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Title IX their existence. But in the progress of civilization

PARENTAL AUTHORITY this stern rule was gradually relaxed.
In the modern concept of parental authority,
Chapter l the obligational aspect is now supreme. Now, there
General Provisions is no power, but a task; no complex of rights (of
parents) but a sum of duties; no sovereignty, but a
Art. 209. Pursuant to the natural right and duty sacred trust for the welfare of the minor. The rights
of parents over the person and property of their that the parents may exercise over the person and
unemancipated children, parental authority and property of their unemancipated children pursuant
responsibility shall include the caring for and to the exercise of parental authority are but
rearing of such Children for civic ancillary to the proper discharge of parental duties
consciousness and efficiency and the to provide them with adequate support, education,
development of their moral, mental and moral, intellectual and civil training and
physical character and well-being. (n) development.

Art. 210. Parental authority and responsibility Over Whom Exercised

may not be renounced or transferred except in Parental authority is exercised over
the cases authorized by law. (313a) unemancipated children. Emancipation takes place
by the attainment of majority. Majority, under
Parental Authority, Explained present law, commences at the age of 18 years.
Parental authority or patria potestas, is the Upon reaching 18, a child is already considered
mass of rights and obligations which parents have emancipated and the parental authority over his
in relation to the person and property of their person is terminated, except in certain situations
children until their majority age or emancipation, expressly provided by law. e.g., parental consent is
and even after this under certain circumstances. It necessary if a person below 21 wants to get
is the juridical institution whereby parents rightfully married.
assume control and protection of their
unemancipated children to a certain extent. Consequences of Parental Authority
In the continual evolution of legal As a consequence of the exercise of
institutions, this concept has been transformed from parental authority, the parents may exercise the
the jus vitae ac necis (right of life and death) of the following:
Roman law, under which the offspring was virtually (1) the right to have them in their company
a chattel of his parents, into a radically different (custody);
institution, due to the influence of Christian faith (2) the right to be obeyed and respected;
and doctrines. (3) the right to impose discipline on them as
In the early concept of patria potestas, the may be required under the circumstances;
emphasis was on the sum total of the rights which (4) the right to withhold, give consent in
the law grants to the parents over the person and matters;
property of their children. In the early period of the (5) the right to exercise legal guardianship over
Roman history, for example, the paternal authority the property of unemancipated common
was unlimited: the father had the absolute control children;
over his children, as the domestic magistrate of his (6) limited right of usufruct over the child's
family, condemn them to death. They could acquire property.
nothing except for the benefit of the pater familias As a consequence of the exercise of parental
(father of the family); and they were even liable to authority, the parents shall have the following
be sold and reduced to slavery by the author of

duties, with respect to their unemancipated and Angelica Eslao who was born on April 20,
children: 1987. Leslie was entrusted to the care and custody
(1) To support, educate and instruct them by of Maria Paz's mother in Pampanga, while Angelica
right precept and good example, and to stayed with her parents at Teresita's house.
provide for their upbringing in keeping with On August 6, 1990, Reynaldo Eslao died.
their means; After her husband's death, Maria Paz intended to
(2) To give them love and affection, advice and bring Angelica with her to Pampanga but Teresita
counsel, companionship and understanding; prevailed upon her to entrust the custody of
(3) To provide them with moral and spiritual Angelica to her, Teresita reasoning out that her son
guidance, inculcate in them honesty, just died and to assuage her grief therefor, she
integrity, self-discipline, self-reliance, needed the company of the child to at least
industry and thrift, stimulate their interest in compensate for the loss of her late son. Maria
civic affairs, and inspire in them compliance returned to her mother's house in Pampanga where
with the duties of citizenship; she stayed with Leslie.
(4) To furnish them with good and wholesome Subsequently, Maria Paz was introduced by
educational materials, supervise their her aunt to Dr. James Manabu-Ouye, a Japanese-
activities, recreation and association with American, who is an orthodontist practicing in the
others, protect them from bad company, United States; their acquaintance blossomed into a
and prevent them from acquiring habits meaningful relationship where on March 18, 1992,
detrimental to their health, studies and Maria Paz and Dr. James Ouye decided to get
morals; married. Less than ten months thereafter, or on
(5) To represent them in all matters affecting January 15, 1993, Maria Paz migrated to San
their interests; Francisco, California, USA, to join her new
(6) To perform such other duties as are husband.
imposed by law upon parents and guardians On June 24, 1993, Maria Paz returned to
the Philippines to be reunited with her children and
Cannot Be Renounced or Transferred bring them to the US; she then informed Teresita
The right attached to parental authority, about her desire to take custody of Angelica and
being purely personal, the law allows a waiver of explained that her present husband, Dr. Ouye,
parental authority only in cases of adoption, expressed his willingness to adopt Leslie and
guardianship and surrender to a children's home or Angelica and to provide for their support and
an orphan institution. Thus, when a parent entrusts education.
the custody of a minor to another, such as a friend However, Teresita resisted the idea by way
or godfather, even in a document, what is given is of explaining that the child was entrusted to her
merely temporary custody and it does not constitute when she was ten days old and accused Maria Paz
a renunciation of parental authority. Even if a of having abandoned Angelica. Because of the
definite renunciation is manifest, the law still adamant attitude of Teresita, Maria Paz was
disallows it. constrained to institute an action to recover the
custody of her child from the latter's paternal
Sagala-Eslao v. Court of Appeals, 266 SCRA 317 grandmother. The trial court and the Court of
Facts: On June 22, 1984, Maria Paz Cordero-Ouye Appeals granted Maria Paz's petition to recover the
and Reynaldo Eslao were married; after their custody of her minor daughter. Thus, Teresita
marriage, the couple stayed with the mother of the elevated the matter to the Supreme Court –
husband, Teresita Eslao, in Paco, Manila. Out of Petitioner argues that it has been amply
their marriage, two children were begotten, namely, demonstrated during the trial that respondent had
Leslie Eslao who was born on February 23, 1986 abandoned Angelica to the care and custody of the


petitioner; that during all the time that Angelica stayed child shall terminate and shall be vested in the
with petitioner, there were only three instances or adopters.
occasions wherein respondent saw Angelica; that In adoption proceedings, when the decree of
respondent never visited Angelica on important adoption is entered, the same shall be effective as
occasions, such as her birthday, and neither did the
of the date the original petition was filed. The
former give her cards or gifts, not even a single candy
effects of a decree of adoption shall retroact to the
that while private respondent claims otherwise and that
she visited Angelica "many times" and insists that she day of the filing of the original petition.
visited Angelica four times a month and gave her
remembrances such as candies and clothes, she would Tamargo v. Court of Appeals
not even remember when the fourth birthday of Angelica A retroactive effect may be given to the
was. decree of adoption when it is essential to permit the
In Santos, Sr. v. Court of Appeals, we stated: accrual of some benefit or advantage in favor of the
"xxx [Parental authority] is a mass of rights and adopted child but not when it imposes a liability
obligations which the law grants to parents for the upon the adopting parents accruing at a time when
purpose of the children's physical preservation and
adopting parents had no actual or physical custody
development, as well as the cultivation of their intellect
over the adopted child. The Court explained:
and the education of their heart and senses. As regards
Parental authority is not properly regarded as
parental authority, there is no power, but a task; no
having been retroactively transferred to and vested in the
complex of rights, but a sum of duties; no sovereignty
adopting parents, the Rapisura spouses, at the time the
but a sacred trust for their welfare."
air rifle shooting happened. It should not impose a
"Parental authority and responsibility are
liability upon the adopting parents accruing at a time
inalienable and may not be transferred or renounced
when adopting parents had no actual or physically
except when authorized by law. The right attached to
custody over the adopted child. Retroactive effect may
parental authority, being purely personal, the law allows
perhaps be given to the granting of the petition for
a waiver of parental authority only in cases of adoption,
adoption where such is essential to permit the accrual of
guardianship and surrender to a children's home or an
some benefit or advantage in favor of the adopted child.
orphan institution. When a parent entrusts the custody of
In the case, to hold that parental authority had been
a minor to another, such as a friend or godfather, even in
retroactively lodged in the Rapisura spouses so as to
a document, what is given is merely temporary custody
burden them with liability for a tortious act that they could
and it does not constitute a renunciation of parental
not have foreseen and which they could not have
authority. Even a definite renunciation is not allowed.
prevented (since they were at that time in the United
The father and mother, being the natural
States and had no physical custody over the child
guardians of unemancipated children, are duty-bound
Adelberto) would be unfair.
and entitled to keep them in their custody."
Such would be inconsistent with the
Thus, when respondent entrusted the custody of
philosophical and policy basis underlying the doctrine of
her minor child to the petitioner, what she gave to the
vicarious liability. No presumption of parental dereliction
latter was merely temporary custody and it did not
on the part of the adopting parents could have arisen
constitute abandonment or renunciation of parental
since Adelberto was subject to their control at the time it
authority. The right of parents to the custody of their
was committed.
minor children is one of the natural rights incident to
Art. 35 of the Child and Youth Welfare Code:
parenthood, a right supported by law and sound public
Art. 35. Trial Custody. – No petition for adoption
policy. The right is an inherent one, not created by the
shall be finally granted unless and until the
state or decisions of the courts, but derives from the
adopting parents are given by the courts a
nature of the parental relationship.
supervised trial custody period of at least six
months to assess their adjustment and
Authorized Waiver of Parental Authority emotional readiness for the legal union. During
(a) Adoption the period of trial custody, parental authority
Upon the issuance of a decree of adoption, the shall be vested in the adopting.
parental authority of parents by nature over the

