2022-01-Optimal Blending of Smart Beta and Multifactor Portfolios

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Optimal Blending of Smart

Beta and Multifactor Portfolios

Frederick E. Dopfel and Ashley Lester

Frederick E. Dopfel here has been extraordinary growth strategies. We then need to be explicit about
is a professor in the in the use of smart beta funds by our expectations for the performance of
Barowsky School of
institutional investors, both large each strategy, recognizing that an analyst’s
Business at Dominican
University of California and small.1 Many investors have judgment is always required. Finally, proce-
in San Rafael, CA. strategically allocated assets away from tra- dures for portfolio construction, built from
fred.dopfel@dominican.edu ditional index and active equity funds into standard methods, can be used to optimize
multiple smart beta funds by balancing their expected utility for the investor, based on our
Ashley L ester exposures across widely understood ideas, estimates and judgments.
is global head of multi-
asset research at Schroders
such as value, small (size), momentum, With this approach, we are better
in London, U.K. quality, and low volatility. Furthermore, equipped to answer the following questions:
ashley.lester@schroders.com they have included more complex multifactor
funds that combine multiple smart beta ideas • How do we discern whether a new
into a single portfolio that arguably improves smart beta fund may be a valuable
efficiency.2 It is unlikely that the evolution of addition to the portfolio?
these complex multifactor investments that we • When does a multifactor strategy add
call collectively advanced beta has resulted in value beyond a portfolio of simple factors?
portfolios for which the cumulative exposure • What is an efficient portfolio of smart
is known or in any way ideal. Because one of betas and advanced betas?
the important potential benefits of smart beta • When should smart beta and multifactor
investing is enhanced transparency of expo- portfolios be combined with traditional
sures and risks, this is a key problem for its indexes?
users. Now, with the ever-increasing alloca- • How does the investment policy affect
tion to advanced beta products, investors need the best allocation to advanced beta?
guidance on how to construct an overall port-
folio that improves the likelihood of attaining We begin with a framework to assess
better investment outcomes. the potential value-add of advanced beta
The good news is that standard appro­ candidates and to establish forward-looking
a­ches to investment performance analysis assumptions. This provides the essential
and portfolio construction can be adapted to information needed to understand the risk
integrate multiple smart beta approaches with and benefits of combining exposures. Next,
other assets. The first step is to understand we define an objective function that leads
the underlying exposures of each smart to the principles for optimal combinations
beta strategy and their correlations to other of smart betas and advanced betas. Finally,

Quantitative Special Issue 2018 The Journal of Portfolio M anagement    93

a case study demonstrates how the methodology can be where rab is the excess return of the advanced beta candidate
applied to attain better portfolios. over the market index; f b is the factor weight for market
index exposure associated with advanced beta; rb is the
EVALUATING SMART BETA market index (benchmark) return; f esb ,i are factor weights
AND ADVANCED BETA PORTFOLIOS for the ith ESB; resb ,i is the excess return of the ith ESB
factor; and α ab is the residual return. The tilde notation,
Smart beta refers to rule-based long-only market as in rb , refers to a random variable where the mean is rb
exposures that are expected to yield risk-adjusted and the variance is σ b2. The factor weights are estimated
returns in excess of the returns available with market- by returns-based style analysis (constrained regression)
capitalization-weighted indexes of standard asset classes. overlaid with the analyst’s judgment.3 A strategy with
Advanced beta, also called multifactor portfolios, refers to nonzero f b is referred to as leveraged ( f b > 0) or delever-
portfolios that are constructed bottom up from several aged ( f b < 0). We would tentatively accept a smart beta
smart betas or other factors. Like any other active expo- candidate in the presence of a sufficiently positive alpha,
sure, an individual smart beta or advanced beta strategy but we otherwise reject the candidate.
may outperform or underperform the benchmark during
any period. Because of this variation, and the challenge Choice of Elementary Smart Betas
of timing individual smart betas, a blended portfolio
of smart betas makes good sense and has been recom- We initially define the elementary smart betas as
mended by most analysts. However, this does not mean the Fama–French–Carhart set—value, small (size), and
that we should add every new smart beta to our portfolio. momentum—which has been researched and practiced
We need a criterion to assess whether a new smart over decades. We use the MSCI All Country World
beta is likely to be a value-add for the portfolio. Satis- Index (ACWI) versions of these three factors in this
fying a value-add criterion involves two questions. First, article because these indexes are reasonable proxies for
can we explain the performance of the candidate strategy relatively low-cost, low-tracking-error, investible repli-
via strategies that are already available to us? Second, to cations of the SB indexes.4 Also, confirming many prior
the extent that the candidate strategy does not dupli- studies, note that the value, small, and momentum active
cate what is already available, is the additional (residual) returns are uncorrelated, with value and momentum
exposure attractive? Technically, we ask whether the negatively correlated, supporting them as good initial
candidate strategy displays evidence of a positive alpha choices for elementary smart betas for this sort of factor
after controlling for exposures from its normal portfolio. model.5 In practice, we have found that using these three
ESB factors is a reasonable approach for establishing a
A Factor Model Based on Elementary normal portfolio, or effective asset mix, for a wide range of
Smart Betas smart beta and multifactor portfolios. Should the list of
elementary smart betas be expanded to include popular
A practical way to answer these questions with smart betas like quality and low volatility? Possibly, but
respect to new smart beta candidates is first to define the evidence suggests that quality and low volatility can
elementary smart betas (ESBs) as a small set of representa- be approximated as combinations of the primary ESBs
tions of smart beta that are readily investible and rep- in the context of a four-factor model.6 We leave open
resent the factors that are most strongly supported by the possibility that the set of ESBs may be redefined or
long consensus of financial research. The ESB factors expanded in the future, as we develop more experience
are defined as the returns of an associated smart beta with smart beta.
index in excess of the broad market index returns. The
excess return of any advanced beta candidate strategy Selection Criteria and Model Assumptions
then may be represented as a mix of asset class, smart
beta, and residual exposures, as follows: This factor model has two key properties: It serves
to evaluate new smart beta strategies and to provide
rab = f b rb + ∑ i f esb,i resb,i + α ab (1) a foundation for blending several strategies. First, the
model highlights that, to be justified, a new strategy

