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Excitation System
THYNE 400, THYNE 500, THYNE 600

Sales Manual

Identification MGE-002-1

Version.Revision 1.00

Date of issue 26.01.2015

This document is applicable to the following product(s):


© 2015 by ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH, All rights reserved.

Any kind of disclosure and reproduction whatsoever of this document or of parts thereof is permitted only
upon prior written consent by ANDRITZ HYDRO. Technical specifications are used for purposes of prod-
uct description only and are no guaranteed specifications in legal terms. Subject to modifications - also in
terms of technology.

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 5

2. Basic principle of excitation systems ................................................................. 7

3. The features of different types of excitation systems ....................................... 9

4. General description of excitation system ......................................................... 11

4.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 11
4.2. Main features of the THYNE excitation systems ....................................................................... 11
4.2.1. Power circuit ...................................................................................................................... 13 Power circuit of THYNE 400 ...................................................................................... 14
4.2.2. Power circuit of THYNE 500 .............................................................................................. 15
4.2.3. Power circuit of THYNE 600 .............................................................................................. 15
4.2.4. Thyristor converter Smart Bridge ....................................................................................... 16
4.2.5. DC overvoltage protection ................................................................................................. 17
4.2.6. De-Excitation equipment .................................................................................................... 17 Static de-excitation ..................................................................................................... 17 De-excitation with DC field breaker ............................................................................ 17
4.2.7. DC polarity changing .......................................................................................................... 18
4.2.8. AC-Overvoltage protection................................................................................................. 18
4.2.9. Field flashing / Initial excitation at shunt operation ............................................................ 18
4.2.10. HIPASE-E Automatic Voltage Regulator ........................................................................... 18
4.2.11. Rotor current regulator (Manual mode of operation) ......................................................... 19
4.2.12. Auto tracking and transfer between automatic and manual mode .................................... 19
4.2.13. Operation, monitoring and digital sequencer ..................................................................... 20
4.2.14. The software tool for HIPASE-E ........................................................................................ 20
4.2.15. Cubicle, Assembly ............................................................................................................. 20

5. Options and variants .......................................................................................... 21

5.1. Regulator - dual channel version ............................................................................................... 21
5.2. Auto tracking and transfer between Channel 1 and Channel 2 ................................................. 21
5.3. Limiter and regulation options ................................................................................................... 22
5.4. Redundant thyristor converter ................................................................................................... 22
5.5. Thyristor current supervision ..................................................................................................... 22
5.6. Electrical brake .......................................................................................................................... 22
5.7. Test supply ................................................................................................................................ 23

6. Technical Data .................................................................................................... 25

A. Single line diagrams ........................................................................................... 27

B. Reader´s Reactions ............................................................................................ 29

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Figure 1: P-Q diagram of a synchronous generator including the limitations .................................................... 7

Figure 2: THYNE 400 Power circuit with excitation transformer, shunt connection......................................... 14

Figure 3: THYNE 500 Power circuit with excitation transformer or pilot generator .......................................... 15


Table 1: The different types of excitation systems............................................................................................. 9

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1. Introduction

THYNE 400, THYNE 500 and THYNE 600 are thyristor excitation systems for
synchronous generators with various supply and machine arrangements

Characteristics and features:

 Supply variants
shuntfield connection from generator busbar or
from the station auxiliary supply or
from a pilot generator linked to the shaft
 Machine arrangements
Fully static (THYNE 500 or THYNE 600) or
DC exciter (THYNE 400) or
AC brushless exciter (THYNE 400)
 Power part with fully controlled 6-pulse thyristor converter

 De-excitation equipment
with ac-breaker, anti-parallel thyristors and linear field discharge resistor or
with dc field breaker and a non-linear field discharge resistor

 Control and sequencer in microprocessor technology

This document is a general description and covers all possible performances with variants and
options of the excitation systems THYNE 400, THYNE 500 and THYNE 600. For the detailed
and actual performance please refer to the "Technical specification and scope of supply".

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Basic principle of excitation systems

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Basic principle of excitation systems

2. Basic principle of excitation systems

The operation of a synchronous generator requires magnetic rotor field produced by a DC current flow-
ing in the rotor windings. This DC current is generated by the excitation system.

