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The Review Analysis of Zoom Meeting and Google Meeting

User by Using the KNN Algorithm

Muhammad Rezki,1, a) Kartika Handayani,2, b) Badariatul Lailiah,2, c) Rabiatus
Sa’adah,3, d) and Octa Pratama Putra4, e)
1) InformaticsEngineering, Nusa Mandiri University, Jakarta, Indonesia
2) InformationTechnology, Bina Sarana Informatika University, Jakarta, Indonesia
3) Software Engineering, Bina Sarana Informatika University, Jakarta, Indonesia
4) English Language and Literature, Bina Sarana Informatika University, Jakarta, Indonesia

a) Electronic mail:

b) Electronic mail:
c) Electronic mail:
d) Electronic mail:
e) Electronic mail:

Abstract. Coronavirus 19 (COVID-19) is still not over yet and is still spreading throughout the region. COVID-19 is a very
dangerous virus, it can be transmitted which is caused by acute respiratory symptoms. COVID-19 causes people not to do activities
altogether in order to avoid mass crowds. Also, it is to prevent the spread of COVID-19. However, this restriction does not limit
people from communicating with others. This kind of situation requires certain media; such as Zoom Cloud Meeting and Google
Meet which can be downloaded via the Google Play Store. The purpose of the study is to compare 2 virtual meet applications, they
are Zoom Cloud Meeting and Google Meet by using user review data based on star ratings. Researchers conduct the experiments
by involving the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN)+Smote Upsampling + PSO models, to find out the best
model and accuracy in analyzing user reviews of Google Meet and Zoom cloud meetings. Based on the test results, it shows an
accuracy rate of 67.25% with the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm of Google Meet users, Zoom Cloud Meeting users with the same
algorithm, K-nearest neighbor only gets an accuracy rate of 64.95%.


Coronavirus 19 (COVID-19) is a really-high contagious viral infection caused by acute respiratory syndrome coron-
avirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) [1]. Founded at the end of 2019, so that in early 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO)
established a pandemic status in which the spread of the Corona virus had spread to various parts of the world [2].
The COVID-19 pandemic has not only had an impact on the health sector, but has also it has created a threat in the
education sector. The United Nations says COVID-19 has demonstrated its impact on more than 1.6 billion students
from around the world (over 190 countries) [3]. WHO recommends the temporary suspension of all activities that
have the potential to cause crowds to prevent the spread of COVID-19 [4]. Based on the previously paragraph, this
limitation cannot limit humans who wish to gather, interact and communicate with each other [5]. Communication
is needed to convey thoughts by one person to another. As having this situation, it can be done with certain media
[6]. So, the virtual meet is one of the media to communicate with others or co-workers [7]. Then, Google Play Store
is a content service that provides virtual meet applications such as Zoom Cloud Meeting and Google Meet for being
downloaded. Then, that kind of application is not only to be downloaded, but also Google Play store also provides a
review feature for users to provide reviews related to applications that have been downloaded such as opinions, ratings
and requests [8]. The Sentiment analysis is a computational study of opinions, sentiments, and emotions expressed in
texts [9]. The fundamental task in sentiment analysis is to classify the polarity of the text in a document, sentence, or
opinion. Polarity means that the text presented in a document, sentence, or opinion has a positive or negative aspect
[10]. Measurement of text similarity is comparing the text with available references to show the level of similarity be-
tween the objects. There have been many studies on text similarity and resulted in various approaches and algorithms
[11].Thence, there are several studies that have been carried out in classifying sentiments against reviews available
online; including the evolution of sentiment analysis — Reviews of research topics, places, and top-cited papers [12],
Reviews of Techniques and [13], Shopee Application Sentiment Review Analysis Applications On Google Play [14],
Saving by Using the Naive Bayes Algorithm[15], Sentiment Analysis for E-Commerce Product Reviews in Chinese
Based on Sentiment Lexicon and Deep Learning [16]. Based on that research above, the writers conduct the K-Nearest
Neighbor method based on feature selection, so the purpose of this study is to compare 2 virtual meet applications,
they are Google Meet and Zoom Cloud Meeting with user review data sources based on star ratings. The research
explains some of the theoretical background.


The proposed method is to apply feature selection, it is Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique (SMOTE) and
Particle Swarm Optimize (PSO) on the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) algorithm. The researchers will compare the
results of accuracy by conducting experiments on the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) +
SMOTE Up-sampling + PSO models, to find out the best model and the accuracy in analyzing user reviews of Google
Meet and Zoom cloud meetings. This study will compare user review data based on star ratings; it is pointed out as
the review data; which gets a 1-to-5-star rating.

Data processing

The discussion at this stage is the initial process of processing the dataset before it can be processed for classification
with the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm which is optimized by using the Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique
(SMOTE) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) feature.
This study uses several pre-processing stages for the comment text dataset, the following are the stages:

FIGURE 1. The Research Steps

As being seen, there are stages of pre-processing commentary text by using the Gata Framework tools. It can
be accessed at Then, to use these tools, it can be in single text which can be
directly entered in the column provided on the tools page, but also it can be done in the form of an excel file which
is then uploaded. The number of Google Meet and Zoom Cloud Meeting user review data on Google Play can be
presented in the table below.

