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EXCI 202


Easy questions :

1- Teeth are considered as bones (True / False)

Answer : False

2- A Femur is a : a) Long bone

b) Irregular bone
c) Short bone
d) Star shaped bone
Answer : a
3- Ligaments relate 2 bones (True / False)

Answer : True

4- The eyes are on the axial part of the body (True / False)

Answer : True

5- The axial part contains the head, the neck and the pelvis (True / False)

Answer : False

Hard questions :

1- A joint is also known as : a) Ligament

b) Cartilage
c) Bone marrow
d) Articulation
Answer : d

2- The cervical part is superior to the Lumbar part on the vertebral column :
(True / False )

Answer : true
3- The shoulders are less stable then the hips because they are less mobile :
(True / False )

Answer : False

4- During a CPR compression which part is at most at risk to break :

a) ribs
b) cartilage
c) sternum

Answer : b

5- We find meniscus on every joint True / False

Answer : false

1)What are some structures of the upper extremity in the upper body?

Shoulders, Arms, Forearm and Hand

2)What are some structures of the lower extremity in the lower body?

Pelvic (Pelvic girdle), Thigh, Leg, Foot

3)What are the 4 major classifications by shape?

Long Bone, Short Bone, Flat Bones and Irregular Bone

4)Name five characteristic of anatomic position?

Standing Erect

Facing Forward

With the arms at the sides

The palms facing forward

The fingers and thumbs extended

5)There are how many types of anatomical planes of the body?

Sagittal,Frontal and Traverse

6)What is the purpose of the diaphysis?

To be rigid tube that can withstand strong forces without bending or breaking and formation of blood

7)The Medullary Cavity is located epiphysis. True or False

8)Name some the type of synovial joint?

Gliding, Hinge, Pivoting, Condyloid, Saddle and Ball and Socket

What are five major functions of the bones

9) What are one of functions of the Menisic ?

It helps maximize the congruence of the joint by helping to improve the fit of the two bones.

10) What are to 5 majors’ functions of the bones?

Structural support of the bones

Provide levers for body movements

Protection of underlying structures

Blood Cell Formation

Storage reservoir for calcium

Easy questions:

1) The axial body contains which body parts:

a) Neck, head , legs
b) Head , toes, arm
c) Trunk, neck, head
d) Trunk , face, stomach

Answer: C

2) Label the 11 major body parts:

3) Which position is used as
the reference position?
a) Superior
b) Anatomic
c) Proximal
d) Anterior

Answer: B

4) If a student raises their hand

to ask a question are they
a) Flexion
b) Extension
c) Hyperextension
d) Dorsiflexion

Answer: A

5) What is the longest and

strongest bone in the
a) Humerus
b) Femur
c) Tibia
d) Ulna

Answer: B

Hard questions:

1) What is a circumduction?
a) Abduction, rotation, adduction
b) Flexion, abduction, rotation, adduction
c) Flexion, extension
d) Flexion, abduction, rotation, adduction, supination, pronation

Answer: B

2) Label the Femur:

3) True or False: The only joints that contain a ball/socket configuration are the hip
and shoulder.

Answer: True

4) When a woman is wearing high heels, which joints support all her weight?
a) Knees
b) Ankles
c) Femur
d) Toes
Answer: D

5) Lower extremity joints are _____ and _____; whereas upper extremity joints are
_____ and _______.
a) less mobile, less stable ; more mobile, more stable
b) more mobile, more stable; less mobile, less stable
c) less mobile, more stable; more mobile, less stable
d) more mobile, less stable; less mobile, more stable

Answer: C


1) 1) What are the four types of movement the elbow can perform?

Flexion, extension, pronation, supination

2) 2) Is the hand proximal or distal to your shoulder?


3) 3) How many bones are connected at the elbow joint?

Three bones. Humerus, Olna, Radius.

4) 4) Name the tree types of ribs.

True ribs, false ribs, and floating ribs.

5) 5) There are 76 bones in the axial part of the body

False. There are 74


1) 1) If Steven is waving at his friend Stephen, what planes of movement is he occupying?

The coronal plane

2) 2) What is the name of the end of a long bone found at each end?
a)Epiphysis b) Diaphysis c) Cartilage d) Pointy parts

3) Articular disks are found at the TMJ.


4) Name 4 out of 6 of the synovial joints.

Gliding, Hinge, Pivoting, Condyloid, Saddle, Ball and Socket.

5) Run DMC asks you to wave your hands in the air, like you just don’t care. What are the
movements associated with the action?

Extension, abduction, adduction, flexion maybe.


