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deists against religions

Islam is a v iolent religion. Please view the rat ional/balanced video at:
The Qur'an is a fantasy:
Paul created Christ:
.. what else .. ;)
Before i continue, i need to dis cus s somet hing beautiful t hat happened here the ot her day. iw as
here (except with a shirt on - out of respect for the sis ter) applying to jobs, when my mother's
'favorite sister' came by to give her communion. T he sist er's driver was also here (she does not
drive) and is also a sweet/good friend to mom. You know , i 'denigrate' religions left and right, but
the goodw ill and kindness was palpable (some might say sickeningl y palpable;) .. and for a brief
moment, this livingroom was blessed .. So i rail against religions, but sometimes they have their
moments .. T oo bad this is not on a continuous basis withall religions .. 8|
The link just above is a humorous attack on Christmas . i really wish i could garner the support
of atheist s - i believe our sentiments are essentially 'on the s ame side' of the fence .. i rabidly
HATE commercialization / materialists / insane deists (like Paul) t wis ting something good into
something bad. Jesus, for example, called hims elf t he "son of man" NOT the "son of God". It was
Paul who created Christianity 'out of the blue' - the first Christian evangelist - the first true
Christian (one who deified J es us). When ar e we gonna wake up and stop deifying the mes senger
and pay more attention to the message?

i call on all atheists to support this story/essay because our objectives are one-in-the-same: stop
the insane deification of the freaking messenger. You guys go a step further and want to stop
deification period. But this is like throwing out the baby with the bathwater -it's essentially
counterproductive and in my opinion, wrong. M any many Christians, M uslims, Jews,.. would be
on your side if you relaxed your position somewhat. If you allowed for thepossibility of God
(can you prove God does not exist ?), you'd allow many many people to join your caus e.

.. i believe i have derived the first scientific p roof of God's existence (see WfM) but let's discuss a
more common argument surrounding it ..
1. If G od existed, we wouldn't have suffering (s ince God would Care)
2. If G od existed, we'd have unequivocal proof
Before i may list out any more, let's deal w ith t hese first . 1. We have s uffering because we'r e
freaking idiots: we s hit and live in the same place - w hat idiot does this except man? It 's our fault
we suffer because we created this s hithole from paradis e .. (As a s ide note, G od Cares but what
would we learn if God bailed us out every time someone shit on the dinner-table? (Which is
essentially what we do when we: invade anot her country, exploit cheap labor,..)) 2. We do have
many proofs of God's existence: Mozart, Michelangelo, dolphin sonar, human brain, WfM ,.. w hat
more do you want? Look up at the stars on a clear moon-l ess night and try t o explain that without
God .. Conventional physics? They're all FOS and present nothingreasonable/rational.

Atheists should wake up and realize the burden is on them to provider eas onable evidence G od
does not exist (not depending on conventional physics) - or - admit the possibility of God..
Essentially they need to show every evidence mentioned above (and more) is w rong and w hy.
Essentially they need to prove it wasnot God behind M ozart, Michelangelo, dolphin sonar,
human brain, and WfM .. Since M ozart and M ichelangelo are dead, dolphins and humans were
'created by evolution' (something w e cannot verify), let's just state something simpler: atheist s,
prove WfM is wrong (in every respect), or concede it's right.

i challenge both atheists and deists to prove WfM wrong.

.. the cool thing about WfM , if it 's correct, brings us all t ogether: atheists, deists, Christians, Jews,
M uslims, Buddhist s, Hindus,.. in a way never quite done before .. And i say again: w hat better
present for our 'coming of age' (in terms of human civilization)? ^^ 8) .pdf

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