94    Optimal Blending of Smart Beta and Multifactor Portfolios Quantitative Special Issue 2018
should provide exposures beyond a simple combination framework for optimizing expected utility of returns
of what we already have readily available; otherwise, it 1
U = r − λσ 2 that produces mean–variance-efficient
cannot add value. A candidate strategy may add value 2
only if we expect it to yield a materially positive alpha allocations to advanced betas in the total portfolio con-
relative to other strategies already available to us. Our text. Here, we simplify the narrative by considering a
expectation may be based either on historical or sub- single asset class (e.g., global equity) with investments
jective estimates, a theme that we explore further in in several ESBs but with only a single advanced beta.
our case study. A positive expected alpha is not itself We also simplify by assuming that elementary smart
sufficient to justify investment in an advanced beta; betas are uncorrelated, assuming advanced beta residuals
the alpha must also be attractive relative to its residual are uncorrelated with ESBs, and ignoring budget con-
risk and within an overall active risk budget. This is straints. The total return of the portfolio is
analogous to a traditional active manager having a con-
vincing expected information ratio after controlling for r = {hb rb }policy + {∑ h i
esb ,i esb ,i } smart beta
its effective portfolio mix. Second, an investor who is
considering new smart beta strategies most likely already

+ hab ( f b rb + ∑ i f esb ,i resb ,i + α ab ) }
adv . beta
has a firm belief in the advantages of the elementary
smart betas, including an understanding of the range of
The total return is composed of the benchmark
expected premiums and volatility of ESBs. Therefore,
return (the first component), the direct exposure to
the choice of a small set of investible elementary smart
the elementary smart betas (the second component),
beta factors provides a logical foundation for portfolio
and additional exposures associated with advanced beta
(the next three components derived from the factor
Setting assumptions involves first establishing
model in Equation (1)). Allocations to advanced beta
expected return and covariance estimates for the ESBs.
modify exposure to the asset class (if strategies are
For candidate strategies, we also need to estimate factor
leveraged or deleveraged), add incidental exposure to
weights and residual risk and return. The latter involves
the ESBs, and add exposure to advanced beta residuals.
subjective estimates akin to evaluating an equity manag-
The expected return and variance, with rearrange-
er’s expected alpha—not an easy task. The factor model
ment, are
based on ESBs provides a structure for understanding
how combinations of smart beta and multifactor strate- r = (hb + hab f b )rb
gies accumulate in the portfolio and what changes in
portfolio weights might improve overall performance. + ∑ i (hesb ,i + hab f esb ,i )resb ,i + hab α ab (3)

Later, in the case study section of this article, a fully
worked example will show some reasonable assump- σ 2 = (hb + hab f b )2 σ b2
tions that are established as guidance. Of course, we
may be wrong about our factor weights (model uncer- + ∑ i (hesb,i + hab f esb,i )2 σ esb
,i + hab ω ab
2 2

tainty), and we may be wrong about our estimates of
the residual returns (parameter uncertainty); neverthe- where aab and ω ab2 are the residual return and variance
less, this ESB factor model helps reduce ambiguity in of advanced beta. This is a simplified version of the
candidate strategies and can lead to potentially more vector and matrix relationships (Equations (A-1) and
robust conclusions.7 (A-2)) for expected return and variance in the Technical
Optimal Allocations: Total Return
The objective of investing in smart betas, multi-
factor strategies, and other advanced betas is to improve We assume that investment policy is fixed but that
overall portfolio performance in terms of expected our holdings of ESBs and advanced beta are uncon-
return and risk. The Technical Appendix provides a strained. The optimal (mean–variance-efficient) holdings
then are determined by the first-order conditions

