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Security is considered as an utmost concern in most schools. Security
personnel or more commonly known as security guards help maintain and impose
safety within the school campus. Their presence is important because they install
and implement security measures at schools is to create a safer environment
wherein individuals can move freely and feel secure in going about their daily
schooling activities. (Van Jaarsveld, 2011) They also help patrol the campus;
preventing outsiders from entering the school. They provide guidance for
parents who are worried about their children’s safety and they respond to
emergencies quickly. (Writer, 2018) Most of the time, security personnel do not
have that much trouble in fulfilling their duties in campus, but there are times
when obstacles arise and hinder them from functioning properly.

This study shall research about the struggles the security personnel in
the researchers’ school, Stella Maris Academy of Davao, encounter in
implementing the school rules upon the students of the said institution. The
researchers have decided to focus upon security personnel who have regular
monitoring for it has been observed that the security personnel encounter many
obstacles in implementing school rules while doing this job.

With this study, the researchers hope to find the causes of the security
personnel’s struggles. The researchers firmly believe that the security
personnel have the right to make their opinions heard and that this study shall
aid them in fulfilling their duties better. This study shall also serve as a report
to the school’s administration concerning the struggles of the establishment’s
security personnel and a tool for better implementation of school rules.

Statement of the Problem

The researchers aim to know about the struggles of the security personnel
in their school, Stella Maris Academy of Davao. Further than that, they would also
like to know if the students are one of those struggles and how do the students
affect the security personnel’s ability to implement rules. The following will serve
as the research questions:

1. What are the main struggles of the security personnel in implementing the
school rules upon students?
2. How does the students’ behavior affect the security personnel’s ability to
implementing the school rules?

Theoretical Framework

One theory the researchers can utilize is the “Use of Force” Theory. This
theory states that security personnel must match the force of the perceived threat
(National Academy of Health and Business of Canada, 2014). This creates a
struggle of how to match the threat’s force. This theory can be related to the
struggle of security personnel on how to match threats to security and order of this

Another theory the researchers can make use of is Milgram’s Theory of

Obedience to Authority, a theory generated by Stanley Milgram, a Yale University
psychologist. The Milgram Experiment, a series of experiments conducted by
Milgram himself, was the experiment that generated the after mentioned theory
(Milgram, 1963). The theory states that individuals with strong moral foundations
tend to follow orders, policies, and rules implemented by authoritarian figures more
blindly than those who are more rebellious in nature (Sakarellos, 2018). It was also
noted that the appearance of the authorities can either make a person more
obedient or more disobedient and that distance if both parties (the one ordering
and the one being ordered) also affects a person’s obedience (Explorable, 2019).
The theory can be used on the security personnel if they struggle to obey their

Another theory would be the Theory and Practice of Security authored by

Clifton Smith and David Jonathan Brooks. It states that security must have
functional aspects in order to ensure the safety and protection of individuals. This
creates a struggle of pressure within the security personnel (Brooks & Smith,
2013). This theory can be used to find out if pressure is one if the struggles of the
security personnel.

Significance of the Study

The researchers’ study benefits students, security personnel, school

administration and other researchers as well.

The students can benefit from this study because this study will reveal to
them the struggles the school’s security personnel are undergoing. This will allow
them to have a better attitude towards the security personnel and will help them
foster respect for the security personnel.

The security personnel will benefit from this study for this study will focus
on their side and will reveal to its readers the struggles they go through in order to
implement discipline among the students. This would make people understand the
security guards even more.

The school administration can benefit from this study because through this
research paper they will be able to properly asses what the security personnel are
doing. This would give them the opportunity to improve or to praise the work of the
security personnel.

Other researchers will benefit from this study for it will serve as a reference
on the topic of the struggles of security personnel in implementing school rules
upon students. This study shall give other researchers an overview of what it would
be like to discipline students.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The study shall only cover the security guards who roam and monitor the
inside campus of Stella Maris Academy of Davao. The people who are excluded
in this study are guards that does not roam and the people who are included in this
study are the guards who roam and have duties on the inside of the school
campus, namely those whose main duty is to do so. We would like to focus on the
struggles of the security personnel of Stella Maris Academy of Davao and if the
students are one of those struggles.


Introduction to Security Personnel Struggles

When it comes to the safety and protection of school, there is only one
person who is professional enough for this challenging job, and that is a security
guard. Security guards play a vital role in constructing and maintaining a safe and
peaceful environment at school. It is very crucial that the environment of the school
stays safe for the healthy growth and productive development of the kids. Incidents
of school violence can hinder this growth process and have an everlasting impact
on their personalities. So, it is very important that strict rules and power are used
to enforce safety in educational institutes (Universal Training Academy, 2011).

Security guards can play a major role in averting unpleasant events. Studies
and surveys acknowledge the Importance of the security guards in prevention of
school crimes. Not following of school rules have been proven to be lower in areas
wherein there are a considerable amount of security personnel (Van Jaarsveld,
2011). Even low rate crimes, such as swearing, are less likely to occur in the
presence of a security guard.

The job of a security guard in school is to patrol the school premises to

detect any suspicious activity, monitor and guard the entrance, check every visitor,
ensure that the school property is protected, investigate theft or any other crime
cases, report any violations to the school authority, prevent violence of any kind,
enforce the school laws, and use physical force when needed (Universal Training
Academy, 2011).

There is no doubt that the position of a security guard at school is highly

important and respectable, but it is not an easy job. A security guard can only be
able to fulfill his duties if he has gone through a proper training.

Lack of Formal Training

But alas, not all security personnel have gone proper and formal training. In
the United States of America, approximately one million security guards lack formal
training (Michigan State University, 2014). Meanwhile in the Philippines, security

training have been scrutinized for only requiring a fifteen day training program for
aspiring security guards. The Philippine National Police have commented upon
this saying that some security personnel struggle to implement rules due to a lack
of education and due to being underage; some being hired in an age as young as
nineteen years old (Dizon, 2013).

Despite their lack of training, establishments and institutions still rely on

security personnel, specifically security guards, to ensure safety among their
premises. One of the most common institutions wherein we can find security
personnel is in schools. There are an estimated five hundred thousand security
personnel in the Philippines (Palabrica, 2016). There are a little over eight
thousand schools (from pre-schools to colleges and universities) in the entire
country (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016), each having an average of eight
security guards, thus making the total number of school security personnel
approximately sixty – four thousand. That makes up for at least thirteen percent of
the entire security guard population of the country.

School security guards are known to have one of the biggest struggles in
fulfilling their duties. This is mainly due to the fact that they deal with either small
and loud pre-school children or angsty and rebellious teenagers.

Students as a struggle

A study by Weiss (2007) was conducted in the Bronx, New York and it
researched about the struggles that both the security and the students experience
in several unnamed high schools in the Bronx (which will remain unnamed in
respect for the students’ privacy). For the sake of this research paper, we shall
focus on the security guards’ point of view.

One struggle security personnel often encounter is that they sometimes

have to embarrass students in order for them to adhere to school rules and policies
(Weiss, 2007). One student, given the alias “Jessica” gives her account of how the
security had to treat her stating that “He, he just totally screwed up my day. I even
started crying. I was so embarrassed. So it was kind of like trying to make everyone
feel like crap so you won’t even dare talk back.”

Although this method of reprimanding is not recommended due to its harsh

nature, this scenario gives us a glimpse of what’s its like to have to go to extreme
measures just for a student to follow rules, and such is the case with the security
guard who had to deal with “Jessica”. Still, what the security guard did was a
breach of proper security personnel conduct. What he did to “Jessica” was still
unacceptable and is highly discouraged. The researchers in no way support what
the security guard did.

Another struggle within security personnel in the Bronx is that students

avoid them. Therefore, making it hard for them to catch rule-breaking students.
These students often take the long way to school just so that they can avoid
security personnel stationed outside their school.

“David”, another student with a hidden name, explained how he would never
use the short cut going to school, so that he and his friends can avoid the school
security personnel. (Weiss, 2007).

This goes to prove that even though students have their complaints about
their school’s security personnel, the security personnel have problems about them
too. This study presents security personnel being the problems of students, but

more importantly it presents students as one of the problems or struggles of the

security personnel (Weiss, 2007).

Inadequate Training as a Struggle

Despite playing a more important role in the wake of 9/11, the security guard
industry remains plagued by inadequate training and standards in many states,
indicates new research by Michigan State University criminologists.

Formal training of the nation's 1 million-plus private security officers is

widely neglected, a surprising finding when contrasted with other private
occupations such as paramedics, childcare workers and even cosmetologists, said
Mahesh Nalla, lead investigator and MSU professor of criminal justice.

By and large, security guards say they're unprepared to handle problematic

people and physical altercations and to protect themselves. They strongly endorse
the need for systematic and standardized training in the $7 billion-a-year industry.
(Michigan State University, 2014)

"It's reasonable to conclude that private security continues to be an under-

regulated industry despite the increase in the roles private security guards play in
people's lives and the fact that they greatly outnumber sworn police officers in
America," Nalla said.

The number of unarmed security guards has roughly doubled since 1980,
to about 1.1 million, compared with about 833,000 police officers. The threat of
terrorism after the 9/11 attacks raised awareness of the role security guards could
play in intelligence sharing with law enforcement (Michigan State University, 2014).

Given security guards' increased role, Nalla and colleagues studied whether
states have kept up by strengthening minimum standards and requirements.

That study, published in Security Journal, found no dramatic increase in the

stringency of industry regulations since 1982. In fact, many states still lack any
training standards -- meaning security guards must learn on the job if their

company doesn't provide training -- while some states do not require any minimum
education or even a criminal background check for guards.

A second study by Nalla, also in Security Journal, drew on in-depth

interviews with security officers. While some guards were able to improvise based
on previous experience as police officers, many others believed the lack of training
was a hindrance to performing their tasks effectively.

Nalla noted private security is a relatively low-paying industry with high

turnover, which can make it difficult to recruit qualified guards, especially for small
security companies. He added that many other regions around the world, including
Australia and Europe, have stricter standards and accountability for their private
security industry.

