ENG 202 Outline 2020

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Independence Junior College

Savannah Rd., Independence Village

Stann Creek District
Tel: 523-2566 ◊ Fax: 523-2220
Course Code: ENG 202

Course Title: Composing Process

Section: 1, 2, 3

Class Venue RM 2

Class meeting Times Mon – Wed

Field Trips None

Program Arts & Science Department

Credits: 3

RequiredTextbook None

Prerequisite/s: ENG 101, ENG 102

Required or Elective Required

Semester II

Course Coordinator: Ms. Jamila Parrish M.Ed.

Contact Information Email: jamilaparrish@hotmail.com cell: 632-8404

Office Hours & Mon – Thurs 10 – 11 AM

RM 2

Composing Process Course Outline January 2020

Date Topic/Sub-topics Teaching strategies & ReadingAssignment Assessment &

Activities s Due Dates
Wk 1 Review of
course outline Class Energizer / ice- Course Outline Assignment #1
Discussions of Final Project & Create an
Final project Teacher will create a list Portfolio Outline Autobiography
& portfolio of all major projects & 2-3pgs
deadlines Hand-out with
autobiography outline
Autobiograph Discussions of family
y backgrounds / Peer

Wk 2 Self- Actualization  Teacher will

discuss the Copies of Reflective
Philosophical Case importance of philosophical case journal on
Studies identifying one’s studies philosophical
true self & quote
Philosophical quotes beliefs Philosophical quotes 1 – 2pgs
 Students will
work in small
groups to discuss
case studies and
share ideas
 Class will review
various life
quotes from
some famous
Wk 3 Personal Philosophy  Teacher will Assignment #2
discuss what is a Personal Philosophy Create a
personal hand-outs personal
philosophy and Philosophy
how to create a You-tube videos 2-3pgs
 Class will view
some short
Wk 4& APA Format  Class will review
5 the APA format Hand-outs on APA In-class activity
Review of APA 6th edition format 6th edition
Format 6th edition  Students will On APA
work in pairs to PPT on APA format
complete in-class
activities on APA

Wk 6 Audience & Purpose

Class will watch Interactive PPT quiz
Tone & Form some interactive
PPTs on
Purpose, tone &
form. The PPTs
have various
activities, &
Wk 7 Persuasive Writing  Class will discuss
persuasive Handout on Impromptu
Persuasive Techniques writing & persuasive techniques group
persuasive presentation
 Students will
review a handout
 Students will
work in small
groups to prepare
an impromptu
presentation on
Wk 8 Persuasive Essay  Teacher will
discuss the Assignment # 3
format of the PPT on persuasive
persuasive essay. essay Persuasive
 The students will Essay
review a PPT on 5-7pgs
the persuasive
 Students will be
given a list of
persuasive topics.
Wk 9 Persuasion
The class will review PPT on slogans Assignment #4
Slogan Writing various PPT on creating
slogans and different Handouts on posters Group
Poster Creation types of slogans. & billboard designs Assignment
Students will be given
copies of creative posters Slogan &
& billboard designs to Poster design
review & discuss
Wk 10 Final Project  Students will be
given a hand-out Hand-outs of speech Assignment #5
Speeches with various techniques
speech writing Draft of Speech
Speech Writing techniques. Videos of creative for Final
Techniques  Students will speeches presentation
review some 2pgs minimum
videos of creative Speech topics 7
speeches grading criteria for quiz
 Teacher will Final Project
review the topics
again for final
presentations and
share ideas and
Debate  Class will review
Wk 11 debate types of Hand-outs Imromptu
& 12 debates & debate debate
outline presentations
 Students will be
separated into
small groups to
prepare short
debates on given
Wk 13 - Final Project  Students will Students are to Culminating
14 present their provide visual aids Assessment
Final Speech individual (hand-outs, slide Final Project
Presentations speeches to the show, ppt, etc) as well
class as deco Speeches
Wk 15 Final Portfolio  Final Portfolios Culminating
will be collected Assessment
as this class has Final Portfolio
no exam

Course Description:

Course Intended Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course, students will:

o Recognize and avoid logical fallacies

o Critically and analytically read a wide range of written material
o Evaluate the appropriateness of data from various sources
o Gather and evaluate information about current issues
o Revise and edit writing assignments

Class activities and Assessment

o Quizzes 15%
o Journals 10%
o Assignments 30%
o Semester Project 20%
o Final Portfolio 25%

Grading Scale

Passing Grades: Percentage Range

A 95 – 100
A- 90-94
B+ 85 – 89
B 80 – 84
C+ 75-79
C 70-74
Failing Grade:
D+ 65-69
D 60-64
F 0 – 59

Course Policies and Regulations


Regular attendance at class sessions is expected to obtain the full benefits from taking this
course. If you must miss a class session, please speak with the instructor ahead of time. Bear in
mind the implications of missing classes as declared in the IJC Catalogue.