Quantitative Special Issue 2018 The Journal of Portfolio M anagement    95

∗ 1 resb,i The result of Equation (7) is the same relation-
hesb,i = − f esb ,i hab∗ i = 1, …, nesb (5) ship as in Equation (5) for optimal holdings of ESBs,
λ σ esb
and the result of Equation (8) is a simplified relation-
1 ship for optimal holding of advanced beta. The optimal
hab∗ = [ f b2 σ b2 + ω ab2 ]−1[ ( f b rb + α ab ) − f b σ b2 hb ] (6) holdings of advanced beta are again proportional to the
λ ratio of expected return and risk associated with leverage
These results are analogous to the conditions in and residual risk from advanced beta, but the term for
Equations (A-7) and (A-8) in the Technical Appendix. the leverage/deleverage impact on investment policy
The big picture is that optimal allocation to elementary is absent. This result of Equation (8) is analogous to
smart betas is driven by the return/variance ratio of the Equation (A-10) in the Technical Appendix.
ESBs (the first term of Equation (5)), with an adjustment By varying an investor’s risk preferences (l), we
for the incidental exposure to ESBs caused by optimal can generate a range of efficient portfolios and compare
holdings of advanced beta (the second term of Equa- various portfolios to this efficient set. Exhibit 1 demon-
tion (5)). Similarly, the optimal allocation to advanced strates an example of the relationships and distinctions
beta is driven by the return/variance ratio associated between portfolios of advanced betas and ESBs in the
with the advanced beta residual and the market index active efficient frontier space that includes the require-
exposure caused by advanced beta (the first term of ment that holdings be long only and a total holdings
Equation (6)). There is also an adjustment to account constraint. In this example, Portfolio 0, with no allo-
for the risk associated with leverage/deleverage effects cations to ESBs or advanced betas, is an index fund
on investment policy. Notably, the underlying style of with no active return and risk. Portfolio 5 achieves the
the advanced beta in terms of elementary smart betas greatest possible expected active return given an active
as determined in Equation (1) is irrelevant because any risk budget of 3%. The final portfolio can be thought of
exposure to ESBs is fully adjusted in Equation (5) to as the sum of Portfolio 1, the best achievable advanced
attain optimal exposure to ESBs. In effect, we choose beta exposures; Portfolio 3, the incidental delever-
the optimal allocation to advanced betas, and then the aging associated with those exposures; and Portfolio 4,
ESB allocations provide a completion portfolio to ensure the best portfolio of ESBs, adjusting for the incidental
that the overall allocation to ESBs is also optimal.8 exposure in Portfolio 3. Portfolio 2 is the incidental
ESB exposure from the allocation to advanced betas;
the difference between Portfolio 4 (best ESBs) and
Optimal Allocations: Active Return Portfolio 2 (incidental ESBs) indicates the improvement
The preceding discussion centered on the problem in Portfolio 5 resulting from the completion portfolio.
of asset allocation in the total return space. A related Depending on the investor’s risk preferences (l),
problem is optimizing the expected utility of active the investor may choose a higher or lower active risk
1 budget than Portfolio 5; in practice, it is common to
returns to maximize UA = rA − λσ 2A. In this problem, set an active risk budget for each asset class. If a lower
we are concerned with the active return (in excess of the risk budget is chosen, then the optimal Portfolio is a
policy benchmark) and the active risk (tracking error rel- combination of Portfolio 0 and Portfolio 5 and falls on
ative to policy benchmark). Starting with Equation (2), the straight line between the two portfolios. These port-
we remove the policy component and proceed to deter- folios include an allocation to index funds along with a
mine first-order conditions for optimal allocations with proportionate reduction in the allocation to the optimal
this new objective. The unconstrained optimal holdings blend of ESBs and advanced betas, and they dominate
for the active problem are Portfolios 1–4. If a higher risk budget is desired, then
the optimal Portfolio lies on the active efficient fron-
∗ 1 resb,i tier to the right of Portfolio 5, where the holdings and
hesb,i = − f esb ,i hab∗ i = 1, …, nesb (7) long-only constraint are binding. Portfolios to the right
λ σ esb
of Portfolio 5, with no index allocations, have higher
1 expected return than Portfolio 5 but with a decreasing
hab∗ = [ f b2/ab σ b2 + ω ab2 ]−1 ( f b/ab rb + α ab ) (8) information ratio as active risk increases.