This study presents lack of training as a struggle of security guards. This is

an alarming problem for the lack of skills training of a security guards might affect
the quality of service a security guard gives.

Struggles because of Students and their activities

A study by Sr. Ndeto (2013) of the briefly points out students as one of the
common struggles among security personnel.

According to Kafka (2011), due to the increasing need of students becoming

more undisciplined becoming more prone to danger, certain schools put the school
security personnel in charge of various aspect such as campus entry.

McGregory (2006), on the other hand, states that schools must have rules
that students are obliged to follow in order to maintain peace and order in the
school. It is also made for the students to behave well inside the school premises.
Aside from the students being disciplined, school rules help maintain the standards
of quality learning and security of the students. School Rules serves as a guide
that help the students be aware of what to do and not do inside the school or even
in public places which is why school rules is important partaking in the discipline
and behavior of the students.

Both studies can be intertwined with Sr. Ndeto’s 2013 study for students
lacking discipline contributes to the problems of security.

Another reason for the struggles of campus security personnel is that the
rules can sometimes be so strict to the point that they would find it hard to
implement it.

As Mowen (2014) states, that one factor that makes student break rules is
the rules being too strict. Some students find some rules being so unreasonable
and unnecessary. Second factor is the security guards being too strict and
unreasonable. Some security guards only think about doing their jobs and making
students obey their every command. Some on the other hand find it difficult to imply
school rules upon the students, for as it was mentioned earlier some rules have
become unreasonable and unnecessary. Some security lack sincerity in doing their
jobs, for the are forced to be strict and commandeering figures.

This can be supported by a study by Timothy (2014) which states that

schools that practice high security measures often encounter high levels of
student’s misbehavior. This related study of literature reflects the situation of
security personnel implementing school rules in Stella Maris Academy of Davao.

Due to the issues created by students (student leaders in this particular

case), security personnel have to create a more secure, harsher, and uptight
security framework (Conoley & Goldstein, 2004).

Students’ activities contribute to the struggles of the security guards

(Conoley & Goldstein, 2004). A rising issue among student leaders is the overload
of activities. Conoley and Goldstein (2004) have discussed this isuue in their study.

The reason of these issues and why they stem is the “lack of awareness”
by both parties. Namely the security and the student leaders. They either don’t see
the problem or they don’t know how to deal the problem with student activities.
Another reason is “denial” they recognize the problem, but they ignore its
existence, and the school leaders make a distorted image in which everything is
perfect so that they can gain, maintain and promote themselves and to those who

dealt with the problem are labeled for the problems they sent. Another one is
“qualified admittance” it means that they do admit and deal it but only to a certain
point then they go back to board meetings and talk on how to make a better
security and to implement more rules.

Ways to avoid these struggles are prevention, intervention, enforcement.

Prevent the issues as much as possible. Intervene to disrupt and discourage them
to have certain acts. Enforce the premise to have a safer area .The last is
“overreaction” in which everyone is in a state of panic and paranoia students face
with fear and a tiny action can cause chaos to adults but these can be overcome
by having more knowledge of the situation and to know how to deal with the
situation and to pick the right choices.

The teachers as well were not educated on how to deal with these issues
and they didn’t take it to much importance as it was not really aligned to their
profession, so they lean on security instead. The security fail on how to deal with
children even though they both are different they still have a same goal to, teach
children on a safe environment these things should not be ignored but instead
tackled and solved. They should have strict personnel and should have guides as
well to implement rules and regulations and to have a just system on how to deal
with mischief. (Conoley & Goldstein, 2004)

Struggles of Security Personnel in a University

A study by Presado (2016) was conducted in the main campus of the

University of Eastern Philippines, Cebu and it researched about the struggles
their campus security personnel encountered.

Presado was able to sort all of the campus security personnel’s problems
into nine main codes. These codes were the following: lack of firearms, lack of
security equipment, defective cars, lack of monetary allowances, lack of meal
allowance, lack of training, bias on shift and area of responsibility assignment,
conflict with the administrators, employees and students, and other problems (lack
of implementation of university policies, not on time salary and low salary.

The researchers shall discuss each theme one by one as presented by Mr.
Presado in his 2016 study.

First among these codes is the lack of firearms. This was the most frequent
response upon all. This was mentioned by twenty – five security guards. The lack
of firearms are a serious problem within the security guard profession (Presado,
2016). Without firearms, the security personnel would be at lost in performing their
duties. Firearms are a necessity, for they are needed in order to protect the school

Second among these codes is the lack of security equipment. This was the
second most frequent response from the security guards. A total of twenty – two
guards mentioned this. These equipments or instruments can either be batons,
whistles, first-aid kits strapped around their utility belts, CCTVS, and the like. The
lack of these items present a challenge for security personnel in implementing
rules and ensuring the security of the students (Presado, 2016). Without these,
security personnel would have a hard time catching outsiders, reprimanding
students, and fighting off any dangerous prospects that might enter the school

The third most common response from the guards is that they have
defective cars. Twenty – two guards mentioned these in the interviews. Defective

cars would mean defective transportation; thus making it troublesome for some
security personnel to go from one location to the other (Presado, 2016). Defective
cars could also mean defective armored cars. Armored cars are essential in
transporting money, important items, and documents safely, and without them, the
security of the said items (and even of the people transporting the said items, i.e.
the security personnel) are put into danger.

The fourth problem security guards commonly have is the lack of monetary
allowance. This problem was mentioned by nineteen security guards. The lack of
monetary allowance hinders security guards from performing their duties for they
will have to shell out personal money for matters their employers should shoulder
(such as transportation fees or pamasahe) (Presado, 2016). Matters such as these
must be shouldered by the security agencies that employ the security guards, so
that the security guards can focus more on their duties rather than worry about
losing money and receiving little pay.

Lack of meal allowances, on the other hand, is the fifth problem security
guards commonly have. A total of nineteen security guards mentioned this problem
in their interviews. Meal allowances are a certain amount of money given to
security guards in order to compensate for their meals during their duty hours.
Without meal allowances, security guards would have to use their own personal
money from their income in order to buy meals during duty hours (Presado, 2016).
There is a need to raise the current meal allowances of the security personnel in
order for them to maximize their income pay and use it for other matters such as
home improvement, their children’s education, and their own personal recreation.

The sixth problem security personnel often encounter is the lack of training.
A total of eighteen security guards mentioned this particular problem in their
interviews. As said earlier, security guards only go through fifteen days of training
(Dizon, 2013). This is inadequate for fifteen days are not enough to train for a job
that includes guarding and protecting lives. Some security guards feel that they
might be more capable of performing their duties only if they had received more
training, and the Philippine National Police agrees (Dizon, 2013).

Bias on shift and area of responsibility assignment is the seventh problem

security personnel often encounter. Ten security guards mentioned this in their
interviews in total. This would mean that their colleagues have a biased
responsibility to fulfill and that some of their colleagues have a favorite spot they
flock to (Presado, 2016). This creates a disturbance every time guard posts are
assigned for surely there will always be that one colleague who pushes to be
assigned to a certain location in the campus wherein they feel that the job is easier.
Some colleagues also have a favorite responsibility to do. Some would like to stay
stationary in guarding a post for it is easier and less tiring. On the other hand, some
like to roam around for they feel bored whenever they are confined to a single spot
or location. Although this is advantageous at a certain degree (for security guards
will perform better at an assignment they are happy with), some security guards
are annoyed by this. They see this attitude as lazy and disobedient, for it looks as
if security guards only perform well if they are given an assignment they want.

The eight problem the security personnel mentioned was conflict with the
administrators, employees and students. Eight security guards mentioned this
problem during their interviews. Security guards come into conflict with the
administration whenever the administration feels like that the security guards are
not completely fulfilling their duties. This would include the school administration
seeing the guards slack off or whenever the school administration sees a number
of rules being broken by the students while the security guards are tolerating and
not reprimanding the rule-breaking students. On the other hand, security guards
come into conflict with fellow school employees such as maintenance men, the
teaching faculty, janitors and janitresses, and with students whenever they
reprimand all the after mentioned in an improper manner. These improper
mannerisms would include shouting, degradation, and public embarrassment.
Another reason for the security guards’ conflict with the employees and students
would be the hardheadedness and disobedience of the two after mentioned to the
school rules. Rule-breaking employees and students often stress out the security
guards and in times the faults and mistakes of the employees and students may

sometimes be blamed on the security personnel, who, majority of the time, are
innocent (Presado, 2016).

Lastly, other problems such as the lack of implementation of university policies and
not on time salary or low salary is the ninth most common problem among security
guards. A total of four security guards mentioned these in their interviews. Any
problem not mentioned in the after mentioned paragraphs, such as the lack of
policy or rule implementation and matters concerning the security guards’ salaries
are included in this code (Presado, 2016).

In the table below, one can see the data gathered by Mr. Presado in his

Problems Encountered Frequency Count Rank

Lack of Firearms 22 1
Lack of Security 22 2.5
Defective Cars 22 2.5
Lack of Monetary 19 4.5
Lack of Meal Allowance 19 4.5
Lack of Training 18 6
Bias on Shift and Area of 10 7
Conflict with the 8 8
employees and students
Other Problems (Lack of 4 9
Implementation of
University Policies, not
on time salary and low

Table 1 Problems encountered by security personnel in the University of Eastern

Philippines as presented by Mr. Presado

Lack of Monitoring as a Struggle

Bunachita (2016) reported that one of security guards’ leading struggles is

the lack of monitoring and regulation from their respective security agencies.

This can be connected with Presado’s (2016) study which indicated the first
six common problems encountered by security guards as problems that can only
be fixed by the security guards’ employers, the security agencies.

This lack of monitoring and regulation has caused the city government of
Cebu city to take action. Acting Cebu City Mayor Edgardo Labella called a meeting
for sixty security agencies in Cebu and reminded them to monitor and regulate
their employees.

Bunachita (2016) also stated that cutthroat competition, lack of adherence

to laws, and lack of strict monitoring were among the identified problems
hounding security agencies in Cebu city.