Parental authority is provisionally vested in the (c) Involuntary Commitment to DSWD

adopting parents during the period of trial custody, i.e., Involuntarily Committed Child refers to a child
before the issuance of a decree of adoption, because the who the DSWD finds to be abandoned, neglected
adopting parents are given actual custody of the child or dependent, by his/her parents or guardian and is
during such trial period. In the instant case, the trial
ordered committed to the care and custody of the
custody period either had not yet begun or had already
DSWD Centers or Institutions or to an accredited
been completed at the time of the air rifle shooting; in
any case, actual custody of Adelberto was then with his Child Caring/Placing Agency or individual.
natural parents, not the adopting parents. The DSWD Secretary or his authorized
In adoption proceedings, temporary parental representative or any duly licensed child placement
authority is vested upon the adopter during the period of agency, having knowledge of a child who appears
supervised trial custody. to be dependent, abandoned or neglected, may file
a verified petition for involuntary commitment of
(b) Voluntary Commitment to DSWD said child to the care of any licensed child
Voluntarily Committed/Surrendered Child refers placement.
to a child whose parent or legal guardian knowingly If, after the hearing, the child is found to be
and willingly relinquished parental authority in dependent, abandoned, or neglected, an order
writing through a notarized Deed of Voluntary shall be entered committing him to the care and
Commitment to the DSWD or any duly licensed or custody of the DSWD or any duly licensed child
accredited child placement or child-caring agency placement agency or individual. When a child shall
or institution. have been committed to the DSWD or any duly
Upon such commitment, the rights of his natural licensed child placement agency or individual
parents, guardian, or other custodian to exercise pursuant to an order of the court, his parents or
parental authority over him shall cease. Such guardian shall thereafter
agency or institution to whom the child was exercise no authority over him except upon such
committed or surrendered shall be entitled to the conditions as the court may impose.
custody and control of such child during his Instead, the DSWD or any duly licensed
minority, and shall have authority to care for, child placement agency or individual receiving a
educate, train and place him out temporarily or for child pursuant to an order of the court shall be the
custody and care in a duly licensed child placement legal guardian entitled to his legal custody and
agency. control, be responsible for his support as defined by
In the case of voluntarily law, and when proper, shall have authority to
committed/surrendered child, the petition for consent to his placement, guardianship and/or
restoration of parental authority may be filed by the adoption.
parent(s) or legal guardian within three months
after the signing of the Deed of Voluntary (d) Cases Contemplated by Articles 223, 224
Commitment (DVC). The petition for restoration of If there is a need to impose disciplinary
parental authority shall be granted by the Regional measures upon the child, the parents or, in their
Director or his/her authorized representative when absence or incapacity, the individual, entity or
it is shown to the satisfaction of the DSWD that the institution exercising parental authority, may
parent/s or legal guardian is/are in a position to petition the proper court of the place where the
adequately provide for the needs of the child. Such child resides, for an order providing for such
parent/s, or legal guardian of the child may then measures. The child shall be entitled to the
recover legal custody and parental authority over assistance of counsel, either of his choice or
the child from the agency or institution to which the appointed by the court, and a summary hearing
child was voluntarily committed. shall be conducted wherein the petitioner and the
child shall be heard.

However, if in the same proceeding the court obliged to obey them as long as the children
finds the petitioner at fault, irrespective of the merits are under parental authority. (17a, Presidential
of the petition, or when circumstances warrant, the Decree No. 603)
court may order the deprivation or suspension of
parental authority or adopt other proper measures. Art. 212. In case of absence or death of either
The measures referred to above may include parent, the parent present shall continue
the commitment of the child for not more than 30 exercising parental authority. The remarriage of
days in entities or institutions engaged in child-care the surviving parent shall not affect the parental
or in children's homes duly accredited by the proper authority over the children, unless the court
government agency. During the commitment, the appoints another person to be the guardian of
parent exercising parental authority shall not the person or property of the children. (17a,
interfere with the care of the child but shall provide Presidential Decree No. 603)
for his support. Upon proper petition, the court may
terminate the commitment of the child whenever Joint Exercise of Parental Authority
just. While, as a general rule, parental authority
is jointly exercised by the father and the mother,
(e) Placing of Foster Child Under Care of there are several instances i where the exercise of
Foster Parents parental authority is primarily lodged in the father:
When a child (foster child) is placed under (1) Under Article 14, when parental consent is
foster care of foster parents pursuant to the required for purposes of marriage, i.e.,
provisions of R.A.10165 the latter shall have the when either or both the contracting parties
rights, duties and liabilities of persons exercising thereto are between 18 and below 21,
substitute parental authority, as may be provided consent may be given by the "father,
under the Family Code over the children under their mother, surviving parent or guardian, or
foster care. persons having legal charge of them, in the
Foster care is the provision of planned order mentioned."
temporary substitute parental care to a child by a (2) Under Article 78, if a party to a marriage
foster parent. settlement is between 18 and 21, in which
However, foster Parents shall only have the case parental consent is required, the
rights of a person with special parental authority to person designated in Article 14 to give
discipline the foster children as defined under consent to the marriage is required to be a
Section 233 of Family Code, insofar as it prohibits party to the contract; otherwise, the contract
the infliction of corporal punishment upon the child. is not valid.
The infliction of corporal punishment by the The foregoing discussion applies only when the
Foster Parents shall be ground for revocation of the children are legitimate.
Foster Family Care License and termination of
Foster Placement Authority. Parental Authority Over Illegitimate Children
Illegitimate children are under the parental
Art. 211. The father and the mother shall jointly authority only of their mother. Hence, in cases
exercise parental authority over the persons of where the child is illegitimate, it is the participation
their common children. In case of of the mother which is required under Articles 14
disagreement, the father's decision shall and 78.
prevail, unless there is a judicial order to the
contrary. (a) Rule Applies Even If Father Admits
Children shall always observe respect Paternity
and reverence towards their parents and are

The rule in Article 176 that illegitimate children by Ramon to his house as they were eventually
are under the parental authority of the mother accepted by his legal family.
applies whether or not the father admits paternity. In the summer of 1991, Ramon asked
Daisie to allow Christopher J., then 6, to go with his
David v. Court of Appeals family to Boracay. Daisie agreed, but after the trip,
The fact that the father of an illegitimate Ramon refused to give back the child. Ramon said
child has recognized the child may be a ground for he had enrolled Christopher J. at the Holy Family
ordering him to give support to the latter, but not for Academy for the next school year. Daisie then filed
giving him custody of the child. a petition for habeas corpus on behalf of
Pursuant to the amendment by R.A. No. Christopher J. After hearing, the trial court ruled in
9255, illegitimate children are only authorized to favor of Daisie.
use the surnames of their father if paternity is On appeal, the Court of Appeals reversed
recognized or admitted by the latter in the birth the decision of the lower court and ruled that it was
certificate or in a public or private handwritten for the best interest of the child that he should
instrument. temporarily remain under the Custody of his father
Such admission will not authorize the father since the latter was well-off while the mother
to exercise authority over an illegitimate child. depended upon her sisters and parents for support.
The Supreme Court explained –
Grande v. Antonio Christopher J. is an illegitimate child since
The illegitimate father filed a Petition for at the time of his conception, his father, respondent
Judicial Approval of Recognition with Prayer to take Ramon R. Villar, was married to another woman
Parental Authority, Parental Physical Custody, other than the child's mother. As such, pursuant to
Correction/Change of Surname of Minors and for Art. 176, Christopher J. is under the parental
the Issuance of Writ of Preliminary Injunction before authority of his mother, the herein petitioner, who,
the Regional Trial Court. On the issue of parental as a consequence of such authority, is entitled to
authority and custody, the Court simply ruled: have custody of him. Since, admittedly, petitioner
"Parental authority over minor children is has been deprived of her rightful custody of her
lodged by Article 176 on the mother; hence, child by respondent, she is entitled to issuance of
respondent's prayer has no legal mooring. Since the writ.
parental authority is given to the mother, then Rule 102 makes no distinction between the case
custody over the minor children also goes to the of a mother who is separated from her husband and is
mother, unless she is shown to be unfit." entitled to the custody of her child and that of a mother of
David v. Court of Appeals, 250 SCRA 82 (1995) an illegitimate child who is vested with sole parental
authority, but is deprived of her custody of her child.
Facts: Daisie David had illicit relations with his
The fact that private respondent has recognized
boss, Ramon Villar, who was a married man. After
the minor child may be a ground for ordering him to give
a while, the relationship between the two developed support to the latter, but not for giving him custody of the
into an intimate one, as a result of which a son, child. Under Art. 213, "no child under seven years of age
Christopher J., was born on March 9, 1985 to them. shall be separated from the mother unless the court finds
Christopher was followed by two more children, compelling reasons to order otherwise."
both girls, namely Christine, born on June 9, 1986,
and Cathy Mae on April 24, 1988. The relationship Briones v. Miguel, 440 SCRA 455 (2004)
became known to his wife when Daisie took Facts: Joey Briones filed a petition for habeas
Christopher J., to Ramon's house in Angeles in corpus case to obtain custody of his minor child,
1986 and introduced him to Ramon's legal wife. Michael Kevin Pineda. In his petition he alleged that
After this, the children of Daisie were freely brought Michael Kevin is his illegitimate son with Loreta P.
Miguel and that the latter is now married to a

Japanese national and is presently residing in illegitimate child, in such a case, the child shall be
Japan. In his petition, he alleges that on November considered a legitimate child of the adoptive parent.
4. 1998 he caused the minor child to be brought to Only the most compelling of reasons, such as
the Philippines so that he could take care of him the mother's unfitness to exercise sole parental
authority, shall justify her deprivation of parental
and send him to school. In the school year 2000-
authority and the award of custody to someone else. In
2001, the petitioner enrolled him at the nursery
the past, the following grounds have been considered
school of Blessed Angels LA. School, Inc. in ample justification to deprive a mother of custody and
Caloocan City. authority: neglect or abandonment, unemployment,
On May 2, 2001, two relatives of the child's immorality, habitual drunkenness, drug addiction,
mother, namely, Maricel P. Miguel and Francisca P. maltreatment of the child, insanity, and has a
Miguel came to the house of the petitioner in communicable disease.
Caloocan City on the pretext that they were visiting
the minor child and requested that they be allowed (b) Visitation Rights
to bring the said child for recreation at the SM Visitation right is the right of access of a non-
Department store. They promised him that they will custodial parent to his or her child or children.
bring him back in the afternoon, to which the
petitioner agreed, but they did not bring him back. Silva v. Court of Appeals, 275 SCRA 340 (1997)
Hence, petitioner filed the petition. When Facts: Carlitos E. Silva, a married businessman,
the case reached the Court of Appeals, the and Suzanne T. Gonzales, an unmarried local
appellate court dismissed the petition: actress, cohabited without the benefit of marriage.
Respondent Loreta P. Miguel shall have custody The union saw the birth of two children: Ramon
over the child Michael Kevin Pineda until he reaches ten Carlos and Rica Natalia. Not very long after, a rift in
(10) years of age. Once the said child is beyond ten (10) their relationship surfaced. It began when Gonzales
years of age, the Court allows him to choose which decided to resume her career over his objections.
parent he prefers to live with pursuant to Section 6, Rule The assertion was quickly refuted by
99 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, as amended.
Gonzales who claimed that she had never stopped
The petitioner, Joey D. Briones, shall help support the
working throughout their relationship. In February
child, shall have visitorial rights at least once a week,
and may take the child out upon the written consent of 1986, by the refusal of Gonzales to allow Silva, in
the mother." apparent contravention of a previous
On appeal to the Supreme Court – understanding, to have the children in his company
Obviously, Michael is a natural (illegitimate," on weekends.
under the Family Code) child, as there is nothing in Silva filed a petition for custodial rights over
the records showing that his parents were suffering the children before the Regional Trial Court Branch
from a legal impediment to marry at the time of his 78, of Quezon City. The petition was opposed by
birth. Both acknowledge that Michael is their son. Gonzales who averred that Silva often engaged in
Parental authority over him resides in his mother, "gambling and womanizing" which she feared could
Respondent Loreta, notwithstanding his father's affect the moral and social values of the children.
recognition of him. The trial court granted Silva visitorial rights
David v. Court of Appeals held that the during Saturdays and/or Sundays. Silva appeared
recognition of an illegitimate child by the father could be somehow satisfied with the judgment for only
a ground for ordering the Iatter to give upport to, but not Gonzales interposed an appeal to the Court of
custody of, the child. The Iaw confers to the mother sole Appeals. In the meantime, Gonzales got married to
parental authority over an illegitimate child; it follows that a Dutch national. The newlyweds migrated to
only if she defaults can the father assume custody and Holland with Ramon Carlos and Rica Natalia.
authority over the minor. The father may adopt his own
Eventually, the Court of Appeals reversed the ruling


