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General aspects of protein structure

Protein Structure :
Primary Structure (linear Sequence of aa)
Secondary Structure ( Helix,  Sheet):
twisting of polypeptide backbone into
regular structure that are stabilized
by hidrogen bonding.
Protein structure
• Tertiary Structure (Heat shock protein)
– Formed by combinations of secondary structural
elements into a three dimensional organization
that is mainly stabilized by non covalent
interactions ,such as hydrogen bonds.
• Quaternary Structure (Hemoglobin, Ig)
– Proteins that have multiple polypeptide chains
• Three dimensional configuration of protein :
– Linear sequence of amino acid in a polypeptide
– Gene → transcribed and translated → protein

– Structure of a protein : determines its

• Clinical correlates
– Marfan syndrome : mutations in the gene for the
highly α –helical fibrillary protein fibrillin
– Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (CJD) : transmission of a
proteinaceous agent that is capable of altering the
normal α helical arrangement of the prion protein
and replacing with β-pleated sheets and smaller α
– Mutations in HSP : Charcot-Marie Tooth Disease.
• Denaturation
• Proteins can be denaturated by agents such
as heat and urea that unfold polypeptide
chains without causing hydrolysis of peptide
• Renaturation
• Denatured protein returns to native state
• Protein misfolding :
– Mutations in the gene encoding the protein.

Post-translational modifications

Protein degradation
Ubiquitin-proteasomal pathway.
• Figure 2-31 Molecular Biology of the Cell (© Garland Science 2008)
 20 asam amino merupakan molekul yang
membentuk protein.
 Asam amino (essential-non essential,
dgn rantai samping asam – basa, polar- non
polar, dll)
 Asam amino essential :
His, Ile, Leu, Lys, Met, Phe, Trip, Thr, Val.
 Asam amino non-essential :
Ala, Cys, Pro, Glu, Gln, Asp, Tyr, Asn,
Gly, Ser, Arg, Hyp, Hyl.
Ikatan Peptida Polypeptida
Unik : bentuk tiga – dimensi (tertier atau
Spesifik : fungsi biologis
Lipoprotein adalah kompleks lipid dengan
Glikoprotein adalah kompleks karbohidrat yang
terikat secara kovalent dengan protein.
PROTEIN Fungsional
• Enzyme
• Receptor
• Hormone
• Growth Factor
• Immunoglobuline
• Interferone
• Interleukine
• Adhesions molecules
• Transport Protein
Induce-Fit Mechanism

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