Bachelor of Science in Instrumentation Control Engineering BS ICE

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Republic of the Philippines BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY @ Pablo Bordon Main Il,Alangilan Batangas A COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURE & FINE ARTS Tel, No. (043) 425-0139 loc 118 CURRICULUM Bachelor of Science in Instrumentation and Control Engineering (BSICE) Academic Year 2018-2019 Reference CMOs: CMO No. 4 s. 2018 and CMO No. 20s. 2013 Curriculum Description Instrumentation and Control Engineering provides the necessary training and technical foundation to students to become a skilled instrumentation & control specialist. An instrumentation and control engineer is essentially responsible for designing, developing, installing, managing and/or maintaining equipment and systems used to monitor and control engineering systems, machineries and processes. Program Educational Objectives The instrumentation and control engineering alumni three to five years a‘ter graduation shall: 1, Be engaged in project planning, material applications, design and installation, operations and/or maintenance in the fields of measurement, signal processing, control and industrial automation. 2. Be well-rounded individuals with strong personal skills (decision making, analytic reasoning, problem solving), professional skills (creative thinking, critical thinking, ethics and responsibilities) and able to work and communicate in team environments. 3. Participate in endeavors that promote career advancement and life-long learning, ‘Student Outcomes The following skills, knowledge, and behaviors are expected to be attained by students as they progress through the program: a. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve engineering problems ility to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. €. Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with standards. Ability to function on multidisciplinary teams. Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. Ability to communicate effectively. Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context. i, Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j. Knowledge of contemporary issues. k. Ability to use techniques, skills, and modem engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. 1. Knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments. re mse Page | of 5 ‘CURRICULUM COMPONENTS Classification/ Field / Course No. of HoursiWeek Lec Lab) Credit Units I, TECHNICAL COURSES [A; Mathematics Differential Calculus Integral Calculus [Engineering Data Analysis [Differential Equations ‘Sub-total IB. Natural/Physical Sciences [General Chemistry [Modem Biology [Physics 1 ‘Sub-torall [C. Basie Engineering Sciences Introduction to Engineering [Engineering Drawing [Computer-Aided Design [Engineering Economics [Technopreneurship [Engineering Management Sub-total ID. Allied Courses, Analytical Instrumentation [Computer Programming 1 [Digital Principles and Logie Design [Microprocessor and Microcontroller Systems and Design [Electronics Circuits: Devices and Analysis [Control Systems Engineering [Fundamentals of Data Communications Industrial Networks and Protocols [Circuits 1 [Circuits 2 [Basic Occupational Safety and Health [Material Science and Engineering Environmental Seience and Engineering [Thermodynamics Fluid Mechanies PLC Fundamentals and Programming [Pneumatics and Hydraulie Systems Physics 2 ‘Sub-total IE, Professional Courses T. Core Courses [Advanced Engineering Mathematics for ICE Fundamentals of Instrumentation Principles of Process Engineering Process Instrumentation Sensors Engineering Industrial Drives and Control [Control and Optimization of Unit Operations ICE Seminars/Colloquium [Codes Standards and Professional Ethics for ICE [Advanced Control System ICE Capstone Design 1 ICE Capstone Design 2 Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation Research Methods Sub-toral Page 2 of S Technical Flectives ICE Elective 1 3 0 3 NICE Elective? 3 0 3 Sub-total] 6 o 6 F. On-the Job Training 320 his 4 “Total (Technical Courses) 108 5 137 IN. NON-TECHNICAL COURSES [A. General Education Course [Understanding the Self 3 o 3 [Mathematics in the Modern World 3 0 3 [The Contemporary World 3 0 3 [Readings in Philippine History 3 0 3 Purposive Communication 3 0 3 [Ethics 3 0 3 [Art Appreciation 3 0 3 [Science, Technology and Society 3 0 3 ‘Sub-total 24 0 Fz] B. Filipino/Literature/Mandated Courses [Kontekstwalisadong Komunikasyon sa Filipino 3 0 3 [Filipino sa Iba'tIbang Disiplina 3 0 3 [ASEAN Literature 3 0 3 Life and Works of Rizal 3 0 3 ‘Sub-total 12 0 2 [C. Physical Edueation Physical Fitness, Gymnastics and Aerobies 2 a 2 [Rhythmic Activities 2 0 2 Individual and Dual Sports 2 0 2 [Team Sports| 2 0 2 Sub-total 3 0 8 ID. National Service Training Program INSTP 1 3 0 3 INSTP2 3 0 3 Sub-total 6 0 6 "Total (Non-Technical Courses) 30 0 30 ‘GRAND TOTAL 138 5 187 ‘SUMMARY Number of Units I Technical Courses fA, Mathematics 2 IB. Natural/Physical Sciences 1 IC. Basic Engineering Sciences 1 D. Allied Courses 3 IE. Professional Courses T. Core Courses 3 2. Elective Courses on In. Non-Technical Courses [A. General Education Courses [B. Filipino/Literature/Mandated Courses IC. Physical Education ID. NSTP Page 3 of 5 PROGRAM OF STUDY FIRST YEAR First Semester No.of Hourls Cone Cote come Tie ST vas] _revewses [Cores ATTA Ta SPA Scio loreal ie pH ERa tT feci oT oH Ged ot Mabe ie sks Wad SHS GELS — Rend ge Tsay Shes a ee Sees GETINC— Pope Coan So PEI Pinal nae Grats ad RS So SEPT Nepal Sis Pag Popa So ates Sern Se Coun Coie Coune Ta Taal Gs] rerequites | Conasiies TTC ar Sc ost SEE arr — rer Geet Corey Wa St ELIOT cae Sy pes GEtot fan ese Shot ERG ATi a Cpe — cpa Pep ch Peotone has St TET? 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