There is a need to stop cutthroat competition (ruinous, excessive or

unfettered competition) for it is no use to compete with other agencies. Security
agencies must help one another, for they all want to achieve the same goal – the
safety of all.

The lack of adherence to laws must be given attention for not following labor
codes and laws might result in unfair labor practices such as salaries below
minimum wage.

And of course, the lack of strict monitoring would result into unregulated and
sometimes disobedient and defiant employees. Security agencies must have their
employees [the security guards] under control. They must always see to it that their

allowances are given, their salaries are enough, and that they are disciplined
enough to be fit to be called as security guards.


Research Design

The research design used is qualitative. This is because this study gathers
the opinions of security personnel about their struggles. This study is a
phenomenological study because the topic that the researchers studied is the
phenomenon about the happenings around the researchers' school, Stella Maris
Academy of Davao where the security personnel are having difficulties in
implementing school rules.


The research was done in Stella Maris Academy of Davao, N. Torres St.,
Bo. Obrero, Davao city. The interviews were conducted on the first floor of the
building for the security personnel work and gather there.

Research Participants

The participants of the research are the security guards who implement
school rules to the students. The researchers only interviewed the security
personnel who were roaming and monitoring on the first floor. They [the
researchers] first approached the participants to get their informed consent. After
the researchers were given consent, they went to the participants and interviewed
them. The interviews were done while they were on duty.

Research Instruments

The instruments used in this study are the interview form and covert
observation. The interview form will be used in order to know the struggles that the
security personnel face. Covert observation was used to analyze the actions and
words of the security personnel while they are implementing school rules and while
they are being interviewed.

Data Gathering Procedure

First of all, the researchers made interview questions that the participants
answered during the interview. After making the questions, the researchers
submitted the questions for verification and checking to their advisers/teachers.
After the interview questions were checked, the researchers proceeded with
conducting their interviews with their participants. The researchers interviewed the
security personnel, the participants of this study. The data for this study came from
the answers that the researchers personally asked from the participants. The said
data shall remain confidential. After collecting the data, the researchers proceeded
to transcribing, translating, and finding the emerging themes in the participant’s

Ethical Consideration

The researchers considered the confidentiality of the participants’ identity.

Their names shall not be revealed in order for them not to be judged. Physical
descriptions of the participants will also be withheld for some readers may
recognize them. The participants were also given the right to withdraw from the
interview if they want to.

The researchers avoided any technical words or jargon so that the readers
of this study may easily understand its content. The participants were given the
choice to answer the questions in any language they are comfortable in; whether
it may be Cebuano, Tagalog, or English.

The researchers considered the participants feelings and emotions while

they are being interviewed. They avoided any words or actions that may hurt their
feelings. The researchers told them that their words will be presented as data in
this study, but their names shall remain hidden.


Based on the collected data, the researchers were able to come up with the
following themes for each interview questions:


Students in this case will serve as a general theme for all the struggles the
security personnel encounter with them. This includes their behavior, bad habits,
and attitude. Students, if based on how frequent they were mentioned in the
interviews, is the leading struggle of the security personnel.


“Kanang kasagaran magpagawas mi ug mga estudyante sa hapon. Syempre dle

man siguro nimo malikayan na sa mga estudyante na dili mag out dayon kay naga
(pause) kay kasagaran practice tapos naga apas sila sa ilahang mga kuan (pause)
mao nay kasagaran nga makasab-an mi pero okay lng man na sa amoa.” -KII1

(Translation: When we let students out in the afternoon, of course it cannot be

avoided that students won’t immediately go out because of practices. Often, we
get reprimanded because of this, but it’s okay for us.) -KII1

“Number one, kanang whistle sa hapon sa dismissal kay usually ang

(pause) mag whistle mi ang mga bata dugay manggawas usually senior high or a
high school. Naningkamot gud mi na ang bata mutuo sa amoa, usually high school
lang man gyud kay ang elementary manggawas ma na sila dayon Paminsan pud
pag mag whistle ka bisag layo ka nagwhistle, “uy ate guard mabungol ko!” -KII4

(Translation: Number one, when we whistle in the afternoon during dismissal, the
children take too long to go out. Usually it’s the senior high school or high school.
We strive hard for the children to listen to us. Usually it’s really the high school, the
elementary students go out immediately. Sometimes when I whistle from afar,
someone will say “Ate Guard, I’m going to be deaf!”.) -KII4

“Usahay man gud kanang, dugay mo (stuttering) baba ang uban usahay ma
kuan mi ma pressure pud mi ingana ba. Pag ingana na ang akong pangayuon,

pag during recess time ninyo magbaba na mo. Unya usahay pud, ng dismissal sa
hapon alas singko (stuttering) alas singko imedya mag whistle naman mi ana mga
alas singko baynte mapansin man pud ninyo usahay nga lingkod lingkod ana bisag
whistle nami kanang, dugay gyud sila mugawas murag hutdon gyud nila ang time
sa sulod ba.” – KII5

(Translation: Sometimes (stuttering) you’re [students] really late and we are

sometimes pressured by that. Whenever I ask during recess time you have to go
down. Also, sometimes, in dismissal, 5:00, 5:30, we whistle already in 5:20 and I
notice that you just sit around and take up all the time that you have inside.”) – KII5

“Minsan kasi may mga estudyante na matitigas ang ulo. Yun ang struggle na
minsan kinakaharap namin sa araw araw. Halimbawa sa mga late, meron iba na
halos paulit ulit nalang naleleyt.” – KII2

(Translation: Sometimes, there are students who are really hard-headed, that’s our
struggle every day. For example, those who are late; there are others who are late
frequently.) – KII2

“Hindi naman pwede sasabihin mo lahat nalang na rason. May

pinupuntahan, may project o important matters kasi araw araw nalang, yun ang
mahirap na

ano dito sa ano sa school na to.” – KII2

(Translation: There are times where you can’t use all the reasons. Reasons such
as they went somewhere, they have a project, or they have other important matters
to do. This happens every day in this school, it’s hard.) – KII2

“Naningkamot gud mi na ang bata mutuo sa amoa, usually high school lang
man gyud kay ang elementary manggawas ma na sila dayon.” – KII4

(Translation: We strive hard for the children to listen to us. Usually it’s really the
high school, the elementary students go out immediately.) – KII4

“Hala andiyan nanaman yung guard, yung dragon!” usually yun talaga yung
naririnig namin. Pero naririnig ko din senior high may problema daw duon during

recess time, yung guard daw duon laging nabu-bully “nandiyan nanaman si go
down yun lang ang alam, go down”. “ – KII4

(Translation: “Oh no, here comes the guard! The dragon!” that’s what we usually
hear. But, I also hear there’s a problem with the senior high. The guard there is
always being bullied, “Here comes “go down” that’s all she knows, go down.) –

The colleagues of the participants refer to their fellow security personnel. Here,
conflict with their colleagues present misunderstandings and distractions, both of
which is a struggle in implementing school rules. This is evident in Participant 1’s
words and Participant 5’s actions

Conflict with colleagues

“Kanang mga..kanang dile gani magka sinabot, labi na sa mga kauban.” -


(Translation: One cause is us security guards not understanding each other well.)

Observation of researchers on Participant 5: The participant cannot answer

straight away due to the distractions his colleague is doing (talking to him, butting

It’s not only students who become struggles to the security personnel, but also the
parents. Parents who don’t follow the school rules also are a struggle to the
security personnel.

Conflict with Parents

“Number two, kanang usahay sa mga parents na medyo wala nagasunod

sa rules na ginapatupad na regulations sa school. Nay kasagaran daghan man mu
(pause) naga..naga..naga unsa ni (pause) naga follow pero naa puy gahig ulo.

o gahi gyud ug ulo.” – KII1


(Translation: Second is parents not following the rules implemented by the school.
There are those who follow the rules yet some are just hardheaded.) – KII1

“Una sa lahat sa pagiging head guard sa pag-papatupad ng mga rules hindi

lahat ng tao ay maple-please mo mga students man o mga parents kahit na nagtra-
trabaho ka whole heartedly, faithfully at honesty magagalit parin sila sayo dahil sa
mga bagay na hindi nila gusto.” – KII3

(Translation: First of all as head guard, in implementing the rules you cannot
please everyone, even the students and the parents even if you are working whole
heartedly, faithfully, and with honesty they will still get mad at you because of the
things that they do not like.) – KII3

Work experience is a need in order to efficiently implement rules. The lack

of it makes it harder for the security personnel to handle those who are defiant to
the school rules. The statement of Participant 2 gives a hint that his inexperience
in handling students leads to his struggles in implementing the rules. The constant
unavailability of Participants 4 and 5 gives the researches hints that they lack time.

Lack of work experience/confidence

Observed from Participant 4 and 5: Both participants were always

unavailable for interviews due to the lack of their time and their hectic schedules.

Participant 2 mentioned during the interviews (in a different interview

question from this one) that it was his first time in this kind of school.

“Actually, first time ko dito sa ganitong paaralan.” – KII2

(Translation: Actually, its my first time in this school.) – KII2


The findings presented state the students (Codes: 3. Students not leaving
the school, 4. Late students, 5. Students with unreasonable excuses,7. Students
not listening, 8. Bullying students) conflict with colleagues (Codes: 1.
Misunderstanding with colleagues, 11. Distraction from colleagues), conflict with
parents (Codes: 2. Stubborn Parents, 6. Cannot please everyone) and the lack of
work experience or confidence (Codes: 9. Lack of time, 10. Lack of experience,
12. Hesitation; [added observations, not mentioned in the interviews]) as the
struggles of the security personnel. The codes underneath these themes answer
question 1.1 of the interview questions. The themes themselves serve as the
answer to the first research question, “What are the struggles of the security
personnel in implementing rules?”.

