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Synchronous Radio
forTrunk Applications

Introduction pag. 2

SRT 1C highlights pag. 3

Main features pag. 5

Transmitter and receiver pag. 9

128/64 TCM Modemodulator pag. 12

Baseband and protection switching pag. 16

Equipment Management pag. 18

Service facilities and synchronization pag. 20

Equipment engineering pag. 22

2 Introduction
The fast-growing demand of 30/40 MHz
telecommunication services as well as
the increased network topologies and RF 1 RF 3
traffic requirements has been pushing for
a new generation of point-to-point radio
systems for trunk applications. H (V)
A cost effective extremely compact Radio V (H)
System allowing a rapid installation
without any in-field tuning and offering
standard TMN interfaces has been
considered as the best choice to suit
these new market requirements.
H (V)
The radio relay system competitive
V (H)
features, such as the quick deployment
and fast network roll-out with simple civil
works as well as the high flexibility,
strongly justify a modern
telecommunications network scenario in
which radio systems and fiber optic Figure 1 Channel arrangement options: AP and CC
systems will complement and support
each other in a very effective mixed In order to assure capacity increase from
media approach. A combined radio fiber 1xSTM-1 to 2xSTM-1 per channel, SRT 1C
transport network requires SDH radio can be deployed also in environments that
system designed for full compatibility foresee frequency reuse both in 28/30 MHz
with other SDH Network Elements. and in 40 MHz plans.
Fig.1 describes the possible channel
Siemens High Capacity Digital Radio
arrangement options.
(HCDR) systems SRT 1C has the main
objective of the compatibility with Co-channel approach basically consists in
Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH), so using every channel of the frequency plan
reaching the goal of transmitting 1xSTM-1 in vertical and horizontal polarization
capacity per carrier with the possibility to simultaneously in order to double the
provide interchangeable interfaces: bandwidth efficiency without increasing
1xSTM-1 electrical or 1xSTM-1 optical. the modulation order.
The introduction of a modulation scheme To achieve the full compatibility with the
based on the 4D multilevel 64/128 Trellis existing systems already installed (16/64 QAM
Coded Modulation (TCM), optimally or 1800/2700 FDM channels) SRT 1C
decoded by a soft quantized Viterbi enables the introduction of SDH systems
processor, reaches these goals, enabling in the unchanged ITU-R and OIRT
the system to meet the required net Channel Plans.
spectrum efficiency and to achieve the
Furthermore all system parameters will
best results in terms of BER
not influence existing plesiochronous
and/or analog radio infrastructures
1xSTM-1 traffic per carrier is transmitted allowing smooth coexistence.
in the frequency bands with 28/30 MHz
channel arrangement (4L/4/5/6LL/6L/7/8/8U/
13 GHz) or with 40 MHz channel spacing
(4/5/6U/11 GHz).
3 SRT 1C highlights
In spite of higher technical difficulties, In addition the adopted advanced
which are well met by a consolidated technology, together with the customized
experience in the previous development integration, leads to a “factory
of 16/64 QAM systems and by programmable”TCM modemodulator able
technology updating, the system provides to deal both with 128 TCM (for 28/30
a cost-competitive solution with a very MHz channel spacing) and 64 TCM (for 40
compact and flexible layout, easily MHz channel arrangement) to transmit a
upgradable in future system expansions. STM-1 signal.
The 128 TCM modulation is the solution A Digital Signal Processing (DSP) modem
suitable to counteract the 11.7% capacity appears as the unique way to massively
increase when growing from 139.264 Mbit/s integrate otherwise cumbersome and
to 1xSTM-1 (155.52 Mbit/s) transmission, bulky structures (Adaptive Time Domain SRT 1C/6U DRO Filter
without the need to resort to critical roll- Equalization) or to provide for the
frequency reuse also on frequency plans
off factors and still maintaining the net necessary signal treatment precision
with 28/30 MHz channel spacing.
spectral efficiency of a 64 QAM system. when dealing with higher level M-QAM.
Viterbi decoding itself is nowadays Moreover the branching system, based on
By the adoption of Trellis Coded
applicable to radio thanks to state-of-the-art narrowband RF filters,
Modulation (TCM) and soft-quantized
the VLSI capabilities of modern HCMOS allows the connection of all the channels
Viterbi decoding, an appreciable coding
technology. of one polarization in the same branching
gain can be obtained without bandwidth
Furthermore, thanks to the high spectrum system without the need of any additional
expansion (that means without
efficiency of the TCM modulation, 3-dB-loss coupler for the separation of odd
conventional serial FEC with block-
associated with a proper pulse shaping and even channels (see Fig. 2). This
coding) and affordable implementation
and a powerful 11-Tap Cross Polar solution enables to keep system
Interference Canceller (XPIC), it is performance for co-channel systems at
possible to operate SRT 1C with nearly the same level of AP ones.