of the trial court. Hence, Silva appealed to the take into account all relevant considerations,
Supreme Court. The Court explained – especially the choice of the child over seven
There is enough recognition on the inherent and years of age, unless the parent chosen is unfit.
natural right of parents over their children. Article 150 No child under seven years of age shall
expresses that "family relations include those x x x (2) be separated from the mother unless the court
between parents and children; x x x." Article 209, in finds compelling reasons to order otherwise.
relation to Article 220, of the Code states that it is the
natural right and duty of parents and those exercising
Rule in Legal Separation
parental authority to, among other things, keep children
in their company and to give them love and affection, One of the effects of the decree of legal
advice and counsel, companionship and understanding. separation is that the custody of the minor children
The Constitution itself speaks in terms of the “natural shall be awarded to the innocent spouse, subject to
and primary rights" of parents in the rearing of the youth. the provisions of Article 213 of (the Family) Code.
There is nothing conclusive to indicate that these When paragraph no. (3) of Article 63 is
provisions are meant to solely address themselves to interpreted in relation to Article 213 of the Code, it
legitimate relationships. Indeed, although in varying is the innocent spouse who shall be designated by
degrees, the laws on support and successional rights, by the court to exercise parental authority over minors.
way of examples, clearly go beyond the legitimate
While paragraph no. (3) of Article 63
members of the family and so explicitly encompass
appears to be limited to the issue of custody,
illegitimate relationships as well.
Then, too, and most importantly, in the nevertheless, what is really contemplated is the
declaration of nullity of marriages, a situation that exercise of parental authority. This is because the
presupposes a void or inexistent marriage, Article 49 of parent who has in his/her custody the minor is in a
provides for appropriate visitation rights to parents who better position to implement the sum of parental
are not given custody of their children. rights and duties associated with parental authority.
In all cases involving a child, his interest and In legal contemplation, the term "custody"
welfare is always the paramount consideration. The embraces the sum of parental rights, and it includes
Court shares the view of the Solicitor General, who has the right to the services of the child, the right to
recommended due course to the petition, that a few
direct the activities, and to make decisions
hours spent by petitioner with the children, however,
regarding care and control, education, health, and
could not all be that detrimental to the children. Similarly,
what the trial court has observed is not entirely without religion.
merit; thus: The concept not only pertains to control by
The allegations of respondent against the the parent of the child, but is also inseparably
character of petitioner, even assuming as true, cannot be linked to the parent's right to access and
taken as sufficient basis to render petitioner an unfit companionship.
father. The fears expressed by respondent to the effect However, the law only confers on the
that petitioner shall be able to corrupt and degrade their innocent spouse the "exercise" of parental
children once allowed to even temporarily associate with authority. The award of custody to the innocent
petitioner is but the product of respondent's unfounded
spouse does not deprive the guilty spouse of
imagination, for no man, bereft of all moral persuasions
parental authority. Thus, for the purpose of placing
and goodness, would ever take the trouble and expense
in instituting a legal action for the purpose of seeing his
the minor child up for adoption, the written consent
illegitimate children. It can just be imagined the deep of the guilty spouse to such adoption is still
sorrows of a father who is deprived of his children of necessary.
tender ages." In the event of death of the innocent
spouse, the substitute parental authority of the
Art. 213. In case of separation of the parents, persons designated under Article 216 of the Code
parental authority shall be exercised by the will not as yet come into play since the parental
parent designated by the Court. The Court shall

authority of the surviving guilty spouse is still in erred, as in adultery, the penalty of imprisonment
existence. and the divorce decree (relative divorce) will be
"Subject to the Provisions of Article 213" sufficient punishment for her. Moreover, moral
The Code, as much as possible, prohibits dereliction will not have any effect upon the baby
the separation of a child below 7 from the mother who is as yet unable to understand her situation.
even if the latter is the guilty spouse in a legal The general rule that a child under 7 shall not
separation. be separated from his mother finds its raison d'etre
Indeed, the mere fact that the mother is the in the basic need of a child for his mother's loving
guilty spouse in a legal separation case does not care and which, presumably, a father cannot give in
necessarily mean that she is not fit to be a parent. equal measure. Generally, the love, solicitude and
devotion of a mother cannot be replaced by another
Bondagjy v. Bondagjy and are worth more to a child of tender years than
What determines the fitness of any parent is all other things combined. Hence, in Article 213, a
the ability to see to the physical, educational, social strong bias is created in favor of the mother for the
and moral welfare of the children, and the ability to law presumes that she is the best custodian.
give them a healthy environment as well as
physical and financial support taking into Lacson v. San Jose- Lacson
consideration the respective resources and social The use of shall in Article 363 of the Civil
and moral situations of the parents. It may happen Code and the observations made by the Code
that the ground relied upon by the husband in legal Commission underscore the mandatory character
separation is totally unrelated to the mother's of the word. Holding in that case that it was a
fitness to be a parent. mistake to deprive the mother of custody of her two
children, both then below 7, the Court stressed –
Tender-Age Presumption [Article 363] prohibits in no uncertain terms
(a) General Rule the separation of a mother and her child below
A mother is to be preferred in awarding custody seven years, unless such a separation is grounded
of children under the age of seven this is the so- upon compelling reasons as determined by a court.
called "tender-age presumption” under Article 213. Article 213 and Rule 99 similarly
The caveat in Article 213 cannot be ignored, contemplate a situation in which the parents of the
except when the court finds cause to order minor are married to each other, but are separated
otherwise. The Family Code, in reverting to the by virtue of a decree of legal separation or a de
provision of the Civil Code that a child below seven facto separation.
years old should not be separated from the mother,
has expressly repealed Article 17, par. 3, of the Dacasin v. Dacasin
Child and Youth Welfare Code (Presidential Decree The separated parents cannot contract
No. 603) which reduced the child's age to five away the provision in the Family Code on the
years. maternal custody of children below 7 any more than
The rationale for awarding the custody of they can privately agree that a mother who is
children younger than seven years of age to their unemployed, immoral, habitually drunk, drug addict,
mother was explained by the Code Commission: insane or afflicted with a communicable disease will
The general rule is recommended in order to have sole custody of a child under 7 as these are
avoid many a tragedy where a mother has seen her reasons deemed compelling to preclude the
baby torn away from her. The exception allowed by application of the exclusive maternal custody
the rule has to be for 'compelling reasons' for the regime under Art. 213.
good of the child; those cases must be rare, if the In Dacasin, Sharon Del Mundo Dacasin, a
mother's heart is not to be unduly hurt. If she has Filipino, is married to Herald Dacasin, American.

Sharon sought from the Circuit Court, 19th Judicial the separated or divorced parents how best to take care
Circuit, Lake County, Illinois a divorce decree. of the child and that is to give custody to the mother.
In its ruling, the Illinois court dissolved the The Court in Dacasin recognized the validity
marriage of the spouses, awarded to Sharon sole of an agreement providing for joint custody if the
custody of Stephanie, a child below 7, and retained children are already over 7 considering the fact that
jurisdiction over the case for enforcement the imposed custodial regime under the second
purposes. Subsequently, the parties executed a paragraph of Article 213 is limited in duration,
contract for the joint custody of Stephanie. When lasting only until the child's seventh year. From the
Sharon allegedly violated the terms of the eighth year until the child's emancipation, the law
Agreement, Harold Gled an action in court for the gives the separated parents freedom, subject to the
enforcement of the Agreement. When the case usual contractual limitations, to agree on custody
eventually reached the Supreme Court, the Court regimes.
declared the Agreement void:
In this jurisdiction, parties to a contract are free (b) Exception: “Compelling Reasons"
to stipulate the terms of agreement subject to the The foregoing rule is not intended to denigrate
minimum ban on stipulations contrary to law, morals, the important role fathers play in the upbringing of
good customs, public order, or public policy. Otherwise, their children. Indeed, the Court had recognized
the contract is denied legal existence, deemed inexistent that both parents "complement each other in giving
and void from the beginning. For lack of relevant nurture and providing that holistic care which takes
stipulation in the Agreement, these and other ancillary
into account the physical, emotional, psychological,
Philippine substantive law serve as default parameters to
mental, social and spiritual needs of the child."
test the validity of the Agreements joint child custody
stipulations. Neither does the law intend to downplay a father's
At the time the parties executed the Agreement sense of loss when he is separated from his child:
on 28 January 2002, two facts are undisputed: (1) "While the bonds between a mother and her small
Stephanie was under seven years; and (2) petitioner and child are special in nature, either parent, whether father
respondent were no longer married under the laws of the or mother, is bound to suffer agony and pain if deprived
United States because of the divorce decree. of custody. One cannot say that his or her suffering is
The relevant Philippine law on child custody for greater than that of the other parent. It is not so much
spouses separated in fact or in law is also undisputed: the suffering, pride, and other feelings of either parent
no child under seven years shall be separated from the but the welfare of the child which is the paramount
mother xx The Agreements object to establish a post- consideration.
divorce joint custody regime between respondent and
petitioner over a child under 7 contravenes Philippine In the past, the following grounds have been
law. considered ample justification to deprive a mother:
The Agreement is not only void ab initio for (1) neglect, abandonment;
being contrary to law, it has also been repudiated by the (2) unemployment and immorality;
mother when she refused to allow joint custody by the (3) habitual drunkenness; and
father. The Agreement would be valid if the spouses
(4) drug addiction, maltreatment of the
have not divorced or separated because the law
child, insanity and being sick with a
provides for joint parental authority when spouses live
together. However, upon separation of the spouses, the communicable disease.
mother takes sole custody under the law if the child is
below seven years old and any agreement to the However, the mere fact that the mother is a
contrary is void. lesbian is not a compelling reason to deprive her of
Thus, the law suspends the joint custody regime custody without showing that she carried on her
for (1) children under seven of (2) separated or divorced purported relationship with a person of the same
spouses. Simply put, for a child within this age bracket sex in the presence of the child or under
(and for commonsensical reasons), the law decides for circumstances not conducive to the child's proper