The findings coincide with the “Use of Force” Theory stated in the theoretical
framework. This theory states that the matching the force of the threats to security
and order is a struggle among security personnel. These “threats” are evident in
the study in the form of the disobeying students and parents and the colleagues of
the participants. The students and parents are threats because they disrupt the
security and order of the school every time they disobey its rules. Matching them
or finding ways to get around them has become a struggle in the locale of the

The findings also coincide with the Brooks and Smith’s Theory and Practice
of Security which points out that security personnel get pressured to provide
functional aspects to the security of a certain locale. This is evident in the
researchers’ study because it is seen that the security personnel struggle in having
confidence and work experience in order to implement rules. Thus, I way, they are
pressured by this.

Milgram’s Theory on the other hand, cannot support the researcher’s claim,
for obeying authority or their superiors are not one of the struggles of the security
personnel. No participant has said that obeying authority is a struggle for them.

Studies by Weiss (2007), Ndeto (2013), Kafka (2011), and Presado (2016)
all support this study, for they all mention students (hardheaded ones and those

with an attitude) as one of the main struggles of security personnel in implementing


On the other hand, Presado (2016) states that conflict with fellow
employees or colleagues is one of the struggles while no study mentioned parents
as a struggle.

The findings also coincide with the report of Dizon (2013) and the study by
Nalla (2014) which both point out the lack of training or work experience as reasons
for security personnel’s struggles.


The attitude of the security personnel towards the students indicate that
they are not affected by the students’ actions. Although these attitudes cause them
trouble, the security personnel take it lightly and does not allow the student’s
attitudes to interfere with their work. This gives the researchers an impression that
the security personnel are matured and professional with their work.

Attitude is not affected

“Ah wala man siguro kanang (pause) kanang (pause) kunyari, naa man
gyud usahay na mga pasaway gani, dle man gyud na mawala pero pagka ugma
wla ra man pantay-pantay man na tanan pati katong (pause) basta wlay
ginapalabaw nako ba, walay ginapa kuan. Basta pantay tanang estudyante sa
akong pananaw. Pareha lang akong pagtanaw.” – KII1

(Translation: It is not affected for we cannot really avoid students who are stubborn.
I see all students equally, so my attitude is still the same.) – KII1

“Actually, wala namang ano, wala naman kaming masamang pagtingin sa..
sa.. sa… inyo sa mga estudyante.” – KII2

(Translation: Actually, we have no negative attitude towards the students.) – KII2


“Tungkol diyan, hindi ito naka apekto sa akin dahil hindi ko naman dinidibdib
ang mga sinasabi ng iba, basta sa akin lang ay nagtratrabaho ako maayos at
sinusunod ko ang mga orders sa aming mga guards dito sa Stella Maris.” – KII3

(Translation: With regards to that matter, It doesn’t have any effect on me because
I don’t put it into heart about what they say, for me I just have to function properly
and to follow commands that have been given to us as guards here in Stella Maris.)
– KII3

“Pero ok lang sa amoa wala man mi makitan nga suko sa estudyante kay
gahig ulo. So depende lang mana sa pag approach nimo sa bata kung unsaon
nimo siya na madala nimo siya.” – KII4

(Translation: We’re not mad at them. So it depends on how you approach the kids
and how will you befriend them.) – KII4

“Ah wala man ok ra man gihapon. Wala may ni-bago.” – KII5

(Translation: No, it’s still okay. Nothing changed) – KII5

Another way the attitude of the security personnel is affected towards the
students are that hey learn to understand them [the students]. This finding is a bit
of a shock to the researchers because they thought that the security personnel are
angry at them, but instead the security personnel of Stella Maris Academy of
Davao are very understanding of them and empathizes with them in a way.

Understand students more

“Dile kay usually, ako naa pud koy anak, ingana pud makitan nako ang mga
bata dre naa pud koy anak makitan pud nako na gah ko ana pud gani akong anak
na gahi ko sa school. Minsan pud akong anak mag yawyaw, “Ma, ang guard sa
school samok kayo maldita kayo” something ana diba.” – KII4

(Translation: I myself am also a parent, and have a child. I also see myself on the
students because when I was a student, I was stubborn like them. Sometimes my
child will nag, “Ma, the guard in our school is annoying, she’s so sassy.”) – KII4

The findings present that their attitude is not affected (Code: 1. Not affected)
and that they learn to understand students more (Code: 2. Understand students
more). The findings reject Weiss (2007) study wherein the security personnel
embarrass the students as a response to them being one of their struggles. The
security personnel in this study do not let their struggles affect their attitude
towards the students. Instead, they act maturely and even learn to understand the
students more.


In any job, and in any field, maturity is needed in work. The security
personnel are not short of that. They have proven to be mature despite the many
struggles that they have for they don’t succumb to these struggles while working.

Become more matured in work

“Naga himo lang kog kanang mga(pause) ginabuhatan nako siya ug

kanang(pause)kanang nagabago akong pagpa (stuttering) pagmama-agi ba, mag
mag(stuttering) upgrade ko ba, para mutuo pud sila [students]” – KII1

(Transalation: I find new ways to improve myself so that the students will follow
me.) – KII1

“Usually dle siya ma magbago kay mao manang among adlaw-adlaw ma-
encounter dre. For three years gyud ko murag kana gyud akong ma-encounter
pero depende ra mana sa imoha paghandle nimo.” – KII4

(Translation: It does not change for we encounter this daily in our jobs. It depends
on how you handle it.) – KII4

Unsatisfaction with one’s work performance is very evident in the working

world. The security personnel in this study is no exemption to that. They are
unsatisfied with their work performance for they feel that they are not doing a good
enough job.

Become unsatisfied with work performance

“Ang una, ahh sa side namin sa, part ng security guard, syempre.
Pagkahalimbawa, yung isang istudent na ayaw sumunod sa patakaran ng iskul,
kami ay nagiging tawag nito, yung nadadagdagan ang aming pag ano sa inyo na
parang hindi kayo natuturuan ng maayos kasi bakit paulit-ulit.” – KII2

(Translation: First of all, in our side as security guards, students who don’t follow
school rules; we feel like you’re not being taught well because it is repeating.) –

“Tao lamang tayo kung kaya minsan ay nagagalit tayo, minsan rin ay
pinagtataasan ko ng boses…. talagang minsan nagagalit ako.” – KII3

(Translation: Were just humans so sometimes I get high tempered and may
sometimes raise my voice… sometimes I just get really angry.) – KII3

Pressure can either have a positive or negative effect on someone. It can

either make one yearn for betterment (as in the case of Participant 1) or make one
lose his or her temper (as in the case of Participant 2).

Become pressured

“Naga himo lang kog kanang mga(pause) ginabuhatan nako siya ug

kanang(pause)kanang nagabago akong pagpa (stuttering) pagmama-agi ba, mag
mag(stuttering) upgrade ko ba, para mutuo pud sila [students]” – KII1

(Transalation: I find new ways to improve myself so that the students will follow
me.) – KII1

“Tao lamang tayo kung kaya minsan ay nagagalit tayo, minsan rin ay
pinagtataasan ko ng boses…. talagang minsan nagagalit ako.” – KII3

(Translation: Were just humans so sometimes I get high tempered and may
sometimes raise my voice… sometimes I just get really angry.) – KII3

The findings state that security personnel become more matured in work
(Codes: 1. Self-improvement, 4. Not affected), become unsatisfied with work
performance (Codes: 2. Feel inadequate, 3. Become more high tempered), and
become pressured (Codes: 1. Self-improvement, 3. Become more high tempered).
The findings are supported by Conoley and Goldstein’s (2004) study. The study
states that the students (one of the security personnel’s struggles) push the
security personnel to create a more secure, harsher, and uptight security
framework. This would mean that the security personnel’s struggles [the students]
make them more mature and pressured with their work. It is also supported by
Brooks and Smith’s Theory of Practice and Security wherein it is stated that the
security personnel become more pressured in handling the security. Kafka (2011)
also supports this saying that due to students, the school put the security personnel
in charge of various aspects, thus making them more pressured. No study points
out unsatisfaction as affecting a security guard’s attitude on work.


Befriending the students makes it easier to handle their behavior for people are
laxer and more cooperative when they are around people whom they deem as

By befriending the students

“Sa buotan (pause )murag kanang murag amigo lang.” – KII1

(Translation: I am friends to students who are good.) – KII1

“Halimbawa sa matitigas, makisama ka wag mong pakisamahan kung

matigas sila wag ka matigas rin. Sa mga mababait naman makisama ka mababait
na yan eh. Kung baga diretso ka na wala ka ng masasabi doon.” – KII2

(Translation: If the student is hard-headed, you get along with them. If you are strict
with them, they will be hard on you. To the good students, I will befriend them.
They are already good after all. I am direct with them.) – KII2

“Iniintindi ko lamang sila, para sa akin kailangan ko lang magpokus ako sa

trabaho ko at intindihin ang iba’t ibang pag-uugali ng mga estudyante.” – KII3

(Translation: I just try to understand them, for me I just have to focus on my job
and understand their behaviors.) – KII3

“Usually kanang, ang technique namo dre usually kanang gahig ulo
kailangan ta ug nga sipat. Kuhaon nimo iyang loob diba? Kay kung sipat man gud
na siya niya striktahan nimo malditahan nimo murag musamot na siya.” – KII4

(Translation: Usually, our technique here if hard-headed or naughty, you need to

befriend them right? Because if they are hard-headed and if you are strict to them
or don’t treat them right, they will get worse.) – KII4

Implementing rules is not all fun and games, and there are times when there
is a need to be firm and strict. Some security personnel become firmer in
implementing rules so that students can be in their best behavior.

By being firm

“Unya sa mga sipat, gina report lang nako na sila sa incharge sa office ni
Sir Arangoso ana.” – KII1

(Translation: For those who are naughty, I bring them to the office of Sir Arangoso.)
– KII1

“Sturyahon nakog tarong, kanang imong ginapang isturya example, ang

pag isturya niyag dile maayo, kanang sturyahon lang pud nako.” – KII5

(Translation: I’ll talk to them properly, example when they won’t talk to you
properly, then talk to them properly.) – KII5

The findings present that the security personnel handle the students’
behavior by befriending them (Codes: 1. Befriend those who are good, 3. Befriend

the hard headed, 4. Understand them) and by being firm (Codes: 2. Bring the
stubborn to the Prefect, 5. Talk to the hardheaded). Just like in the study of Weiss
(2007) security personnel have to be firm in implementing the rules so that their
duty would become easier. No study supported befriending the students as a way
of security personnel in implementing school rules.

