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Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

The First Episode of the Intrigue Series

Legend of the Five Rings, The Emerald Empire of Aokugan and all other related marks
no,~ & C 1996 and 1997 Rve Rings Publishing Group, Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Alderac
Entertainment Group, authorized user.
Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)










t:t50ut the t:tuthol'S

Ross A. 'SAACS
Ross A. Isaacs lives in Toledo, Ohio with his wife Alessandra He has wrillen for Chaosium, White
Wolf, Holistic and now Alderac, proving he has too much time on his hands. When he's not writing,
he's making pizza He enjoys the works of Michael Moorcock. Neil Caiman, Sharon Shinn and Clive
Barker. He can be tempted by cigars, Star Wars Action Figures, single malt scotch (Laga'IUlin, please~
and sushi.
Despite her best efforts to the contrary, Jennifer Mahr has found herself being slowly drawn into the
gaming industry by association. She served three months interning at AEG assisting with editing and
interior illustrations, and before she could escape, she was forced to write fiction and playtest for the
SHADIS roleplaying game Hunters., Inc. Because of California labor laws, she now fi nds that she must
write and illustrate for the L5R Roleplaying Game. but her lawyer is currently arguing for an appeal.
Greg Stolze is the author of '"Spherewalker" for Rubicon Games' EVERWAY line. and is guilty of
contributing to ~Alien Intelligence" from Pagan Publishing. He lives near Chicago with his wife Martha,
and credits his success in the game industry to peer pressure, shameless ~phancy. and "Alarums and
Excursions" (available from 3965 Alia Road, WS Angeles, CA 90066).
... is really the pseudonym of a 400 pound. main-smoking gorilla living in Sweden. He collects orks.

Legend of the Five Rings is 10 and no Five Rings Publishing Group Inc.
and is used here under license.

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)


Inth)l]ucflon . . . . ....... , .. 4
I • • I I I

Mu~'tle~' at l'<yotel Castle. . . . . . . . . . . 6

Rono~"s Vell. ................... 2[,

POIson ..... . " " " " . 1 . " •••• , 31

• • , , • • I

These adventures were written with the following parameters in mind. Panics comprised of other
groups of characters can still use these adventures. but the GM may need to make some slight
modifications to adjust the level of challenge appropriately.

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)



What you hold in your hands is the first of a long line of adventures in the 'T series of "story packs"
for the LSR RPG. As you may have guessed by now, "r slands for "Intrigue." We also plan on doing an
"A~ (for "Action") series as well as a "S" (for "Shadowlands") series and many others.
We call each chapler of the series an "episod e~ because they all link up with recurring characters
and themes. making each series a long campaign. Game Masters are free to use individual episodes.
disregarding the "iiberplof of the series, or use each one in succession and walch as the story grows.
We began with the Intrigue series because so many players and GMs have asked us, ~ tl ow do you
run a Magistrate campaign?" Hopefully, this series of adventures will show you exactly how 10 do [hal
There is little chance for combat in the two adventures that follow (more in Murder than in Vei~, but
there is some. Characters will be better served if they nnd alternatives to nghting rather than pulling
out their katanas al lhe nrst opportunity, but sometimes the only way to solve a situation is with steel.
Your characters will have to disco\'er when discretion is the better part of valor, and they'll have to learn
it the hard way.
Also included in this Episode arc rules for the various poisons of Rokugan. We will be providing
these rules again (with some expanded examples and doses) in n,e Way of the ScorpiO'" bUI since that's
so far away, we wanted 10 whet your appetite with a lillie taste.
'11le price of honor" is a running theme through these two adventures. Samurai are often faced with
the decision of doing the ....ight Ihinf or the "correct thing, ~ and sometimes the decision is a painful
one. When the cnaracters find themselves thrown into these adventures. subtly remind them of this as
they slowly discover the horrible truth of the crimes they've stumbled across. All of the "victims~ of
these stories have paid a price for their honor. either by compromising it, or by holding fast to its
In Murder at Kyo/ei Cas/Ie, the characters will discover a samurai avenging her family's brutal
murder. 111e question is: Should they bring her to justice, or has justice been served? Ross presents us
with two alternate endings. shOWing that either decision can be fataL
In HOllor's Veil, when the magistrates finally confront the true villain. they know in their hearts that
there is no way to bring him to justice. No honest way, that is.
Honor is a tricky thing, and sometimes, there's just no right answer, not even a correct one. That's
the theme of this adventure pack. Iionor puts a veil over our eyes. forcing us to see the world through
shifting shadows. easy answers and preconceived notions. Sometimes. we have to take off that veil to
see the world not as it oughl to be, bUI as it is.
And that sight isn't always pretty.
Good luck.

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)
generations of the Tsume family, until Tsume
Backgl'ound Retsu.
Thume Retsu, an aggressive and co\'etous
The Kintani Valley, with lis fertile farmla nds,
merchant road and wide river, has long been daimyo, hungered to raise his family's prestige
hotly contested by the families of three clans - and glory. Retsu preferred the battlefield to the
the Crane, Phoenix and Lion. In the noble courts noble courts of Rokugan. Overlooking verdant
W_I$ AU. OF and on the battlefield, each fought to control the farmland and commanding a view of the riveT
taxes that would come from dominating the and merchant road, Kyotei Castle was a strategic
THIS? region and reap the increased prestige. Neither prize. It also belonged to Damasu Kojima, a
We initially sel Murder could gain the upper hand, and so the three daimyo of the Lion Clan. Twenty years ago,
K)IIIIft CasJie in area fBI contented themselves with sharing the province. Kojima rode out to meet Retsu's army. the two
on the map: Toshi Ranbo clashing like waves. \Vhen the ravens came to
. . SlUm 8hj~ Reigisaho There is a saying among the bushi - he who
(Violence Behind controls the Kinlan! controls the northlands of pick over the bodies of the slain, Damasu Kojima
CourtlIneSs City). Ho .... ever. Rokugan. Perhaps that's why the Hantei Emperor was dead and RelSu was victorious. He claimed
Kinlani valley divided the region the way he did centuries ago. Kyotei Castle as his own, ordered the execution of
Lion wng ago, Tsume Kigura, a simple the entire Damasu family, and shamed the
samurai retainer of the Crane, sup- Damasu samurai to commit seppuku.
ported his clan in a tricky c:;;:;~~ Even after 20 years, the wounds are
political matter. As a reward, j fresh for the Lion Clan.
the [)oji family partitioned RelSu is widely known as a cruel,
a small parcel of land to relentless man. He's aggressive, recently
him in the Kintani Valley. probing the nearby Phoenix lands with
This was a generous gift, samurai patrols. He dominates his
for land not only accords family, berating his son for
respect for a samurai, ~is shortcomings. He cares
but provides a steady lillIe for the heimin. collecting
income and a taxes in time of drought,
chance to establish flood or pestilence. The
a dynasty. Tsume only reason Doji Satsume
Kigura built a tolerates Retsu is because
small of his noble birth and his
stronghold, family's history of
attracted a loyalty.
body of When Retsu's
samurai and servants find their lord
remained murdered in his bed,
loyal to there is little
the Crane. surprise. He'd made
Ncar a many enemies O\'er the
small, years. It is imperative,
nameless however, that the murderer
fa rming village be found. The murder of a
and fert ile rice daimyo is a serious mailer. and the
fields, the Tsume Emperor's law must be served.
family earned a The Lion Clan worries aoout a
healthy tithe of stain on their reputation; it's
money and rice. well known that
This contented


Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

Ikoma Ujiaki. the dan hot·head. held a grudge ways to Include them: I) The Pes. because of
against Retsu. The Phoenix Clan worries about some heroic action. could have rome to the
the shadow of Implication. too; Retsu threatened attention of high society, eagerly invited to
the lands of Shiba Katsuda And Doji Satsume. various social functions; 2) They could be part of
dai1l1JlO of the Crane, wants not only to avenge a an entourage. accompanying Oaidoji Uji or Ikoma
fellow clansman, but to also remove the Ujiaki; 3) Or they themselves could actually be
implication that he had a painful thorn removed members of. or retainers to, the Tsume family.
from his side. As honored guests at Kyotel Castle, the PCS
stay in the guest quarters off the outer courtyard.
t5yno~SlS This is a common practice. to keep potenUal
enemies at arm's length. The rooms are
'niume Retsu
Ii CraM daim)O wtItt
The ad\enture begins with the characters comfortable and clean. pleasantly decorated with dangerou.\ II:t'nda
visiting Kyate! Castle. either because of their own a pine and crane scene painted along the ceiling's Tsume TakaafU
position in society or as the retainers of an edge. Each PC receives a personal servant, who Rctsu's son and "':~~
important daimyo. The pretext of the visit is the discreetly and fault lessly attends to his or her of his lands -
celebration of the Bon Festival. While RelSu is not ,oed. Nasu Sbizu....
the most powerful force in the region. he is the For the celebration. the outer courtyard has llelstJ's general and
most belligerent and many wanl 10 stay on his advisor
been decorated with colorful lanterns, the banner
lkama Uliald
good side. of the Crane. and nags bearing the Tsume family's
II \-biling Uon
After an evening of revelry and freely nowing mono Long tables have been laid out for the ambassador lonkilll for a
sake. everyone sleeps off the night's fesU ... ities. banquel To one side stands an elaborate puppet light
The next morning. the quiet morning air is stage. with musicians Sitting nearby In the wings. Sbiba Kalwda
pierced by II shriek. Suddenly. the castle explodes During the banquet servanlS bring trays of
in activity. The message qUickly goes out - Retsu sushi. steaming iron pots of sukiyakl piping hot
has been murdered in his bed. tempura, jars of sake and other delicacies. RelSu
The murder of someone in the samurai caste makes a generous host and the evening is
is cause for alarm and concern. and it demands entertaining. Allow the player characters to
Investigation. Who would dare resort to a base engage in hearty conversations and generally
method as murder? As trusted samurai. the PCS have a good time. RelSu silS at the head table,
are quickly pressed to investigate the crime by next to his son Takashl. his general Nasu
\'arious lords. Shizuma, Oaidoji Uji, Shiba KalSuda and Ikoma
There are se\'eral suspects, for Retsu had few Ljiakl pes woo ha\'e 3 or more Glory are seated
friends and many enemies. Among them are In such august company; the rest sit with the
Ikoma UjiakL who desired to reclaim the Damasu other guests. KumiJ,.o
lands. Shlba KalSuda. who frelled over Re1Su's Towards the end of the evening. Retsu and his
threatening moves. and members of Retsu's own OchO}lI oltoc Pine
son Takashi have an argument Obviously the Iiouse
dan. After exploring every avenue, examining the latest Installment of a long disagreement but Big Yoll
dues. and questioning those involved. the PCS obscure to outsiders. the argument involves Bouncer of lht Pine
unravel the mystery and destiny has Its due. something Retsu wants his son to do. but Takashi Iiouse
The identity of the murderer is purposely kept refuses. Retsu upbraids Takashi. who storms out Rclka
secret buried deep In the scenario. Players read of the courtyard. E\eryone falls momentarily Gt~ from the
supplements too. especially when they're warned
not to. While being coy might make more work
silent, then the party resumes.
As the moon rises in the clear night sky. the
for the gamemaster, it's better than spoiling the party winds down and the guests make their way Ronln and "",oi;~<;i
mystery carlyon. to their rooms. Back In the guest rooms, the rofl mbo
servants layout comfortable futons and help the
q'h\? Inwstlgatlon Pes undress. Everyone enjoys a restful night's
It is time for the Bon Festival. The ployer The next morning. a hue and cry awakens the
characters. along with several notable figures PCs. Far off, someone shouts In horror, as though
from Rokuganl society, enjoy the hospitality of chased by an Onl. Someone angrily barks orders.
Tsume RelSu at Kyotei Castle. There are several People run up and down the polished hallways..

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

The servants do not show up to bring breakfast or In the next courtyard can be found the
help the PCS dress. Confusion reigns in the workshops and warehouses. This is where the
oourtyard. as horses are quickly saddled and Tsume fami ly stores its rice and taxes. as well as
samurai hastily assembled. If the PO; stop a passer- where the bowyers. blacksmiths. armorers and
by, they learn Ihe grim news - Retsu has been others who keep a samurai equipped live and
found in his room, stabbed through the heart work. It too has its own well.
Upon hearing this, the PCS' natural instinct The next courtyard houses the Tsume family
may be to enter Ihe main castle. The gate leading samurai, in a large. two story barracks. Here,
deeper inside is guarded by ten samurai. People bachelor samurai live. A separate kitchen and
arc not typically admilled inlo a caslle's inner larder feed the samurai.
Why would Ihe likes of sanctum without invitation, and the PCS are The outermost courtyard, where the PCS Slay,
Da~1 LIt ask for the PCs definitely not invited. If they search for any of the contains the guest houses and slables. These
help? Why would the PCS visiting daimyos. they find out that they're at the buildings arc the least critical in the event of a
be appointed special
IIIfIIistrates, when there are castle tower. The PCS must content themselves siege - if your castle is surrounded, you won't
olher, official magistrates? with the news as everyone else gets il They're nol need your horses (except perhaps to eal).
Ara these people are busy allowed to leave Ihe easlle, either.
IDIi don't hne the lime 10 Visiting Kyotei Castle on their own merits, the
inwstigate a murder. By mid·morning, a herald seeks out the group,
PCS are summoned by messenger to the family
stcond. each of these men bows and delivers a message to the PC with the
are under suspicion. By residence and the slte of the murder. accompanied
highest Glory. One of the other samurai - lkoma
appointing the PCS as by Daidoji el af.
UjiakL Daidoji Uji or Shiba Katsuda - summons
tpeclal magistrates. they
them to an audience. The game master should

l~~~~tl'~~~d~~' '~'~~:n,
loOk like they're trying to
rive the murder, while at select the NPC with whom the PCS arc traveling.
Lhe same lime having some if they are, or one with whom they have a prior
control over the connection (such as previous adventure or clan
IlvelClption. A magistrate Silting atop a hill over-looking a merchant road,
river and fertile plains. Nearby is the lown of affiliation). If they have no connection with any of
loyal only to the Emerald
Chanpion might go places Chikuzen, a center of trade which enjoys healthy the NPCs, choose the daimyo that impresses them
Ibe daim)"Os don't wanl oommerce as well as protection from the castle. the most. This could cause interesting political
JIIt1u11y. family magistrates The castle itself is large and impressive, built intrigue if the PCS end up in service to a rival
might be accused of Clan (e.g.. a Scorpion samurai in service to
exMring up embarrassing by one of the great old masters of architecture. It
consists of four strongholds - the stables and Daidoji Uji, or a Phoenix shugenja working for
eo.:idcllCf. so the PCS have
Ibe appropriate distance. guest quarters. the barracks. the storehouses and the Ikoma.)
workshops. and the inner tower where the family The messenger leads the group to the second
and close advisors live. Each possesses its own noor of the castle's guest wing, but has no no idea
courtyard. protected by a stout gate. A narrow, why the PCS were sent for. When they arrive at
winding pathway connects the various gates, the apartment, a servant admits them into the
providing many opportunities to rain arrows, hot presence of the daimyo. Seated at the far end of
oil and stones down upon invaders. The gates are the room, alone except for a scribe, is the daimyo
guarded by squads of samuraL and barricaded who summoned them. His sword rests in a stand
with heavy beams when closed. Kyotei makes a behind him and to the lefl The air is still. and
formidable fortress. heavy with authority.
The Tsume family occupies the innermost The dailllYo gets directly to the business at
tower, the most heavily defended section of the hand - Retsu's murder. Directing his remarks to
castle. Many of the rooms do not have a assigned the entire group, he relates the facts and explains
function - being used for a variety of purposes. the reason they're here. The daimyo tries to
Each family member and advisor, however, has impress upon them the gravity of the situation,
his or her own apartment - Retsu, Takashi, Gen. from his own point of view, then asks them, in a
Nasu Shizuma, etc. The topmost noor is where the way they cannot refuse. to serve as special
daimyo holds court A small, separate building Magistrates, im'esligale the murder and bring the
houses the personal staff and kitchen. Another criminal to justice.
building stores supplies in case of siege. There is The scribe places a folded piece of paper on
a well in the inner courtyard. the noor before the PCs. It is the official orders
proclaiming them as special Magistrates and

