Commission On Higher Education Daraga Community College: Republic of The Philippines

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Republic of the Philippines

Commission on Higher Education

Salvacion, Daraga, Albay




Physical environment is related to both student achievement and student behavior. A well-maintained and safe
physical environment fosters students' ability to learn, to show improved achievement scores, and to exhibit
appropriate behavior. I think room arrangement for play activity will plays an important role in students social
and language interactions. At the beginning of the demo teaching the existence of a good physical environment
was perfectly revealed, and before they start Teacher Niel announces what to do in the classroom, such as sit
properly, put the hands on the table or on the lap, be quiet while teacher is teaching, listen carefully, always look
at the teacher, do not speak at the same time, and when they want to answer just raise their hand because this
will serves the lesson to be more comfortable, smooth, and conducive learning that aims to minimize the
distractions that can take their mind away from learning. So far, the physical environment of the classroom are
flexible, openness, , and can easily access instructional materials.


The psychological environment includes the cognitive environment, which entails the information and skills, and
the emotional environment, which entails with student’s emotions, behaviors and the way they think. Within the
psychological environment of a given video, Sir Niel communicate through their feeling of excitement, and
principles. Most of the children enter into the educational process expecting their learning will be cheered and
assisted effectively. Since they participate in the class immediately all of them are ready enough to share some
ideas or answer to the questions and they are all confident to raise their hands to share what’s in their mind. As I
can see, their readiness implies of willingness and eagerness to learn. Moreover, it’s not like I’m comparing them
to high school students, but based on what I’ve observed, their behavior in class is amazing, because from the
the start to the end of the class they’ll never forget the things that needs to remember as they are aware what
they need to and keep what they have to do. It seems like even they very young, the teaching and learning that
happened from the class can explores human behavior while having good communications, and exchanging
information. Childrens choose to interact and communicate so they say can explore their behavior and this is a
good news because they can grow more as they getting older.


The social environment allows teachers and students to learn collaboratively, interactively and it influences or
supports the interactions that occurs among them. In a well-designed social environment, Teacher Niel helps the
second grade students to foster positive peer relationships that creates positive interaction by reminding them
what exactly to do during the class. That is to be positive and respectful, be prepared and helpful and above all
give respect to both their classmates and teachers. He provide also some opportunities to support and to
achieve their social goals by letting them to have group presentation, so they can interact with one another,
share their talents and skills, and also to have a sense of unity. While the outcome of their presentation was
good I could see how children interacted with others as they gradually developed positive relationships with
others were traditionally conceived as their skills that would develop naturally at an early age. Before I could
forget, I was very happy when they started to sing about “I have a big head” because based on my experience
singing in a group will encourage social bonding, and even a friendships more quickly.

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