Since the security personnel handle pre-teens and teenagers majority of the
time, its really no wonder that they receive a lot of annoyed reactions when they
reprimand students.

Annoyed Reactions

“Kasagaran murag kanang (pause) siguro malain.” – KII1

(Translation: Usually they get upset.) – KII1

“Hindi nila kami pinapansin dahil diyan pinagtataasan ko sila ng boses.” –


(Translation: They show to us that they don’t not care, that’s why I raise my voice.)
– KII3

‘Minsan pag recess, “ate guard maaga pa man uy” tapos sabi ko hindi gud
kuya five thirty na gud “wala pa mang five thrity” pero usually naga whistle kami
five twenty “oh five thirty na oh !” pero wala pa gud (pause) hindi makinig.” – KII4

(Translation: Sometimes during recess, “ate guard, it’s too early” and I will tell them
that it’s already 5:30 “it’s not yet 5:30” but usually we whistle at 5:20 “oh it’s 5:30
already” but it’s not 5:30 yet (pause) not listening.) – KII4

“Uhhh naa gyud na sya naa gyud na sya, mang kum-ot ilang mga nawung,
mao na, usahay, masuko, naa pa nang masuko kanang during uhh kanang
example kanang malate ug kanang form or tardy, usahay ibtun pa. kanang naa
pud silay Batasan kanang ano ba, maldita, kana usahay kanang mga maldita, dili

sila gusto mahatagan ug tardy kay dili pa lagi daw sila late, kana na example ba.
Usahay nay mga estudyante na musupak jud o kanang during hapon, magnoisy
during recess, ug kanang murag ginabalewalaon lang nil aba, nakadunggog na
sila sa whistle nako,” – KII5

(Translation: Uhhh there are actually some. There are actually some. Their face
wrinkles, Their faces that’s it sometimes they get mad and some people get mad
during uhh example if your late you get a tardy sometimes they grab it like they
have an attitude, sassy like sometimes the sassy ones won’t accept the tardy
cause they reason out that there not late sometimes there are some students who
actually uses force. Yes during the afternoon, the noisy ones during a recess, and
the ones who ignore my whistles) – KII5

In the case of Participant 2, he has received no reactions from the students.

No reactions from students

“Actually, dito wala naman kaming nakikita mga reaction sa pagdisiplina

namin sa mga estudyante, ang nakikita namin sumusonod naman sila wala naman
sila, wala namang ano yun lang.” – KII2

(Translation: I don’t see any reactions from students when I discipline them.) – KII2

The findings state annoyed reactions (Codes: 1. Upset, 3. Ignoring, 4. Facial

Expressions, 5. Sassy attitude) and no reactions (Code: 2. No reaction) as the
reactions the security personnel receive when they reprimand the students.
Annoyed reactions are also done by the students in the study of Weiss (2007).
Students in the after mentioned study also ignore and avoid the security personnel
in their school in the Bronx, just like how the students in Stella Maris Academy of
Davao ignore the security personnel in their school.


All the security personnel ask of the students is this: to cooprate. The student’s
cooperation is a big help for them, for through cooperation, the security personnel
can implement rules (their duty) much more effectively.

Cooperate with us [the security guards]

“Mu follow lang ta, kung unsay giingon sa guard kay para ra man na sa
ilahang kaayuhan, follow lang ta.” – KII1

(Translation: Follow what the guard says and follow the rules of the school.) – KII1

“Ay syempre, kung ano ang uhh palatuntunan yun lang.” – KII2

(Translation: Of course, follow the rules.) – KII2

“Makipagtulungan ang lahat ng mga estudyante na sundin ang lahat ng

rules at sundin kaming mga guards dahil ito ang utos ng admin sa amin, Ngunit
naiintindihan namin lahat ng pag-uugali ng bawat estudyante, ngunit kailangan
lamang nating magtulungan. Trabaho lang, waalang personalan.” – KII3

(Translation: Cooperate with the rules and follow the guards because it is what the
admin tasked us to do, we understand your behavior but we all need to cooperate.
It’s all work, nothing personal.) – KII3

“Siguro kanang mapadali among trabaho noh, mao ra gyud na cooperation

sa students. Especially high school lang man gyud ang mga elementary dali lang
man .Kay kami nagtupad lang man pud mi kung unsa ang school rules.” – KII4

(Translation: Maybe in order to make our job easier, just cooperation of the
students especially high school because elementary is easy. In our part, we’re just
doing our job.) – KII4

“Ahh siguro musunod lang sa kuan, sa patakaran sa eskwelahan, unsa ang

mga rules sa maestra. Kana lang siguro ato lang sundon, ohhh” – KII5

(Translation: Ahh maybe by following the school rules,following the rules of your
teachers,just follow those.) – KII5

The findings present what the students can do to make the security
personnel’s job easier, and that is to simply cooperate (Codes: 1. Cooperation, 2.
Follow the rules). Cooperating makes implementing the school rules easier for the
security personnel. Within the review of related literature in this study, none of the
studies state cooperation as an action the students that can do in order to help the
security personnel. This findings present the possible solutions for the struggles
mentioned in the first research finding. This in lieu with the researchers’ promise
to the participants that this study will help their opinions be heard.

Comparison with Presado’s 2016 Study

Presado (2016) Similarities This Study (2019)

Lack of Firearms Students Students
Lack of Security Conflict with fellow Conflict with Parents
Equipment employees (colleagues)
Defective Cars Lack of Training (work Conflict with
experience) Colleagues
Lack of Monetary Lack of Work
Allowance Experience/Confidence
Lack of Meal Allowance
Lack of Training
Bias on Shift and Area
of Responsibility
Conflict with
employees, and
Other Problems (Lack
of Implementation of
University Policies, not
on time salary, and low

The similarities this study shares with Presado’s 2016 study is that they both
point out students, conflict with colleagues, and lack of training as struggles among
security personnel. Presado’s study contains more struggles than this one. This
due to the fact that the locale of Presado’s 2016 study was in a university, while
the locale of this study is an academy. Thus, it can be inferred that the university
has more security personnel than the locale of this study. This is because

universities are usually larger than academies. Presado also has a wider scope,
with him interviewing twenty-five participants. This study on the other hand only
has five. The results of both studies can give us the impression that no matter what
locale, these three struggles – students, conflict with colleagues and lack of
training is present. It can also be said that security personnel in the researchers’
locale have less struggles than those of Presado’s.

Analytical Framework

1. Conflict with Colleagues

2. Conflict with Parents

The Causes of the 3. Students not leaving the

Struggles of school
Security Personnel
in Implementing
Rules 4. Late Students

in self
5. Students with
unreasonable excuses

6. Cannot please everyone Interaction

7. Students not listening

8. Bullying of students
Ability to

Cooperation Follow the Rules




The following are the conclusions of the researchers:

•The students, conflict with co-workers, conflict with the parents, the attitude of the
students, and the lack of experience/confidence are the problems of security

•The duty of the security personnel are affected in way that they need to adjust to
different student behaviors.

•Students can help by cooperating with the security personnel.


Upon reading the responses of the participants, the researchers would like
to suggest that the Prefect of Discipline would set up a seminar concerning the
struggles of the security personnel in implementing the school rules. The Prefect
of Discipline should remind the students to follow the school rules so that the jobs
of the security personnel would be easier. It would be a big help if the
administration would hear out the concerns of the security personnel as well as the
students. Lastly, about the parent’s negligence towards the school rules regarding
the dress code it would be great if they would take action towards that concern.

For the next researchers of this topic, the researchers would like to suggest
that you widen the scope and add more participants. The researchers only tackled
the struggles concerning the implementation of schoo rules; they would like tos
suggest that someone else dwelve deeper into other the other struggles of security


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discipline in public secondary schools in Kangundo Division, Machakos
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February 13-15, 2019

Dear Participants,

We are conducting a research entitled “ATE, KUYA LABAS NA!”:

requirement for our Practical Research 1 and Pagbasa at Pagsuri sa iba’t ibang
Teksto subjects.

In connection with this, I would like to ask help to provide necessary data
for our study, therefore we shall conduct an interview with the participants,
including you.

I would appreciate your assistance and support in this particular research

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Respectfully Yours,
The Researchers

Notedy By:



February 28, 2019

Franzria Eda T. Ferriols

Practical Research 1 Teacher

Stella Maris Academy of Davao


We, the researchers, would like to ask your approval for our research title.
Since it is qualitative in nature, we shall be creative in its construction. The title

Your honest opinion and suggestions would be of great help to us. Please feel free
to critique the title,

Sincerely Yours,



February 28, 2019

Franzria Eda T. Ferriols

Practical Research 1 Teacher

Stella Maris Academy of Davao


We are presently conducting an institutional research entitled “ATE KUYA


With this, we humbly request your expertise to validate our interview questions to
be used during our interview of the participants. Your comments and suggestions
will be a great help in the realization of this research study.

Sincerely Yours,


Interview Protocol

1. What are the main struggles of the Security Personnel in implementing

rules upon students?

1.1) What are the causes your [the security guards] struggles?

1.2) How do these struggles affect your attitude towards students?

1.3) How do these struggles affect your attitude towards your job?

2. How does the students’ behavior affect the security personnel’s duty of
implementing the school rules?
2.1) How do you handle the behavior of the students in implementing

school rules?

2.2) How do the students react when you reprimand them?

2.3) In what ways can students make your job easier?


