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Ma. Christine A. Pacaña

CG: EN10G-Ia-2
Competency: Use reflexive and intensive pronouns.

Module 1. Lesson 2
CG: EN10LT_11c.2.2.1
COMPETENCY: Get information from various text types that can be used in
everyday life
CG: EN10VC-Id-25
COMPETENCY: Express insights based on the ideas presented in the material

Module 1: Lesson 3
CG: EN10LT-1c-2.2
Competency: Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to the
theme of a particular literary selection.

Module 1: Lesson 4
CG: EN10WC-1c-12.2
Competency: Formulate a statement of opinion or assertion

Module 1: Lesson 5
CG: EN10RC-1a 2.15.2
Competency: Determine the effect of textual aids like advance organizers on the
understanding of a text.

CG: EN10G-1g-3.6
COMPETENCY: Use modals indicating obligation and necessity.
CG: EN10G-Ia-27
COMPETENCY: Use Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns
 Reflexive Pronouns are objects that are used to refer to the subject of
the sentence. They are a necessary part of the sentence. It can be used
as direct object, indirect object or object of the preposition.
 I made myself available last Saturday Night for a stroll at the
famous Naga Boardwalk.
 My sister and I bought ourselves popcorn at the City of Naga Food
 She made herself a cup of coffee before heading out to for a hike at
Mt. Naupa.
 Intensive Pronouns are used to add emphasis to the subject or
antecedent of the sentence. It is usually found after the noun or pronoun it
is modifying.
 I myself witnessed the 10th Dagitab Festival.
 My sister herself paid for my popcorn before we watched movies at
the St. Francis Ocean Park.
 Mayor Kristine Vanessa Chiong herself believes that strong families
are the key factors to a prosperous society.
 The INTENSIVE and REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS include myself, yourself,
himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves and themselves.
The way to identify an intensive pronoun is to remove it from the
sentence; if it’s an intensive pronoun, the sentence will still make
sense. If the sentence no longer makes sense, it’s a reflexive
 Alison still does not trust herself.
If you remove the pronoun, the sentence does not make sense.
Therefore, herself is a reflexive pronoun.
 Did you yourself make the cake?
If you remove the pronoun yourself, the sentence still makes sense.
Therefore, yourself is an intensive pronoun.
Subject Reflexive/Intensive Pronoun
I myself
you yourself
he himself
she herself
it itself
we ourselves
you (plural) yourselves
they themselves
CG: EN10G-Ia-27
COMPETENCY: Use Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns.

Directions: Scan the paragraphs below. Pick all the personal pronouns used by
the author and write its matching reflexive pronouns.

(An Excerpt from the History of Naga -
On January 1, 1947, Atty. Reynaldo M. Mendiola was appointed by then, Pres.
Manuel Roxas as the town Mayor. It was during his incumbency that he created
the Naga Provincial High School now renamed as Naga National High School.  
He was succeeded by his younger brother Atty. Vicente M. Mendiola. When he
ran and elected as Cebu Provincial Board Member. His younger brother served
until 1963 only, when he was defeated by Domingo S. Largo in 1964 to 1967.
Again, Vicente Mendiola was elected Mayor in 1967 and served until 1986.
Paulino S. Ong was appointed OIC-Mayor in 1986 and have served as elected
mayor for three (3) consecutive terms until 1998. Hon. Ferdinand Mendiola
Chiong became the mayor in May 1996 elections and served his third and last
term until he died on April 03, 2006. His younger brother, Vice Mayor Val
assumed the unexpired term of the former mayor and now is the present mayor
of the Municipality of Naga, Cebu. The Hon. Valdemar M. Chiong was re-elected
in the May election of 2007. 
B. From the excerpt, construct sentences that use reflexive/intensive pronouns.




CG: EN10G-Ia-27
COMPETENCY: Use Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns.
Directions: Read the article below which talks about City of Naga’s progress over
the years. Make a short conversation about your own experience of our city’s
progress (healthcare, sports facilities, amusement, etc.) using reflexive and
intensive pronouns. (Group Activity)
City of Naga, Cebu marks 10 years
(An excerpt from the article ity of Naga, Cebu )
“Let us go forward together and keep our city vital and
strong, and ensure the City of Naga remains a place
where everyone can call home…with that steadfast
commitment for a quality of life for all.

