Special Report: Top 100 Chemical Distributors

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top 100 Chemical DISTRIBUTORS

Sonja Ye/RBI

In our special ICIS Top 100 VIEWS FROM THE TOP 38 Fecc director general Elisa Setien seeks
26 Brenntag’s Holland shifts China logistics greater collaboration
Chemical Distributors issue, 28 Univar’s Jukes sees growth via digitisation 38 Associquim president Rubens Medrano
sees Brazil on the right track
we present the most 30 LBB Specialties’ Hinnant to build on
39 RDC president Cathy Campbell tackles
Charkit and AIC platforms
comprehensive listing of 31 GTM’s Berges aims to consolidate in Latin transport challenges
America amid recovery 39 CBA president Peter Newport sees Brexit
the world’s chemical 33 IMCD’s van der Slikke seeks M&A reaching a tipping point
distributors. Plus, see 35 UTS’ Hjorth tailors strategy with Russia’s
the rankings
self sufficiency drive
interviews with CEOs of FECC 26, NACD 20 ICIS Top 100 main listing
Commentaries FECC 30, NACD 23 Asia distribution leaders
leading companies on 37 Introducing the ICIS Top 100 Chemical FECC 36, NACD 32 North America leaders
strategy, and messages from 37 Distributors
NACD president Eric Byer highlights
FECC 44, NACD 40 Middle East/Africa leaders
FECC 54, NACD 50 Latin America leaders
our partner associations transportation and security challenges FECC 60, NACD 58 Europe leaders

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Brenntag in
from Brenntag not just because it is a UK com-
pany but also as a [globally] renowned com-
pany so they can rest assured, we will main-
tain supplies.”
Brenntag allocates around €150-160m/year

China switch
for capital expenditure on new and existing in-
frastructure. Holland says it will be flexible in
responding to industry trends such as the US
ethane-based start-ups. “We are adept at altering
our supply chain to accommodate different
sources. New production has to find a home, so
if there are new sources, we’d like to take advan-
tage of them, though we do have long-standing
Distribution company plans to move its warehouses in relationships which we’d continue to support.”
Shanghai and Tianjin to chemical parks as it complies INDUSTRY TRENDS
with government policy to relocate chemical activities Asked about industry trends, Holland says he
expects to see more companies wishing to
outsource their supply chain and even minor
Will Beacham Barcelona quisition, particularly in specialty chemicals processing such as mixing and blending.

as the company aims to grow this segment Brenntag has seen increasing demand from
he world’s largest distributor, Brenn- within its full-line business. In Asia-Pacific, customers wanting a more service-based of-
tag, is transferring its China ware- on the other hand, acquisitions are more im- fering to deliver a partly processed product.
house operations to two new sites portant than organic growth.
following the government’s drive to In early May the company closed the deal Steve Holland
move chemical-related activities into chemi- announced in December last year to buy a CEO, Brenntag
cal parks. 65% stake in Raj Petro Specialties. “We are
Existing warehouses in Shanghai and Tian- delighted about this as it will significantly in- “We see a determination
jin will move to new locations which will be crease our presence in the Indian market,” by the government to put
fully operational by 2020-2021, according to said Holland. most chemical-related
CEO Steve Holland. Headquartered in Mumbai and Chennai, it activities into chemical
“There is some pressure in China relating to distributes own-blended brands of petroleum-
the government’s crackdown on environmen- related products in India, Asia-Pacific plus
tally unacceptable behaviour, with a number of Africa and the Middle East. Brenntag will buy
Chinese and other companies being closed the remaining 35% after five years. Holland believes the circular economy is
down. We see a determination by the govern- Brenntag is sticking to its long-term target Brenntag is sticking to its long-term aim of extremely complimentary to Brenntag’s busi-

ment to put most chemical-related activities of €200-300m spend on acquisitions per year. €200-300m spend on acquisitions per year ness model. Its industrial business packs
into chemical parks,” said Holland. Closing deals is not always a smooth process thousands of tonnes of product into returna-
He said the company supports this move and last year the company announced five in ble containers. “So, we offer a large recycling
and, following the transfer, all Brenntag facili- just four days during December. As well as the oil price strengthens. As investment in- quite a few years since we had North Ameri- in the same light. It seems to me that the UK service as part of our business model. We see
ties in China will be in chemical parks. Ware- Raj Petro agreement, it acquired UK food in- creases in that sector, we don’t have that ca and Europe in sync and that bodes well will remain an important destination for most a number of manufacturers questioning why
houses are transitioning from existing loca- gredients groups Kluman and Balter and A1 drag, so we see a fairly broad-based organic for organic growth.” major manufacturers in the world.” they should use one-trip containers when
tions into the chemical parks as the new Cake Mixes plus Colombia’s Conquimica and growth here.” He says Brenntag will deal with any differ- they could use a distributor which could offer
facilities come on line. Portugal’s Quimitécnica.com. Overall industrial demand has also turned PREPARED FOR BREXIT ences in tariffs, duties or regulations follow- them the security of quality, assurance and
Brenntag has seen little disruption in China According to Holland: “Acquisitions don’t around from negative territory 12 months ago For Brenntag, the UK is very much part of its ing Brexit as and when they occur. He points safety in refillable containers.”
from the environmental shutdowns. Holland always follow in straight lines. December and that is reflected in good organic growth European operation and will remain so irre- out that most manufacturers and distributors Digitisation is a major buzzword for 2018
says suppliers in the lower tiers may find it 2017 demonstrates how there are multiple ne- across almost all customer segments. spective of what form Brexit takes. Holland are already dealing successfully with compa- across the industry. With BASF and Covestro
more challenging as the stricter environmen- gotiations going on at any one time, so it may However, steep falls in the value of the US insists the group is fully committed to the UK nies which are outside of the EU. joining others on China’s Alibaba platform,
tal laws are implemented, adding: “We be a little lumpy from one year to the next. We dollar brought as reported sales and profits for capital investment or potential acquisi- “We have not had any significant increase there are also significant opportunities for the
haven’t had any major issues relating to our have a number of active discussions under down significantly. tions, adding: “The UK is a highly sophisti- in enquiries from customers about how to distribution sector. Brenntag created a digital
supply lines or our customers.” way this year and we stick to our guidance Latin American still has its challenges, cated end market and my sense is that the vast deal with any disruptions to supply chains start-up last year which transferred to a digital
In 2016 Brenntag took full ownership of range for M&A.” with double-figure drops in sales and profits majority of other businesses see the country post-Brexit. I’d like to think that people buy park in Amsterdam at the end of 2017. It is trial-
the Zhong Yung joint venture with the for- made worse by the dollar devaluation. Ac- ling a number of digital options with Brenntag’s
mer partner now chairing Brenntag’s entire US TURNAROUND cording to Holland: “Clearly, Latin America BRENNTAG FIRST-QUARTER FINANCIAL RESULTS (€M) customers and the company expects to offer
China business. This business is performing The company’s North American business is a more volatile environment. But it has Q1 2018 Q1 2017 ∆ as reported ∆ fx adjusted new digital options towards the end of 2018.
strongly. Holland said China has been a took a big hit from the end of 2015 after oil got through a serious period of volatility we Sales 2,975.2 2,973.3 0.1% 7.9% Holland says: “At the moment quite a num-
good experience for Brenntag, though he is collapsed to under $30/bbl. This reduced saw towards the start of last year and the Operating gross profit 637.6 647.7 -1.6% 6.6% ber of companies are promoting digital mar-
aware this has not always been the case for demand for oil and gas exploration and pro- year before. It is less pronounced now, espe- Operating EBITDA 206.6 201.8 2.4% 10.2%
ketplaces and options. But these may just be a
other companies. duction-related chemicals. As oil heads cially in Brazil, though overall it is quite a more sophisticated website rather than the
Operating EBITDA/Operating gross profit 32.4% 31.2% - -
steadily upwards, this business is recover- volatile environment.” full digital service we’d like to see. Millenni-
Profit before tax 147 138.3 6.3% -
GLOBAL GROWTH STRATEGY ing. “We had a couple of years when we Holland pointed out that for the first time als use digital marketplaces and expect to see
Profit after tax 106 94.7 11.9% -
Brenntag’s growth strategy is focused on were significantly affected by the oil and gas in a number of years there is a degree of syn- search capabilities plus track and trace. It
growing its North American and European slowdown in North America. That has re- chronisation with GDP growth in Europe, Attributable to Brenntag shareholders 105.6 94.5 - - wouldn’t be too surprising to see these sort of
business both organically and by add-on ac- versed – it is improving significantly as the Asia-Pacific and North America. “It’s been Earnings per share 0.68 0.61 - - features coming into the B2B sector.” ■

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the traditional chemical distribution business US TAX REFORM IMPACT

by using data to take costs and “noise” out of US tax reform has allowed Univar to repatri-
the supply chain, whether related to working ate overseas cash to pay down debt, said
capital, process control, safety, shelf life or Jukes. Univar has reduced leverage to around
product resonance. 4x earnings before interest, tax, depreciation
“We’re just scratching the surface of uses and amortisation (EBITDA) and aims to bring
and applications of data to support growth,” levels down to about 3x, he noted.
said Jukes. “Our blended average tax rate is slightly
less but not massively different. We’re asset
US TRADE DISPUTES light anyway so it also hasn’t had a major im-
The escalation of US trade disputes with pact on capital spending, but we are investing
China and uncertainty around the North in digitisation and technology,” said Jukes.
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
are “unhelpful on a macro level” as this is fos- M&A STRATEGY
tering uncertainty in the market, he noted. Univar also sees mergers and acquisitions
Univar sources most of the products it dis- (M&A) as an important part of its growth
tributes from local markets, so the implemen- strategy as it aims to consolidate a frag-
tation of tariffs would not have a “huge or mented market.
material impact”, the CEO said. “We have a very clear plan for our business
However, positive resolution of trade is- and know the geographies, products, end
sues is important, as it relates to business con- markets and technologies where we have
fidence. “The NAFTA uncertainty needs to be gaps. We are a little more proactive in looking
resolved. Mexico is a small but important part at these opportunities to expand our foot-
of our business, and has shown good signs of print,” said Jukes.
recovery after the US election,” said Jukes.
While trade disputes can influence de- David Jukes
mand patterns, “we’ll watch it closely, President and CEO, Univar
deal with it, and manage our way through”,
he added. “We’re just scratching
the surface of uses and
Amid the trade uncertainty, global markets
support growth”
Univar is aiming to reshape chemical are largely constructive with strength in Eu-
distribution by using data to take costs rope, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) and
and ‘noise’ out of the supply chain North America, Latin America recovering, Univar plans to allocate “a couple hundred

and China demand “fairly consistent”. million dollars a year for M&A” and focus on

Univar advances
“We see a broadly supportive market, but its core markets.
DIGITISATION A KEY GROWTH DRIVER always run our business as if a recession is Focus end markets include food, personal
A key aspect of Univar’s growth plan is digiti- just around the corner. As a distributor, we care, pharmaceuticals, coatings and adhe-
sation, where it will continue to make invest- have to be agile and nimble to adapt to what- sives, and household and industrial cleaning,
ments. The company has been a leader in ever the market conditions are,” said Jukes. he said. The company will look at both spe-

growth strategy
e-commerce with investments in Elemica and This includes greater autonomy in the field cialty – what Jukes calls differentiated – and
ChemPoint many years ago, he pointed out. to adapt to changing markets, he added. commodity or undifferentiated assets.
“We want to disrupt our Specialties would be more pure growth
own markets and busi- plays, whereas certain commodities could
ness by expanding our offer greater cost synergies.
digital capabilities to
help customers and sup- Best assets
pliers – not just ship “We probably have the best assets in NAFTA
New CEO David Jukes is aiming to build on six consecutive quarters of earnings chemicals,” said Jukes. for petrochemicals and solvents” where ac-
“Our ambition is to be quisitions in these areas would be “more of a
growth by making greater use of digitisation as part of a cultural transformation the No 1 digital destination [cost] synergy play than pure growth”, said
for commerce in our space. Jukes.
joseph chang new york done for years,” said David Jukes, president replacing Stephen Newlin, who has become It’s not just about making it On 8 May, Univar reached an agreement to

and CEO of Univar. executive chairman of the board. easier for customers to buy, acquire Earthoil, a subsidiary of UK-based
S-based chemical distributor Univar For the first quarter of 2018, Univar’s ad- Since Univar’s initial public offering but using the data to help Treatt. Earthoil is a supplier of pure, organic,
will continue to advance its global justed earnings before interest, tax, deprecia- (IPO) in June 2015, the company has be- drive better processes for fair trade essential and cold-pressed vegetable
growth strategy, including through tion and amortisation (EBITDA) rose 19% come more customer focused, and more customers and suppliers,” seed oils used in the naturals, organic beauty,
greater use of digitisation. year on year to $166m on 8% higher sales of closely aligned with the needs of its suppli- he added. and personal care markets.
“We continue on our cultural transforma- $2.16bn. Sales in the US accounted for 56% ers, he noted. Univar aims to reshape These vegetable origin and naturally de-
tion to becoming a high performing growth of the total. For all of 2018, the company said “We are excited about the opportunities as rived ingredients are a frequent consumer
company that expands with our key part- it remains on track to generate low double- our execution gets better and better. Great Univar aims to be the demand in the beauty and personal care mar-
ners. We’ve delivered six straight quarters of digit growth in adjusted EBITDA. supplier partnerships are crucial and we ex- leading e-commerce ket, according to Univar. Earthoil had sales of
earnings growth – something we haven’t Jukes took over as CEO of Univar on 9 May, pect to grow these,” said Jukes. platform for distribution around $11m in 2017. ■