moral development. Sexual preference or moral The mother was keeping erotic letters
laxity alone does not prove neglect or written to her many years back by a young man,
incompetence. indicating that she had been unfaithful to the
Not even the fact that a mother is a prostitute husband; that she twisted facts and lied during the
or has been unfaithful to her husband would render hearing in which she sought alimony from the
her unfit to have custody of her minor child. husband; that she took advantage of the youth and
To deprive the wife of custody, the husband innocence of the child to attain her ends to testify
must clearly establish that her moral lapses have against him; that she removed the child, over the
had an adverse effect on the welfare of the child or objection of the father, from school and took her
have distracted the offending spouse. daily to the court where she could listen to the
charges and counter- charges that the parents
Unson III v. Navarro were taking against each other.
Wherein the mother was openly living with The father desired the custody of the child
her brother-in-law, the child's uncle. Under that primarily to remove her from such atmosphere and
circumstance, the Court deemed it in the nine-year- place her in a young ladies' school in Switzerland,
old child's best interest to free her "from obviously which school had been tentatively selected by the
unwholesome, not to say immoral influence, that parents when they were still living in tranquility.
the situation in which the mother ha[d] placed Paramount Consideration: Welfare of the Child
herself might create in the child's moral and social Whether a child is under or over seven
outlook." years of age, the paramount criterion must always
be the child's interests or the welfare and well-being
Espiritu v. Court of Appeals of the child. Discretion is given to the court to
The Court took into account psychological decide who can best assure the welfare of the
and case study reports on the child, whose feelings child, and award the custody on the basis of that
of insecurity and anxiety had been traced to strong consideration.
conflicts with the mother. To the psychologist the In arriving at its decision as to whom
child revealed that the latter was disturbed upon custody of the minor should be given, the court
seeing "her mother hugging and kissing a bad' man must take into account the respective resources
who lived in their house and worked for her father." and social and moral situations of the contending
The Court held that the "illicit or immoral parents.
activities of the mother had already caused the
child emotional disturbances, personality conflicts, Unson III v. Navarro
and exposure to conflicting moral values." In all controversies regarding the custody of
minors, the sole and foremost consideration is the
Children Over Seven Years of Age physical, education, social and moral welfare of the
The court may exercise its discretion by child concerned, taking into account the resources
disregarding the child's preference should the and social and moral situations of the parents.
parent chosen be found to be unfit, in which
instance, custody may be given to the other parent. Medina v. Makabali
The preference of a child is only one factor Where custody of the minor was given to a
to be considered, and it is not controlling, decisive, non-relative as against the mother, the country's
or determinative. leading civility, Justice J.B.L. Reyes, explained:
"While our law recognizes the right of a
Perkins v. Perkins parent to the custody of her child, Courts must not
The minor over 10 expressed preference to lose sight of the basic principle that "in all questions
live with the mother but the court disahreed. on the care, custody, education and property of

children, the latter's welfare shall be paramount" minor children because they are under the sole
(Civil Code of the Philippines, Art. 363). parental authority of the mother.
The right of parents to the company and
custody of their children is but ancillary to the Grant of Custody Not Permanent
proper discharge of parental duties to provide the Custody, even if previously granted by a
children with adequate support, education, moral, court in favor of a parent, is not permanent.
intellectual and civic training and development (CC,
Art. 356). Espiritu v. Court of Appeals
Courts are mandated to take into account all Considerations involving the choice made
relevant circumstances that would have a bearing by a child must be ascertained at the time that
on the children's well-being and development. either parent is given custody over the child. The
Aside from the material resources and the moral matter of custody is not permanent and unalterable.
and social situations of each parent, other factors If the parent who was given custody suffers a future
may also be considered to ascertain which one has character change and becomes unfit, the matter of
the capability to attend to the physical, educational, custody can always be re-examined and adjusted.
social and moral welfare of the children. Among The welfare, the best interests, the benefit,
these factors are the previous care and devotion and the good of the child must be determined as of
shown by each of the parents; their religious the time that either parent is chosen to be the
background, moral uprightness, home environment custodian. At the present, both children are over 7.
and time; the children's emotional and educational perfectly capable of making a fairly intelligent
needs. choice. Thus, a judgment involving the custody of a
Rule in Separation De Facto minor child cannot be accorded the force of res
When the parents of the child are judicata.
separated, Article 213 is the applicable law. Since Right of Non-Custodial Parent: Visitation
the Code does not qualify the word "separation" to Visitation right is an inherent and natural
mean legal separation" decreed by a court, couples right of parents over their children protected no less
who are separated in fact are covered within its than by the Constitution itself. The following non-
terms. custodial parent cannot be deprived of his/her
visitation rights:
Rule in Annulment and Declaration of Absolute (1) in separation de facto;
Nullity of Marriages (2) in legal separation;
The rules embodied in Article 213 of the (3) in annulment of marriages;
apply to all cases of separation of parents where (4) in declaration of nullity of marriages
the children are legitimate but not when the children based on Articles 36 and 53; and
are illegitimate because in the latter case, only the (5) in case of illegitimate father over his
mother has parental authority over the children. illegitimate child.
The foregoing rules are also applicable to To be entitled to the constitutionally
separation of the erstwhile spouses by reason of protected inherent and natural right of a parent to
annulment of the marriage and declaration of nullity have access to his/her child, there must be parent-
of marriages based on Articles 36 and 53, the child relationship between them.
children of these marriages being legitimate.
In cases of separation of the erstwhile Concepcion v. Court of Appeals
spouses by reason of declaration of nullity of the The child was conceived and born in a
marriage based on grounds other than Articles 36 bigamous marriage. At the time of child's birth, the
and 53, in which case the children are illegitimate, prior marriage was still subsisting. When the
there is no issue with respect to the custody over second marriage was declared null, the Court

declared the child as legitimate child of the first ascendants, children or other direct
marriage, applying the presumption of legitimacy descendants.
since the child was conceived and born inside a (4) In the former, the privilege is not absolute
valid marriage. since the descendants can be compelled to
As a consequence, the Court deprived the testify in criminal cases against the parents
second husband his visitation rights over the child and grandparents when their testimony is
because of the absence of parent-child relationship indispensable in a crime against the
between him and the child, the child being descendants or by one parent against the
presumed to be a product of the first marriage. other; whereas, there appears to be no
exception in the latter.
Art. 214. In case of death, absence or
unsuitability of the parents, substitute parental Section 25 of Rule 130 of the Rules of Court
authority shall be exercised by the surviving cannot apply to a stepdaughter in relation to her
grandparent. In case several survive, the one stepmother because the rule applies only to "direct"
designated by the court, taking into account the ascendants and descendants, a family tie
same consideration mentioned in the preceding connected
article, shall exercise the authority. (355a) by common ancestry.

Art. 215. No descendant shall be compelled, in a Purpose and Application

criminal case, to testify against his parents and The purpose of Article 215 of the Code is to
grandparents, except when such testimony is preserve "family cohesion." The privilege may be
indispensable in a crime against the waived by the descendant and he may, as a
descendant or by one parent against the other. consequence, choose to testify against his parent
(315a) or grandparent in a criminal case against the latter.
But if the crime is committed by a parent or
grandparent against the descendant or against the
Compared With Section 25, Rule 130 other parent and the testimony of the descendant is
Sec. 25. Parental and filial privilege. – No indispensable, he can be compelled to testify.
person may be compelled to testify against his Chapter 2
parents, other direct ascendants or descendants. Substitute and Special Parental Authority

The two provisions may be distinguished, as Art. 216. In default of parents or a judicially
follows: appointed guardian, the following persons shall
(1) Article 215 of the Family Code is applicable exercise substitute parental authority over the
only in criminal proceedings while Section child in the order indicated:
25 of Rule 130 may be invoked in both civil (1) The surviving grandparent, as
and criminal cases. provided in Art. 214;
(2) In Art. 215, the privilege may be invoked (2) The oldest brother or sister, over
only by descendants; whereas, in Sec 25, twenty-one years of age, unless unfit
the privilege may be invoked either by or disqualified; and
descendants or ascendants. (3) The child's actual custodian, over
(3) In the former, the privilege may be invoked twenty-one years of age, unless unfit
only in criminal cases against the parents or disqualified.
and grandparents; whereas, in the latter, the Whenever the appointment of a judicial
privilege may be invoked in civil or criminal guardian over the property of the child
cases against the parents, other direct

becomes necessary, the same order of The law vests on the father and mother joint
preference shall be observed. (349a, 351a, 354a) parental authority over the persons of their common
children. In case of absence or death of either parent,
Parental Preference Rule the parent present shall continue exercising parental
authority. Only in case of the parents' death, absence or
Under the parental preference rule
unsuitability may substitute parental authority be
embodied in Article 214, the father or mother, if
exercised by the surviving grandparent.
suitable, is entitled to exercise parental authority The situation obtaining in the case at bench is
over children. one where the mother of the minor Santos, Jr., is
As a consequence of which, the father or working in the United States while the father, petitioner
the mother, if suitable, is entitled to the custody of Santos, Sr., is present. Not only are they physically apart
the child against all persons, even against but are also emotionally separated. There has been no
grandparents. decree of legal separation and petitioner's attempt to
annul the marriage on the ground of psychological
Santos, Sr. v. Court of Appeals, 242 SCRA 407 incapacity failed.
Petitioner assails the decisions of both the trial
Facts: Leouel Santos, Sr., an army lieutenant, and
court and the appellate court to award custody of his
Julia Bedia, a nurse by profession, were married in
minor son to his parents-in-law, the Bedia spouses on
Iloilo in 1986. Their union beget only one child, the ground that under Art. 214, substitute parental
Leouel Santos, Jr. who was born on July 18, 1987. authority of the grandparents is proper only when both
From the time the boy was released from the parents are dead, absent or unsuitable. Petitioner's
hospital until sometime, he had been in the custody unfitness, according to him, has not been shown by
of his maternal grandparents, Leopoldo and Ofelia respondents.
Bedia. Leoue, Sr. and Julia agreed to place Leouel, Although there is no evidence to show that
Jr. in the temporary custody of the spouses Bedia. petitioner (Santos, Sr.) is depraved, a habitual drunkard
In 1988, Julia left for the United States to or poor, he may be considered, as he is in fact so
considered, to be unsuitable to be allowed to have
work. Since then, nothing has been heard from her
custody of minor Leouel Santos, Jr.
by Leouel, Sr. Likewise, his efforts to locate her in
From the evidence adduced, this Court is of the
the United States proved futile. On September 2, opinion that it is to be best interest of the minor Leouel
1990, Leouel, Sr. along with his two brothers, Santos, Jr. that he be placed under the care, custody,
visited the Bedia household, where three-year old and control of his maternal grandparents the petitioners
Leouel, Jr. was staying. It was later on alleged by herein. The petitioners have amply demonstrated their
the spouses Bedia that through deceit, Leouel, Sr. love and devotion to their grandson while the natural
abducted the boy and clandestinely spirited him father, respondent herein, has shown little interest in his
away to his hometown in Bacong, Negros Oriental. welfare as reflected by his conduct in the past.
The spouses Bedia then filed a "Petition for Moreover the fact that petitioners are well-off
financially, should be carefully considered in awarding to
Care, Custody and Control of Minor Ward Leouel
them the custody of the minor herein, lest the breaking of
Santos, Jr." before the Regional Trial Court of Iloilo,
such ties with his maternal grandparents might deprive
with Leouel Santos, Sr. as respondent. After an ex the boy of an eventual college education and other
parte hearing on October 8, 1990, the trial court material advantages (Consaul v. Consaul, 63 N.Y.S.
issued an order on the same day awarding custody 688).
of the child Leouel Santos, Jr. to his grandparents, Respondent had never given any previous
the spouses Bedia. Leouel, Sr. appealed this Order financial support to his son, while the latter receives so
to the Court of Appeals, which affirmed the trial much bounty from his maternal grandparents and his
court's order. The Supreme Court reversed the mother as well, who is now employed in the U.S.
CẤ's decision and awarded the custody of the child Moreover, the fact that respondent, as a military
personnel who has to shuttle from one assignment to
to his legitimate father, Leouel Sr –
another, and, in these troubled times, may have pressing