This was how City of Naga, Cebu, Mayor Kristine

Vanessa Chiong concluded her State of Naga Address
in time of the city’s 10th charter anniversary on
September 5.

“In conclusion, I enjoin everyone to celebrate that the

state of our city is strong,” Chiong said.

Chiong, a neophyte politician, succeeded her father,

former mayor Valdemar Chiong, who completed his
three terms last year.

“It has been my joy and honor to have served our

Mayor Kristine Naga in during
Vanessa Chiong thethepast year. On our 10th charter
anniversary, we celebrate Naga’s accomplishments
State of the Naga Address.

and journey as a city in the past 10 years. This

celebration also serves as a timely renewal of our commitment to work for more
improved basic services, for a better life for all Nagahanons,” she said.
Way to go! (11-15 points) Just Fine! (6-10 points) Nice try! (1-5)
The conversation points were The points seem logical but The details/ points seem
logically arrived at and it lacks a few more convincing unrelated and disorganized.
demonstrated careful and points. The conversation The conversation committed a
correct language use and demonstrated a few lapses in number of lapses in language
mechanics. language use and mechanics. use and mechanics.

Module 1: Lesson 1
CG: EN10G-Ia-27

Competency: Use Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns

Directions: In a ten-sentence paragraph using reflexive-intensive pronouns;
discuss how the Local Government Unit of the City of Naga extends its public
service to the people in the barangay you belong to. Encircle the reflexive-
intensive pronoun in every sentence.
Module 1 Lesson 2
CG: EN10LT_11c.2.2.1, CG: EN10VC-Id-25

 Get information from various text types that can be used in everyday life.
 Express insights based on the ideas presented in the material viewed.

Concept: Reading comprehension is the ability to process text, understand

its meaning, and to integrate it with what the reader already knows. An
individual's ability to comprehend text is influenced by their skills and their ability
to process information. (
It is through comprehension that one is able to acquire and process new
information and make better use of that information in one’s everyday life.


Discrimination is the unequal treatment provided to one or more parties on the

basis of a mutual accord or some other logical or illogical reasons.
(Source: google images)

There are many types of discrimination like age, being or becoming a transsexual
person, being married or in a civil partnership, disability, race including color,
nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion, belief or lack of religion/belief. One
of the most common discrimination is Gender Discrimination which is also known
as Gender Inequality.

Gender inequality is the idea and situation

that women and men are not equal. It refers to unequal
treatment or perceptions of individuals wholly or partly due to
their gender. It arises from differences in gender roles. Gender
inequality stems from distinctions, whether empirically grounded
or socially constructed. Women lag behind men in many
domains, including education, labor market opportunities and
political representation.

1. What is being referred to as unequal treatment of individuals based on their

a. Discrimination c. Gender Discrimination
b. Racial Discrimination d. Age Discrimination

2. From what aspect are women believed to lag behind men?

a. age b. race c. religion d. education

3. Which of the following is said to have arisen from differences in gender roles?
a. Discrimination c. Gender Discrimination
b. Racial Discrimination d. Age Discrimination

4. If gender inequality stems from socially-constructed distinctions, it might mean

that .
a. Gender inequality is deeply-rooted in the society that it cannot be
b. Gender inequality can be lessened, if not eliminated, through educating
the society by ironing out the wrong beliefs perceived by the society.
c. Gender inequality is a never-ending social issue that ceases to be
addressed by all nations, by all means.
d. Gender inequality is an occurring issue that sheds light on the
importance of gender differences from all aspects of life.

Module 1 Lesson 2
CG: EN10LT_11c.2.2.1, CG: EN10VC-Id-25


 Get information from various text types that can be used in everyday life.
 Express insights based on the ideas presented in the material viewed.

Directions: Read the article below and answer the following comprehension
questions correctly.
POPCOM Central Visayas joins hands with Naga City, Bogo City and
Larena, Siquijor for teen projects

As a response to the growing challenges of teenage pregnancy, early sexual

encounters, and other risky adolescent behavior in the region, the Commission
on Population Region 7 partners with the local government units of Naga City
and Bogo City in Cebu Province and Municipality of Larena in Siquijor Province
to establish teen centers in these localities.