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LBB has platform

to deliver growth
LBB Specialties CEO Charlie Hinnant is seeking ‘tuck-in’ acquisitions in the range of
$10-50m to complement the Charkit and AIC distribution businesses and drive growth
joseph chang new york maintain their brand and structure. The

sales and marketing strategy is the same,”
eBaronBrown Specialties (LBB Spe- said Hinnant.
cialties) aims to build a new chemical Charkit and AIC retained their manage-
distribution entity by rolling up ac- ment, employees, brands and strategies. The
quisitions to its two platform busi- only change has been sharing services in IT,
nesses Charkit Chemical and American In- finance and human resources where benefi-
ternational Chemical (AIC). cial, he said.
“Our growth strategy will be to acquire Both companies are strong in personal
companies with a large brand identity and care ingredients, food ingredients, aroma
owners that are not quite ready to retire but chemicals and nutraceuticals, while also
want to take some chips off the table,” said having industrial chemicals. These areas
Charlie Hinnant, CEO of LBB Specialties and comprise almost 40% of Charkit’s sales, and
president and CEO of Charkit Chemical, in an Charlie Hinnant nearly 50% of AIC’s revenues, with the rest
interview with ICIS. CEO, LBB Specialties in industrial chemicals.
“They would manage the growth of their Charkit’s other products include hydra-
individual brands but under the auspices of “[LBB is] a large family office looking zine derivatives, imaging components, metal
LBB,” he added. to build a platform company through treatment and electronic chemicals, pharma-
Acquisitions would be “tuck-ins” in the strategic acquisitions of distributors in ceutical ingredients and water treatment
range of $10-50m that would go with the specialty chemicals space” chemicals. AIC also has a wide range of in-
Charkit or AIC, but LBB could also acquire a dustrial chemicals.
larger business in the range of $100m in an- Charkit and AIC mainly represent compa-
nual sales that could become another plat- In addition, multiple employees have be- nies from outside the US on an exclusive
form company. come shareholders under the new owner- basis to sell to the US market, essentially be-
“We’re looking at several companies in ship structure. coming their US marketing arm. However,
both categories,” said Hinnant. “We didn’t build these companies our- they also represent larger companies in cer-
LBB Specialties has annual sales of over selves. At Charkit we have over 60 employ- tain specialty areas.
$200m with its acquisitions of Charkit and ees and AIC has over 100. We, as owners, Charkit has represented Arkema’s hydra-
AIC, with each having over $100m in annual kind of shared the wealth and now there are zine and derivatives in the US on an exclu-
sales. Both companies have had robust a number of new shareholders that are em- sive basis for over 30 years. It also represents
growth averaging 7-8%/year over the last dec- ployees,” said Hinnant. INEOS for its chlorinated toluene deriva-
ade, the CEO noted. “This is an exciting opportunity for both tives, the CEO noted.
Hinnant, who founded specialty chemicals companies and motivates them a lot more.” “Our marketing coverage and product
distributor Charkit in 1982, was looking for a knowledge is extensive. Many supplier com-
buyer for the business and was approached by BUILDING PLATFORMS panies are rearranging their sales forces so
a number of players – from large strategic ac- LeBaronBrown acquired Charkit in July 2017, quickly with people changing jobs frequent-
quirers (major distribution companies), to dis- and insisted Hinnant stick around as CEO to ly, so they see the value we bring to their
tributors owned by private equity firms, to see through the build-out strategy while re- sales organisations,” said Hinnant.
pure private equity firms. taining an equity stake, he said.
“I was attracted to LeBaronBrown as they “Most people recognised that selling to an- US-CHINA TARIFF THREAT
were a little different than the typical private other large distributor would disrupt the way The escalating tariff dispute between the US
equity firm. They were a large family office we do business. With this deal, nothing’s re- and China is a major cause of concern for
looking to build a platform company through ally changed,” said Hinnant. LBB Specialties, along with many others in
strategic acquisitions of distributors in the In December 2017, LeBaronBrown ac- the chemical industry.
specialty chemicals space,” recalled Hinnant. quired AIC, adding the second platform “The US chemical industry is at the best
“This makes it an attractive buyer to com- company, or leg of the stool. Like Hinnant point I’ve seen in many years. Having puni-
panies. They aren’t going to get gobbled up with Charkit, AIC founder and president tive duties on chemicals from China would
and lose their brand. It’s an opportunity for Mike Schrage continues to manage the make it cost prohibitive. US companies may
them to continue on for a number of years,” AIC business. move manufacturing operations elsewhere,”
he added. “Nothing’s changed there either – they said Hinnant. ■

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top 100 Chemical DISTRIBUTORS

GTM’s quantiQ distribution center in Guarulhos, Sao Paulo, Brazil looks set to ride the tailwind of Latin America’s economic recovery

Purchases lift GTM

sales target to $1bn
Jose Berges, CEO of Latin America’s largest chemical distributor, is aiming to consolidate
after the integration of quantiQ, and take advantage of an ongoing recovery in the region
joseph chang new york 2018 we are expecting around $700m in sales, will be part of the process. There’s also a lot

and in the next three years in the range of of ­potential for organic growth,” he added.
razil-based chemical distributor $1bn,” said Jose Berges, CEO of GTM Hold-
GTM Holdings is targeting annual ings, in an interview with ICIS. INTEGRATION OF ACQUISITIONS
sales of around $1bn in the next “The distributor landscape in Latin Ameri- The largest chemical distributor in Latin
three years as it benefits from the ca is very fragmented with a huge number of America, which had sales of around $617m in
integration of major acquisitions and a
­ smaller and mid-size companies. It’s just 2017, is in the process of integrating three
­recovery in Latin America. “By the end of ­calling for the market to consolidate, and we acquisitions over the past two years, the ❯❯

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l­argest being Brazil’s quantiQ which was “Latin America has not grown to its poten-
­completed in April 2017. tial, mainly due to political instability.
“quantiQ was a transformative acquisition, ­Corruption scandals in Brazil have spread to
making us the largest independent chemical Colombia and Peru, interfering with these
distributor in Latin America. We are playing markets. It has not helped in the recovery,”
in a different league,” said Berges. said Berges.
The company moved its headquarters from “On the positive side, if the markets are as
Costa Rica to Sao Paulo, Brazil, and set up stable as they are now, even with these politi-
corporate functions and structures in a huge cal problems, look at what the potential is.
undertaking, he noted. There is a huge backlog in consumption from
“The integration is going very well, and a growing middle class,” he added.
it is almost done. We are number one in Bra- Brazil should see economic growth in
zil where before we did not have a signifi- 2018, but a real recovery will only take place
cant presence. We have strong positions after the presidential election in October and
in specialties and ­customer solutions which Jose Berges
if a business friendly government is in-
includes blending and formulations,” CEO, GTM Holdings stalled, he said.
said Berges. With varied and complex regulatory and
The quantiQ acquisition brought in addi- “quantiQ was a transformative tax laws, along with infrastructure and logis-
tional expertise in paints, cosmetics, agri- acquisition, making us the largest tics challenges, “doing business in Latin
cultural chemicals, rubber and lubricants, independent chemical distributor in America is not easy and requires very specif-
he said. ic knowledge”, said Berges.
GTM Holdings, which is owned by pri-
Latin America. We are playing in a “In the end, we’re the Latin America guys
vate equity firm Advent International, essen- different league” – we know how to do business here,” he
tially comprises four companies – the legacy added.
GTM, quantiQ, High Chem Specialties positive outcome. “A trade war cannot
­ GTM’s position in specialty chemicals,
and ­Peruquimicos. be won – it only generates losses for every- along with close relationships with suppliers
GTM acquired Mexico-based High Chem one involved. We are ­convinced people will and customers, will allow it to grow faster
Specialties in September 2016. The compa- be intelligent enough to find a solution,” than market rates, he said.
ny, which had sales of around $40m in 2015, said ­Berges. “We have a deep knowledge of Latin
served the graphic arts, construction, The US providing cost competitive ­America, and this will open up new oppor-
­coatings, plastics and adhesives industries. ­chemicals on a wide scale to Mexico makes tunities. And with the recovery in markets,
Shortly after, in October 2016, came the Mexico’s manufacturing sector stronger. we should be able to take advantage,”
­acquisition of Peruquimicos, adding local “A very large portion of our business in said ­Berges.
markets in paints and coatings, solvents, Mexico is based on products imported from GTM is gearing up towards an initial pub-
adhesives, resins, inks, foam, leather,
­ the US, so we are watching this closely,” lic offering (IPO) when market conditions are
paper, personal care, household care, seal- said Berges. favourable. Private equity owner Advent
ants and silicas. Sales in Mexico account for around 10% International acquired GTM back in
GTM now has a presence in Brazil, Mexi- of GTM’s total sales. ­December 2014. A typical holding period for
co, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nica- private equity ranges from 3-5 years.
ragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecua- LATIN AMERICA OUTLOOK “Whether we get a strategic investor or go
dor, Peru and Argentina. The company GTM hopes to ride a tailwind from Latin public, it depends on the market environ-
sources products worldwide for the Latin America’s ongoing recovery, even as progress ment, and how fast we can achieve our
America market, and especially from the US is moving slower than many anticipated. goals,” said Berges. ■
where it has an office in Houston, Texas.

The US petrochemical expansion wave
spurred by shale gas will bring greater
­opportunities for GTM to source products to
its markets, said the CEO.
“The US is the major source of products
for GTM and we expect that to increase be-
cause of the cost competitiveness and logis-
tics a­ dvantage – it will be petrochemicals
and also more specialty chemicals where ca-
pacity is increasing,” said Berges.
Almost half of GTM’s business is in
­specialties and customer solutions, with the
other half in industrial chemicals, he noted.


Berges is monitoring the trade developments
between the US and Mexico amid the rene-

gotiation of NAFTA, and is hopeful for a quantiQ’s integration gives GTM a major presence in Brazil’s chemical distribution market

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IMCD seeking Asia,

North America M&A
The Netherlands-based specialty chemicals distributor has a track record of 43
acquisitions and aims to boost its presence beyond its historical core in Europe
Will Beacham Barcelona year we made a significant acquisition in ryone: it’s huge and diverse. China is by far

Canada and we also now have a significant the biggest market in Asia and is a huge mar-
cquisitive specialty chemical dis- presence in the US. We want to further ex- ket with cultural challenges.”
tributor IMCD is looking for merg- pand our presence in the US to focus our na- He said IMCD will take a cautious, step-by-
ers and acquisitions (M&A) oppor- tional strategy.” step approach, expanding its presence there
tunities in North America and Asia In September 2017 IMCD purchased Cana- without rushing. IMCD has not made direct
as it seeks to beef up operations and globalise da’s LV Lomas which had 2016 sales of Cana- acquisitions in China, but has a presence
from its European core. dian dollar (C$)383m with a normalised earn- there via a Singapore company it bought
The Dutch-headquartered group, which ings before interest, tax, depreciation and which has significant China operations.
saw 60% of 2017 sales derived from Europe, amortization of C$18m. Its big US acquisition IMCD has also been acquisitive in Europe
wants to grow particularly in North America was $300m sales MF Cachat in 2015. but here the strategy is to strengthen in select-
where it made acquisitions in 2014 and 2017 IMCD only derived €340m of its €1.9bn ed end market segments rather than pure re-
that significantly boosted its presence there. sales from Asia-Pacific last year, so the com- gional growth. The company has grown out of
CEO Piet van der Slikke says: “We really pany is also seeking inorganic growth oppor- Western Europe as it globalises. Its biggest
want to further grow in North America. Last tunities there too. “Asia is challenging for eve- segment (almost €1bn) is in Europe, but it is ❯❯

IMCD saw 60% of 2017

sales derived from
Europe, but it is aiming
to grow particularly in
North America

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❯❯ also expanding rapidly in North Ameri-

