National Health Agencies

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leatrning aids
5mnts Introduction Lecture cum Black What is health
Introduce topic discussion coard agencies?
India is rich with many health care agencies methods
function: to promote health, to prevent illness and to
provide curative services.
Aim : to reduce the mortality and morbidity rates
Purpose of health care agencies;
Provision for promotive and preventive care
rendering curative services reduction in population
growth rate improvement in nutritional status
improvement in sanitation facilities development of
manpower resources provision for safe water and
food supply increasing the literacy rate reducing the
levels of poverty Lecture cum
List out health 5mnts Types of health care agencies discussion What are types of
agencies There are a number of agencies( multilateral methods health agencies?
organizations) and bodies that have a role in
delivering health services. Some are involved in
delivering services while others are regulatory and/or
International health agencies
National health agencies.
International health agencies
National health agencies. Lecture cum List out health
o WHO discussion OHP agencies?
o UNFPA methods
ETC. discussion
Explain health WHO methods
agencies Objectives of WHO:
Main objective: “the attainment by all peoples of the
highest level of health” which is set out in the
preamble of the constitution .
 Objectives in the preamble of WHO:
 Complete state of physical, mental and social
well being.
 No discrimination in path of attainment of
highest standard of health.
 Good health is for attainment of peace and
security.  good health is valued to all
 Equal development in promotion and control
of disease in all the countries
 Extension to all people of the benefits of
medical, psychological and related knowledge.
 Informed opinion and active co-operation
Membership in WHO :
Open to all countries. Most of the members of both
the un and the who. Territories which are not
responsible for the conduct of their relations may be
admitted as associate members. Associate members
participate without vote in deliberations of the who.
Each member contributes yearly to the budget and Lecture cum
each is entitled to the services and aid the discussion
organization can provide. methods
Work of WHO: prevention and control of specific
diseases development of comprehensive services
family health bio-medical research health statistics
environmental health, health literature and
information co-operation with other organisation
The world health assembly:
 Supreme governing body and the health
parliament of nations.
 Annual meeting-may, venue-geneva
 It is composed of delegates from
different respective countries and each
is given the power of one vote
Functions: international health policy and
programmes review the work of the past year.
Approve the budget of the following year. Approve
the budget needed for the following year. Elect
member states to designate a person to serve for
three years on the executive board and to replace the
retiring members
The executive board:
It has18 members which had been incremented to
31 members by the health assembly. Members to be
technically qualified in the field of health designated
by their respective governments, but do not represent
their respective governments. One third of the
membership is renewed every year.
The executive board:
Executive board meets every year in the month of
january and may after the meeting of the world
health assembly. The main work of the board is to
give affect to the decisions and policies of the
assembly emergent and immediate action in
epidemics, earthquakes
Headed by the director general function:
To provide member states with technical and
managerial support for their national development
There are 5 assistant director generals who are
assigned different tasks by the director general
 South-east asia-new delhi(india)
 Africa-harare(zimbabwe)
 Americas-washington d.c(u.s.a)
 Europe-copenhagen(denmark)
 Western pacific manila(philippines)
western pacific
Specialised agency of the united nations. Established
in 1946 to rehabilitate children in war ravaged
countries headquarters-network works in
collaboration with FAO,UNDP,WHO and UNESCO
provides assistance in varied fields of mch and
Funding: funding is derived voluntarily from
governmental and non-governmental organisations.
Services provided by unicef: child health child
nutrition family health and child welfare
education(formal and non-formal)
Established in the year 1966 to help poorer nations
develop their human and natural resources more Lecture cum
fully. discussion
The undp projects cover virtually every economic methods
and social sector agriculture, industry, education and
science, health, social welfare.
UNDP’S activities:
UNDP'S network links and coordinates global and
national efforts to reach these goals. Their focus is
helping countries build and share solutions to the Lecture cum
challenges of: discussion
Democratic governance poverty reduction crisis methods
prevention and recovery environment and energy OHP
The food and agriculture organization(FAO)
Was formed in the year 1945 with headquarters in
rome. It was united nations organization specialized
agency created to look after several areas of world
Aims of FAO:
The chief aims of FAO are as follows;
1)to help nations raise living standards.
2)to improve the nutritional status of people of all
3)to increase the efficiency of farming, forestry and
4)to better the condition of rural people and better
the opportunity of productive work.