(1)Meniscus is in the upper or lower extremity of the body? Short Answer

Answer: Lower extremity

(2)Patella is also known as the . Short Answer

Answer: Knee cap

(3)Lower extremity has and . MCQ

(a) More movement, Less stability

(b) Less movement, More stability
(c) Same amount of movement and stability
Answer: b)

(4) The only moving bone in the skull is the . Fill in the Blank
Answer: Mandible

(5)The sacrum is part of the skeleton. Fill in the Blank

Answer: Axial


(1) What are the largest vertebrae in the spinal column? MCQ
(a) Cervical
(b) Lumbar
(c) Thoracic
Answer: b)
(2) Periosteum surrounds the . MCQ
(a) Articular surface
(b) Entire bone, except the articular surface
(c) The spongy bone
(d) The medullary cavity
Answer: b)

(3) The Sesamoid bones are shaped like . MCQ

(a) Seaweed
(b) Salmon
(c) Sesame seeds
(d) Sesame fruit
Answer: c)

(4)How many auditory ossicles (ear bones) are there in the human
body? Short Answer
Answer: 6 (3 on each side)

(5) When injuring the ankle, there is more chance of which type of action from
the normal arrangement occurring? Circle One
(a) Inversion
(b) Eversion

Answer: Inversion


1. Name 2 functions of bones

Possible answers: Structural support of the body, provide levers for body movements, protection of 

underlying structures, protect vital organs, blood cell formation, support essential metabolic processes
and storage reservoir for calcium

2. What are 3 characteristics of joints?

Answer: Weight baring, Stability, Shock Absorption
3. Bones of a synovial joint are connected by a ______________

Answer: Joint capsule

4. What movement is being described in this picture? 

A. Supination
B. Abduction
C. Plantar flexion
D. Dorsiflexion

Answer: C, Plantar Flexion

5. What is the study of anatomy?

Answer: The study of the structure of the human

1. What is proximal to the ribs?

A. Tibia
B. Sternum
C. Femur
D. Metatarsal

Answer: Sternum

2. What is the purpose of the Epiphysis?

A. To articulate with another bone

B. Provide cushioning and shock absorption
C. Site of attachment for tendons of muscles and ligaments
D. Make bone marrow

Answer: A, To articulate with another bone

3. The Sagittal Plane is when you view the body in left and right sections
a. True
b. False

Answer: True

4. Name 3 types of synovial joints

Answer: Ball and Socket, Saddle, Hinge (Ginglymus), Pivot, Plane (Gliding), Condyloid 

5. What is the purpose of the menisci and articular discs?
Answer: Help maximize the congruence of the joint by helping improve the fit of the two 

Question 1- What are at least three examples of flat bones? Irregular Bones?

Answer: Flat bones: ribs; sternum; cranial bones of the skull; scapula.

Irregular bones: vertebrae; facial bones; sesamoid bones.

Question 2- What is the difference between a sesamoid bone and a round bone?

Answer: No difference. The terms “sesamoid” and “round” are used interchangeably to
describe a type of irregular bone ( I.E the patella).

Question 3- Describe the composition of the diaphysis.

Answer: The diaphysis is composed of an outer layer of compact bone tissue internally
lined with a thin layer of spongy bone tissue. This surrounds the medullary cavity which is located at
the centre of the diaphysis.

Question 4- Name at least two purposes of the periosteum.

Answer: Site of attachment for the tendons of muscles and ligaments; to store cells
that are important in forming and repairing bone tissue; to house the blood vessels that provide
vascular supply to the bone.

Question 5- What characteristic of a synovial joint distinguishes it from fibrous and cartilaginous joints?

Answer: Synovial joints are the only joints of the body that possess a joint cavity,
which typically allows a great deal of movement around the joint.

Question 1- What is the difference between tendon and ligament?

Answer: the difference between a ligament and a tendon is that a ligament connects
bone to bone whereas a tendon connects muscle to bone.

Question 2- How many bones are in the adult human body?

Answer: the adult human body has 206 bones.

Question 3- What’s the difference between anatomy and physiology?

Answer: anatomy describes and names the part of the body and physiology describes
how these parts function.

Question 4- Which body parts does the lower extremity contain:

Answer: Pelvis, thigh, leg and foot.

Question 5- How many bones are in the human hand?

Answer: There are 27 bones in the human hand; 8 carpals in the wrist, 5 metacarpals
bones and 14 phalanges of the fingers.

