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Audio Name: Physio 2 L30

Duration: 53 Minutes


Calcium Signaling
● Significance of Calcium
○ It generates or induces different responses in different cell types
● Calcium
○ It is a divalent cation
■ It has positive charges
○ It is required for many physiological processes such as:
■ Excitable cells
■ Neuronal cells
○ It can either act alone or it can bind to the proteins that are present inside the
○ It is also required as a cofactor for many enzymes in the body
○ It is a true second messenger in cells
○ It is important for depolarization in excitable cells
○ It is important for activation in non-excitable cells
■ It is an important ion for both excitable and non-excitable cells, such as
lymphocytes or immune cell activations
○ It causes cell death or apoptosis
■ It is important for the origin of life
○ It binds with the intracellular proteins and reduces its toxic effect
○ Hypocalcemia and hypercalcemia has functional consequences when it is
decreased or increased than the normal levels
● Calcium Concentration
○ It is highly regulated in the cells both extracellularly and intracellular
○ [Ca2+]o / [Ca2+]i >104
■ The calcium outside itself is 10,000 times greater than the calcium
present inside the cell or cytoplasm
○ [Ca2+]o ~10-3 M
■ This is the calcium concentration outside
○ [Ca2+]i <10-7 M at rest
■ This is the calcium concentration inside
■ It is present at low concentrations
● Even when the cell is not activated, the concentration of calcium
inside the cell is low.
○ [Ca2+]ER ~10-4 M
■ This is the concentration of calcium in the endoplasmic reticulum or
sarcoplasmic reticulum in excitable cells
■ The conservation is very high
○ [Ca2+]nucleus and [Ca2+]mit ~10 -5M
■ This is the calcium in the nucleus and and the calcium in mitochondrion
● The calcium in the nucleus plays an important role in activating
various site of genes
● The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cells
○ This has enzymes that are dependent on calcium
● The segregating or compartmentalization concentration different
concentrations in a cell Is that too much calcium in the cytoplasm
will activate our will create or generate unintended consequences,
such as activating various calcium dependent enzymes or
○ This will degrade the structural proteins that are essential
for getting out cellular functions.
○ by destroying those proteins, by using the calcium
dependent enzymes, when the concentration is too high, it
will lead to cell death
● Effect of Hypocalcemia and Hypercalcemia
○ Hypocalcemia
■ voltage gated calcium ion channels open spontaneously leading to nerves
and muscle cells to become hyperactive.
■ Hypocalcemic tetany
● It is the syndrome of involuntary muscle spasm
● There is low calcium concentrations
■ Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
● It is an important hormone in the endocrine system
● It increases bones reabsorption to increase the calcium
concentrations in the blood.
● It increases the re absorptions by kidney
● It is increasing the concentration of the calcium in the blood.
○ Hypercalcemia
■ increased calcium will lead you to the voltage gated ion channels that be
that are prevented from opening as easily under normal physiological
■ It combined with the phosphate ion
● the calcium is the de Val and caviars phosphate ions are
negatively charged ions, so, they easily combined to form calcium
■ there is the deposits of calcium in blood vessels will lead to the plaque
● calcium is a versatile signal for many physiological functions (Refer to the diagram

■ Vasopressin
● breaking down glycogen is essential for releasing more glucose
units into the blood and thus providing a way for the cells to utilize
glucose when needed.
■ Acetyhlcholine
● acetylcholine activations leads increase the calcium in the cells
and that leads to the increase the secretion of amylas
● calcium is essential for exocytosis of proteins or that includes
various hormones enzymes, etc.
■ Antigens or Allergens
● they bind to the mass as they normally release the
immunoglobulin is that the immunoglobulin e they bind to the
receptors on the mast cells.
○ leads to the increase in calcium in the mast cells which
allows the or permits the release of histamine containing
granules to release the histamine into the into the blood.
■ Thrombin
● essentially are for breaking down the fibrinogen into fibrin
● thrombin acts on the blood clot of platelets and which allows them
to aggregate
○ calcium is a versatile important signal generators for the following:
■ Synaptic vesicle release (ms)
● synaptic vesicle melees releases calcium in micros, the requires
calcium that is that is released in microseconds.
● calcium acts very quickly in the in the neurotransmitter release
from the from the neurons.
■ Excitation-contraction coupling (ms)
● requires about milliseconds.
■ Smooth muscle relaxation (ms-sec)
● it takes a lot of milliseconds to second
■ Gene transcription (h)
● gene transcription takes a much longer time for the calcium to
induce of various transcription factors that are essential for the
transcription of genes in response to the aid of growth factors or
the external stimuli
■ Fertilization (h)
● the creation of eggs and sperm requires calcium and that also is
about it takes about an hour
● Calcium Regulation in Cells (Refer to the diagram below.)

■ the voltage gated calcium channels,
● calcium is regulated highly regulated in cells to many different
calcium channels or calcium forms
● membrane potential that drives the calcium Downey's chemical
○ calcium that is present on high concentrations inside the
cells or or inside the stores on the to the lower
concentrations that is that would be inside the cytoplasm
● plasma membrane calcium channels there are many different
types of calcium
○ receptor operated channels
■ working to operate the calcium channels
○ Volted operated channels
○ transient receptor potentials
■ proteins that are present on the plasma membrane
that that increases the cellular concentrations that
depending on the stimuli, particularly the sensory
systems on the utilize the calcium receptor
potentials as a way to elicit important cellular
○ store operated calcium channels
■ important for the for the immune cell activations.
● Intracellular calcium release channels

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