The excitation systems are using either rotating machinery or static elements to supply the field or direct-
ly the rotor of the main machine. A static excitation system is supplied via an excitation transformer from
a power source. If the source is the generator stator itself, we are referring to a “shunt field excitation
system”. If the excitation transformer is connected to an external power source, e.g. an AC generator
mounted on the rotor shaft or to the auxiliary supply of the plant, it is called “excitation system with exter-
nal supply”. The output voltage of the excitation transformer is rectified and controlled by a thyristor con-
verter, and feeds the field winding via the rotor brushes.

A further possibility is the use of a rotating exciter machine, which either can be a brushless AC exciter
with flywheel diodes, or especially in older plants a DC exciter machine. The exciter machine is acting as
an amplifier for the field current. The flywheel diodes are mounted on the common shaft of generator
and rotating exciter, and supply the DC current for the rotor. A 6-pulse thyristor unit controlled by a volt-
age regulator achieves the regulation of the exciter field.

The excitation enables

 Control of the generator voltage if the generator is not connected to the grid or operating in an iso-
lated network.
 Control of the reactive power for operating in parallel with other units in a power system. As the
capacity of a single generator compared to an interconnected network is very small the voltage
level is mainly defined by the network itself.

Additional features of the voltage regulator keep the generator within the save operating area by chang-
ing the excitation current.

The figure below shows a typical permissible load range for stable operation of a generator set.

Stability limit P (pu), active power

Max. permissible stator current

Max. permissible rotor current

Operating range

-1 -0,5 0,5 1 Q (pu), reactive power

Min. permissible rotor current

Figure 1: P-Q diagram of a synchronous generator including the limitations

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Basic principle of excitation systems

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The features of different types of excitation systems

3. The features of different types of excitation systems


DC exciter
excitation principle static excitation static excitation
AC brushless exciter

output current up to 200 ADC up to 2500 ADC up to 7500 ADC

> 2 up to 4
number of bridges n 1 1 (typically max. 2500 ADC /

redundancy of converters n+1 n+1 n+1 or n+2

forced cooling redundancy no yes yes

natural cooling yes yes yes

static de-excitation or
only dc field beaker both variants both variants
dc field circuit breaker

number of cubicles 1 2 to 4 > 3 up to 24

dual channel AVR yes yes yes

diode failure detection yes not applicable not applicable

rotor temp. detection not applicable yes yes

electrical brake no no yes

SFC start and el. brake no no yes

back to back no no yes

asynchronous start no no yes

negative bridge no no yes

controlled SCR current sharing no no yes

SCR conduction supervision no no yes

Table 1: The different types of excitation systems

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The features of different types of excitation systems

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General description of excitation system

4. General description of excitation system

4.1. Introduction

The THYNE excitation systems consist of a well-proven and nearly maintenance-free design. The sys-
tems are characterized by the use of thyristor type converters as power elements and a digital voltage
regulator (AVR) with integrated sequencer, type HIPASE-E.

The systems THYNE 400, THYNE 500 and THYNE 600 are not only suitable for new plants but also for
modernization of existing plants. Due to the well proven system concept a retrofit can be done within
very short outage time.

The exciter cubicle contains all required power circuits (except excitation transformer/s), the automatic
voltage regulator and the complete sequencer, which is necessary to control the individual components.
The system also comprises a local operating Touchpanel with alarm indication, which enables local op-
eration and quick systems analysis and repair in case of excitation failures.

4.2. Main features of the THYNE excitation systems

 Power supply
excitation transformer with shunt connection to the generator or
excitation transformer connected to the station auxiliary supply or
via shaft mounted pilot generator
 Machine arrangements
Fully static excitation for synchronous machines with slip-rings (THYNE 500 or THYNE 600) or
supporting the AC exciter machines (brushless) (THYNE 400) or
DC exciter machines (THYNE 400)
 Static excitation system
THYNE 500 up to 2500 A
THYNE 600 up to 7500 A continuously permissible maximum rotor current
 AC or DC exciter machine
THYNE 400 up to 200 A continuously permissible maximum field current
 Fully digital system
Digital sequencer (microprocessor based)
Digital voltage regulator and limiters with digital real time processing of measured values from
VTs and CTs, and digital gate pulse generation
 Frequency range from 10 Hz to 440 Hz
 Manual excitation as field current regulator
 Automatic follow-up and change-over of regulator modes
 Limiters- and additional regulator functions

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General description of excitation system

 Diode failure supervision in case of supplying AC exciter machine

 Softstart facility (Build-up of generator voltage by defined slope function)

The standard configuration of the excitation system is performed with one thyristor converter and a regu-
lator in single-channel version for automatic and manual operation.