96    Optimal Blending of Smart Beta and Multifactor Portfolios Quantitative Special Issue 2018
Exhibit 1
Active Efficient Frontier of Advanced Beta and Other Portfolios

Impact of Leveraged or Deleveraged benefit of neutralizing the leverage issue is that, in this
Advanced Beta case, the general problem of optimizing the alloca-
tions to active betas in the total portfolio context can
Advanced betas, and many well-known smart be simplified to the active-only case, as demonstrated
betas, as described in Equation (1), are frequently found in the Technical Appendix. In our case study, we will
to have factor weights with respect to the underlying investigate the impact of leverage adjustment on total
market index. For example, low-volatility smart betas— portfolio performance further.
and advanced betas built upon them—typically have a
large negative factor weight with respect to the equity
index ( f b < 0), and this may reduce the desirability of
the associated advanced beta. Allocations to smart betas An example will help demonstrate the principles
with this feature consume a large amount of active and practicality of blending advanced betas and smart
risk budget; in the total portfolio context, they effec- betas. We consider an institutional investor that is seeking
tively change the exposures set by investment policy. to improve investment performance of the total port-
If this exposure is well understood, then the impact folio via advanced beta, having already established an
can be reversed fairly cheaply via derivatives, by com- investment policy of 70% equities and 30% bonds (other
pensating adjustments to the strategic asset allocation asset classes are ignored for simplicity). We will set out
or by demanding strategies without leverage. A further the assumptions and then show the optimal holdings of

Quantitative Special Issue 2018 The Journal of Portfolio M anagement    97

Exhibit 2
Returns and Risks of Beta and Elementary Smart Beta Factors, Annual Estimates Based
on Monthly Returns (1997–2015)

advanced beta within the equities portfolio as described Exhibit 3

in the prior section, but relying on the more complete Correlation between Asset Class and Smart Beta
framework from the Technical Appendix. Factors, Monthly Returns (1997–2015)


We need to establish assumptions about asset class,

elementary smart beta, and advanced beta expected
returns and covariance. Exhibit 2 shows the histor-
ical return and risk for asset classes and ESBs and the
assumed forward-looking estimates.9 The forecasted risk
is rounded from the historical data, and the forecasted
return is based upon an assumed forward-looking Sharpe multifactor strategy. For example, the first candidate
ratio. The Sharpe ratios for the ESBs are assumed to be is a variation on a value strategy, with larger small-cap
equal across smart betas but lower than the asset class exposure than found in the MSCI ACWI Value Index;
ratios. The estimates are intended to be conservative; the second represents a more extreme small-cap tilt and
they are lower than historical experience, except in the tries to capture factor exposures not included in our set
case of the value premium, which performed unusually of elementary smart beta (such as quality); the third is a
poorly in the backtest period compared with its long- more straightforward quality approach; and the fourth
term average. Exhibit 3 shows the historical estimates for is a representation of a low-volatility approach.
correlations. Except for the correlation between value We assume reasonable idiosyncratic risk based on
and momentum, no estimates were statistically signifi- our examples, that the residuals are uncorrelated, and an
cant during the period. Our forward-looking assump- equal information ratio for each advanced beta strategy.
tions are that the value–momentum correlation is -0.5, We therefore obtain a forward-looking estimate of
and the correlation between bonds and equities is +0.2. expected residual return by multiplying the information
Other correlations between ESBs are set to +0.2 to pro- ratio by the residual risk. Nothing in the methodology
vide conservatively higher portfolio risk estimates. prevents us from making other assumptions, based on
The assumptions for advanced beta strategies are our study of candidate strategies. For example, an analyst
based on fitting the factor model in Equation (1) plus could choose to assume different information ratios based
the analyst’s judgment. We study four hypothetical on knowledge of the advanced beta strategy or manager.
candidate advanced beta strategies, characterized in
Exhibit 4. The factor weights in these samples have Optimal Holdings and Performance
been chosen to be broadly representative of some types
of commercially available strategies, based on our own We shall assume that an active risk budget of 3.0%
returns-based style analysis and judgment, and ref lecting at the asset class level is set for the exposures associated
what we should know from our due diligence on each with allocations to smart beta and advanced beta.

98    Optimal Blending of Smart Beta and Multifactor Portfolios Quantitative Special Issue 2018
Exhibit 4
Forward-Looking Assumptions for Advanced Beta Candidates