Rx1 Rx2 Rx3 Rx4 Rx5 Rx6 Rx7 Rx8


Tx8 Tx7 Tx6 Tx5 Tx4 Tx3 Tx2 Tx1

28/30 MHz
Figure 2 Branching system with narrowband filters

Siemens paid a big R&D effort to transfer • GDE: Digital Group Delay Equalizer
complexity from the analog to the digital integrated in the Demodulator
hardware, taking advantage of the
• Automatic Transmit Power Control
customized integration and of the
(ATPC) to reduce interference, avoid up-
progressive cost reduction towards
fade problems and reduce residual BER
increasing chip complexities.
in nominal conditions
The state-of-the-art technology applied to
• Microwave Solid State Power Amplifier
the SRT 1C system assures performance
(SSPA) linearizer
improvements at RF, IF and BB level:
• RF linearizer
• Chip & Wire technology
• Thin Film Alumina Substrate • IF Space Diversity Combiner based on
• Sub-micron FET devices a weighted strategy using both
• Dielectric Resonator Filters and self- Maximum Power and Minimum
converting Dielectric Resonator Dispersion Algorithms according to the
Oscillators different propagation conditions
• Miniaturized Image Rejection Mixers
• "Early Warning" Multiline Hitless switch
• Ultra low-noise preamplifiers with
HEMT devices • Digital services management according
• Trellis Coding and Viterbi Soft-decoding. to ITU-T/ITU-R/ETSI strategy.
New functional approaches give Such solutions have been addressed to
significant improvements to the overall enhance system gain, minimize hardware,
system performances: reduce power consumption, increase
reliability and in general to match the
• Trellis Coding (TCM) and Viterbi soft-
SDH requirements, even improving the
system industrial economy.
• Digital Signal Processing using VLSI to
Furthermore, SRT 1C provides TMN
obtain a “full-digital” modem
access by means of a Controller Unit and
• 11 Tap Adaptive Time Domain Equalizer a Message Communication Function
(ATDE) with blind acquisition for better (MCF) card for Digital Communication
equalization capability Channels (DCCs), alarms processing,
signalling collection and performance SRT 1C radio rack
• 11 Tap Cross-Polarization Interference
Canceller (XPIC) integrated in the ATDE
Table 1 summarizes SRT 1C Frequency
chip to guarantee proper reduction of
cross-polarization interferences also
during non-nominal propagation

RF band 4L 4 5 6LL 6L 6U 7 8 8U 11 13
Plan OIRT Rec. Rec. Rec. Rec. OIRT Rec. Rec. Rec. Rec. OIRT Rec. Rec.
382 635 746 1099 383 384 385 386 387 497

Modulation 128 128 64 128 64 128 128 64 128 128 128 64 128

Table 1 SRT 1C - Frequency coverage

5 Main features
Compact Rack Layout baseband subrack. mechanical and the electrical side.

The use of modern technologies and Figures 3 shows a reference layout of

From a mechanical point of view, the
design results in a very compact 7+1 terminal and repeater stations.
same supports (racks and subracks)
equipment. The plug-in units are inserted house system units, independently from
into sub-racks, fit in a 2200 mm x 600 Shielding on the plug-in units and
the considered working frequency.
mm x 300 mm (HxWxD) rack, in subracks satisfies the electromagnetic
Furthermore, all frequency-independent
agreement with the standards defined by compatibility (EMC) requirements
units (as the Baseband cards, SOH
ETSI EE3. especially referring to electrostatic
Processing Units, Controller, Alarm and
sensitive devices. Both wall and floor
The adopted solution, with front access Service cards) are the same for all SDH
mounting in the center of the room (for
only, allows the housing of radios, family radio systems.
in-line and back-to-back configurations)
modemodulators baseband and service The Siemens SDH line family (SL 4
are available as installation solutions.
units, however maintaining the "building and SL 16 for 4 and 16 STM-1
block" approach, (i.e. each block A panel set back on the side area of the
transmission) uses many of the previously
implementing different functions), in baseband subrack and
mentioned units for radio systems thus
order to comply with an easy freely accessible from the front provides
assuring a high commonality level
upgradability of the various station access to the external electrical and
between the two product lines.
configurations. optical interfaces.
Figures 4 and 5 show the N+1 SRT 1C
The high mechanical compactness Connecting inter-rack facilities system block diagrams for transmit and
reached enables the allocation of 4 at subrack level, together with receive sides.
transceivers with relevant local alarm indications and a connection
modemodulator groups and of the toward Network Management systems Modularity
baseband subrack in the same rack, thus characterize the equipment.
A functional block strategy is the set up of
allowing a marked space reduction. SRT 1C radio systems.
Commonality The same basic blocks build the various
An integrated hitless protection switching
is available from 1+1 up to 7+1 In Siemens synchronous systems configurations, enabling an easy channel
configurations and is incorporated in the commonality is seen both from the expansion without traffic interruptions.


Figure 3 Srt 1C Radio rack layout - 7+1 Terminal and Repeater


Network Integration This "integrated" approach allows the Furthermore the respect of the latest ITU-T
operator to gain an overall view of the Rec. provides an unified solution also for
SDH networks require unified solutions handling and routing of management
network; radio relay system as well as all
inclusive of all different types of SDH information as well as for service
the other SDH NEs can be seen at
Network Elements. As far as TMN channels.
network control layer level; likewise
solution is concerned, synchronous radio
element manager functionalities are
is integrated in the same management
carried on using common philosophy and
system (EM-OS) common to all Siemens
the same Human-To-Computer Interface
SDH Network Elements in order to
guarantee a unique and centralized
solution for a fully- functional
management of SDH Networks.

BB Tx Modulator Transmitter

Nx64 kbit/s SOH

INS. Tx. Enc. Conv. LIN
Electrical TRIB. FASTBER
or Optical ATPC




Master SCS
CK Oscill. ATPC
CH 2


Occas. TRIB.

Tx Distrib.

Figure 4 SRT 1C Radio block diagram - Transmit side


Co-channel Operation cross polarization interference canceller

allows the overall performance of the
Co-channel operation for high capacity
systems to be comparable to the AP
digital radio systems has been envisaged
as an appropriate mean to exploit the full
transmission capacity of a RF band. Whereas the capacity is fully exploited
and the branching systems are fully
An optimum solution is achieved with
loaded with all the channels, in order to
specially designed "narrow- band" RF
cope with the increased branching
Filters which allow a filter center band
losses, a high power version of the
separation equal to the channel spacing
transmitter amplifier may be fit providing
itself, even for 28 MHz channel spacing
an additional gain of 3 dB.
frequency plans.
In such a way the overall system gain
The joint adoption of newly designed RF remains at the same level of the
filters, IF group delay equalization, BB Alternate Pattern Version.
adaptive time domain equalization and