Title of the Research: “Ate, Kuya, Labas Na!”: The Struggles of Security
Personnel in Implementing School Rules
Researchers: Audrey Nica Therese Junsay, Kahlil Arryssa Liann Maalat, Joash
Miguel Lim, Cris Adrian Lasay, Josef Reyne Rabuya, Jannie Jasmine Amparo,
Kristinna Lumactod, Joshua Francis Lo

Adviser: Ms. Franzria Eda Ferriols, Mr. Eric John Bolonos, Ms. Jastine Shane
Activity: Key Informant Interview (KII)
Participant: 1
Date of Interview: February 13, 2019

English Assigned Codes
Guide Verbatim Answer
1.1) What Mga cause? mga kuan One cause is 1.
are the number one(pause) us security Misunderstanding
causes of kanang mga..kanang guards not with colleagues
your [the dile gani magka understanding 2. Stubborn
security sinabot, labi na sa each other parents
guards] mga kauban tapos well, second 3. Students not
struggles? number two, kanang is parents not leaving the
ushay sa mga parents following the school
na medyo wala rules
nagasunod sa rules na implemented
ginapatupad na by the school.
regulations sa school. There are also
Nay kasagaran some
daghan man students who
mu(pause) really follow
naga..naga..naga the rules, and
unsa ni (pause) naga some do not
follow pero naa puy for they are
gahig ulo. just stubborn,
o gahi gyud ug ulo. one example
Pero okay lang man is students not
kanang (pause) going outside
kanang kuan(pause) the school
mga students pud even when I
usahay, number one let the

kanang makasab-an students go

mi, kanang(pause) out of the
Dle man, siguro sa school. But I
naa ray (pause) understand
kanang (busy) ushay them for they
ba (pause) kanang have
kasagaran practices and
magpagawas mi ug it is
mga estudyante sa unavoidable.
hapon. Syempre dle We were
man siguro nimo being
malikayan na sa mga punished
estudyante na dle mag because of
out dayon kay naga that but it is
(pause) kay fine by me
kasagaran practice because I
tapos naga apas sila understand
sa ilahang mga kuan the students.
(pause) mao nay
kasagaran nga
makasab-an mi pero
okay lng man na sa
amoa, wa man nay
problema ana,
kasabot pud mi sa

1.2) How do Ah wala man siguro It is not 1. Not affected

these kanang (pause) affected for
struggles kanang (pause) we cannot
affect your kunyari, naa man gyud really avoid
attitude usahay na mga students who
towards pasaway gani, dle are stubborn. I
students? man gyud na mawala see all
pero pagka ugma wla students
ra man pantay-pantay equally, so my
man na tanan pati attitude is still
katong (pause) basta the same.
wlay ginapalabaw
nako ba, walay ginapa
kuan. Basta pantay

tanang estudyante sa
akong pananaw.
Pareha lang akong

1.3) How do Naga himo lang kog I find new 1. Self –

these kanang mga(pause) ways to improvement
struggles ginabuhatan nako siya improve
affect your ug myself so that
attitude kanang(pause)kanang the students
towards your nagabago akong will follow me.
job? pagpa (stuttering)
pagmama-agi ba, mag
upgrade ko ba, para
mutuo pud sila sa
akoa kanang pero wla
nako na sila ginabuhat
kanang gina kanang
(stuttering) kanang
gamay na kuan gani
Gamay na bakal.
Kanang pagkuan lang
gyud ba kanang
(pause) sa pinamaayo
na pamaagi ba.
2.1) How do Sa buotan (pause I am friends to 1. Befriend those
you handle )murag kanang murag students who who are good
the behavior amigo lang. Unya sa are good but 2. Bring the
of the mga sipat, gina report for those who stubborn to the
students in lang nako na sila sa are naughty, I Prefect
implementing incharge sa office ni bring them to
school rules? Sir Arangoso ana. the prefect of
2.2) How do Kasagaran murag Usually they 1. Upset
the students kanang (pause) siguro get upset, but
react when malain, pero I just bring
you ginaforward lang nako them to the
reprimand kay Sir Arangoso prefect of
them? discipline.
2.3) In what Mu follow lang ta, kung Follow what 1. Cooperate
ways can unsay giingon sa the guard

students guard kay para ra man says and 2. Follow the

make your na sa ilahang follow the rules
job easier? kaayuhan, follow lang rules of the
ta. school.

Title of the Research: “Ate, Kuya, Labas Na!”: The Struggles of Security
Personnel in Implementing School Rules
Researchers: Audrey Nica Therese Junsay, Kahlil Arryssa Liann Maalat, Joash
Miguel Lim, Cris Adrian Lasay, Josef Reyne Rabuya, Jannie Jasmine Amparo,
Kristinna Lumactod, Joshua Francis Lo

Adviser: Ms. Franzria Eda Ferriols, Mr. Eric John Bolonos, Ms. Jastine Shane
Activity: Key Informant Interview (KII)
Participant: 2
Date of Interview: February 13, 2019

Interview Assigned
Guide Verbatim Answer Codes
1.1) What are Minsan kasi may Sometimes, there 4. Late
the causes of mga estudyante na are students who students
your [the matitigas ang ulo. are really hard- 5. Students
security Yun ang struggle headed, that’s our with
guards] na minsan struggle every day. unreasonable
struggles? kinakaharap namin For example, those excuses
sa araw araw. who are late; there
Halimbawa sa mga are others who are
late, meron iba na late frequently,
halos paulit ulit there are times
nalang naleleyt. where you can’t
Ibig sabihin, hindi use all the reasons.
naman pwede Reasons such as
sasabihin mo lahat they went
nalang na rason. somewhere, they
May pinupuntahan, have a project, or
may project, o they have other
important matters important matters
kasi araw araw to do. This
nalang, yun ang happens everyday
mahirap na ano in this school, it’s
dito sa ano sa hard.
school na to.

1.2) How do Actually, wala Actually, we have 1

these namang ano, wala no negative
struggles naman kaming attitude towards
affect your masamang the students who
attitude pagtingin sa.. sa.. are late. For us, it
towards sa… inyo sa mga would be better if
students? estudyante na important matters
naleleyt. Ang were not done
inaano lang namin during school
na mas maganda hours because
sana na yung mga your break is only
importanteng lakad limited; 12 to 1
gawin sa hindi oras o’clock, you should
ng klase kasi ilang be here. So, please
oras lang yung do important
break niyo 12 and matters in other
then 1 o clock times.
dapat nandito na
kayo. So,
kailangan bigyan
niyo ng time yung
ano kung ano man
yung importanteng
gagawin so wag
niyo nang
samahan ng kung
ano ano.
1.3) How do Ang una, ahh sa First of all, in our 2. Feel
these side namin sa, part side as security inadequate
struggles ng security guard, guards, students
affect your syempre. who don’t follow
attitude Pagkahalimbawa, school rules; we
towards your yung isang feel like you’re not
job? istudent na ayaw being taught well
sumunod sa because it is
patakaran ng iskul, repeating.
kami ay nagiging
tawag nito, yung
ang aming pag ano
sa inyo na parang
hindi kayo
natuturuan ng

maayos kasi bakit

paulit-ulit. Yun
2.1) How do Ano yan, ah, If the student is 3. Befriend
you handle the Halimbawa sa hard-headed, you the hard
behavior of matitigas, get along with headed
the students in makisama ka wag them. If you are 1
implementing mong strict with them,
school rules? pakisamahan kung they will be hard on
matigas sila wag you. Talk to them
ka matigas rin, properly. Explain to
kausapin mo sila them why what
ng maayos they did was
ipaliwanag mo wrong. Explain to
kung bakit ganito them the reasons.
ang ginawa mo To the good
kung bakit bakit ka students, I will
napagsalitaan ng befriend them.
ganyan bakit ka They are already
gipagalitan good after all. I am
ipaliwanag mo, direct with them.
kung ano ang
rason kung bakit
ganyan. Sa mga
mababait naman
makisama ka
mababait na yan
eh. Kung baga
diretso ka na wala
ka ng masasabi
2.2) How do Actually, dito wala I don’t see any 2. No
the students naman kaming reactions from reactions
react when nakikita mga students when I
you reprimand reaction sa discipline them.
them? pagdisiplina namin
sa mga
estudyante, ang
nakikita namin
sumusonod naman
sila wala naman
sila, wala namang
ano yun lang.

2.3) In what Ay syempre, kung Of course, follow 1, 2

ways can ano ang uhh the rules.
students make palatuntunan yun
your job lang.

Title of the Research: “Ate, Kuya, Labas Na!”: The Struggles of Security
Personnel in Implementing School Rules
Researchers: Audrey Nica Therese Junsay, Kahlil Arryssa Liann Maalat, Joash
Miguel Lim, Cris Adrian Lasay, Josef Reyne Rabuya, Jannie Jasmine Amparo,
Kristinna Lumactod, Joshua Francis Lo

Adviser: Ms. Franzria Eda Ferriols, Mr. Eric John Bolonos, Ms. Jastine Shane
Activity: Key Informant Interview (KII)
Participant: 3
Date of Interview: February 13, 2019

Interview Assigned
Guide Verbatim Answer Codes
1.1) What Una sa lahat sa First of all as head 6. Cannot
are the pagiging head guard, in please
causes of guard sa pag- implementing the everyone
your [the papatupad ng mga rules you cannot
security rules hindi lahat ng please everyone,
guards] tao ay maple- even the students
struggles? please mo mga and the parents
sstudents man o even if you are
mga parents kahit working whole
na nagtra-trabaho heartedly,
ka whole heartedly, faithfully, and with
faithfully at honesty honesty they will
magagalit parin sila still get mad at you
sayo dahil sa mga because of the
bagay na hindi nila things that they do
gusto, Pero for me not like the things
ay hindi lamang nila that you do but for
nauunderstand ang me, I think they
function ko bilang don’t understand
isang guard. Kung my function as a
saan unang-una guard. Which is
dito ay ang safety number one, the
ng mga students safety of the
lalong lalo na ang students,
mga bata kaya ako especially the

ganito. Because I children this is why

love the SMAD I am like this. It is
students and I love because I love the
SMAD and gusto SMAD students
kong magtrabaho and I love the
dito hanggang school, I want to
hanggang, work here forever.
1.2) How do Tungkol diyan, With regards to 1
these hindi ito naka that matter, It
struggles apekto sa akin dahil doesn’t have any
affect your hindi ko naman effect on me
attitude dinidibdib ang mga because I don’t put
towards sinasabi ng iba, it into heart about
students? basta sa akin lang what they say, for
ay nagtratrabaho me I just have to
ako maayos at function properly
sinusunod ko ang and to follow
mga orders sa commands that
aming mga guards have been given to
dito sa Stella Maris. us as guards here
in Stella Maris.
1.3) How do Tao lamang tayo Were just humans 3. Becomes
these kung kaya minsan so sometimes I get more high
struggles ay nagagalit tayo, high tempered and tempered
affect your minsan rin ay may sometimes
attitude pinagtataasan ko raise my voice, but
towards your ng boses ang mga actually I’m not
job? estudyante, ngunit really like that, I
hindi naman talaga just sometimes get
ako ganoon, annoyed but I can
talagang minsan handle it because
nagagalit ako pero it’s just normal.
kaya ko namang
pigilan kasi normal
lang iyon.
2.1) How do Iniintindi ko lamang I just try to 4.
you handle sila, para sa akin understand them, Understand
the behavior kailangan ko lang for me I just have to them
of the magpokus ako sa focus on my job
students in trabaho ko at and understand
implementing intindihin ang iba’t their behaviors and
school rules? ibang pag-uugali ng even though some
mga estudyante, of them say

