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Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Date: 15-11-2021
Question Bank

Academic Year: 2021-22 Odd Semester Scheme: 2018

Course Coordinator: Ramesh Babu N Semester: 5
Subject: Automata Theory and Computability Subject Code: 18CS54

Module 4: Algorithms and Decision Procedures for CFLs and Turing Machine

1. Explain with neat diagram, the working of a Turing Machine model. (5-Marks) (8a)
2. Design a Turing machine to accept the language L = { a n bn cn | n >= 1 }. Draw the transition
diagram. Show the moves made by this Turing machine for the string aabbcc. (11-Marks)
(8b) (Dec.2017/Jan.2018)
3. Obtain a Turing machine to accept the language L = { 0n 1n |n >= 1}. (8-Marks) (8b)
(June/July 2018)
4. Design a Turing machine to accept the language L = { 0 n 1 n 2 n | n >= 1 } (8-Marks) (8a)
5. Design a Turing machine to accept strings of a’s and b’s ending with ab or ba. (8-Marks) (8b)
6. Design Turing machine with storage to accept the language L = {0 1* + 1 0*}.
7. Write short notes on
a. Multitrack Turing Machine
b. Multitape Turing Machine
c. Non deterministic Turing Machine
d. Linear Bounded Automaton
8. Prove that every language accepted by a multitape TM is acceptable by some single-tape
9. Prove that if M is a nondeterministic TM, there is a deterministic TM M 1 such that
T(M) = T(M1). (10-Marks) (10b) (Dec.2019/Jan.2020)
10. Design a Turing machine to obtain complement of a binary number.
11. Design a Turing machine to accept the language L= {wwR |w ∈ {𝑎, 𝑏}*}
12. Design a Turing machine to accept the language L = {w | w ∈ {𝑎, 𝑏} ∗, na(w) = nb(w)}
13. Show that “Given a language L and a string w, is w in L?” using grammar.
14. Show that “Given a language L and a string w, is w in L?” using PDA.

Ramesh Babu N, Assc. Prof.,

Dept. of CSE, AIEMS 1
Module 5: Decidability and Complexity
1. Write short notes on (10- Marks) (Jan 18)
a. Undecidable Languages
b. Halting Problem of Turing Machine
c. Post’s Correspondence Problem
2. With example, explain the quantum computation. (4- Marks) (9c) (June/July 2018)
3. Define the following:
a. Recursively enumerable language
b. Decidable language. (6-Marks) (9b) (Dec.2018/Jan.2019)
4. What is Halting problem of Turing machine? (6- Marks) (10a) (Dec.2018/Jan.2019)
5. Define the following:
a. Quantum computer
b. Class NP (6-Marks) (10b) (Dec.2018/Jan.2019)
6. Explain Church Turing Thesis. (4-Marks) (10c) (Dec.2018/Jan.2019)
7. Write short notes on Growth rate of function. (5-Marks) (9a) (June/July 2019)
8. Prove that HALTTM = { (M, W)| the Turing machine M halts on input W} is undecidable. (4-Marks)
(9b) (June/July 2018)
9. With example, explain quantum computation. (4-Marks) (9c) (June/July 2018)
10. Prove that DFSM and CFG are decidable. Give examples. [Theorem 10.1 and 10.2]
11. Explain Post’s Correspondence Problem. Does the PCP with two lists x = (b, bab3, ba) and y = (b3,
ba, a) have a solution? [Solution: 2113]


Ramesh Babu N, Assc. Prof.,

Dept. of CSE, AIEMS 2

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