Figure 5 SRT 1C Radio block diagram - receive side

9 Transmitter and
Transmitter and receiver use modular sub- DRO Microwave Amplification
units integrating signal-related functions.
IF to RF conversion is primarily based on High capacity multilevel digital radio
All the RF parts widely use thin-film and a self-converting oscillator structure that system requires high linearity Solid State
Chip & Wire technologies providing wider uses a dielectric resonator. This allows Power Amplifiers (SSPAs).
instantaneous bandwidth with strong the complete elimination of dedicated up-
The microwave linearization solution
improvements in the manufacturing conversion hardware and achieves
designed by Siemens exploits the very
process together with repeatability and significant electrical performance
basic principle that both the distorted
higher reliability. improvements over conventionally
device envelope and the carrier phase of
implemented up-converters.
Tx/Rx dielectric resonator filters enhance the output signals are functions of the
system gain, moreover contributing to Self-converting DROs operate at fixed instantaneous input signal envelope
system compactness: more than 30% of frequencies with very low phase noise (AM/AM and AM/PM conversion
volume reduction with respect to and high stability (± 30 ppm), minimizing respectively)
conventional waveguide filters. phase jitters and short term instabilities.
Properly biasing the GaAs FET device, it is
possible to obtain a gain expansion in the
Transmitter Design
output/input transfer characteristics and
The adoption of self-converting Dielectric therefore, by adjusting the bias point, it is
Resonator Oscillator, microwave linearizer possible to compensate the AM/AM
and ATPC option contributes to the distortion of the high level stages of the
innovative transmitter design (Fig. 6). SSPA. At the same time a suitable control
of a varactor phase-shifter achieves a
compensation of the AM/PM distortion.


RF Output SSPA SSPA SSPA Microwave RF Output

Driver Driver Driver linearizer

Resonator AM/PM AM/PM

Synch Thermal


Figure 6 SRT 1C Transmitter block diagram

SRT 1C /6U Transmitter unit


The inherent benefits of RF linearization range from a maximum value Pmax to a The main benefits obtained by the ATPC
over the IF predistortion solution derive minimum (or nominal) Pmin value, at introduction derive from:
from the wider instantaneous bandwidth which the transmitter works for a high
• Reduction of upfade problems in the
that RF linearization can provide and from percentage of the time. The maximum
the better electrical and thermal matching value is reached only during strong fading
obtained, since both distortion and conditions over the hop, as detected by
• Improvement in outage performance
compensation at RF level occurr in the the far-end receivers, experiencing low
due to reduced influence of adjacent
same integrated unit. receive signal levels.
channel interference.
The linearizer design allows also a higher Moreover ATPC introduction is
• Solution for frequency interference
integration of the entire RF amplifier and straightforwardly allowed by RF
problem in crowded nodal stations
a significant DC power consumption linearization: the reference level in the
because of reduced nominal receive
reduction (about 40% for each amplifier control loop of output power is driven by
stage) due to suitable FET biasing using a a single control signal from the distant
low average DC current drain. receiver that acts directly at the input of • Sensible reduction in power
the linearized SSPA. consumption with consequent
ATPC improvement in the reliability of FET
The ATPC technique, used to improve
power devices.
The Automatic Transmit Power Control is systems performance, is thought as a
designed to make the microwave transmitter standard built-in equipment feature that Figure 7 shows the ATPC implementation.
operating with variable output power in a can be optionally disabled.



A Front Main IF DEM

B END ampl

From RX To TX






Figure 7 ATPC implementation


mutually synchronized to permit easy

cancellation of the interference signal.

Main T Pre-Amplification
P main The low-noise pre-amplifier uses HEMT
OL devices to minimize noise figure while a
RF attenuator with a high dynamic range
guarantees the required linearity even
during strong up-fading.
Div. T shifter
West Combiner
P Div P main
The combining approach is based on a RF
P Div
endless phase shifter, a 70 MHz IF
combiner, a simple detector of in-band
amplitude dispersion and a microcontroller
circuit (see Fig. 8). Both Maximum Power
Figure 8 IF Combiner approach and Minimum Dispersion strategies drive
the control algorithm of the IF combiner,
A dedicated SOH byte (shared also with RF micromodule. An additional moving smoothly from one to the other
the FAST BER indication) is utilized to micromodule and a second board, with criterion according to the specific
perform ATPC function. combining circuits and logic, are added if propagation conditions.
the space diversity option is required. This approach allows to improve the
Co-channel Operation Micromodules broadband behaviour is system performance not only by reducing
achieved using chip and wire technology the signal attenuation caused by
In case of co-channel operation, in order
and a thin alumina substrate. interference rays, but also suppressing in-
to compensate the additional losses due
The IF section houses both main and band spectrum dispersion introduced by
to the increased channel branching chain
diversity line fed by the relevant fading phenomena.
(twice the AP if fully capacity is
micromodules. If the SD receiver is not
exploited), an ultra-low power The WESt (Weighted Evaluation Strategy)
equipped, the main IF line is switched on
consumption GaAs FET amplifier using combiner is therefore based on a control
the common IF output, otherwise both
RF predistortion may be provided. By algorithm that processes both the power
main and diversity are connected to the
means of dynamic drain voltage bias level and the amplitude dispersion values,
second board. The combined signal feds
modulation, an HPA exploiting 16 W behaving as a Maximum Power device for
the IF output.
saturated power requires only 20% more tight fading correlation on the two
DC consumption than the 8 W standard DRO antennas. For a progressively increasing
amplifier (+3dB on overall system gain). uncorrelation (e.g. higher frequency
In order to achieve the required low
This results in same heat-sinking and difference between the main and the
phase-noise level and to drastically
volume requirement providing a modular diversity channel), impressive
reduce both short term instability
system design, fully optimised for either improvements of the Dispersive Fade
phenomena (frequency jumps) and
AP and CC version, maintaining the same Margin can be appreciated.
microphonicity, the receiver unit adopts
rack layout of 4 transceivers with space
the same high Q fixed frequency DRO
diversity per ETSI rack.
used in the transmitter, which can be
considered the most suitable solution for
Receiver Design radio systems employing high complexity
Single board receiver modulation schemes.
The new single board receiver houses the In case of co-channel operation the DROs
IF section, the microprocessor and the operating at the same frequency are
12 128/64 TCM
Figures 9 and 10 respectively show the particular, the modem directly extracts between transmitter and receiver.
general block diagrams of the modulator and inserts within the SOH bytes, the On the modulator side these devices
and demodulator units. This modem Regenerator Section Data have fully-programmable coefficients
solution allows the use of the most Communication Channels (DCCR), whilst Rx FIR filter design has fixed
advanced technologies (HCMOS-VLSI) media specific bytes for ATPC, Fast coefficient structure, which may cover,
gate-array-type ASICs (Application BER and Switching Control Signal (SCS) by selecting between three different
Specific Integrated Circuit). information and 2 Mbit/s wayside traffic coefficient sets, from 0.215 to 0.5 roll-
(accessing to the not yet defined SOH off factor, depending on channel
Considering in detail the function
bytes, until future ETSI/ITU-T arrangement (AP or CC) and spacing
implemented into modulator and
standardization). (28/29.65 or 40 MHz). Post-modulation
demodulator units, the following solutions
and post-demodulation filters are two
have been adopted: • Pulse shaping is obtained with Digital
conventional analog anti-aliasing filters.
Signal Processing techniques.
• SOH Insert/Drop function integrated in
The baseband filtering, by digital
the Modulator and Demodulator units, • After filtering it is possible to equalize
interpolating Finite Impulse Response
respectively: a repeater station can the IF-IF path group delay with the
(FIR) filters, implements a raised cosine
provide the "local restart" after a digital Group Delay Equalizer (GDE)
pulse shaping with a 0.35/0.215 roll-off
catastrophic event in order to maintain contained in the FIR Asic. The GDE is
factor for 128 TCM AP/CC and 0.5/0.35
the SOH information continuity. In programmable via Local PC and
for 64 TCM AP/CC, equally split
substitutes the traditional IF GDEs.