The THYNE 500 and THYNE 600 systems fulfil the high initial response criteria for excitation systems
and they allow therefore very fats control speeds of the generator voltage.

To increase reliability and comfort of operation many options are available, ranging from adding individu-
al functions (e.g. dynamic braking) to a complete dual-channel system with all options.

ANDRITZ Hydro excitation equipment is easily surveyed and accessible, having a modern design, and
can be optimally adapted to customer and plant requirements, due to its many different extensions and
alternative options.

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General description of excitation system

4.2.1. Power circuit

The exciter energy can be taken either from:

 Excitation transformer or
 Pilot generator, linked to the generator shaft

With excitation transformer:

The exciter energy is taken via a three-phase excitation transformer directly from the generator busbar
before the generator circuit breaker (shunt-field excitation), or from a feeder behind the generator circuit
breaker or the station service AC-voltage (independently supplied excitation).

The secondary winding of the excitation transformer feeds the excitation-system AC-bus. Connected to
this bus is a fully controlled thyristor converter. The output of the thyristor rectifier is connected to the
DC-bus. From the DC-bus the excitation feeds the field of the exciter machine or the rotor windings of
the generator.

The excitation transformer is either of dry type, resin vacuum impregnated or of cast resin type. Temper-
ature sensors are provided for over temperature detection. All sensors are wired to trip or indication
modules within the excitation system control cubicle.

With pilot generator:

The exciter energy is taken from a pilot generator, linked to the generator shaft. This variant is inde-
pendent of network influences. Therefore an operation with full excitation output is also possible in case
of short circuits at generator terminals.

The AC-pilot generator feeds via AC-breaker the excitation system AC-bus and the fully controlled thyris-
tor converter is connected to this AC-bus. The output of the thyristor rectifier is connected to the DC-bus
and from the DC-bus the excitation feeds the field of the exciter machine or the rotor of the main ma-

The pilot generator itself has its own excitation equipment.

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General description of excitation system Power circuit of THYNE 400

The excitation systems type THYNE 400 support two machine types
 AC exciter machines
 DC exciter machines

AC-exciter machines have rotating diodes instead of slip-rings, so that the electromechanical machine-
parts have less wear compared to static excitation systems. Although the excitation can apply positive
and negative voltages to the field, there are only positive main rotor voltages possible due to the diode
rectifier. On the other hand, by DC exciter machines the carbon brushes cause higher pollution.
The basic function of the excitation system type THYNE 400 is shown in below block diagram.

E xcitation
transform er
M achine C onfiguration

D C exciter m achine

A C exciter m achine

40 0

C urrent B ooster (O P TIO N )

Figure 2: THYNE 400 Power circuit with excitation transformer, shunt connection

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General description of excitation system

4.2.2. Power circuit of THYNE 500

The basic function of the excitation system type THYNE 500 is shown in below block diagram.



Supply Options

Machine Configuration


Static Excitation

500 ~
Pilot Generator PG PG
Figure 3: THYNE 500 Power circuit with excitation transformer or pilot generator

4.2.3. Power circuit of THYNE 600

The basic function of the excitation system type THYNE 600 is same as THYNE 500.

The differences between the systems are mentioned in Table 1: The different types of excitation sys-

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General description of excitation system

4.2.4. Thyristor converter Smart Bridge

The Smart Bridge is the standard thyristor converter of ANDRITZ HYDRO whereas its configuration is
optimized to the requirements of excitation systems.

The standard configuration consists of a fully controlled six-pulse thyristor converter, which can apply
positive and negative ceiling voltages to the rotor (two-quadrant-mode).