Exhibit 5 shows the holdings and performance for the 3) refers to the case in which the cumulative leverage/
optimal (mean–variance-efficient) portfolios that were deleverage implicit in advanced betas is permissible in
determined from a standard optimizer. Using only the total portfolio. In this case, the holdings of advanced
elementary smart betas (column 1), the portfolio has betas effectively move the total portfolio asset alloca-
an expected active return of 1.4%. The portfolio allo- tion away from investment policy, and this presents a
cates most heavily to value and then momentum governance issue for the chief investment officer. The
and least heavily to small. To understand why this result indicated by “with leverage adjustment” (column
allocation makes sense, recall that we assume equal 4) refers to the case in which the leverage/deleverage
expected information ratios across the smart betas, so implicit in advanced betas is corrected to ensure that
the allocations are driven primarily by risk. Value and the total portfolio asset allocation is congruent with
momentum are negatively correlated, so allocating investment policy. This leverage adjustment may be
more to this pair of smart betas has a strong diversifi- accomplished in different ways—by the investor via
cation benefit. In balancing between these two, value derivatives or readjustment of the asset allocation to pre-
is given a higher allocation because it has less risk than cisely compensate, or by requiring the investment man-
momentum. Small also has a place in the portfolio, as ager to deliver a product that is on benchmark without
it is uncorrelated with value and momentum, and it any need for adjustment. Allowing for both advanced
has an intermediate level of risk. Because of diversifi- betas and direct investment in smart betas, the expected
cation benefits, the smart beta–only portfolio attains active return improves appreciably to 1.8% (without
an expected information ratio of 0.48, whereas the leverage adjustment) or 2.1% (with leverage adjust-
component smart betas have standalone information ment). The expected active return/risk ratio is 0.61
ratios of only 0.25. (without leverage adjustment) or 0.68 (with leverage
The portfolio with advanced beta only (column 2, adjustment), compared with 0.51 for the smart-beta-
with no direct allocation to ESBs) makes allocations to only portfolio and 0.48 for the advanced-beta-only
all four strategies. The allocation across advanced betas portfolio. In the case of leverage adjustment (B), the
is driven by the attractiveness of the residual return and allocations to advanced betas 3 and 4 are increased
risk, but also by the effective asset mixes, including compared with the case without leverage adjustment
(in advanced betas 3 and 4) some deleveraging. In our (A) because the penalty associated with deleverage is
framework, deleveraging consumes some of the active neutralized. In either case, by blending in the advanced
risk budget but also reduces risk in the total portfolio. beta, we gain additional return and diversification ben-
The performance of the advanced-beta-only portfolio is efits across the advanced beta residual returns, and we
slightly higher (expected active return of 1.5% compared are able to adjust the allocation to ESBs via a comple-
with 1.4%) than the smart-beta-only portfolio based on tion portfolio. The allocations to advanced betas add
our choices of advanced betas and incidental ESBs but significant incidental exposures to value and size but not
without allowing for direct adjustments in ESBs. to momentum; therefore, a larger, direct allocation to
Exhibit 5 also presents the results for combina- momentum is desirable as part of a completion portfolio.
tions of both smart beta and advanced beta. The result Considering both the direct and indirect allocations to
indicated by “without leverage adjustment” (column smart beta, the portfolio with advanced beta implies net

Quantitative Special Issue 2018 The Journal of Portfolio M anagement    99

Exhibit 5
Optimal Portfolios

allocations to smart betas that move toward the optimal 0% and 3% within the equity asset class. As we increase
ESB allocations.10 the active risk level, the expected return increases along
the tail because of positive incremental returns from
Impact on Total Portfolio smart beta and advanced beta. Portfolios A (without
leverage adjustment) and B (with leverage adjustment)
Exhibit 5 also shows the total return and total are the optimal advanced beta and smart beta portfolios
risk of the three portfolios, when combined with the referred to in Exhibit 5.
policy portfolio, based on an active risk budget of 3% A notable feature of the advanced beta tail without
within the equity portfolio. It is possible to increase or leverage adjustment is that it bends leftward at first,
decrease the active risk budget, as discussed in the pre- showing that the inclusion of advanced beta reduces total
vious section. The investor’s decision should be based risk in this example. Risk reduction is caused by the
on a trade-off between what is needed to attain desired allocation to advanced betas 3 and 4. Because of the dele-
outcomes (total return and risk) and the investor’s con- veraging implicit in these strategies, we are effectively
fidence in his or her own skill in selecting strategies that reducing the overall portfolio allocation to equities. With
may outperform. leverage adjustment, the total risk always increases as we
Exhibit 6 displays the range of mean–variance- increase the active risk budget. Nevertheless, all portfo-
efficient portfolios that are possible for the investor at lios on the efficient frontiers with leverage adjustment
various active risk budgets. On top of an ordinary effi- (Active Tail B) have a higher total return at any given
cient frontier for traditional asset classes, we have placed active risk budget than portfolios without leverage
an active tail derived from the active efficient frontier adjustment (Active Tail A). For example, Portfolio B
introduced in the previous section. The base on the tail (with leverage adjustment) has higher expected return
represents an investment policy with a 70–30 stock– than Portfolio A (without leverage adjustment), although
bond allocation that is fully indexed (no smart beta or both portfolios have the same active risk of 3.0%. Under
advanced beta). Points along the active tail represent our assumptions, there is an active risk budget constraint
optimal portfolios for various active risk budgets between that effectively penalizes advanced beta strategies that