SRT 1C Family 64/128 TCM Modulator

BB Tx Complex QUAD
and TCM
Inser t
Encoder FIR MOD


Figure 9 Modulator block diagram



IF ATDE/ Decoder SOH BB out

and Drop
70 MHz A/D BB Rx


data from or thogonal arranged channel

Figure 10 Demodulator block diagram

• The residual intersymbol interference Thanks to the presence of the soft Viterbi
due to fading conditions is improved by decoder, the system makes also available
a full digital 11 taps Adaptive Time a powerful solution to maintain an error-
Domain Equalizer (ATDE) structure. free transmission: the errors detected by
the decoder allow to quickly evaluate low
• XPIC (Cross-Polarization Interference
BER thresholds, in the range 10-6 to 10-
Canceller) implemented with fractional
12, to activate the "Early Warning
spaced transversal filter and an
Switching" criterion.
additional IF conversion leading to more
than 20 dB improvement on XPD
Trellis Coded Modulation
• The use of TCM coding for error
The bit rate of the SDH first level
correction allows to easily withstand SRT 1C Set System 64/128 Demodulator
(1xSTM-1 = 155.52 Mbit/s) makes very
the required net spectrum efficiency
critical the implementation of a radio relay
(more than 5 bit/s/Hz) adopting a non-
system with QAM modulation technique
critical roll-off factor. A four-dimensional
in the 30/40 MHz channel spacing (strong
Trellis Coding associated to a cross M-
reductions of the roll-off factor, use of an
QAM format (4D-128 TCM) is the most
external FEC with further increase in the
effective solution in terms of
radio system bit rate).
transmission efficiency and overall
performance. In the receive side, a
maximum likelihood criterion based on
Viterbi algorithm and controlled by a
soft-quantized branch metric is used.

Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM), is a very The foregoing process can iteratively "blind" convergence acquisition, combined
efficient way to combine coding and evaluate all the 4D points in each with the recursive updating of tap
modulation. multidimensional subset. By means of coefficients.
This technique, already experienced in the Viterbi decoder the most probable
The ATDE represents the most complex
other Siemens medium capacity radio transmitted sequence of subsets is then
ASIC development for a new modem with
products, assures appreciable coding gain estimated. The 4D process implies a
multilevel modulation. Beside the
without bandwidth expansion and an slight complexity increase but operates at
transversal filter with 11 fully complex
affordable implementation complexity. half the speed (considering two
valued taps it incorporates also a 3 tap
Fig. 11 shows the 4D TCM encoding successive symbols at the same time).
digital slope equalizer and a number of
function based on a 2/3 convolutional
circuits controlling the quadrature
device. Adaptive Equalization demodulator. It is entirely implemented in
As the number of modulation states a single full-custom ASIC with complexity
TCM Viterbi Decoding
increases, the radio systems become equivalent to about 200 kgates.
A maximum likelihood decoding more vulnerable to multipath fading.
procedure applies to the received The Adaptive Time Domain Equalizer
sequence of 4D points, by means of a (ATDE) represents a powerful solution
Viterbi algorithm. which shows a better performance vs.
As a preliminary step, the decoder complexity ratio, together with a lower
detects the received 4D point; it divides it sensitivity to the timing phase.
into a pair of 2D points and the closest
High performances are assured by
point in each 4D subset and its metrics
dynamic convergence, accomplished by
("Euclidean distance" between the two
means of a modified minimum mean-
points) are evaluated on the basis the 2D
square error (MMSE) algorithm exhibiting
points and metric estimation.

