Multidesciplinary Nature 2015

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Module 1

The Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental

General Objective

Student will be able to understand multidisciplinary

nature of Environmental Studies.

Specific Objectives :

Student will be able to

• Demonstrate the interdisciplinary nature of

Environmental Studies
• Explain the scope and importance of environmental
• Explain the need for environmental awareness
• Describe the institutions that deal with the
• Identity the people involved in the environmental
What is environment?

Environment means which surround around us.

Define the word Environment?
• The word ‘ environment’ comes from French word ‘environ’,
which means encircle or surrounds.
Please find the enclosed Video of Environmental Science

• Environment is thus defined as “ the sum total of water, air, land and
the inter-relationships that exist among them and with the human
beings, other living organisms and materials.
What is an Environment

It is the sum of all social, economical,

biological, physical and chemical factor
which constitute the surrounding of man
who is the both creator and moulder of the

Environment Component : Biotic & Abiotic

Biotic: Living Organism i.e Plants and

Abiotic: Non Living : Soil, water and air,
Temperature, Humidity , Wind
1. Natural Environment.

Air, water, land, mountains, forests,

temperature, sunlight, oceans,
grasslands, plants, animals and human

2. Man made environment

Societies, Communities, transport,

communication, law & justice,
economic etc..
Natural Environment

Multidisciplinary nature of Environmental Studies

EVS is combination of all branch of science , (Life science – Botany,

Biochemistry, Microbiology Physical Science – Physics, chemistry,
earth science, atmospheric science and oceanography, Mathematics
and computer) and engineering (Civil, chemical, Economics,
Sociology and Mass communication.

Biosphere : Sphere of life which exist in Hydrosphere,

Lithospehre and atmosphere

Global Environment :
Consist of three Segments
: 1. Atmosphere
2. Hydrosphere , 3. Lithosphere
The hydrosphere consist of oceans, seas, river, Streams, glaciers, lake, reservoirs, polar

Approx. 71% of our earth surface is covered by water. 97 %water present in ocean and
2% Ice caps and glacier and 1% in the form of fresh water i.e. river , groundwater.

Lithosphere is the top crust of the earth on which continent and ocean basin rest. It is
soil mantle (that wraps the core of the earth )in which all the biological activities take
The atmosphere is blanket of gases and suspended liquids and solid that entirely
envelop the earth , extend upto several thousand km.

The atmosphere is blanket of gases and suspended liquids and solid
that entirely envelop the earth , extend upto several thousand km.

It absorbs most of the cosmic rays from outer space and a major portion of the
electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from the sun and transmit only nearly UV, visible
and near infrared radiation (300 to 2,500 nm) and radiowaves.
Interaction Of Biological And Non Biological
• All the biological and non biological entities surroundings us are
included in environment.

• As per Environmental Protection Act 1986, environment

includes all the physical and biological surroundings of an
orgnism along with their interactions.
• Why do we study environment?

• The environment is gradually deteriorating due to natural

disasters and man made developments.

Water Pollution Land degradation Green House Effect

10.1 10.2
Causes for degradation of environment

This picture explains slide

No 10.1 &10.2
Classification of Environmental Education
• Science and engineering should go together.
• Scientists discover things and engineers make them
• Newman has classified into three streams,
 Environmental sciences,
 Environmental engineering and
 Environmental studies.
• Hungerford developed multidisciplinary and
interdisciplinary models to study environmental issues.
Hunger ford et al (1980), developed interdisciplinary and
multidisciplinary model, strategies for developing EE.

Vocational Education
Physical Science
Natural Science

Earth Sciences Mathematics

Social Studies Arts, Humanities

Importance of Biological & Physical Sciences
• Life sciences including botany, zoology, microbiology,
genetics, and biochemistry help in understanding biotic
components and their interactions.

• Generics and biotechnology are emerging as useful tools

for finding solutions to environmental problems.

• Physical Sciences helps for understanding physical and

chemical structure of abiotic components of environment
along with mass and energy transfer we have to make use of
the basic concept of physics, chemistry, geology,
atmospheric science, oceanography and geography. .
Environmental Education
Environmental Science
Related Areas

• Mathematics, statistics and computer science etc. serve as effective tools

in environmental modeling.
• Economics, Management and sociology provide inputs for dealing with
socio-economic aspects associated with various development activities.
• Environmental Sciences, therefore is a multi-disciplinary subject where
we deal with different aspects using a holistic approach.

Schematic diagram outlining the role and use of environmental modelling in the Thames Basin.
Environmental Engineering
• A synthesis of civil engineering,
hydraulics, chemical
engineering, and nanotechnology
provide the technical solutions to
environmental pollution control
and waste treatment that are
extremely important for
protection of the environment.