imcd acquisitions SINCE 2015
ca, Asia and Latin America.”
Van der Slikke says: “Our growth strategy
Sep-17 LV Lomas Toronto, Canada C$383m
has always been centred around first, and
most importantly, organic growth. This is May-17 Bossco Industries (spec chemcs division) Houston, US $11m
fuelled by GDP growth, but we benefit from Jun-17 Neuvendis Milan, Italy €26.3m
the outsourcing trends of our suppliers. We Mar-17 MF Cachat (remaining 20%) US $300m
are also taking market share from our com- Dec-16 Feza Kimya Istanbul, Turkey €8m
petitors.” Jul-16 Mutchler US, Puerto Rico $28m
He says the company continues to be a con- Jun-16 Chemicals and Solvents (EA) (Kenya) Nairobi, Kenya €5m
solidator in the market via acquisitions in in- Dec-15 Selectchemie (Brazil) Brazil Real68m
dustrial markets such as coatings and construc-
Jun-15 MF Cachat (80% stake) US $300m
tion, plastics, detergents, lubricants and in life
sciences – pharma, food and personal care. Apr-15 Kushalchand India $9m
“If we can expand to adjacent markets we
would look at that. But first and foremost on increasing cash earnings per share. The its own 39 labs with highly skilled technical
we look at these existing segments,” says company has always pursued an asset-light people, or by the supplier.
van der Slikke. strategy. This is especially suited to specialty The group has labs in 20 countries for each
IMCD has grown rapidly by acquisition chemicals distribution where technical sales of its biggest segments such as coatings, con-
since its inception in 1995. Asked about the and marketing are more important than logis- struction, lubricants, detergents, food, phar-
challenges of integrating newly purchased tics and warehousing. ma and personal care.
companies he says: “We always look to see if “The core of our activity is not to bring the Everything is focused on selling its suppli-
a target fits with us culturally and in terms of product from A to B but to be the extended ers’ products and promoting their brands.
product and supplier portfolio. It requires a sales arm of our suppliers. We do this with This means IMCD needs to be able to help
skill set, and to remain focused; also you formulation experts, application laboratories customers to formulate using the products it
should not be too deal-hungry and be pre- and with technical sales people. So our role in sells. “Some chemicals are less complicated
pared to say ‘No’. Over the years we have the chain is different from the usual commod- but for others you need formulation expertise.
proven that we are most of the time taking the ity distributor such as Brenntag or Univar.” But we don’t manufacture or blend because
right steps and didn’t make any big mistakes.” we don’t want to compete with our principal
IMCD does not communicate to the market Piet van der Slikke suppliers,” says van der Slikke.
any budget or target for M&A spend each year. CEO, IMCD
Although its size means it would not run up MARKET CONDITIONS
against competition concerns if it took out a “The core of our activity is Although IMCD does not provide forward
large competitor, the group is more focused not to bring the product guidance to investors, van der Slikke says that
on gaining presence in particular regions and from A to B but to be the circumstances for chemicals generally are fa-
complementary products. extended sales arm of vourable, linked to the growth of economies.
According to van der Slikke: “It’s important “We are seeing some chemical price infla-
our suppliers”
to emphasise that over many years we have tion so generally in most major markets, par-
consistently executed a strategy to be a global ticularly Europe and North America, condi-
leader in specialty chemical distribution. We With a main focus on marketing, sales and tions are favourable: there is always a bit of a
have now created a strong position and since distribution of specialty chemicals IMCD lag but we have never had problems pushing
2014 we entered the North America market does not focus itself on owning logistics price increases through. We have been able
and are now one of the more important spe- and warehousing. to maintain margins and we don’t expect
cialty chemical distributors there.” “We have a long-standing policy to out- that to change.”
source most of our logistics to third parties. IMCD has a portfolio of over 40,000 prod-
FINANCIAL TARGETS Most of our warehousing is outsourced ucts with no single one accounting for more
IMCD sets a target of 6% organic sales growth though we do have a few of our own that we than a few percentage points of the total. It
per year and meets it over the longer-term. Be- lease with our own people in them – we sells a lot of non-petrochemical products such
cause of acquisitions, however, it normally have been very asset-light from the start of as minerals plus food and pharma ingredi-
grows at double digits. There is a strong focus our existence.” ents. This means it is not possible to link oil
He says the big advantage of this is that price changes directly back to its products be-
costs are variable rather than fixed. It is im- cause the portfolio is so diverse. “For certain
IMCD AT A GLANCE portant for IMCD staff to be as strong with products it is easier to make that link but not
their knowhow on the applications and use of for the bulk of our business,” he says.
■ Founded 1995 the chemical or food or pharma ingredient as Van der Slikke picks out consolidation as
■ 43 acquisitions since then its suppliers are themselves. a major distribution trend which is continu-
■ For 2017 sales €1.9bn globally, “Our people need more-or-less similar ing as well as the professionalisation of the
€1.141bn EMEA, €450m Americas, knowledge to sell these products. We have sales channel.
€340 APAC. 2,200 employees with around 70% engaged He adds: “We try to make our customers’
■ Listed Amsterdam Euronext 2014 in marketing and technical sales activity. We lives easy by digitalising our interactions
■ March 2016 Bain Capital sells final also have regulatory and finance people.” with them. So, for specialty chemical distri-
stake for €131.25m IMCD recruits similar personnel to its sup- bution in particular, trends include more for-
■ Specialty chemicals distributor pliers such as chemists and food technolo- mulation expertise plus easier communica-
gists. It provides training either by in-house in tion and transactions with customers.” ■

34 | ICIS Chemical Business | 1-7 June 2018 www.icis.com

special report
top 100 Chemical DISTRIBUTORS

Distributor UTS still sources around 90% of its portfolio from Europe, but the product mix is changing to suit the Russian market

UTS product switch

Government drive to boost domestic production and substitute imports is changing
the mix of products customers demand from chemical distributors in Russia

Will BEacham Barcelona with a big programme under way for import lio from Europe, but the mix is changing. In

substitution, distributors have to be on their the past the company used to import simple
ussia’s drive for industrial self-suffi- toes to see where the market is going. things such as styrene and acrylic dispersants.
ciency, and the depreciating rouble, The state wants more to be produced in- Now it supplies more additives to Russian
mean that distributors such as UTS side Russia and the country has access to producers who themselves are now making
are changing the product mix they abundant petrochemical raw materials. The the products which were formerly imported.
offer to the domestic market. devaluation of the rouble is also boosting “It is a healthy development of the Russian
Government policy to boost the sophistica- that driver as imported goods are now more economy. There is a big chemical industry in
tion of the country’s manufacturing base is expensive in roubles. Russia and it is not standing still,” he says.
working, and many chemicals and polymers “For example acrylic dispersants for paint For example Sibur is a UTS key account
which used to be imported are now produced used to be imported but now you can see a lot but now UTS supplies it with more special-
locally. Distributors have to understand these being produced locally. They are very cost- ties that it needs to produce its products. Lu-
changes and be flexible in altering their port- efficient compared to product which has to be koil and Gazprom have chemical projects
folios to suit a market which is changing transported across Europe and duties paid. A under construction and BASF produces plas-
quite dramatically, according to Swedish/ lot of surfactants, high-end paint, plasticizers ticizers locally. There are also some mid-sized
Russian distributor UTS. for concrete are now domestically produced.” companies with good technical knowledge
Managing director Lars Hjorth says that UTS still sources around 90% of its portfo- which are taking advantage of Russia’s raw
materials and investing in equipment.
UTS GROUP TURNOVER IN CIS ($M) “Government policy is encouraging im-
port substitution. Domestic production of
300 food, nutrition, packaging, cosmetics and
$m % change home care is developing and we can supply
250 the raw materials for this.”
Ten years ago Russia was a big importer of
plastics with Russia exporting oil which was
converted in crackers in the West and then re-
exported as plastic. Now Russia is a net ex-
100 porter of plastic.
“As a distributor you have to adjust your
50 business model. Today it would be very diffi-
cult to sell imported plastics, for example. But
to sell plastic additives is another story. You
-50 have to be on your toes and I’m very pleased
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*
we have a team which is thinking ahead three
to four years,” says Hjorth. ❯❯

www.icis.com 1-7 June 2018 | ICIS Chemical Business | 35

special report MARKET OUTLOOK UTS
top 100 Chemical DISTRIBUTORS




Offices and warehouses: SHANGHAI

■ St Petersburg (22,700 sqm)

■ Moscow (9,900 sqm)

■ Kiev (6,460 sqm) warehouses

■ Minsk (900 sqm)

■ Astorp (1,060 sqm) warehouses

❯❯ Fecc
tion UTSas well
aims as the its
to inform European
suppliersPetro-about 9,000 tonnes/year
an office in India too of because
melamine thewere import-
country has sources
markets30% from
and the China
rouble and 70%
chemical Association.
what is changing or ongoing in the Russian ed
very– now
products is aand
net exporter.
knowledge of chemi- from
10% the rest ofJanuary
between the world,
April, though Europe,
He says
market, the UTSlegislation,
including philosophyand is always
sees thisto be
as Sanctions
cals though itlinkedremainstoa Russia’s
challenging invasion
environ- of Korea,
does boostUS and Japan.substitution.
in the part
a core regions
of itsofvalue-added
Russia andservice.the Common-
It’s also Ukraine
ment to do hadbusiness.
only a limited impact, he says, in “It’s
UTSaisgood aiming balance.
for 25%We expect more from
sales growth this
wealth of Independent
about legislation. It wants States
to act(CIS)
as thewhereas
extend- that companies UTS
Meanwhile, lost access
openedtoacheap new credit
ware- India
year andin the future
Hjorth isand I am astonished
confident there
it will achieve
many competitors
ed marketing arm of just open one
its suppliers office to
in market. from
in Kazan, banks. theNow
oil price has sta-
of Tatarstan, isn’t
this more
level product
of growth. comingButfrom
he is theconcerned
US. Apart
Thethe whole of
company Russia.working
is always Longer-term there
to expand bilised and credit isofavailable
at the beginning December. again.Hjorth says from
aboutDow there is not
the impact much
of the else.”World Cup,
itsan optionbase
supplier to open an office
in Europe as in
as new ter- Now
this the is
region Russian
the centreeconomy
of the is growing
Russian and
chem- which will take place in Russia during June
near theinBlack
ritories Asia,Seabutto the far jeopardising
without east of Russia. long- UTS’ clients are growing. However, Kazakh-
ical industry. ORGANIC
he believes it will reduce de-
term partnerships distributors
with principals. come to our
A sourcing stan is very
“Now weweakhavebecause
a localit team
became andpart of a
ware- UTS
mand. has never purchased
Dangerous goods will another
be banned companyfrom
office inasShanghai
beginners is but for us
helping to it’s our home
develop a lot customs
house and union ourwith Russia and
customers likeBelarus. Rus-
that. They and
roadrelies on organic
transportation growth
and ports instead. Merg-
in areas where
of businessWeamong
work with over 4,000
suppliers there. customers sian
want to wait havefor taken
two market
days for share from
supplies ers and acquisitions
the games are taking place.(M&A) has never of-
have aworking
very goodinexperience
their garage up to
in Shang- smaller
from Moscowproducers – now in Kazakhstan.
we are covering the CIS fered
Local anything
markets interesting
were affected that
by acould add
very cold
hai with the team companies like Gazprom
there developing new busi-and “Ukraine,
market for us, is very good. As a market
very well.” value,
spring says Hjorth,
in 2018. adding
A lot that it isUTS
of chemistry easier to
Sibur; we are almost
ness. Sometimes twicelike
big clients theSibur
sizewantof ourto it There
is very arebad but we
no plans maintained
for further highly
expansion of set
its construction.
own offices than it would
Normally be to ab-
nearest competitors.”
audit their approved suppliers and we can skilled
offices orstaff there whenthis
warehouses a lot of other
year compa-
but Hjorth is sorb an acquisition.
is ramped up at the end There are no long-term
of February and into
help company
them sells mostly specialties and
with this.” nies left. aWe
keeping have
close eyeassets in Ukraine
on markets likeand are a
Uzbeki- plans
Marchfor andan putinitial publictooffering
into shops be sold in (IPO)
would like to be seen as not as a supplier of reliable
stan andsupplier.”
Turkmenistan. UTS has direct ac- the“But
when it is -15C in April no-one is
raw materials
Thinking long but term
a provider of solutions. It Hjorth
counts in wants to strengthen
these countries and ifthe company’s
they develop “If you of
thinking know what you’re
painting doingThe
his house. it’s not
30% of sales staffimports
UTS’s with laboratories
today come in geographic
the right way coverage
they could in Russia
be theandnextcontinue
step for difficult
stays ondoing businessThe
the shelves. in this
shop region
delays – wepay-
from China and and
the Ukraine.
across all UTSareasis growing into
of the busi- to develop with
expansion its technical
Uzbekistan sales team.
first in theWith the
queue. very
to the supplier One bigwho challenge is the dis-
delays payment to
Hjorth such
hasas cosmetics,
noticed that therubber chemi-
portfolio is growth
“Thereinseems Russian to bedomestic
higher demandproduction,
from tances: to serve
the producer ofclients
the rawwe need one month of
morefood and pharmaceuticals.
advanced today than it was even a cou- within
producers a couple
such as of theyears UTS expects
paint sector but I don’tto inventory – this2018
First quarter means cashflow
sales rose 26% is acompared
big prob-
ple of years ago. Although China is shifting source
know why fromatwithin Russia and
the moment. We export. Gooda
are getting lem foryear.
to last everyone.”
For the full year, growth will be
to more domestic consumption, quality
lot more products
requests from are these
– spe- He explains
driven by an expandedthat it can takeportfolio
product 25 daysand for
The Russian
he says economyinhas
his suppliers Chinastabilised since
are thinking which are cost-efficient
cific products and additives.”because there is such product to reach the
more consumption bymain base in St Peters-
long term sowhen wantthe rouble was
to maintain in crisis
export and
markets. good access tofurther
Expansion raw materials.
east to Vladivostock is burg“We fromare international
taking marketsupplier.share: we You then
50% ofisitsnot value,
cheapsaysany Hjorth.
It’s good of notHjorth
currently saysa high
is huge potential for have
expand to add two weeksareas
in traditional for customs
of polymers,clearance
the devaluation
material and it’simported
competing goodswithbecame
European very growth in Russia because at present the group and then and
struction it can be 21 days
composites as wefor try
to add to
product. Some and there
of ourwas a switch
suppliers areto local in-
struggling distributes
FOOTBALL99.9% TO IMPACTimported chemicals leaving
ECONOMY reach a warehouse.
our existing stronghold. Add potentially one
because production.
their downstreamFor example,suppliersbeforehavethe aThe
lot of space
CIS for increasing
economy has 250m distribution of do-
well-educated month
“Butfor westorage
are also andmoving
then 45into dayspromising
credit for
closed crisis,
down70-80%[due toofthe dispersants
tougher for paints
environ- mestic
consumers products. UTS is now
on a developed talking to
industrial some
base so the
areas such This asdemonstrates why there
cosmetics, nutrition andis
mental imported.
rules],” he Nowadds.most are supplied do- big Russian
it has a lot ofproducers
potential.who are starting
However to un-
the Russian ahome
large care
delaywhere for inventory
we see between the sup-
great potential,”
Longer term Alsothere
previously aroundto8,000-
is an objective open derstand
economy distribution better. UTS
is volatile. Sanctions currently
impacted the plier
adds and
Hjorth.UTS ■gaining payment. ■

36 | ICIS Chemical Business | 1-7 June 12-18 January 2018 | ICIS Chemical Business | 31
special report
top 100 Chemical DISTRIBUTORS

The global Top 100 listing

Our 2018 rankings feature a total of 258 chemical distributors around the world, a wealth of diversity to choose from

