On On 24 28
3 – 4 pm 95 5 90 5 90 20 On On 24 28
4 – 5 pm 95 5 90 5 90 20 On On 24 28
5 – 6 pm 30 5 50 5 50 20 On On 24 28
6 – 7 pm 10 0 30 5 30 20 On On 24 28
7 – 8 pm 10 0 30 5 30 20 On On 28 28
8 – 9 pm 10 0 20 5 20 20 On On 28 28
9 – 10 pm 10 0 20 5 20 20 On On 28 28
10 – 11 pm 5 0 10 5 20 20 Off On 28 28
11 pm – 12 am 5 0 5 5 20 20 Off On 28 28


For all other building types, see ASHRAE 90.1 2007 User’s Manual Tables G-E to G-O

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Masdar Energy design guidelines (MEDG) for buildings – Version 3.0 - Rev 1 – 16 January 2011

APPENDIX F: Masdar-wide factors for converting non-electricity utilities

consumption to “electricity-equivalent” units

1. Equivalency factor between water and electricity:

a. Potable quality: 7 kWh/m3

b. TSE (obtain acceptable quality levels from Masdar Water Department): 2 kWh/m3

2. Conversion factor for thermal energy streams (divide thermal energy by these factors to obtain
electricity-equivalent energy):

a. Chilled water from central district cooling plant at 7-9°C: 4.5

b. Hot water from central district heating plant at 55-65°C: 4.0
c. Hot water from central district heating plant at 75-85°C: 3.0
d. Hot water from central district heating plant at 95-105°C: 2.5
e. Pressurized hot water or steam from central district heating plant at 115-125°C: 2.4
f. Pressurized hot water or steam from central district heating plant at 170-190°C: 1.8
g. Pressurized hot water or steam from central district heating plant at 240-260°C: 1.6
h. Pressurized hot water or steam from central district heating plant at 290-310°C: 1.4

3. For all other forms of energy, or when in doubt, contact MEMD for further instruction

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