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Detailed Lesson Plan – Learners with Chronic Illness

A Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Course

PRED0713 – Inclusive Education for Early Childhood Setting

Submitted by:
Luster Joann M. Sanchez


Submitted to:
Aileen B. Mercado, LPT, MAT

School: New San Jose Grade Level: Grade 3

Elementary School

Our Vision Our Mission

A university of excellence acknowledged in the country To provide quality and relevant education
and the Asia-pacific region for quality graduates and that will develop highly qualified and competitive human resources
knowledge responsive to socio-economic needs responsive to national and regional development
Teacher: Luster Joann Sanchez Learning Area: Sensory
Teaching Dates and MWF- 08:00 AM – Quarter: First
Time: 09:00 AM
Type of Learners with Special Needs: Learners with Chronic Illness


I. Objectives At the end of the lesson the pupils can able to;
A. Content Standard Know the difference between biodegradable and non-biodegradable.

B. Performance Standard Learn how to segregate waste.

C. Learning Competencies Value the importance of our environment.

II. Content Topic: Classifying biodegradable and non-biodegradable.

III Learning Resources

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Page DLL, Internet
2. Learner’s Material Page DLL, Internet
3. Textbook Page None

4. Additional Materials Pictures, box, real objects

from Learning Resource
5. Other Learning DLL, Internet
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting new lesson
1. Prayer
“It’s time for our circle time, circle time,
circle time. It’s time for our circle time so
sit properly.”

“Read Your Bible”

“Read Your Bible”
*Read your bible pray everyday
Pray every day, pray everyday
Read your bible pray everyday
Pray every day, pray everyday
And you grow grow grow!

Our Vision Our Mission

A university of excellence acknowledged in the country To provide quality and relevant education
and the Asia-pacific region for quality graduates and that will develop highly qualified and competitive human resources
knowledge responsive to socio-economic needs responsive to national and regional development
Close your eyes and put your hands
(recite Angel of God)
Angel of God my Guardian dear
To whom God’s love commits me here
Ever this day be at my side to rule and guide
To light and guard Amen!

2. Greetings
“Good morning, good morning, good
“Good morning, good morning we’re fine thank
morning how are you?”
Good morning class?
Good morning ma’am
Good morning classmates
I love to see you

3. Checking of Attendance
“Where are the boys, where are the
boys?” “Here we are, here we are.” (Stands-up)

“How are you this morning?” “Very well we thank you”

(sitting down)
“Please sit down. Please sit down.”

“Where are the girls, where are the girls?” “Here we are, here we are.”

“How are you this morning?”

“Very well we thank you”
“Please sit down.”
(sitting down)
Ok, let’s count the boys. (Counting the
How about the girls? (Counting the girls)

Wow! Very good! Give yourselves a Boom

boom clap. (1.2.3. Boom boom boom)

Our Vision Our Mission

A university of excellence acknowledged in the country To provide quality and relevant education
and the Asia-pacific region for quality graduates and that will develop highly qualified and competitive human resources
knowledge responsive to socio-economic needs responsive to national and regional development
What is our day today? If yesterday is “Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Sunday? Thursday, Friday and Saturday” (2x)
Yes, You _________?
Ma’am today is Monday!

Very good! Let’s give him Mcdo clap (1,2,3 for you)

It is sunny day.
“Tell me the weather, the weather now It is sunny day
Tell me the weather, the weather
now”(2x) It is sunny day
Tell me the weather now. It is sunny day!
What can you say about our weather
today? And let us sing it.

4. Review of the Lesson

Yesterday we tackled about phases of
matter, isn’t it? Let me see if you still
remember, can you give me an example Teacher, chair, table and pencil.
of matter that belongs to solid?
1,2,3 clap. Pshh. Pshhh. Pshh)
Wow! Impressive. Let us give him
fireworks clap.
Water ma’am.
How about an example of liquid? Yes, you-
Ma’am air.
Correct! Lastly, gas? Can you give me an
(1,2,3 spaghetti for you)
Very good. Let’s give them spaghetti clap.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

1. Motivation
Class, I have here a friend, do you want to
Yes, ma’am.
know who is he?

Okay, are you ready? Let’s count (1) to (3) 1,2,3!