TABLE I. The Review of Google Meet and Zoom Cloud Meeting Users
No The Accuracy The Number of Stars
1 2 3 4 5 Total
1 Google Meet 152 24 35 39 254 504
2 Zoom Cloud Meeting 59 11 35 49 249 405
total 909

Classification model evaluation model

In this test, the data used is data that has been conducting through pre-processing. The data is taken from the read
excel of operator; this is done because the dataset is stored in excel format. The document process from file is to
convert files into documents. The validation process consists of training data and test data. As for the first test, it is
to run the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm. In this test, 2 methods are taken, they are: the first method is by using user
review analysis data with the acquisition of 1 to 5 stars (5 classes) and the second method is by arising user review
analysis data; by adding Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) and Particle Swarm Optimization (
PSO). So that, the results can be compared with the accuracy results later.


First Test

For the first test, it is using user review data; it gives a rating of 1 - 5 stars. After the design of this model is
executed, then it will show the results of the accuracy and kappa values resulting from the use of the k-nearest
neighbor algorithm, both Google Meet and Zoom Cloud Meeting.

TABLE II. Comparison of Accuracy and Kappa Values with k-NN (first method: 5 Class, 1 Star - 5 Star)
Algorithm The Accuracy Kappa
Google Meet Zoom Cloud Meeting Google Meet Zoom Cloud Meeting
KNN 67,25 % 64,95 % 0,425 0,196

It is seen from the results of table 1 above, the test results show that the Accuracy and Kappa values are still low,
so it is necessary to add an optimization feature addition method to increase the Accuracy and Kappa values. Some of
the optimization features that will be tested include:
1. The use of the Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique (SMOTE) feature, because it is one of the special
algorithms that is effective for rebuilding class balance in the case of oversampling. SMOTE balances the data set by
synthetically collecting minority data in the input space based on their environmental information.
2. The use of the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) feature, because Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is often
used in solving optimization problems as well as in feature selection.
The first test states as, it is because, it has not shown significant results, the model design will change by using 2
optimization features to increase the Accuracy and Kappa values, both are SMOTE Up-sampling and PSO, then for
the design of the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm classification model, the model will change.

The Second Test

The design of the K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm model above is applied to the Zoom Cloud Meeting and Google
Meet user review dataset, then for the next step is to run the execution process in the RapidMiner 9.7 tools to get the
results of the Accuracy and Kappa values. It is done for both Google Meet and Zoom Cloud Meeting user reviews
such as the table below:

TABLE III. The test results of the k-Nearest Neighbours Algorithm with the SMOTE Up-sampling and PSO features (first
method: 5 classes, 1 star - 5 stars)
Algorithm The Accuracy Kappa
Google Meet Zoom Cloud Meeting Google Meet Zoom Cloud Meeting
KNN + Smote+ PSO 73,84% 77,92% 0,611 0,644


From the results of Google Meet and Zoom Cloud Meeting user review by adapting K-NN and K-NN + SMOTE +
PSO algorithms, the results can be summarized as below:
a. Google Meet Test Results with the K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) Model
Accuracy : 67.25Kappa : 0.425 Result : Very Good
b. Zoom Cloud Meeting Test Results with the k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) Model Accuracy : 64.95Kappa : 0.196
Result : Very Good
c. Google Meet Test Results with the k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) Model with the SMOTE selection feature and the
PSO optimization feature
Accuracy : 73.84Kappa : 0.611 Result: Less
d. Zoom Cloud Meeting Test Results with the k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) Model with the SMOTE selection feature
and the PSO optimization feature
Accuracy : 77.92Kappa : 0.644 Result: Less
If it is displayed in a table, it will be looked like on the table below:

TABLE IV. The result of Testing Accuracy and Kappa

Algorithm Google Meet Zoom Meeting
Accuracy Kappa Accuracy Kappa
K-Nearest neighbours 67,25% 0,425 64,95 % 0,196
results Recall & precision Excellent Excellent
K-Nearest neighbours + SMOTE + PSO 73,84% 0,611 77,92% 0,644
results Recall & precision Less Less

From the table above, it can be seen that:

1. The Google Meet user review analysis if using the k-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) algorithm shows, it will be "very
good" results. However, if it uses SMOTE and PSO features, then the result will be "less" resulting in a decrease;
2. The Analysis of Zoom Cloud Meeting user reviews when using the K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) algorithm
showed "very good" results, but if it is using the SMOTE and PSO features the results will be "less".
So, it can be concluded that the SMOTE feature selection and PSO optimization feature for the use of the K-Nearest
Neighbor (K-NN) Algorithm in the Google Meet user review analysis shows a decrease from "Very Good" to "Less".
Next, for Zoom Cloud Meeting user review analysis shows a decrease from "Very good" to "less", so the use of the
SMOTE selection feature and the PSO optimization feature for the k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) algorithm greatly
affects the analysis of Google Meet and Zoom Cloud Meeting users.


Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be drawn the conclusion that, from the calculation of
the K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) classification algorithm with the feature selection Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling
Technique (SMOTE) and the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) optimization feature in processing Google Meet and
Zoom Cloud Meeting user review data taken from Google Play, it has 909 data; showing that there is an increase in the
value of Accuracy, Kappa after using the SMOTE Up sampling selection feature and the PSO optimization feature.
The conclusions are as follows:
1. The results of testing the first method (5 classes) show the best level of accuracy of 67.25% with the K-Nearest
Neighbor algorithm for Google Meet users, Zoom Cloud Meeting users with the same algorithm, it is K-nearest
neighbor, and it only gets an accuracy level of 64.95%.
2. The proposed use of feature selection synthetic minority over-sampling technique (SMOTE) and feature opti-
mization Particle swarm optimization (PSO) in the classification algorithm prove to be very influential in increasing
the accuracy of the K-nearest neighbor algorithm in processing user review data for Google Meet and Zoom Cloud
Meetings on Google Play based on star score.
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