Joseph Chang New York Chemical Distributors, we welcome all play- joseph chang
Global Editor, ICIS Chemical Business

ers to participate – large and small. This year’s
e are delighted to once again listing has companies ranging from $14bn in
“This year’s listing has
present the ICIS Top 100 sales for the largest, to $1.5m for the smallest.
Chemical Distributors – the It’s not all about size. Indeed a number of companies ranging from
most comprehensive global distributors continue to grow larger through $14bn in sales for the
listing of these critical enablers in the chemi- mergers and acquisitions (M&A), actively largest, to $1.5m for
cal supply chain. seeking to consolidate and build scale. How- the smallest”
This year the listings appear within two ever, there are plenty of smaller companies in
special supplements – those of the National specialised areas serving local markets that
Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD) generate healthy profits and growth. istration seeks to redraw rules also pose a
and the European Association of Chemical Many chemical distributors have also threat to chemical distribution, as many of
Distributors (Fecc). grown sales organically amid the overall syn- these companies source products from other
We give our big thanks to these partners, chronous global economic upswing, although regions to serve local markets, or export local
as well as our other partners Associquim challenges remain. products to customers abroad. However, the
(Brazilian Association of Chemical and Pet- industry is resilient as it deals with complex
rochemical Distributors), Responsible Distri- challenges remain supply chains and will no doubt find ways to
bution Canada (RDC) and UK-based Chemi- A healthier economic outlook comes with service customers as well as suppliers.
cal Business Association (CBA), for helping its own challenges, in particular rising Along with our main listing we also break
make this a truly global listing with record transportation costs amid a shortage of qual- out sales by geographic region – North Ameri-
levels of participation. ified labour. ca, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and
While we brand this the ICIS Top 100 Global trade uncertainties as the US admin- Middle East and Africa. ■

NACD highlights transport, security

These issues potentially could have a positive impact on chemical distributors’ ability to ensure that their products
are stored and delivered safely and securely while also helping them grow their businesses and run them efficiently

Eric byer NACD threats to our national security, CFATS is a burdensome procedures to allow customers

critical bulwark against terrorism and other to request competitive switching successfully,
t the beginning of each year, NACD bad actors. speed up resolution of rate case disputes, and
staff and member companies sit minimise costs.
down to determine the legislative paving the road to success Distributors also heavily rely on trucking.
and regulatory issues the associa- Transportation issues are also hampering chem- But the employment environment for truck
tion will focus on. This year’s two most urgent ical distributors’ ability to run their businesses drivers is reaching a critical point where com-
concerns are the reauthorisation of the Chem- efficiently. A large segment of the industry re- panies can no longer find qualified drivers to
ical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards ceives product from suppliers by freight rail, take the place of retirees. Furthermore, drivers
(CFATS) program, set to expire in January and regularly face backlogs and arbitrary rate can be 18 to drive, but must be 21 to cross
2019, and transportation issues including hikes. The Surface Transportation Board (STB) state lines.
freight rail reform and trucking. is starting to understand shippers’ concerns. NACD is supporting a measure in Congress
Following the 9/11 tragedy in 2001, NACD Unfortunately, the STB currently only has to lower the interstate driver age to 18. This
was the first US chemical industry association two sitting members and is therefore ham- would help address the driver shortage and en-
to incorporate security into our NACD Re- pered in addressing these issues. NACD courage more young people to get into an eco-
sponsible Distribution program. We take na- would like to see the STB fully staffed with nomically important and well-paid profession.
tional security seriously, and urge Congress to five members so they can streamline overly National security and transportation con-
reauthorise CFATS, the nation’s first regulato- cerns are two issues that, if addressed, will
ry program focused specifically on security at Eric Byer have a positive impact on chemical distribu-
President, National Association of
high-risk chemical facilities. Chemical Distributors tors’ ability to ensure their products are stored
Having a multi-year extension would give and delivered safely and securely while also
industry the certainty to make long-term facil- “CFATS is a critical helping them grow their businesses.
ity security investments and enable the De- bulwark against terrorism Congress must work to resolve these issues
partment of Homeland Security to run the to ensure the American economy can grow
and other bad actors”
program efficiently. With ever-growing and the people are kept safe. ■

www.icis.com 1-7 June 2018 | ICIS Chemical Business | 37

special report
top 100 Chemical DISTRIBUTORS

Bringing together chemical has to be exchanged along the supply chain.

To support chemical distributors in these en-

distribution for a brighter future

deavours, Fecc has hosted a technical work-
shop on digitalisation of the supply chain in-
formation to ensure that members are well
equipped to cope with the challenge and will
redouble the efforts to make the implementa-
Elisa Setien Fecc both an opportunity and a threat, the sector has tion of the new European requirements to no-

embraced the challenge as a possibility both to tify hazardous mixtures to Poison Centres
uropean chemical distributors, striv- strengthen operational excellence and to rede- workable for the chemical distribution sector.
ing to continue increasing the added sign relationships with the customers. Security will also remain very much in focus,
value to their partners in the supply Europe is transitioning to a more circular with the revision of the European explosive
chain, have stressed for many years economy where the value of products, mate- precursors regulation ongoing, and the con-
the need for greater collaboration in the rials and resources is maintained for as long tinuous efforts of the supply chain to increase
chemical supply chain in order to seize mar- as possible, minimising the generation of its robustness.
ket opportunities and develop business waste. With a political agreement on the EU Today operating as the voice of the chemi-
models for the future. Waste Package, and the new EU Plastics cal distribution industry in Europe, Fecc rep-
While the globalisation of chemical distri- Strategy, such a transition holds promise for resents 836 chemical distributors and 30,000
bution continues in an increasingly complex chemical distributors. It is an opportunity to employees, with around €28bn turnover. ■
regulatory framework, the sector explores generate new business models, like chemical
the potential of digitalisation and reinforces leasing (where performance is more impor- Elisa SetiEn
the commitment to sustainability and corpo- tant than sales volumes), to minimise the use Director General, Fecc
rate social responsibility, placing them at the of chemicals and their emissions.
“For chemical distributors
core of their strategies as new ways to
achieve profitable growth. reaching a milestone the real challenge
Building on the success of last year’s Con- On the European regulatory front, the last remains the huge amount
gress, focused on digitalisation, Fecc is becom- Reach registration deadline in May represents of information that has
ing a permanent platform to exchange experi- a key milestone of a decade of work. However, to be exchanged along
ences of chemical distribution companies in the for chemical distributors the real challenge
the supply chain”
digital world. Although digitalisation represents remains the huge amount of information that

Brazil on right track amid challenges

Associquim is optimistic on the continuing business recovery amid an election year while challenges exist in distribution

rubens medrano Associquim wards growth. We will hardly recover to pre- cess of modernisation that is imposing sev-

crisis levels in 2018, but the industry is eral changes in distribution.
he chemical distribution industry in optimistic and this creates a virtuous cycle in Disruptive changes, artificial intelligence
Brazil is undergoing major changes business. The speed of recovery may not be as and the cycle that starts with industry 4.0 are
and challenges. Our performance fast as we expect, but the important thing is forcing distributors, as an important link in
last year can be defined in two dis- we are on the right track. the production chain, to adapt to these new
tinct phases – a weak first half still influ- concepts. Relationships with our trading part-
enced by the economic recession, and a sec- election year ners require investment, not only in equip-
ond semester when we began to experience a We must not forget that 2018 is an election ment, but also in the preparation and qualifi-
substantial improvement in sales driven by year which comes with the expectation of a cation of employees to face all these changes.
the increase in domestic consumption. new government and its platform, particu-
larly with respect to reforms needed to truly adapting to challenges
optimism for 2018 achieve the ideal conditions for continued The adjustment process is dynamic and re-
We look upon 2018 with optimism that busi- and sustainable growth. quires a long period of maturation, and the
nesses are gradually adjusting with a bias to- Challenges still exist in the distribution distribution sector is continuously evolving
sector. Deficient road and port infrastruc- its trading methods.
Rubens medrano ture increases our operating costs. A tax Trade associations have a mission to meet
President, Associquim system of extreme complexity with ancil- and defend the interests of their members.
lary obligations demands time and human We do this in a number of ways, including
“The speed of recovery resources to be fulfilled. And then there are through the Prodir (Responsible Distribution
may not be as fast as the natural and implicit challenges of Process). We also are always attentive and
we expect, but the our activities, aggravated by the regulations willing to defend our members in an efficient
important thing is we of different public agencies that impact our way against the problems that impact our
activities. sector, whether in the legal, tax or operation-
are on the right track”
Another challenge is the accelerated pro- al field. ■

38 | ICIS Chemical Business | 1-7 June 2018 www.icis.com

special report
top 100 Chemical DISTRIBUTORS

RDC tackles transport challenge

With transportation issues becoming increasingly challenging, distributors must take action to collaborate
with rail and trucking partners to seamlessly deliver product responsibly, on time throughout the supply chain

Cathy Campbell RDC Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) implemen- Distributors are the link between supplier

tation in the US, issues at the border and no and customer. To deliver products responsi-
istribution is being challenged at desire to come to Canada when there is bly, on time and without issue, it is necessary
every level. This is about product enough work in the US. to have the following in place:
movement, or the lack thereof. As ■ Relationships and communication at all
distributors of chemicals and ingre- distributor as partner levels. Building long-term commitments is
dients, it is our job to meet the needs of the What can we do? We must tell our story to key in times like this.
entire supply chain, focusing on the supplier those who need our products – pretty much ■ Adding predictability whenever and wher-
and the customer. How can we do our job everyone. With hundreds of thousands of safe ever possible. Optimise freight shipments
when there are issues with the transport seg- shipments by rail and transport, our voices where you can.
ment of the supply chain? should be heard, because we are integral to ■ Consider the region you do business in. De-
This year has been exceptionally problem- every market sector. pending on your shipping and delivery loca-
atic, with suppliers and customers shut down tions, these trends may influence your busi-
or close to being shut down. This is not just an Cathy Campbell ness more or less than in other regions.
RDC issue – it’s a Canada/US problem with our President, Responsible Distribution ■ Shorten loading and unloading time. Make
Canada (RDC)
colleagues experiencing the same concerns. freight more attractive by cutting driver time
How did we get to this? For rail in Canada, “With hundreds of as much as possible.
two choices are simply not enough, because ■ Remember, lead times matter. Adding just
trains are rolling at full capacity and the rail- thousands of safe 24 hours of lead time can have a big impact on
ways cannot handle the amount of business shipments by rail and acceptance rates.
they have. transport… we are If the supply chain works together and col-
For trucking, it is the misfortune of many integral to every laborates with rail and trucking partners, this
things happening at the same time – a short- market sector” story may even have a happy ending. Let’s
age of drivers, not enough truck capacity, move that product along for Canada! ■

Brexit’s rhetoric and reality reach a tipping point

Peter Newport Chemical Business The government’s negotiating position is Peter Newport
Association that the UK will leave the Single Market and CEO, Chemical Business Association

the Customs Union.
s the grains in the hourglass con- Regulatory alignment, in a form that pro-
“In business terms,
tinue to disappear, the chemical tects the access of UK companies to EU mar- this uncertainty is
industry is still a long way from kets and the millions of pounds spent in increasingly debilitating.
understanding the final outcome Reach compliance, seems increasingly Key investment
of the Brexit negotiations. doubtful. decisions are
In business terms, this uncertainty is increas-
ingly debilitating. Key investment decisions are companies voting with their feet
being delayed”
being delayed. The regulatory horizon is indis- Against this backdrop, it is unsurprising that
tinct. Future commercial relationships are being there is a growing body of evidence that com- the so-called “customs partnership” is
questioned. Trading patterns are being redrawn. panies in the chemical supply chain are vot- plagued with complexities while the “maxi-
New customs processes remain ambiguous. The ing with their feet. A significant number of mum facilitation” approach involves frontier
impact of a new tariff regime on international UK companies are creating subsidiaries in an checks and does not pretend to deal with the
competitiveness is being calculated. EU27 member state. These are not just “brass Irish border problem.
plate” companies, but full-blown operations
solidarity preferred with premises and personnel. in search of certainty
CBA’s survey evidence is quite clear: The ma- There is also evidence that European par- Like most other business associations, CBA is
jority of companies in the UK’s chemical sup- ent companies are repatriating products from concerned about the ongoing uncertainty and
ply chain prefer to remain part of the Single their UK subsidiaries to avoid the regulatory its potential impact on commercial transac-
Market and the Customs Union. They also and commercial consequences of Brexit. tions, investment and jobs.
want continued regulatory alignment with As the debate on the two forms of Custom Time is short. Decisions have to be made.
the European Union (EU) – ideally continuing Union currently being considered shows, the Our industry requires a higher level of cer-
to comply with Reach and other key aspects UK is no nearer achieving a situation that re- tainty on the commercial and regulatory
of the EU’s regulatory framework. solves Brexit uncertainty. Quite the reverse: framework on which its future depends. ■

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ICIS Top 100

Chemical Distributors
Our comprehensive global listing of chemical distributors gives you
a wide and diverse range of choices for your supply chain needs