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

outlining their limited powers. over the daimyo's ornate, inlaid ches~ and a scroll hanging on the
seal in vermilion ink. Intelligence + Law at a 15 wall. The smell of blood hangs heavily in the
confirms that the arrangement is legal. Before room. A servanl kneels over a bucke~ scrubbing
they can question the daimyo, several samurai blood from the floor. The tatami mats and fulon
slide open the door, indicating the meeting's end. mattress, now ruined, have been removed. If they
If the PCS take the opportunitr to ask a few ask, Retsu's sword has already been given to his
questions, have them make Awareness + son, Takashi, as new lord of Kyotei Castle.
Etiquette rolls (fN 10 to 20, depending on Directly off the bedroom is Retsu's dressing RO''''G.... F~
roleplaying) to keep from angering the room, furnis~ed with lacquered chests full of TIP
daimyo. Refer to the clothes and personal effects. A successful To keep their kiml4lO
appropriate section Perception + Investigation skill roll (fN closed, everyone in RukuIJIII
for each Daimyo, 20) reveals that nothing is miSSing. uses an obL or bell w.
Simply put, this is a piece
below. Once angered, Searching the bedroom using cloth. often decorated ina
PCS can expect little Perception + Investigation (again, variety of patlerns, lied
help from him later TN 20~ the PCS turn up several around the waist. Rokul:anl
on; suffering three or clues; in a corner, against the clolhing does nOI ha~'e

more failed rolls wall, rests a small orange obi pockets. Poudlcs. in a
variely of stylel>, (mm
provokes an al1ack from bead. Above, one of the drawstring poumh 10 Inro
his samurai (to protect wooden ceiling tiles is out boxes. are tied 10 the obi.. AI
their lord's honor). The of place. This leads to a the top, to hide tile knu(,
repercussions of such a small cavity between the fashionable people usc a
net~ke; a piece of wood.
turn of events is lert to the ceiling and the
bone or scmi·preciow. slant!
Gamemaster. roof, a gap carved inlo a fandful Or
This arrangement may large enough beautiful figurine. TIIC coni
present a problem for the PCS later for a small has an obi bead. used 10
on, because each dignitary is also a man to crawl dod! the poud! closed.
prime suspect in Retsu's murder. Make through: indeed, Often, the poudl. and obi
Ihal clear to the PCS by calling for an this is a common bead complement eadl
other. ror example. aD llU"O
Intelligence + Courtier or History roll at a DAMNING feature of all castles belonging to a Crane
15. If successful, the PCS understand the [VID£NC£? (and obviously, a popular samurai might ha\'e a mull:
political dynamics between Retsu and the route of assassins). The crawl inlaid in mother-{)f-pcarl
local daimyo. See "Th.e Daimyos of the space accesses every part of this with a bright blue obi bead.
Kintani Valley,~ p. II. floor - the dreSSing room, Takashi's 10 show his allejtiance.
Oearly, an orange obi bead
room, a small room, the family shrine found in the household
TH£ MURD£R $11£
and others. It's likely the murderer used
The nrst thing most PCs will want to do is
this route to avoid the guards !KIsted outside.
examine Hetsu's bedroom and see the body. The
Death is handled by the eta, the unclean. By
family's private residence is in the innermos~ and
the lime the PCs are allowed inlo the crime scene,
most heavily defended, tower of the castle. One of
Retsu's bod~' has been spirited away for
the Tsume fami ly samurai, a young man, shows
cremation. They are nol allowed to view the body.
the group 10 the apaT\menl up three nights of
Remind players tha~ unless the characters are
stairs. General Shizuma waits for them.
Kitsukis (see Way of Ihe Dragon~ forensics is not
The noors surrounding Retsu's apartment are
an option. There are no autopsies to determine
nightingale nOOTS, specially designed to creak
the time of his time of death, no criminology 10
when anyone walks on them. Ten guards sleep
directly outside his door to bar the way. [n determine the particulars of the crime. The
suggestion that they need to see the body Is
addition, at the far end of the hall is a hidden
considered odd and unsavory.
sentry !KIst through which Ihe guard may
Although they cannot examine the body, the
obseT\-'e the haJJ and sound an alarm. No one
PCS can speak with the servant who found RelSu.
could get into Retsu's rooms without raising a hue
If the PCS ask to speak with her. someone runs 10
and cry.
fetch her. Throughout the interrogation, have PCS
RelSu's bedroom is simple, measuring 12'xI2'
make Awareness + Investigation rolls.
with scant furniture - an empty sword stand, an

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

RClsu's personal servant" a small, frail, old conversation General Shizuma chastises her. It's
woman named Ojuno, is brought to them. obvious, however, that she has something more to
Looking down at her feet and speaking softly, she say. (Later, the PCS can seek her out and talk to
recounts what she knows: her in private: Daidoji Vji threatened Retsu. He
• She entered at hour of the Dragon (8 AM) as said ~If you do not stop this course of action, you
she always does and found Retsu lying sprawled will be cast out" your lands seized, or worse. RelSu
on the noor In a pool of blood. He was stabbed replied that the role of a bushi is to fight" not talk;
through the heart. By the time she found him, the "Only death can stay my hand!M he shouted. Uji
AROUND THE body was already cold and stiff. stormed out of the room, almost knocking her
CAsrLE • Since the death of his wife (during a plague over.)
While they're running eleven years ago), Retsu slept alone. Occasionally, • She has never seen the obi bead before in
around the castle, the PCS he has visited the Chrysanthemum House, a her life. The color used by the Tsume family was
mlw.t hear snalmes of geisha house in Chikuzen. lapis lazuli, not orange. (She points out several
t "k • She confirms the security arrangement - ten examples, pouches and Inro boxes hanging from
about t
operation of the I guards slept outside Retsu's room, blocking the people's belts. They arc all the same shade of
Pes might want to hallway. There is only one entrance into his blue.)
-1IIerropte the members of apartmenl
\lit household - senanls, TAkASHI'S ROOM
• After the festivities ended, Retsu met
aaendants and advisors - The PCS might search Takashi's room. They
Ibe most imporlllnl being privately with Daidoji Vii. She overheard them
find a jeweled hair pin, the kind geisha use to
the guards on the yelling, but when she begins to relate the
adorn their hair, lying on the noor. If they
.. ,dements. Or an eager
Wilncss might volunteer
question him about it later on, al fl rst he has no
some of the following explanation for this. but if pressed admilS thai
Information: he's had lady visitors in his room on occasion; it's
• Rrtsu fought oflen with none of the pes business.
... IOn, Takashl. RetslJ was
demmdtd mum from his Investigation in Rokugan can be challenging.
IDfI. Takashi was more Finding Doji SalSume's tanto sticking out of
InIeTClitcd in the finer someone's back is compelling, but hardly
.,ects of samurai life - conclusive. Unfortunately, clues are often taken
calligraphy. painting and
. . . ReISU thoughl his son that way. How many innocents suffer punishment
was soft and IndolenL due to circumstantial evidence? The lords of
• Rclsu ~as planning an Rokugan don't care, so long as harmony and
Iliad; against nearby stability are maintained.
hDenix dan holdings. Only Lacking conclusive physical evidence, the PCs
.. aron, should rule, and have to rely on the testimony of various people. in
be beIleted KalSUda \0 be
Rd$u sent out patrols the hope of uncovering incriminating
lit probe for weakness In discrepancies. If they care about getting to the
their defenses. bottom of the murder, that is. They may be
• One of lhe servants. a perfectly happy to convict an innocent" though
JIIIRIi stable boy, daims he suspicious, person. No one said justice in
rrgularly saw someone Rokugan is fair, and the skillful liar can get away
entering Ihe castle laIc at
nlj:ht The night of Ihe with a lot In a society thai values sincerity over
Alurder. after everyone wenl truth, determining who's lying can be very
10 bed. he saw the same difficult (as well as dangerous). What to do when
ptl10ll ~Hp in through Ihe the lie Is discovered can be doubly hard - do the
pic. No one can describe PCS cause a loss or race by challenging the lie?
r"ure, all they saw was
• shad)', cloaked figure.

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

When Ujlaki finally meets with the pes,
it's in the grand audience room, before
an assembly of four rows of kneeling
samurai. I-Ie sits on a dais. the
Ikoma family katana and his
ornate <mnor behind him.
many lkoma Ujiakl is hot·headed
and obstinate. The PC's
powerful enemies among
should tread lightly when AROUND THJE
the local daimyos of the
Kintani Valley and "';;""~_-... asking him questions. CAsTL[
beyond. The '/ To him, a blow against (COOITNIf:Dl
PCS might him is a blow against
want to the enUre Lion Clan,
question these and a blow against the
personalities, Clan Is a blow against
detailed below. the Emperor. That is
Although why Ujiaki did not
everyone is like Relsu. His
conveniently located at destruction of the if the marriage will go
Kyotei Castle for the Damasu family, through now.
festival this isn't the case and seizure of • The castle ghost
for long. The day after the their lands. is an Retsu.
murder, the visiting affront to the
daimyos return home to entire Lion Clan.
their own castles. This isn't out Ujiakl desired
of the ordinary - as far as revenge, and he
they're concerned Ihey are not argued for a
involved in the murder. Only bloodfcud. His
the Emperor, or an army, can request was rebuffed,
constrain a feudal lord. Each as Crane negotiators
daimyo assembles his entourage worked furiously
of advisors. samurai and porters behind the scenes 10
'kOMA UJI'AkJ contain the damage
into an impressive parade, ihen
leaves. The PCs are powerless to
stop them, but can still try. Stopping a daimyo is
a sure way to earn his disfavor.
Castle. TIle
Retsu caused.
Ujiaki sUIl burns with
of the
Retsu's seizure of
Damasu family cry
If the PCS want to interrogate the various
daimyos, they l111ve to travel to visit each, out for retribution, he insists: blood can only be
potenllally taking several precious days away paid for with blood. 'nJat Is his motive against
from invesUgaUon. In the evening, each dalmyo Tsume RetsIL
sets up a pavilion and rests his troops. It's possible While he desired revenge, however, Ujiaki
for the Pes to calch up to one of these camps, if wanted to face Retsu on the ba!tlefield. not knife
they hurry. him in the back. He accepted Retsu's invitation
because it was politically advantageous to do so,
'KOMA UJIAKI and because he wanted to see as much as he
The Pes must formally present their written could of the Tsume family's army and defenses:
orders making them Special Magistrates 10 gel an he was planning an allack of his own.
audience with Ujiaki. The guards leave the Pes Showing him the orange bead found in Retsu's
waiting outside the gates, watched over by room makes the blood drain out of his face. The
samurai for scveml hours; Ujiaki has other, more bead is similar to those worn by the Lion Clan, as
important business to attend to first. they arc told. can be seen by looking around the room;
It is dear Uj!aki holds the pes office in contempt comparing the two, however, shows some subtle
(even if he gave it to them).

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

differences. Ue has no explanation for this, other ground. (Stories among the nobility say that
than that it was obviously planted by the Katsuda possesses an extensi\'e library of scrolls.
murderer to throw suspicion his way. Ujiaki some as old as the Hantei dynasty. They also say
recognizes the bead as being used by the Damasu that it is guarded by a terrible Oni. which Katsuda
family. commands.)
1£ the PCS press UJiakl too far, suggesting that Despite his fears. Katsuda did not hire ninjas
he was involved in the murder, he nics into a to murder Retsu. If he wanted Retsu dead. there
HANDUNG rage. In a major loss of face, he throws a are ways 10 do it without resorting 10
"'IrRROG.<TIONS tantrum, calling the PCS ndarious knIves. He leaves the Implications
Throughout the slanderers out 10 vilify his good of that statement hanging.
IIMnlure. the PO; .."ilI be name. If they obtained their though the shugenJa at his
callrd upon to make Special Magistrate status from side smiles broadly. Katsuda
contnted Awatl'ness +
IDtc-tijlahnn rolls against him. he's sure 10 revoke it Bad accepted Retsu's Invitation to
\arious NPCs. Etiquette rolls by the pes earn Kyotei Castle to try and
• U only one contestant them the enmity of UjiakL convince him to stop his
wins provocative moves. lie was
Either the PC sees prepared \0 propose an
lhrou&h the lie or the NPC The PhoenIx clan's
alliance, offering hts own
gets away ..... ith it castle in the
daughter to cement the
undetected. region sits
atop a
If the Pes
• If hotb contestants cr.",
succeed anger Katsuda.
pinnacle that
The ooe \\110 rolled by making
thrusts above
Mahrr . ..-il\\ marginally - bad
the valley noor.
. . Pes know something's Etiquette
Oshy. bul doesn't know A narrow road
what twisting up to the
rolls, he
castle gate. Unlike
• U neither succ«'ds Ikoma Ujiaki,
calm and
1'ht' contest rontinues - Shiba Katsuda
wants to speak exacts no
tile r\PC OOIltinues tclling
I'"."'-the Pes continue [0
with the PCS; revenge for their
slight on his
"- honor. He is a
the castle when
, Phoenix, after all.
they arrive, and DAIDOII ""
taken Into Oaidoji UJi is a loyal
Katsuda's presence. SHIBA kATSUDA retainer of Doji
He metts with them attended Satsume. not a daimyo
only by a general and a shugenja in his own right The Crane daimyo
Shiba Katsuda is a cautious, sent him to Kyotei Castle to bring a
unflappable man. HIs family has a reputation for message to Tsume Retsu. To question Uii the Pes
being able warriors, and he has betn set to the must travel towards Otosan lIchi. lIis caravan is
task of defending the borders of the Phoenix easy to nnd. troweling along the Emperor's road.
lands in this \'olaUI area. Still. Katsuda \'alues Along the way, Uji can be found either taking a
knowledge and contemplation O\'cr needless meal In a temporary pavilion or resting at one of
bloodshed. the many inns along the road. IUs attendants take
Recently, Retsu began moving hts army dose the PCs 10 see Oaidoji Uji with little fuss. As far
to the border betwetn the two territories. Katsuda as Uji is concerned, they arc like anyone else
worried that Retsu was preparing to attack him, requesting an audience - he has nothing to hide
as he attacked the Oarnasu famUy twenty years and nothing to reveal.
before. Ills greatest fear, he admits. was that the 'l'he power of the Crane stems from their
castle and its library would be burned to the political and eronomic innuence, not from battles

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

won on the bailie field Retsu's militant actions Castle. they witness Takashi meeting with local
caused Doll Satsume a loss of face and stirred up omoals. riding out to survey his lands and
trouble in the Imperial court Great Satsume shakinA up the castle staff,
wanted Tsume's intimidating moves against the Takashi is not stupid, and knows the
Phoenix - an ally of the Crane - slopped, repercussions of not answering the PC's questions.
Oaidojl's mission was to communicate Satsume's If they request an audience, he grants it - an
unhappiness with the siluatiOIl intimate, friendly hunting excursion in the nearby
Uii believes the way of Bushido is important, hills. lie takes the PCS rabbit hunting, requiring
but not as important as loyally to one's clan and horsemanship and accuracy to succeed (have the
lord, A samurai's purpose is 10 fight, but al the Pes make Agility + Horsemanship and Reflexes
right time. Retsu did not undersland this. More + Archery~ Afterwards. he has arranged for
than that, he's unwilling to say. All he'll say is that refreshments outdoors.
the Crane do not use the tactics Retsu used; more • Takashi and his father foughl often, though
can be achieved at court then on the battlefield he won'l discuss the issues.
Making a successful Awareness + Investigation • The night of the murder, he was alone in his
roll at TN 20 makes it apparent he's unwilling 10 room. His personal servani can attest to that, if
discuss Clan business wilh outsiders or inferiors. necessary (the characters are free 10 acknowledge
If a PC is a member of the Crane Clan with a that the word of a servant means next to nothing),
Glory of 4 or morc. Uii will meet with him alone • If asked about the scene between himself
- j( the character requests such an audience. Only and his father at the party, Takashi becomes
then does he rC\'eal more; Uji was inslructed to visibly upset Takashi offered a
tell Retsu that the Crane Clan would disown him toast, to the tiger of the
if he continued his threatening mO\'e5 against Klntanl Valley and wished
the Phoenix; Retsu had beoome a liability to Dojl him success In the
Satsume, Retsu angrily rdused, Oaidoji Ujl future, lIis father
planned to try again the next day, but Insulted him, calling
Retsu was dead. He's not responsible for Takashl weak, with a
the murder, because those weren't his mouth full of sweet
instructions. words and an empty
[f the Pes anger Oaidoji, by making scabbard.
bad Etiquette rolls. he returns to Otosan • An Awareness +
llchi and begins a campaign of slander Investigation roll
against the offending characters. contested by
characterizing them as people of low
character and questionable honor, This can
affect future relations with other nobles. at
the GM's discretion,
Retsu's son, Takashl, Is now the lord of
Kyotei Castle. and so directly benefits
from his father's murder. He is tall and
handsome, with keen eyes. Unlike the
elder Tsume, Takashi is not a war·monger,

preferring the moves and

counter·moves of politics, like any good
Crane. l11kashi is a busy man with little DAIDOll VI.
time for aggravation and little patience for
nonsense; he has a holding to manage and
taxes to collect. While the PCs stay In Kyotel

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

Takashi's Sincerity reveals that he's hiding Heimin or his own clan, General Shizuma
something - his father's privately feared that the weak,looking Phoenix
disapproval over Takashi's love for a geisha. army was actually much stronger, that their
(fakashi will not reveal this. and the PCS incompetence was a trap,
• , 1,,"lld,", be so rude as to ask.) He and Retsu debated the issue, bul General
Shizuma fell into line and followed orders once
Retsu made his decision, Even though it spelled
BIG YOII He can most often be found at
disaster for the Tsumes. what else could he do?
Profession: Body guard the castle, either overseeing the
Asked about the scene with Ojuno (Retsu's
School Rank: '~/A samurai or conferring with
servant), he simply states that servants shouldn't
EARTII3 TakashL He is an old man,
spread gossip or talk about the affairs of their
WATER 2 well past I"kyo, with a face
Strength 3 lined with wrinkles and
Agility 3 GUARDS
AIR 2 Interviewing Retsu's guards
Rencxes 3 proves fruitless. Each of them sits,
VOID I dejected, in the barracks. No one is
Skills: Tetsubo 3. willing to speak to them, for they
Defense 2 failed to protect their feudal lord..
¥ 'capons: Tctsubo (2k2. Each feels nothing but shame
Ignore armor) and remorse, and know what
Armor: I\one must be done - seppuku;
Glory: 01 Takashi has granted them
1I0nor: 1,2 permission to preform the
ceremony, When asked
about the night of the
murder, none of the ten
samurai can point to
anything out of the
ordinary, They heard
nothing, saw nothing.,
When the PCS interview the bushi
guarding the castle gates. everyone
tells a similar slory. 11 was a quiet. star·filled
night. Nobody saw or heard anything out of the
That is the story lold by Mako, the samurai
TSVM£ TAkASHI guarding the inner courtyard gate. He is short and
a set jaw. I-Ie might invite a PC to reserved, his eyes focused al the distant horizon.
a game of go in the evening. his jaw set He answers questions succinctly.
An ardent follower of Shinsei. he Mako is loyal to the Tsume Clan and \0 Takashi
believes there is a time and a place for in particular. and he doesn't believe the PCS have
everything. A strong army should appear weak, the authority to question him (though he won't
the good fighter puis himself beyond the say that unless provoked). If the PCS question his
possibility of derea~ and the general who wins loyalty to the Tsume family, the Crane Clan or
without fighting is the superior strategist This is Takashl he simply gets up and leaves. Stopping
why General Shizuma disagreed with Retsu's him leads to a fight.
plans to attack the Phoenix - Retsu's army did not For some months. Takashi has been bribing
meet all the criteria for a successful war, His army Mako to let his geisha lover, Reika, slip through
was strong, but he didn't have the support of the the gates laic at night and to look the other way.

