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Executive Summary:

Week 3:
Activity 3:
Culture is created by human beings. It is a mirror image of humanity itself. Culture consists of
visible and invisible traits such as people's beliefs, values, norms, knowledge, behaviour,
lifestyles etc. People live their life in a different way than of others because of their own needs
and circumstances so there are variations in culture's definition in various group of people.

Activity 5:
Human being are those creatures on Earth who has the capabilities of thinking rationally but this
rational being don't hesitate to impose pain on other human being. The reasons are various but
underlying truth is they do this for their benefits or they are just obeying the authority. Whatever
the reason is, it is not rational thing to do.

Week 3 – Activity 2
Questions to consider:
1. Why do you think people’s definition of culture may vary?
2. Which definition of culture do you agree with most and why?

1. “Culture” simply is how people live their daily life. The definition of culture varies according
to different person. Different people have different beliefs, way of life and values. These beliefs
and values are the ones that construct the culture of people. People or lets say a community
develop their culture to govern or organize their own community. And obviously these cultures
differ from another community's culture because the beliefs and values of another community
differs that of previous one. As a result the definition of culture may vary.
Furthermore, a child is grown in a family who is taught all the traits of the culture of that family
which may be delivered with the language, food, dresses and lifestyles. These are visible aspects
of culture but underlying aspects are that family's beliefs, needs, values and morals. By this way,
from the childhood a person is upbrought with the culture which is practiced for a long period of
time. The same thing happens with another family in another place but the values, beliefs and
needs may differ so the culture also differs.

2. I like Robbie Katanga's definition. He says "Culture is how organizations do things". I see
this statement of Katanga is more relevant in our real world. If we look closely to our past and
the present time, the organizations are following the culture. The organizational culture may be
different but the common thing is organizations and communities are both driven by culture. The
organizations determine their targets and the strategy to achieve those targets. Most of the
organizations are focused on the performance oriented cultures. The perfect example will be
IBM company in which the CEO focused on organizational culture in the employees that leaded
the company from ground to sky. The performance oriented culture leads to productivity,
inspirations for involvement and willingness to do something towards the organization.
Furthermore, these organisations can predict the future acquisitions for the business because of
the collaborated employees and teamwork. This teamwork and collaboration is possible only
because of the leaders and founders. They set the goals and targets of the organization first and
they will develop the rules, principles and ideologies which the employees will follow. These
rules becomes a culture. Like a service company shows courtesy towards their customers is an
example of the culture of that company. The management department should encourage this by
hiring a well educated and civilized personnel, rewarding that behaviour and so on. This will
benefitial to the organization and staffs both.

Therefore, definition of culture varies from person to person because they have been raised in the
different circumstances, environment and culture. This establishes their view of culture
differently so they define the culture differently.

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