6 bit/symbol 6.5 bit/symbol


(2M-3) Select I
from subset


2 Encoder Enc. 4D
subset Q
1 R=2/3 Conv. selection

Figure 11 SRT 1C 4D TCM Encoder


Cross Polarization Interference is adaptive, consisting also of a 11 tap At receive side, beside the exchange of
Canceller (XPIC) transversal filter which is physically the received data signals at IF level, the
implemented in a second chip of the only interconnection between vertical and
Co-channel operation with high level horizontal channel is the L.O.
same type as that of the ATDE.
modulation schemes requires very high synchronization of the receivers and no
cross-polarization discrimination (XPD). Due to the chosen XPIC concept no
additional clock synchronization of the
Modern radio relay antennas meet the common use or synchronization of the
demodulators is necessary. Another
XPD requirements at least under ideal L.O. of vertical and horizontal channels is
advantage of this concept is the
propagation conditions; nevertheless required at transmit side. There is also no
independence of the XPIC operation from
cross-polarization interference (XPI) strict requirement for clock
the lock-in state of the carrier recovery
between orthogonally arranged channels synchronization at transmit side, that is to
being the carrier frequencies of the
may increase under particular conditions say the incoming STM-1 bit rates need
interfering signal and the compensation
such as rainfall or multipath propagation. not to be fully synchronous, thus
signal identical at the adder point. This
facilitating the co-channel application in
As additional mean to counteract these greatly improves performances after
meshed SDH networks, because there is
phenomena, a powerful cross-polarization strong XPI events since the XPIC can first
no need to use multiplex section
interference canceller device has been fit remove the XPI on the main signal, thus
termination (MST) at the terminals of a
into the demodulator. Since the facilitating the subsequent lock-in
co-channel route.
interference effects are time variable, the procedure.
XPIC device structure (shown in Fig. 12)

H +


HV -
RX +

XPIC Cross P olar Interf erence Canceller

PF P olar ization Filter

Figure 12 XPIC Concept

16 Baseband and
protection switching
Baseband Subrack The system can be easily reconfigured • The Alarm card collects the alarm
from terminal to repeater and vice-versa, information to be sent to RS Controller
The baseband subrack has been in order to evaluate the switching
only substituting the baseband subrack.
deployed with a great effort towards operation conditions, i.e. "Early Warning"
compactness, full integration of baseband information, Low and High BER alarms,
Functional Blocks and Equipment
functionality and simplicity. Loss of Signal, Loss of Frame and AIS
Depending on the configuration four detection.
As shown in Fig. 13, for N:1 terminals,
different types of baseband subrack are
the following units can be distinguished
available: • The Transmit and Receive Distributors
in a functional blocks configuration:
1) N:1 Terminals-main rack allow the interconnections from and
2) N:1 Terminals-expansion rack • The 32 bit Controller card includes the to the stand-by channel on the basis of
3) n:0 terminals hardware and firmware needed to the SCS information.
4) 1+1 not expansible terminals/N:0 manage the system and to provide the
• Master oscillator card provides NEs
repeaters appropriate interfaces towards a local
clock functionality in compliance with
operator and a TMN network.
All of them can be referred to two ITU-T G.813 Recommendation.
different backplanes: • The RS (Radio Switching) Controller
• The Line SOH card provides, on line
card evaluates the information
• Backplane type “A”: Equipped with 20 side, service channels or way-side
necessary to manage the switching
slots, suitable for configurations 1, 2, 3 traffic, depending on user’s
operation, i.e. main channels and stand-
requirement. In fact, it can be
• Backplane type “B”: Equipped with 12 by channel status analysis and
configured as Nx64 bit/s or as 2bit/s
slots, suitable for configurations 4 information interchange by using SCS
wayside (with a further 64 kb/s user
(Switching Control Signal).