The international labour organisation

Was established in the year 1919. The Lecture cum
international labour organization (ILO) is a united discussion
nations agency dealing with labour issues, methods
particularly international labour standards and decent
work for all. 185 of the 193 un member states are
members of the ilo. In 1969, the organization
received the nobel peace prize for improving peace
among classes, pursuing justice for workers, and
providing technical assistance to other developing
The purposes of ILO are as follows:
1)to contribute to the establishment of lasting peace
by promoting social justice.
2)to improve through international action , labour
conditions, and living standards.
3) to improve economic and social stability
The united states agency for international
development (USAID)
Is the united states federal government agency
primarily responsible for administering civilian
foreign aid. Responding to president obama's pledge
in his january 2013 state of the union address to "join
with our allies to eradicate extreme poverty in the
next two decades,“ usaid has adopted as its mission
statement "to partner to end extreme poverty and to
promote resilient, democratic societies while Lecture cum
advancing the security and prosperity of the united discussion
states.“ usaid operates in africa, asia, latin america methods
and europe.
Activities of USAID
The us government is assisting in a number of
projects designed to improve the health of indian
1)malaria eradication
2)medical education
3)nursing education
4)health education Lecture cum
5)water supply and sanitation discussion
6)control of communicable diseases methods
8)family planning
 the red cross is a non-political and non- official
international humanitarian organization
 the first Geneva convention took place in 1864 and
a treaty was signed for the relief of the wounded and
sick of the armies in the field .thus came into being
the international committee of red cross(ICRC).
Role of red cross:
1)it was largely confined to the victims of the war.
2)mainly it tries to involve itself into activities like
first aid in case of war like situations,mch services
3)lately it has tried to extend it’s research in disaster
management and has designed emergency protocols.
“co-operative for assistance and relief everywhere” Lecture cum
founded in north america in the wake of the second discussion
world war in the year 1945. It is on of the world’s methods
largest independent, non- profit, non-sectarian
international relief and development organistaion.
Provides enmergency aid and long term
development assistance. Operation in india from
Activities: care-india focused it’s food support in the
icds programme and in developments of programmes
in areas of health and income supplementation.
It is helping in the following projects: integrated
nutrition and health projects, better health and
nutrition projects, anemia control project, improving
women’s health projects, improved health care for
adolescent's girls projects, child survival projects,
improving women’s reproductive health and family
spacing project.
Care-india works in partnership with the Lecture cum
government of india, state government, ngo’s etc. discussion
Currently it has projects in andhra pradesh, bihar, methods
mp, maharashtra, orissa and up and west- bengal.


Established in 1944, is headquartered in Washington,
D.C the world bank is a vital source of financial and
technical assistance to developing countries around
the world.
Its mission is to fight poverty with passion and
professionalism for lasting results and to help people
help themselves and their environment by providing
resources, sharing knowledge, building capacity and
forging partnerships in the public and private sectors.
The president, currently David R.Malpass
It provides low-interest loans, interest-free credits
and grants to developing countries for various
purposes that included.
 Investments in education,
 Health,
 Public administration,
 Infrastructure,
 Financial and private sector development,
 Agriculture,
 Environmental and natural resource
 Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger:
 Achieve universal primary education: Lecture cum
 Promote gender equality reduce child discussion
mortality improve maternal health combat Hiv/Aids, methods
malaria, and other diseases ensure environmental
sustainability develop a global partnership for