In the signing of the memorandum of agreement on September 19, 2016,

POPCOM VII and partners commit to creating responsive programs and services
for the young people, particularly in the prevention of teenage pregnancy by
teaching young people to make responsible decisions on their sexuality.

Based on the 2013 Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Study conducted by the
University of the Philippines Population Institute, teenage pregnancy rose from
5.3% in 2003 to 13% in 2013. In 2015, the Department of Health’s preliminary
report recorded 5,197 pregnancy among teenage mothers in the region.

According to POPCOM VII Director, Atty. Bruce N. Ragas, teenage pregnancy

has a social implication such that it decreases opportunities for young people to
become socially and economically productive individuals. He added that, early
sexual encounters also increase the risk among young people to acquire sexually
transmitted infections.

The teen centers will be the hub for services from both POPCOM, Department of
Health, DSWD, DepEd and the LGU geared towards educating and empowering
the young people with knowledge and skills to exercise responsible teen
sexuality, avoid early sexual encounters, and prevent teenage pregnancy, STI,
HIV and AIDS. Free counseling and health services provision and referrals will
be one of the key features of the teen centers.

The cities of Naga and Bogo have converted part of their old municipal halls to
teen centers which will provide services such as adolescent health and
development orientations, seminars, as well as an area for games and fun
learning exercises for the young people.

In Larena, Siquijor, the old municipal library was converted into a teen center
designed to inform, educate and entertain young people so that they may have
productive use of their time away from school. Mayor Dean Villa said that
computer units with internet access will also be free for use among the teens.
The mayor has also made part of the municipality’s sports gym into another teen
center for games and other outdoor activities for the youth.

POPCOM VII Regional Director, Atty. Bruce N. Ragas said that in the light of the
political will of the current administration’s support in the full force implementation
of the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law, strengthened
partnerships and increased stakeholder participation are called to address
reproductive health issues, particularly among the young people in this country.


1. What are the cities and municipalities that collaborated with PopCom Central
Visayas in spearheading projects and programs for the adolescents?


2. What are the challenges faced by the society nowadays which are the results
of risky adolescent behaviors in Region 7?


3. What risk is increased by early sexual encounters?


4. How do these stakeholders plan to educate and empower the youth?


5. Cite at least 5 helpful measures in avoiding teenage pregnancy.


6. Cite teen problems that are evident in your own barangay.

7. What measures have been taken by your own barangay in addressing these
kind of problems?


8. As a Nagahanon, how are you going to take part in promoting gender

development and in eradicating teen problems due to risky adolescent
behavior in the city and in your barangay as well?


Module 1 Lesson 2
CG: EN10LT_11c.2.2.1, CG: EN10VC-Id-25


 Get information from various text types that can be used in everyday life.
 Express insights based on the ideas presented in the material viewed.

Directions: The table below shows the population growth of the 28 barangays in
the City of Naga. Study the table below and answer the
comprehension questions that follow.
City of Naga Population Growth (2010-2015)

Table1: City of Naga Population Growth (2010-2015)


A. Write TRUE if the statement is accurate and FALSE if it is not

1. The population of Brgy. Jaguimit is almost thrice the
number of the people living in Langtad.
2. Tuyan has the highest number of population in the
years 2010 and 2015.
3. Barangay Inayagan holds the second spot in the
highest population among the other barangays.
4. Barangay Tuyan, having the highest population
count among the 28 cities, has the largest land area
as well.
5. The population of Barangay Tina-an increased
significantly in 2015.
B. Answer the following questions correctly.
6. What are the two barangays that had a decrease in
its population?
7. Which barangay has the smallest increase of
population in the year 2015?
8. Among the 5 poblacion barangays of the City of
Naga, which has the highest total population?
9. Which poblacion has the lowest population growth?
10. Which barangay has the least population count?
C. Create a diagram that shows the barangays which has the least and
the greatest population growth from the year 2010 to 2015.

Module 1 Lesson 2
CG: EN10LT_11c.2.2.1, CG: EN10VC-Id-25


 Get information from various text types that can be used in everyday life.
 Express insights based on the ideas presented in the material viewed.