Figure 13 Baseband sub-rack - N:1 configuration


• The Tributary Interface units process 2) In case of terminal with MST the strategy assure the completely error-free
signals accessing the radio system. switching is performed on Virtual transition from the working to the stand-
One of the following units can be Container (VC-4). by channel.
independently equipped, depending on
System approach is configurable via SW The automatic switching functionality,
the type of the signal to be processed:
on the basis of the chosen terminal thanks to the very low switching time and
- Electrical STM-1 signal configuration. to the capability of automatic alignment of
interface the hitless switch, is a powerful mean to
On the transmit side the Protection
counteract selective fading and to provide
- Optical STM-1 signal Switching splits every STM-1 signal into
high frequency diversity improvement.
interface working channel and stand-by channel.
Before reaching the receive side, SOH In order to greatly improve the
Furthermore, one of the previous cards bytes are removed both from working effectiveness of switching and to permit
can be utilized for the occasional channel, channel and stand-by channel. The easy handling of the high quality data
to fully exploit the radio capacity: when payload of the common transmit signal is transmission, in addition to the 10-3 BER
not busy, the stand-by bearer can be thus present on both signal paths (main alarm threshold from parity bits
utilized to support a lower priority traffic and stand-by), enabling the protection evaluation, an "Early Warning" information
channel. switching system to align signals and to (FAST BER) about the signal quality
perform an errorless switching. degradation drives the switch from faded
Each tributary card integrates the hitless
to stand-by channel even in the worst
switch that allows a reliable switching The proposed configuration offers many
practical dynamic conditions. Thanks to a
operation. advantages:
powerful Viterbi decoder the FAST BER is
• In case of terminal with MST the continuously evaluated: four thresholds
Hitless Protection Switching
Section Adaptation (SA) function is itself are available (10-12, 10-10, 10-8, 10-6) for the
A multi-line protection switching is protected. user, who can use two of them, only
commonly used to improve the choosing via the local craft terminal.
• The stand-by channel maintains
availability and the transmission quality of
continuous frame synchronization and
radio relay systems, by frequency
services provision during protection
diversity configuration.
system activity.
The Multiplex Section Protection (MSP) • It is no longer necessary to synchronize
defined in ITU-T Rec. G.782 cannot be all the signals together on main and
applied in case of radio connection. stand-by channel at the transmit side.
As a consequence, all modems stay
As a consequence, a radio link will have
synchronized without the need of other
its own twin-path or multiline hitless
special measures.
protection switching system that will
exhibit specific features, generally not The RS Controller provides the necessary
required to line transport system, e.g. switching information, indicated as SCS
optical fiber. (Switching Control Signal), by means of a
dedicated byte of RSOH, directly
With reference to SDH concepts, the
extracted/inserted from/into the
Protection Switching operation could be
modemodulator and transmitted by two
implemented on the basis of two
separate radio channels to ensure the
different approaches:
maximum protection and reliability.
1) In case of terminal without MST the
The receiver digital switches incorporated
switch works at STM-1 signal level.
in the tributary cards and the alignment
18 Equipment
All the SDH products in the Siemens and the units equipping the system with on a BB subrack connector as ground
catalog use the same approach to the a master-slave structure; during normal contacts. In such a way it is possible for a
Telecommunication Management operation the controller (master) cyclically traditional supervisory system like DAS 64
Network (TMN) from the point of view of polls the units (slaves) that, exceptionally, by Siemens to collect alarms, analog
hardware and software architecture in can be enabled to send spontaneous measures (Tx power, Rx received field),
order to have the various network messages. B1, B2 parity bit violations for performance
elements suitable for integration under a The information stored and processed by monitoring purposes, and receive remote
common management system. the controller (configuration, events, controls, again as ground contacts, to
performance monitoring both before and operate the protection switching.
This common platform bases, as shown
after switch) are made available externally
in Fig. 14, upon the presence of a Obviously, all the units and blocks that
in different ways in order to allow the
controller unit (SEMF) with the task of compose the radio system provide visual
radio to be supervised by a traditional
receiving and transmitting from/to the indication (by LEDs) of their operating
system or to be considered as a Network
controlled units all the information conditions.
Element of a true Telecommunication
required for system management.
Management Network. An alarm unit,
An internal bus (S-Bus) allows the after processing the alarm roots coming
communication between the controller from the controller, makes them available

Slave Slave Slave Slave SDH Radio



parallel • Controller/Alarm Unit Card Communication Card • towards
alarms • (SEMF) (MCF)

F interface Q interface


Figure 14 Equipment Management Architecture


Synchronous Radio Local Control

Besides the alarm facilities outlined
above, all Siemens synchronous radio
systems have a powerful local control
managed by a Windows PC as craft-
terminal. An F interface (RS-232-C),
physically located in the front of the alarm
unit, provides a serial data link for the
connection to the craft-terminal.

The main functions performed by the

Local Craft-Terminal (LCT) are:

1. Local system configuration and

parameters setting as system type
definition, Network Element address,
ATPC activation/deactivation,
synchronization source definition and
priorities selection
2.Fault management and alarm
reporting to integrate the information
of LEDs
3.System parameter and analog Application layer messages are sent to
monitoring where all alarm roots are and received from the MCF unit and then
shown as well as all system parameters routed by means of SDH Embedded
(Tx output power, Local Oscillator Communication Channels (DCCs) or Q
characteristics, Rx received level, etc. ) interface towards the Element Manager.
4.Performance management where All synchronous systems in the Siemens
ITU-T Rec. G.826 parameters can be catalog, either radio, optical fiber or
checked. multiplexers (SR*, SL or SM) have a
common platform as Element Manager
Synchronous Radio Remote to provide ITU-T Rec. M.3010 functions
Management applied to transport network. Information
The communication between a radio about the Element Manager Features and
equipment (Network Element) and its characteristics are available under
manager (Element Manager) is assured separate product descriptions.
by the MCF unit connected to the
controller through V-interface.
20 Service facilities and
The SDH signal contains a substantial 1 9
amount of standardized overhead bytes
for operation, maintenance, A1 A1 A1 A2 A2 A2 J0 WS WS
Reserved bytes in accordance
communication and performance RSOH B1
with ITU-T G.707/708
monitoring functions. There are two main
types of overhead functions associated
AU pointers Bytes for media-specific use
with Synchronous Digital Hierarchy: Path
Overhead (POH) and Section Overhead B2 B2 B2 K1 WS WS K2 WS WS
(SOH). D4 WS WS D5 WS WS D6 WS WS Bytes for national use