If you miss a class you are entirely responsible for obtaining material covered and arriving
prepared for the next class session.

Lateness is disrespectful to class participants and should be avoided. A student who arrives
late within five minutes after a lesson’s scheduled start time will be considered late.


In keeping with the academic policies of Independence Junior College, the student’s attendance is
formally drawn to the college policy as regards plagiarism and cheating – any such activity leads to a
final grade of F.
Disability Clause:

IJC will provide the infrastructure to facilitate students with physical disabilities (will be
adopted from the Handbook when the clause is created)


: Connelly, M. (2006). The Sundance Reader 4th ed. Boston: Thomson Wadsworth


The Culminating assessment for this course is a combination of both a Final Portfolio and
a Semester Project. Students will work on these Culminating Assessments individually.

The Final Portfolio for this Course is a Cumulative Portfolio. To complete this portfolio the
students are to combine and revise all the major assignments they have completed in this course
and present them in a professional portfolio using proper APA format and referencing.

ENG 201 Composing Process

Portfolio Design & Expectations
1. Cover Page containing name, course, school information, date, lecturer

2. Table of contents

3. Abstract
A 150 word paragraph stating describing what your portfolio is about, its contents and
what you did to gather the information that you have compiled.
4. Portfolio Content including the following sections:

 autobiography
 personal philosophy
 persuasive essay
 speech
 slogan
** Be sure to revise and reprint each of these before placing them inside of the portfolio

5. Conclusion
In this section place a reflection about your portfolio content. Reflect on the various
assignments inside the portfolio and how they have affected you.

6. Reference Page
Compile all your references that you may have from the various sections of your portfolio
content and place them here. Do not place your references with the content.

7. The portfolio should be presented in a folder with no loose pages. Pages should be all clipped in
or bounded in some manner.

8. Be sure to revise and edit all past papers before reprinting and placing in your portfolio so as to
gain full points.

9. Follow all APA formats for headers and Reference page

Keep in mind the following as you work on your portfolio:

- APA format
- Page Headers
- Page numbers
- Size 12
- Double space
- Times New Roman
- Paragraphing
- Grammar and mechanics

Grading Criteria for Final Portfolio

Structure & Organization: typewritten, correct layout, paragraphing indicated, 5 points

spacing, APA is properly used in both in parenthetical citations and in
annotated bibliography; annotations are formatted correctly and adequate for
source indicated matched to topic. Research indicates logical sequencing of
paragraphs, with a clear intro/middle/conclusion.
Content: Portfolio covers the various aspects outlines in the assignment. 4 points
Information used in the research are valid and reliable.
Expression: Entries in Portfolio indicates effective supporting details. Essays 5 points
have well developed ideas with explanations and examples. Citations are
used to show source of research and facts used.
Presentation & Packaging: Portfolio is submitted in a clean neat folder as 3 points
specified. There are no distractions or hindrances making the paper difficult
to read or accessed easily. Packaging has some form of creativity and shows
extra effort placed in preparation
Grammar/Mechanics/Word Use: Sentences are clear and easy to 3 points
understand. Grammatical errors and word choice should not hinder the clarity
of ideas

The Final Topic for the semester is Speech Writing. The students are to Prepare and Present a
speech. This is to be done as an individual presentation using props, visual aids, etc. Students
are to “present” and not read their speech. The students may choose from various topics
whereby they are representing different organization. The goal of the speech is to inform the
audience about the organization and its goals and to encourage the audience to support the causes
that the organization represents.


1. You are the President of the Placencia Humane Society. Present a speech whereby you
inform the audience about your organization, its goals and objectives. Discuss the
importance of appreciating animals. Outreach to the audience to support your
organization and its cause.

2. You are the President of the Belize Cancer Society. Present a speech whereby you will
inform your audience about your society and its goals and objectives. Discuss ways in
which the audience can support your society and why it is important to assist your

3. It is women’s week and you have been invited to give a speech at the women’s rally in
your community. Present a speech whereby you will address the importance of women
in your community and in Belize. Discuss the role and changing roles of women.
Encourage the women to build themselves positively. Be sure to also address the men in
the audience in getting them to appreciate the importance of women in their lives.

4. It is Children’s Day. You have been invited to do the Children’s Day address at the
Children’s rally in your community. Present a speech whereby you discuss the Rights of
a child and give advice to children on safety and living respectfully in their community.
(Keep in mind your audience will be young children).