100    Optimal Blending of Smart Beta and Multifactor Portfolios Quantitative Special Issue 2018
Exhibit 6
Efficient Frontier and Active Tail for Advanced Beta and Optimal Portfolios with 3% Active Risk

deleverage the market return. As deleverage consumes CONCLUSION

the active risk budget while producing negative expected
returns, Active Tail B is always preferred to Active Tail A. This article has presented a methodology for
Ignoring the active budget constraint for the moment, optimal allocation to smart beta and multifactor strate-
we are able to attain the same return from Active Tail A gies (advanced betas) from an investor standpoint, based
with lower total risk than from Active Tail B; however, on standard principles of portfolio construction and set-
this is not a fair comparison because our active budget ting explicit forward-looking return expectations that
constraint implies that both active risk and total risk are familiar from other portfolio contexts. This contrasts
matter to the investor. Another perspective is that users with much of the current discussion of portfolios of
of smart or advanced beta must think carefully about the smart betas based on historical returns and mechanical
market exposures generated by those strategies; other- risk-budgeting strategies. A key innovation is to begin
wise, some strategies may have the unintended effect of with a simple factor model for each advanced beta that
changing investment policy indirectly. includes exposure to investment policy factors, a lim-
This case study has demonstrated that it is practical ited set of elementary smart betas, and a residual return
to optimize exposures to advanced betas and smart betas unique to the strategy.
in a total return context and that the resulting portfolios Two principal findings about optimal blending
may have material benefits for investors based on our emerge. First, allocations to elementary smart betas
assumptions. If the reader is unconvinced by this, con- depend principally on the ratio of expected excess return
sider that the same methodology—with less favorable to expected variance, adjusted to account for implicit
assumptions about advanced beta and smart beta—could holdings of similar factors elsewhere in the portfolio.
be used to prove just the opposite. Second, allocations to multifactor advanced betas should

Quantitative Special Issue 2018 The Journal of Portfolio M anagement    101

proceed similarly, with an adjustment for leverage/ where
deleverage but without the need to adjust for any
rab is the n ab  × 1 vector of excess returns of
embedded holdings of elementary smart beta. Beyond
advanced beta
guidance on the best allocations across smart beta and
multifactor strategies, this process also informs us about  r  is the (nb + nesb ) × 1 vector of returns of asset
rbsb =  b 
the characteristics of advanced beta strategies that would  resb  classes and ESB factors
be most beneficial for investor outcomes.
For investors concerned about active performance rabr is the n ab × 1 vector of residual returns for
advanced beta
relative to investment policy benchmarks, strategies that
embed significant deleveraging relative to the market F = [ Fb Fesb ] is the n ab  × (n b  + n esb ) matrix of estimates
(i.e., have a beta to the market substantially different defining the effective mix of market and ESB
factors associated with advanced beta.
from one), such as low-volatility strategies, should be
approached with caution. Our framework brings into
question the common practice of treating low volatility Expected Return and Risk of Total Portfolio
as another anomaly similar in principle to the other Based on vectors of investment policy holdings hb ,
well-known anomalies. Not only does the low-vola- direct investment in elementary smart beta hesb, and advanced
tility anomaly typically contribute higher active risk beta hab, the effective total holdings of beta and smart beta are
than the other anomalies, but its deleveraging exposure hbt = hb + Fb′ hab and hesbt = hesb +Fesb′ hab. We then have the expected
also detracts from expected returns (arguably by less return and variance of the total portfolio:
than the capital asset pricing model prediction). Thus,
any anomaly that embeds significant deleveraging seems r = ht′r
more fit for exploitation by investors focused specifi-  r 
cally on achieving lower total risk in their portfolios (by  b  (A-1)
= [ hbt′ hesbt
′ hab′ ]  resb 
effectively deviating from investment policy) rather than  
providing an active return contribution.  rabr 

Finally, there is currently a lively debate on whether
factor strategies are best implemented through a series of σ 2 = ht′Vht
single-factor portfolios or through a single, engineered,  V 0 0  h 
multifactor portfolio. The present framework identifies  b   bt  (A-2)
= [ hbt′ hesbt
′ hab′ ]  0 Vesb 0   hesbt 
the complex portfolio trade-offs and detailed assump-   
tions across factors that would be required to make that  0 0 Vabr   hab 

assessment, but it does not provide a final answer to the where
question. Nevertheless, we believe that the methodology
can provide a useful basis for answering these questions r is the (nb + nesb + n ab ) × 1 vector of expected returns
and improving advanced beta implementation for both for beta, smart beta, and advanced beta residuals
asset managers and asset owners. Vb is the n ac × n ac matrix of covariance of standard asset
Vesb is the nesb × nesb matrix of covariance of elementary
Te c h n i c a l A p p e n d i x smart beta factors
Vabr is the n ab × n ab matrix of covariance of advanced beta
Style Analysis of Advanced Beta
The normal portfolio for advanced beta strategies is A diagonal block structure of V is suggested here to
estimated in terms of investment policy benchmark returns, simplify the expansions in the next section and to aid inter-
elementary smart beta factors, and residual returns: pretation of the optimization results. This assumption has
been reasonably supported in case studies by observing very
rab = Fb rb + Fesb rsb + Irabr , low cross-correlation between elementary smart beta and
advanced beta exposures within asset class exposures.