and compelling military duties which may prevent him

from attending to his son at times when the latter needs Vancil v. Belmes, 358 SCRA 707 (2001)
him most, militates strongly against said respondent. Facts: Bonifacia Vancil is the mother of Reeder C.
Additionally, the child is sickly and asthmatic and needs Vancil, a Navy serviceman of the United States of
the loving and tender care of those who can provide for
America who died in the said country on December
22, 1986. During his lifetime, Reeder had two
We find the aforementioned considerations
insufficient to defeat petitioner's parental authority and children named Valerie and Vincent by his
the concomitant right to have custody over the minor common-law wife, Helen G. Belmes. Sometime in
Leouel Santos, Jr., particularly since he has not been May of 1987, Bonifacia Vancil commenced before
shown to be an unsuitable and unfit parent. the Regional Trial Court of Cebu City a
The latter's wealth is not a deciding factor, guardianship proceedings over the persons and
because there is no proof that at the present time, properties of minors Valerie and Vincent. Valerie
petitioner is in no position to support the boy. The fact was only 6 while Vincent was a two-year old child.
that he was unable to provide financial support for his It is claimed in the petition that the minors are
minor son from birth up to over three years when he took
residents of Cebu City, Philippines and have an
the boy from his in-laws without permission, should not
estate consisting of proceeds from their father's
be sufficient to strip him of his right to the child's custody.
While petitioner's previous inattention is death pension benefits with a probable value of
inexcusable and merits only the severest criticism, it P100,000.00.
cannot be construed as abandonment. His appeal of the Finding sufficiency in form and in
unfavorable decision against him and his efforts to keep substance, the case was set for hearing, after
his only child in his custody may be regarded as serious which the trial court appointed Bonifacia Vancil as
efforts to rectify his past misdeeds. To award him legal and judicial guardian over the persons and
custody would help enhance the bond between parent estate of Valerie Vancil and Vincent Vancil, Jr.
and son. It would also give the father a chance to prove Thereafter, the natural mother of the minors, Helen
his love and for the son to experience the support a
Belmes, submitted an opposition to the subject
father can give.
guardianship proceedings asseverating that she
The parental preference rule may not, however,
be invoked by the father of an illegitimate child in case of had already filed a similar petition for guardianship
death, absence or unsuitability of the mother, since before the RTC.
under Article 176, an illegitimate child is not under the After due proceedings, the trial court
parental authority of the father. Since the father himself rejected and denied Belmes' motion to remove
is not entitled to exercise parental authority over an and/or to disqualify Bonifacia as guardian of Valerie
illegitimate child, neither may the paternal grandparents and Vincent, Jr. and instead ordered Bonifacia
be entitled to exercise substitute parental authority. Vancil to enter the office and perform her duties as
Hence, in the event that both the mother and the such guardian upon the posting of a bond. On
father of an illegitimate child die during the latter's
appeal, the Court of Appeals reversed the decision
minority and the child is survived by his grandparents on
of the trial court and ruled in favor of Belmes'
both the maternal and paternal sides, only the
grandparents on the maternal side shall be entitled to
opposition. Hence, Vancil appealed to the
exercise substitute parental authority, if suitable. Supreme Court –
Concept of Substitute Parental Authority We agree with the ruling of the Court of Appeals
that respondent, being the natural mother of the minor,
Substitute parental authority may be defined
has the preferential right over that of petitioner to be his
as the parental authority which the persons
designated by law may exercise over the persons Being the natural mother of minor Vincent,
and property of unemancipated children in case of respondent has the corresponding natural and legal right
death, absence or unsuitability of both parents. It is to his custody. In Sagala-Eslao v. Court of Appeals:
not possible for substitute parental authority to co- "Of considerable importance is the rule long
exist with the parents' parental authority. accepted by the courts that the right of parents to the

custody of their minor children is one of the natural rights These are the considerations being referred to
incident to parenthood,' a right supported by law and in Article 214 in determining who among the
sound public policy. The right is an inherent one, which surviving grandparents is entitled to exercise
is not created by the state or decisions of the courts, but parental authority and custody over the child. The
derives from the nature of the parental relationship."
tender-age presumption does not apply in this
Petitioner contends that she is more qualified as
situation to favor the grandparents in the maternal
guardian of Vincent. Petitioner's claim to be the guardian
of said minor can only be realized by way of substitute line because the rationale for the mandatory
parental authority pursuant to Article 214. maternal custody regime under Article 213 is
In Santos, Sr. v. Court of Appeals: personally applicable only to the mother and the
The law vests on the father and mother joint same does not extend to the surviving
parental authority over the persons of their common grandparents in the maternal line.
children. In case of absence or death of either parent,
the parent present shall continue exercising parental Art. 217. In case of foundlings, abandoned,
authority. Only in case of the parents' death, absence or neglected or abused children and other children
unsuitability may substitute parental authority be
similarly situated, parental authority shall be
exercised by the surviving grandparent.
entrusted in summary judicial proceedings to
Petitioner, as the surviving grandparent, can
exercise substitute parental authority only in case of heads of children's homes, orphanages and
death, absence or unsuitability of respondent. similar institutions duly accredited by the
Considering that respondent is very much alive and has proper government agency. (314a)
exercised continuously parental authority over Vincent,
petitioner has to prove, in asserting her right to be the Definition of Foundlings, Abandoned or
minor's guardian, respondent's unsuitability. Neglected Child
Petitioner has not proffered convincing evidence Foundling refers to a person whose fact/s of
showing that respondent is not suited to be the guardian birth is/are unknown.
of Vincent. Petitioner merely insists that respondent is
Abandoned Child refers to a child who has
morally unfit as guardian of Valerie considering that her
no proper parental care or guardianship, or whose
(respondent's) live-in partner raped Valerie several
times. But Valerie, being now of major age, is no longer parent(s) have deserted him/her for a period of at
a subject of this guardianship proceeding. least 3 continuous months, including a founding.
Neglected Child refers to a child whose
Who May Exercise Substitute Parental basic needs have been deliberately unattended or
Authority inadequately attended within a period of three
What is meant by the clause "taking into continuous months.
account the same consideration mentioned in the
preceding article" in Article 214? Does this include Who Exercises Substitute Parental Authority
application of the tender-age presumption to favor In case of foundlings, abandoned, neglected
those in the maternal line in cases where the or abused children and other children similarly
custody of a child below seven years of age is at situated, parental authority shall be entrusted in
issue among several surviving grandparents? summary judicial proceedings to heads of children's
In matters of custody over legitimate minor homes, orphanages and similar institutions duly
children involving several surviving grandparents accredited by the proper government agency.
from both the paternal and maternal lines, the
paramount criterion is always the child’s interest, Substitute Parental Authority in Foster Care
taking into account all relevant considerations such Under the Foster Care Act of 2012
as the physical, education, social and moral welfare (Republic Act No. 10165), the designated foster
of the child concerned and the respective resources parents shall have the rights, duties and liabilities of
and social and moral situations of the parties.

persons exercising substitute parental authority, as denominated as "special" since the same is limited
may be provided under the Family Code. only while the child is under their supervision.
However, they only have the rights of a Necessarily, the exercise of this special
person with special parental authority to discipline parental authority is limited to the confines of the
the foster children as defined under Family Code, premises of the school, entity or institution
insofar as it prohibits the infliction of corporal exercising the same. By way of exception, the
punishment upon the child. The infliction of corporal special parental authority and responsibility is
punishment by the Foster Parents shall be ground extended by law to all authorized activities whether
for revocation of the Foster Family Care License the same is undertaken inside or outside of the
and termination of Foster Placement Authority. premises of the school, entity or institution
exercising special parental authority.
Art. 218. The school, its administrators and Unlike the substitute parental authority, the
teachers, or the individual, entity or institution special parental authority under the Code co-exists
engaged in child care shall have special with the parents' parental authority.
parental authority and responsibility over the
minor while under their supervision, instruction Who May Exercise Special Parental Authority
or custody. The following shall have special parental
Authority and responsibility shall apply authority and responsibility over minor children
to all authorized activities whether inside or under their "supervision, instruction or custody"
outside the premises of the school, entity or (1) the school;
institution. (349a) (2) the school's administrators and teachers; or
(3) the individual, entity or institution engaged
Art. 219. Those given the authority and in child care.
responsibility under the preceding Article shall
be principally and solidarily liable for damages Primary Liability of Persons Exercising Special
caused by the acts or omissions of the Parental Authority
unemancipated minor. The parents, judicial If a minor child, while inside the school
guardians or the persons exercising substitute premises for an authorized activity, causes injury to
parental authority over said minor shall be his schoolmates, the school, its administrators and
subsidiarily liable. teacher of the erring child shall be primarily liable
The respective liabilities of those for damages sustained by the child's schoolmate.
referred to in the preceding paragraph shall not It is only in case of insolvency of those
apply if it is proved that they exercised the persons primarily bound that the parents, judicial
proper diligence required under the guardians or the persons exercising substitute
circumstances. parental authority over the erring minor may be
All other cases not covered by this and held liable. This is the meaning of "subsidiary
the preceding articles shalI be governed by the liability" on the part of the parents, judicial
provisions of the Civil Code on quasi-delicts. guardians or the persons exercising substitute
(n) parental authority.
The primary and subsidiary liabilities
Concept of Special Parental Authority referred to shall not apply if it is proved that they
Special parental authority is granted by law exercised the proper diligence required under the
to certain persons, entities or institutions in view of particular circumstances. If the persons primarily
their special relation to children under their liable under Article 219 were able to prove that they
supervision, instruction or custody. The parental exercised the proper diligence required, then the
authority which the law grants to these persons is parents, judicial guardian or the persons exercising