SARAH CRESWELL LONDON UNIVAR specific sales solutions; sophisticated digital

JOSEPH CHANG NEW YORK 2 2017 SALES: $8.25BN marketing; end-to-end visibility and data cap-
WILL BEACHAM BARCELONA ture throughout entire supply chain from de-
Downers Grove, Illinois, US velopment to delivery
BRENNTAG WWW.UNIVAR.COM Assets: Over 600 distribution facilities deliv-
1 2017 SALES: €11.7BN ($14.0BN) CEO: David Jukes ering to over 140 countries; several hundred
Products: Full range of more than 1,500 spe- tractors, railcars, tankers and trailers; nearly
Essen, Germany cialty and basic ingredients and chemicals; 9,000 employees located in 31 countries; ex-
WWW.BRENNTAG.COM coatings chemicals; adhesives; composites; tensive and diverse network of supply chain
CEO: Steven Holland sealants and elastomers; food and beverage resources across a broad geographic footprint
Products: Full-line range of over 10,000 ingredients; nutraceuticals; beauty and per-
products; industrial chemicals; adhesives; sonal care ingredients; active pharmaceutical TRICON ENERGY
paints; oil and gas chemicals; food ingredi- ingredients (APIs); water treatment chemi- 3 2017 SALES: $6.57BN
ents; water treatment chemicals; personal cals; agriculture chemicals; vegetation and
care ingredients; pharmaceutical ingredients; pest control chemicals; oilfield chemicals; Houston, Texas, US
cleaning chemicals; coatings and construc- mining chemicals; household and industrial WWW.TRICONENERGY.COM
tion chemicals; animal nutrition products; cleaning chemicals; lubricants and metal- President and CEO: Ignacio Torras
pulp and paper chemicals working fluids; plastics; specialty, commodi- Products: Chlor-alkalis; aromatics; glycols;
Services: Tailor made distribution solu- ty and performance chemicals fibre intermediates; solvents; olefins; poly-
tions; one-stop-shop solutions; specific ap- Services: Application expertise and develop- mers; fertilizers
plication technologies; extensive technical ment; warehousing and logistics solutions; Services: Marketing; pre-export financing;
Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee/Alamy Stock Photo

support; just-in-time delivery; product mix- technical services; formulation; laboratories shipping; logistics; packaging; blending; stor-
ing and blending; formulation; storage; re- and development kitchens offering expertise age; just-in-time delivery; repackaging; inven-
packaging; inventory management; drum in multiple end-markets; 24/7 digital com- tory management; risk management for com-
return handling merce and document access; on-time deliv- modity price and foreign exchange
Assets: More than 530 locations in 74 ery; custom blending and packaging; on-site Assets: Global presence with sales into
countries; workforce of more than 15,000 customer storage and delivery; chemical over 100 countries; 28+ offices; more than
employees waste management and recycling; industry 450 employees

HELM Products: Animal nutrition ingredients; food CEO: Thomas Arnold

4 2017 SALES: €4.1BN ($4.9BN) and health ingredients; personal care ingredi- Products: High performance polymers and
ents; home care and industrial cleaning chem- engineering polymers; thermoplastic elasto-
Hamburg, Germany icals; pharmaceutical ingredients; speciality mers, styrenic polymers; acrylic polymers;
WWW.HELMAG.COM agricultural/horticulture chemicals; coatings, standard polymers and additives; cosmetics
CEO: Hans-Christian Sievers adhesives, sealants, elastomers (CASE); elec- and pharmaceutical ingredients; organic syn-
Products: Feedstocks; organic and inorganic tronics chemicals; essential chemicals; fine thesis chemicals; household cleaning chemi-
chemicals; acids and lyes; active pharmaceu- chemicals; lubricants and metalworking flu- cals; functional food and beverage ingredi-
tical ingredients; pharmaceuticals; fertilizers; ids; rubber and plastic additives; textile and ents; coatings, adhesives, sealants and
crop protection chemicals leather chemicals; paper chemicals elastomers; performance products; synthetic
Services: International marketing; logistics; Services: Laboratory analysis; formulation rubbers; silicone and fluorosilicone rubber
production; project development; scientific development and blending; expert technical compounds; carbon blacks; industrial and ag-
and technical services and regulatory support; repackaging; flexible ricultural chemicals; plant protection prod-
Assets: More than 100 subsidiaries and sales pack sizes; local stockholding; market re- ucts and fertilizers; animal nutrition and
offices; participation in over 30 countries search and trend analysis; GMP and clean- health care ingredients; salts
room pharmaceuticals facilities; integrated Services: Technical expertise and consulting;
NEXEO SOLUTIONS supply chain services; sampling active application development and product
5 2017 SALES: $3.6BN Assets: 41 application laboratories; offices specification; direct and warehouse distribu-
and access to warehouses across EMEA, tion; blending; storage; formulation and tech-
The Woodlands, Texas, US Americas and Asia-Pacific; high quality sales nical assistance; laboratory support of spe-
WWW.NEXEOSOLUTIONS.COM force technically trained for the market seg- cialty chemicals; less-than-truckload (LTL)
President and CEO: David Bradley ments they serve quantities; customised logistical solutions;
Products: Alcohols; blends; esters; glycols; marketing; consultancy and advisory services
hydrocarbons; ketones; resins; silicones; sur- SINOCHEM PLASTICS for Europe’s Reach regulation; legal compli-
factants; engineering and specialty thermo- 8 2017 SALES: $2.11BN ance; silicone rubber compounding
plastics; polyolefins; styrenics Assets: Subsidiaries in more than 30 coun-
Services: Blending; packaging and private Beijing, China tries; application laboratories; mixing,
label; technical support; environmental ser- WWW.SINOCHEMPLASTICS.COM blending and storage facilities for solid and
vices – recycling; global sourcing; analytical General manager: Zhang Xiaolei liquid chemicals
testing; product formulations; market dedi- Products: Engineering plastics (ABS, AS, PS, Trading sales: 10%
cated resources; local delivery scheduling; PMMA, MS, PC, PA, POM, PC/ABS, ASA,
supply chain services POE, PVC, EVA, Q-resin, ABSHR); high per- PLUSCHEM EEIG
Assets: Over 1,000 fleet assets; over 1,100 formance plastics (modified nylon, modified 10 2017 SALES: €1.12BN ($1.34BN)
bulk storage tanks and silos PBT, modified polyformaldehyde, polysul-
fone, PES), plastic additives (antioxidents, Dublin, Ireland
IMCD flame retardants, lubricants, matting agents, WWW.PLUSCHEM.COM
6 2017 SALES: €1.91BN ($2.29BN) compatilizers, titanium dioxide); epoxy resin President: Alan Looney
(BPA and crude glycerine); UPR (phthalic an- Products: Specialty and fine chemicals
Rotterdam, Netherlands hydride, 2-methyl-1, 3-propanediol, Neopen- Services: Marketing; logistics; warehousing;
WWW.IMCDGROUP.COM tyl glycol); coatings (organic silicon, emul- product handling and repackaging
CEO: Piet van der Slikke sion, coating agents, surfactants); hygiene Assets: Offices in Ireland, UK, France, Ger-
Products: Pharmaceutical, personal care and products (fluff pulp, SAP); synthetic rubber many, Spain, Italy, Finland, Netherlands,
food ingredients; coatings; adhesives; con- (IIR, SSBR, EPDM, SBC, TPE); automotive India, South Africa, Brazil; operations in
struction chemicals; lubricants; detergent plastics (PE, modified PP, modified polycar- north Africa (Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco);
chemicals; fine chemicals; plastics additives bonate); polyurethane; rubber chemicals; spe- warehouses in France, Spain, Italy, Finland,
and compounds cialty chemicals; agricultural products; food South Africa, Brazil; warehousing complex
Services: Technical sales and marketing; ingredients; textile chemicals; oleochemicals and logistics operation (Netherlands); logis-
application laboratories; local and central Services: Agent distribution; one-stop pur- tics operations in Spain, Netherlands South
stock holding; drumming; repackaging; chase; supply chain management; technical Africa, Brazil; freight operations and trucks in
blending; sampling support; manufacturing consignment; after- Italy; bulk liquid storage vessels in Nether-
Assets: Application laboratories, offices and sale service; brand maintenance; customs lands, Spain and Italy; 530 employees; Euro-
warehouses in all major European countries, clearance and storage; logistics; information pean logistics affiliate NBK
Canada, US, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, Alge- consulting; market analysis; e-commerce; HSE Trading sales: 10%
ria, Egypt, Kenya, South Africa, India, China, Assets: 4 warehouses with gross area of
Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Vi- 82,834 square metres and total construction BARENTZ INTERNATIONAL
etnam, Japan, Philippines, Brazil, Australia area of 57,124 square metres; 2 office build- 11 2017 SALES: €1.08BN ($1.29BN)
and New Zealand ings with gross area of 9,939 square metres
Trading sales: 34% Hoofddorp, Netherlands
7 2017 SALES: €1.80BN ($2.16BN) BIESTERFELD CEO: Hidde van der Wal
9 2017 SALES: €1.175BN ($1.41BN) Products: Starches and derivatives; amino
Luxembourg acids; proteins; active pharmaceutical ingre-
WWW.AZELIS.COM Hamburg, Germany dients (APIs); additives; flavours
CEO: Dr Hans Joachim Mueller WWW.BIESTERFELD.COM Services: Blending; spray drying; formulat-

ing; testing; pilot production ASIA CHEMICAL DISTRIBUTION LEADERS (2017 SALES)
Assets: 4 production plants; 3 application labs Company Sales ($m) Company Sales ($m)
Trading sales: 12% 1 Tricon Energy 2,611 38 Ravago Chemicals 36.0
2 Sinochem Plastics 2,096 39 Isochem Group 35.0
12 2017 SALES: SWFR1.24BN
3 Brenntag 1,405 40 McKinn International 33.6
4 Behn Meyer 839 41 Caldic 30.0
5 Connell Brothers 800 42 Lehmann & Voss 26.4
Oftringen, Switzerland 6 Helm 600 43 ECEM European Chemical Marketing 26.0
WWW.OMYA.COM 7 DKSH* 596 44 Monachem Additives 25.7
Vice president: Peter Bigler 8 Redox 470 45 Norkem Holdings 22.5
Products: Minerals and specialty chemicals for 9 Jebsen & Jessen 407 46 Eigenmann & Veronelli 21.6
polymers (film and sheet, wire and cable, pipe 10 ICC Chemical 390 47 PENPET Petrochemical Trading 14.4
and conduit, profile, moulding, compounding, 11 IMCD 378 48 Arpadis Benelux 14.3
thermosets, rubbers and elastomers, flooring); 12 Pluschem 360 49 Novasol Chemicals Group 13.2
chemicals for construction (decorative paints, 13 Deepak Fertilisers and Petrochemicals 318 50 WISTEMA 12.4
industrial coatings, printing inks, adhesives and – chemicals trading division 51 Neo Chemical 12.0
sealants, plasters and renders); water and ener- 14 Pon Pure Chemicals 305 52 Saiper Chemicals 10.7
gy chemicals; agriculture and forestry chemi- 15 TOP Solvent 266 53 Connect Chemicals 9.7
cals; alu-finishing chemicals; printing and writ- 16 Manuchar 234 54 Bodo Moller Chemie 9.1
ing chemicals; packaging and ingredients for 17 Petrochem Middle East 228 55 Algol Chemicals 9.0
consumer goods (food and nutraceuticals, per- 18 Nexeo Solutions 200 56 Joss Elastomers 8.4
sonal care, home care, animal nutrition)
19 Azelis 198 57 PHT International 8.4
Services: Global marketing and sourcing;
20 KPL International 193 58 Rahn Group 7.0
global supply chain management (logistics
21 RAI Rakha Al Khaleej International 162 59 CellMark Chemicals 6.7
infrastructure, customer service); regulatory
affairs management and services; R&D for sur- 22 Omya 159 60 Arkem Kimya 6.0
face science, mineral pigment, chemical engi- 23 Vimal Intertrade 144 61 Indukern 5.4
neering, microbiology and life sciences; tech- 24 Union Petrochemical 92.0 62 Taj Al Mulook 5.4
nical application services for all product 25 TER 85.2 63 2M Holdings 5.0
categories including analytics, microscopy, 26 Transmare Chemie 81.3 64 Shamrock Shipping & Trading 5.0
microbiology and quality control 27 Safic-Alcan 76.8 65 Noahs Ark Chemicals 4.8
Assets: Sales affiliates in more than 50 coun- 28 Maha Chemicals 71.0 66 Cornelius Group 4.8
tries; global network of 70+ warehouses com- 29 DIA33 69.6 67 Prakash Chemicals International 3.8
plemented with worldwide technical services 30 TCL Hunt 61.0 68 Metadynea Trading 3.6
and innovation hubs 31 Biesterfeld 55.2 69 M. Cassab 2.7
32 Ramcharan 55.0 70 Atlantic Chemicals Trading 2.4
13 2017 SALES: €1.03BN ($1.23BN)
33 Vikudha Overseas 51.0 71 Quimdis 2.4
34 Barentz International 50.2 72 Will & Co. 2.4
35 Airedale Chemical 50.0 73 Jobachem 2.3
Bielefeld, Germany
WWW.STOCKMEIER.DE 36 Ramcharan 48.0 74 Aceto 2.0
CEO: Peter Stockmeier 37 Nordmann, Rassmann 38.4 75 LBB Specialties (includes Charkit 2.0
Chemical Company & AIC)
Products: Industrial chemical; (acids, caus- *
DKSH figures are based on industry estimates NOTE: Sales are by region and may differ from the total sales figure in the main Top
tic soda, solvents, solids); specialty chemi- 100 listing. Table excludes companies that do not break out sales by geography
cals for industrial and home care; coatings
materials; construction chemicals; cleaning Products: PE; PP; PVC; PET; PS; ABS; engineer- chemicals; home care and detergent chemi-
products; peracetic acid; polyurethane ing polymers; polyols; TDI; industrial chemicals cals; textile chemicals; personal care and cos-
chemicals; flavours and spices; printing inks; Services: Trading; packaging; technical metics ingredients; construction chemicals;
textile auxiliaries; AdBlue diesel exhaust support mining chemicals; oilfield chemicals; food
fluid; solvent recycling chemicals; water Assets: 15 warehouses and feed additives
treatment chemicals Trading sales: 85% Services: Local know-how and technical
Services: Warehousing; blending; toll man- support in emerging markets; tailor-made
ufacturing; specialised laboratory services; MANUCHAR warehousing and logistics/supply chain ser-
logistics 15 2017 SALES: $1.19BN vices; financial solutions
Assets: More than 40 locations in Europe; Assets: 50+ affiliates worldwide across 35+
200 trucks; 1 deep-sea terminal Antwerp, Belgium countries; 140+ locations; 380,000+ square
WWW.MANUCHAR.COM metres of warehouse space
SNETOR CEO: Philippe Huybrechs Trading sales: 40%
14 2017 SALES: $1.2BN Products: Sodium sulphate; soda ash; STPP;
zeolite; caustic soda; sodium bicarbonate; cal- PETROCHEM MIDDLE EAST
Courbevoie, France cium chloride; sodium lauryl ether sulphate 16 2017 SALES: $1.15BN
WWW.SNETOR.COM (SLES); linear alkyl benzene sulphonic acid
President: Emmanuel Aubourg (LABSA); glycerine; surfactants and oleo- Dubai, UAE