5. You are the President of the AIDS Alliance in Belize. Present a speech whereby you
discuss what is the role of such an organization. Address how AIDS is affecting our
communities and our country. Outreach to the audience on how to live and cope with
family members and friends that are affected by the disease.

6. You are the Educational Outreach Director at Southern Environmental Association

(SEA). Present a speech whereby you will educate the audience about the goals of SEA
and their contributions to the country. Find ways to encourage the audience to support
the various causes that your organization is fighting.

7. You are the Chief Magistrate of Belize. Belize has recently legalized marijuana. Present
a speech to the nation of Belize whereby you will discuss the new changes on the
legalization of marijuana. Discuss what are the expectations and responsibilities that the
public must consider with these new changes as well as other implications that may
occur. Be sure to encourage the audience to make the right choices and live responsibly
under the new law.

8. You are the President of the United Belize Advocacy Movement (UNIBAM). Belize has
recently passed a law for gay rights, but there is still much controversy. Present a speech
whereby you discuss the views of your organization and your feelings about gay rights
and human rights. Outreach to the audience to support your cause and assist in helping to
live better with the gay community.

9. You are the Assistant Dean of the University of Belize. It is time for recruitment of new
intakes for the upcoming school year. Prepare a speech whereby you will showcase your
university, its goals, and programs. Outreach to the audience reasons why your school
should be the school of their choice.

10. You have been invited to be the guest speaker at a primary school graduation in your
community. Prepare a speech whereby you will address the graduates on their
accomplishments, believing in their dreams, and continuing to reach for their goals
regardless of the challenges that they may face.

Grading Criteria For Semester Project - Speech

Preparedness: Students are prepared and on time with all materials so that 2 point
they can have a free flowing presentations.
Structure & Organization: Presentation indicates logical sequencing of ideas, 3 points
with a clear intro/middle/conclusion
Content: Presentation covers the various aspects outlined in the assignment. 5 points
Information used in the research are valid and reliable. Presentation has
enough valid material to show an effective research and time was used well.
Eye Contact: Students are not reading from their papers or power point, but 3 points
are only making reference to these. They may use flash cards or pointers.
Students seem to be interacting with and speaking to the audience.
Expression: Research indicates effective supporting details Clearly explain 5 points
and express ideas using the appropriate examples as well as citations to
support facts used.
Mechanics: Students use mostly appropriate grammar and mechanics in
relating ideas. Word choice and grammar and mechanics did not affect the 3 points
clarity of ideas.
Voice Projection: Presentation is clear and all words are audible with the 4 points
appropriate use of tone in relating to the audience. Videos used are clear and


Rubric Points
Category 5 4 3 2 1- 1
Info is very Information is Information is Information Information is
Organization and organized;wel organized with well organized but appears to not only
effective use of l constructed constructed paragraphs disorganized disorganized
transitions paragraphs/ paragraphs/adequat are not well information is but inaccurate
transitions; e transitions, and constructed; suspect to
information is information is information is being
factual/correc factual/correct factual/correc correct/factua
t formatted as t l
2 paragraphs
summary and
1 para.
Quality of Information Information clearly Information Information Information
Information clearly relates relates to the main relates has little to do has nothing to
to main topic, topic but misses one somewhat to with the main do with the
w/correct or two points in the the main topic and is main topic and
information Summary or obvious topic, but is incomplete has virtually no
and main example/s in the incomplete development/is
points only reflection incomplete
all such main
included in
the summary;
the reflection
Mechanics/Grammar No errors Almost no errors A few errors Many errors Way too many
/ of several of several of several
Structure/Word Use: errors or error-types error-types
-subj-verb agreement many errors
-use of plurals of few error-
-use of possession types
-parallel structure
-word usage

Sources Source/s are Source/s are Source/s are Source/s are Too many
accurately accurately accurately not accurately errors in
documented documented, but a documented, documented documentation
in the desired few are not in the but many are or formatted /
format (APA desired format not formatted Format
or MLA)
Essay Rubric

