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Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research

Department of Highways and Bridges Engineering

College of engineering
University of Duhok Polytechnic
Subject: Highway Specification & Maintenance
Course Book – (Year 4)
Lecturer's name MSc. Sheyan O. Khaled
Academic Year: 2017/2018

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation ‫بهڕێوهبهرایهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهبهخشین‬

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research

Course Book
1. Course name Highway Engineering & Maintenance
2. Lecturer in charge MR. Sheyan Omed Khaled
3. Department/ College Highways and Bridges Engineering
4. Contact e-mail:
Tel: 07507453304
5. Time (in hours) per week 2 hours
Practical: 0
6. Office hours Availability of the lecturer to the student during the week
7. Course code
8. Teacher's academic B Sc. Civil Engineering, University of technology of
profile Baghdad 2006-2007.
M Sc . Civil Engineering: Pavement Engineering, The
University of Nottingham 2013-2014.
9. Keywords Highway, geometric design, soil, aggregate, SORB, AASHTO,
BS, Asphalt mix, Bitumen, Modified, Concrete, Marshall.

10. Course overview:

This course provides a guide to the students to run any highway project (construction or
maintenance) according to the SORB (Iraqi specification) or AASHTO (American Association of
State Highway and Transportation Officials).
11. Course objective:
This course will provide students with an understanding specification of highway. This will include
all the highway element (earthwork, sub-base, aggregate, bitumen, asphalt mix, geometric, concert).
The student should be able to work on highway according to Iraqi specification and AASHTO too.
The student should also be able to perform the suitable maintenance for each highway element.
Furthermore, the construction of each highway element will explain in this module.
12. Student's obligation
Class participation will be 5% of the final grade. A student will lose 1 point (1%) for each
unexcused absence. Absences for illness, family emergencies, or other unavoidable reasons may be
excused by the instructor.
13. Forms of teaching
At the class room, pdf and PowerPoint with data show is used, also write some notes and to describe
some picture and equation with answer some problems that is used on the blackboard.
14. Assessment scheme
The course includes one examination during the semester and a final examination. About two
homework assignments (problems and design exercises) are also required during the semester.
Quizzes: All quizzes will be closed-book, meaning you may use only the materials provided by the
instructor for that quiz.

10% (activity, Homework, and quizzes), 30% Exam 1, 60% Final Exam.
15. Student learning outcome:
My overall goals are that students in this course will understand and be able to apply principles of
highway construction, specification and maintenance and therefore recognize the complexity of real-
world problems.

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation ‫بهڕێوهبهرایهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهبهخشین‬

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research
By the end of this course, each student will demonstrate the skills shown in the following list. These
specific learning objectives are closely related to the major topics identified in the course outline.
1. Highway Construction.
2. Appling the design of highway element.
3. Analyses and test the material of highway construction.
4 choose the appropriate material for construction.
5. Apply the appropriate specification Iraqi or AASHTO according to site need.
6. Use the appropriate test technique for the specified soil type.
7. Apply the useful maintenance for each highway element.
8. the alternative options for testing and construction and maintenance each highway element.
16. Course Reading List and References:
- Traffic and Highway Engineering (fourth edition), 2009, Nicholas J. Garber Lester A.
Hoel, University of Virginia.
- Highway Manual of Iraq, 1982. The Ministry of Construction and Housing of Iraq.
- Highway Engineering Planning, Design, and Operations, 2016. DANIEL J. FINDLEY,
- Highway Engineering. Paul H. Right and Karen K. Dixon. 2004. Wiley, New Delhi.
- Highway Engineering Pavements, Materials and Control of Quality, 2015,
Athanassios Nikolaides. CRC press Florida
- The Iraqi Specification for Road and Bridge, 2003, The Ministry of
Construction and Housing of Iraq.
- Mix design MS-2 by Asphalt institute 2003
- NCHRP Report 673. 2011. National cooperative Highway Research Program.
Transportation Research Board, Washington with
- Pavement Engineering, Principle and Practice (second edition), 2013, Rajib B
Mallick and Tahar El- Korchi. CRC press Florida.
▪ Useful references:
▪ Magazines and review (internet):