Directions: Read the article below and answer the comprehension questions.
SOURCE: (excerpt -

As part our vision for a better quality of life for every Filipino, POPCOM
continuously supports in promoting Adolescent Health and Youth Development
Program, one of the core programs of the Philippine Population Management.

Strengthening the partnership between POPCOM 7, DepEd Divsions of City of

Naga and City of Bogo, and DepEd Region 7, a Memorandum of Agreement to
integrate Adolescent Health and Youth Development Program (AHYDP) in all
subjects in Secondary Curriculum was signed on September 19, 2016.

Dr. Senen Paulin, the Schools Division Superintendent of the City of Naga said
that the integration of adolescent sexual and reproductive health concepts in the
Basic Education Curriculum will make the students socially-conscious and be
responsible on how to deal with issues relating to their bodies, emotions and
other aspects of growing up. He said that DepEd Naga City will continue to
pursue the goals and objectives of adolescent health and development.

Dr. Emeliano Elnar, Chief of the Curriculum and Learning Management Division
(CLMD) of DepEd Region VII said that the integration of adolescent health and
development concepts in the iPlan (Instructional Plan) will serve as a guide and
improve the teachers’ ability to impart sexual and reproductive health topics in
their classes.

1. What is considered as one of the core programs of the Philippine Population

b. Curriculum and Learning Management Division
c. Adolescent Health and Youth Development Program
d. iPLAN

2. Which of the following is the expected ultimate outcome of the integration of

reproductive health concepts in the education system of the Philippines?
a. impart sexual and reproductive health topics to the students
b. integration of adolescent health programs in the barangay
c. develop concepts in the Instructional Plan
d. be socially-conscious and responsible in dealing adolescence issues

3. Based on the article, what is the DEPed City of Naga’s take on the adolescent
sexual and reproductive health programs spearheaded by the Commission on
a. The DEPEd City of Naga will continue to pursue the goals and
objectives of AHYDP.
b. The DEPEDCity of Naga will wait for the directives of the Department of
c. The City of Naga has no plans whatsoever in promoting AHYDP.
d. The City of Naga LGU has yet to join the cause of AHYDP.

4. If Adolescent Health and Youth Development Programs are already integrated

in the Philippine Education system, what is likely to happen?
a. The country will produce students who are wise decision-makers as
they grow from adolescents to adults.
b. The students will be able to learn life skills that they can use as they
grow into responsible individuals.
c. The students will be better informed and they will be able to deal with
issues and problems related to sexuality.
d. All of the above

B. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

The City of Naga Celebrates Family Month Year 2

(Naga Akong Garbo Official Facebook Page)

The month of May is Family Month in the City of Naga through City Ordinance
No. 2017 – 007, an Ordinance Declaring the Whole Month of May as Family
Month in the City of Naga. 

With the theme, “Pamilyang-Nagahanon Padulong sa Malahutayong Kaugmaon”,

the City Government through the leadership of Mayor Kristine, firmly believes
that strong families are the key factor to a prosperous society that can contribute
to the growth and development of the city as a whole.

1. When will be the opening of the Family Month Year 2?

2. What is the given schedule for the Movies @ the Park?

3. What is the theme of the event?

4. Why do you think Mayor Kristine Chiong launched an event like this for the

5. What benefits can Nagahanons gain from events like this?

Module1: Lesson 3
CG: EN10LT-1c-2.2

Competency: Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to the

theme of a particular literary selection.
Concept: A plot diagram is a tool that is commonly used to organize a story into
certain segments. Once the parts of the plot diagram are identified, it is easier to
analyze the content. A plot diagram also gives a common framework for
analyzing and understanding written prose.
1. The exposition or the introduction introduces the characters, describes the
setting and establishes the problem in the story; The start of the story; The
situation before the action starts
2. The rising action is where the suspense builds and the problem gets
worse and becomes more complicated. There are often multiple steps or
parts in the rising action; The series of conflicts that leads to the climax
3. The climax is the turning point in the story. It is usually the most exciting
part in the story and the part that makes the reader want to keep reading;
The turning point of the story; The most intense moment in the plot
4. The falling action is the events that happen after the climax that lead to a
resolution or ending to the story; All of the action that follows the climax
5. The resolution is the outcome of the story. It is how things end up or turn
out for the characters; The conclusion, ties the story together


Module1: Lesson 3
CG: EN10LT-1c-2.2

Competency: Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to the

theme of a particular literary selection.
Directions: Read the article below. Create a PLOT DIAGRAM as previously
discussed. Answer the questions that follow.
Alice Low

There were nine goddesses called Muses. Born of Zeus and a Titan
named Mnemosyne, each muse presided over a different art or science.