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

Three nights a week, Reikll would come disguised with stout wooden staves. He's 8 simple man
as a peasant lie would sneak her inside and she trying to do a good job. Plain·speaking and well·
would gi\'e him fiye silYers. which he knew came liked by the residents of Chikuzen, Hotta reports
from Takashi \\fhile Mako apprC('iates the extra directly to Retsu, though they didn't have much
money, his loyalty hasn't been bought - his contact Tsume RelSu was little interested in his
feelings toward Takashi are genuine. No matter peasants, so long as taxes were paid on time,
how hard the PCS try, Mako refuses to reveal the HOlla secretly hopes Takashi is as disinterested as
truth. Calling him a liar outright initiates an his father.
laijutsu duel. Nothing can get Mako to reveal Professio n: Bushi
SchooVRanlc Akodo 3
what he knows, induding death. Although its
possible Reika murdered Retsu, Mako doesn't RUmOl'S EAIITH 1
think the geisha is responsible. The gamemaster might want to throw out a WATER 2
Threatening to report him io his lord. now few red herrings to confound the players. Choose FtRE 2
Takashi, has little effect on him. Some things you one or more from the list below: AIR 2
have to be willing to die for. Loyalty to one's lord 1) A coven of Uba, witches, lives in the area, VOID 2
is one of them. Should the PCS later bring up bedeViling local farmers. The farmers complained " eMinent Skills
Mako's insincerity and uncooperaliveness to oITicially to Retsu. The rumor among the heimin KcnjuL~u 3
Takashl he simply thanks them for bringing it to goes that Retsu was going to investigate, and the DefcnM' 3
his aUenUon and claims he'll deal with it in his Uba magically killed him for it If the characters Arcilery 4
own way. In fact, Takashi iniends to do no such look closely as they travel through the area, Amlor: ruli samurai
thing. people have put up charms 10 ward off evil. as a TN to be HII: 20
reaction to the Ubas' magic. Dllnmge:
THE DRUNkEN SERVANT 2) An evil manifestation of magic was seen 5k2 (+3 10 roll)
The day following the murder. a servant making its way towards the castle. The locals put Gtory: 3
collapsed suddenly, breaking the delicate sake set the blame on the Phoenix clan, who had a Honor: Jj
he carried. If the PCS forget about the event, have longstanding disagreement with RelSu.
them overhear some gossip about it Characters might want to talk to Shiba Katsuda to
If the characters interview the servant they diSCllss these allegations. There is no way to prove
discover he drank the sake remaining in the one way or the other whether or not Retsu was
bottle taken from Takashi's room. On his way killed by magic.
bad; to the kitchen. he felt dizzy and very sleepy. 3) Retsu owed a great deal of money to the
Then, the world went blad;. TIlC next thing he Srorpion clan in the form of gambling debts.
knew. he was in his bed and four or five hours There is a gambling den in the town and it is run
had passed. by a Scorpion. Perhaps the Scorpion who held his
THE TOWN OF CHlkUZEN markers got tired of not being paid, and had him
The nearby town of Chikuzen enjoys killed. If they interview the Scorpion, he points
prosperity from the merchant road and trade out that they prefer informallon and influence - n
along the river, as well as the protection of Kyotei dead mark is of no use to him. He didn't have
Castle. The farmland produces a bountiful harvest Retsu killed.
of rice every year, and the local arlisans 4) The ninja killed ]letsu, on the orders of
manufacture a variety of goods, so Chikuzen is a either the Lion Oaimyo, the Phoenix Daimyo or
wealthy lillie hamlet The population numbers the Crane Oaimyo. Retsu was killed because he
almost seven hundred. The buildings are made waves, he was the nail that stud; out too far
primarily one and two story, wooden with stone and had to be hammered bad; down. The Uon
foundations. The town is divided into districts - Clan hated him because Hetsu took their land: the
Merdaanfs Street, the Warehouse District, Geisha Phoenix Clan worried that he would strike them
Row, Lantern Street, etc. To the north are the next: and the Crane Clan was embarrassed by
ramshad;le huts of the eto. Retsu's aggressive, barbaric ways.
Chikuzen is overseen by only one yoriki, a
samurai named Botta. who is responsible for
settling local disputes. upholding the law and
collecting taxes. He o\'ersees a dozen men armed

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

Asking about lito elicits nothing but praise.
Ctnkuzen tocatlons He's described as brave. handsome and fierce. No
one, however, knows where he comes from or
THE GOLDEN PEONY 'NN who he once served. If anyone mentions the fall
The PCS may decide it is a bad idea to remain of the Damasu fam ily, someone mentions that lito
al Kyolci Castle during their investigation, or they sounds like the heroic ronin that always populate
may wear out their welcome. The Golden Peony folk stories - serving the poor, helping the
Inn is a good place to slay. It's clean, the food is downtrodden and exacting retribution from
good and the innkeeper keeps to herself. This also evildoers.
makes a good place to talk to a cross-section of
Chikuzen's citizens, who visit the Inn's restauranL
One of two Geisha houses in Chikuzen. known
THE GAMBLING PARLOR to be fashionable and expensive. the
This is difficult to find, requiring a gUide or a Chrysanthemum House caters to travelers and
day of asking around town \0 find iL It's run by rich merchants. It is located on the same street as
Shosuro Aki, a minor Scorpion who sends profits the Pine House. the only other geisha house in
and information to hIs daimyo. town. The building has a low overhanging roof
If the PCS insist on making this an offidal visi ~ and latticed windows. A small lantern painted
everyone clams up; they're invited 10 gamble if with the establishment's name stands next to the
they want, but Aki won', give them any door. Cloth banners flutter above the open
information. He'll lie, If, however, the PCS treat windows and door.
this an an unofficial oom'crsation, he admits that The establishment is open in the afternoon
Retsu owed him a lot of money. The Scorpion and evening. To enter the Chrysanthemum House
planned to forgive the debt if Retsu ga\'e them requires a formal introduction to the Ochaya,
information about the inner workings of the Akiko. Without anyone 10 vouch for them. this
Crane. Retsu refused. can prove complicated. Flashing the Daimyo's
The rumor already making the rounds in the orders opens the front door quickly, however.
underworld is that the Scorpion had Retsu killed Akiko is 60 years old, has black and grey
for his refusal. peppered hair and dresses in the latest fash ions.
She moved to Chikuzen from Otosan Uchi to
open her place. A gossip--monger of the worst sort.
Information in Rokugan is spread by town
she can supply the PCS with information on
criers. men who wander an area, beating a gong
Chikuzen and its citizens. Akiko tries to get a bit
and spreading the news of the day. They are orten
of gossip out of them, too. After paying a bribe or
hired to shout out advertising slogans for local
two. she reveals that Tsume Takashi did not visit
businesses. Shuno (the eldest of the criers) knows
her house, but that Retsu did.
all the gossip in town.
The next day Akiko seeks Ihem oul to report
TH[ MARk[TPLACE that a ronin by the name of 1110 was asking after
Ilere, the merchants of Chikuzen do their them.
business. Because being a merchant is considered
a lowly job, most artisans and farmers sell their
TH£ PIN£ Hous£
The Pine House is located two doors down
own goods. The PCS can find practically
from Chrysanthemum House. Indeed, there is
everything they could want. The merchants are
little to distinguish the two establishments - both
more than happy to talk. If the res are willing to
spend. Hecalcitrant merchants can be swayed by look almost exactly the same. except for the name
on the lantern outside. Asking around, the PCS
presenting the Special Magislrate orders, or
learn that Pine House is considered more
simply intimidating them.
Talking with the local merchants, the PCS exclusive than its rival.
discover that the new lord of Kyotei Castle has a During the daytime, the front door is locked
geisha lover. Irs the talk of the entire town, light and no amount of banging gets a response.
though none would dare mention it to his face. Everyone inside is asleep after the revels or the
They also know she is the lover of lito. a Ronin. previous nighl and no one can be roused to open
the door. PCS must come back in the evening.

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

In the evening. when the PCS knock, a large the tmditional white pancake make·up, arched
man named Big Yoii opens the door. He serves as eyebrows and bright red lips. She - like her
the Pine House's watchman. Even Ihough he's not competitor - is elegantly dressed.
a bushi, Big Yoii keeps a heavy tetsubo near at Should the PCS become bored and decide to
hand and will use It if anyone Iries any funny snoop around, they find men enjoying food and
stuff. Because he does not recognize the samurai entcrtaimllcnlit doesn'lll1ke long for them to be
as his door, he tries to send them away. Yoii discovered by servanL-t, and Big Yoji lind Miss
knows all of Pine House's regular customers. ""I do Kumiko frown on such nosiness. After only a few
not know you," he growls, "so she doesn't know minutes, Big Yoll comes by 10 A loyul samurai of
you.~ admonish them. If an argument Damasu Kojima. no\\ dead
these t\\enty years. 1l1li
The official orders appointing them breaks out, Ihat brings Kumiko, who follo\\OO Reika \\hiJe olhers
magistrates, however. gets his attention. Big Yoji wanlS to quickly and qUietly dispose of rommillOO seppuku 10
doesn't want trouble with a daimyo and lets the !.he annoyance. follow their lord Inlo de--dtb.
PCS in once it's clear they're on official business. She relates all she knows about He spent years walching
He shows the PCS to one of the guest rooms. the Tsume family: over her. nwklng sure..6be
had what she needed,
furnished with a low table, cushions. and a • Tsume Takashi is currenlly ensuring her safety und
pleasing flower arrangement on the table. seeing one of her geisha, a girl wnltlng 10 appTOllch htr.lD
The Pine House is run by Kumiko, who named Relka. KUllliko is !.he one the meantime, he look odd
also hails from Otosan lkhi. Adhering thaI sel up the relationship. jobs. defending local
• Takashl was here for a cara\'ans and AghUng
strictly to tradition, she is not brigands. but nothing
impressed with samurai and
shugenJa who wave official
party with some of his
friends. He was not a
would lake him
.w", I~,

documents in her face. The customer here, though When she was old
PCS have not gone through the host is a old and enough. [Uo approached her
the for111111 process dear customer and told ilcr Ihe truth about
of introductions, (whom she will her annostry.
not "'line). Roleplaying lito:
nor are they here
I{ e i k a
On Ihc surface. yuu're
to spend likable and sincere.
money, so served the Everyone knows they ran
Kumiko Is party. The rome 10 you for help with a
content to let two must problem. which stands)OU
them wait. have hit it off, in good stead with the
because the villagers. But underneath
During that Ihis "Robin Hood" exttrill',
time, no food next morning you are consumed with ifa!
or drink is Tsume Takashi nnd anger.
brought to them. asked to be
If a Pc. however, ofncially introduced
sticks his head oul to Miss Kumiko.
Into the hall, stops a She accepted, and
servant, lind orders he came later in
refreshments, Miss the week.. Every
Kumiko presents him time, he asked to
with an expensive btll as sec Reika
they lea\'e. The lilting • He sent
sounds of the samisen. Reika presenlS,
boisterous laughing, and which Kumiko
snalches of conversation drift accepted on
on fragrant air scented with a Heika's behalf,
hinl of sandalwood. and had Heika
After a long period of send back tokens of her
waltlng, Kumlko arrives. She affectioTt Rcika pretended she was only
also appears to be in her 60s. heavily made up in

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

doing her job, but it was obvious she felt something he lives now, or where he was raised. He Is simply
for the young samuraL a wave'man, entitled to his priva()'.
• In addition to Tsume TakashL Reika is Asked about Reika, he becomes defensive. Irs
frequently visited by a Honin named 1110. Itto is not illegal to visit a geisha He likes her, because
widely known around Chlkuzen (See hlo. below~ she doesn't judge him. doesn't care about his
J-Ie would come practically every day. Kumiko fallen status. She makes him laugh. But that old
frowned on the relationship, because a lowly dried up raisin of an Okiya only wants money,
1TT0 Ronin amId never provide for Reika Indeed. he and he can't always afford to pay. The two of
1Ioo""'''y. UonIGoskei wasn't allowed 10 actually "'visif with Reika The them struck up a friendship, which also isn't
PJ*s.sion: Rontn Bushi two .....ould get together during the day, while illegal, though tongues do wag.
~ a: Rank: Akodo 1 Relka was oul around the town, and chal
EAJlTII ' Sometimes, they'd go riding together.
WATER 1 After the PCs meet with Kumiko at the Pine
• Rcika did not come wilh a clan name. She
FIRE J House, 1110 worries about the turn the
was purchased years ago and had no family
Agility 4 investigation has taken The PCs have obviously
AIRJ disaJvered the link between Reika and Takashi,
• If the PCS ask to see Reika. Kumlko refuses.
VOIDJ and hto wants to throw them off the scent I-Ie
Reika is with a customer, she says. I( however,
Skills: they press the mailer - either with a bribe or knows a lot of people in Chikuzen, including the
Anhery J. Defense S. local unsavory element and several brigands.
intimidation - Kumiko sends Big Vojl to get heT.
5. lIuDting4, Bard Explaining that he's collecting an unpaid debt to
He returns a few minutes later with a sheepish
Tea Cereroony J a moneylender, he assembles a gang of thugs to
look on his face - Reika is nowhere to be found.
'eapoM: Katana (3k2) find and rough up the PCs.
Annor: None 'no The next time the PCS are on the street at
Glory: 0 (3) After speaking with the gate guard and the night the thugs attack them. three or four
Honor: J Kumlko, the PCS should begin to piece things bloddng their way at one end of the street, while
Wounds together, and may suspect Reika as the murderer, others cut them off at the opposite end.
Kumlko, Akiko and various people around 1110 is among the attackers. A successful
-0 ,nil:"J::J.'J Chikuzen mentioned a ronin named 1110 who was Perception + Kenjutsu roll (fN 25) reveals that he
• J DO T"J:)O enamored of Reika studied at the Akodo school. Once the battle
1110 does odd jobs around town, usually clearly swings In fa\"or of the Pes. lno tries to slip
-2 n"::J:Jo protecting the caravans of local merchant, away to avoid capture while the thugs scalier to
guarding warehouses. and generally acting as a avoid death. The local yoriki never show up. If the
-3 :JJ'O OO
problem solver. Sometimes. he drives off brigands PCS corner 1110, he fights to the death. If he
_4 ""'0 hiding in the hilts. Evel)'Qne in the town likes lito,
whom they see as their town's true protector. lie
escapes. however, he makes his way back to his
hut and Reika. where the PCs find him at the end
has a good reputation. I( you ha . . e a problem. get of the scenario.
in touch with him. Ir the PCs aren't on the streets at night 1110
Some wonder why luo didn't find himself orchestrates a reason, sending the town crier to
another master, or travel to a bigger city. Some fetch them. The town crier tells them that
suspect he offended some important person. someone has some inrormatlon, but doesn't want
Others believe he lives with a death mark over to be Identified. They are to meet in the
his head. Because he was only a minor samurai In warehouse district A few minutes after they
the Damasu family, his true identity is unknown. arrive, lito and the thugs make their rtl(l\le.
If asked where he lives. there is an equal
chance of the person not knowing, directing them
to his shadt, or to his favorite bar. The PCs can By this time, the players may suspect Takashi
meet with luo easily enough - al Golden Peony played a part in the murder - accidentally
Inn. He has no reason to hide from them. During allowing an assassin inside the castle or himself
the encounter, luo is cool as a cucumber. He's hiring her to murder his father. They might want
courteous. even friendly, offering to buy the PCS a to meet with Takashi and present their evidence.
jar of sake. The Pes cannot find out no mailer to get him to fill in the missing details or confess
how clever they are, which lord he served, where his role. Getling an audience with Takashi
shouldn't prove difficult; as soon as he's infonned

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

of their request. he agrees. He can be
found practicing calligraphy,
enjoying a cup of tea, practicing with
the boken or some similar activity.
Luckily, there is no one dose enough
to hear their accusations.
Once they layout what they
know. Takashi acquiesces and tells
them about his relationship with
Reika. He fell in love with her on
their nrst mctling. His father did not
approve of their relationship. During
the festival, they argued about
Thkashi going away. RelSu decided to
send Takashlto Otosan Lk::hi. Takashi
refused and stormed off. Reika was In
his room thai night
He assumes Reika was an assassIn
scntto murder his rather. She'd never
g.i\'en any hint of what she planned.
Ue can only point to his father's
obvious enemies as the perpetrators.
Ruled by his heart. even at this point,
Thkashi makes the incredible request
that the PCS not pursue Relka
If the PCS do not want to see
Takashi, be(ore the final
oonfrontation he seeks them out He
wants to get everything out in the
open. so there is nothing to disgrace
him or his family. He figured out on
his own what happened - the
drugged wine, the obi bead. etc. -
and is no longer willing to protect
her. If the PCS ask him where It to
lives. Takashi tells them the location.