WWW.PETROCHEME.COM JEBSEN & JESSEN GROUP Services: Marketing and sales; logistics;
CEO: Yogesh Mehta 19 2017 SALES: €796.0M ($955.1M) blending and repackaging; after-sales services;
Products: Aromatics; alcohols; aldehydes; sourcing services; innovation and formula-
ketones; phenol; glycols; monomers; esters; Bangkok, Thailand and Hamburg, Germany tion services; regulatory services
methanol; caustic soda; plasticizers; pentae- WWW.INGREDIENTS.JJSEA.COM Assets: 29 innovation centres with 36 appli-
rythritol; phthalic anhydride WWW.JEBSEN-JESSEN.DE cation laboratories; 100 business locations
Services: Storage of bulk and drum chemi- CEOs: Marc Deschamps; Fritz von der Schu-
cals; blending; distillation; trading chemical lenburg BEHN MEYER GROUP
commodities; storage tank leasing and logisti- Products: Coatings and resins; plastics and 23 2017 SALES: €763.8M ($916.5M)
cal services for chemical producers rubber additives; food and nutrition ingredi-
Assets: Offices in China, Taiwan, Singapore, ents; feed additives; oil and gas chemicals; oil Hamburg, Germany
Netherlands, India, Egypt; head office in Dubai derivatives; bioethanol; pharmaceutical and WWW.BEHNMEYER.COM
Assets: Large state-of-the-art terminal in Jebel personal care ingredients; home care special- Products: Fertilizers; crop protection chemi-
Ali, Dubai with 39 bulk chemical storage ties; adhesives; water treatment specialties; cals; food ingredients; personal care ingredi-
tanks, including drum storage for 25,000 mining components; agrochemicals; modified ents; home care and pharmaceutical chemi-
drums and 4 drumming lines; tank terminal starches; collagen and sweeteners; malt ingre- cals; feed additives; specialties for rubber and
in Adabiya, Egypt storing bulk chemicals; 24 dients and specialties plastics; water treatment chemicals; petro-
trailer trucks; 14 road tankers Services: Sales and marketing; applications chemicals; coatings; leather and textiles pro-
Trading sales: 38% R&D; import/export; regulatory services; cess chemicals
warehousing; sourcing; factory audit; credit Services: Technical support; customer ser-
QUIMIDROGA report; local currency financing vice; regulatory and risk management; labora-
17 2017 SALES: €847M ($1.02BN) Assets: 24 offices worldwide; 15 warehouses; tory testing; production; blending and tailor-
6 laboratories ing; packaging; warehousing and logistics;
Barcelona, Spain supply chain management; marketing
WWW.QUIMIDROGA.COM ICC CHEMICAL Assets: Over 1,100 employees; office and
CEO: Vicente Munoz 20 2017 SALES: $945.9M warehouses in 13 countries; 38 warehouse lo-
Products: Solvents; monomers; glycols and cations; global production facilities in Malay-
intermediates; fine chemicals and specialties New York, New York, US sia, Thailand, Indonesia, Italy, Netherlands and
for food and feed; agrochemicals and fertilis- WWW.ICCCHEM.COM US; laboratory facilities in Malaysia, Indonesia,
ers; pharmaceutical ingredients; cosmetics President: Naveen Chandra Thailand, Vietnam, Italy and Netherlands
ingredients; detergents; coatings; adhesives; Products: Acrylonitrile; aromatics; glycols;
paper chemicals; water treatment chemicals; plastics; solvents; specialty chemicals; ole- OQEMA
resins; plastics; elastomers fins; oxo-alcohols; sebacic acid 24 2017 SALES: €754M ($904.7M)
Services: Storage of liquid and packed prod- Trading sales: 95%
ucts; blending; standard and tailor-made Monchengladbach, Germany
packaging; dissolutions TER GROUP WWW.OQEMA.COM
Assets: Logistics complex at the Port of Bar- 21 2017 SALES: €768M ($921.5M) Executive board members: Peter Overlack,
celona with capacity of 30,000 tonnes of Heinrich Eickmann, Sabine Moritz
packed products and 12,000 cubic metres of WWW.TERGROUP.COM Products: Adhesives and sealants; automo-
liquids in 155 tanks; 2 regional sites for liq- CEO and managing shareholder: Christian A tive and machinery chemicals; construction
uids and packed solids; 7 distribution centres; Westphal chemicals; energy and electronics chemicals;
fully equipped quality control laboratory Products: Waxes; gum rosin; thermoplastic personal care and industrial cleaning chemi-
Trading sales: 5% and thermoset polymers; adhesives; hot- cals; lubricants; metal and surface treatment
melts; additives; polybutenes; SIS/SBS block chemicals; paint and coatings materials; plas-
CALDIC copolymers; butyl rubber; caseine; amor- tics and rubber additives; surface technology;
18 2017 SALES: €800M ($959.9M) phous polyalphaolefins; hydrocarbon resins; printing, packaging and paper chemicals; tex-
pigments; dyes; polyvinyl alcohol; food in- tile and leather chemicals; cosmetic and per-
Rotterdam, Netherlands gredients; fibreglass; vaseline sonal care ingredients; feed and food ingredi-
WWW.CALDIC.COM Services: Blending; packaging; storage; pro- ents; flavours and fragrances; pharmaceutical
CEO: Olav C van Caldenborgh duction ingredients
Products: Personal care ingredients; pharma- Assets: Numerous office buildings; ware- Services: Tailored logistic solutions; techni-
ceutical ingredients; rubber additives; plastics houses; trucks cal support; filling and repackaging; blending;
and composites additives; coatings and con- Trading sales: 25% dilution and mixing; distillation and recy-
struction chemicals; water treatment chemi- cling; tail-end spending solutions
cals; food, feed and beverage ingredients; nu- DKSH HOLDING Assets: 40 locations; 50 warehouses; trucks;
tritional ingredients; dairy and confectionary 22 2017 SALES: SWFR894.1M laboratories; workforce of 1,000 Europe-wide
ingredients ($917.3M) Trading sales: 60%
Services; Sourcing and procurement; pro-
duction; supply chain services; technical and Zurich, Switzerland CONNELL BROTHERS
formulation services; regulatory services; WWW.DKSH.COM/PM 25 2017 SALES: $800M
blending; mixing; repackaging CEO: Stefan P Butz
Assets: 23 entities with 45 sites comprising Products: Food and beverage ingredients; per- San Francisco, California, US
offices, warehouses, production facilities, sonal care and cosmetics ingredients; pharma- WWW.CONNELLBROTHERS.COM
laboratories and innovation centres ceutical ingredients; specialty chemicals President: Dr Azita Owlia

Products: Food and nutritional ingredients; SAFIC-ALCAN Trading sales: Less than 5%
personal and home care chemicals; pharma- 27 2017 SALES: €565M ($677.9M)
ceutical ingredients; coatings, adhesives GTM HOLDINGS
and sealants (CAS); construction chemicals; Puteaux, France 29 2017 SALES: $621M
inks; rubber; plastics; lubricants; metal- WWW.SAFIC-ALCAN.COM
working fluids CEO Safinca (Holding Company): Martial Sao Paulo, Brazil
Services: Application development and Lecat; CEO Safic-Alcan: Philippe Combette WWW.GTM.NET
technical services including pilot plant and Products: Rubber elastomers and chemicals; CEO: Jose Manuel Berges
efficacy testing for life sciences; marketing polymers; plastics additives; resins; pigments; Products: Oilfield chemicals; coatings, inks,
and concept creation; supply chain manage- coatings and construction additives; PU addi- adhesives, sealants and elastomers; cosmet-
ment; product registration; regulatory and risk tives; cosmetics and personal care ingredi- ics ingredients; personal care ingredients; fra-
management ents; active ingredients for pharmaceuticals; grances and flavours; pharmaceutical ingre-
Assets: Extensive footprint across Asia Pa- excipients for pharmaceuticals and nutraceu- dients; agricultural chemicals; water
cific – 48 offices in 18 countries with laborato- ticals; synthesis chemicals; lubricants and treatment chemicals; food ingredients; ani-
ries and warehouses across the region metal-working fluids and additives; detergent mal feed; pulp and paper chemicals; mining
additives; composite chemicals chemicals; lubricants; household and indus-
RAVAGO CHEMICALS Services: Blending; packaging trial cleaning chemicals
26 2017 SALES: €600M ($720M) Assets: 9 state-of-the-art laboratories Services: Product mixing and blending; for-
mulation; packaging; storage (bulk and
Luxembourg SOLVADIS GROUP packed warehousing); preparation of samples;
WWW.RAVAGOCHEMICALS.COM 28 2017 SALES: $673.9M chemical analysis; production of lubricants
General manager EMEA: Filip Van Camfort; (automotive and industrial); labelling; stock
General manager US: Kevin Wettstein Frankfurt/Main, Germany control; logistics; just-in-time delivery; drum
Products: Coatings; polyurethanes and poly- WWW.SOLVADIS.COM return handling; inventory management;
mers; construction chemicals; asphalt; per- CEO: Andreas Weimann technical support; waste management
sonal care ingredients; life science chemicals; Products: Sulphur; sulphuric acid; methanol; Assets: 47 facilities throughout Latin Amer-
performance chemicals; water treatment petrochemicals; solvents; industrial chemi- ica, including 4 owned maritime terminals;
chemicals; solvents; inorganics; intermediates cals; industrial minerals; pharmaceutical raw tank farms and blending units in all coun-
Services: Technical expertise; warehousing; materials; synthetic lubricants; laboratory tries; 9 laboratories (product development,
logistics; blending; repackaging, laboratory chemicals; coatings; fertilizers; packaging ma- application technology, quality control)
services terials; personal protective equipment
Assets: Network of warehouses (owned and Services: Marketing; storage; transport; logis- HYDRITE CHEMICAL
third party); blending facilities; laboratories; tics; packaging; supply chain management; 30 2017 SALES: $600M
feed premix plant; pressure vessel manufac- processing; remanufacturing; regeneration
turing equipment Assets: 10 tank farms; 2 storage facilities/ Brookfield, Wisconsin, US
Trading sales: 10% warehouses; 1 production facility WWW.HYDRITE.COM

Hans Blossey/imageBROKER/REX/Shutterstock



CEO: John Honkamp chemicals Trading sales: Around 30%

Products: Chlor-alkali; foam control chemi- Services: Blending; acid/base reactions; for-
cals; food processing chemicals; liquid sul- mulation and packaging QUADRA CHEMICALS
phites; pulp and paper chemicals; organics; Assets: 5 barge terminals; 4 bleach manufac- 37 2017 SALES: $408.3M
inorganics; metal finishing chemicals; sol- turing plants; 31 water treatment branches; 4
vents; wastewater treatment chemicals food ingredient manufacturing plants Vaudreuil-Dorion, Quebec, Canada
Services: Blending; manufacturing; solvent WWW.QUADRACHEMICALS.COM
reclamation; hazardous waste removal; tech- REDOX WWW.QUADRAINGREDIENTS.COM
nical training; customer product research 34 2017 SALES: $472.7M CEO: Tony Infilise
Assets: 12 locations; bulk storage of 15m gal; Products: Performance adhesives; flexible
private fleet of trucks and professional drivers Sydney, Australia packaging; household, industrial and institu-
WWW.REDOX.COM tional cleaning chemicals; water treatment
NORDMANN, RASSMANN Managing director and chairman: Robert chemicals; mining and smelting chemicals;
31 2017 SALES: €440M ($528M) Coneliano soluble fertilizer; pulp and paper chemicals;
Products: More than 1,000 products serving metal treatment and galvanizing chemicals;
Hamburg, Germany over 140 different industries; commodity and construction chemicals; coatings, adhesives,
WWW.NRC.DE specialty chemicals; food ingredients; agricul- sealants and elastomers (CASE); pool and spa
Managing directors: Irina Zschaler, Dr Gerd tural chemicals; household and personal care chemicals; oil refining and gas processing
Bergmann chemicals; mining chemicals; surface coatings; chemicals; nutritional and functional ingredi-
Products: Adhesives and sealants; compos- plastics additives; grease and lubricants; water ents; health and personal care ingredients;
ites materials; construction and coatings treatment chemicals; building and construc- pharmaceutical ingredients
chemicals; contact lens, dental and medical tion chemicals; pharmaceutical ingredients Services: Storage; packaging; blending
materials; flame retardants; food additives; Services: Custom blending; dilutions; re- Assets: 6 locations (warehouses and tank
industrial chemicals and intermediates; lu- packaging; bulk storage of powders, solvents, farms)
bricant additives; monomers; oleochemi- acids, alkalis
cals; personal care additives; pharmaceuti- Assets: 11 regional sales offices; 2 manufac- EMCO CHEMICAL DISTRIBUTORS
cal and nutraceutical ingredients; turing sites; 7 warehouses 38 2017 SALES: $357M
polyurethane chemicals; synthetic rubber
and rubber chemicals; thermoplastics and CG CHEMIKALIEN Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin, US
polymer additives 35 2017 SALES: $444M WWW.EMCOCHEM.COM
Services: Laboratory, study and R&D servic- President: Edward Polen
es; chemical synthesis and compounding; Laatzen, Germany Products: Acids and alkalis; additives; ali-
marketing and market intelligence; legislative WWW.CG-CHEMIKALIEN.DE phatic and aromatic hydrocarbons; amines;
and regulatory support; quality management CEO: Uwe Klass carbonates; chelating agents; ester and ether
and safety; global supply chain management; Products: Organic and inorganic chemicals; esters; glycols; ketones; pigments; plasticiz-
repackaging and refilling; sample service solid matter and acids; alkaline solutions; sol- ers; resins; silicones; surfactants; terpene and
Assets: Warehouses located all over Europe, vents; specialties; food and feed ingredients; citrus solvents
Asia and North America intermediates; pharmaceutical ingredients; Services: Blending and packaging; waste ser-
cosmetic ingredients; paints and varnishes; vices; application laboratory services; ware-
INDUKERN water chemistry products housing; order fulfilment; USP and food grade
32 2017 SALES: €426.9M ($512.2M) Services: Storage; packaging; filling; blend- packaging; private fleet delivery
ing; single sourcing; toll manufacturing; tank Assets: 3 production facilities (US – North
Barcelona, Spain monitoring; application engineering; con- Chicago, Illinois; Columbia, Illinois; Pleasant
WWW.INDUKERN.COM sulting; manufacturing of paints/varnishes; Prairie, Wisconsin); 6 warehouses (US –
WWW.GRUPOINDUKERN.COM GMP certification Elkhart, Indiana; Minneapolis, Minnesota;
CEO: Daniel Diaz-Varela Assets: 6 warehouses; 100 trucks Cincinnati, Ohio. Canada – Calgary, Alberta;
Products: Food ingredients; pharmaceutical Trading sales: 40% Toronto, Ontario; Montreal, Quebec); 5,000
ingredients; pharmaceutical APIs; flavour and square foot CASE applications laboratory; 40
fragrance ingredients; industrial chemicals; LEHMANN & VOSS / trucks; 85 trailers
veterinary and animal nutrition ingredients 36 LEHVOSS GROUP
Services: Blending; packaging; storage 2017 SALES: €356M ($427M) PROTEA CHEMICALS
Asstes: 11 Warehouses in Spain; subsidiaries 39 2017 SALES: $345.8M
Trading sales: 9% Hamburg, Germany
WWW.LEHVOSS.DE Johannesburg, South Africa
HAWKINS Managing partners: Knut Breede, Soenke WWW.PROTEACHEMICALS.CO.ZA
33 2017 SALES: $492.0M Thomsen, Dr Thomas Oehmichen WWW.OMNIA.CO.ZA
Products: Compounds; masterbatches; pastes; Divisional managing director: Martin
Roseville, Minnesota, US magnesia; diatomatious earth; rare earths; cos- Kearns; CEO of Omnia: Adriaan de Lange
WWW.HAWKINSINC.COM metic raw materials; food supplement raw Products: Food ingredients; animal feeds;
President and CEO: Patrick Hawkins materials; additives; fillers; blowing agents watercare chemicals; consumer care special-
Products: Alkalis and acids; food ingredients; Services: Tailor-made products; repackaging; ty products; bulk and packed acids; alkalis
health and nutritional ingredients; water storage; sourcing; masterbatching; pastes and solvents; coatings, adhesives, sealants
treatment chemicals; agricultural nutrients; Assets: 5 production facilities on 3 conti- and elastomers; bulk liquids; caustic soda;
pharmaceutical ingredients, surface finishing nents; 8 warehouses, repackaging facility monomers and glycols; bulk powders (soda