Calliope, one of these sisters, was the inspiration of poets and

musicians. She was the mother of Orpheus (a mortal because his father was
one) and gave to her son a remarkable talent for music.
Orpheus [played his lyre so sweetly that he charmed all things on
earth. Men and women forgot their cares when they gathered around him to
listen. Wild beasts lay down as if they were tame, entranced by his soothing
notes. Even rocks and trees followed him, and the rivers changed their directions
to hear him play. ‘

Orpheus loved a young woman named Eurydice, and when they were
married, they looked forward to many years of happiness together. But soon
after, Eurydice stepped on a poisonous snake and died.

Orpheus roamed the earth, singing sad melodies to try to overcome

his grief. But it was no use. He longed for Eurydice so deeply that he decided to
follow her to the underworld. He said to himself, “No mortal has ever been there
before, but I must try to bring back my beloved Eurydice. I will charm Persephone
and Hades with my music and win Eurydice’s release.

He climbed into a cave and through a dark passage that led to the
underworld. When he reached the river Styx1 , he plucked his lyre and Charon2 ,
the ferryman, was so charmed that he rowed him across. Then he struck his lyre
again, and Cereberus, the fierce three0headed dog who guarded the gates,
heard the sweet music and lay still to let him pass.

Orpheus continued to play his lyre tenderly as he made his way

through the gloomy underworld. The ghosts cried when they heard his sad
music. Sisyphus, who had been condemned to roll a rock uphill forever, stopped
his fruitless work to listen. Tantalus, who had been sentenced to stand in a pool
of receding water, stopped trying to quench his thirst. And even the wheel to
which Ixion was tied as punishment stopped turning for one moment.

At last Orpheus came to the palace of Hades and Persephone, king

and queen of the underworld. Before they could order him to leave, he began his
gentle song, pleading for Eurydice.
When stern Hades heard Orpheus’s song, he began to weep. Cold
Persephone was so moved that, for the first time in all her months in the
underworld, her heart melted.

“Oh please, my husband,” she said to Hades, “let Eurydice been

reunited with Orpheus.”

And Hades replied, “I, too, feel the sadness of Orpheus. I cannot
refuse him.
They summoned Eurydice, and the two lovers clasped each other and
turned to leave.
“Wait!” said Hades to Orpheus. “Eurydice is yours to take back to
earth on one condition.”

“What is that?” asked Orpheus.

She must follow you, and you must not look back at her until you are
on earth again.”

“I understand,” said Orpheus. “And I am forever grateful.”

Orpheus and Eurydice left the underworld and made their way
through the dark passage that led to the upper world. At last they reached the
cave through which Orpheus had descended.

“I can see daylight ahead,” called Orpheus to Eurydice. “We are almost there.”
But Eurydice had not heard him, and so she did not answer.

Orpheus turned to make sure that she was still following him. He
caught one last glimpse of her with her arms stretched out to him. And then she
disappeared, swallowed up by darkness.

“Farewell,” he heard her cry as she was carried back to the


Orpheus tried to follow her, but this time the gods would not allow it.
And so he wandered the earth alone. He sang his sad songs to the rocks and the
trees and longed for the time when he, too, would die and be reunited with his
beloved Eurydice in the underworld.
Processing Questions:

1. How do the elements help you understand the flow of the story?

2. What is the theme of the story?

3. In what way do the elements contribute to your understanding of the

selection’s overall theme?