~ Resolution
Since the fall of the Damasu
family. lito has made hls home in a
peasant's hut In a secluded grove.
Near a shrine dedicated to Osano-Wo,
the hut enjoys privacy and
tranquility: perhaps it was once a
hermit's hovel. The hut is set off the
main path to the shrine. behind a I
stand of trees. Simply constructed oul I 1/
of grass and wood. with a rough·
hewn wooden door, it is the picture of
rustic tranquility.

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

Reika spends her days here, waiting for luo to Reika became friends. During their visits. Uto
tie up unfinished business before they flee south. taught Heika about her heritage. She learned of
She busies herself with simple chores. practices her noble birth, of the Damasu family history, and
with a boken and sings songs to lighten her heart the destruction of her family by Tsume Retsu.
If the POl take longer than four days to find Thus 1110 planted the seeds of \'engeance.
Ileika. she and lito have already fled The hut is The Pine House is the most popular geisha
empty. though showing signs of recent house in the province. and Tsu me Takashi visited
occupation. They will have to search the here frequently. Reika got close to the young
muntryside for them. Tsume, playing sweetly, telUng stirring stories and
Otherwise, she is inside the hut fixing a snack. serving him welt. As happens in Rokugan,
She welmmes the POl inside with poise and Takashi fell in love with Reika He sent her gifts
courtesy. The hut is as simple inside as it is and she sent tokens as a sign that she fa\'Ofed
outside. A tiny fire crackles In a cenlral fire pit him. She encouraged his romantic feelings. until
under a hole in the roof; small fish fry on skewers she became a trusted member of his entourage.
nexl to an Iron teapol Reika sits In fronl of the All the while. she and lito plolted their revenge,
fire, looking modest and beautiful Demurely. she The night of the murder, Reika approached the
offers them tea and fish. servant's gate of Kyotei Castle. She'd done this
Off to the side, neatly folded. is a futon. ~Iidden many limes, and the guard, Mako. let her in; he
within the folds is a katana, the Damasu ancestral was well p..1id to turn a blind eye. She slipped a
blade. Next to that is a small traveling bundle. potion into Takashi's sake and when he was
Along the back wall stands a shrine 10 Reika's sleeping deeply, she snuck out lito had given her
parents - their wooden funereal tablets. burnIng a detailed description of the castle's layout To slip
incense and a bowl of oranges. past the nightingale floors and the guards at
If the PCS accept her offer, Reika performs a Retsu's door, she crawled through the space
tea ceremony for them. between the roof and dropped ceiling.
Heika knows why the PCS arc here. KAre you Once inside Retsu's bedroom, she awakened
going to kill me here?" she asks quietly. This is him. He knew her only as Takashi's lo\·er. In
indeed what is expected of the Pes. for death is hushed tones, Helka revealed her true identity.
the only punishment for the murder of one of the Then she stabbed him through the heart lie
samurai caste. But before she dies, Reika wants to grabbed her, tearing off her Inro box. then died.
tell her story. For there to be a reckoning, she She picked up the netsuke and box. but left the
must confess. bead. Then she left the way she came and ran
straight for lito's hut
Two decades before, Tsume Retsu defeated the FINAL CONFLICT
Damasu family in battle and seized their castle as The tale is told, and now destiny must ha\'e its
his own. lIer father and brothers died on the due. If the PCS move to cut her down for her
battlefield Their w!\'es killed themseh'es rather crimes, Reika beoomes furious. Jumping up, she
than be captured. Of the survi\'ing samurai who draws her hidden katana 10 hold off the PCs. She
served her father. Damasu KOjima, most mocks them and says 'Tm not Ilinin, to be killed
committed seppuku. Only the Damasu family's like a fly. I'm samurai. And you're fools!'" She
children survived - two boys and a little girl. doesn't intend to die without a fight
Retsu had the boys killed. to pre\'ent their If the PCS instead plan to bring her back to
growing up to a\'enge their father's death. Retsu Kyotei Castle to stand trial, Reika beromes
sold the daughter into slavery. thinking she would furious. Jumping up. she draws her katana hidden
be taken far away. instead, the young girl ended ncarby. She laughs and says KI'm not samuraI. rm
up employed at the Pine \louse. hlnin. And you're fools!" She does not intend to go
But not all of Damasu'S samurai died. A few bad<
became ronill, among them a young samurai If luo Is alive. in either event, he arrives just in
named 1110. He followed Reika and watched over time to right by her side.
her from a distance. W'hen she was old enough. he A third option: Moved by her story and
began to visit her. The ocha)'u of Pine Ilouse did sympathizing with her actions. the res attow
not appro\'C of the poor wave·man. but lito and Helka to escape. Officially, the mystery remains

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

unsolved. The daimyos accept that answer, though can oonvince the characters to let her live,
are not happy about iL Takashi never mentions through her feminine wiles or an appeal to their
the mailer to anyone. Reika leaves with lUo (if sense of justice, she'll d[) iL
he's still alive), neeing far south. And the PCS Clan/Family: Llon/Damasu
must live with their decision, worrying that some Profession: Geisha
day someone may find out Sdtool Rank: N/A
This is the irony of the story. Reika acts Earth 2
according to her bushi heritage, but lives under Water 2
hinin law. Fire 3
Awareness 4
As the sole son of Retsu, he stands to inherit
Void 3
his father's lands. Takashi is more interested in
Skills: Bard 5, Dance 4, Etiquette 4, Music
the finer pastimes of nobility than with his
(Samisen) 4, Poetry 4, Tea Ceremony 3. Knife 2,
father's austerity and traditionalism. lie prefers
Kenjutsu 2, Seduction 5. Stealth 5
the thrust and parry of politics to that of the
Glory: NJA
bllttlefleld. But do 110t mistake his altitude for
Honor: 2
weakness; Hetsu demanded mud! of his son, and
sent Takashi to the Kakita School. His one
mistake was falling in love with a Geisha.
Roleplaying Takashi: Play him as self·
assured, very aware of his position in society and GEISHA
his responsibilities. He's upset at the death of his Geisha arc the epitome of femininity in
falher. but not too upseL Thkashi is a capable Rokugani society. the physical embodiment of
leader, and acquits himself well despite his beauty, poise and culture. They spend decades in
personal loss. rigorous training in dance, singing. etiquette and
Clan/Family: Cranerrsume playing the samisen. Their job is to entertain
Profession: Sumurai; head of the Tsume family wealthy patrons, often bushi, offering them a
School & Rank: Kakila 3 fragrant fantasy, A weary samurai can have his
Earth 2 needs expertly tended to. as a geisha serves him
Water 2 dinner, pours him sake. tells him entertaining
Fire 3 stories, sings him beautiful songs and listens to
Aid his problems. Geishas strive to be the perfect
Void 3 oompanion, not prostitutes. If a geisha sleeps with
Skills: Kenjutsu 4. Defense 4, Courtier 4, Bard a patron, it is her decision - nol part of her fee.
3. Archery L Etiquette 3, Sincerity 3, laijutsu 3 Geisha are, however, still only entertainers and
Weapons: Katana. Wakizashi Ihus hinin. Men look up to them for providing an
Glory: 6 Invaluable service, while women look 10 them for
Honor: 3 the latest fashions.
The typical geisha house oonsists of several
private rooms and apartments for the geisha The
The last surviving member of the Damasu
manager is called an Okasall, who acts, for all
family, Reika is bent on revenge. She leads a dual
intents and purposes, as a western "madam": she
life. By night. she serves her customers, pouring
orders food and arranges entertainment for her
tea serving food and making polite oonversation.
guests, and her customers usually have a business
By day, shc visits 1110'S hut to learn Bushido and
relationship with her. Okasall generally do not
Kenjutsu, She does not love Takashi, only using
take new customers without a formal
him to get close to his father. to exact her revenge.
Roleplaying Ileika: She's resigned to her fate. introductioIL
In Rokugan, unfortunately, it is oommon for
Destiny demanded that Retsu pay for his crimes
poor peasants to sell unwanted daughters into
against her family. She sees herself as an
indentured servitude. The family receives much
instrument for divine retribution. That doesn't
needed money and has onc less mouth to feed.
mean she cares nothing for her own life. If she
and for the girl it's beller than infanticide.

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

Merdlants travel the land buying young girls and find Ihe real murderer). Once a player character
selling them to castles as servants or to okasan as feels he has enough evidence 10 satisfy his own
future geisha Occasionally, farmers approadl the sense of justice he is free 10 mele oul punishment
castle or okasan directly. The young girls move If a player character believes the stable boy is
[nto dorm·like fadttUes called oki}'Q. Every okiya guilty of the murder because he has an evil look
has a manager, who reports to the okasan and about him, then that's thaL Gamemasters are
acts like a den mother - seUing up lessons. seeing forewarned.
10 their well·being and taking care of the girl's The law applies differently to the various
personal affairs. An apprentice geisha's life is castes. For Ihe samurai, there are courts,
hard. Rned with long hours, rigorous training. and magislrates and appeals. The rules of evidence are
the occasional heating. For the okasan. a geisha is higher, I{ [he PCs aocuse Ikoma Ujiakl of killing
an investmenL She expects to earn a great deal of Retusko, they had beller ha\'e good evidence, and
money {rom her customers. A geisha's life is he can appeal 10 Akodo Toturi or the emperor.
carefully managed, with care not unlike a The PCS might even be dissuaded from making
Unicorn samurai tending his stable of horses. the accusation, for political reasons.
The geisha will live out her life in the okiya Bullf the criminal is Heimin or Hinin. the PCS
unless a wealthy patron agrees to assume can kill them outright dUng their gultt. It's \'ery
responsibility for her. Courting a geisha is a rare anyone will second guess their actions.
rigorous process. After many visits, small presents What's one more dead farmer or hinln? Peasants
are exchanged; his gifts are expected to be do their best to avoid or please the bushi, lest they
expensive; the geisha shows her affections by pay for il with their lives.
sending a fingernail clipping or II lock of hair. What makes the slory of Reika such a tragt'dy
Geisha often string along severlll suitors III the is that, although of noble birth, she is a geisha. a
same time, so the Yasukl sell fingernails and hair hinia On the one hand, she has no legal rights or
for just this purpose. After months of professing rerourse. On the other, she should The PCs are
his love, the geisha might allow her lover to stay boxed in. If they kill her as a hinin, others may
the nighL Arter years. the patron invites his geisha critidze them - after all, Reika was samuraI. I{
to mm'e into his household This Is an open they bring her back for trial. others may complain
arrangement, similar to keeping a concubine, and - she's a lowly geisha. no mailer her noble birth.
the samurai's wife is expected to go along with iL If they admire and respect Heika for exactlng
When Reika murders Retsll, she and Tsume retribution and let her go, they're guilty of
Takashi are well on their way to this kind of shirking their responsibility; if anyone should find
arrangement. out they'd be in big trouble themselves. No
mailer ..... hal the PCs do, there is no dearly "right~
Justice in Hokugan Is different from what it is
in our day and age. The Emperor establishes the The players. however, can lake solace in the
laws. and the bushi must enforce them. knowledge thai they participated in one of
Punishments tend 10 be harsh, to prevent others Rokugan's greatest romantic tragedies - The
from mmmilling a similar crime. The farmer who Murder at Kyotei Castle.
Is beheaded for touching II samurai's sword serves
as an example to other Heimin. The daimyo and
samurai are responsible for meting out justice.
There are no rules of eVidence, no reasonable
What docs this mean 10 the adventure? The
determination of guilt or innocence rests solely
with the player characters. All that mailers is their
perreptions. Innocent peasants are convicted all
the time, because a samurai says they're guilty,
Truth is not part of the equallon. They may even
knowingly punish an innocent, because it's
politically expedient (or they can't be bothered 10

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)
The rain olltside dripped between the loose clues the characters will find. It also pro\ides you
planks /Iull made up the rag-lag roof of the tiny with the Traits of the NPCs involved in the story.
shrine. Lightning flashed through the tears o/Ihe It also tells you how to present the settings and
fabric Ihal barely kept oul ,he chilly wind Qnd clues to the players so Ihey will be able 10 put
raill. them together to sol\'e the puzzle. Finally. a
Had/; was on his kllet!$ in the mud, his IuJnds collection of player hand·outs are al the end of the
alld eyes shul tight in prayer. Uis family mJOrd adventure.
......... HOHOR'S
was at his side, IuJlf covered in the thick mud. As
YElL wrTH kYOT£1 the rain felf on his face. washmg away his tears. DRAMATIS PERSONAE
CAsTL£ he tried to keep his mind away /rom the thoughts
Mutsu Ino
Thrre are many way!> to bubbling in his brain. A Lion lord with a dark secrel that must be
link 'um ""nors ~fil inlO a He thought of her ill tlte shallOlO grave they
hidden al all costs
dIm.1 'Il'tjucllo .Ifurrin Q/ UJOuld dig lor her. lIer beauliful, beautt/ul faa
IH~1I1'1 CiJ~e land vice
Shosuro Kujiko
UJOufd be ruilled. Her tellder ski" UIOlIld be A Scorpion shugenja who has fallen in love
"-'-_ \crsa).
bloaled wi/h blood. with a Crane samurai
Both adlcnlures occur in Alld her sweet lips ...
areas \'Cry dose to (or Kakita Hach!
dirt't1ly within) Uon
He hcard the Ihin cloth behind him suddell/y
A Crane samurai who must kill his Scorpion
lcrrttury. If the characters swept away and felt the rain on his back. He
~ fl'I<ljl.i.!,lrale<;, [hey may turned, jU5I as lightning pashed, half-blinding his
Kakita lIojin
1M- workillglheir way
tlmJUtth Akodo lands
cctinl!. ta\es and what
"...And Ihere she stood. covered ill mud alld
An accomplice 10 Lion fratricide
(kuma Katsu
IICIlt,l. and as they stay al the blood, her clothes taltered and her eyes wild like
An honorable yoriki and possible ally
ropedbe~, the tlcnlS the eyes 01 a Crab berserk. He collid smell slIllur
unfold Or 1m. characters and saro magical fire smoldering in her left hand.
mQ Imprl"ol; a Uon daim)'O
The village headman who is convtnced he's
"You killed me, /Iach~ ~ she said as lightning
\0 ~Ilch a dcgrl'e In one seen a ghost
flashed behind her again. '"Alld now, I'm goill8 10
advmLurc lhal he decides to Matsu Kuno
call upm their 5el'\ices in kill YOII.~
An old general "ho knows a bit too much, but
1M next TIlls par1icular He screamed just as his hand reached for his
suspects nothing
bpllon wor~ be)! If you family's sword and the eldrich fire flew /rom her
play KYOll'; Ciwle first. of Yoj iro, Ilabu, J-Ioiehi
fingertips ...
A Scorpion magistrate and his 1'01'0 },'Onki
Anolhl'f tack to lake looking for the truth
Honor's Veil is an adventure designed for three
ma~ hE' \0 dirttlly Hnk Dogan
chamcters (rum one 10 five players. II can be completed in one or IwO
A monk who is hiding more than he knows
adwnluT1' to another_ If sittings, ahhough it can be drawn out further.
Norii & Tujii
Rdb escape!llhelr ctutches lillie or no combat is required 10 successfully
in K)'olti Castle. Ihey may Two grave diggers who think they've seen a
complete the ad\enture, bUI il does demand
follow her flight, running ghost
heavy role-playing and problem solving from the
smId: dab inlo the elelllS
in /l0/1Or's reil. players. It begins with the characters in\'esligatlng
Ihe disappearance of a Crane and Scorpion
samurai, and ends with a brutal lesson in the &1ck9~'OUlld
nature of honor. The adventure is presented in a The story begins ten years ago. A young.
non-linear formal which allows the players to ambitious Lion samurai made a deallhal sold out
wander around the setting without being force- his family and his honor. Now, ten years later, a
fed the narrative by the GM. beautiful and cunning Scorpion shugenja has
ParI One introduces you 10 the background of discovered his secret and has paid the ultimate
the adventure. Pay close allen\lon to the details,
price for her discovery.
for they arc important to the solution of the Matsu [no was the younger brother of Matsu
ad\'enture. Not only are the details themselves Chonoku. Chonoku was a brilliant general and a
important, but the way you present them to the man of honor. Ino, on the other hand, was nOl Jie
players is equally importnnl Part Two introduces had known all his life that he " ould always be
you to the setting of the adventure. It provides you living in Chonoku's shadow, and ten years ago. he
with the maps of the pertinent areas and with the decided to do something about II