An STM-1 frame consists of an AU-4 (or MSOH D7 WS WS D8 WS WS D9 WS WS

to an assembly of AU-3s) to which the D10 WS WS D11 WS WS D12 WS WS
Bytes for future international
Section Overhead capacity is added. The standardization
9 S1 Z1 Z1 Z2 Z2 M1 E2 WS WS
performance monitoring, and other
maintenance and operational functions,
Rows 1-3 Rows 4-9 Names and Functions
can be added or modified without
disassembling the STM-1, as required by 6 - (A1, A2); frame alignment bytes
various configurations of elements (e.g. 1 - B1; parity byte for regenerator section
intermediate regenerator monitoring, BER monitoring
protection switching control, etc.). - 3 B2; parity byte for multiplex section
BER monitoring
The SOH bytes are split into two
1 - J0; path trace identifier
separate areas: rows 1 to 3 (27 bytes),
3 9 (D1÷D3, D4÷D12); Data Communication
the Regenerator Section Overhead
Channels (DCC: DCCM and DCCR)
(RSOH) are accessed and processed
1 - E1; regenerator section order-wire, for
within the Regenerator Section while the
omnibus/express voice channel
45 bytes of rows 5 to 9 of the SOH
- 1 E2; multiplex section order-wire, for
matrix are called Multiplex Section
omnibus/express voice channel
Overhead (MSOH) bytes, available for
1 - F1; user channel for temporary data/voice
those equipment that operate within a
channel connections for special
Multiplex Section.
Table 2 summarizes the functions of SOH - 9 pointer row
bytes in SRT family (according to - 2 K1, K2; automatic protection switching
ETSI/TM4, ITU-T/G.708 Study Group 18 signalling (multiplex section)
and ITU-R Study Group 9) relying upon - 1 S1; timing marker byte
the current proposal for the use of 6 - 1 M1; FEBE (Far End Block Error) byte
media-specific bytes (S22, S23, S25, S32, - 4 Z1, Z2; spare bytes not yet defined
S33 and S35) of RSOH. 6 - Bytes reserved for media-specific use;
S22, S23: used for ATPC/FastBer and SCS
Regarding the possibility to make
S32: available media bytes also when
provisional use of all other SOH bytes
2 Mb/s wayside is present
(currently identified for future international
S25, S33, S35: used within 2 Mb/s
standardization) for wayside traffic, etc.,
wayside application
ITU-T agreed that these bytes, not being
4 2 Bytes reserved for national use, available
allocated for media-specific use, could be
or used within wayside traffic
used for temporary applications up to
4 22 Bytes reserved for future standardization,
ITU-T SG 18 specific standardization.
temporary used for wayside traffic
Total 27 54
Table 2 SRT 1C Radio SOH byte usage

The SRT 1C terminal equipment may In particular: the so-called "Holdover mode", namely the
also be configured via a simple SW capability of distributing the last
• DCCR (192 kbit/s)
setting in two modes, impacting the synchronism stored in a memory with a
handling of SOH information and network • ATPC/ FAST BER (64 kbit/s) frequency stability better than ± 4.6 ppm.
Ì•SCS (64 kbit/s) Pre-setting of priorities among the
• With Multiplex Section Termination synchronization sources is possible both
are directly inserted/extracted into/from
(MST). via Local Craft Terminal (LCT) and remote
the modemodulator.
management system.
• Without MST.
The access to the following SOH channels
MST is an ITU-T standardized functional are allowed by the SOH card:
block which corresponds to the activation
• F1 (64 kbit/s)
of some functionality inside the generic
SDH network element. Specifically the • DCCM (576 kbit/s)
most important functionality is the
• Other free bytes of MSOH and RSOH.
possibility to access, terminate and
generate MSOH bytes. An additional system facility is the
protection of the SOH bytes: integrated
Depending on the network application
switching functions allow to protect them
and the operator philosophy, MSOH
in 1+1 configurations.
bytes can be accessed and terminated
(with MST) or transparently passed The EOW card makes available an
through (without MST) within a SRT 1C Engineering order-wire channel at 64
terminal, leaving the choice to the kbit/s, inserted in the E1 or E2 bytes.
operator via local SW control.

Synchronization options
Service facilities
A Master Oscillator card fulfils the
A radio section, considered as a
requirements expressed by ITU-T Rec. G. 813
regenerator section, makes the following
Recommendations about SDH system
information available:
synchronization capability.
• ATPC and FASTBER: one byte (64
The Master Oscillator unit, fit directly into
kbit/s), 3/4 of which is used for ATPC
the Baseband Subrack, performs the
and 1/4 for Low/High FASTBER
main function of extraction of
synchronism from the incoming STM-1
• SCS (Switching Control Signal): one signal and its distribution; moreover this
byte (64 kbit/s) unit can accept a 2048 kHz reference
clock signal.
In order to reduce hardware complexity
and utilization Siemens approach allows a Furthermore, to prevent the
direct access to some SOH bytes on the consequences of catastrophic events,
modemodulator, thus avoiding the need when all the synchronism sources are
of additional cards. lost, the Master Oscillator card provides
22 Equipment engineering
Mechanical Assembly The different cards to equip the required In order to ensure EMC/ESD
configuration are plug-in inserted on the counteraction, according to ITU-T/ETSI
SRT 1C radio is housed, according to
back plane of the relevant subrack and requirements, many efforts have been
ETSI standard, in ETS 300-119 3,4 racks
may be easily extracted, thus allowing a done in rack, subracks and unit shielding.
and subracks (2200 x 600 x 300 mm).
quick replacement in faulty conditions or
This feature allows to minimize floor
a change in system configuration.
space use and to simplify rack
For all plant operations and single
functional block (subrack or unit) insertion
and extraction, the system requires only
front access, thus allowing both in-line
and back to back installation. Waveguide
run and cabling interconnection occupy
the sides of the racks.
23 Technical data
Frequency range (GHz):
• 28/29.65 MHz bands 3.4-3.9 (OIRT standard)
3.6-4.2 (ITU-R F.382-6 and F.635 CC only)
4.4-5.0 (ITU-R F.746)
5.6-6.1 (OIRT standard)
5.9-6.4 (ITU-R F.383-5)
7.1-7.7 (ITU-R F.385-5)
7.7-8.2 (ITU-R F.386-4)
7.9-8.4 (OIRT standard)
8.2-8.5 (ITU-R F.386-4)
12.7-13.3 (ITU-R F.497-4)
• 40 MHz bands 3.6-4.2 (ITU-R F.635-2)
4.4-5.0 (ITU-R F.1099)
6.4-7.1 (ITU-R F.384-5)
10.7-11.7 (ITU-R F.387-6)
• Bold Bands are covered also with the co-channel version
TX output power (*) 4L - 4 - 5 - 6LL - 6L - 6U GHz +29 dBm
5 GHz/64 TCM +28.5 dBm
7 GHz +27.5 dBm
8 - 8U GHz +27 dBm
11 - 13 GHz +26.5 dBm
Frequency stability ±30 ppm
IF Frequency 70 MHz
IF Frequency level -5 dBm
10 BER Threshold (**)
4L - 4 - 5 GHz/128 TCM -73.5 dBm
4 GHz / 64 TCM -75.5 dBm
5 GHz / 64 TCM -75 dBm
6LL - 6L GHz -73 dBm
6U GHz -76 dBm
7-8-8U GHz -72.0 dBm
11 GHz -74.5 dBm
13 GHz -72 dBm
Branching losses vs. configuration (***)
• 1+1 1.5 dB
• 3+1 2.5 dB
(*) Including branching filter losses; +3dB if High Power Amplifier is adopted (available for 128 TCM systems).
(**) Including RF channel branching filter losses. In case of co-channel operation 0.5 dB of degradation shall be taken into account.
(***) Values referred to 6 GHz band.