1-If you are bending down to touch your toes, what range or movement is your spinal column
Answer: Flexion

2- If you are being a grumpy camper and letting your shoulder girdle down, what range of
movement are you doing?
Answer: Depression

3- True or False?
A vertical plane passes from front to rear dividing the body into right and left sections?
Answer: True

4-What bones are flat; broad and thin, with either a flat or a curved surface?
Answer: Flat Bones

5 . True or False?
Articular cartilage is a softer tissue than bone?
Answer: True

6. Describe the structural level of organization starting from the atomic level to the
Organism level.
Answer: At the Chemical level atoms bound together either covalently or ionically to form
Molecules. The next level is the cellular level of smooth and rough muscle cells that are
composed of molecules. The smooth muscles bound together to form tissues, at the tissue level.
Different types of tissues make up and organ- at the organ level. Several organs make a organ
system, and lastly a combination of several different organ systems make an organism.

7. Name the two major divisions of the body and what they are composed of.
Axial: Head, Neck and trunk
Upper Extremity: Shoulder Girdle, Arms, Forearm and Hands
Lower Extremity: Pelvis (Pelvis Girdle), Thigh, Leg, foot

8. Fill in the blanks: The Anterior and _________ regions of the body describe the
_______/coronal planes.

Answer: Posterior and Frontal

9. Name the four types of bones, and give an example of each.

Answer: Long- Hermerus, femur, Radius, ulna, tibia, fibula, metacarpals, metatarsals and
Short- the carpals of the wrist
Flat- the ribs, sternum, cranial bones of the skull, and scapula
Irregular- Patella, vertebrate of the spine, the facial bones of the skull and seasmoid bones

10. Name the two types of long bones and what would occur if one did not have a either one.
Answer: Diaphysis- If we did not have it the bone would bend and creak easily with strong

Epiphysis: Without this joints would not form with another bone, joints would be smaller, and
the stability of a joint would decrease.

5 Easy:

1) Define anatomy: location, appearance, and relationship of body parts

2) What are the 2 major divisions of the body: 1) axial 2) appendicular

3) List the parts of the lower extremity: pelvis, thigh, leg, foot

4) List the parts of the axial body: head, neck, trunk

5) What is the primary function of a joint?: to allow movement

5 Difficult:
1) Define systemic anatomy: study of the body structures within a given organ system.

2) Define homeostasis: ability of the body to maintain a relatively stable internal environment despite
fluctuations in the external environment

3) Name 2 places where articular discs are found: TMJ, sternoclavicular joint

4) Name the types of synovial joints: ball & socket, condyloid, gliding, hinge, pivoting, saddle

5) Name the parts of a joint: bone, articular cartilage, synovial fluid, synovial membrane, fibrous
capsule, ligament, muscle

Easy Questions

1. Is an artery rupture considered as a disease?

 Yes because the definition of a disease is defined by an alternation of homeostasis
which is exactly what an artery rupture does.
2. What are the body parts contained in the axial body?
 Head
 Neck
 Trunk
3. Name 5 of the 12 organ systems present in the human body.

 Muscular System  Nervous System

 Skeletal System  Lymphatic System
 Respiratory System  Digestive System
 Integumentary System  Reproductive System
 Endocrine System  Urinary System
 Cardiovascular System


5. In which part of the long bone does the muscle tendons attach itself to?
 Periosteum
6. What is the main distinction between a single joint and a compound joint?
 Single joint is defines by two bones that are attached together with soft tissue
while compound joint is when a joint which has three or more bones bound
together with soft tissue.
Hard Questions

Question 1:
Answer 1:
Question 2:

Name the different parts of the vertebral column and give the number of vertebrae for each section

Answer 2:

 Cervical (7)
 Thoracic (12)
 Lumbar (5)
 Sacrum (5 in 1)
 Coccyx

Question 3:

Name 3 of the 5 functions of bones

Answer 3:

 Structural support of the body

 Provide levers for body movements
 Protection of underlying structures
 Blood cell formation
 Storage reservoir for calcium
Question 4:

Name the two different sections of a long bone and define their uses



Distal Epiphysis

Answer 4:

 Diaphysis

Rigid tube that can withstand strong forces without bending / breaking

 Epiphysis

Articulates (from a joint) with another bone

Question 5:

Name the 5 types (4 types + 1 subclass) of bones and give en example of bone for each

Answer 5:

Types of Bones:
• Long

• Short

• Flat

• Irregular

– Sesamoid


• Long:

Humerus, femur, radius, ulna, tibia, fibula, metacarpals, metatearsals &


• Short:

Carpals of the wrist

• Flat:

ribs, sternum, cranial bones of the skull and scapula

• Irregular:

Vertebrae of the spine, facial bones of the skull

– Sesamoid:


1 – The Shaft of a long bone, shaped like a hollow cylindric tube, that can withstand strong forces
without bending or breaking is:

a) Epiphysis

b) Periosteum

c) Diaphysis
d) Articular Cartilage

2- These bones are shaped like a sesame seeds:

a) Flat Bones

b) Irregular Bones

c) Short bones

d) Round Bones

3- How many Bones does the skull have?