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

He made a deal with a Crane daimyo - Kakita for both lovers, Kujiko's nature would soon bring
Hojin - to betray his brother. Hojin agreed and their affair to a bloody and tragic end.
the two made plans to do away with the Lion. In addition to gaining the favors of a
Hojin made hostile gestures toward Lion territory handsome Crane samurai, Kujiko was also
that was under Chonoku's jurisdiction. Chonoku looking for a way for the Scorpion Clan to gain
prepared for war. He sent his most trusted political leverage on Ino when she stumbled on
lieutenant to scout out the land. or course, his old strategy plans for the famous battle where
most trusted lieutenant was Ino. Ino made certain Ina's brother had been killed. Although KUjiko
the informlltion Chonoku had was completely was a shugenja and not a samura~ she was also Don't forget: at the back
erroneous, and Chonoku marched his army into very versed in Ihe tactics and strategy chapters of of this adventure pack arc
certain defeat After Chonoku's death, his lands six pages of things that will
The Tao of Shi"sei and recognized fundamental help you run both thIS
passed on to his brother. As per their agreement, discrepancies between the published account of adventure and Kyotei
Ino faced the Crane in single combat Fortunately the battle and Chonoku's battle plans. Needing Castle
for them, the duel was non·letha~ and Ina saved more evidence to confirm her suspicions, she Page 43-44 ha\'e
a vast majority of the land his brother lost, thus turned to a samurai she felt she could trust: headshots and brief
saving his family's honor as well as land. Hachi. descriptiOns of the major
For ten years. Ino has been the lord Hachi confirmed NPCs in both adl'entures,
of the land. His court is one of the r''''''' suspicions, and then sent
suitable to be shown 10 !be
players as memory aids:
wealthiest in the Lion provinces correspondence to his lord "You walk into the throne
(thanks to cooperation with his Hojin to inform him of room and see this gu!:."
neighboring Cranes) and all the information they Pages 45-48 are maps of
attest to their lord's had uncovered. Hojin Kyotei castle. the Ki n1<uIl
generosity and charity. was suddenly in a panic valley near it, and also
Subolen Castle (where
Ten years pass ... and sent swift Honor's Veil takes place)
A young and orders to Hachi to and its immediate
beautiful Scorpion silence the shugenja surroundings.
shugenja arrived in at once. He was to
Chonoku's court last kill her, hide the
summer. Her name body, then crente
was Shosuro Kujiko ,,?;~iIJ~ the illusion that
and when she arrived, fI!! they had run away
she caused quite a stir together.
in the Lion's court All Reluctantly,
the eligible samurai Hachi snuck into
wished to court her, but her chambers, stole
the samurai who won a vial of poison
her favor was a Crane: from her secret
Kakila Hachi. cache and poisoned
romance was regarded her tea for their
by the court with quiel meeting that
fascination. Every day, evening. After
the courtiers looked drinking the tea. a
foward 10 Bachi's moment of realization
poems of adoration, nashed in Kujiko's
and it trying to find eyes and Hach! saw
Kujiko's name that she knew what he
hidden somewhere had done. The poison's
in the poem effect was almost
became a daily immediate, and
exercise for j~;~:::~ before he could
the court.

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

explain, she had fallen face-down onto the arrived in the secret and forgotten temple where
()3neled noor. she and Hachi used to meel She confronted her
Hami waited until the moon had crawled lover there and unleashed a rain of fire on the
behind a dom\'lhen he carried the lifeless body samurai just as he cleaved her with his family's
of his lover oul 10 Iwo gravediggers - Norii and sword,
Tujii - and paid them quite handsomely 10 This lime, KUjiko was dead for good.
disl105e of the Scorpion's body quickly and quietly. Bloodied. burned and near Insanity, Ihe poor
THE 0 ...."'·. II doesn't take a good deal of intelligence to Crane samurai dragged his lover's body to the
KARO dig a gmc, and Nodi and Tujil fit the nearby rh'ef, tied her 10 his family armor and
One of the duties of the qualifications perfectly. They carried the girl out threw her inlo the murky depths. Then, he shaved
dalmyo's Mro (chief to a secluded cave and started digging a nice deep his head, called himself MKujr and disappeared
lb:.1stan1) Is 10 handle day· grave. into the local monastery. 11e has been there ever
(oG-day affair., sum as lhe
..,ptW'lIOCf of two or the
They were thirty minutes inl0 the work when since. The monks don'l ask any questions and
allb1'5 am~Ot'S. Botb the body they were supposed to be burying sat "Kujr tells them no lies.
dalm)'os Ire much \00 busy "po The morning after the whole incident, word
k» be concerned with sud! Ilachi may have been a hrilliant swordsman, began to spread about the two lovers'
affair!>. The dlaracten but he knew next \0 nothing about poisons. The disappearance, While it alUld not be pro\'Cd,
probably ne\'t'I" speak 10
Kaktta HojiJl or \latsu lno. toxin he choose only paralyzes the victim, making rumor had tt that they ran away together. There
bu1 -ail speak Instead 10 them appear dead, but not actually killing them. were love letters found in Kujiko's room, but there
their ksros. \\ho • The two grave diggers watched as the was also a single drop of blood found on Hami's
lfIddentally - arc jllSl as shugenja they believed 10 be a rorpse began window sill.
busy lIS their It'Specti\'C weaving a fire spell to blast the two into the next \Vltat really happened?
world, and at the last possible moment, Nori! That's what the Scorpion want 10 know.
swung his pick and caught Ihe shugenja in the
head, sending her to the ground with a crushing
blow to the skull. Norii and Tojii took off at full
gallop, leaving behind their tools and whal INVOLVED
Ihey believed 10 be a twice dead ghost There are many ways to get
1bey were wrong on both counts. characters involved in the
Later that night, after Kujiko disappearance of Kujiko and Hachi.
wandered through town The fad. that there was blood
drenched in found on Hachi's window is
her own enough to invoke a magistrate
b I 0 0 d im'estigatiolL Howe\'er, if that's not
calling out, enough for your players. political
M\Vlty did pressure can be just as effective.
you kill The Scorpion want to know
me?: she what happened to their
diplomat. and they're willing
to call in some favors to
find oul lIer last
correspondence re\'ealed
that she was working on
something real juicy, so her
bosses want to know if
she gol a little 100
close and someone
was forced \0 keep
her from gelling
The characters can
also be called upon by the
Crane Clall Hami was supposed to

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

report back to Crane territory (to keep him RUNNING HONOR'S VEIL
out of sight). and he failed to show up. Honor's Veil is not a linear story.
Kakita HOjin will be very worried Being a mystery, the characters will
about keeping his hands clean of the roam the selling looking for clues al
affair. so he'll probably tell the their own pace in their own direction.
characters thaI he wants this whole What we've done Is separated the story
~run away logether~ story into "Scenes.- Each Scene contains a brief
investigated. 11c"1I be very specific descriplion that will remind you of the
about iI. too. lie wanlS them to pertinent information EARTH: 3
prove beyond a shadow of therein. WATER: 3
doubt thaI's what happened. He FIRE: 2
doesn't wanl anything else Scene Name: This is Agility: 3
proved. lust Ihat they ran away the name of lhe Scene. Air: 2
together. Do. You. Under. The Sct-Up: This is a list Rcne.l:es: j
Stand? They. Ran. Away. of Information to remind VOID: 3
Together. Get the you of the important Skills: Archery 3. ""I~r?.~
picture? clements of the Scene. Kenjutsu 3. Battle
On the other History I. Hunting
The Hun-Down : This Honor: 1.9
hand. Matsu is a physical description
Ino may also Glory: 5.6
of the Scene you can School &: Rank:
be used as an use to
impetus to Akodo 3
get the Noh.'S:
tno Is not ronceroed about
See", what happened to the
to life for rourtiers. he jllS! wanlli 10
your players. make sure Ihe inddent
The doesn't bri!lll shame to his
Action: TIle house. In olher words. the
dlllmctcrs would find a
rules you need to large Uon reward in their
run the players pockets If Ihe answer 10 the
H, through the Scene. myst('ry was the "rull away
has to make The Follow-Up: This togeth('(' story.
sure that his rourt doesn't .... , ""-- section tells you what
fall under suspicion. so he'll call in a consequences Ihe
few investigators to find out what happened. Of characters' actions may
course. he'd have the whole thing covered up have later in the slory.
himself if he knew what the characters'
investigations may lead to ... CHARACTER TRAITS
If the characters are Scorpions. they will We've proVided many of the statistics for Ihe
probably be given the low·down on the situalion. NPO; to appear in the side·bars. When a character
Kujiko was working on a lead and disappeared. shows up in an Scene for the first time, we've
The Scorpions don't know what kind of lead, but tried to include his traits in a nearby side-bar. All
~' PC trailS are listed again at the end of this story.
they do know it involved Matsu Ino. The Scorpion
Clan may even hire ronin to investigate the courl AN ASSUMPTION
After all. when Lions see Scorpions, they smell We are assuming that your characters are
!rollble. When they see ronin. all they smell is playing magistrates of one kind or another. If
unwashed trash. Sometimes the best way 10 hide YOlir characters are ron in. Scorpion spies, or some
in plain sight Is 10 send someone else to do Ihe other folks. you're going 10 have 10 improvise a
job. bil We'll proVide you with information in the side
bars to give you suggestions how to gel a Scene's
vital information if your charaders are not

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

P~'~lud~: Matsu rno's introductions. the more angry and less helpfullno
will be. ilowever. the longer they im'estigate on