Company Sales ($m) Company Sales ($m) Company Sales ($m)
1 Univar 6,029 46 Chemsolv 83.5 92 Atlantic Chemicals Trading 26.4
2 Brenntag 5,241 47 Callahan Chemical Company 78.0 93 JNS-Smithchem 26.3
3 Nexeo Solutions 2,900 48 TER 78.0 94 Radchem Products 26.0
4 Helm 1,320 49 TRiiSO 78.0 95 Industrial Chemicals 25.9
5 Tricon Energy 994 50 The Chemical Company 77.8 96 Seeler Industries 25.7
6 Azelis 901 51 Chemical Solvents 75.0 97 Joss Elastomers 25.2
7 Hydrite Chemical 600 52 Miles Chemical Company 73.0 98 T.Z. Group (Tau Chemicals, T.Z. 22.3
Trading, Quimica Treza, Quimica
8 IMCD 541 53 George S. Coyne Chemical 72.0 Treza del Bajio, Treza del Caribe)
9 Hawkins 492 54 Fitz Chem, NAGASE Group 69.0 99 Barentz International 21.9
10 Quadra Chemicals 408 55 Greenchem Industries 69.0 100 Seacole 21.5
11 EMCO Chemical Distributors 357 56 CellMark Chemicals 67.1 101 Gulf Coast Chemical 21.1
12 HORN 315 57 Webb Chemical Service 67.0 102 Schibley Solvents and Chemicals 20.0
13 CCC (Canada Colors & Chemicals) 285 58 Astro Chemicals 60.0 103 Eagle Alcohol 17.0
14 Agri Trading 275 59 Brainerd Chemical 60.0 104 ECEM European Chemical 17.0
15 Maroon Group 275 60 Chemisphere 59.7 Marketing
16 PVS Distribution Group (PVS 260 61 Walsh & Associates 58.5 105 Inortech Chimie 15.9
Nolwood, PVS Minibulk, PVS
Benson, PVS Chloralkali and PVS 62 Safic-Alcan 55.2 106 Connect Chemicals 14.4
63 Van Horn, Metz & Co 54.0 107 Lehmann & Voss 12.0
17 Superior Oil Company 217
64 Cambrian Solutions 52.6 108 Classic Distributing 11.0
18 Wego Chemical Group 214
65 Buckley Oil Company 52.0 109 Custom Chemical Services 11.0
19 ICC Chemical 197
66 McCullough & Associates 51.7 110 KIC Chemicals 10.2
20 LBB Specialties (includes Charkit 194
Chemical Company & AIC ) 67 Valudor Products 50.5 111 Nordmann, Rassmann 9.6
21 GarnerKsolv 190 68 TRInternational 50.3 112 Audiche Trading 9.2
22 Caldic 180 69 SolvChem 50.1 113 American Chemie 8.8
23 Special Materials Company 180 70 Hubbard-Hall 50.0 114 ChemCeed 8.59
24 ChemGroup 177 71 Dien 48.8 115 A. S. Paterson 8.0
25 The Plaza Group 165 72 Skyhawk Chemicals 48.0 116 Manuchar 7.2
26 Barton Solvents 154 73 Chem One 46.6 117 KH Chemicals 6.7
27 Omya 133 74 Ideal Chemical & Supply 41.8 118 Norkem 6.5
28 Pride Chemical Solutions 129 75 Biesterfeld 40.8 119 Interallis 6.0
29 Haviland Enterprises 128 76 Coast Southwest 40.3 120 Novasol Chemicals 6.0
30 HB Chemical 128 77 Min-Chem/Lawrason's Group/CK 40.0 121 Solventis 6.0
Ingredients Group
31 J. Tech Sales 127 122 Sinochem Plastics 5.7
32 Ravago Chemicals 126 78 Chemical Distributors 36.3
123 Behn Meyer 5.4
33 Aceto 120 79 Independent Chemical 35.7
124 PROCHEMA 5.4
34 H.M. Royal 120 80 GJ Chemical 35.0
125 SMA Collaboratives 4.6
35 Sea-Land Chemical 113 81 Rahn Group 35.0
126 Arpadis Benelux 4.4
36 Isochem Group 110 82 Vivion 35.0
127 Arkem Kimya 4.0
37 Tilley Chemical 106 83 Jebsen & Jessen 34.8
128 Snetor 4.0
38 ClearTech Industries 100 84 Bufa Chemikalien 34.0
129 DutCH2 3.37
39 Harwick Standard Distribution 100 85 Veckridge Chemical 32.0
130 Jobachem 3.3
40 Tanner Industries 93.0 86 R.E. Carroll 29.9
131 Redox 3.0
41 Lintech International 90.0 87 Acid Products Company 29.0
132 HARKE 2.9
42 Petrochem Middle East 87.7 88 PHT International 28.8
133 KPL International 2.9
43 Mays Chemical Company 86.0 89 Cole Chemical & Distributing 28.0
134 Prakash Chemicals International 2.7
44 Essential Ingredients 84.6 90 Metadynea Trading 27.1
135 Cornelius Group 2.4
45 TCR Industries 84.0 91 Northspec Chemicals 27.0

NOTE: Sales are by region and may differ from the total sales figure in the main Top 100 listing. Table excludes companies that do not break out sales by geography



ash, sodium sulphate, ammonium sul- INDUSTRIA QUIMICA ANASTACIO CEO: M Ponnuswami
phate); oil and gas commodities and special- 42 2017 SALES: $335.7M Products: Acids and derivatives; solvents; ke-
ties; polymer commodities and specialties; tones; esters; ethers; chlorinated solvents; al-
mining chemicals Sao Paulo, Brazil cohols; aliphatic solvents; hydrocarbons;
Services: Importing; warehousing; breaking WWW.QUIMICANASTACIO.COM.BR monomers; coatings and inks; plastics and
bulk; packaging; hydrating; proprietary blend- CEO: Jan Felix Krueder composites; textile chemicals; leather and
ing to recipe; watercare specialty flocculant Products: Cosmetics and personal care ingre- paper chemicals; sugar chemicals; water treat-
and coagulant manufacture; ship to ship dients; pharmaceutical ingredients; flavors ment chemicals; lubricants
transfer of bulk liquids to offshore-based and fragrances; animal health ingredients; ag- Services: Small packaging; underground
FPSO units ricultural chemicals; rubber; household and storage; technical service; R&D; custom
Assets: 20 warehouses (50,000 square metres auto care chemicals; lubricants; plastics; poly- blending; just-in-time delivery; transportation
under roof); 140 distribution vehicles; 350 liq- urethanes; paints and coatings; resins and ad- Assets: 27 Branches in India; 4 overseas
uid bulk tanks with capacity of over 40,000 hesives; food and feed ingredients; sports nu- branches in Singapore, Australia, Sri Lanka
kilolitres; 5 main distribution sites; produc- trition ingredients and Dubai; 23 warehouses across India (in-
tion and blending plants; manufacturing sites Services: Storage; blending; packaging; bulk clusive of 7 explosive repacking warehous-
in main cities in South Africa, along with distribution; trading; cargo consolidation; es; leased terminal facility at Kandla, Mum-
sales and distribution sites in Kenya, Angola, dedicated procurement bai, Ennore, Kakinada and Haldia, India;
Namibia, Ghana and Zimbabwe Assets: 6 warehouses in Brazil – 2 in Sao high-tech R&D laboratory; underground
Trading sales: Less than 5% Paulo, 1 in Santa Catarina, 1 in Goias, 1 in Rio storage facility
de Janeiro; 1 in Pernambuco Trading sales: 5%
EIGENMANN & VERONELLI Trading sales: $7%
Rho, Italy 43 2017 SALES: $335.5M 2017 SALES: RS20.27BN ($317.5M
President: Dr Nathalie Veronelli Mexico City, Mexico Pune, India
Products: Adhesives chemicals; construc- WWW.POCHTECA.COM.MX WWW.DFPCL.COM
tion chemicals; cosmetics ingredients; deter- WWW.POCHTECA-ENGLISH.COM President – industrial chemicals: RM Kelkar
gent ingredients; ecology products; food in- Executive director: Eugenio Manzano Products: Acetone; phenol; methanol; tolu-
gredients; feed and veterinary ingredients; Products: Inorganic chemicals; solvents and ene; isopropanol (IPA); methyl isobutyl ke-
leather chemicals; paper chemicals; pharma- blends; food ingredients; chemical special- tone (MIBK); methylene dichloride; ammo-
ceutical ingredients; plastic additives; polyu- ties; lubricants nia; hexane; styrene; xylene; methacrylic acid
rethane chemicals; rubber chemicals; surface Services: Blending; packaging, storage and (MAA); acetic acid
coatings; textile chemicals logistics solutions; product application; prod- Services: Packaging; trading; labelling; stor-
Services: Production including toll and uct development; quality control age; warehousing
third party manufacturing; repackaging; Assets: More than 310,000 square metres of Assets: 5 port locations in India; drumming
warehousing logistics capacity; capacity to store 20.6m li- and labelling facility in India
Assets: 2 production plants; 3 warehouses tres of liquids and 111,000 square metres of Trading sales: 30%
Trading sales: 15% storage of dry goods; 32 distribution centres in
Mexico, 3 in Central America and 6 in Brazil; M. CASSAB
VIKUDHA OVERSEAS fleet of more than 200 units; solvent recycling 47 2017 SALES: $316.8M
41 2017 SALES: $340M plant; 10 product application laboratories
Sao Paulo, Brazil
CEOs: Vikash Adukia, Deap Kumar Adukia 2017 SALES: $320M Products: Performance and specialty chemi-
Products: Agrochemicals and feed ingredi- cals for polyurethanes, paints, resins, con-
ents; cosmetics and personal care ingredi- Dubai, UAE struction and polymers; solvents; oils; addi-
ents; detergents and home care chemicals; WWW.RAI-UAE.COM tives; silicones; pigments; monomers;
food and beverage ingredients; mining and CEO: Henry F Roth emulsifiers; polyols; isocyanates; biocides;
oilfield chemicals; paints and coatings ma- Products: Polymers – polyethylene (PE), APIs and pharmaceutical excipients; ingredi-
terials; plastics additives; polyurethane polypropylene (PP), engineered thermoplas- ents for food and nutritional premixes; home
chemicals; rubber and paper chemicals; tics (ETP), polyvinyl chloride; paraxylene and personal care ingredients; veterinary
textile and leather chemicals; water treat- (PX); aromatics; masterbatches and fillers products; feed premixes and ingredients; vita-
ment chemicals Services: Trading mins; amino acids
Services: Mixing; blending; formulation; Assets: 4 owned warehouses; leased ware- Services: Blending; packaging; storage; dilu-
product sourcing; market development; crea- houses tions; technical application laboratory ser-
tive financial solutions; market intelligence; Trading sales: 25% vices (polyurethanes, home and personal
logistics expertise; shipping advisory and care, pharmaceuticals and food); full techni-
documentation PON PURE CHEMICALS GROUP cal support; formulation
Assets: 19 sales offices across the globe; 275+ 45 2017 SALES: $319.0M Assets: 3 warehouses in Brazil; 1 warehouse
employees worldwide; multiple warehouses in Argentina; 4 premixes facilities for animal
globally; facility in Malaysia Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India nutrition; 1 premix facility for food nutrition;
Trading sales: 70% WWW.PURE-CHEMICAL.COM physical, chemical and microbiological ac-