Our Vision Our Mission

A university of excellence acknowledged in the country To provide quality and relevant education
and the Asia-pacific region for quality graduates and that will develop highly qualified and competitive human resources
knowledge responsive to socio-economic needs responsive to national and regional development
Tadadahh…. (showing life size cartoon
character “Doraemon”) Woooow! Doraemon…

Yes, class, you’re right. He is Doraemon,

inside his pocket, there are lot of things.
Can I ask two (2) volunteers to please
come here and take one thing inside the 1st volunteer got candy
pocket of Doraemon. 2nd volunteer got banana

After eating what you get, I want you to

put your trash in the BIN A (BIO
DEGRADABLE). (throw their waste after eating the food they
C. Presenting examples/instances of the new

Children do you know that our garbage

have two (2) kinds these are “Bio
degradable” and “Non-Biodegradable” Yes, ma’am.

Let us find out if the waste or garbage of

the volunteers were placed to the proper
trash bin.
But before that I want you to watch a
short video on how to save the Earth and
how to segregate or separate the waste
materials from bio degradable to non-bio

Are you ready to watch the video? Yes, ma’am.

But before that, what are the things to Keep quiet

remember when we are watching? Listen Carefully
Sit Properly

(Children will watch the video)

While the teacher interferes in every

details in the video, giving some points on
how to separate the waste materials.
Explain the difference between bio

Our Vision Our Mission

A university of excellence acknowledged in the country To provide quality and relevant education
and the Asia-pacific region for quality graduates and that will develop highly qualified and competitive human resources
knowledge responsive to socio-economic needs responsive to national and regional development
degradable to non-biodegradable
Did you enjoy watching the video? Yes, ma’am.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing

new skills number 1
Based from the video presentation, let us
now check the trash of the volunteers a
while ago if their trash were placed to the
trash bin properly.

(holding banana peeling)

is this banana peeling can be broken
within a short period of time? Yes, ma’am.

So in what trash bin this banana peeling Yes, ma’am.

belong? Can you drop it to its proper trash (putting to biodegradable trash bin)

Very good. Why did you put the banana Because it can be broken in a short period of
peeling to the biodegradable bin? time.

What about this candy wrapper? Let us (it was place to the non-biodegradable trash
find out. bin)
Why did you put the candy wrapper to the
non-biodegradable trash bin? Because it cannot be broken in a short period of
time. It takes a long period of time to be
Wow impressive! Can you give yourselves
a “Tipaklong Clap”?
1,2,3 T (pak) Long.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing

new skills number 2
Now, I have some pictures of waste
materials, can you put them to their
proper trash bin, which are biodegradable
and non-biodegradable.

The teacher will show;

Our Vision Our Mission

A university of excellence acknowledged in the country To provide quality and relevant education
and the Asia-pacific region for quality graduates and that will develop highly qualified and competitive human resources
knowledge responsive to socio-economic needs responsive to national and regional development
Banana peeling -Biodegradable
Candy wrapper -non-biodegradable
Can -non-biodegradable
Apple -Biodegradable
Plastic bottle -non-biodegradable
Bread -Biodegradable

F. Developing Mastery (leads to formative

assessment 3)
For me to know if you really understand
the lesson, I will group you into three (3)

Group I – will solve the puzzle and put

them to the proper trash bin.

Group II – will color the pictures and put

them to the proper trash bin.

Group III – will do a mosaic with the

picture and put them to the correct trash

But before doing the activity, what are

-Listen attentively.
the things to consider when we are having
-Work quietly.
a group activity?
-Work Cooperatively.

Very well said! After the activity each

Yes, we are.
group will show us their answer. Are you

“It’s time to go on our place, our place,

our place. (children will go to their place and start doing
It’s time to go on our place and sit their activity.)

(The teacher will check the answer of each (Children will show their answers.)
group and explain the correct answer.)

Our Vision Our Mission

A university of excellence acknowledged in the country To provide quality and relevant education
and the Asia-pacific region for quality graduates and that will develop highly qualified and competitive human resources
knowledge responsive to socio-economic needs responsive to national and regional development
All of you got the right answer. Give 1,2,3 spaghetti for me.
yourselves a spaghetti clap.