• Environmental law s provide the

guidelines and legal measures
for effective management and
protection of the environment.
• Environmental studies as a subject has a wide scope. It
covers all areas and aspects.
 Natural Resources—their conservation and
 Ecology and biodiversity
 Environmental pollution and control
 Social issues in relation to development and
 Human population and environment.
Global level (])
• The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (also known as the
Stockholm Conference) was an international conference which was held in Stockholm
Sweden, from June 5-16,1972.

• It was the UN's first major conference on International Environmental issues, and
marked a turning point in the development of international environmental politics.

• It is widely recognized as the beginning of modern political and public awareness of

global environmental problems.

• The meeting agreed upon a Declaration containing 26 principles concerning the

environment and development; an Action Plan with 109 recommendations, and a
Two issue were addresses :

1. The use of CFCs (haloalkanes), which seemed to be responsible for

the depletion of the ozone layer.

2. Global warming was mentioned.

1. Apart from increasing awareness of environmental issues among

public and governments many governments departments
subsequently created :
- Ministries for the Environment and/or national agencies for
environmental monitoring and regulation)
- The Stockholm Conference laid framework for future environmental
cooperation; led to the creation of global and regional
environmental monitoring networks (GEMS) and the creation of the
United Nations Environment Programme.
Earth Summit , 1992: UNFCC on Climate Change
• The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC or FCCC) is an international environmental treaty
produced at the United Nations Conference on Environment and
Development (UNCED), informally known as the Earth Summit,
held in Rio de Janeiro from June 3 to 14, 1992.
• The objective of the treaty is to stabilize greenhouse gas
concentrations in the atmosphere.
• The treaty itself set no mandatory limits on greenhouse gas
emissions for individual countries and contains no enforcement
The major areas of Environmental studies are
1.Research & Development(R&D) in Environment.
Skilled scientists and engineers play important role to develop
cleaner technologies and promoting sustainable development
through R&D; the major areas for R& D are control Pollution, solid
waste management and conservation of resources.
Green Environment

2.Green advocacy: Environmental lawyers are required

for implementing various Acts and Laws, who should be
able to plead the cases related to water and air pollution,
forest and wild life etc.

3.Green marketing: While ensuring the quality of the

products with ISO mark, now there is an increasing
emphasis on marketing goods that are environment
Such products have eco mark ISO 14000 certification.
Environmental auditors and environmental managers
have great demand in coming years.

• Green media: Environmental awareness can be

spread through mass media like television, radio,
newspaper, magazines, hoardings, advertisements
etc. for educating persons on environmental

• Environment Consultancy: Government

organizations, industries and many non
governmental organizations engaging
environmental consultants for systematically
studying and tackling environment related
S.No Event Date & Year
1 World Wetland Day 2nd February
2. World Forest Day 21st March
3 World Water Day 22nd March
4 World Meteorological Day 23rd March
5 Earth Day 22nd April
6. International Biodiversity Day 22nd May
7. Anti-tobacco Day 31st May
8 World Environment Day 5th June
9 Ozone Week 16-23rd September.
Global vs Local level Issues
of Environment
• The major global environmental issues are climate change, global
warming, ozone depletion, acid rain, effect of green house gases,
deforestation, loss of global biodiversity and pollution of rivers
and oceans. These are major problems affect the man kind.
Local issues

• The local problems impact of mining, hydro-electricity project in

an area, problems of disposal and management of waste, river and
lake pollution , soil erosion, water logging, and salinization of soil,
fluorosis problem in local population, arsenic pollution of ground
water etc.
• Coal burning Fossil fuel Pollution
Individualistic Nature and Environment
Each and Every individual is facing problems such as
 safe & clean drinking water,
 hygienic living conditions,
 clean and fresh air, fertile land, healthy food, and sustainable
living conditions.
• He/she requires clean, healthy, aesthetically beautiful,
safe and secure environment for long time and wish to hand over
their children and grand children and great grand children.
Need for Public Awareness
International Efforts

• Environmental issues received at international attention more

than forty tears ago. The first conference held on 5th June, 1972
in Stockholm. This conference made 26 principles to solve
environmental issues. Declared 5th June is ‘ World Environment

• Rio-de Janeiro 1992 popularly known as Earth Summit.

• This conference discussed on convention of climate change,
convention of biodiversity and protection of forests.

• Later ten years the World Summit on Sustainable Development,

held at Johannesburg in 2002. This conference discussed
highlighted key issues of environment concern.
• Public Awareness for Environment: Any government or nation
cannot achieve any development with out public
• The public has to be educated about the fact that if we are
degrading our environment actually we are harming
ourselves. For examples teaching following.
Environmental Awareness Programmes for children

• The government ban usage of polythene but the success

depends only public can understand the environmental
implication of the usage of polythene.
• The sustainable development cannot be achieved without public
Awareness slogans

• There is Chinese proverb

• If you plan for one year plant rice
• If you plan for 10 years plant trees
• If you plan for 100 years, educate people.
• So we have to educate our people for protecting our planet earth.
Concept of Ecomark
In order to increase consumer awareness about environment, the
Governments of India and other nations have introduced a scheme
of eco-labeling of consumer products as ‘Ecomark in 1991.