their own, the less lno and his men ca.n interfere.
lno's home is Wide, spacious and simple. It is
the archetypal Lion home. There is little
rHE SET-UP adornment outside of shrines to family and Clan
A meeting with Matsu lno's karo Ikoma !<alSu. ancestors. lno is nOi an artful fellow (as his Skills
A meeting with Matsu Kuno, an old general reveal). and he is not interested in spending his
EAJmI:J who remembers an old bailie. resources on importing artists to ~clutter his home
WATER: } with claptrap.~
Strength: 2 r HE RUN- DOWN
FIRE: } We assume the characters are playing THE ACTION
magistrates. The proper thing for a magistrate to One samurai at the dinner is old Matsu Kuno.
\'011): 2 do is to Inform the lord of the He is lno's grandfather and lno does not dare
Skills: Archery 2. land they are in his upset the old man. Kuno tells good stories and
Courtier), I)e£ense 3, jurisdiction. The tonight, he tells the sad tale of the death of his
.... utJu >. KenJulsu ], BatUe ~1Ii~",_ longer they grandson, Chonoku. Chonoku charged into battle
1, Bard 2. IliSlory 2. delay their against the Cranes who were threatening to take
Sincerity 2 Matsu land, bUI the wily Cranes must have had
lIonor: 3.5 spies. for they were ready for him. Only the
Glmy. 4.5 diplomatiC skills of his second born son, Ino. were
School" Rank: able to save his lands. Kuno tells the story well,
Akodo J and cries when he tells of Chonoku's death. It's a
/Iootes: moving scene, and perhaps. it makes the samurai
Btnlen's a tittle uncomfortable.
me.tng. Oear Thinker Ino impresses the characters (those with an
(Disadvantages): Dark Awareness high enough to brag about) as a bitter,
SeoeI [Doubts his lord's
Integrity] cold, but gracious man. lie believes in hospitality,
!Catsu Is a young. but does not go far to be hospitable. He tells the
~~~::~:~ samllrai

beflC\'e in his
magistrates there Is not enough room in his home
to keep them, but rerommends they spend the
enough 10 night in the village ¥lith the headman Sakkuan.
~. h. doobu to himself. If the characters choose 10 bring up the
characters are honl'Sl
~1th him and treat him
disappearance of the two ambassadors. they will
I,*,"y. hf is their Inside line Ond that he is also \'Cry curious what happened
10 Iht Koings on in Inos to them. lie is honestly unaware of their romantic
borne. III' Is one of Ino's liaison (Lions don', pay attention to such
IDO!>I tnlMed yorlkL 1no
IrUIIr. him because 01 his
nonsense). lie will tell the characters that he Is
Idah ck'4.otion 10 bushido, more than willing to help them. bUI character
bul l(al\u with a high Awareness will be able 10 tell that he's
really only trying to keep shame from falling on
, his own household lie wanlS the mattet deaned
up and he wants it done quick1y.
The qUicker and cleaner, the beuer.

Depending on their performance, Ino will
summon a few yoriki to keep tabs on the
characters. At the \'ery least. he will send a single
yorikl - Katsu - to make certain they don't gel
themselves into any trouble. He explains the
yorikl as an -escorl~ to show lhem around and

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

serve their needs. He would never dare offend There is a secret drawer located on the bottom
magistrates by insinuating they might cause of the bureau that requires a Simple Perception
trouble in his jurisdiction. roll of 20 to find. Within the drawer are small
bottles of poison, all of which have been
t)c\?n\? Dn\?: 1'\\1J]ko's unopened, save one_ This bottle of poison is half-
empty. Those with the Poison Skill will be able to
'Room identify the poison with a Simple Perception +
Poison roll of 10. Unskilled characters do not have
a chance. It is a poison brewed frolll the hariju
THE SET-UP root, used to paralyze its target, not kill. Another Katsu may be tedmicaTI
A bed maL a bureau, a writing desk a yoriki, but he is, for all
Perception roll at 10 will indicate the poison was intents and purposes, a
There are two entrances into the room: a door used recently (il was opened and hasn't kbro. lno is too suspicious 0
and a window evaporated yet), perbaps within the last tcn days. anyone to have a karo, or
A bundle of love leiters and poems from Hachi even a magistrate, so he
A ~we're running away together~ letler by THE FOLLOW-UP keeps many yorikl, Katsu
Hachi, disguised to appear to be in Kujiko's hand As of yet, the characters do not havc enough being the one with the
A secret cache of poisons that can be found evidence to know exactly what happened, and highest rank AI! thc other
with a Perception roll of 20 any evidence of foul play (the bollie of poison) is yoriki know they report 19
Kalsu, even if he is
A half-filled bottle of paralyzing poison entirely circumstantial. They may have figured tedmically their equal.
out the "good-bye~ leiter is a forgery (they've
THE RVN- DOWN Katsu knows of K'!llko
certainly got enough clues), which would lead umJ Hachis affair. For a
There isn't much in Kujiko's room, but them to Hacbi's room .. . time, he was even a little
everything here is expensive. There is a bed mat, jealous. He spent a season.
a bureau and a writing desk. Everything is in or two trying to win the
order. Her bed has been made, the drawers of her alluring Scorpion's favor
bureau are shut and the desk is clean of dust. In hcfore he gave in to his
other words. everything has been tidied up after Crane romantic rival. No-
one knew of his courtship
her disappearance. On the desk is a pen set (brush of Ihe Scorpion, so he lost
and ink) of exquisite make. no face in the ronleSl.. He
also knows they used to
meet in an old shrine to
THE ACTION Benten that Ino has
Here are thc things the characters can forbidden any to enter since
find out in Kujiko's room. his rise to power. Kaisu
Within the top drawer of the bureau is does an excellent imitation
of his lord when he says:
a bundle of love letters and poems written 'The worship of such weak
by I-Iachi to Kujiko. The ink the leiters emotions is not the stuff 0{
were written with is dark brown. bushidor
almost black. There is an unopened lie also knows thai the
envelope under Kujiko's pillow: if the history of the battle in
characters open i~ they wil! find a which Ino's brother was
killed does not exactly
good-bye letter, written in what mutch up with Chonoku's
appears to be Kujiko's hand. It is an battle plans. He figures
excellent forgery. To identify it as such, it Chonoku changed his m;,"" .
at the last moment and met
takes a Simple Perception + Forgery roll
at a 25. If the characters ask what color the with dismal failure. He aJso
knows that it was Ino's
ink is. tell them its dark brown and lower brilliant diplomacy thai
the TN of the Forgery check by 5 (the ink on brought the truce between
her bureau is black). Don't tell them the his lord's family and the
difference in inks: wait for them to ask. If ern,,,"
they don't ask, ask for a Perception roll at
30 from anyone who handled the letter. If they
fail. they lose a clue. Thank you for playing.

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

Beene Cf\oo: Hadn's house, Katsu receives word that Sakkuan - the
village headman - has respectfully requested thai

'Room he come to dinner tonight in his house. Katsu

smiles and laughs and explains that the reason he
is receiving such hospitality is that Sakkuan is
TH[ SET-UP convinced he saw a ghost two weeks ago and he
A bed mat, a writing desk and a bureau wants to butter the yoriki up to get him to
There is a blood drop on his windowsill and a investigate. He invites Ihe characters 10 come
Shugenja may 'oI-ish to burn mark under his bed met along. If they agree, he sends the messenger wilh
use Commune to disoorer There are two entrances into the room: a door word Ihal Ihe characters will be joining them
ft'k-vant faell; about the
body 8lId how and when it and a window tonight for dinner. If not, he understands and
disposed Depending on The ink that was used to wrile the "good-bye~ wishes them luck and tells them he will meet
eM roll and the Element, leiter is in his writing desk them in the morning to continue their
lItrei; whatlhey'll find ()IJl His armor rack and sword rack are empty investigation.
The Fire and Air His traveling papers are in a belt pouch in his
,J,,"''''';;'~ nothing
about e-.ent
T H[
Beene q'fll'ee: Cfhe
Earth elements can
Hami's room is nearly identical to Kujiko's, but VIllage
say very little. not as extravagant Hachi is rather humble for a
1111 5: Nothing Crane. His bed mat, bureau and writing desk are TH[ SET-UP
TN 10: :\1an was here rather plain. Again. illooks as if the cleaning crew Everyone's convinced the village is haunted.
TN 15: Man dragged has been through the room since the two The headman's name is Sakkuan.
woman courtiers' disappearance. Everything looks still Sakkuan offers the characters great hospitality
TN 20+: Man threw here, as if it has never been touched.
woman in water and politely urges them to investigate the ghost
Water TH[ ACTION The ghost was covered in blood and mumbled,
The Water elements There are many clues to discover in Hachi's "You've killed me" over and over again as she
know a bit more. room, including; wandered to the south.
TN 5: She was dead There is indeed a blood stain on his T H[ RUN- DOWN
whtm she was thrown ill. windowsill. The cleaners are afraid to touch it The village just outside of [no's castle is small
TN \0: She "'as familiar Also, the ink that was used to write the "good· and inauspicious. There are only forty people
10 11&. came 10 speak to us bye" leiter is In his writing desk.. 11 Is black ink,
often. living in the village. all of whom serve the needs
but when it dries, it fades to a dark brown·black. of the lord of the manor. There are three
TN 15: She came here
wW) a man. They sang The characters will need to write with it and let it bladtsmilhs. seven carpenters. two sake brewers,
together. dry o\'ernight to discover Ihis fact and many farmers. The village inn caters to those
TN 20: The man threw His armor rack and sword rack are both wandering through the territory. It is small. quiet
with tears in his eyes. empty. and hospitable. There is no tea house, and it is
He has a bundle of clothes tied and folded in conspicuous by its absence.
the corner of the room. Within a pouch are his The village headman - Sakkuan - lives in the
traveling papers. targest building in the village. His home has two
Finally, under his bed mat, there is a burn rooms: a reception room and a sleeping room.
mark from Kujiko's Fire spell. Commune spells Visitors meet with him in the reception room.
used on the stain reveal absolutely nothing. They also sleep there. He and his family (he is a
Whatever fire spirits that remain are loyal to widower with two boys and a girl) sleep in the
KUjiko and will be rude to any who inquire into other room.
their origin. However, by using Sense, the There is a single road that runs through the
shugenja will be able to tell that Ihe fire's origin village from the west 10 the east 11 is an Imperial
was magical. road, so it is kept up well. The villagers know
THE FOLLOW-UP better than to call Katsu the magistrate, but that
Again, the evidence located here is enough to doesn't stop them from treating him like one.
get the characters suspicious of a unanimous and
willful retreat After searching the rooms of the

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

THE ACTION Perceptive characters rrN 20) may overhear
Everyone in the village looks spooked. Sakkuan whispering to Katsu that someone has
Villagers are walking around looking like they been dipping inlo his sake bins lately.
haven't had a good night sleep for weeks. The fact DUring dinner, if Sakkuan is asked about the
is. they haven't All of them are convinced they courtiers, he will reply that he knows the Crane
saw a ghost two weeks ago, and they're all was often seen down at the forgotten shrine to
looking to Katsu 10 do something ahout il Benten. Ina had forbidden worship of Benten at
Ino is too cheap to hire a that shrine (he felt it glorified decadence), but
shugenja to investigate the __-~, Hach! would sneak down to the shrine after dark
problem, so Katsu's had to and compose poetry by candlelighl Sakkuan
try and comfort the villagers knows this because he often
on his own. If any of the delivered sake and rice balls 10 the
characters are shugenja, a Crane there. "He was a
small group of womell will ',.- :::::l~ and kind
run forward and fall to
their knees before the say. "Even wrote
characters. They are all me a poem
bearing gifts of sake. silk once!H Sakkuan
and food. They assume Ihe proudly shows them
shugenja is here to cleanse the poem, which he has put
the village of the curse. up on his wall.
How the shugenja handle Sakkuan 01 night
the situation is up to them. Carrying rice balls and
Spells will reveal that the wille
village is not haunted, but Feeds forbidden art
that will not be enough 10 If asked about the ghost, he
convince the villagers. They will describe her quite vividly.
wanl proof. The only way "She was terrible!
10 bring the villagers any Covered ill blood from
peace is through a head 10 loe, site walked
purification ritual. dowll the street, mumblillg
The ritual doesn't under her breatlL Site did
even have to be Ilot walk like a mortal
real. The womall walks. She was
peasants don't stumbling between worlds. unsure
know any of her footing. Ilteard Iter mumblillg
difference. If all Ihe white, 'You killed me, YOII
the characters -":;?2, killed me.'"
don't get the He also explains that he has only
hinl. Katsu will seen her once, but other villagers have
due them in. In fac\, he'd probably consider it a seen her multiple times.
favor. Calming Ino's peasants down will make his
job much easier. and refUSing to do so can be TH. FOllOW- UP
considered an insult 10 Katsu's honor .... After dinner, Katsu will explain that he's
Once they've dealt with (or disregarded) the interrogated all the villagers who had seen the
frightened peasants. they are invited 10 have ghos\, and he believes that she made a single
dinner in Sakkuan's home. The dinner is plain, appearance.
but the sake will make the characters sit up and Katsu's attitude toward the characters depends
take notice. Sakkuan is very proud of his sake on their handling of the villagers. If they are curt
brewing skills. He may be the finest sake brewer and ill-tempered, he will be distant and reluctant
in the entire Lion territories. Ino exports it to to aid them If they discipline any for their
Akodo and Matsu palace for a pretty profit behavior, Katsu will take that as an insult (they

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

are telling him he isn't doing his job, or they're Two frightened (and drunk) grave diggers.
doing his job for him) and may even challenge hiding from a ghosl surrounded by empty sake
one of them to a duel. bottles.
From this scene, the characters have few
options. They can wander around, looking for any
The temple is aboul the size of a bus stop,
sign of the courtiers (in which case, refer to the
overgrown with weeds, with a beautiful view of
TH1I£[ LITTLE map of the area at the end of Ihis adventure), or
the river that rushes by. TIle once red paint of the
they can go directly to the shrine of Benten.
ScORPIONS shrine has faded to a dull pink. There is what
appears to be a large sack under the shrine.
Honors leil contains
little, if any, chance for B"cene nul': g;r,e THE ACTION
CQftfIid. It's fairly obvious
lhili lf Ihe characters decide
10 ~el out of line. a swarm
B"h11ne Two grave diggers - Norii and Tojii - are
sleeping off their night's worth of sake sipping.
of Lions will descend upon They are completely drunk. hung over and terrified
THE Sn-Up that the ghost of Kujiko is out to get them. Of
them. Ilowevcr. if your
dtaracters are looking for a Kujlko's body is at the bottom of the river. tied course, they won·t mention the Scorpion shugenja
IlttIt action, here's a way 10 to 1·luchi's mmor. they'll just say they saw the ghost and ran here for
aa::ommodalc them. Signs of Haehl's laic night safety.
The Scorpion Clan is
sake drinking Characters will notice Ihe emply sake
ft!I}'concerned about losing and haiku bOllles strewn all about the site.
Kujiko. So ronrerned, in writing. These two have been sneaking into
fact. that they send a
magtslrale 10 investigate the
Sakkuan's sake bins and stealing
disappearance. TIle bottles. They'll admit 10 the
magistrate's name is crime and beg 10 be
Bayushi Yojiro (hiS Traits locked up. That way,
and Skills can be found on they'll be safe from the
pagc34). He hus two
yojlmbo wilh him (whose ghost.
nails and Skills can ulso be 'ro--:i1T1In Characlers will
found below) and he's want 10 interrogate
looking for answers the two. If you've
h ..... ing the diSilppcarance Y/3':'~~i'\ played il up
of his cousin. Kujiko. enough, they
Just having Scorpions may already
!.bow up should be enough have Ihe
\0 make the characters impression that
On lOp of thaI,
Yojlro will keep his own this would be
motives dose to his mes!. stepping on
making II appear as if he's Katsu's toes a bit.

up 10 something sinister They should allow
when uC1ually, he's only him the first
looking for what happened
to his cousin. shol at the
prisoners. If
I hey
persisl he
will step aside, bUl he will
not help them any furlher
in their investigation.
Norii and Torii know
~~~ that if they confess to
~ killing Kujiko, they're In
dC{!p water and are likely to be
made an example of, probably at some length.

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

IICMe\·er, they also know that the samurai can do A trail of blood.
just aDout anything they like to them to get to the A ripped piece of fabric from a Scorpion
truth (they are etlI, after all~ Torturing the gf',l\'e kimono.
diggers is a dishonorable act and will cause any An abandoned lantern.
participants a loss of 2 Honor Points. Particularly An old strategy map.
nasty efforts will bring a penalty of 3 Honor
Also located In this scene is Kujiko's body. It is
The ca\'e is dark. dank and foul smelling. It is THR££ lm'LE
\'ery deep and will require lanterns to navigate. ScORPIONS
deep in the ri\er and cannot be found by a
The hole the grave diggers are looking for is fifty (CONTINUED)
Perception cheek. It must be actively looked for by
paces from the mouth.
the characters. See the Follow·Up below if the Kojito Is a UflI!J'"
characlers do not find the body in this ~ne. TH£ ACTION SrorpiOlL lie '" ear.; IlU
Her body has been at the Dottom of the river There isn't a lot of action in this scene, just mask. only a high ron.
for two weeks. The cold of the water has locating the half.dug grave, finding drops of blood that cotICtab his (c-"tllres
preserved her a bit, but the fishes have had theIr leading away from it and the blood·tipped shovel ",hen its conH'nienL lfe\
got an unllSUall)' high
way with her. What is left of her is bloated and Strands of long, black blood-maued hair are on 1I0nor for a Scorpion {3}
blue. She stm wears her Scorpion kimono and the shm·el tip. and there's also an abandoned and his intercSLo; lie in
mon, indicating she was from the Shosuro family lantern. gelling to the truth ratll«
(Intelligence + Courtier TN IO~ She is tied to a set It takes a Perception roll (fN 15) to find the than gelling rt!\'C!lgt>.
of Crane samurai armor. The mon indicates it piece of tom fabric from Kujiko's kimono. The
belonged to a member of the Kakita family {also color and pauern is unique. The dye is very
Intelligence + Courtier TN JO~ expensive, and used almost exclusively by the
While it is dishonorable for them to even touch Scorpion Clan (Intelligence + Courtier Tf'i 15).
the body, they can ha\'e the two eta present Shugenja may try using Commune (again) to
Inspect it for them. If they do. they will find that see who was the last person who used the shovel. Publidy, that is.
her kimono has a secret pockel Within the pocket Air
Note: Kojiro will
are fragments of what appears to be wax. The Air spirits of the area didn't see anything in future advcnturc1>. \\1Iik-
TH. FOLLOW-UP lit was too dark). his crontes can be
Earth considered canllOn rodder
If the characters do not find the body. she will for the dtaractec's blood
The Earth spirits within the shovel say, ·No·
show up later with Scorpion magistrates 1U5l, Kojiro b smart enoilgh
one remarkable:-
In\1~stigating her disappearance. to stay clear or any
Fire protagooL'>l~ that ~ be
If the characters allow KalSu a chance to
There is the slight Irace of a fire spirit in the Iookin!! fur SalrpiOfl blood.
Interrogate the gra\'e diggers (or if they volunteer
lantern. It's not very friendly and will respond
to assist), they will confess that they were hired to
better if it is lit up again. It can tell the characters
bury the girl in a cave. They followed the orders
that it saw two dullards run out of the ca\'e, and
of a superior, and when the body sat up, they
that was all
panicked and ran. Technically. they've done
nothing wrong. Eta aren't supposed to ask
There are no water spirits in this area.
questions of their superiors. Those that do get
Remind any shugenja that using Commune on
their heads whacked off.
the blood Is considered moho, and is strictly
If the characters discover the location of the
care, they will probably want to go and take a
Also located in the cave (Perception roll TN 15)
peek there.
is a small silk package. Folded up with the
package Is on old strategy map. Characters with
(5c~n~ f1w: q'h~ History, Battle or Lore: Lion will have a chance
(Intelligence + Skill II TN 15) of recognizing II as
Caw a map of the Battle of Kolanu Plains. It was at this
battle that Ino's older brother was killed. 11lOse
TH. SET-U", who use a Raise when they make the
A half-dug hole in the ground. Identification roll will also discover that Ino's
A bloody sho\'el. brother's tactics al the battle do not match wilh

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

his plans here. The map Is in a package that bears aa:eptance. Dogan will be very reluctant to give
the seal of the Scorpion and is signed by Chonoku out that information. Be will only do so if he is
~no's brother~ The wax the seal was made from told that the man may be gUilty of murder.
matches the peculiar fragments located in
Kujiko's secret pocket (remember The Shrine?).
\Vbat the characters get out of this scene
A Simple Perception roll will indicate the map
depends greatly on the way they handle Dogan.
has a slight odor, like thai of honey. Anyone with
Dogan is very protective of his monastery and its
the Stealth or In . . estigation Skill can make an
inhabitants. lie recognizes the authority of the
FARTII: 2 Intelligence + Skill roll (fN25) to know what that
WATER: 2 magistrates. but does not submit to It qUietly. He
means. If the map (written on parchment paper)
informs them that he suspects many of his nock
Strmlllh: } is held up to the sun, the Mlnvlsible" Gu(a1nan
FIRE:} to be criminals. but he does not judge them, any
(disappearing) ink that Kullko wrote her message
Agility 4
more than he judges samurai who are all too
in will be made visible.
willing to throw their weight around. Dogan is
AIR:4 The message reads: "'no is the creature we
also very capable of handling himself. lIis father
VOID: 3 suspected:'
was Lion samurai who saw a bit too much battle
Skills: Arcilcr)' I,
Courtier 3, Defense 3, TH[ FOllOW-UP and suffering, and taught his son not to turn a
Ialjutsu 3. Kenlutsu 3, The characters can gain a great deal of blind eye to the plight of Rokugan's lower class.
iSm 2. Sincerity 4, Stealth information in this scene. It certainly cements the If the characters treat him wilh Ihe respect he
3 guilt of the two grave diggers, and once that's thinks he deserves, he will return their respect If
lIonor: 13 done, Ino will request that they look no further. they throw their weight around, he will be more
Glory: 4.S Obviously, the two killed Kujiko (one fewer than happy to teach the samurai a lesson in
School" Rank: troublesome Scorpion as far as he's concerned) jiujutsu Also, he kno ....'S how Ino feels about
Ba)'Ushi 3 and that's enough evidence to convince him they strangers asking questions In his territory. He will
"oles.: killed Hachi as welL The investigation is over, and threaten the characters with loo's wrath if his own
(Adantagesj: Allies the characters are welcome to go home with a is not enough to convince them. The monastery is
(l.lon Clan\. I~nleni.
IYatnIL Quick, nead Ups,
small (3 kokul reward for their troubles. not so far from the Village, and if the characters
Voice if the characters show Ino the map, he will are making a scene, there will surely be some
(Disadvantages): command them to turn it o\'er immediately. It is. villagers watching over their shoulders. Ne ....'S
Rtputation (BufII's!\. So£t· after all, confidential information. If they show il spreads fast in a small country town.
Hearted. 3 Point Unludt to Katsu, he will be more than happy to take a If the characters are able to oonvince Dogan
Yojiro. unique in the long look at Il with their sincerity (Skilled or genuine~ he will
aan: he has a confess there Is a new monk in the order who
'" Beene Blx: q'he calls himself Kuji. Iie suffers from terrible burns
on his face. and is currently in the hands of the
M01Uwel')! monastery's healer.
The characters will no doubt demand to see
"KuW Again, Dogan is very protective of his
T H[ Sn-U", brothers, and he will refuse. 'The man is dying. M
A small monastery. he will tell them. "Let him die in peace.MOnce
A burned Crane. again, Ihe characters will be forced to convince
T H[ RUN- DOWN, Dogan to let them by. Let them roleplay it oul If
The monastery on the edge of the village Is the they convince you, let them through the door. If
home for ten Shintao monks. It is a larger they don't, well. they11 ha\·e to come up with
building than the home of the headman. Three another alternative.
torii arch o\'er the path that leads to the The skeleton key to this whole problem is
monastery, each one purifying the soul of the one Katsu. The yoriki is a man Dogan trusts and
who passes under them (one for each of the Great admires. and with him on Iheir side. Dogan will
Sins). A young. bald and handsome monk named only make a nominal resistance to their entering
Dogan ts in charge here. Just recently (two weeks and interrogating the burned monk..
ago~ he accepted a young man who called himself MKujr Is in bed, wrapped in bandages.
"KujiM inlo their ranks. The man donated a great Interrogating him will be difficull Ills lips have
sum of money to the monastery to gain been burned away and his tongue is burned and