The Smart Bridge is assembled with its six thyristors and accessories into one cubicle. The dimension of
the cabinet depends on the selected design and has a width of either 800 mm or 1000 mm and a depth
of 800 mm. Each thyristor is fused by a supervised semiconductor fuse and paralleled with a surge ab-
sorbing snubber circuit. The thermal switch mounted on each heat sink prevents the thyristors against
overloading. The gate of each thyristor is connected to a gate amplifier, which is fed from the gate con-

The rectifier assembly uses forced cooling. The cooling unit consists of a cooling box containing the fans
and the flaps.

The design of Smart Bridge allows following features.

 Easy access to the components (thyristor modules, fuses, RC circuit, and ventilators)

 Two thyristor converters in one cabinet

 High degree of protection IP32

 Optional; redundant ventilation

 Optional; thermal supervision of each heat sink by PT100 sensors

 Optional; thermal supervision of outlet temperature by PT100 sensor assembled in ventilation box

 Optional; pressure difference supervision to detect the missing ventilation

In case of non-redundant (n+0) design, a failure in one thyristor branch will cause a trip of the unit. The
optional redundant n+1 or n+2 designs are able to handle such failures by means of switching over to a
redundant bridge (see chapter 5 / Options and variants). An optional thyristor current supervision can be
installed (see chapter 5 / Options and variants).

All supervisions (i.e. fuse failure, AC surge-voltage damping circuit, ...) are implemented in the digital se-
quencer of the excitation system.

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General description of excitation system

4.2.5. DC overvoltage protection

Each system is equipped with an overvoltage protection on the DC supply to protect the generator field
findings against overvoltage. The DC overvoltage protection consists of the so called crow-bar assembly
of two antiparallel thyristors, connected to an overvoltage trigger circuit for the automatic switching on of
the thyristors in case of any voltage over the protection level. These thyristors are connected in series
with the de-excitation resistor.

4.2.6. De-Excitation equipment

In normal operation mode the de-excitation of the generator will be done by inverter mode operation of
the thyristor converters, so that the field breaker or AC-supply breaker could be opened without load.

In case of a trip of the excitation system, there are the following two different de-excitation concepts

 static de-excitation with crow-bar and AC supply brekaer

 de-excitation with a dedicated DC field breaker Static de-excitation

The static de-excitation system consists of the so called crow-bar, an assembly of two antiparallel thyris-
tors, in series with a linear de-excitation resistor.

In case of a trip the crow-bar will be triggered by an external command and additionally the AC supply
breaker will be opened. Due to the opening of the AC breaker the field current has to flow over the crow-
bar and the de-excitation resistor, which will de-excite the generator.

The crow-bar is also used for the overvoltage protection of the filed windings. Redundant configurations
are possible. De-excitation with DC field breaker

The DC field circuit breaker provides two main contacts and one overlapping discharge contact connect-
ed in series with a non-linear discharge resistor. In case of a trip the DC field breaker will be opened, so
that the field current flows over the discharge resistor. Additionally the DC circuit will be separated from
thyristor converters and the AC supply circuit.

The field circuit breaker is equipped with two trip coils for release (one of thereof for the back-up protec-

The field discharge resistor has a non-linear characteristic and is made of silicon carbide (SiC). This ma-
terial has no ageing effects and it’s characteristic is not changing. Thus the lifetime of silicon carbide is
not limited, and best suitable to dissipate (discharge) high energies frequently and reliably.

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General description of excitation system

4.2.7. DC polarity changing

The polarity of the rotor-voltage must be changed to ensure the equal abrasion of brushes and slip-rings.
For this purpose a polarity-changing link is included in the field discharge equipment. This link can be
turned by 90° at standstill of excitation to swap the connection and thus the polarity on the slip-rings.

4.2.8. AC-Overvoltage protection

A RC-surge circuit is implemented to absorb voltage peaks at the AC-bus, generated either by the com-
mutation of the thyristor converter or due to external events.

4.2.9. Field flashing / Initial excitation at shunt operation

In general the self-excitation at start of a synchronous alternator can only be guaranteed by additional
measures, because the residual voltage of the alternator is typically too low to initiate excitation.

The energy for the initial excitation can be taken from the station battery and is conducted via diodes, a
limiting resistor and a flashing contactor to the rotor. Alternatively, the energy can be taken from the AC-
station service and feeds the rotor via matching transformer, rectifier diodes and contactor.