102    Optimal Blending of Smart Beta and Multifactor Portfolios Quantitative Special Issue 2018
Objective Function with leveraging caused by advanced beta. This latter term
demonstrates that optimal allocations to advanced beta and
The investor seeks a portfolio that maximizes the smart beta depend on investment policy if Fb ≠ 0.
expected utility of total return and total risk. We take the In the case of active return optimization, our objective
1 1
investor’s objective function to be U = r − λσ 2.11 It is helpful is U A = rA − λσ 2A, and we modify Equations (A-3) and (A-4)
2 2
to parse the objective function into components associated by subtracting the investment policy term. The optimal active
with policy, smart beta, and advanced beta. Expected total holdings are then
return and risk is then expanded from Equations (A-1) and
(A-2) to 1 −1

hesb = Vesb resb − Fesb′ hab∗ (A-9)
r = {hb′ rb }policy + {hesb
′ resb }smart beta
−1  1  (A-10)
+ {hab′ [ Fb rb + Fesb resb + rabr ]}adv beta (A-3) hab∗ = [ FV
b b Fb′+ Vabr ]  ( Fb rb + rabr ) 
λ 

σ 2 = {hb′Vb hb }policy + {hesb
′ Vesb hesb }smart beta Conditions in Equation (A-9) for optimal holdings of
ESBs are the same as Equation (A-7) in the total return case,
+ {2hb′Vb Fb′hab + 2hesb
′ Vesb Fesb′ hab }cross terms except for any changes in hab∗ . Conditions in Equation (A-10)
+ {hab′ FV for the optimal holdings of advanced betas are simplified and
b b Fb′hab + hab
′ FesbVesb Fesb′ hab + hab′ Vabr hab }adv beta
do not include the leverage penalty term in Equation (A-8).
(A-4) Thus, if we have no leverage associated with advanced beta
(Fb = 0), the total return problem and the active-only problem
Optimization result in equivalent allocations under our assumptions.

We consider investment policy to be fixed. The first- ENDNOTES

order conditions for the unconstrained optimization are
Dimson, Marsh, and Staunton [2017] reported that
resb − λ[Vesb hesb + Vesb Fesb′ hab ] = 0 (A-5) the proportion of large-asset owners using at least five smart

beta indexes has risen 10-fold, from 2% in 2014 to over 20%
Fb rb + Fesb resb + rabr − λ[ FV in 2016. Morningstar [2016] reported that, as of mid-2016,
b b hb + FesbVesb hesb
there were 1,123 exchange-traded products involving smart
+ (FV ′ + Vabr ) hab ] = 0 (A-6)
b b Fb′+ FesbVesb Fesb
beta, with collective assets under management of approxi-

mately $550.5 billion worldwide. This does not include
The optimal holdings are then many smart beta assets in other formats. See also Kahn and
Lemmon [2016].
∗ 1 −1 2
Bender and Wang [2016] demonstrated the efficiency
hesb = Vesb resb − Fesb′ hab∗ (A-7)
λ advantages of a bottom-up approach in multifactor portfo-
lios compared with a combination of single-factor portfo-
−1  1  lios. However, Amenc et al. [2017] suggested that although
hab∗ = [ FV
b b Fb′+ Vabr ]  ( Fb rb + rabr ) − FV
b b hb  (A-8) factor score intensity improves, ref lecting that improvement
λ 
in higher performance of multifactor portfolios is more
Equation (A-7) shows that the optimal holdings of ESBs challenging.
are directly proportional to expected returns and inversely See Sharpe [1988, 1992] for a description of returns-
proportional to the contribution of ESBs to risk, adjusted for based style analysis, which is similar to a regression of monthly
the ESB exposure present in our optimal holdings of advanced returns that is constrained to ref lect a fully invested, long-
betas. The second set of conditions shows a similar direct rela- only benchmark.
tionship to returns and inverse relationship to contribution The Fama–French versions of the factors are not
to variance. In this case, the returns include both the residual readily investible and, therefore, are not a relevant benchmark
returns and the implied leveraged or deleveraged market for comparison with other smart beta funds. Technically, the
return, and the contribution to variance is similarly adjusted. MSCI indexes are not investible either. We take the indexes,
Holdings do not depend on ESB factors associated with however, as reasonable proxies for relatively low-cost, low-
advanced beta. There is also an adjustment term associated tracking-error investible replications of the factors.