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

swollen. He can make small
sounds, but it causes him
great pain to do so. If the
characters tell him why they
are there, he will begin to
cry. !-Ie will admit his guilt
and tell them his story the
best he can. You can use
Katsu to fill in the blanks, if TIftJGS
you like.
I-Ie wil! tell them of his
(SHOSURO R£ur ..
lord's command to kill the UAYlISHJ e.....,)
Scorpion shugenja and of EARTH: 3
Ino's belrayal of his brother. WATER: 3
When the confession is FIRE: 3
done. he will beg their AIR: 3
forgiveness. Whether they VOID: 3
give it to him or not is up to Skills: Archery 1
them. Courtier 3. Defense 4,
laijulSu 3, KenjulSu 4,
T HE FOllOW-UP Poison 1, Sinrerl!y 2
After everything is over, Honor: 1
Dogan will explain that the Glory: 2
man is beyond hope. He
Sdlool & Hank: ""'''''' 2'
will die tonight or Noles:
tomorrow. "Even the (Advantages):Quick.
Fortunes cannot save him, ~ Strength of the Earth (4)
he will tell them. ~He has These two Scorpions are
no will to live." He hopes just itming for a fight, One
they will allow him to of their own has
remain in the monastery. to disappeared and they are
convinced Ih111 the
live out his last hours in can't touch him, and he knows it. He dismisses characters arc involved.
peace. He may try to stop them if they try to take their silly claim and throws them out of his courl However. Yojiro (a guy
him. Dogan was a Lion, after aiL and the Crane's That night, the characters are approached by a who smelts more like a
story touched him If the characters explain they cloaked figure wearing a mask.. Anyone making a Lion than a Scorpion) is to
need Dogan to prove Ino's gUilt (which they do). charge. and he's gol them
successful Awareness or Perception roll (TN 15) on a very short leash. Retji
he will nod sadly and accept that will recognize the figure as Kojiro. He introduces and Chuyo will probably
himself as "a friend," and tells them not to worry sneak off during the night
Concl\lslon and about [no. "Everything has been taken care of."
TIIC figure also tells them that certain parties
to ambush the characters,
leaving Yojlro alone ID

explain his "obvious·
arc grateful for their work. and he hopes their assassination allempl
paths cross again in the fulure. The cloaked rigure
If the b,I'g
leaves behind a sack full of koku (a total of 5 for
Hachi before Ina's court to confess his crime. With each character) and disappears into the nighl
that confession, they have evidence to prove Ino's Anyone with the Courtier Skill learns that
guilt in a ten year old murder. Hemember, all that both Kakita Hojin and Matsu Ina died about a
mailers in court is a man's testimony. When a month after the characters' stay in Ino's castle.
man admils his own guilt any other evidence he Someone made certain that a young yoriki named
brings 10 the court has greater weight The old Katsu inherited the province.
strategy map gives Hachi's confession more even
Unfortunately. its not enough. Ina's rank keeps
him sufe from such accusations. The characters

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

School & Rank: Akodo 3
For each of the following, give the (Advantages): Benlen's Blessing, Clear Thinker
charac1ers an Experience Point (Disadvantages): Dark SecretlDoubls his lord's
• Discovering the truth about Kujiko and integrity]
Hachi's affair,
• Discovering Kujiko's body,
• Finding Huchi in the monastery, SAKKUAN, TH. HEADMAN
• Confronting Ino, despite the result of their EAR11I:2
actions. WATER: 2
If the characters buy the "we ran away FinE: 2
together" story, they get ONE Experience Poinl AIR: 2
That's it, nothing else, VOID: 1
If they lose Kalsu's confidence, they lose an Ski lls: Crart (Sake Brewing) 5, Etiqutte 2,
Experience Point from their total. History (Village) 4
If they kill anyone on the Dramatis Personre
list (except eta, they don't oount), they lose an DOGAN, TH. MONk
Experience Point for each death, EARTII: 3
Characters should receive a1 least a single Willpower: 4
Experience Point, even if they buy the bogus story WATER: 3
and kill everybody they come across. Strength: 4
Im£Ql'fant Cl1al'adel'S AIR: 3
Agility: 4


WATEn: 3 Honor: 45
FIRE: 2 Glory: 0
Agility: 3 Skills:
Archery 3, Defense 4, Kenjulsu 4, Bailie 3,
A1R: 2
Bard 3, History 3, Tea Ceremony 4, Meditation 4,
Reflexes: 3
Shin tao 3, Religion 4, Lore (Lion Ballles) 3
Archery 3, Defense 3, Kenjutsu 3, Battle 4,
Bard I, History I, Hunting 3
Honor: 1.3
Glory: 5,6
School & Rank: Akodo 3


Strength: 2
AIR: 3
Skills: Archery 2, Courlier 3, Defense 3,
Iaijulsu 3, Kenjutsu 3, Bailie I, Bard 2, History 2,
Sincerity 2
Honor: 3.5
Glory: 4.5

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)
In Rokugan. poisoning is linle like adultery; when you can give someone a dose of "Fu J.eng's
though officially deplored, more of it goes on than Fiery Blood·Wrath *9~?
you might think. Characters cannot brew poisons unless they
The two main users of poison are the Scorpion have the Poison Skill. Remember, Poison is a Low
dan and the mysterious ninja (if, in fact, the ninja Skill, and dishonorable ... if you're caught
exisl). Both have their secret redpes and toxins.
...... NowA which will be owercd in more depth in 11,e n~y
of Ihe SCQrpion and The Way of Shadow. R~Cl~ PolSOns
WoRD FROM OuR POisoning is also a bit like cooking. If you're The five poisons listed here are old favorites in
J)rVElOP£R average, you work off a recipe. If you're good, you Rokugan. Accordingly, any time someone tries to
'VI! meant to hold off the can make it up on your own. Acrordingly, some identify one of these, the TN is lowered by 5. Also,
poi!lOD rule'! until we got \0 old favorites have been listed. All a poisoner has attempts to treat identified poisons from this list
ltiry of Ihe Scorpion. bUi to do is roll under the TN to producc one dose of are easier; their TN is decreased by 5 as well.
there's been ol'erwhelming the poison in question. Each poison listed here has a name, a TN
enand ror them on the net
and in the mailbox. It takes one full day to brew up a poison (or (which is how difficult it is for this poison to be
AJIPI!Irt'fldy, we have some about ten hours total, if you spread it oul across a brewed by a skilled poisoner) and a price. Note
impatient Scorpions out couple days). that finding someone to sell you poison is difficult
Ne\'tr 1('( it be said we However, rules are also included for making - usually a TN 25 against Investigation. You also
10 please you guys. might notice that the prices arc astoundingly
up your own poisons. If you want to brew your
Anyway, here are the own, all you have to do is go through five simple high. (1 koku = 5 bu = 40 bushels of rice).
polson rules we\'c been
haldmg on 10. We dcdded to steps. Therefore, the dose of Fire Biter you use to get an
put them in OUf first 1) Decide If this is a weapon poison edge in your next Iaijutsu duel is about as costly
lntdgue Storypadr; so the (something you smear on a sword or a shuriken as feeding 3 men for a year.
GM would be the only one to cause extra damage) or an ingested poison
,. . . . the first one) to see NIGHT MILK
(which must be eaten. touched or inhaled to have TN 15
.... give them a once over
and fix them to his own an effect). Once you've done that, go to the section Price: 4 koku/dose
taste. labeled "Weapon Poisons" or to "Non-Weapon
This weapon poison is a watery white liquid
They will pop up agai n Poisons': that smells like spoiling onions. When painted on
III: 1M ~y of the Scorpion.. 2) Pick special effects you want your poison to
a weapon it leaves a white film or crust that is
ud we've nell saved the have, if any. Every special effect you pick
1IIlty Julcy recipes 'iii then. clearly visible. Being struck with a weapon that is
increases the difficulty of the poison by a stated coated with Night Milk is incredibly painful - it
Hope Ihls liule morsel amount You can have as many special effects as
tides you over. causes a deep. bruiSing agony that expands out
you want, provided they don't contradict each from the wound. In fact, some who have been hlt
-/W other.
with it say that they actually felt like they'd grown
3) Pick the side effects of your poison, if any.
more flesh in order to hold all the pain - sort of
Like special effects. different side effects have like how people will sometimes feel "phantom~
different costs. pain or itching in a miSSing limb.
4) Pick the main effect of your poison, if any.
After the first damaging strike from a weapon
Again, different effccts have different costs.
poisoned with Night Milk. an extra four damage
5) Add up the TN. (Note: it is possible to have
dice arc rolled and dropped. After that the poison
TN 0 poisons. They'll never kill anyone, but
has no further effect
they're reliable.) Tell your GM, who will roll your
Inlelligencc+Poison. Your GM will write down if F.Rt B.1£R
you were successful or not (It's a harrowing fact TN 10
of the poisoner's existence that there's only one Price: 3 koku/dose
way to know if a poison worked, and that's to use Another weapon poison, Fire Biter looks like
it) Each attempt produces one dose. (You can try crumbly red clay. When rubbed against a weapon
to make bigger batches as a special effect, but it it leaves an odorless. invisible residue. It causes
increases the difficulty.) an unpleasant burning against naked skin when
As a bonus, you get to name any poison you applied. so many wear gloves when applying it
come up with. Why bother with ~Night Milk" Someone struck by the envenomed weapon will
immediately feel a burning sensation in the

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

wound, which will swell up and turn a bright red W,SH You DEAD
This redness will spread out like webs along the TN 25
blood \'essels going from the injury as the poison Price: 20 kokuJdose
is carried further Into the body, This \arTy black slime smells. oddly enough, of
Arter the first damaging strike born the ripe persimmons. It is a powerful contact poison.
\\l'apon with Fire Biler, one extra damage die is As soon as it is touched with bare nesh. it
rolled (but not kept~ and the person struck is immediately causes a heavy, throbbing pain to DIntlTIOIIS
immediately amicted with severe tremors for at spread from the touched area. This pain quickly
least an hour. It is still possible to act through spreads to the head and guts. causing agony and The length of Urne lbaI •
these shakes. but the Agility trait is lowered by - 2 poison afflicts II charaUer
vomiting. It has been known, on rare occasions. to tends \0 vary in~rstl)' wtlh
(minimum of one) for the duration of the poison. kill instantly by stopping the heart This usually its \"lrulen(T: the telllly
The dose of poison is used up after one strike. causes death within four minutes. nasi)' Ollef" 8.'i'\Umlng _
The victim of Wish You Dead Immediately \'ictlm suoi\'es. tend to
DRIPPING POISON wear off rt'lalhcly quickJy,
TN 20 loses 1 die of Wounds and is afflicted with
.... hile the milder ones tw.t
Price: 10 koku/dose vomiting. Any time the chamcter tries to take an around for a longer lime;
This odorless. greenish fluid [s undetectable action, there's a 1 in 10 chance that he will throw l'olsoru. th,lI cause
when dripped Into food or drink, and there Is no up instead of doing his action. Furthermore, the Wounds don't ha\'e a
known treatment When ingested, it has no effect victim must make a Stamina check (fN 10) every duralion lIS!IOCiated with
10 minutes or lake an additional die of Wounds. them. The target jusl 1akei
for [·5 hours. but aher that a searing pain begins Wounds. and then lID to
in the throat, lips and stomach and spreads slowly deal ....ith healing them II
outward. getUng steadily more intense. The victim usual.
begins to feel weak. and breathing becomes Main I!ffecb Ihat do _
difficult and strained. simply caue.e Wounds can
When the polson takes effeeL the victim SPECIAL £FFECTS be a$Umed 10 las! for 2"
hours, un~ stated
immediately takes 1 die of Wounds. which do not 5TN other"ll-il;e.
return until the poison has run its course. The The poison can dearly be seen and smelled on Most side effecb' -. ......:..
\'irum is also at - 1 Strength during that lime. the weapolL thai callSlt I temporary jail
Finally, C\'Ct}' hour the victim must roll Stamina +5 TN of TrailS wear oft tn a ."
against the Breathless number (explained on p, Poison cannot be secn or smelled on the unless the poisoner RdIeI
42~ If the victim beats the roll he lakes no weapon. (Someone examining the weapon might the TN and brC\l, up •
"lingenng poIson~ f!Iee p.
damage. If he doesn't, he takes an additional die still detect it - TN 15 against Investigation or 40).
of \\ounds. Poison skills.) Side effects that do ....
If the polson was purchased. it wit! ha\'e a +5 TN cause a Tr~it penaltyeaa
Breathless number of 10·15, If it was brewed, Virulence: roll and keep an extra die of last for up 10 • week - ...
have the poisoner choose a TN and roll damage against members of one particular noble mort', If it'~ 8 lingerlna
Intelligence + Polson to find the Breathless family of Rokugan, The family must be named polson.
number (sec Side flleds. p. 42). If he succeeds. the when crafting the poison, At the GM\ disaetion.
characters .... ith a high
TN he chose Is the Breathless Number. +5 TN StamIna or appropriate
HOT MADNESS Produce one extra dose. For every extra dose Advantages (i,e. Strength or
you make. add another 5 to the TN. (The more the Earth) can be
TN 10
Price: J kokuJdose you make, the easier it is to get the proportions "'""" ...,,'" ,i",..
This powder looks like salt and has neither wrong and the harder it is to keep out
taste nor color. It dissolves easily In water and is conlaminants.)
+5 TN
undetectable. It does not kill but a day after it is
eaten, the victim will come down with a severe Rushed productiolL Instead of a full day, it
fe\'Cr and feel a sense of intense, crushing fear only takcs you a half a day to make up a batch of
until the poison lea\'cs his system. \'enom, For an additional +5 TN, you can cut this
This polson has a 24 hour delay before It takes down to three hours.
+15 TN
effCd.. While in effOCl. the victim cannot spend
Void points and Is at -I Intelligence. Howe\'er, it The poison is completely undetectable, except
possibly by powerful magic. This means thai the
causes no damage.
poison cannot be detected by examining the

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

corpse. (fhis does nol, of course, mean that the
person dosed doesn't notice side effects or the
main effect.)
SIDE £ FF[(TS You can have as many Special Effects as you
Side effC(1S cannot be doubled; you can'l pick
wanl - provided Ihey're not contradictory (such as
~Fever" twice and give the victim -2 to
"24 hour delay before effed~ and ~immediate
Intelligence. Furthermore, for weapon jXlisons, Ihe
duration of side effC(1S is only aboul an hour.
The side dIed table is listed under "Side Poison is delayed by 1-5 hours before taking
Anyone with the Poison
skill may think he or she Effeds" in the "Non-Weapon Poisons" section effect. It has a distinctive odor, tasle and
is ~inlng on a polenlial (p.41).
appearance. It must be swallowed. A good
gold mine - which is true, OTN Investigator or Poisoner might be able to figure
kind of... No side effects.
'The profil margin for out what it was and how to counteract it
+5 TN
poison is certainly high - +I TN
Pick one side effect if in a good lab, or roll one It's a lingering jXlison. In mosl jXlisons, the
Incredibly high. IlowC'l'cr,
dlb Is offset by Ihc hazards randomly. The side effect doesn't activate for 1-5 side effects last for 24 hours, minus an Earth roll
of the job. hours.. from the victim. For every additional hour you
#1 - Imperial + JO TN want the effects to last add I to the TN. So, if you
in\,estigatiolL Anyone Pick one side effect if in a good lab, or roll one want the victim to suffer for 30 hours (less Iheir
cauaht selling or possessing randomly. The victim feels these effects
poison can be cxecuted. Earth roll) add 6 to the TN.
Anyonc who is accllsed of +5 TN
!dUng poison and who Is MAIN £FFECT Poison takes effect immediately. (fhis cost is
found with components for You can't have more than one main effect decreased to 0 for airborne jXlisons.)
knm\ll poisons in hls
pI)IIeSSion will probably be OTN +5 TN
Ucruled. In addition to Roll and drop an additional die when doing There is a 24 hour delay before the jXlison
bdn~ killed, the poisoncr damage with the jXlisoned weapon. For every die takes effect
brings a deep and scI'cre past the first one that you want to roll and drop, +IOTN
. I n t ' upon his family. For
add +5 to the TN. This only happens the first lime Poison is undetectable before ingestion. (This
many In Rokugall, that's a
fale worsc than dcath. you hit someone with the weajXln; after thaI. the cost is increased 10 +20 if the jXlison is airborne.)
*"2 - Blackmail. You'd jXlison is washed off. +5 TN
think the Salrpion dan +5 TN There is no non·magical trealment for this
would get jealous of anyone Roll and keep an additional die when doing poison.
who mm,ed in on their damage with the jXlisoned weapon. For every die +5 TN
territory. but they're past the first one that you want to roll and keep, Produce one extra dose. For every extra dose
IItf"Inill1y delighted. TIley'1I
w a.~IC lillic lime before
add + 10 to the TN. This only happens the first you make, add another 5 to the TN. (The more
plUng solid cI'idence that lime you hit someone with the weajXln; after that. you make, the easier it is to get the proportions
!he poIsoncr is in business, the poison is washed off. wrong and the harder it is to keep out
and then usc it 10 lever Ihe + IOTN mntamlnants.)

poor poisoncr into doing Instead of doing additional damage, you inject +5 TN
.,ruing they want (usually
one dose of an ingested jXlisonllf you build an Rushed production. Instead of a full day, it
~ lht threat of hazard *I~
ingestive jXlison normally, and add 10 to the only lakes you a half a day to make up a batch of
difficulty, you can deliver it with a weajXln. No venom. For an additional +5 TN, you can cut this
other weapon costs apply. The dose is used the down to three hours..
firsl time the weapon strikes: after that, the + IO TN
poison is washed off. (Note to number crunchers Contact poison. This venom does not need to
out there; yes, you're right. numerically this is be tasted or put in a wound; simply touching it
exactly the same as building a non-weapon with bare flesh is enough to get it into the victim.
contact jXlison and pulling it on a weajXllL) Contact jXlisons can be used as weajXln jXlisons
as well. (They are the only ingested jXlisons that
can double as weajXln jXlisons.)