When starting the excitation the contactor will be closed. At approx. 5% of rated generator voltage the
thyristor converter starts operating and raises the voltage up to the rated value. When the excitation cur-
rent on the AC-side exceeds an adjustable value the flashing-contactor opens. The logic sequencer will
operate the field flashing.

4.2.10. HIPASE-E Automatic Voltage Regulator

The regulator and gate-control unit HIPASE-E is a multi-processor voltage regulator for synchronous
single-phase and three-phase machines with a wide frequency range. It comprises a complete voltage
regulator with limiters and additional regulators, the firing circuit for single-phase and three-phase opera-
tion and the logic control that is necessary for the proper operation of an excitation system.

Due the modular design the system can be adapted to the requirement of the project and it is extendable
for future adaptions.

Operating principle:

The voltage regulator consists of two control-loops in cascaded design. The outer loop is a voltage regu-
lator and controls the generator voltage dependent on the automatic channel set-value. It has PI(D)-
characteristic with an internal integrator-stage feed back. The inner loop is a rotor current regulator with
P(I)-characteristic. Due to this double loop structure high control speed and stability at all operation
modes and loads will be achieved.

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General description of excitation system

The main features of the microprocessor system are:

 Voltage regulation (automatic mode of operation) to an adjustable voltage set-value, using a rotor
current loop
 Rotor current regulation as manual mode of operation
 Manual and automatic smooth change-over between automatic and manual operation
 Active and reactive load compensation
 Maximum rotor current limiter (undelayed), to limit the maximum possible short-time ceiling cur-
 Maximum rotor current limiter with time-delay depending on the over current (inverse time charac-
teristic), to limit the continuous admissible rotor current
 Minimum rotor current limiter (undelayed), to prevent any operation below the admissible mini-
mum current
 Stator current limitation with inverse time delay for lagging and leading loads
All adjustments and settings of the AVR can be done over the Touchpanel with a graphical HMI.

To guarantee highest safety during operation, extensive hardware and software supervisions are inte-
grated in the system.
 Self-supervision of the 4-processors
 Supervision of the voltage-supply
 Watch-dog-function on application software execution
Several limitations and additional regulator functions can be optionally installed in the voltage regulator.
Please refer to chapter 5 / Options and variants.

4.2.11. Rotor current regulator (Manual mode of operation)

For manual operation the current loop of the regulator is used to control the rotor current dependent on
the manual operation set-value. The manual set-value is controlled via the Touchpanel with a graphical

To increase the reliability no limiters are acting in this mode.

4.2.12. Auto tracking and transfer between automatic and manual mode

A change over from voltage regulator (automatic mode) to rotor current regulator (manual mode) may be
done manually or automatically. If the voltage regulator part fails, control is transferred automatically to
the manual mode (for example: actual generator voltage fails).

The transfer from manual to automatic mode can be done from the operator only.

A follow-up regulator allows the smooth change over from one mode to the other. If in the case of manu-
al operation (rotor current regulation) the actual set-point exceeds the setting range of the AVR, a switch
over to automatic mode is blocked.

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General description of excitation system

4.2.13. Operation, monitoring and digital sequencer

In the system HIPASE-E sequencing and monitoring is an integrated part of the software thus having the
same reliability as the voltage regulator.

For sequencing, monitoring and alarm indication the following features are provided:
 Digital sequencer for start-up and shut-down procedures of the excitation system, including
switching of all necessary contactors (field flashing, fans, …).
 Input, output signal processing (potential-free interface to other systems of the power station).
 Supervision of excitation, including alarm and/or trip outputs.
 Operation and monitoring unit for local operation from the Touchpanel (excitation ON/OFF; set-
point RAISE/LOWER; pre-selection of operation mode; reset of alarms) with feedback indications.
 The Touchpanel consists of a 7” touch display indicating the status of signals and measurement
 All alarms of the excitation system are stored and indicated on the Touchpanel. The summary
alarms ”excitation alarm” and ”excitation trip” are wired to terminals for external use.
 Various generator quantities are indicated on the display of the local monitoring unit:
─ generator voltage
─ generator current
─ rotor current
─ active power
─ reactive power
─ power factor
 Test and simulation features, facilitating maintenance and commissioning.