a) 22

b) 14

c) 8

d) 17

4- In relation to the Anatomic Position, when nearer to the trunk:

a) Medial

b) Lateral

c) Proximal


5- Which of these is an Upper extremity?

a) Fibula

b) Scapula

c) Tibia
d) Tarsals

6)The patella is what kind of bone?

a) Irregular

b) Short

c) Flat

d) Sesamoid

7) The _________________ is the middle part of the long bone, and the ________________ are on
either end.

a) Epiphysis and endosteum

b) Epiphysis and diaphysis

c) Periosteum and endosteum

d) Diaphysis and Epiphysis

8) Which of the following is not a function of bone:

a) Structural strength

b) Protects vital organs

c) Supports essential metabolic processes

d) Accounts for 80% of body’s weight

9) Which of the following statements are true regarding joints:

a) Joints allow movement

b) Joints absorb shock

c) Joints create movement

d) Both a) and b) are true

10) The neck head and trunk belong to which division of the body?

a) Axial Body

b) Synovial Body

c) Appendicular Body

d) Sagittal Body

5 easy questions

1. Connect the following terms to the correct description

a) Medial 1) Nearer to the head

b) Lateral 2) farther from the sagittal plane
c) Superior 3) toward the surface of the body
d) Superficial 4) nearer to the median line

a) 4
b)  2
c)  1
d)  3

2. The bone is deep to the skin

3. The three components of the axial body are the __Head____, ___Neck____ and
4. Which of these elements is not part of the anatomical position

a) facing forward
b) with the arms at the sides
c) feet shoulder width apart
d) the palms facing forward

5. Which of these planes does not cross the belly button

a) sagittal plane
b) coronal plane
c) transverse plane

5 hard questions
1. In anatomical position, which is located most inferiorly?
a) sacrum
b) coccyx
c) metacarpals
d) superior epiphysis of the femur

2. You perform a 90° shoulder flexion of your right arm, from that position you flex your
elbow 90° of that same arm. Where is your hand located now?
a) anterior to your face
b) superficial to your face
c) posterior to your face
d) inferior to your face
3. The type of joint that is distinguished by having a fluid-filled joint cavity is a
______________ joint
a) Cartilaginous
b) Synovial
c) Fibrous
d) Suture

4. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

a) Bone is where blood cells are made

b) Bone serves as a storehouse for various minerals
c) Bone supports and protects the body and its organs
d) Bone is a dry and non-living supporting structure

5. Which structure is not connected to the costal cartilages?

a) Sternum
b) Manubrium
c) true ribs
d) xyphoid process
e) false ribs


1) What is the anatomic position? Define the 5 positions describing the anatomic position.
The anatomic position is the reference position for mapping the body. In anatomic position, the person is
standing straight, facing forward, arms are at the side, the palms are facing forward and the fingers and
thumbs are extended.

2) What is the name of the plane which separates the body into "upper" and"lower" halves?

The transverse plane.

3) Explain why anatomy and physiology are usually studied together.

A knowledge of both anatomy (structure of the body) and physiology (function of the human body) is
required to fully understand how the human body works.

4) What is a body part?

A body part is a part of the human body capable of moving independently of anotherbody part that is next
to it; generally, the presence of a bone (or multiple bones) defines the body part.

5) Front is to ________ as back it to ________.

Front is to anterior as back it to posterior.


1) Define homeostasis and describe the result of homeostatic imbalance.

Homeostasis is the body's ability to maintain a relatively stable internal environment, despite the
fluctuations present in the external environment. Moderate homeostatic imbalance results in diseases and
disorders while severe homeostatic imbalance can result in death.

2) Describe a sesamoid bone. What type of bone is a sesamoid bone? Give an example.
A sesamoid bone is round and sesame seed-shaped. They are generally considered to be irregular
bones. The patella is an irregular bone.

3) On the diagram below (document attached), label this humerus'

diaphysis and epiphysis. Define diaphysis and epiphysis. How many
diaphyses and epiphyses do long bones have?

The diaphysis is the shaft of a long bone, while the epiphysis is the
expanded end of a long bone found at each end of the diaphysis. Long
bones typically have one diaphysis and two epiphyses. *Diagram is
labelled on the Word document*.

4) What is the difference between dorsiflexion and plantarflexion? Which body part do these movements
apply to?

Dorsiflexion refers to bringing your toes up towards you, while plantar flexion refers to bringing your toes
down away from you. These movements occur at the ankle.

5) True or false? In anatomical position, the fingers are inferior to the elbow.


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