Kahit na minsan something bad

may sinasabi silang behind my back,
masama sa likod it’s okay because
ko, ayos lang dahil they’re still kids
mga bata pa sila at they have a lot
hindi pa nila alam more to learn, be
kung ano ang more mature, and
ginagawa nila, study more,
Marami pa silang whereas we, the
dapat matutunan guards have
maging mas experienced more,
responsable at but we are not the
mag-aral pa lalo. one who should
Hindi tulad namin teach and
na marami ng reprimand you, it
experience sa should be your
buhay, ngunit hindi parents and
kami ang tamang teachers.
tao para turuan
kayo, ang mga guro
at magulang niyo
ang dapat magturo
niyan sa inyo.
2.2) How do Hindi nila kami They show to us 3. Ignoring
the students pinapansin dahil that they don’t not
react when diyan care, that’s why I
you pinagtataasan ko raise my voice in
reprimand sila ng boses para order for me to be
them? lang mapansin nila noticed. I tell them
ako. Sinasabihan to go out already
ko sila na lumabas because the
na dahil magagalit sisters will get
si Sister kung hindi mad, because they
pa nakalabas lahat monitor our work
ng estudyante, everyday.
araw araw din
siyang nag-
momonitor sa
trabaho namin.
2.3) In what Makipagtulungan Cooperate with the 1
ways can ang lahat ng mga rules, and follow
students estudyante na the guards
sundin ang lahat ng because it is what

make your rules at sundin the admin tasked

job easier? kaming mga guards us to do, we
dahil ito ang utos ng understand your
admin sa amin, behaviors but we
Ngunit naiintindihan all need to
namin lahat ng pag- cooperate. It’s all
uugali ng bawat work, nothing
estudyante, ngunit personal.
kailangan lamang
Trabaho lang,

Title of the Research: “Ate, Kuya, Labas Na!”: The Struggles of Security
Personnel in Implementing School Rules
Researchers: Audrey Nica Therese Junsay, Kahlil Arryssa Liann Maalat, Joash
Miguel Lim, Cris Adrian Lasay, Josef Reyne Rabuya, Jannie Jasmine Amparo,
Kristinna Lumactod, Joshua Francis Lo

Adviser: Ms. Franzria Eda Ferriols, Mr. Eric John Bolonos, Ms. Jastine Shane
Activity: Key Informant Interview (KII)
Participant: 4
Date of Interview: February 14, 2019

Interview Assigned
Verbatim English
Guide Codes
Answer Translation
1.1) What are Pag dire usually Usually when we 3
the causes of sa school, ang blow our whistle, it 7. Students not
your [the among trabaho means that students listening
security dire as security must go out of the 8. Bullying
guards] and safety then school, we do not students
struggles? number one, really encounter
kanang whistle sa problems when it
hapon sa comes to the
dismissal kay elementary and high
usually ang school students, but
(pause) mag when it comes to the
whistle mi ang lower years, they
mga bata dugay would not listen to
manggawas us. Kids also like to
usually senior bully us guards,
high or a high calling us names and
school. Pero kung stuff. We consider
sa amoa, dl man students that have
mi (pause) kung stuff to do like
dle mugawas projects, we totally
magwhistle, ok understand them.
lang kung dle ka
mugawas para sa
akoa lang ha pero
sa uban,

naningkamot gud
mi na ang bata
mutuo sa amoa,
usually high
school lang man
gyud ka yang
manggawas ma
na sila dayon.
Manggawas ma
na sila dayon
paminsan pud pag
mag whistle ka
bisag layo ka
nagwhistle, “uy
ate guard
magguol ko!” oh
diba pero ok lang
yun, saakoa kung
dle mugawas, “ate
pwede maglabas
na kayo” may iba
na “sige ate guard
maglabas na
kami” unlike sa
ibang guard na
magsabi “hala
andiyan nanaman
yung guard, yung
dragon!” usually
yun talaga yung
naririnig namin.
Pero naririnig ko
din senior high
may problema
daw duon during
recess time, yung
guard daw duon
laging nabu-bully
nanaman si go
down yun lang
ang alam, go

down!” oh diba
pero yun usually
yun siya ginagawa
lang niya yung
trabaho niya kasi
yun yung advice
nila ditto na,
during recess time
kailangan walang
maiwan na bata
sa loob duon sa
taas kailangan
baba lahat. Pero
kung saamin lang
minsan pero
pwede man kami
mag-consider na
may ginagawa,
may ginagawang
project depende
din yun sa mag

1.2) How do Dile kay usually, It really has no effect 1

these ako naa pud koy on my attitude 2.Understands
struggles anak, ingana pud because I myself am students more
affect your makitan nako ang also a parent, and
attitude mga bata dre naa have a child. I also
towards pud koy anak see myself on the
students? makitan pud nako students because
na gah ko ana pud when I was a
gani akong anak student, I was
na gahi ko sa stubborn like them. It
school. Minsan is fine by us security
pud akong anak guards to be
mag yawyaw, badmouthed, we’re
“Ma, ang guard sa not mad at them. So
school samok it depends on how
kayo maldita you approach the
kayo” something

ana diba, pero ok kids and how will you

lang sa amoa befriend them.
wala man mi
makitan nga suko
sa estudyante kay
gahig ulo. So
depende lang
mana sa pag
approach nimo sa
bata kung unsaon
nimo siya na
madala nimo siya.
1.3) How do Usually dle siya It does not change 4. Not affected
these ma magbago kay for we encounter this
struggles mao manang daily in our jobs. It
affect your among adlaw- depends on how you
attitude adlaw ma- handle it.
towards your encounter dre. For
job? three years gyud
ko murag kana
gyud akong ma-
encounter pero
depende ra mana
sa imoha
paghandle nimo.
2.1) How do Usually kanang, Usually, our 3
you handle ang technique technique here if
the behavior namo dre usually hard-headed or
of the kanang gahig ulo naughty, you need to
students in kailangan ta ug befriend them right?
implementing nga sipat. Kuhaon Because if they are
school rules? nimo iyang loob hard-headed and if
diba? Kay kung you are strict to them
sipat man gud na or don’t treat them
siya niya right, they will get
striktahan nimo worse. You need to
malditahan nimo befriend them in
murag musamot order for them to
na siya.Dapat follow you. Usually
kuhaon nimo there are hard-
iyang loob kung headed but for me,
paano nimo siya I’ve befriended them.
makuha ba. That’s why you need

Usually naay mga to befriend them in

sipat, pero ako order for them to
kung ako lang listen to you. I don’t
halos na close have any problem
nako dre sipat. with the good ones
Mao gani kuhaon because I already
nimo ang loob know who they are
para maminaw sa especially the grade
imoha. Wala koy 12 (chuckles).
problema sa mga
butan kay kabalo
naman ko kung
kinsay butan labi
na ang mga grade
2.2) How do Minsan pag Sometimes during 1
the students recess, “ate guard recess, “ate guard,
react when maaga pa man it’s too early” and I
you uy” tapos sabi ko will tell them that it’s
reprimand hindi gud kuya five already 5:30 “it’s not
them? thirty na gud “wala yet 5:30” but usually
pa mang five we whistle at 5:20
thrity” pero usually “oh it’s 5:30 already”
naga whistle kami but it’s not 5:30 yet
five twenty “oh five (pause) not listening.
thirty na oh !” pero
wala pa gud
(pause) hindi
2.3) In what Siguro kanang Maybe in order to 1
ways can mapadali among make our job easier,
students trabaho noh, mao just cooperation of
make your ra gyud na the students
job easier? cooperation sa especially high
students. school because
Especially high elementary is easy.
school lang man In our part, we’re just
gyud ang mga doing our job.
elementary dali
lang man .Kay
kami nagtupad
lang man pud mi

kung unsa ang

school rules.