G. Finding practical application of concept

of skills
So why do we need to separate our
garbage? To save our earth.

Very good. Also, to maintain cleanliness in

our surroundings.

H. Generalization and Abstraction

Can I ask two volunteers to please go in
front and on my mark you’re going to pull
the string and let us find out what is inside (Pull the string)
of it.

Can you read the meaning of

Things that can be easily broken into smaller
pieces within a short period of time.


Things that cannot be broken even in a long
period of time.

I. Evaluation
I have here a picture, you’re going to
identify what kind of waste material is it.
Color your answer. Don’t forget to write
your name.

At the count of (3), take a look the paper

paste under your chair and answer it
(children will answer their activity)
Are you ready?

1,2,3 go! Yes we are.

Our Vision Our Mission

A university of excellence acknowledged in the country To provide quality and relevant education
and the Asia-pacific region for quality graduates and that will develop highly qualified and competitive human resources
knowledge responsive to socio-economic needs responsive to national and regional development
J. Additional Activities for Application /
Bring 2 examples of bio degradable
and non-bio degradable materials.
V. Remarks
•Students are expected to understand better
the difference between biodegradable and
non-biodegradable wastes.

• Students will be able to appreciate the

proper segregation of waste that is important
to our health.

• Students are active in class.

VI. Insights and Reflection:
(each student teacher will come up with their own insights and reflection)
-Why did you pick this particular lesson/topic to teach?
Rica Chavez
As future teachers, we should think about the environment first for our students. We should
make our classrooms clean and safe. We choose this topic because it can help our students
to grow mature and know how to segregate. It will become a big help for those learners with
chronic illnesses, like asthma. Nowadays, most students have asthma. So that if we teach
them how to segregate, the environment will also be safe as they are. 
Noren Gigante
Because we see that through the activity we provide in this lesson plan we can help children
avoid even anything that can trigger their illness, just like asthma. If children know how to
segregate garbage they help their self to avoid any disease. Just like what happened to my
dad, he had water in his lungs and heart disease because of the environment in which he
worked, it was messy, smelly, and he was always dry sweat on his back and because of
cigarette smoke. When they are young, they will learn how too properly hygiene and
separate biodegradable from non-biodegradable, they will be better able to avoid even any
disease while they were young. None of my dad's family had heart disease, but he
experienced it because of the environment of his work.
Josephine Penaflor
We choose this topic because it's important to teach learners about proper waste
segregation. Segregating waste means separating biodegradable wastes from non-
biodegradable wastes. In this topic, they will become aware of how properly handled trash
that impacts the environment. Waste segregation is important for a cleaner environment,
surroundings, for reducing pollution, and to maintain good public health. I believe that when
we teach learners the importance of waste management, they will become more mindful of
their actions and they will become mindful of the impact of their action. Improper waste
segregation does not only damage the environment, but it can also create chronic health

Our Vision Our Mission

A university of excellence acknowledged in the country To provide quality and relevant education
and the Asia-pacific region for quality graduates and that will develop highly qualified and competitive human resources
knowledge responsive to socio-economic needs responsive to national and regional development
problems, so it's important to segregate the waste. For example, when you throw your
garbage in your bins, it doesn't automatically disappear from your garage in your bins. This
poor waste management exposes families to different health problems. So, we need to
segregate properly our waste so that we can protect everybody’s health.
Sharmaine Bautista
We choose this topic because it's important to teach especially for the young learners about
the proper waste segregation. For examples waste segregation are means dividing waste into
dry and wet. We segregate our biodegradable and non- biodegradable wastes so that all
biodegradable can be used as fertilizers while the non- biodegradable can be recycle to make
different creative products and for energy saving. We become healthy
-Which of the strategies you planned you think will be effective? Why?
Rica Chavez
I think the strategy that will be effective for our students is when we use Doraemon
in interacting with them. By using this strategy, it will become easier to teach them
the lesson. They will become more interested if they see other things rather than the
simple lesson discussion. And using real objects for examples, they will be familiar
with the biodegradable and non-biodegradable.
Noren Gigante
Present them a video about segregation of our garbage and then give them a real
example on how to segregate biodegradable and non-biodegradable because, if we
can present them a thing that based on our topic it helps children's to know what the
difference between those two is.
Josephine Penaflor
I think the strategy that will be effective is having separate containers for
biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste in the school because, in this way,
learners will not be thrown anywhere, learners will become aware of where they will
throw their trash and they will learn to segregate. The example of non-biodegradable
waste are, plastic, metal, and other things that can't be broken and biodegradable
waste are food waste, eggshells, grass, and other things that can be broken.
Sharmaine Bautista
For me the best strategy that will be effective is by using the containers, for
biodegradable and non-biodegradable in our school. Because this is the proper waste
for the students. To be aware them. This will teach the learners at an earlier age how
to throw their trash in proper places, thus helping the environment. I believe that if
we teach the students the proper segregation they will become mindful in their
-What are the anticipated challenges in the lesson that the students might encounter? Why?
Rica Chavez
The challenge that students might encounter is they will become too hyper and
excited if they see other things. They will also become out of focus if we don’t do it

