A6 - CHACHC - Nonuniform - Mathematics Based Approach

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

ME415: Computational Fluid Dynamics & Heat Transfer

Assignment # 6: 2D Steady and Unsteady Computational Heat Advection and Convection:
Mathematics based Approach
Instructor: Prof. Atul Sharma,

Date Posted: 25/03/2014 Due Date: 31/03/14

ONLINE SUBMISSION THROUGH MOODLE ONLY (No late submission allowed): Create a
single zipped file consisting on (a) filled-in answer sheet of this doc file converted into a pdf file and
(b) all the computer programs. The name of the zipped file should be rollnumber_A5
Note: Both problem and answer sheet are provided below. SCILAB or MATLAB should be used for
programming as well as generating graphical results.

1) 2D STEADY Computational Heat Advection on a UNIFORM Grid:

Consider a 2D Cartesian (x,y) computational domain of size L=1m and H=1 m, for CHA of a fluid (ρ=1000
kg/m3 and cp=4180 W/m.K) moving with a uniform velocity u=v=1 m/s and an initial temperature of 500C. The
left and top boundary of the domain is subjected to 1000C; and the bottom and right boundary to 00C
Using the mathematics based FVM as well as solution methodology, develop a computer program
“A6_1_2DAdvection_Steady” for steady state formulation of the above problem. Run the code for three different
advection schemes: (a) FOU, (b) SOU and (c) QUICK. Take the maximum number of grid points in x-and y-
direction as imax=jmax=32 and convergence criteria as 0.000001.
Report the results as
a) Plot and discuss the steady state temperature contours for the different advection schemes (3
b) Plot and discuss the temperature profile at the vertical centerline(x=0.5), T(y), for the different
advection schemes (3 figures).

2) Implicit method based 2D UNSTEADY Computational Heat Advection on a UNIFORM

Using the mathematics based FVM as well as solution methodology, develop a computer program
“A6_2_2DAdvection_Unsteady” for IMPLICIT method based unsteady state formulation of the previous
problem. Furthermore, report the results as given in previous problem.

3) Implicit Method based 2D UNSTEADY Computational Heat Convection on a NON-

Consider a 2D Cartesian computational x-y domain of size L=6 unit and H=1 unit, for CHC with a prescribed
velocity field. This corresponds to a slug flow (u=1, v=0) of a fluid in a channel; subjected to a non-dimensional
temperature of 1 at the inlet and 0 at the walls. At the outlet, fully developed Neumann BC is used. The initial
condition for non-dimensional temperature of the fluid is 0.
Generate 2D non-uniform grid, with clustering at y=0 as well as y=6 and β=1.2 (refer lecture
slide 8.22). Take and number of vertices of CVs as 61×21 (grid points: imax=62 and jmax=22).
Using the physics based FVM as well as solution methodology, develop a computer program
“A6_3_2DConvection” for the above problem. Run the code for two different advection schemes: (a) FOU and
(b) QUICK; at Re=10 and Pr=1 (you can take any value of thermo-physical properties to obtain the given Re
and Pr). Take the convergence criteria as 0.000001.
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Report the results as

a) Plot and discuss the steady state temperature contours for the different advection schemes (2
b) Plot and discuss the temperature profile, T(y), at different axial locations (x/L=0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and
1), for the different advection schemes (2 figures).

Keep Playing with the Codes in Future also.
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Answer Sheet
Problem # 1: 2D STEADY Computational Heat Advection on a UNIFORM Grid:
a) Plot and discuss the steady state temperature contours for the different advection schemes (3 figures).
b) Plot and discuss the temperature profile at the vertical centerline(x=0.5), T(y), for the different advection
schemes (3 figures).

(a1) (b1)

(a2) (b2)

(a3) (b3)

Fig. 6.1: Steady State Formulation: Steady state temperature contours using the (a1) FOU, (a2) SOU and
(a3) QUICK scheme. Temperature variation along the vertical centerline using the (b1) FOU
(b2) SOU and (b3) QUICK scheme.

Discuss Fig. 6.1 here, limited inside this text box only
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Problem # 2: 2D UNSTEADY Computational Heat Advection on a UNIFORM Grid:

a) Plot and discuss the steady state temperature contours for the different advection schemes (3 figures).
b) Plot and discuss the temperature profile at the vertical centerline(x=0.5), T(y), for the different advection
schemes (3 figures).

(a1) (b1)

(a2) (b2)

(a3) (b3)

Fig. 6.2: Unsteady State Formulation: Steady state temperature contours using the (a1) FOU, (a2) SOU
and (a3) QUICK scheme. Temperature variation along the vertical centerline using the (b1)
FOU, (b2) SOU and (b3) QUICK scheme.

Discuss Fig. 6.2 here, limited inside this text box only
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Problem # 3: Implicit Method based 2D UNSTEADY Computational Heat Convection on a NON-

a) Plot and discuss the steady state temperature contours for the different advection schemes (2 figures).
b) Plot and discuss the temperature profile, T(y), at different axial locations (x/L=0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1),
for the different advection schemes (2 figures).

(a1) (b1)

(a2) (b2)

Fig. 6.3: Steady state temperature contours using the (a1) FOU and (a2) QUICK scheme. Temperature
variation at different axial locations using the (b1) FOU and (b2) QUICK scheme.

Discuss Fig. 6.3 here, limited inside this text box only

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