17. The Topics: Lecturer's name

1-Highway Work design MR. Sheyan O. Khaled
- Introduction (2 hrs)
- Highways under construction

2- Highway Earthwork design. MR. Sheyan O. Khaled

- intersection (2 hrs)
- Machinery

3- Earthwork. MR. Sheyan O. Khaled

- Earthworks (2 hrs)
- construction and control

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation ‫بهڕێوهبهرایهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهبهخشین‬

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research
3- Aggregate (sub-base) MR. Sheyan O. Khaled
- Type (2 hrs)
- Gradation

4- Aggregate (sub-base) MR. Sheyan O. Khaled

- Construction (2 hrs)
- Quality control

5- Bitumen MR. Sheyan O. Khaled

- Type and uses (2 hrs)
- exam

5- Bitumen MR. Sheyan O. Khaled

-Tests (2 hrs)
-Performance grading

8- Asphalt: MR. Sheyan O. Khaled

- volumetric analysis (2 hrs)

9- Asphalt: MR. Sheyan O. Khaled

- Asphalt mix design (2 hrs)

10- Asphalt: MR. Sheyan O. Khaled

- Asphalt construction. (2 hrs)

11-Emulation: MR. Sheyan O. Khaled

- Emulation type and uses. (2 hrs)
- Maintenance type

12- Use of Emulation in maintenance

- Nonstandard pavement MR. Sheyan O. Khaled
(2 hrs)

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation ‫بهڕێوهبهرایهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهبهخشین‬

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research
13- Asphalt Maintenance
-Type of Maintenance MR. Sheyan O. Khaled
- Rehabilitation, over lay (2 hrs)

14- Asphalt Maintenance

- Distress of Cracking Distortion MR. Sheyan O. Khaled
- Causes and Maintenance (2 hrs)

14- Construction Techniques MR. Sheyan O. Khaled

- Emergency Maintenance (2 hrs)
- Safety

15- Review & exams MR. Sheyan O. Khaled

-Exam (2 hrs)
- Review

18. Practical Topics (If there is any)

This course is not including practical topics.
19. Examinations:
1. Compositional:
Q) What is the test that use to evaluate performance grade for bitumen.
Answer: the aging tests are:
1- RTFO rolling thin film oven
2- Pav test
The rheology tests are:
1-Dynamic shear rheometer DSR
2-Bending beam rheometer BBR.
3-Direct tension.
Rotational viscosity

2. True or false type of exams:

In this type of exam, a short sentence about a specific subject will be provided, and then
students will comment on the trueness or falseness of this particular sentence. Examples
should be provided

Q) grade separation or interchange is made for local roads

The right answer is (arterial road must have interchange as an intersection).

3. Multiple choices:

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation ‫بهڕێوهبهرایهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهبهخشین‬

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research
In this type of exam there will be a number of phrases next or below a statement, students
will match the correct phrase. Examples should be provided.
Q) Modified asphalt are recommended in

a) In major raod
b) All roads.
c) Bridges pavement.
d) In heavy truck road.

The answer is d

20. Extra notes:

Here the lecturer shall write any note or comment that is not covered in this template and
he/she wishes to enrich the course book with his/her valuable remarks.
21. Peer review ‫پێداچوونهوهی هاوهڵ‬
This course book has to be reviewed and signed by a peer. The peer approves the contents
of your course book by writing few sentences in this section.
(A peer is person who has enough knowledge about the subject you are teaching, he/she
has to be a professor, assistant professor, a lecturer or an expert in the field of your
‫ئهم کۆرسبووکه دهبێت لهالیهن هاوهڵێکی ئهکادیمیهوه سهیر بکرێت و ناوهڕۆکی بابهتهکانی کۆرسهکه پهسهند بکات و‬
.‫جهند ووشهیهک بنووسێت لهسهر شیاوی ناوهڕۆکی کۆرسهکه و واژووی لهسهر بکات‬
.‫هاوهڵ ئهو کهسهیه که زانیاری ههبێت لهسهر کۆرسهکه و دهبیت پلهی زانستی له مامۆستا کهمتر نهبێت‬

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation ‫بهڕێوهبهرایهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهبهخشین‬

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