Module1: Lesson 3
CG: EN10LT-1c-2.2

Competency: Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to the

theme of a particular literary selection.
Directions: Read the article and make a PLOT DIAGRAM as previously
Naga, Cebu, in the revolt of 1898

Naga played a crucial role in the Cebuano revolt against Spain in 1898. In
the book written by Manuel Enriquez dela Calzada entitled "Ang Kagubot sa
Sugbo 1898," the 14th entry/story written by Catalino Sunsona narrates how
Naga faced the revolt.
The easy road to Sudlon, Cebu City made as the headquarters of KKK Cebu
after the Battle of Tres de Abril was at the mountain of a place called Marmol
in Naga. The people of Naga suffered the anger of both the KKK and that of the
Spaniards. The loyalty of the Capitan Municipal of Naga was torn between the
two forces. The Parish Priest convinced the civil government of Naga to side with
the Spanish Governor General, Adolfo Montero. The KKK was attacked by the
Spanish soldiers aided by the volunteers from Zamboanga and Muslims, the
battle happened at the place called "Alpagate," the casualties included civilians.
Luis Flores, the President of KKK Cebu was so mad for the deaths of his
men and the civilians promised to avenge and get even with the Spaniards. A
local leader of Naga stood to this his name Don Pedro de Garcia, called Teniente
Indong, a descendant of Juan Magdidiyong the founder of San Fernando, Cebu.
The designated date for the battle was on the 2nd Sunday of May 1898. The
area was at the vast tract of land of Capitan Piroy at 9:00 in the morning, rain or
The KKK patriots arrived early. It was sunny day. They were led by Commander
Quintin Tabar (Tabal) and Chief Anatolio Tabar (Tabar) with a hundred armed
men. The civil leaders of Naga assembled at the Tribunal waited for their leader,
Teniente Indong de Gracia as they went to attend mass before the battle. At the
end of the mass, Teniente de Gracia led a prayer for protection from the Patron
Saint, San Francisco de Asis.
Commander Quintin Tabar arranged his men, Vanguardia and
Retaguardia. A music supported the skirmish that about to start. Then the fight
begun, the protagonists, Teniente Indong and Commander Quintin were
passionate in the fight. In the end, both had wounded and dead, many were
exhausted, weapons were broken, no one won, no one got the advantage. It was
agreed that they meet again for the second round.
But prior to the 1898 revolt, when the 1896 Tagalog revolt erupted, the
Spanish authorities required that rich families should contribute Two Hundred
Pesos each to support the anti-rebellion campaign. The people of Naga were led
by Glicerio Canonigo, the First Gobernadorcill of Naga, assisted by Marcelo dela
Cerna as his Capitan de Guia.
Module1: Lesson 3
CG: EN10LT-1c-2.2
Independent Practice

Competency: Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to the

theme of a particular literary selection.
Directions: Write a descriptive paragraph about your personal experience about a
problem or a conflict you were able to resolve. Follow the plot diagram in writing
your personal recount.

Module 1: Lesson 4
CG: EN10WC-1c-12.2
Competency: Formulate a statement of opinion or assertion
Concept: Opinion and Assertion Statement
An OPINION is a personal view, attitude or appraisal. It is a formal expression of
a judgment or estimate of a person or thing with respect to character, merit, etc.
1. The Boardwalk at the City of Naga is one of the newest tourist attraction in
Cebu that has been visited by a lot of tourists already.
2. Former Mayor Val Chiong, along with his daughter Mayor Kristine Vanessa
Chiong, has done so much for the progress and betterment of the City and the
3. The Nagahanons greatly benefit from the projects implemented by the LGU-
City of Naga.

An ASSERTION is a stylistic approach or technique involving a strong

declaration, a forceful or confident and positive statement regarding a belief or a
fact. Often, it is without proof or any support When someone makes a statement
investing his strong belief in it, as if it is true, though it may not be, he is making
an assertion. Its purpose is to express ideas or feelings directly, for instance, “I
have put my every effort to complete this task today.”
1. Proper waste segregation implemented in the City of Naga must be followed
strictly by all the residents or else all the efforts of the city will be put to waste as
2. The LGU-City of Naga must also be diligent in properly collecting the waste
from every household.
3. The residents should also be responsible enough in properly segregating the
waste in their respective households.
4. I know that it takes a lot of effort to segregate the waste but it will surely help
minimize pollution problems in our city.
5. If you do not segregate your waste properly, it will not be collected by the
garbage collectors

Module 1: Lesson 4
CG: EN10WC-1c-12.2

Competency: Formulate a statement of opinion or assertion.

Directions: Write 5 opinion statements and 5 assertive statements about the “NO
by the City of Naga.