substitute parental authority shall be primarily liable negligent was the proximate cause of the injury because
to pay the damages unless they too can likewise such must have a causal connection to the accident.
prove that they exercised the proper diligence In order that there may be a recovery for an
required under the particular circumstances. injury, however, it must be shown that the injury for
which recovery is sought must be the legitimate
St. Mary's Academy v. Carpitanos, 376 SCRA 473
consequence of the wrong done; the connection
Facts: From 13 to 20 February 1995, St. Mary's
between the negligence and the injury must be a direct
Academy of Dipolog City conducted an enrolment and natural sequence of events, unbroken by intervening
drive for the school year 1995-1996. A facet of the efficient causes.
enrolment campaign was the visitation of schools The negligence must be the proximate cause of
from where prospective enrolees were studying. As the injury. For, negligence, no matter in what it consists,
a student of St. Mary's Academy, Sherwin cannot create a right of action unless it is the proximate
Carpitanos was part of the campaigning group. On cause of the injury complained of. And the proximate
the fateful day, Sherwin, along with other high cause of an injury is that cause, which, in natural and
school students were riding in a Mitsubishi jeep continuous sequence, unbroken by any efficient
intervening cause, produces the injury, and without
owned by defendant Vivencio Villanueva on their
which the result would not have occurred.
way to Larayan Elementary Schol, Larayan,
In this case, the respondents failed to show that
Dapitan City. The jeep was driven by James Daniel the negligence of petitioner was the proximate cause of
II, then 15 years old and a student of the same the death of the victim. Respondents Daniel spouses
school. and Villanueva admitted that the immediate cause of the
Allegedly, the latter drove the jeep in a accident was not the negligence of petitioner or the
reckless manner and as a result the jeep turned reckless driving of James Daniel II, but the detachment
turtle. As a consequence, Sherwin Carpitanos died of the steering wheel guide of the jeep.
as a result of the injuries he sustained from the Hence, the cause of the accident was not the
accident. Claiming damages for the death of their recklessness of James Daniel II but the mechanical
defect in the jeep of Vivencio Villanueva. Respondents,
only son, Sherwin, spouses William Carpitanos and
including the spouses Carpitanos, parents of the
Lucia Carpitanos filed on June 9, 1995 a case
deceased Sherwin Carpitanos, did not dispute the report
against James Daniel I and his parents, James and testimony of the traffic investigator who stated that
Daniel Sr. and Guada Daniel, the vehicle owner, the cause of the accident was the detachment of the
Vivencio Villanueva and St. Mary's Academy before steering wheel guide that caused the jeep to turn turtle.
the RTC of Dipolog City. The trial court, pursuant to Significantly, respondents did not present any
Article 219, held the school primarily liable while the evidence to show that the proximate cause of the
parents of James Daniel II were adjudged to merely accident was the negligence of the school authorities, or
subsidiarily liable. James Daniel II and the owner of the reckless driving of James Daniel.
the jeep were both absolved from any liability. The Hence, the respondents' reliance on Article 219
that those given the authority and responsibility under
Court of Appeals affirmed the decision of the trial
the preceding Article shall be principally and solidarily
court but reduced the award of actual damages.
liable for damages caused by acts or omissions of the
The school fled an appeal before the Supreme unemancipated minor was unfounded.
Court – Further, there was no evidence that petitioner
Under Article 219 of the Family Code, if the school allowed the minor James Daniel II to drive the
person under custody is a minor, those exercising jeep of respondent Vivencio Villanueva. It was Ched
special parental authority are principally and solidarily Villanueva, grandson of respondent Vivencio Villanueva,
liable for damages caused by the acts or omissions of who had possession and control of the jeep. He was
the unemancipated minor while under their supervision, driving the vehicle and he allowed James Daniel II, a
instruction, or custody. minor, to drive the jeep at the time of the accident.
However, for petitioner to be liable, there must Hence, liability for the accident, whether caused
be a finding that the act or omission considered as by the negligence of the minor driver or mechanical


detachment of the steering wheel guide of the jeep, must (8) To impose discipline on them as may be
be pinned on the minor's parents primarily. The required under the circumstances; and
negligence of petitioner St. Mary's Academy was only a (9) To perform such other duties as are
remote cause of the accident. imposed by law upon parents and
Between the remote cause and the injury, there
guardians. (316a)
intervened the negligence of the minor's parents or the
detachment of the steering wheel guide of the jeep.
Art. 221. Parents and other persons exercising
parental authority shall be civilly liable for the
injuries and damages caused by the acts or
Chapter 3 omissions of their unemancipated children
Effect of Parental Authority Upon the Persons living in their company and under their parental
of the Children authority subject to the appropriate defenses
provided by law. (2180[2]a and [4][a])
Art. 220. The parents and those exercising
parental authority shall have with respect to Art. 222. The courts may appoint a guardian of
their unemancipated children or wards the the child's property or a guardian ad litem when
following rights and duties: the best interests of the child so require. (317)
(1) To keep them in their company, to
support, educate and instruct them by Parental Rights, In General
right precept and good example, and to The term "parental rights'" means the sum
provide for their upbringing in keeping total of the rights of the parents to the child, as well
with their means; as the rights of the child in and to the parent or
(2) To give them love and affection, advice parents. The rights and duties or obligations arising
and counsel, companionship and from the relation of parent and child are reciprocal;
understanding; the general duty to support, educate, and protect
(3) To provide them with moral and spiritual the child rests on the parents, and they have on the
guidance, inculcate in then honesty, other hand in general the right to the custody and
integrity, self-discipline, self-reliance, control of the child and to the child's services and
industry and thrift, stimulate their earnings, and to obedience by the child.
interest in civic affairs, and inspire in Under the modern concept, parental rights
them compliance with the duties of is merely ancillary to the performance of parental
citizenship; duties. The obligational aspect is now supreme.
(4) To enhance, protect, preserve and The following are "parental rights" protected
maintain their physical and mental health to varying degrees by constitution and statutes:
at all times; physical possession of child (custody), which, in
(5) To furnish them with good and case of custodial parent, includes day-to-day care
wholesome educational materials, and companionship of child; right to discipline child;
supervise their activities, recreation and which includes right to inculcate in child parent's
association with others, protect them moral and ethical standards; right to control and
from bad company, and prevent them manage minor child's earnings and property; right
from acquiring habits detrimental to their to be supported by adult child; right to have child
health, studies and morals; bear parent's name; and right to prevent adoption
(6) To represent them in all matters affecting of child without parents' consent.
their interests;
(7) To demand from them respect and Right to Child's Custody

The right of parents to the custody of their While the parents are duty-bound to provide
minor children is one of the natural rights incident to support to their unemancipated children, as a
parenthood, an inherent one, which is not created consequence of their exercise of parental authority,
by the state or decisions of the courts, but derives the latter, however, is not the basis of this
from the nature of the parental relationship. obligation.
Nevertheless, the parent's right to custody over This is clear when we take into
their children is enshrined in law. Article 220 thus consideration the obligation of an illegitimate father
provides that parents and individuals exercising to support his illegitimate child is notwithstanding
parental authority over their unemancipated the absence of parental authority on his part over
children are entitled, among other rights, "to keep the child's person.
them in their company." Moreover, the obligation of the parents to
The right of custody accorded to parents support their children is not co-terminus with the
springs from the exercise of parental authority. exercise of parental authority. While parental
However, this right of parents to the company and authority is permanently terminated upon the child's
custody of their children is but ancillary to the emancipation, the parents' obligation to support
proper discharge of parental duties to provide the their children is not necessarily terminated upon
children with adequate support, education, moral, such emancipation. This second paragraph of
intellectual and civic training and development. Article 194 which states that the education of the
Thus, in a number of cases, the Court held person entitled to be supported referred to in the
that parental authority cannot be entrusted to a (first paragraph of Article 194) shall include his
person simply because he could give the child a schooling or training for some profession, trade or
larger measure of material comfort than his parent. vocation, even beyond the age of majority.

David v. Court of Appeals Duty of Representation

The Court awarded custody of a minor The parents are duty-bound to represent
illegitimate child to his mother who was a mere their unemancipated children in all matters affecting
secretary and market vendor instead of awarding their interests. For example, while minors may
custody to his affluent father who was a married become donees, the acceptance of donation shall
man, not solely because the child opted to go with be done through their parents or legal
his mother. The Court said: representatives.
"Daisie and her children may not be Does the duty of the parents to represent
enjoying a life of affluence that private respondent their unemancipated children extend to litigations?
promises if the child lives with him. It is enough, Yes. Section 5, Rule 3 of the 1997 Rules of
however, that petitioner is earning a decent living Civil Procedure:
and is able to support her children according to her "Sec. 5. Minor or incompetent persons. A
means." minor or a person alleged to be
incompetent, may sue or be sued, with the
Unson, III v. Navarro assistance of his father, mother, guardian,
Discretion is given to the court to decide or if he has none, a guardian ad litem."
who can best assure the welfare of the child, and
award the custody on the basis of that Under the rules, the parents are the legal
consideration In the exercise of its discretion, the representatives of their minor children in court
court may award custody even to a third party as it proceedings. As a rule, it is only in case of absence
deems fit. of the parents or guardians that the court may
appoint a guardian ad litem to represent the minor
Duty to Provide Support in court litigations. However, when the best

interests of the child so requires, the court is not SEC. 7. Access to Family Planning. - x xx. No
prevented from appointing a guardian ad litem to person shall be denied information and access
represent the minor. For example, the appointment to family planning services, whether natural or
is proper if there is no other person who can protect artificial: Provided, That minors will not be
allowed access to modern methods of family
the rights and interest of the minor children as their
planning without written consent from their
mother and relatives cannot because of conflicting
parents or guardian/s except when the minor is
interests. already a parent or has had a miscarriage.
A guardian ad litem is an officer of the court
appointed to appear for an infant, and to manage There can be no other interpretation of this
and take care of suit for such infant when he is a provision except that when a minor is already a parent or
plaintiff, and to appear, manage and take care of has had a miscarriage, the parents are excluded from
the defense for the infant when he is defendant. the decision making process of the minor with regard to
family planning. Even if not yet emancipated, parental
Right to Give or Withhold Consent authority is cut off just as there is a need to tame
population growth.
Parents have the duty to give their
It is in such situations when a minor parent
unemancipated children proper advice and counsel.
needs the comfort, care, advice, and guidance of her
Such may extend, in several instances, even own parents. The State cannot replace her natural
beyond the age of majority or even upon the mother and father when it comes to providing her needs
termination of parental authority. For example, in and comfort. To say that their consent is no longer
case either or both of the contracting parties are relevant is anti-family. It does not promote unity in the
between the ages of 18 and 21. parental consent to family. It is an affront to the constitutional mandate to
the marriage is required. In the absence of such protect and strengthen the family as an inviolable social
parental consent, the marriage between the parties institution.
is voidable. It disregards and disobeys the constitutional
mandate that "the natural and primary right and duty of
Also, if such parties intend to execute a
parents in the rearing of the youth for civic efficiency and
marriage settlement prior to their marriage, the law
the development of moral character shall receive the
requires that the person whose consent is required support of the Government. Commissioner Bernas
under Article 14 must be made a party thereto; wrote:
otherwise, their marriage settlement is not valid. The 1987 provision has added the adjective
"primary" to modify the right of parents. It imports the
Imbong v. Ochoa, Jr. assertion that the right of parents is superior to the State.
The Court declared unconstitutional Section To insist on a rule that interferes with the right of
7 of Republic Act No. 10354, otherwise known as parents to exercise parental control over their minor-child
the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive or the right of the spouses to mutually decide on matters
which very well affect the very purpose of marriage, that
Health Act of 2012 (RH Law) and the
is, the establishment of conjugal and family life, would
corresponding provision in the RH-IRR insofar as
result in the violation of one's privacy with respect to his
they, among others, allow minor-parents or minors family. It would be dismissive of the unique and strongly-
who have suffered a miscarriage access to modem held Filipino tradition of maintaining close family ties and
methods of family planning without written consent violative of the recognition that the State affords couples
from their parents or guardian/s. The Court entering into the special contract of marriage to as one
explained: unit in forming the foundation of the family and society.
Equally deplorable is the debarment of parental The State cannot, without a compelling state
consent in cases where the minor, who will be interest, take over the role of parents in the care and
undergoing a procedure, is already a parent or has had a custody of a minor child, whether or not the latter is
miscarriage. Section 7 of the RH law provides: already a parent or has had a miscarriage. Only a
compelling state interest can justify a state substitution.