4.2.14. The software tool for HIPASE-E

For operation, maintenance and diagnosis the software tool for HIPASE-E is available. This software is
able to run on PC with installed Windows® operating system. It supports by means of graphical displays
user friendly operation. The HIPASE tool allows a detailed analysis of the system status and gives a
graphical overview of the status of the sequencer logic.

The connection between the PC and HIPASE-E regulator is simply done via Ethernet patch cable.

4.2.15. Cubicle, Assembly

The electronic circuits (regulation, sequencer, power supplies) are designed as printed circuits boards
and assembled in a 19"-rack. Therefore every single board can be exchanged individually.

The local operation is mounted on the front door of the controller cabinet. The arrangement of the com-
ponents in the cubicles guarantees easy access to all components.

An I/O-terminal strip for all external signals for interfacing is provided.

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Options and variants

5. Options and variants

The following options are not part of the system in its standard configuration. Some options exclude oth-
er options. For the offered scope of supply please refer to the “Technical specification and scope of sup-
ply” and the single line diagram.

5.1. Regulator - dual channel version

To increase the availability of the system a second channel can be performed. The second channel has
the same hardware and software configuration as the master channel. A dual channel system consists
 Two HIPASE-E systems, with identical hardware and software
 Interface card for gate pulse selection between master and slave channel
 Independent power supply from AC-bus

Each of the two channels allows an unrestricted operation with all functions and with full performance.

5.2. Auto tracking and transfer between Channel 1 and Channel 2

A smooth change over between both channels is possible during operation without manual balancing
and can be done manually or automatically in case of failure. A follow-up function takes care that both
channels are always balanced, therefore no balancing meter is needed.

A surveillance system features:

 Failure detection for both voltage supplies
 Failure detection for both regulators
 Failure detection for both gate pulse devices
 Failure detection for voltage sensing and voltage regulation
 Failure detection for sequencing
 Auto transfer from the active channel to the stand-by channel in case of a fault
The transfer from manual to automatic mode can be done manually only.

If in case of manual operation (field current regulation) the actual set-point exceeds the setting range of
the AVR, a switch over to automatic mode is blocked.

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Options and variants

5.3. Limiter and regulation options

The following functions can optionally be installed in the voltage regulator:

 Load angle limitation, undelayed
 Over fluxing (Volts/Hertz) limiter
 Power system stabilizer (PSS2B)
 Power factor regulator
 Reactive power regulator
 System voltage matching
 Rotor temperature measurement
 Thyristor current supervision / thyristor pulse supervision
 LAN interface to unit control

5.4. Redundant thyristor converter

For redundancy additional thyristor converters can be installed in parallel (n+1 or n+2 layout). Depending
on the operation philosophy either all converters operate in parallel or the redundant converters work in
hot standby operation. If a converter in operation fails (fuse, fan, temperature) an alarm will be initiated
and the stand-by converter will automatically be activated, additionally the faulty bridge will be blocked.
This design allows full excitation output without any restriction even if thyristors or a complete converter

5.5. Thyristor current supervision

In the basic design each of the six thyristors of a converter is monitored for fuse-trip and overtempera-
ture. As an option either a firing-pulse failure or a conduction monitoring can be installed. In case of fail-
ure the sequencer initiates a blocking of the defective converter and switch over to a standby converter.

5.6. Electrical brake

This feature provides a maintenance-free possibility to reduce the time to standstill of the generator. If an
electrical brake shall be installed, some requirements on the power side must be fulfilled:

 Generator independent power supply for the excitation system

 Short circuit breaker must be installed in the generator bus bar

During electrical braking the excitation will be fed from an independent power supply. The generator
short-circuiting switch will be closed and the excitation operates in field current regulation mode control-
ling the field current to a constant value (corresponding to approx. rated stator current) until the genera-
tor has come to standstill. The electrical losses in the stator windings result in a braking torque. Due to
the fact that the stator current is nearly independent from the turbine speed, the braking torque increases
with decreasing speed, and the unit stops without use of the mechanical brake. Apart from avoiding pol-
lution there is also less wear on the mechanical brake.