Module 1: Lesson 4
CG: EN10WC-1c-12.2
Competency: Formulate a statement of opinion or assertion.
Directions: Create a role play that portrays the implementation of the Solid Waste
Management in your household and barangay. Use opinion and
assertion in your conversation.

Way to go! (11-15 points) Just Fine! (6-10 points) Nice try! (1-5)
The conversation points were The points seem logical but The details/ points seem
logically arrived at and it lacks a few more convincing unrelated and disorganized.
demonstrated careful and points. The conversation The conversation committed a
correct language use and demonstrated a few lapses in number of lapses in language
mechanics. language use and mechanics. use and mechanics.

Module 1: Lesson 4
CG: EN10WC-1c-12.2
Competency: Formulate a statement of opinion or assertion.
Directions: Write down 5 Opinion Statements and 5 Assertive Statements based
on the school policies.










Module 1: Lesson 5
CG: EN10RC-1a 2.15.2

Competency: Determine the effect of textual aids like advance organizers on the
understanding of a text.
Graphic Organizers
Graphic organizers guide learners’ thinking as they fill in and build upon a visual
map or diagram. Graphic organizers are some of the most effective visual
learning strategies for students and are applied across the curriculum to enhance
learning and understanding of subject matter content. In a variety of formats
dependent upon the task, graphic organizers facilitate students’ learning by
helping them identify areas of focus within a broad topic, such as a novel or
article. Because they help the learner make connections and structure thinking,
students often turn to graphic organizers for writing projects.
A. Concept Map
A concept map is a general organizer
that shows a central idea with its corresponding
characteristics. Concept maps can take many
different shapes and can be used to show any
type of relationship that can be labeled. Maps
are excellent for brainstorming, activating prior
knowledge, or generating synonyms. Maps can
be used to show hierarchical relationships with
the most important concepts placed at the top.

B. Flow Diagram or Sequence Chart

A flow diagram or sequence chart shows a series of steps
or events in the order in which they take place.
Any concept that has a distinct order can be
displayed in this type of organizer. It is an
excellent tool for teaching students the steps
necessary to reach a final point.The following
examples illustrate the many uses of flow
diagrams or sequence charts. In reading,
sequence charts can be used to outline the key
events in a story or chapter. In science, they
can serve as the procedures section in the
scientific process. In history, they can be
created as a timeline.

C. Compare/Contrast or Venn Diagram

A compare/contrast or Venn diagram is
used to identify the similarities and
differences between two or more
concepts. The most commonly used
organizer, this instructional tool is found
in textbooks, on standardized tests, and
in teacher resource materials.

D. Cause-and-Effect Diagram
A cause-and-effect diagram highlights the
direct relationship between different events
or concepts. This tool is one of the most
beneficial organizers because of its many
applications in all subject areas.
For example, this diagram might be used
to analyze characters and events in reading, to discuss
major events in social studies, or to study the impact of a science

E. Main Idea and Details Chart

A main idea and details chart shows the hierarchical
relationship between major concepts
and their subordinate elements. This
organizer is extremely beneficial in
helping students distinguish central
ideas and their corresponding
details from less important information.
When using the type of graphic
organizer, clearly label the main idea
and the details as such. Use a
different shape or area for the main
idea and the details.

Module 1: Lesson 5
CG: EN10RC-1a 2.15.2
Competency: Determine the effect of textual aids like advance organizers on the
understanding of a text.
Directions: Using the given text below, an excerpt from Cebu Daily New’s
Feature Article last August 2108 about the City of Naga entitled
“A Walk In The Park”, create a graphic organizer showing the
important points of the evolution of Naga. Choose your own
graphic organizer to use and present it to the class.

Engr. Joveno Garcia, head of the City Planning and Development
Office, said that the developments were made possible when Naga
achieved its cityhood as it allowed the city to have more budget from a
bigger share of the IRA (Internal Revenue Allotment). To cut costs, Naga
City used rejected materials from the construction of the South Road
Properties to fill the reclaimed area. The city also hired world-renowned
Cebuano industrial designer, Kenneth Cobonpue to re-design the old park.
The city plans to add another 100-meter boardwalk to accommodate more
visitors. A two-storey multipurpose building is also under construction.
Commercial spaces will be made available on the first floor while the
second floor will be turned into a bowling alley.