Section 23(a)(2)(ii) of the RH Law was declared This principle of parental liability is a
unconstitutional as it effectively limits the requirement of species of what is frequently designated as
parental consent to "only in elective surgical vicarious liability, or the doctrine of "imputed
procedures," and denies the parents their right of negligence" under Anglo-American tort law, where
parental authority in cases where what is involved are
a person is not only liable for torts committed by
"non-surgical procedures." The parents should not be
himself, but also for torts committed by others with
deprived of their constitutional right of parental authority
for to deny them of this right would be an affront to the whom he has a certain relationship and for whom
constitutional mandate to protect and strengthen the he is responsible.
family. Thus, parental liability is a natural or logical
consequence of the duties and responsibilities of
Other Duties Imposed By Law parents their parental authority which includes the
Under the law, children below 15 years of instructing, controlling and disciplining of the child.
age shall not be employed except when a child The civil liability imposed upon parents for
works directly under the sole responsibility of the torts (or quasi-delict) of their minor children
his/her parents or legal guardian and where only living with them, is based upon the parental
members of his/her family are employed. authority vested by law upon such parents. The civil
It is the duty of the parents or legal guardian law assumes that when an unemancipated child
to ensure that his/her employment neither living with its parents commits a tortious acts, the
endangers his/her life, safety, health, and morals, parents were negligent in the performance of their
nor impairs his/her normal development and that legal and natural duty to supervise the child in their
he/she shall be provided by his/her parent or legal custody.
guardian with the prescribed education. Parental liability is anchored upon parental
A child below 15 years of age may likewise authority coupled with presumed parental
be employed or be allowed to participate in public dereliction in the discharge of the duties
entertainment or information through cinema, accompanying such authority. The parental
theater, radio, television or other forms of media, dereliction is only presumed and the presumption
provided that the employment contract is concluded can be overturned by proof that the parents had
by the child's parents or legal guardian, with the exercised all the diligence of a good father of a
express agreement of the child concerned, if family to prevent the damage.
possible, and the approval of the DOLE. The basis of parental liability for the torts of
a minor child is the relationship existing between
Liability of Parents for Damages Caused by the parents and the minor child living with them and
Their Minor Children over whom the parents exercise supervision and
(a) Under Article 221 of the Family Code control.
Parents are civilly liable for quasi-delicts of See Tamargo v. Court of Appeals.
their minor children under the provisions of Article
221 of the Family Code, subject to the following (b) Under Article 2180 of the Civil Code
conditions: Article 2180 of the New Civil Code also
(1) the minor is living with his parents; imposes civil liability upon the father and, in case of
(2) the minor is under their parental his death or incapacity, the mother, for any quasi-
authority; and delict committed by their minor child who lives with
(3) the parents failed to exercise all the them:
diligence of a good father of a family to The obligation imposed by Article 2176 is
prevent damage. demandable not only for one's own acts or
omissions, but also for those of persons for
whom one is responsible. The father and, in

case of his death or incapacity, the mother, are Parents are civilly liable for felonies by their
responsible for the damages caused by the minor children. Article 101 of the RPC provides:
minor children who live in their company. "Art. 101. Rules regarding civil liability in
The responsibility treated of in this certain cases, – XXX
Article shall cease when the person mentioned First. In cases of subdivisions xxx 2, and 3
prove that they observed a the diligence of a of Article 12, the civil liability for acts
good father of a family to prevent damage. committed by x xx a person under 9, or by
one over 9 but under 15, who has acted
While Article 2180 refers to "minor children," without discernment, shall devolve upon
the age referred to in said article is not below 18 those having such person under their legal
but below 21. This is clarified in the last paragraph authority or control, unless it appears that
of Article 236, amended by R.A. 6809, which reads: there was no fault or negligence by them."
"Nothing in this Code shall be construed to
derogate from the duty or responsibility of Such do not cover situations where the civil
parents and guardians for children and liability of parents is based on crimes committed by
wards below twenty-one years of age their minor children over 9 but under 15, who acted
mentioned in the second and third with discernment, and also of minors 15 or over.
paragraphs of Article 2180 of the Civil
Code." Comparison of Three Articles (Articles 221, FC;
2180, NCC; and 101, RPC)
While the child is already emancipated and Article 221 of the Family Code speaks of the
no longer under the parental authority of his liability of the parents for quasi-delict committed by
parents, the parents are still liable for the quasi- their minor children living in their company and
delict committed by the child if below 21. Senator under their parental authority. This Article did not
Tolentino criticizes this rule for being without entirely amend the provisions of Article 2180 of the
juridical basis: Civil Code, insofar as the liability of the parents for
“R.A. 6809 keeps this responsibility of the the quasi-delict of their children is concerned.
parents or guardians for the torts committed by children Parental liability still exists under the provisions of
or wards living in their company. This is more anomalous Article 2180 even if the child has already been
than parental consent for marriage of children between emancipated and no longer under parental
18 and 21. Upon emancipation, parental authority
authority so long as the adult child is still below 21
ceases, and yet responsibility for his torts continues until
years of age.
he reaches 21. This is a case of responsibility without
authority. Article 221 is intended to govern the matter
If both parents are dead, and the child is of parental liability for quasi-delicts committed by
released from guardianship after reaching 18, there will children below 18; whereas, Article 2180 governs
be no guardian to answer for the torts of the child, who the liability of the parents for quasi-delicts
must himself be personally liable. committed by their children who are 18 but under
The provisions of R.A. No. 6809 on these 21.
matters are without juridical basis. In the case of parental Under Article 2180, the enforcement of such
consent for marriage inspite of emancipation, there may liability shall be effected against the father and, in
still be a basis in natural filial relationship. But in the case
case of his death or incapacity, the mother.
of torts, there is neither filial nor juridical justification."
Under Article 221, this civil liability is now,
without such alternative qualification, the
Liability of Parents for Crimes Committed by
responsibility of the parents and those who
Their Minor Children
exercise parental authority over the minor offender.


The parents are also liable for the civil Art. 224. The measures referred to in the
liability arising from criminal offenses committed by preceding article may include the commitment
their minor children under their legal authority or of the child for not more than thirty days in
control, or who live in their company, unless it is entities or institutions engaged in child care or
proven that the former acted with diligence of a in children's homes duly accredited by the
good father of a family to prevent such damages. proper government agency. The parent
This liability is premised on the provisions of Article exercising parental authority shall not interfere
101 of the RPC with respect to damages ex delicto with the care of the child whenever committed
caused by their children 9 or under, or over 9 but but shall provide for his support. Upon proper
under 15 who acted without discernment; and, with petition or at its own Instance, the court may
regard to their children over 9 but under 15 who terminate the commitment of the child
acted with discernment, or 15 years or over but whenever just and proper. (391a)
under 21, such liability shall be imposed pursuant
to Article 2180. Disciplinary Action
As to the extent of the punishment that the
Nature of Parent's Liability parents may impose upon their children, the Civil
Whether the liability of the parents arises Code authorizes "moderate" punishments.
from quasi-delict or criminal offenses committed by Although the Family Code authorizes the imposition
their minor children under their legal authority or of disciplinary measures to the extent "required
control, or who live in their company, the nature of under the circumstances," the rule must not be
such liability is primary and not subsidiary. interpreted as allowing punishments beyond
Parents are subsidiarily liable only if, at the moderate ones.
time of the commission of the quasi-delict, the Under Article 231, the parental authority of
minor children are under the special parental the parents may be suspended, upon proper
authority of the persons or entities designated petition to the court, if the parent or person
under Article 218, where it is the latter who shall be exercising parental authority "treats the child with
primarily liable. excessive harshness or cruelty." The parent
concerned may also be held criminally liable for
Art. 223. The parents or, in their absence or violation R.A. 7160, the "Special Protection of
incapacity, the individual, entity or institution Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and
exercising parental authority, may petition the Discrimination Act," if he employs excessive
proper court of the place where the child harshness or cruelty upon the child.
resides, for an order providing for disciplinary The parents or other persons exercising
measures over the child. The child shall be parental authority may also petition the court for the
entitled to the assistance of counsel, either of imposition of appropriate disciplinary measures on
his choice or appointed by the court, and a the child, which measure may include the
summary hearing shall be conducted wherein commitment of the child in entities or institutions
the petitioner and the child shall be heard. engaged in child-care or in children's homes duly
However, if in the same proceeding the accredited by the proper government agency. Such
court finds the petitioner at fault, irrespective of commitment, however, must not exceed 30 days.
the merits of the petition, or when the Chapter 4
circumstances so warrant, the court may also Effect of Parental Authority Upon the Property
order the deprivation or suspension of parental of the Children
authority or adopt such other measures as it
may deem just and proper. (318a) Art. 225. The father and the mother shall jointly
exercise legal guardianship over the property of

their unemancipated common child without the Art. 227. If the parents entrust the management
necessity of a court appointment. In case of or administration of any of their properties to an
disagreement, the father's decision shall unemancipated child, the net proceeds of such
prevail, unless there is a judicial order to the property shall belong to the owner. The child
contrary. shall be given a reasonable monthly allowance
Where the market value of the property in an amount not less than that which the owner
or the annual income of the child exceeds would have paid if the administrator were a
P50,000, the parent concerned shall be required stranger, unless the owner grants the entire
to furnish a bond in such amount as the court proceeds to the child. In any case, the proceeds
may determine, but not less than ten per thus given in whole or in part shall not be
centum (10%) of the value of the property or charged to the child's legitime. (322a)
annual income, to guarantee the performance of
the obligations prescribed for general Legal Guardian of Minor's Property
guardians. Although there is no need for a court
A verified petition for approval of the appointment of the parents as legal guardian of the
bond shall be filed in the proper court of the minor child's property, the law requires the parents
place where the child resides, or, if the child to furnish a bond when the market value of the
resides in a foreign country, in the proper court property or the annual income of the child exceeds
of the place where the property or any part P50,000, for the purpose of guaranteeing the
thereof is situated. performance of the obligations prescribed for
The petition shall be docketed as a general guardians. The amount of the bond is left to
summary special proceeding in which all the discretion of the court but it must not be less
incidents and issues regarding the performance than 10% of the value of the property or annual
of the obligations referred to in the second income.
paragraph of this Article shall be heard and While the parents have the right to
resolved. administer the property of their minor children, such
The ordinary rules on guardianship shall right does not include the power to dispose or
be merely suppletory except when the child is encumber said property without court authorization.
under substitute parental authority, or the Administration includes all acts for the
guardian is a stranger, or a parent has preservation of the property and the receipt of fruits
remarried, in which case the ordinary rules on according to the natural purpose of the thing.
guardianship shall apply. (320a) Any act of disposition or alienation, or any
reduction in the substance of the patrimony of child,
Art. 226. The property of the unemancipated exceeds the limits of administration. Such power is
child earned or acquired with his work or granted by law only to a judicial guardian of the
industry or by onerous or gratuitous title shall ward's property and even then only with courts'
belong to the child in ownership and shall be prior approval in accordance with the proceedings.
devoted exclusively to the latter's support and Thus, any disposition of the property of the
education, unless the title or transfer provides minor without the proper judicial authority, unless
otherwise. ratified by them upon reaching the age of majority,
The right of the parents over the fruits is unenforceable in accordance with Articles 1317
and income of the child's property shall be and 1403(1) of the Civil Code.
limited primarily to the child's support and
secondarily to the collective daily needs of the Ownership of Child's Property
family. (321a, 323a) Properties that may be earned or acquired
by a minor child with his work or industry or by