Eco Symbols

• It is an earthen pitcher – a symbol of eco-friendliness and our

traditional heritage.
• A product is made, used and disposed off in a harmless manner
is called eco friendly and is awarded eco-mark.
Environment Clubs
• To create awareness on environment, we require eco clubs for
children, Eco-task force for army have also been launched by the
• Creation of Environmental Awareness:
 Environment belongs to all and participation of masses is a must
for successful implementation of environmental protection plans.
• Environmental awareness is needed to change the mindset of
modern society for an earth-oriented approach.

• There is a need to make the public environmentally aware of the

serious health impacts of environmental pollution and their right to
live in a clean and healthy environment.

 Only then life of mankind on this earth would be secure and our
future generations would be safe.

 Few environmentalists in the present time made a mark in our

country through environmental activities.
Environmental Institutes
• The Bombay Natural History & Society established
in 1883 at Mumbai. It is Wild Life Research Institute.
They publish Journal of Natural History.
• World Wide Fund for Nature India (1969) at New
Delhi. Wild Life Education , Awareness and Nature
clubs and programs for children.
• Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi.
Publishing books, poster, video games, conducting
work shops campaigns and seminars on biodiversity.
Down to Earth
• CPR Environmental (1968) Education Centre at
Madras (Chennai) is conducting workshops,
seminars, training programs for NGOs, teachers,
judges, lawyers, youth and children.
• Centre for Environmental Education (CEE, 1989) at
Ahmadabad conducting training programmes.
• Bharathi Vidyapeeth Institute of Environmental
Education & Research(1989) at Pune, conduct
Bachelor & Post graduate degree courses and Ph.D.
They publish hand books, text books and develop
• Uttarakhand Seva Nidhi (Almora) organized
training program for students, teachers and
officials on sustainable development.

• Kalpavarksh, Pune is organizing awareness

programs, nature walks, National Biodiversity
Strategy and Action Plan developed in 2003 and
Wildlife Institute of India (WII), Dehradun:

This Institution was established in 1982, as a major training establishment for

Forest Officials and Research in Wildlife Management. Its most significant
publication has been ‘Planning A Wildlife Protected Area Network for
India’ (Rodgers and Panwar, 1988).

Botanical Survey of India (BSI):

The Botanical Survey of India (BSI) was established in 1890 at the Royal
Botanic Gardens, Calcutta. However it closed down for several years after
1939 and was reopened in 1954.

Zoological Survey of India (ZSI):

The ZSI was established in1916. Its mandate was to do a systematic survey
of fauna in India.

Its origins were collections based at the Indian Museum at Calcutta, which
was established in 1875.
Environmentalists Global Level

• Charles Darwin expressed that the Man’s relationship

with other species based on evolution. And the
relationship between habitats and species.

• Ralph Emerson expressed that wild life should be

preserved. Few people do not care for nature they sell it
for small amount.

• John Muir (USA) saved the great ancient tree “Sequoia”

tree in California forest. In the year 1980 formed Sierra
club which is major conservation NFOs in USA.
• EO Wilson is an Entomologist envisioned that biological
diversity was a key to human survival on earth.

• Rachel Carson, writer, scientist, and ecologist, grew up simply in

the rural river town of Springdale, Pennsylvania. She wrote a
book ‘Silent Spring’.

• The Govt. has changed policies and created public awareness

according to her recommendation.

• Rachel Carson (1960) published many articles on effects of

pesticides on nature and mankind.
National level: Authors
S.No Environmentalists Activity
1 Mrs. India Gandhi Prime Minister of India instrumental in introducing
the concept of environmental protection in the
Constitution of India as a fundamental duty

2. Mrs. Maneka Gandhi Formerly environment minster has worked for

protection of wild life.
3. Sunderlal Bahuguna Chipko movement, Teri bachao Andolan.
4 Smt. Medha Patkar, Narmada Bachao Andolan.
Mrs. Arundhati Roy
5 Magasaysay award Water Conservation Efforts
Sh.Raender Singh
6. Salim Ali Ornithologist, famous work on Indian Birds
7 Sh.Anil Aggarwal Published Citizen Report. Founder Chairman of
Centre for Science & Environment.
• India still yet to achieve a lot in the field of environment.
• Henry D. Thoreau said that “ What is the use of a
beautiful house if you don’t have decent planet to put it
We require good place to enjoy our nature.
Thank You…

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