United nations population fund, is the lead un
agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy
is wanted, every birth is safe, and every young
person's potential is fulfilled.
UNFPA expands the possibilities for women and
young people to lead healthy and productive lives.
Since UNFPA started working in 1969, the number –
and rate – of women dying from complications of
pregnancy or childbirth has been halved.
Families are smaller and healthier. Young people are
more connected and empowered than ever before.
UNFPA supports healthy families by:
 Training health workers to deliver quality
family planning services
 Supplying contraceptives in emergency
 Ensuring youth-friendly reproductive health
 Providing counselling and choices to women
who want to avoid or delay pregnancy
 Educating men on the benefits of birth spacing
UNFPA supports maternal health by:
• Training midwives and health workers
• Preventing and treating obstetric fistula
• Supplying clean birthing kits following
• Strengthening emergency obstetric care
• Ensuring reliable supplies of essential
medicines and equipment
• Enabling birth spacing
UNFPA advocates for the welfare of young people
• promoting the human rights of adolescents
• preventing hiv infection
• engaging young people in decisions that affect Lecture cum
them supporting age-appropriate discussion
comprehensive sexuality education methods
• creating safe spaces for adolescent girls
encouraging abandonment of harmful practices
• encouraging leadership
Is the brand which the ministry of foreign affairs of
denmark, uses when it provides humanitarian aid and
development assistance to other countries, with focus
on developing countries. There is no distinct
DANIDA organisation within the ministry.
Denmark has been granting development
assistance since the end of the second world war. It is
one of the five countries in the world that meets the
united nation's target of granting 0.7% of gross
national income (gni) in development assistance. In
2011 denmark disbursed roughly dkk:15.753 billion
(us$2.98 billion) in development assistance to
countries in africa, asia, latin america, the middle
east, and denmark's european union neighbours. In
2009, danida worked in close association with the
indian government's padmasree award winner,
k.viswanathan, and the prestigious institution
mitraniketan. Furthermore, danida worksin
collaboration with many danish ngos such as global
THE AIM of denmark’s development cooperation is Lecture cum
to reduce poverty through the promotion of human discussion
rights and economic growth. It is focused on some of methods
the poorest countries in the world. Four main priority
areas: human rights and democracy green growth
social progress stability and protection
executive body and represents the interests of Europe
as a whole (as opposed to the interests of individual
countries). The European commission (EC) is the
executive body of the European union responsible
for proposing legislation, implementing decisions,
upholding the union's treaties and day-to-day
Set objectives and priorities for action propose
legislation to parliament and council manage and
implement policies and the budget enforce
EUROPEAN law (jointly with the court of justice)
represent the EU outside EUROPE (negotiating trade
agreements between the EU and other countries,
etc.). Regular and emergency meetings.
• The united nations educational, scientific and
cultural organization is a specialized agency of
the united nations (UN).
• Its purpose is to contribute to peace and
security by promoting international
collaboration through education, science, and
culture in order to further universal respect for Lecture cum
justice, the rule of law, and human rights along discussion
with fundamental freedom proclaimed in the methods
united nations charter.
• It is the heir of the league of nations'
international committee on intellectual
UNESCO has 195 member states[and nine associate
members. Unesco pursues its objectives through five
major programs: education, natural sciences, social
and human sciences, culture, and communication and
 27january: International Day Of
Commemoration In Memory Of The Victims
Of The Holocaust
 13 February: World Radio Day
 21 February: International Mother Language
 8 March: International Women's Day
 21 March: International Day Of Nowruz
 21 March: World Poetry Day
 21 March: International Day For The
Elimination Of Racial Discrimination
 22 March: World Day For Water
 20 March: International Francophonie Day
 23 April: World Book And Copyright Day
 30 April : International Jazz Day
 3 May: World Press Freedom Day
 21 May: World Day For Cultural Diversity For
Dialogue And Development
 22 May: International Day For Biological
 25 May: Africa Day / Africaweek
 5 June: World Environment Day
 8 June: World Oceans Day
 9 August: International Day Of The World's
Indigenous People
 12 August: International Youth Day
 23 August: International Day For The
Remembrance Of The Slave Trade And Its
 8 September: International Literacy Day
 15 September : International Day Of
 21 September: International Day Of Peace 5
October : World Teachers' Day Second
Wednesday In October: International Day For
Disaster Reduction
 17 October: International Day For The
Eradication Of Poverty
 20 October: World Statistics Day
 27 October: World Day For Audiovisua
 10 November: World Science Day For Peace
And Development
 Third Thursday In November: World
Philosophyday 16 November: International
Day For Tolerance
 19 November: International Men's Day
 25 November: International Day For The
Elimination Of Violence Againstwomen Lecture cum
 29 November: International Day Of Solidarity discussion
With The Palestinianpeople methods
 1 December: World Aidsday
 10 December: Human Rights Day 18
December: International Migrants Day
THE COLOMBO PLAN is a regional organization
that embodies the concept of collective inter-
governmental effort to strengthen economic and
social development of member countries in the Asia-
Pacific region.
The primary focus of all Colombo plan activities is
on human resources development.
PURPOSE: The Colombo plan is not intended as an
integrated master plan to which national plans were
expected to conform.
It is, instead, a framework for bi-lateral
arrangements involving foreign aid and technical
assistance for the economic and social development
of the region.
 To promote interest in and support for the
economic and social development of asia and
the pacific;
 To promote technical cooperation and assist in
the sharing and transfer of technology among
member countries;
 To keep under review relevant information on
technical cooperation between the member
governments, multilateral and other agencies
with a view to accelerating development
through cooperative effort;
 To facilitate the transfer and sharing of the
developmental experiences among member Lecture cum
countries within the region with emphasis on discussion
the concept of south-south cooperation. methods
PRESENT MEMBERS: the colombo plan currently
has 27 members, including countries in the asia-
pacific region, non-commonwealth countries and
countries belonging to regional groupings such
asasean (association of south-east asian nations) and
National agencies/ voluntary health care agencies
o Indian red cross
o Indian council for child welfare
o Family planning association of India
o Tuberculosis of India
o Hindu Kusht Nivaran Sangh
Central social welfare board
o All India women’s conference
o Blind association of India etc.
• it was established in 1920 it has 400 branches
in India executing programmes are, promotion
of health, prevention of disease and mitigation
of suffering among the people.
• It was established in 1920 it has 400 branches
in India executing programmes are, promotion
of health ,prevention of disease and mitigation
of suffering among the people.
• relief work
• milk and medical supplies
• armed forces
• maternal and child welfare services
• family planning
• blood bank and first aid
• it was established in 1952
• it is affiliated with the international union for
child welfare
the services of I.C.C.W. Are devoted to secure for
India’s children those “opportunities and facilities,
by law and other means” which are necessary to
enable them to develop physically, mentally,
morally, spiritually and socially in a healthy and
normal manner and in conditions of freedom and
it was formed in 1939.
it has branches in all the states in India.