onerous or gratuitous title shall belong to the child

in ownership. However, things given to the child by Art. 228. Parental authority terminates
the parent by way of support or as necessaries, permanently:
such as clothing, remain the property of the parent (1) Upon the death of the parents;
and do not belong to the child, notwithstanding the (2) Upon the death of the child; or
child's possession of them; and hence the parent (3) Upon emancipation of the child. (327a)
has a right of action against a third person who
causes or is responsible for the loss or destruction Art. 229. Unless subsequently revived by a final
of such property, or deprives the child thereof. judgment, parental authority also terminates:
However, clothing purchased by the child (1) Upon adoption of the child;
with money furnished by the parent for general (2) Upon appointment of a general guardian;
purposes, without any specific instructions as to the (3) Upon judicial declaration of
appropriation or use thereof, is not the property of abandonment of the child in a case filed
the parent. While the ownership of the property for the purpose;
remains with the child, the parents may make use (4) Upon final judgment of a competent
of them but solely and exclusively for the support court divesting the party concerned of
and education of the owner of the property, unless parental authority; or
the title or transfer provides otherwise. (5) Upon judicial declaration of absence or
The basis of the right of the parent to the incapacity of the person exercising
properties of their minor children arises out of the parental authority. (327a)
former's duty to support the child; and the parent's
right may, therefore, be lost by neglect or refusal to Art. 230. Parental authority is suspended upon
furnish support. conviction of the parent or the person
exercising the same of a crime which carries
Right of Usufruct Over the Child's Property with it the penalty of civil interdiction. The
The parents have a limited right of usufruct authority is automatically reinstated upon
over the property of their minor children. Under the service of the penalty or upon pardon or
second paragraph of Article 226 of the Code, the amnesty of the offender. (330a)
parents, as usufructuary, have the right to make
use of the fruits and income of the children's Art. 231. The court in an action filed for the
property but only for the following purposes: purpose or in a related case may also suspend
(1) primarily, for the child's support; and parental authority if the parent or the person
(2) secondarily, for the collective daily needs of exercising the same:
the family. (1) Treats the child with excessive
harshness or cruelty;
In this kind of usufruct, the parents are not (2) Gives the child corrupting orders,
required to give security. counsel or example;
Additionally, this kind of usufruct may not be (3) Compels the child to beg; or
alienated. (4) Subjects the child or allows him to be
subjected to acts of lasciviousness.

The grounds enumerated above are

deemed to include cases which have resulted
Chapter 5 from culpable negligence of the parent or the
Suspension or Termination of Parental person exercising parental authority.

If the degree of seriousness so warrants, The deprivation of parental authority on the part
or the welfare of the child so demands, the of the parents by nature is permanent unless the
court shall deprive the guilty party of parental decree of adoption is rescinded, upon a petition
authority or adopt such other measures as may filed for that purpose by the adoptee on grounds
be proper under the circumstances. authorized under Section 19 of the Domestic
The suspension or deprivation may be Adoption Act. If the child is still a minor upon the
revoked and the parental authority revived in a rescission of the decree, the parental authority of
case filed for the purpose or in the same the parents by nature shall automatically be
proceeding if the court finds that the cause restored.
therefor has ceased and will not be repeated.
(e) Appointment of General Guardian
Art. 232. If the person exercising parental A guardian is a person lawfully invested with the
authority has subjected the child or allowed him power, and charged with the duty, of taking care of
to be subjected to sexual abuse, such person the person and managing the property and rights of
shall be permanently deprived by the court of another person, who, for defect of age
such authority. (n) understanding, or self-control, is considered
incapable of administering his own affairs.
Art. 233. The person exercising substitute A general guardian is one who has the general
parental authority shall have the same authority care and control of the person and estate of his
over the person of the child as the parents. ward; while a special guardian is one who has
In no case shall the school special or limited powers and duties with respect to
administrator, teacher or individual engaged in his ward – a guardian who has the custody of the
child care exercising special parental authority estate but not of the person, or vice versa, or a
inflict corporal punishment upon the child. (n) guardian ad litem.
Petitions for guardianship of minors are
(a) Death of the Parents governed by the Rule on Guardianship of Minors,
If only one of the parents dies, the surviving 61 amending Rules 92 to 97 of the Rules of Court.
parent shall continue to exercise parental authority A guardian other than the parents may be
and his or her remarriage shall not affect such appointed by the court over the person or property,
parental authority over the children unless the court or both, of a minor on grounds authorized by law
will appoint another person to be the guardian. upon petition of any relative or other person on
If both parents should die, substitute parental behalf of the minor or upon petition by the minor
authority shall be exercised by the persons himself if 14 years of age or over.
designated under Article 216 of the Code. The authorized grounds for the appointment of
(b) Death of the Child guardian are the following:
(1) death, continued absence, or incapacity of
(c) Emancipation of the Child the minor's parents;
Emancipation means the freeing of the child (2) suspension, deprivation or termination of
from the parental authority and custody of, and parental authority;
from the obligation to render services to, the parent. (3) remarriage of the minor's surviving parent, if
As a result of which, parental authority is the latter is found unsuitable to exercise
terminated. However, there are rights and parental authority; and
obligations retained by the parents even after the (4) when the best interests of the minor so
termination. require.
(d) Adoption of the Child

Upon appointment, parental authority of the Physical estrangement alone, without

parents is terminated unless revived by a judgment. financial and moral desertion, is not tantamount to
(f) Judicial Declaration of Abandonment abandonment. Petitioner was admittedly physically
A parent may forfeit parental authority over absent as he was then in the United States, but he
a child by abandonment or failure to provide for was not remiss in his natural and legal obligations
him. However, the law requires a judicial of love, care and support for his children. He
declaration of abandonment of the child in a case maintained regular communication with his wife and
filed for the purpose. In the absence of such, the children through letters and telephone and he sent
parental authority of the parents remains packages by mail and catered to their whims.
(g) Final Judgment Divesting Parents of
Santos v. Aranzanso, et al, Cang v. Court of Parental Authority
Appeals Under Article 231 of the Code, the court may
The effect that if a parent had abandoned deprive the guilty party of parental authority based
his children, his consent to the adoption may be on the grounds mentioned therein "if the degree of
dispensed with is no longer controlling. The basis of seriousness so warrants or the welfare of the child
is Section 3 of Rule 99, which rule, however, was so demands" in an action filed for the purpose.
already superseded by the Rule on Adoption. The rights of parents vis-à-vis that of their
Since the new Rule on Adoption did not children are not antithetical to each other, as in fact,
reproduce Section 3 of Rule 99, and since they must be respected and harmonized to the
abandonment does not result in the termination of fullest extent. Parental authority cannot be
parental authority, the consent of such parent is still entrusted to a person because he could give the
necessary in adoption proceedings since one of the child a larger measure of material comfort than his
effects of adoption is the deprivation of parental natural parent.
authority on the part of the natural parents.
Ordinarily, "abandon" means to forsake (h) Judicial Declaration of Absence or
entirely, to forsake or renounce utterly. The Incapacity
emphasis is on the finality and publicity with which Without a judicial declaration of absence, the
a thing or body is thus put in the control of another, continued absence of the parents may result in the
hence, the meaning of giving up absolutely, with termination of parental authority if the minor under
intent never to resume or claim one's rights. guardianship. The continued absence of the
In reference to abandonment of a child by parents is a ground for the appointment of a
his parent, such imports "any conduct of the parent guardian.
which evinces a settled purpose to forego all
parental duties and relinquish all parental claims to Grounds for Suspension of Parental Authority
the child. It means "neglect or refusal to perform the In ground no. (1), parental authority is
natural and legal obligations of care and support automatically suspended upon conviction of a
which parents owe their children. parent or person exercising the same of a crime
In order to constitute abandonment, there which carries with it the penalty of civil interdiction
must be an intention to do so, express or implied, and such
which is apparent from the conduct of the parent authority is automatically reinstated after service of
respecting the child, and the intent of the parent is the sentence or upon pardon or amnesty.
the decisive factor or primary consideration. In ground nos. (2) to (5), suspension of
parental authority must be decreed by the court in
Cang v. Court of Appeals an action filed for the purpose or in a related case.


In other grounds, parental authority may be maltreating her Grade 1 pupil. The teacher pinched
reinstated upon order of the court when it finds that the student on his thigh; held him up by his armpits
the cause has ceased and will not be repeated. and pushed him to the floor, his body hitting a desk
and he lost consciousness; then picked him up by
(a) Civil Interdiction his ears and repeatedly slammed him down.
Civil interdiction is an accessory penalty to the The teacher could not justifiably claim that
following principal penalties: (a) death, when not she had acted only for the sake of disciplining the
executed by reason of commutation or pardon; (b) student because her physical maltreatment of him
reclusion perpetua; or (c) reclusion temporal. was prohibited by the Code.
The accessory penalty of civil interdiction
deprives the offender during the time of his
sentence of: (1) the right to parental authority; (2)
guardianship, either as to the person or property of
any ward; (3) marital authority; (4) right to manage
his property; and (5) right to dispose such property
by any act or any conveyance inter vivos.
Parental authority is automatically suspended
as a consequence of one's conviction of a crime
which carries with it the penalty of civil interdiction.
It remains suspended while the convict is serving
his sentence and is automatically reinstated upon
service of the penalty or upon pardon or amnesty.

(b) Other Grounds for Suspension of

Parental Authority
If the person exercising parental authority
has subjected the child or allowed him to be
subjected to sexual abuse, such person shall be
permanently deprived by the court of such
If the suspension of parental authority is
based on the foregoing grounds, such suspension
of parental authority must be decreed by the court
in an action fled for the purpose or in a related

Banning of Corporal Punishment

Physical maltreatment of a child was
prohibited by the Family Code, which has expressly
banned the infliction of corporal punishment by a
school administrator, teacher or individual engaged
in child care exercising special parental authority.

Rosaldes v. People
The Court convicted a public school teacher
of child abuse under R.A. 7610 for physically

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