Modulation 128/64-4D "Full Digital" Trellis Coded Modulation
with associated soft Viterbi decoding
Symbol rate 128 TCM: 23.929 Mbit/s
64 TCM: 28.276 Mbit/s
Information Bit/Symbol 6.5 (128 TCM-4D)
5.5 (64 TCM-4D)

Roll-off 0.215 (128 TCM-CC)

0.35 (64 TCM-CC)
0.35 (128 TCM-AP)
0.5 (64 TCM-AP)

Baseband equalization 11 taps ATDE (AP)

11 taps XPIC and 11 taps ATDE (CC)

Baseband & Protection Switching

Baseband interfaces STM-1 electrical (ITU-T Rec. G.703)
STM-1 optical short-haul (ITU-T Rec. G.957 S.1-1)

Digital service and

auxiliary capacities (*) Section Overhead Processing:
2x64 kbit/s (express or omnibus order-wire)
576 kbit/s (data communication channels DCCM)
192 kbit/s (data communication channels DCCR)
1x64 kbit/s for SCS (Switching Control Signal)
1x64 kbit/s for ATPC and FAST BER
Nx64 kbit/s (free bytes of MSOH and RSOH accessed by SOH cards)

A way-side traffic of 2 Mbit/s card can be optionally provided by using the not yet standardised bytes of SOH matrix.
(*) Subject to change according to the final ETSI/ITU-T/ITU-R decision

Maximum protected configuration 7+1 twin path

Switch type Hitless "Error Free"
Switching Control Signal (SCS) 64 kbit/s on dedicated SOH byte
Switching criteria *No data
*Loss of Frame
*FAST BER ("Early Warning"):four thresholds (10-6, 10-8, 10-10, 10-12)
from the Viterbi decoder
*BER = 10-3 (from parity bits)

Operating Time 5 ms
Additional facilities DADE, Dynamic phase difference automatic recovery

Power Consumption (from battery):

Transceiver+Modemodulator 110 W
Space diversity receiver 12 W
1xSTM-1 BB tributary interfaces 9 W

Environmental Conditions
The equipment complies with ETSI Recommendation ETS 300-019 referring to the following classes:
Operation and exceptional conditions Class 3.1E
Transport Class 2.3
Storage Class 1.3

Electromagnetic Compatibility
The equipment complies with ETSI ETS 300-385.

Mechanical Practice
The equipment complies with ETSI ETS 300-119.

Acronyms and Abbreviations

ADC Analog to Digital Converter MCF Message Communication Function

AIS Alarm Indication Signal MMSE Minimum Mean Square Error
AM Amplitude Modulation Mod. Modulator
AP Alternate Pattern MSOH Multiplex Section OverHead
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit MST Multiplex Section Termination
ATDE Adaptive Time Domain Equaliser MW Lin. Microwave Lineariser
ATPC Automatic Transmit Power Control NE Network Element
AU Administration Unit PC Personal Computer
BB Base Band PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy
BER Bit Error Ratio PM Phase Modulation
CC Co-Channel POH Path OverHead
Cntrl. Controller QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
DAC Digital to Analog Converter RF Radio Frequency
DADE Differential Absolute Delay Equalization RS Cntrl. Radio Switching Controller
DCCM Data Communication Channel Multiplex RSOH Regeneration Section OverHead
section Scr. Scrambler
DCCR Data Communication Channel SCS Switching Control Signal
Regeneration section SD Space Diversity
Dem. Demodulator SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
Desc. Descrambler SEMF Synchronous Equipment
Div. Diversity Management Function
DRO Dielectric Resonator Oscillator SL Synchronous Line equipment
EMC ElectroMagnetic Compatibility SMD Surface Mounted Device
EOW Engineering Order Wire SOH Section OverHead
ETSI European Telecommunication SRT Synchronous Radio for Trunk application
Standard Institute SSPA Solid State Power Amplifier
FEC Forward Error Correction STM-1 Synchronous Transport Module 1
FET Field Effect Transistor of the 1st order
FIR Finite Impulse Response TCM-4D Trellis Coded Modulation - 4 Dimensions
HCDR High Capacity Digital Radio TMN Telecommunication Management
HCI Human to Computer Interface Network
HCMOS High Complementary Metal Trib. Tributary
Oxide Semiconductor VC-4 Virtual Container 4
HEMT High Electronic Mobility Transistor VLSI Very Large Scale Integration
HPA High Power Amplifier WESt Weighted Evaluation Strategy
IF Intermediate Frequency WS Way Side
ITU International Telecommunication Union XPD Cross Polarization Discrimination
ITU-R ITU Radiocommunication Sector XPI Cross Polarization Interference
ITU-T ITU Standardization Sector XPIC Cross Polarization Interference
LAN Local Area Network Canceller
LCT Local Craft Terminal
LO Local Oscillator
This publication is for information only and does not form part of any agreement or contract. We reserve the right to make changes to the products or services offered or their availability.

! Contact us:
Siemens Information and Communication Networks SpA
Sales Offices
Viale Europa, 45 - 20093 Cologno Monzese (MI) Italy
Phone +39.02.2733.1
Fax +39.02.2536135

MO.2.1754/1000 • Siemens Information and Communication Networks SpA

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