Activities are;
 organising a T .B. Seal campaign every year to
raise funds, training .of doctors, health visitors and
social workers in anti t .b work, promotion of health
education, promotion of consultations and
The New Delhi Tuberculosis Centre, The Lady
Linlithgow Sanatorium At Casual
 The King Edward Vii Sanatorium At Dharampur
 Tuberculosis Hospital At Mehrauli
 It Was Founded In 1950
 Headquarters In New Delhi
 Its Precursor Was The Indian Council Of The
British Empire Leprosy Relief Association Which
Was Dissolved In 1950
 Rendering Of Financial Assistance To Various
Leprosy Homes And Clinics, Health Education Thro’
Lecture cum
Publications And Posters, Training Of Medical
Workers And Physiotherapists, Conducting Research methods
And Field Investigations
Organising all-INDIA leprosy workers conference
and publication of “leprosy in INDIA”, a
quarterly journal.
 it is a non-political and non-official organization
was formed in 1952.
Primary aims; help people to achieve health by
their own actions and efforts improvement of
sanitation in villages is one of the important activities
of the B.S.S.
It is an autonomous organisation under the general
administrative control of the ministry of education.
It was set up by the GOI in august 1953.
Functions are;
• Surveying the needs and requirements of
voluntary welfare organizations in the country
• Promoting and setting up of social welfare
organizations on a voluntary basis
• Rendering of financial aid to deserving
existing organizations and institutions.
• Teaching of craft, social education, literacy
classes, maternity aid for women, distribution of
milk,balwadis, and organisation of play centres for
• It also started a scheme of industrial
cooperatives to help the lower-middle class women i
urban areas supplement their income by doing paid
• It was created in commemoration of Kasturba
Gandhi, after her death in 1944. Lecture cum
• The fund was raised with the main object of discussion
improving the lot of women, especially in the methods
villages, through gram-sevikas.
• It was formed in 1949,hq in Mumbai.
• Propagating the family planning in India
• These branches are running fp clinics .
• It has trained several hundred doctors, health
visitors and social workers.
Women’s voluntary welfare organisation:
 It is the only women’s voluntary welfare
organisation in the country.
 Established in 1926.
 Most of the branches are running
M.C.H.clinics, medical centres, and adult
education centres, milk centres and family
planning clinics
 Established in 1946.
 It organise eye relief camps and other
measures for the relief of the blind.