Our Vision Our Mission

A university of excellence acknowledged in the country To provide quality and relevant education
and the Asia-pacific region for quality graduates and that will develop highly qualified and competitive human resources
knowledge responsive to socio-economic needs responsive to national and regional development
properly. Even we are using props we should help them to become more interested
in the lesson.
Noren Gigante
Maybe some students are hard for them to pick up what's the lesson all about
because, not all children's are fast learners, there are some children's who cannot
easily pick up a lesson, so teachers should need to pay more attention to those
children who are not easily to cope up in the lesson for they be able to keep up with
their classmates.
Josephine Penaflor
I think the challenge that some students will be encounter is confusion about the two
kinds of trash bins which are degradable and non-degradable. The problem in this
confusion is can caused by improper garbage disposal because when students throw
away garbage anywhere they want. It can cause destroying the environment because
our environment will be polluting using because of the garbage. To avoid this
confusion put a label on the two kinds of trash bin. Also, explain to the students what
are biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes.
Sharmaine Bautista
I think that challenge is no one collects garbage,The problem in this confusion is can
caused by improper garbage disposal because when students throw away garbage
anywhere they want. It can cause destroying the environment because our
environment will be polluting using because of the garbage. To avoid this confusion
put a label on the two kinds of trash bin. Also, explain to the students what are
biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes.
-What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?
Rica Chavez
The localized material that I want to share is the usage of any character in discussion.
It will become big help for students will be more interested in the lesson. And more
usage of song so that students keeps energize. Also, using a video for innovation.
And lastly, giving reward just like different claps for example, the tipaklong clap.
Noren Gigante
I discover that we should always give them realistic examples like things that we are
able to present for them. I want to share it with other teachers that a child loves to
know new things, so we should always give them an example that attracts their
Josephine Penaflor
The video showing activity because it's a very interesting and effective material for
the classroom. Giving group activity to the learner's because it's a great help since it's
not a typical pen and paper test, the student will enjoy this group activity. Also,

Our Vision Our Mission

A university of excellence acknowledged in the country To provide quality and relevant education
and the Asia-pacific region for quality graduates and that will develop highly qualified and competitive human resources
knowledge responsive to socio-economic needs responsive to national and regional development
collaboration and cooperation are very evident and the prepared lesson plan for these
lessons can be used by other teachers or my fellow future teacher.
Sharmaine Bautista
"Planned Innovations and Localized Videos. Recycling of plastics to be used as
instructioal materials. The best way is giving activity for the learners in the
classroom.The video presentation because children loves to watch that attracts their
attention. I just want to share with other teacher that Children is very energetic that's
why we should provide a video presentation that capture their eyes. Show them a
video that children is segregating garbage or other topic that they present. It helps a
lot if we attract their attention.

Prepared and Submitted by:

Group 6

Our Vision Our Mission

A university of excellence acknowledged in the country To provide quality and relevant education
and the Asia-pacific region for quality graduates and that will develop highly qualified and competitive human resources
knowledge responsive to socio-economic needs responsive to national and regional development

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