Title of the Research: “Ate, Kuya, Labas Na!”: The Struggles of Security
Personnel in Implementing School Rules
Researchers: Audrey Nica Therese Junsay, Kahlil Arryssa Liann Maalat, Joash
Miguel Lim, Cris Adrian Lasay, Josef Reyne Rabuya, Jannie Jasmine Amparo,
Kristinna Lumactod, Joshua Francis Lo

Adviser: Ms. Franzria Eda Ferriols, Mr. Eric John Bolonos, Ms. Jastine Shane
Activity: Key Informant Interview (KII)
Participant: 5
Date of Interview: February 15, 2019

Interview Assigned
Verbatim English
Guide Codes
Answer Translation
1.1) What Ah kuan, kining sa Ah,in senior high 3,4
are the sa inyoha nga your senior high,
causes of kuan senior high right? During ah
your [the man mo, diba during a recess
security senior high man time. Aren’t they
guards] mo? Kaning roaming in your
struggles? during ah during floor? Do they?
kanang ah recess Sometimes
time. Diba gina (stuttering) you’re
roaming man mo really late and we
didto sa taas? are sometimes
Kana diba gina pressured by that.
roaming man mo? Whenever I ask
Usahay man gud during recess time
kanang, dugay you have to go
mo (stuttering) down. That’s why
baba ang uban we…It's just that
usahay ma kuan we have a guard
mi ma pressure roaming up there
pud mi ingana ba. Gonzaga She
Pag ingana na informs us as well
ang akong of the senior highs
pangayuon, pag takes a very long
during recess time to go out
time ninyo during breaks and

magbaba na mo. sometimes

Kana lang ang dismissal in the
among kuan kay afternoon at 5 pm
naa man ming (stuttering) 5 pm
roaming guard na we already blow
si kuan si kanang our whistle at 5:20
babae na roaming pm and you can
guard namo dira notice it as well
si Gonzaga. Mag that some
kuan pud mi na students won’t
siya mag inform move even though
pud sa amua na we are whistling
mga senior high they really take a
dugay kaayo long time to pack
mugawas og up it’s like they
during kuan unya really take their
usahay pud, ng time. That’s my
dismissal sa only concern only
hapon alas singko about that. If it’s
(stuttering) alas time to go then go
singko imedya that’s my only
mag whistle (pauses and
naman mi ana murmuring) I
mga alas singko should have
baynte mapansin talked that to you
man pud ninyo senior high during
usahay nga recess time if
lingkod lingkod you’ll go down
ana bisag whistle then go down.
nami kanang, When will be your
dugay gyud sila recess time
mugawas murag (murmuring) 9:40
hutdon gyud nila (stuttering)
ang time sa sulod Ah it’s just a
ba. Kanang kuan, matter of
pag dle man conversation, you
kanang unya can understand
kanang mao ra that’s my only
man na akong (murmuring).
concern gihapon, Ah it’s fine.
mao ran a akong Nothing’s
concern kanang changed
about lang ana.

Dapat pag time na

nga gawasan
gawas na dayon.
Kana lang ang
akuang (pause
and murmuring)
dapat nag istorya
man ko sa inyoha
senior high during
ana na kuan na
ahh recess time
kung magbaba,
baba gyud.
Kanusa recess
time ninyo mga
kuan (murmuring)
alas nuebe
1.2) How do Ah kanang dapat Actually, 1
these istoryahan lang sometimes it
struggles ug tarong, changes because
affect your makasabot man of people who
attitude mo kana lang don’t obey the
towards akong rules my
students? (murmuring). perception maybe
Ah wala man ok changed maybe
ra man gihapon. No it won’t my
Wala may ni- attitude won’t
bago. change
1.3) How do Kanang actually, Sometimes it 4
these nay usahay changes.. but no,
struggles mubago kay it doesn’t
affect your tungod pud sa sa
attitude kanang mga
towards your badlongon ana
job? murag ma unsa
pud siguro ang
akong kuan
kanang tanaw
nako murag
murag kuan lang.
Dle man intawon

dle man dle

mausab akong
2.1) How do Uhh murag kuan Well, maybe they 5. Talk to the
you handle siguro na sila, are, we can’t hard-headed
the behavior kanang di man really tell that
of the siguro maingon every children is
students in na tanan lain ug annoying. There
implementing Batasan. Murag are some who are
school rules? naa puy mayo, nice, there are
naa puy dili some not, If I
maayo, kanang notice someone is
mapansin nako not following the
na dile maayo, rules I’ll talk to
sturyahon nakog them properly,
tarong, kanang example when
imong ginapang they won’t talk to
isturya example, you properly,
ang pag isturya Then talk to them
niyag dile maayo, properly. Well, I
kanang sturyahon have no problem
lang pud nako, with those who
sample, bad nang follow rules
imong because they are
ginapangsturya. good people
Mga but an, wala
na koy problema
sa mga but an kay
murag maayo
namana sila na
tao, ay o ana ba.
2.2) How do Uhhh naa gyud na Uhhh there are 4. Facial
the students sya naa gyud na actually some. expressions
react when sya, mang kum-ot There are actually 5.Sassy attitude
you ilang mga some. Their face 1
reprimand nawung, mao na, wrinkles, Their 3
them? usahay, masuko, faces that’s it
naa pa nang sometimes they
masuko kanang get mad and some
during uhh people get mad
kanang example during uhh
kanang malate ug example if your
kanang form or late you get a

tardy, usahay tardy sometimes

ibtun pa. kanang they grab it like
naa pud silay they have an
Batasan kanang attitude, sassy like
ano ba, maldita, sometimes the
kana usahay sassy ones won’t
kanang mga accept the tardy
maldita, dili sila cause they reason
gusto mahatagan out that there not
ug tardy kay dili late sometimes
pa lagi daw sila there are some
late, kana na students who
example ba. actually uses
Usahay nay mga force. Yes during
estudyante na the afternoon, the
musupak jud o noisy ones during
kanang during a recess, and the
hapon, magnoisy ones who ignore
during recess, ug my whistles
kanang murag
lang nil aba,
nakadunggog na
sila sa whistle
2.3) In what Ahh siguro Ahh maybe by 2
ways can musunod lang sa following the
students kuan, sa school
make your patakaran sa rules,following the
job easier? eskwelahan, rules of your
unsa ang mga teachers,just
rules sa maestra. follow those
Kana lang siguro
ato lang sundon,


Personal Background
Name :Audrey Nica Therese C. Junsay
Address :17 America St, Phase 2, Hillside Subdivision, Bajada, Davao
Birth Date :February 5, 2001
Civil Status :Single
Mother’s Name :Grace C. Junsay
Father’s Name :Peter Cres Joseph M. Junsay
Educational Attainment
Elementary :Stella Maris Academy of Davao
High School :Stella Maris Academy of DAvao

Membership Organization
Position Organization Inclusive
Member Marisian Organ 2014-2017
Feature Editor Marisian Organ 2017-2018
Member Toastmasters Club 2018-present


Personal Background
Name :Cris Adrian L. Lasay
Address :Purok 4, Anislagan, Maco, Compostela Valley Province
Birth Date :March 14, 2002
Civil Status :Single
Mother’s Name :Arlen L. Lasay
Father’s Name :Rico J. Lasay
Educational Attainment
Elementary :Stella Maris Academy of Davao
High School :Stella Maris Academy of Davao

Membership Organization
Position Organization Inclusive
Auditor Volleyball Club 2015-2016
Beadle Volleyball Club 2017-2018
Vice President Toastmasters Club 2018-present


Personal Background
Name :Kahlil Arryssa Liann E. Maalat
Address :Purok 2. Communal, Buhangin, Davao City
Birth Date :April 17, 2001
Civil Status :Single
Mother’s Name :Lolita Maalat
Father’s Name :Arnold Maalat
Educational Attainment
Elementary :Stella Maris Academy of Davao
High School :Stella Maris Academy of Davao

Membership Organization
Position Organization Inclusive
Member Math Club 2014-2015
Member Math Club 2015-2016
Business Manager Science Club 2016-2017
Beadle Math Club 2017-2018
Business Manager Toastmasters Club 2018-present


Personal Background
Name :Joash Miguel D. Lim
Address :#171 Nazareth st., Saint Anthony Vill., Lanang, Davao City
Birth Date :May 22, 2001
Civil Status :Single
Mother’s Name :Maria Therese D. Lim
Father’s Name :Felipe D. Lim
Educational Attainment
Elementary :Stella Maris Academy of Davao
High School :Stella Maris Academy of Davao

Membership Organization
Position Organization Inclusive
Member Math Club 2014-2015
Member Math Club 2015-2016
Secretary Math Club 2016-2017
Business Manager Math Club 2017-2018
Secretary Toastmasters Club 2018-present


Personal Background
Name :Kristinna Charmaine P. Lumactod
Address :Blk 13 Lt 14 Tangerine St. Countryville, Cabantian. Davao City
Birth Date :April 17, 2001
Civil Status :Single
Mother’s Name :Marlyn L. Pardo
Father’s Name :N/A
Educational Attainment
Elementary :Stella Maris Academy of Davao
High School :Sella Maris Academy of Davao

Membership Organization
Position Organization Inclusive
Member Math Club 2014-2015
Member Glee Club 2015-2016
Member Computer Club 2016-2017
Member Computer Club 2017-2018
Member Toastmasters Club 2018-present


Personal Background
Name :Joshua Francis C. Lo
Address :508 San Miguel St. Liciralde subdv. Mamay Rd. Davao City

Birth Date :October 14, 2000

Civil Status :Single

Mother’s Name :Dina Lo
Father’s Name :Edgar Lo
Educational Attainment
Elementary :Stella Maris Academy of Davao
High School :Stella Maris Academy of Davao

Membership Organization
Position Organization Inclusive
Member Badminton Club 2015-2016
Member Indoor Games Club 2017-2018
Member Robotech Club 2018-present


Personal Background
Name :Jannie Jasmine F. Amparo
Address :10 Surveyor St. Doña Vicenta Village, Davao City
Birth Date :December 28, 2001
Civil Status :Single
Mother’s Name :Jocelyn F. Amparo
Father’s Name :Jay G. Amparo
Educational Attainment
Elementary :Stella Maris Academy of Davao
High School :Stella Maris Academy of Davao

Membership Organization
Position Organization Inclusive
Member Junior Arts Club 2014-2015
Member Junior Arts Club 2015-2016
Member Junior Arts Club 2016-2017
Member Junior Arts Club 2017-2018
Member Toastmasters Club 2018-present


Personal Background
Name :Josef Reyne A. Rabuya
Address :#52 Telstar St. Dona Vicenta Village, Davao City
Birth Date :November 14, 2001
Civil Status :Single
Mother’s Name :Jennifer A. Rabuya
Father’s Name :Jose Reyne C. Rabuya
Educational Attainment
Elementary :Stella Maris Academy of Davao
High School :Stella Maris Academy of Davao

Membership Organization
Position Organization Inclusive
Member Math Club 2014-2015
Member Math Club 2015-2016
Member Basketball Club 2016-2017
Member Basketball Club 2017-2018
Business Manager Robotech Club 2018-present

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