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Dela Cruz, Kim Charlon N.

November 03, 2020

BSHM II-B Mrs. Pagne


PT 1.

Directions: Answer the following situations:

If you will be the Food and Beverage service personnel, how will you be able to deal
with the following:


1. How will you able to deal with the customers upon entering the Restaurant?

While food quality is incredibly important, it is the experience diners have from the
minute they walk in the door to the minute they exit that counts. Restaurants should
remember to keep the customer’s needs at the forefront of every dining experience.

First thing to do is, greet the customers the minute they walk in the door. Using
respectful titles – sir, ma’am and miss work well. Never interrupt the customers. Listen
intently and pay attention to what they want. Be thoroughly versed on the menu. Ask
questions and repeat their orders to make sure you get it right.

2. How you able to deal with incidents / accidents will might happen inside the
Restaurant during service?

 When an unforeseen incident arises it must be dealt with promptly and

efficiently without causing any more disturbance to the customers.

 Quick action will very often soothe the irate customer and to ensure a return

visit to your restaurant

 Delay will only cause confusion and a very often the situation may be strongly
interpreted if it is not dealt with straight.

3. How will you able to deal with children who lost inside the restaurant?
 If a child be reported lost, steps must be taken:
- A complete description of the lost child should be obtained (male/female, name,
age, where last seen, clothing won, color of hair, accessories were being carries
such as dolls or bags).
- And Put a constant watch on all entrance/exits door.
- Check all rest rooms, play areas and every area in the restaurant.
- If nothing result after taking the above actions, immediately call the police.
4. How will you able to deal with customer with special needs, like a customer with
a. Customer mobility
- Offer wheelchair users places at tables where the adequate space for
- Offer wheelchair users a place with easy access to rest rooms, exits and fire
- Never move the wheelchair without asking the customers first.
b. Blind
- Talk to an treat the customer with additional needs same as to other
- If in doubt ask the customer directly how they may best need helped.
- While talking the customer’s order, a gentle touch on the hand or arm will
attract his/her attention to you.
c. Communication difficulties
- Speak directly and distinctly to the customer.
- Stand in such position that the customer is able to see your face clearly.
- Describe food and drink items in simple, precise and plain language.
- Seat customers away from possible excessive noise.
5. How will you be able to deal and handle customer complaints, like serving food late?

If a problem arise and the customer makes a complaint, steps to be taken:

Do not interrupt the customer – let them have their say and make their point.
Restate the detail of the complaint briefly back to the customer to show you
have listened and understood.
Agree by thanking the customer for bringing the matter to your attention.
Act quickly, quietly and professionally and follow the establishment’s procedures
for handling complaints
NEVER: Lose your temper, take it personally, argue, lie or blame others.


Direction: Answer the following questions.

1. What are the unpleasant habits that need to avoid during operation?
 Yawning
 Grouping
 Mannerism like nail biting, cross arms and lip biting
 Shouting, giggling and horse playing
 Daydreaming
 Putting hands on pocket
 Leaning on walls, tables and chairs
 Staring look - Chewing gum
 Demand for tip
 Courting tip in front of customers
 Bluffing customer
 Reading newspaper and magazines
 Use of rude and insulting language
 Leaving one’s station longer than necessary
2. What are the undesirable qualities of a waiter?
1. Forgetting to greet the arriving customer pleasantly.
2. Letting guests seat themselves.
3. Refusing to assist a guest or seating a guest at a dirty table.
4. Forgetting to say “Pardon me”, or “Excuse me”, if a mistake has been made.
5. Gathering in groups in operational areas and talking loudly with other
members of the staff.
6. Forgetting a dish that has been ordered, or serving wrong accompaniments.
7. Overfilling water glasses or leaving them empty or leaving dirty ashtrays on an
occupied table.
8. Being inattentive to a guest’s needs.

3. What are the attributes of Food and Beverage Service Personnel?

The quality of service staff in any establishment reflects the quality of the
establishment itself. No matter how good the food ambiance are poorly
trained, untidy or rude staff can antagonize customers. Food and Beverage
Personnel should be professional and hygienic appearance, physical projection, f
& b knowledge, technical ability, punctuality, local knowledge, tactful (sensitive),
courteous, good-humored and patient, must anticipate the customer’s need and
wishes but should not be too much, should keep careful watch over customers
during service, good memory, honesty, loyalty, conduct, sales ability, sense of
urgency, ability to handle complaints, should be able to work as part of a team
within and between departments.

4. Give at least 5 rules of a waiter.

 Waiters must be clean and smart and should never wear cologne.
 Under no circumstances should a waiter never touch a diner.
 Wine glasses should never be filled too full.
 Unasked for advice should never be offered.
 If diners are content to pour the wine themselves, let them.
 Unless asked, no plates should be removed until all have been finished.

5. What are those examples of Interpersonal skills needed at particular points

during the Service?

 Showing customers to their table: Always lead and walk with them at their
 Seating customers: ladies first
 Handling menu: offer the list right way round, and open for the customer.
 Serving and clearing: always say excuse me before serving and clearing.
 Explaining menu: use the terms the customer understands, not technical
 Talking to customers: only talk when standing next to them and looking at

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