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Laboratory work № 51


Work purpose: Examine biophysical basics of the rheography and key parameters of rheograms.
Study the flowchart and the principle of work of a rheograph.

Devices and accessories: reograph, physical solution.


1. Definition and application of the method.

Rheography - a bloodless method of research general and organ blood circulation. At a rheography
through a site of a body or an organ pass an alternating electric current of high frequency (v = from 100 to
500 kHz), current - no more than 10 mA. This current term - probing current. It is harmless to an organism
and patient not feels this current.

Resistance of the biotissues to alternating current term - an impedance.

So, sometimes this method can be defined as impedance phlebography, or impedance

plethysmography (IPG), that is a non-invasive medical test that measures small changes in electrical
resistance of the chest, calf or other regions of the body. These measurements reflect blood volume changes,
and can indirectly indicate the presence or absence of venous thrombosis. This procedure provides an
alternative to venography, which is invasive and requires a great deal of skill to execute adequately and
interpret accurately.

At the rheography measure average (basic) value of the impedance of the studied site of a body and its
fluctuation near this basic value. In measured values calculate pulse fluctuations of volume of the blood
proceeding through an organ, and speed of these changes. They are caused by pulse fluctuations of the blood
in arteries.

By results of the rheography it is possible to determine the volume of the blood which has passed
through a site of the body for one cardiocycle; volume rate of the blood flow - the volume of the blood
which has passed through section of a vessel for one second; rate of a pulse wave - rate of passing on walls
arteries of the areas of stretching and compression and other characteristics of a hemodynamic.
Informational content of a method increases if at the same time with rheograms to record an
electrocardiogram and a phonocardiogram.

Depending on a studied organ distinguish a rheocardiography (RKG), rheoencephalography (REG), - a

rheography of extremities, etc.
2. Relationship between pulse volume change and change of the impedance

Let the space between two flat electrodes filled by blood vessel with blood. The area of each electrode
is - S, and l - distance between them. When direct electric current passing through the vessel with blood, its
ohmic resistance approximately can be written down in a next form:

𝑹= 𝝆 (𝟏)
where ρ - specific electric resistance. Let's multiply numerator and denominator by distance - l. Notice
that l · S = V - biotissue volume = walls volume + blood volume. Then from the formula (1) we will receive
dependence of volume V from R resistance:

𝑽(𝑹) = 𝝆 (𝟐)
As V (R) = 1/R, that when bloods arrives in the vessel between electrodes, its electric resistance
decreases (∆V>0 and ∆ R< 0). When blood flow out from the vessel, resistance is enlarged
(∆V < 0 and ∆ R > 0). Changes in volume of the site of the vessel with blood are result from change of
volume of the blood: dV = dVblood, where dV - differential of function V (R):

𝒅𝑽(𝑹) = −𝝆𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒅𝑹 (𝟑)
ρ - specific electric resistance of the blood.

When electric current passing through a biotissue, and also thru dielectric tissues like walls of the
blood vessel, that dielectric tissue became polarized. Because of the one-orientation polarization when
passing the direct electric current it is impossible to measure the average (basic) ohmic resistance of the site
of a body. It's very big and changes all the time. Against the changing basic resistance it is difficult to
measure small pulse changes of the blood resistance dR=1 of MOhm.

Therefore in the rheography use alternating probing current. The resistance of biotissues to alternating
current (Z impedance) consists of the ohmic resistance R and capacitive resistance

Where ω=2·π·ν – cyclic frequency, C - capacities of the condensers which arise at polarization of the
dielectric tissues. At larger, frequencies the capacitance resistance X a little and also can be considered that
dR = dZ. With using probing current with a big frequency the formula (3) can be written down in a look:

𝒅𝑽(𝑹) = −𝝆𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒅𝒁 (𝟒)
Formula (4) is a basic formula of the rheography.

View and analysis of the rheograms.

Simple rheogram (Р) it’s the schedule of the dependence on time of pulse changes of an impedance of
dZ (t). For larger informational content at the same time with a rheogram, record the differential rheogram
(DR). DR is a schedule of the derivative dZ (t) function on time. It shows how quickly changes dZ.
Rheographic research begins with registration of a calibration signal K. It’s necessary for
measurement amplitude of the rheogram in SI units.