Quantitative Special Issue 2018 The Journal of Portfolio M anagement    103

Based on monthly returns from 1997 to 2015, small ESB-only optimal allocations are value 55% versus 51%, small
and value SB have a correlation of +0.016; momentum 17% versus 11%, and momentum 28% versus 38%.
and small SB have a correlation of +0.081; and value and 11
The discussion of objective functions follows the
momentum SB have a correlation of -0.497. The negative development by Grinold and Kahn [2000] for active equity
correlation between value and momentum factors has been portfolios. The objective function may be modified based
well established, both within and across asset classes. Dimson, on choices for risk aversion associated with various risk
Marsh, and Staunton [2017] showed long-term evidence for components and the utilization of equilibrium conditions. As
risk premiums associated with these three smart betas. See another example, Waring et al. [2000] focused on optimizing
also Fama and French [1992]; Carhart [1997]; and Asness, portfolios of managers within an asset class and allowed for
Moskowitz, and Pedersen [2013]. The three ESB factors are risk aversion factors that differ for policy risk versus active risk.
also uncorrelated with the ACWI and GBMI indexes used to
represent stock and bond asset classes in this article.
Remembering that quality is negatively correlated
with value and small, it is not surprising that a best-fit model Amenc, N., F. Ducoulombier, M. Esakia, F. Goltz, and
(based on ACWI index data from 1999 to 2015) of a quality S. Sivasubramanian. “Accounting for Cross-Factor Interactions
smart beta yields an unconstrained factor portfolio that would in Multifactor Portfolios without Sacrificing Diversification
be significantly short on value and small ESBs and have a and Risk Control.” The Journal of Portfolio Management,
negative alpha. Constraining it to a long-only portfolio, we Vol. 43, No. 5 (2017), pp. 99-114.
would find an effective asset mix of 12% cash, 75% ACWI
index, and 13% momentum and a zero alpha. For the low- Asness, C.S., T. Moskowitz, and L. Pedersen. “Value and
volatility smart beta, an unconstrained best-fit model (based Momentum Everywhere.” The Journal of Finance, Vol. 48,
on ACWI index data from 2002 to 2015) yields a factor port- No. 3 (2013), pp. 929-985.
folio that would be long on value and momentum and short
on small ESBs and have a negative alpha. Constraining it to a Bender, J., and T. Wang. “Can the Whole Be More Than the
long-only portfolio, we would find an effective asset mix of Sum of the Parts? Bottom-Up versus Top-Down Multifactor
34% cash, 13% ACWI index, 38% value, and 15% momentum Portfolio Construction.” The Journal of Portfolio Management,
and a negative alpha. Vol. 42, No. 5 (2016), pp. 39-50.
As Kim, Kim, and Fabozzi [2017] pointed out,
“Unfortunately, although practitioners believe that robust Carhart, M.M. “On Persistence in Mutual Fund Returns.”
optimization is also applicable in recent factor based smart The Journal of Finance, Vol. 52, No. 1 (1997), pp. 57-82.
beta strategies, there does not seem to be a noticeable attempt
to apply it in the asset management industry.” They suggested Dimson, E., P. Marsh, and M. Staunton. “Factor-Based
that beginning with a factor model is the right approach. Investing: The Long-Term Evidence.” The Journal of
1 rb Portfolio Management, Vol. 43, No. 5 (2017), pp. 15-37.
Note that if λ coincides with optimal policy, hb = ,
λ σ b2
1 α ab Fama, E.F., and K. French. “The Cross-Section of Expected
and then Equation (6) simplif ies to hab∗ = .
λ f b σ b + ω ab2
2 2
Stock Returns.” The Journal of Finance, Vol. 47, No. 2 (1992),
Alternatively, if we optimize hb for a given λ, we obtain pp. 427-465.
1 rb
hb∗ = − f b hab∗ , a shift from current policy. We then can
λ σ b2 Grinold, R.C., and R. Kahn. Active Portfolio Management, 2nd
focus on pure alpha and residual risk, and Equation (6) ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000.
1 α ab
simplifies to hab∗ = .
λ ω ab2 J.P. Morgan Capital Market Assumptions Committee. 2016
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are similar to the assumptions found in the report, and the Management, 2015.
findings of this article are not too sensitive to variations in
these estimates. Kahn, R.N., and M. Lemmon. “The Asset Manager’s
The effective allocation to elementary smart beta Dilemma: How Smart Beta Is Disrupting the Investment
styles contributed by smart beta and advanced beta in this Management Industry.” Financial Analysts Journal, Vol. 72,
example (without leverage adjustment) in comparison to the No. 1 (2016), pp. 15-20.

104    Optimal Blending of Smart Beta and Multifactor Portfolios Quantitative Special Issue 2018
Kim, J.H., W. Kim, and F. Fabozzi. “Robust Factor-Based
Investing.” The Journal of Portfolio Management, Vol. 43, No. 5
(2017), pp. 157-164.

Morningstar, Inc. “A Global Guide to Strategic-Beta

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Sharpe, W.F. “Determining a Fund’s Effective Asset

Mix.” Investment Management Review, Vol. 2, No. 6 (1988),
pp. 59-69.

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mizing Manager Structure and Budgeting Manager Risk.”
The Journal of Portfolio Management, Vol. 26, No. 3 (2000),
pp. 90-104.

To order reprints of this article, please contact David Rowe at

drowe@ iijournals.com or 212-224-3045.

Quantitative Special Issue 2018 The Journal of Portfolio M anagement    105

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