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

Airborne poison, This lenom is a
smoke or a fine dust which enters the
victim when inhaled. (A polson
cannot be airborne and a contact
Side effects cannot be doubled;
you can', pick Mrever~ twice and gh'e
POISOH a.-ss
the victim -2 to Intelligence, Side (CONT'hlIEO)
effects generally take effect 1-5 hours .3 The rompeUtion b
after ingestion (unless a special effect murder, The main <.t'lien of
has been used). When the side effects poison in Rokugan are
kick in, the victim rolls Earth and (depending on .... ho)'Oll
the myslcrlous ninja,
deducts the total from 24 (unless the
special "lingering- effect has been el'en more m)~crlous ~~~"f
Nn one's sure if either --
used - see above). The result Is Ihe exist: but homing in on
number of hours thai the side effects their busine!S is probabl)l
torment the victim. an e~a'ilent way to find out
And remember. they\-e p
A side effect Ihat reduces a stat to a {Ol more experience at thr
o or below is not enough to kill a assassination game thilD
chamcter. the character simply has 0 your character does...:
in that trail until the poison wears off. In other .....ords; if you
The only side effect that can possibly ..... ant to go into lhr po&oa.
kill someone is intense pain - and busints>~other::I::: :'l!:~
then, only if the character already had
a lot of Wounds (obviously~
Roll one random side·effect.
+5 TN
No side effects.
+5 TN
Poison has one side effect of your
I Fever. (-) to Intelligence)
2 Dimmed, blurry vision. (- I to
Perception for sight checks)
3 Intense pain. (lake 1 die of
wound points. These don't return unUI
the poison wears orr.)
4 Vomiting. (If the character
attempts any action, roll a die, On a I,
the diamcter throws up instead of
taking the action.)
5 Panic and fear. (Character cannot
spend Void points until the poison
wears off.)
6l1allucinations. (- 2 to Awareness)
7 Headache, (- I to Renexes)
8 Weakness. (- I to Strength)

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

9 Tremors. (-I to Agility)
10 Numbness in fingers and loes. (-1 to all
physical actions)
Poisons can be treated by the skills Medicine,
MAIN EFF[CTS Polson Lore and Herbalism. Furthermore. people
You cannot have more than one Main Effect. with the Poison skill can also treat toxins (it's a
STN handy knack to have around the venom lab,
I die of Wounds believe me).
+5 TN • The TN to identify a poison is equal to the
Coma Roll Intelligence+Poison+2 and keep TN of the poison +5.
dice equal 10 your Intelligence. The victim rolls • If the poison has been identified. the TN of
Slamina, deducts the result from your roll, and is curing it is equal to the TN of making the poison
in a coma for Ihat many days. If the victim fails -5.
the roll, he stays in a coma until awakened by If the treatment is successru~ the poison has
medicine or magic. If he's in a coma for a week or no further effect: hOYl'e\.'er, any effects that have
more, he's at - 1 Fire and Earth for a week after he already happened continue (0 plague the victim
wakes up. until the polson runs its course. For example, if a
+ IOTN poison had the main erfect "Strike at the Wi nd~
Seize the Hearl This poison delivers an and the side effects of "Fever" and "Intense Paln~
additional die of Wounds. the victim would be at-Ilnlelligence, and would
+ IOTN have taken some Wounds both from the pain and
Strike at the Ileart When the poison kicks in, from the Breathless number. If the poison is
the victim rolls Stamina against a TN of 10. If he successfully treated. the Wounds and Intelligence
fails, he takes an additional die of Wounds. You don't bounce back 10 normal until the poison
can increase the TN he has to beat by 5 for every wears off; but the victim doesn't have to keep
10 you Raise the TN to brew the poison; so if you rolling against the Breathless number every hour.
want the victim 10 beat TN 15, it adds 20 10 your The exceptions to this are those poisons thaI
TN to brew the ~'enom. put the victim into a coma. If these are beaten by
+ IS TN a skill, the victim Immediately wakes up.
Strike at the Wind Roll Intelligence+Polson Common treatments for poisons indude (bUI
and keep dice equal to your Intelligence. We']] call are not limited to) emesis. frantic activity (to
the result Mthe Breathless number,M because sweat the polson OUI~ and Ingestion of ground
poisons of this type kill by paralyzing the lungs. charcoal.
Every hour that the poison is working on him, the
victim rolls Stamina. If he beats the Breathless
number, nothing changes. If he rolls lower, he
lakes an additional die of \\~)Unds.

r~~bf~~~~!O~UI' Po''"" '''c.

Investigation, Medicine and Herbalism can look
at a poisoned individual and make an educated
guess about what's making him sick (or, in
extreme cases. what made him dead). The TN for
identifying a poison is equal to the TN for making
the poison.
Members of the Scorpion clan get a +5 when
trying to identify a polson that was brewed by
another Scorpion. Ninja, if there were such a
thing. would get a similar bonus to idenllfying
ninja poisons.

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)




,.,. nl'amabs Pl?l'SOnal? -' l'\yotl?l Castll?

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)



nl'amabs ~~l'SOna~ -- HOnOl"S V~ll 'q1


Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)



o Shrine

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)
.. .-
- - - , - kvcI- - - - 'Simplified Layout of Kyotei CasHe
r» ... - : A
•A Gl

Basement StoragclFood Storagt
Stable 5toBgC Bas~nt
-II 1st floor
food and Equip.
f 4

-.. -_ ..
Storage/Food Storage
Food and Equip.

l• 4 -II
A •
• • •
Guest Quarters
Guest Quarters

2nd I<v<i

t _ _ _ ~~ "
Entrance and
1 "onh

- Flist Qtwkrhouse I

-- "!iii

2nd Flo«

Armofy/Bowyers """"""1Iowy<n
5«ondary Garrison

I 5 5to< •
Castle Towcr

........t Castle Tower r,;; lrd level
Food Stor.tgt:J 1st level Apartments

Multifunction Rooms -family-

@ II>
~ Kltcha1s
iD Well castle Tower
1=1 Closed Gates .th ....
~ e ~Gate Great Hall

G;om.on ","
Side Rooms
ill- Food Storage
A Guard OutpOSts

46 Castle
Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)
BUDohm Castll?
Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)
1IIHI!Ic. tJ tl
@ ~ ~ [TI i
[TI J, ~
fT= [TI iii!

Gue:s Areas
Basement 2nd F1oo<

Gues Areas

.... ~
1st Floor

.'~ ,.,M-: ,
Olnl"" HaU . ~ I><J

o Main Hall
O~ '---' __ --L ~ ~'"J:~ .1" ~;L
~ ,eye, <I
1. ,J
0'" 4 IiUIJ .4 , Private: Hall
Court Yard
R«~fd ~ I ~
3rd Floor
[ ~

~ Kltchms El ~G'_

- J ' - - Door PlllrSupporb

Room Notes
H=Hachi's Room
K"'Kujiko's Room
C.Courtie'r Rooms

• I'IIM1
.. IiIHIr
~ food storage

! ~, 12 ,
1:1 FHtMUS
l!4 ,

til A=Ambassador Rooms

.- H:Hoble Family Roapls
L:lord's ChambeTs

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

kroT[1 CASTL[ (P. 1)
"Mutdel' at Kyote] Castle" The dlaractcrs art visiting Kyotet CaW: during the Bon Festiul.
During dinner. Tsume Retsu and his $On Tsume Takashi ha~:,.:;;~;.:,'.""~ILI
START AT THE SCROU TO THE RIGHT During the night, there Is a hue and cry. Retsu has been n
AND FOLLOW THE ARROWS THROUGH NPCa: Tsume RelSu. nume TaklbhJ; Ikama Ujlakl, Shlba Katsuda. and

TH[ MURD[R Sin (PI'. 8-e n ONNO (P. 'O)
11K- diaracters are summoned to an .od1eno! with the Of they ask to speak to the sen.'ant who discovered the body)
dalmyo, Tsume Takashi. lie commissions them as special m.""ml<'1 Relsu was dead when she entered the room this morning.
to Investigate the murder. Retsu Is a widower who slept alone. He octaSionally viSited
A servant Is deaning up lhe murder slle. Perceptive ""rnd'~ """,",,, the Chrpanthemum 1I0use,
I that there Is a non-Crane obi bud In a corner. and thaI guards sleep outside Retsu's roan
"'m, tilt has been disturbed.
lr," ,~, Retsu met in prtute with Daidojl Ujl the prniou!.

INTnvlfws WITH kroT[1 D[NIUNS
(P. In
~ume 'Illka5h1: inviles lhe charaClm rabbit hunting. (pP. II-Ill
will disclose that he and his father fought frrqUl'ntly, and thai he lkoma Ujiald: has liule time to spare for the:~.~'~~.'~~~1
was in his room on the night of the murder. who had destl'O)'t"d a minor Uon faml/y 20 years ago, but
GenenLI Shizuma: wasn't Impressed with Retsu's plan to to fa<:e him in battle. Was IiCOUtlng the Tsume family's troo(!>
[he Phoenix, which didn't ha\'t popular. • defenses. Very touchy_
The Guards: the ones oul9de the room did", h", ," ...,>"t".a-, Shiba Katsuda: welcomes the Pes. Was
Retsu to mOl'e his troops away from the Phoenix
or the ones at the kooII.-s !O!l'lcthing. 001 isn't ~Iling.
attempting to arrange a marriage between Thkashl
Dalooll UII: Indifferent 10 the PC!. Was rommunicallng
tH[ TOWN OF CHlkllUN (PI'. IS-In Oan's unhappiness with Retsu's moves toward "';;~;"~I
The Golden Peony Inn Is a good place 10 Slay for characten .ht.+J..._ 1M Crane and art! a11k'd
don't wan! to slay In Kyotel Caslle.
There's a gambUng parlor, to which Iletsu owed a lot of money,
The 10Wll crier knOllo'S most of the town's gossip, \
The!'!"s a marketplace, where the hOI gossIp is Ihal Takashl har. a "--t~ TH[ PIN[ HOIIs[ (PI'. Itt-I8)
ItiSha Ioo.·er, IIo-ho is also seeing the mllln Ino. E\'erybody Io\'es hto, Takashl Is seeing a geisha named Reika, who works bel'!'.
The Chrysanthemum House WIL'l Indeed ~isiled by Retsu, but
Relka is also seeing the ronin Ino, somewhat tllidtly_
lbe Pine House, two doors down.
The ochaya, Kumlko, ronslders Takashl a much better catch
fOf Ileika than 1110 IS.
If the Pes ask to see Relka. she can't be round,
SPes: Kumtko. Big lojl
ITTO (P. 18)
E\'erybody In town likes 1110, who docs bodyguard and
guard work, and gets problems sol\'ed for the hrimin \
Ino can be found al the Golden Peony Inn. ANOTHn INTnvl[w WITH TAXASHI (P. '8)
off hours. He won't disclose any useful lnfonnation. but is Of they questlon him again)
about his relationship with Reikl. Takashi admits that he's been seeing Reika. He's in 11M wllh her,
After the vlsil the Pine House, 1110 rounds up a Potl
the at night, incognito. U thJ~
- t.1
e\'en though he assumes at Ihls polnl Ihat she Will> " . . . . . " Rot
kUl his father, III.' doe5n't ""ant the PCs to pursue h{'!',
I NPC6: Tsume Takashi

'- ~
Reika Is at the shrine, She and 1110 are the sole remnants or the Damasu family, destroyed by Tsume
IlI"lSu twenty years ago.
Relb Is samurli by birth. but hlnln by trade; how will the pJa~rs deal wllh her?
1110. if ali\'1!, arrh'es Just as all hell Is break loti loose.
Relka, luo

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

These flowc~rts c~n help you steer through the compUc~tions of the two mystery ~dventures In this p&ck, The
solid ~rrows show the gener~ 1 course of events, while dotted ~rrows show scenes that may or m~y not
happen depending on the pl~yers' actions,
We recommend that you use these flowcharts in conjunction with the portr~it gallery on pp, 43-44, When the
players meet ~n NPC, show them the ~pproprl~te portr~it so tMt they c~n more e~slly keep tr~ck of the cast
of charlKters,

The PCS ha\'e dinner at MalSU Ino"5 home. Present are Ino, his Juzm
START AT TH[ SCROLL TO TH£ RIGHT Ikoma KaISU. and his grandfather MalstJ Kuno.
Kuoo tells a story about hb dead grancbon. Chonokll.
AND FOLLOW TH[ ARROWS THROUGH lno ra'OmmeOOs lhatlhe duuactt'fS sptnd the nighl tn 10WTI with the
100, lkoma KalSu, MalstJ Kuno.

SeENE ONE. kUlllco's ROOM (p, 19) , kENE Two. HACHI'S ROOM (P. JO)
Kuliko's room Is sparsely bul expcn'ih'ely furnl5hed" Hachrs room Is ralher SpartaiL
Concealed around the room are: There is a bloodstain on the wiooOl..'SiJI"
• In tht tbk: \0\"1' leuers from Hacht The ink on his desk malches 1M leiter under Kujiko"s pillow"
- under the pillow: l.seaIed em'dope Tbt armor stand and S\Iowd rack are both empty
- In a S«t"et draVter under the bureau: hollies of poison Thrre's a magical bum mark under hll. bed nlal.
Hachl's (ra\"elillg papers II1fi In I bundle of dothts in one corner,


The headman. Sakkuan, offers the characters greal ho§pitality and
politely urges them to im"estigale the ghost.
The ghost was co\'ered tn blood and mllmbkd. '1ou\"e killed me-
over and O'o"er again b she Vt;mdere<l 10 the "KIth.
: Sakkuan, Ikoma KaL~u

\ \
The gravediggm. f'orU and Tulii, Ire here. They're drunk and There'5 a lot of ph}~ClI evldell/r here. very lillie of ~'Itich
frightened of 1M ghost. admbe.ible under Rokuganl law,
Klijiko's body Is at the bottom of the rl\er, lied 10 lIachi's armor The gra\"e thai f'orii and Tujii Weft digging Is here. as Is IIh""""''1
The gra~td~ If asked. will gh"e delalls on t\eT)1hing Ihey The sho\el has blood Ind hair on il.
know they \\en! hired 10 bury I body, which sal up. al which Ther6 a piece of Kuiiko's kimono here. There'5 also the oil' .....,~
they f\ed. They can givt direction~ 10 the CI\'e ill which lhey w was carrying. Vthich has a damning ~Inllegy map from the
burying the body. whim Ino'5 brolher was killed. The map has a message on II In ',,,""',1
iI KalSlI.


The munastl'1)' I"l'ttntly KCtpled a ne~
monk. who called himsel£ CONCLUSION AND AFTERWARD (P. lJ)
aKujl." The new mnnk (llachl) Is severely burned and d)-in&; Ihe head (Only If Ihe PCS bring !ladil back 10 lnos home to oonf~l
monk. Dogan. will not allow the characters to 5t'e ~Kujr or admll thai lIachl 1t'ilifle5 about his part In kilhna his Jo\'er Kullko. and
hl'\ prrsenlllniess the PO; are \'t'ry persuash-e, or COfl~'nct [koma Kal!iu Implicates lno in Chonokll'b death. !no Is of high enough rank to
to!opl'ak 011 lheir behalf. Ignore the acrusaliolL but dies mYSleriously II month afll'TVtard
[' the manders do !ttl 10 see I~l. he'l teilihe whole ~Iory alld lhanb 10 \enge'lIl Scorpions.
his pat1 in "

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

Joshua Griffin (order #5340476)

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