Module 1: Lesson 5
CG: EN10RC-1a 2.15.2
Competency: Determine the effect of textual aids like advance organizers on the
understanding of a text.
Directions: Create a graphic organizer (concept map/ flow diagram) showing the
different tourists spots/sports facilities found in the City of Naga
and what the tourists can do to enjoy such.

Module 1: Lesson 5
CG: EN10RC-1a 2.15.2
Competency: Determine the effect of textual aids like advance organizers on the
understanding of a text.
Getting Information from A News Report: Directions: Extract the important details
from the given news report using a concept map.


(Cebu Daily News Tuesday, July 23, 2013)

A MALE green sea turtle, locally known as “pawikan”, was rescued by Bantay
Dagay personnel after they found it caught in a net off the coastal waters of
Barangay Inayagan in Naga City yesterday morning.

The marine turtle, estimated to be five years old, was returned to the sea after
the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) 7’s Coastal and
Marine Management Section (CMMS) measured and tagged the creature.

Jose Ramiro Hilado, Naga City’s environment officer, said members of the City’s
Bantay Dagat found the marine turtle while they were patrolling the coast of
Barangay Inayagan at 7 a.m. yesterday.

The turtle, which was 30 inches long and 20 inches wide, was found trapped in
fine mesh net placed by local fishermen there.

After rescuing the turtle, DENR 7 officials led by CMMS chief Simeon Rosal
measured and tagged the creature before releasing it back to the ocean.

The turtle was released near one of the city’s protected marine sanctuaries in
Barangay Inayagan.

COMPETENCY: Use modals indicating obligation and necessity.
Modals are auxiliary verbs performing basic functions. It can be used to express
obligation and necessity.

1. Must – expresses obligation

 As a grade 10 student, I must be a good role model to the lower
grade levels.
 I must abide by the school policies and the classroom rules.

2. Need to – indicates necessity

 I need to work on my assignment and projects right away.
 Students of Uling National High School need to attend the Flag
Ceremony every day.

3. Should and ought to – express sense of obligation to do or to become

 The Dagitab Dancers should manage their time properly so they
can also cope up with their lessons, activities and projects.
 You ought to finish your assignments before you watch tv.

4. Shouldn’t or should not have or ought not – indicate prohibition, or

disapproval of something that was done in the past
 The SSG officers shouldn’t let the students in without picking up
trash or garbage in the court.
 The students should not have to make excuses for not passing
their projects on time.
 The students ought not to come in late.

COMPETENCY: Use modals indicating obligation and necessity.

Directions: In a group, create a short role play highlighting any of the following
1. A good role model to the lower grade levels
2. Ways to deal with personal challenges
Use modals in your dialogues/conversations.

Way to go! (11-15 points) Just Fine! (6-10 points) Nice try! (1-5)
The conversation points were The points seem logical but The details/ points seem
logically arrived at and it lacks a few more convincing unrelated and disorganized.
demonstrated careful and points. The conversation The conversation committed a
correct language use and demonstrated a few lapses in number of lapses in language
mechanics. language use and mechanics. use and mechanics.

COMPETENCY: Use modals indicating obligation and necessity.

Directions: Using the different modals, construct 10 sentences about your

responsibilities, rules regulations and policies you should abide by in school.











CG: EN10G-1g-3.6
COMPETENCY: Use modals indicating obligation and necessity.
Directions: Reflect on yourself as a son/daughter, as a sister or brother to your
siblings, as a friend or as a student. Write a paragraph on how you
going to deal with your personal challenges.


Ma. Christine A. Pacaña

She is a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary

Education Major in English at the Cebu Normal
University. She took up Master of Education Major in
Educational Management at St. Catherine’s College
and earned her Complete Academic Requirements
(CAR) at the same institution. She holds a Teacher III
position in Uling National High School under DepEd -
City of Naga Division. Aside from being an English Teacher, she also holds an
NC II in Beauty Care Services which prompted her to teach subjects such as
Beauty Care and Hairdressing under the Strengthened Technical – Vocational
Education Program. She is also one of the recognized authors of the City of
Naga Division for Contextualized and Localized Instructional Materials for Grade
10 English. Currently, she is finishing up her Master’s Degree in English
Language Teaching at Cebu Technological University – Main Campus.

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