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Week 10 Discussion 01: Finding Aids and Access

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Week 10 Discussion 01: Finding Aids and Access Strategies
Due: Post your response by end of Day 4, Saturday, November 7, 2020, 11:55
p.m., and reply to at least two of your classmates' posts by end of Day 7, Tuesday,
November 10, 2020, 11:55 p.m..
Value: 10 points
Grading Category: Discussions, 10%

Largely, our discussion will focus on the comparison of Finding Aids and Access

Discussion Prompt

To facilitate this discussion, post a link to a Finding Aid that you feel is of quality
and describe your positive impressions. Answer the following questions:

1. Does the front matter feel professional in its attention to matters of

copyright, collection name, citation requirements, and so on?
2. Do the Series and Subseries hierarchies feel like they reflect the contents
of the collection as described?
3. Is the descriptive language consistent? Is it precise? Is it concise?

Also consider that in today’s world, access probably begins on Google. Hence,
you should consider the process by which Finding Aids (and collections generally)
might most effectively integrate into search strategies of non-archivists or even
people familiar with archives.

Review how to post a response to this discussion.

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Re: Week 10 Discussion 01: Finding Aids and Access Strategies

by Meghan Doherty - Sunday, November 8, 2020, 8:36 PM
Jessika, what a fascinating collection! And what an equally intriguing history of
creation, ownership, and archival mediation. Upon first glance at the collection’s
title, I readily assumed that the collection comprised Francis Bacon’s personal
library, and in this spirit of misassumption, the Finding Aid’s front matter is
especially important in clarifying a complexity of historical context and content. I
really appreciate your assessment of the Finding Aid, and I agree that both its
abstract and historical note clearly and concisely illuminate the collection’s scope,
content, and context of creation. This seems to be further reflected in the
collection's arrangement and description.

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Re: Week 10 Discussion 01: Finding Aids and Access Strategies

by Meghan Doherty - Sunday, November 8, 2020, 7:52 PM
Amy, I love that you highlighted the Alfred Hitchcock Papers! I have in fact spent
some extended quality time at the Herrick Library researching this collection—I
was helping to design and manufacture props for the film Hitchcock  (2012), which
dramatizes the production of Psycho. For my specific research aims, it may have
been more convenient to have had the collection arranged by film or project
rather than material type. Yet as you well noted, the collection’s item-level
description greatly facilitated my ease of discovery, access, and use as a non-

I would also note that in revisiting this online Finding Aid, I find AMPAS’s new
“Hierarchy Browser” function to be particularly helpful in scanning the collection’s
Series and Subseries.
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Re: Week 10 Discussion 01: Finding Aids and Access Strategies

by Meghan Doherty - Sunday, November 8, 2020, 7:15 PM
The American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts Records (ACLUM) at the
Massachusetts Historical Society (MHS)

The Finding Aid’s front matter certainly feels professional in its attention to detail,
scope, and clarity. It specifies creator, title, dates, size, call numbers, source,
acquisition information, details of access, preferred citation, and processing and
encoding notes. In addition to providing an abstract, creator history, and
collection description, the Finding Aid also offers an explanation of its
arrangement that details the intentions behind the collection's hierarchies and
chronological groupings. 

I found the Finding Aid’s “Restrictions on Access” alert to be particularly helpful.

The collection’s physical description notes exactly which contents are stored
onsite and offsite. At the very top of the Finding Aid, MHS alerts prospective
researchers that the collection’s offsite materials must be requested a certain
number of days in advance depending on the number of items needed. This alert
includes an online request portal as well as contact information for the MSH
reference desk.

The Series and Subseries hierarchies feel like they reflect the contents of the
collection as described. The records of ACLUM consist of 96 record cartons, 3
document boxes, and 11 oversize boxes, spanning the years of 1920 to 2005. The
records are arranged into three Series: Record Group I (1920-1969), Record Group
II (bulk 1970-1985), and Record Group III (bulk 1985-2000). These Series are
based loosely on the date ranges of the records, the record-keeping practices of
ACLUM, and how and when the records were accessioned by MHS. Record
Groups I and II were formerly arranged and described separately, and as noted in
the Finding Aid, the variations in the arrangement of the three Record Groups
reflect the nature of the records and different styles of arrangement and
description over a 35-year period.

For example, within each chronological Subseries of Record Group I, the file
folders are arranged to reflect ACLUM's hierarchy and organization.
Administrative files are listed first, followed by alphabetical ACLU subject files.
Other Subseries, such as the personal papers of ACLUM members a
第 10 周讨论 01:寻找帮助和获取策略

第 10 周讨论 01:寻找和获取策略
截止时间:在第 4 天(2020 年 11 月 7 日星期六)晚上 11:55 之前发布您的回复,并在第 7
天(2020 年 11 月 10 日星期二)晚上 11:55 之前回复至少两个同学的帖子。。
数值:10 分



Wellcome Collection library It is one of the main resources of medical history research in the
world. The library also provides more and more information about the contemporary medical
and biomedical society. The front desk feels very professional. Through the website, you can
search for date range, creator, where to find it, accessibility, collection size and descriptive
abstract. It also mentioned the copyright issue very clearly
Its sequence and subsequence are well defined and can reflect the content of the set. These
collections have different subsets, which are also well labeled and have simple information.
These introductions also reflect the set content described in the summary.
The language of the description is also very consistent throughout the record. The language
used is also very accurate, and clearly explains the history and background of the collection.
In addition, the description language is also very concise, the basic one or two sentence
introduction can know the main content of this collection
学和生物医学社会的资料,前台感觉非常专业. 通过网站可以搜索日期范围、创建者、在哪



1 寻找帮助字体的事情感觉很专业。它清楚地显示了收藏的名称,并提供了收藏的首选引

主题:第 10 周讨论 01:寻找帮助和获取策略

作者:Meghan Doherty-2020 年 11 月 8 日,星期日,晚上 8:36

主题:第 10 周讨论 01:寻找帮助和获取策略

作者:Meghan Doherty-2020 年 11 月 8 日,星期日,下午 7:52
我还需要注意的是,在重新访问这个在线搜索帮助时,我发现 AMPAS 的新“层次浏览
主题:第 10 周讨论 01:寻找艾滋病和获取策略
作者:Meghan Doherty-2020 年 11 月 8 日,星期日,下午 7:15
存储在现场和场外。在寻找帮助的最上面,MHS 提醒未来的研究人员,必须根据所需物品
的数量,提前一定的天数申请收集的场外材料。此警报包括一个在线请求门户以及 MSH
Series 和 Subseries 层次结构感觉它们反映了所描述的集合的内容。ACLUM 记录由 96 个记
录盒、3 个文件盒和 11 个超大盒组成,时间跨度为 1920 年至 2005 年。这些记录分为三个
系 列 : 记 录 组 I ( 1920-1969 ) 、 记 录 组 II ( bulk 1970-1985 ) 和 记 录 组 III ( bulk 1985-
2000)。这些系列是松散地基于 da 这些系列大致基于记录的日期范围、ACLUM 的记录保
存实践以及 MHS 如何和何时访问这些记录。第一组和第二组记录以前是分开排列和描述
的,如检索工具中所述,这三组记录的排列变化反映了 35 年来记录的性质和不同的排列和
例如,在记录组 I 的每个按时间顺序排列的子序列中,文件文件夹的排列反映了 ACLUM
的层次结构和组织结构。首先列出管理文件,然后按字母顺序排列 ACLU 主题文件。其他
子系列,如 ACLUM 成员的个人论文 a

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