The Indian medical association,

All India licentiate’s association, all India dental
association of India are all voluntary agencies of men Lecture cum
and women who are qualified in their respective discussion
specialities and possess registerable qualifications. methods
It has conduct annual conferences, publish journals,
arrange scientific sessions and exhibitions, foster
research, set up standards of professional education
and organise relief camps during periods of natural
Role of a nurse in health care services:
The contemporary nurse functions in the inter
related role as follows as a care giver, the nurse helps
client to regain health through healing process.
nurse addresses the holistic health care needs of the
 she helps the client & families to set goals &
meets those goals.
 she preserves the dignity of the client.
 she accepts a client as a person , not merely as
mechanical beings. Ethical decision maker
the nurse uses critical thinking skills throughout the
nursing process to provide effective care.
nurse makes decision in collaboration with the client
& the family.
 she also collaborates & consults with other
health professionals. Clinical advocate
protector & advocate
a nurse provides a safe conducive environment to the
she takes steps to prevent injury to the clients.
Case manager
she protects the client from every possible adverse
effects of treatment.
she asks about any allergy to medicine or food.
she provides immunization against disease.
she protects client’s human & legal rights & provides
assistance in asserting those rights if the need arises.
she advocated the client by keeping in mind the
client’s religion & culture.
nurse defends the clients right in general way by
speaking out against policies that might endanger
their well being.
as a manager, nurse coordinates the activities of
other health team members.
 she manages the nursing care of not only one
client but also of families & in communities.
 she delegates the nursing activities to auxiliary
workers & other nurses.
 rehabilitation is a process by which individuals
return to maximal levels of functioning after
illness, accidents or other health events.
 nurse helps the clients to adapt as fully
possible who experiences physical or
emotional impairment that change their lives.
 the role of a comforter is a traditional &
historical one in nursing & has continued to be
important as a nurses have assumed new roles.
 as a comforter, nurse provides comforts to the
client by considering him as an individual with
unique feelings & needs.
 she motivates clients to reach therapeutic
 she promotes comfort to the client by staying
near the patient.

 nursing involves communication with clients
& families, other nurses, health care team
members, resource persons & the community
 as a communicator, nurse provides information
to other team members about the palled &
unplanned nursing care.
 she conveys information verbally at change of
 she reports while shifting the client from one
unit to the other.
 Teaching refers to the activities by which the
teacher helps the learner to learn a teacher.
 she determines that the client has fully
 she also evaluates client’s progress in learning.
 she incorporates other resources such as family
,in teaching plans.
 nurse gives health education on diet, about
preventive measures of disease.
as a leader, she influences the client to make
decisions regarding health.
 Nursing leadership is defined as a mutual
process of interpersonal influence through
which nurse helps client in making decisions
Understand role of for establishing & achieving the goals to
nurse in health improve the clients well being counsellor
agencies  nurse helps the client to recognize & cope with
stressful, psychological or social problems.
 she assists the clients for developing good
inter personal relationship.
 nurse counsels primary healthy individuals
with normal adjustment difficulties. Nurse
helps the person to develop new attitudes,
feeling & behaviours.
 Nurse investigates problems in order to
improve nursing care & expand the scope of
nursing practice.
 She does many qualitative & quantitative
 Based upon these findings, they practice
nursing care in hospital as well as in the
community setting.

As far as possible students learned about national
health agencies in India
General objective:
By the end of the class students will able to learn in-depth knowledge regarding national health agencies.
Specific objectives:
1. Introduce topic
2. List out national health agencies in India
3. Explain health agencies in India
4. Understand nurses role national health agencies

1.Text book of preventive and social medicine, Park k, Banarsidas Bhanot,24rd edition,2019, pgno.644

2.kamala G, community health nursing-II,Florence publishers,11th edition,2019,pg no.369 health nursing-II,G..Gnana prasuna ,T.vasundharaTulasi,,frontlinepublications,2017,Pgno.266.

UNIT:- Unit
VENUE:- class room,Govt.Nursing College,kadapa
GROUP INVOLVED:- B.Sc(N)4th year students
METHOD OF TEACHING:- Lecture com discussion
A V AIDS USED:- poster , charts, flashcards, pamphlets etc.





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