Informed Consent

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Dear Research Collaborator:

We are pursuing our bachelor’s degree in Behavioral Science at the University of Santo Tomas,
Manila and are doing our research titled, “Conscientiousness and Self-efficacy as Correlates of
the Career Decision-making of Beginning HR Professionals in the Philippines”, to earn the
degree. Respondents to this study are beginning HR professionals aged 18-25 years old, with 3
months to 3 years of work experience, and have been assigned to recruitment and selection.

In line with this, we are seeking your participation to share your experiences and to answer a
series of tests. In particular, the tests /questionnaires /surveys that will be administered are (1)
Chernyshenko Conscientiousness Scales (CCS), (2) General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES), and
(3) Career Decision-Making Difficulties Questionnaire (CDDQ).

Please be assured that everything will be treated with utmost confidentiality as none of your
personal information and affiliation will be used in any portion of the study. When required to
use names, pseudonyms that will not in any way reveal the identification of the collaborators will
be employed instead. Should you agree to participate and decide to withdraw your participation
at any time within the duration of the research, the researchers will respect your decision and
exclude any data that you have provided so far to the study.

The results and findings of this study will be shared to the members of our research committee
and to other members of the University of Santo Tomas. After thorough evaluations and
reviews have been made, the research findings will be submitted for presentation and
publication. We will furnish you with the results and findings of the study. A copy will also be
made available in the UST Faculty of Arts and Letters thesis library.

We have attached the research questions and other preliminary details with this letter to provide
you more details about our study which have been carefully reviewed by the members of our
research committee. In general, the data gathering will take one hour at most but may be
adjusted considering your available time and convenience.

If you have any questions, concerns or clarifications, please get in touch with us through any of
these contact information:

Bermudez, Anne Clarisse
(+63956 650 7671)

Duka, Christine Joelle
(+63917 563 0853)
Flores, Alessandra Angel Shevenella
(+63975 981 2762)

We look forward to and highly appreciate your support and positive response regarding this

Respectfully yours,

Bermudez, Anne Clarisse

Duka, Christine Joelle

Flores, Alessandra Angel Shevenella

Noted by:

Asst. Prof. Chrisma C. Bangaoil, MA

Research Adviser


I have read the details of the study and am voluntarily expressing my willingness to participate
in this research.


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