Fig. 1. The main (above) and differential (below) rheovasograms.

a - presystolic wave

α — anacrotic duration (from the beginning of the rising systolic wave until formation of its top c),
consist from intervals α1 and α2. Characterizes tonus and an elastance of the arteries. In norm х - 0.08-0.15

Т — the period between tops of the next waves in the rheovasogram, corresponding to duration of a
cardiac cycle. In norm Т= 0.7 – 1.1 s.

с and s — tops of the systolic waves according to the main and differential rheovasogram;

А — amplitude of the systolic wave with the components A1 and A2.

i — incisura (notch);

В — amplitude of the rheographic wave at the level incisura (notch). Characterizes tonus of the

d — top of the diastolic wave.

D — amplitude of the diastolic wave. Characterizes ratios between flows of arterial and venous blood.

β — catacrotic duration (from the moment corresponding to top of the wave, prior to the beginning of
the following systolic wave);

RK = A/D - rheographic index, K-amplitude of a calibration signal. In norm of RI = 1.4 – 1.8.

The view and quantitative parameters of the rheogram depend on a studied site of a body, age of the
patient and disease existence.
Fig. 2. Thorax impedance curve.

Rheograph - the device for rheogram registration. Multichannel rheographs allow to record at the
same time rheograms from various sites of the body, and also a differential rheogram.

Generator of the Registrator of

high-frequency Site of the Electronic
body circuit the rheograms
sinusoidal voltage


Registrator of
the diff.

Block-scheme and principle of work of the rheograph

High-frequency voltage with fixed frequency from the generator moves on electrodes which impose
on a studied site of a body. Through this site of the body, passes high-frequency electric current. According
to the Ohm law of I=U (Z+dZ), amplitude of this current changes over time in a step with pulse changes of
an impedance dZ (t). The electronic circuit will transform this current to a voltage, which in proportion to
change of the impedance of U (t) of =k*dZ (t). Parameters of the scheme are that, the k=1 V/Ohm.
Voltages U(t) strengthen and give on the registrar of rheograms. On the registrar it is possible to give the
calibration signal.

If give voltage U(t) on an entrance of the differentiating scheme, at its exit we will receive a voltage
equal to derivative U * (t) on time. This voltage records other registrar.

As registrars of rheograms we can use various devices: polygraphs, electrocardiographs, oscilloscopes.

Practical task

1. Determine the frequency of a high-frequency probing voltage which produces the rheograph
generator. Use rheograph to measure an impedance of the condenser C and R resistance that connected by
consistently bridged scheme. Parameters C and R are set. To calculate the frequency of a probing voltage
use next formula (which follows from definition of an impedance of the scheme):

𝟏 𝟏
𝛎=( )∙
𝟐𝛑𝐂 √𝐙 𝟐 + 𝐑𝟐

C = 6800 pF;

R = 220 Ohm;

Z = 232 Ohm.

2. Register a calibration signal and the rheogram of the right arm. Using the calibration signal
determine the price of one mm in Ohms in the transversal direction of the rheogram. Write down values of
amplitudes of the rheogram in Ohm. For example, amplitude of the calibration signal is K = 0.1 Ohms and
equal to 10 mm. Then the price of 1 mm in the transversal direction (0.1 cm: 10 mm) = 0.01 Ohms/mm. If
amplitude of the systolic wave L = 8 mm, in "Ohm" A = 8 mm · 0.01 Ohms / mm = 0.08 Ohms. This value
can be received from a proportion (10: 8) = (0.1: А). From here A = 0.08 Ohms. Knowing that rate of
movement of the tape 25 mm for 1 s, determine the price of 1 mm in the longitudinal direction of the
rheogram. Write down sizes of duration α and T in seconds.

3. Calculate the volume of the blood which has passed during time of one systole through the
right arm, on a formula:

∆𝑽 = 𝝆 ∙ ( )∙𝑨∙𝑲

(𝑻 + 𝜶)
(𝑻 − 𝜶)

Z = 232 Ohm;

l = 15 cm.

Where A - systolic wave amplitude; K - multiplier of blood outflow during a systole, ρ = 1.5 Ohms·m
- the specific resistance of the blood; l - distance between electrodes; Z - basic impedance of the studied site.

During experiment was obtained next rheogram, analyze it and calculate ∆V.

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