Category Exemplary Proficient Developing Deficient

(9-10 pts) (6 -8 pts) (3 – 5 pts) (O – 2 pts)
Provides all Provides most Provides minimal Lacks minimal
essential essential background background
background background information information
Content information information
Thesis is clear and Thesis is clear and Thesis is somewhat Thesis is unclear
insightful logical unclear or lacking and lacking in
in logic logic
Support explanation Support, Support, Insufficient
and evidence are explanation and explanation and support and
comprehensive evidence are fairly evidence are evidence
through minimal
Introduction creates Introduction Introduction creates Introduction lacks
interest, provides creates some little interest, interest, direction,
direction, and shows interest, provides provides limited and engagement
engagement with fair direction, and direction, and with topic
topic shows some shows little
engagement with engagement with
topic topic.
Paragraphs reflect Paragraphs reflect Paragraph reflect Paragraphs lack
highly unified unified thinking, limited thinking, unified thinking,
Organization thinking, strongly promote the somewhat promote limit the essay’s
promote the essay’s essay’s flow and the essay’s flow, flow, and lack
flow and effectively present details and present some, effective details.
present details somewhat what but not enough
effectively details
Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion ends Conclusion is
thoughtfully and effectively ends the essay with either missing or
effectively ends the the essay and summary and lacks even a basic
paper-goes beyond includes some repetition only summary
mere summary. observation
Transitions between Transitions and Transition between Lack of consistent
paragraphs and sentences are paragraphs and transitions
sentences are logical logical but do not sentences are significantly limits
and enhance enhance meaning inconsistent or meaning
meaning insufficient
Variety and quality Variety and quality Some sentence Little sentence
of sentences of sentences are variety but relies variety relies on a
consistently enhance evident in the too heavily on a few simple
the essay; rich, essay; effective few simple patterns;
effective vocabulary and patterns; simple vocabulary errors
Style vocabulary/ language vocabulary and and language
language use/tone/ use/tone+voice language misuse limit
voice for essay’s use/tone+voice not meaning
purpose very effective
Very few or no Few mechanical Many mechanical Numerous errors
mechanical errors: errors: errors but meaning interfere with
spelling, spelling, is clear: meaning:
Basic Skills punctuation, punctuation, some errors in errors in spelling
capitalization capitalization are spelling, punctuation,
enhance clarity mostly correct punctuation, capitalization,
capitalization seriously diminish
diminish clarity clarity
Usage (tense, Usage is mostly Some errors in Usage errors
agreement, etc) correct usage diminish seriously diminish
enhances clarity clarity clarity

Presentation Rubric
5 4 3-2 1-0 Total
Organization Information is Information is Information is Information is not
effectively sequenced adequately.... somewhat…. logically
for presentation:
summary of topic, sequenced
development, sources
Content has much Content is not
Content/ Content has Content is
support, with sufficient supported or has
Subject Knowledge adequate… somewhat…
indication of references very little support
Visual Aids None required, or if used, If used, was If used, did not
Very intrusive
maximum they were not intrusive somewhat intrusive enhance
Language Use and
Student's presentation has Presentation has Presentation Presentation has
little or no errors several errors has many errors too many errors

Student effectively
Eye maintains eye contact;
Student somewhat Student barely
Contact/Gestures/ does not read off papers Student
effectively….reads effectively….
Positioning/Attire/ throughout; is heard; ineffectively….
a fair bit… mostly reads….
Elocution properly attired, uses any
gestures effectively

Grading Criteria for Final Portfolio

Structure & Organization: typewritten, correct layout, paragraphing indicated, 5 points

spacing, APA is properly used in both in parenthetical citations and in
annotated bibliography; annotations are formatted correctly and adequate for
source indicated matched to topic. Research indicates logical sequencing of
paragraphs, with a clear intro/middle/conclusion.
Content: Portfolio covers the various aspects outlines in the assignment. 4 points
Information used in the research are valid and reliable.
Expression: Entries in Portfolio indicates effective supporting details. Essays 5 points
have well developed ideas with explanations and examples. Citations are
used to show source of research and facts used.
Presentation & Packaging: Portfolio is submitted in a clean neat folder as 3 points
specified. There are no distractions or hindrances making the paper difficult
to read or accessed easily. Packaging has some form of creativity and shows
extra effort placed in preparation
Grammar/Mechanics/Word Use: Sentences are clear and easy to 3 points
understand. Grammatical errors and word choice should not hinder the clarity
of ideas

Grading Criteria For Semester Project - Speech

Preparedness: Students are prepared and on time with all materials so that 2 point
they can have a free flowing presentations.
Structure & Organization: Presentation indicates logical sequencing of ideas, 3 points
with a clear intro/middle/conclusion
Content: Presentation covers the various aspects outlined in the assignment. 5 points
Information used in the research are valid and reliable. Presentation has
enough valid material to show an effective research and time was used well.
Eye Contact: Students are not reading from their papers or power point, but 3 points
are only making reference to these. They may use flash cards or pointers.
Students seem to be interacting with and speaking to the audience.
Expression: Research indicates effective supporting details Clearly explain 5 points
and express ideas using the appropriate examples as well as citations to
support facts used.
Mechanics: Students use mostly appropriate grammar and mechanics in
relating ideas. Word choice and grammar and mechanics did not affect the 3 points
clarity of ideas.
Voice Projection: Presentation is clear and all words are audible with the 4 points
appropriate use of tone in relating to the audience. Videos used are clear and

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