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Options and variants

5.7. Test supply

During first commissioning (short-circuit characteristic, no-load characteristic, protection- and excitation
tests,...) and for later tests a power supply for the thyristor converter independent from the generator is
necessary (independently supplied excitation).

For test purposes an independent supply connected to the AC-station bus can be provided. The AC will
be connected via matching transformer and changeover links to the excitation. The field current can be
regulated from 0 up to the rated current of this supply (standard 110% of generator no-load voltage).

If an electrical brake is provided, then the brake equipment can also be used for testing.

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Options and variants

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Technical Data

6. Technical Data

HIPASE-E Automatic Voltage Regulator

Type of excitation system High Initial Response Excitation System

Required voltage for power supply 110 V ... 220 VDC / 24 V … 60 VDC

Required voltage for field flashing 24 V ... 220 V DC

Supply voltage for electronics from the station battery and AC-thyristor-bus

Test voltage

power circuit  250 VDC 2.5 kVAC (Standard)

> 250 VDC according IEEE421B

electronic circuit 500 VAC

Temperature range 0...40 °C (45 °C)

Voltage sensing 100 VAC or 110 VAC or 115 VAC / 0,3 VA, cl. 1, 3-phase or 1-phase

Current sensing 1 A or 5 A / 0,4 VA , cl. 3, n<5

Set-point range adjustable, factory setting 0,9 ... 1,1 UGN

Active load compensation adjustable between -20 % … 0 ... 20 %,

Reactive load compensation adjustable between -20 % … 0 ... 20 %,

Regulation accuracy < ±0,5 % UGN

Frequency range 10 Hz ... 440 Hz, 3-phase, positive or negative phase sequence

10 Hz ... 330 Hz, 1-phase

Response time < 50 ms

Structure of voltage regulator two control-loops in master-slave connection

outer loop: PI(D)-characteristic (AVR)
inner loop: P(I)-characteristic (rotor current)

Digital inputs for sequencer potential free wide range inputs (24 VDC … 250 VDC)

Digital outputs of sequencer potential free relay contacts (250 VAC / 230 VDC @ 8A resistive load)

Performance according standards EN 50178 (VDE 160), IEC 60146, IEC 60726, IEEE 421
The microprocessor system is manufactured according standard IEC 61000-4 and type tested by an in-
ternational approved institute.

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Technical Data

IEC 61000-4: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

part 1: General Introduction

part 2: ESD (Electrostatic discharge) Class 3, 4: 6 kV (contact) 8 kV (air)

part 3: HF / Electromagnetic fields Class 3: 10 V/m

part 4: Fast transient /Burst Class 3, 4: 2-4 kV Power ports, earth port
1 kV Signal and control ports

part 5: Surge immunity (1,2 / 50 µs) Class 3, 4: 1 kV (line to line) 2-4 kV (line to ground)

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Single line diagrams

A. Single line diagrams

Single line diagram DC de-excitation Dwg. Nr.: 3 505 659 / 2

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Single line diagrams

Fig. 1: Single Line Diagram – AC De-Excitation [ 3 505 659 / 2 ]

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Reader´s Reactions

B. Reader´s Reactions

We designed and compiled this manual with great care and a high degree of responsibility. It was - and
still is - our goal to design it in a way that it will be of greatest possible use at your work.

In order to reach this goal, we also rely on your cooperation - especially where maintenance and care of
the manual are concerned.

To make this cooperation easier for you, we added a form to this section. Please make use of it.

We will try to consider your comments already in the next update of the manual.

Thank you very much for your cooperation!

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Reader´s Reactions

Form for Readers' Reactions

Your comments and suggestions will help us to further improve both quality and usefulness of
this manual. Thank you very much for your efforts!

Please fill in this questionaire and return it to us; we will send you the next update of this manual
free of charge as soon as it is available.

What is your impression of this manual? Do you think it is complete, correct and accurate, well-
structured, written in a comprehensible language, etc.?



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Did you find any mistakes in this manual? If so, please use form on the backside.

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Produktmanagement Excitation

Eibesbrunnergasse 20
A-1120 Wien, Österreich

30 / 31 MGE-002-1 Sales Manual HIPASE E

Reader´s Reactions

Correction Sheet

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