credited ISO 17025 laboratory ments; plasticizers; resins; synthetic rubber; QUIMTIA
Trading sales: 1% adhesion promoters; mould release agents; 51 2017 SALES: $294M
ceramic powders; base oils; functional fillers;
HORN heat transfer fluids Buenos Aires, Argentina
48 2017 SALES: $315M Services: Business development; technical WWW.QUIMTIA.COM
support; logistics; drumming and packaging; President: Diego Collard Bovy
La Mirada, California, US bulk breaking; local storage and warehousing; Products: Industrial specialties; environment
WWW.ETHORN.COM sampling; blending and formulating; labora- solutions; industrial chemicals; amino acids;
President (Life Sciences): DJeff Martin; tory formulations and analysis premixes and other specialties for animal nu-
President (Industrial): Bob Ahn; CFO and Assets: 2 laboratories trition additives; animal health products; food
Chairperson: Julie Wubbena; Director: Pat- Trading sales: 100% and pharmaceutical ingredients and premixes
rick Marantette Services: Storage; blending; dilutions; pack-
Products: Thermoset resins; rheology modi- WEGO CHEMICAL GROUP aging; end-user product development; formu-
fiers; specialty formulation additives; pig- 50 2017 SALES: $301M lation; application; laboratory testing; custom-
ments/colourants; surfactants; flow aids; col- er process development
loids; incipients; flavours; sweeteners; Great Neck, New York, US Assets: 9 distribution centres; 10 laborato-
fragrances; emollients; vitamins; proteins WWW.WEGOCHEM.COM ries; 3 feed premix facilities; 2 food premix
Services: Warehousing; heated and refriger- Principal and President: Dr Bert Eshaghpour facilities; 3 peroxide dilution plants; 1 sa-
ated storage; food grade storage; hazardous Products: Agricultural chemicals; animal nu- voury manufacturing facility; 2 industrial
material storage; logistics; order fulfilment; trition and feed ingredients; antifreeze and chemicals blending facilities; 1 animal vac-
packaging; blending; labelling coolants; coatings, adhesives, sealants, elasto- cine and health products facility
Assets: 13 warehouses; 8 trucks; multiple mers (CASE); corrosion inhibitors; lithium
blending operations; multiple sampling battery and electrolyte chemicals; lubricants CCC (CANADA COLORS &
facilities and greases; pharmaceutical and fine chemi- 52 CHEMICALS)
Trading sales: Less than 3% cals; HI&I chemicals; flame retardants; food 2017 SALES: $285M
and beverage ingredients; metalworking flu-
KRAHN CHEMIE ids; finishing and flux chemicals; oilfield Toronto, Ontario, Canada
49 2017 SALES: €256M ($307.2M) chemicals; plastics, resins and rubber addi- WWW.CCC-GROUP.COM
tives; pulp and paper chemicals; water treat- President: Patrick Haineault
Hamburg, Germany ment and pool chemicals Products: Coatings specialties; environmen-
WWW.KRAHN.EU Services: Chemical supply; supply chain so- tal and water treatment chemicals; food and
Managing directors: Dr Rolf Kuropka, Axel lutions; logistics; warehousing; outsourcing personal care ingredients; oilfield chemicals;
Sebbesse Assets: 100+ worldwide professionals; 14 in- mining chemicals; polymer additives; pulp
Products: Coatings ingredients; construction ternational offices; global distribution net- and paper chemicals; solvents; inorganics;
chemicals; adhesives; sealants; plastics and work of 50+ warehouses plastic resins; colour concentrates
rubber additives; lubricants; additives; pig- Trading sales: 20% Services: Blending; packaging; storage;

Arterra Picture Library/Alamy Stock Photo




Assets: 9 warehouses; 20 trucks Managing director: Andrew Mitchell 59 2017 SALES: $250M
Products: Acids and alkalis; animal feed raw
ECEM EUROPEAN materials; fatty acids, alcohols and esters; flo- Cyprus
53 CHEMICAL MARKETING tation reagents; food ingredients and fla- WWW.SOLVOCHEM.COM
2017 SALES: $281M vours; general chemicals; Greenox AdBlue Managing director: Anthony Joseph Flouty
diesel exhaust fluid; personal care ingredi- Products: Solvents; plasticizers; urethanes;
Amsterdam, Netherlands ents; pharmaceutical products; resins; sol- plastics; additives; construction chemicals;
WWW.ECEM.COM vents; specialty products; surfactants; water mineral oil; mining products
CEO: Barend Barendse treatment chemicals Services: Storage; drumming; blending;
Products: Acrylates and methacrylates; hy- Services: Warehousing and storage; repack- packaging
droxy monomers; 150 special monomers; an- aging; blending; formulating; relabelling Assets: Storage tanks with capacity of
hydrides; phosphonates; water treatment Assets: 20 sites (including warehousing and 1,650,000 cubic metres; 11 warehouses; 10
chemicals; over 100 products in stock storage); own vehicles trucks
Services: Bulk storage; drumming installa- Trading sales: 2% Trading sales: 25%
tion; blending; consignment stocks; returna-
Assets: 8 own ISO tanks for dedicated trans- 57 2017 SALES: $269.3M 60 2017 SALES: €207M ($248.4M)
port; over 100 returnable IBCs; all major
products Reach registered; several local stor- Bangkok, Thailand Guildford, Surrey, UK
Trading sales: 5% CEO: Acharee Tiyabhorn CEO: David Lubbock; Managing director:
Products: Hydrocarbon solvents (hexane, Nick Johnson
MAROON GROUP pentane, SBP group, toluene, xylene, aromat- Products: Alcohols; antifreeze; brake fluids;
54 2017 SALES: $275M ic solvents, white spirits); chemical solvents acetate esters; glycols; glycol ethers; hydrocar-
(isopropyl alcohol, acetone, methyl ethyl ke- bons; ketones; monomers; propylene glycol
Avon, Ohio, US tone, ethyl acetate, butyl acetate; styrene mon- ethers; white oils; airplane deicers
WWW.MAROONGROUPLLC.COM omer; ethylene glycol (MEG, DEG); food in- Services: Imports of bulk chemicals; global
President and CEO: Mark E Reichard gredients; pharmaceutical ingredients; bulk and drum distribution; blending of auto-
Products: Specialty additives; specialty res- personal care ingredients motive products
ins; specialty pigments; specialty intermedi- Services: Manufacturing of hydrocarbon sol- Assets: Antwerp, Netherlands storage termi-
ates; specialty ingredients; packaging vent products; storage; blending; drum filling; nal with drumming and blending facilities;
Services: Custom blending; repackaging; mi- transportation; multi-delivery mode offerings UK storage and blending facility
cronization; drumming; public warehousing; (vessel, bulk lorry, ISO tank, drum)
FDA and SQF storage; 130,000 square foot Assets: 1 hydrocarbon solvents manufac- NORKEM HOLDINGS
headquarters in Avon, Ohio; 170,000 square turing plant with nameplate capacity of 61 2017 SALES: $247.2
foot facility in Lincoln, Rhode Island; 37,000 141,000 tonnes/year via subsidiary Sak
square foot facility in Newark, New Jersey; ad- Chaisidhi (SAKC); 2 tank terminals in Thai- Knutsford, Cheshire, UK
ditional 35 total warehouses in North Ameri- land; 2 tank terminals in Vietnam; 73 chemi- WWW.NORKEM.COM
ca strategically located to service customers; 7 cal storage tanks with total capacity of over Group managing director: A Nicholson
company owned and operated trucks; 6 cus- 46m litres; 5 warehouses with total capacity Products: Iodine and iodine salts; zinc oxide
tomer service centres of 27,000 drums (200 litres); loading and un- and zinc salts; manganese compounds; cop-
loading facilities with both trucks and ves- per salts; barium carbonate; citric acid; potas-
AGRI TRADING sels; drum filling station; laboratory (QC and sium carbonate and hydroxide; food chemi-
55 2017 SALES: $275M technical); 59 bulk trucks (contracted); 42 cals; pharmaceutical intermediates; feed
pack trucks (contracted) chemicals
Hutchinson, Minnesota, US Trading sales: 3% Services: Blending; packaging; manufactur-
WWW.AGRITRADINGCORP.COM ing; liquid suspensions; liquid solutions
President: Brett Johnson PVS DISTRIBUTION GROUP Assets: 12 locations worldwide
Products: Agrochemical and biofuel raw ma- 58 2017 SALES: $260M
terials; fats and oils; food and beverage ingre- KTM
dients; oilfield chemicals Detroit, Michigan, US 62 2017 SALES: $245.6M
Services: Liquid and dry blending; packag- WWW.PVSCHEMICALS.COM
ing; storage (bulk and packed warehousing); CEO: Timothy F Nicholson Istanbul, Turkey
truck and rail logistics; importing/exporting; Products: Full line of inorganics; surfactants; WWW.KTM.COM.TR/EN
salvage and recycling water treatment chemicals; HI&I chemicals; CEO: Keyan Zulfikari
Assets: 350 leased railcars; 20 tanker trailers; metalworking chemicals; food ingredients; Products: Olefins; polymers; oxo alcohols;
10 semi trailer-trucks oilfield chemicals; agricultural chemicals solvents; alcohols; acrylates; plasticizers;
Trading sales: Around 3% Services: Blending; packaging; storage; de- monomers; rubber and rubber chemicals; pol-
livery; bulk; minibulk; microbulk; trans- yurethane raw materials; titanium dioxide
TENNANTS DISTRIBUTION loading (TiO2); organic and inorganic chemicals
56 2017 SALES: £201M ($271.4M) Assets: 6 warehouses; 100 company owned Services: International marketing; logistics;
trucks; multiple terminals packaging; storage; inventory management
Manchester, UK Trading sales: 5% (VMI); just-in-time delivery; blending; fi-

nancing; risk management; pan European additives; home care chemicals; water treat- advice; storage and logistics; sampling; fi-
coverage ment chemicals nancing; full compliance support; full mar-
Assets: Offices; shore tanks and bulk storage Services: Sales and marketing; warehousing; keting support
facilities; numerous warehouses covering Eu- centralised purchasing; consolidated ship- Assets: 12 sales office locations in central
rope and Turkey; truck fleet; road tankers ment; local currency invoicing; laboratory ser- and eastern Europe
Trading sales: 35% vices; local technical support to improve for- Trading sales: 10%
mulations; in-house market data collection
ARKEM KIMYA and analysis; ISO and GDP certifications; cov- SUPERIOR OIL
63 2017 SALES: $245M erage of 60 countries 69 2017 SALES: $217M
Assets: 3 regional free zone warehouses lo-
Istanbul, Turkey cated in Dubai, Alexandria and Beirut; Euro- Indianapolis, Indiana, US
WWW.ARKEM.COM pean hub based in Rotterdam, Netherlands; WWW.SUPERIOROIL.COM
Chairman and CEO: Levend Kokuludag 18 regional centres; more than 45 warehouses President: Kurt Hettinga
Products: Monomers; hydrocarbon solvents; throughout the Middle East and Africa; tech- Products: Solvents; water-based cleaners;
alcohols; ketones; esters; glycols; glycol nically qualified sales force paint pre-treatment products; paint purgers;
ethers; chlorinated solvents; oleochemicals; thinners; heat transfer fluids; pressroom
specialty chemicals; cosmetic, pharmaceuti- GAMMA CHIMICA chemicals; fiberglass reinforcements; resins;
cal and food ingredients 66 2017 SALES: $226.2M catalysts; gel coats; corrosion inhibitors; sur-
Services: Sales and marketing; storage; factants; plasticizers
blending; filling; packaging Lainate, Italy Services: Solvent recycling; blending; cus-
Assets: 1 deep sea tank terminal at Gebze/ WWW.GAMMACHIMICA.IT tom manufacturing; private labelling; waste
Turkey with capacity of 84,000 cubic metres; President: Giuseppe Mearini disposal; acetone replacement systems; ven-
logistics company with 95 transport units and Products: Glycols; ethanolamines; fatty dor managed inventory; regulatory consult-
1,000 ISO tanks acids; intermediates; solvents; antifreeze; ing; bulk and package delivery
Trading sales: 5% glycerine; sequestering agents Assets: 8 full service locations; 55 trucks; 150
Services: Storage; packaging; blending; anti- trailers; 250 bulk tanks; 55 blend tanks
CELLMARK CHEMICALS freeze production
64 2017 SALES: $233M Assets: Head office; warehouse of 54,000 LBB SPECIALTIES
square metres (15,000 square feet covered) 70 (CHARKIT CHEMICAL, AIC)
Gothenburg, Sweden 2017 SALES: $210M
President (Chemicals): Hugo Galletta; Presi- 67 2017 SALES: €188M ($225.6M) New York, New York, US
dent (Basic Chemicals): Ersin Alkan WWW.LBBSPECIALTIES.COM
Products: Basic chemicals; lignosulfonates; Vienna, Austria President and CEO: Charles Hinnant
caustic soda; semiconductor and renewable WWW.DONAUCHEM.COM Products: Personal care chemicals; nutrition-
battery materials; oil and gas chemicals; water Member of the board: Bogdan Banaszczyk al ingredients; biotech materials; food ingredi-
treatment chemicals; coatings materials; agro- Products: Food ingredients; pharmaceutical ents; pharmaceutical ingredients; plastics ad-
chemicals; flame retardants; food and bever- ingredients; paint and construction chemi- ditives; water/metal treatment chemicals;
age ingredients; cosmetics, oral care and ac- cals, cosmetics and detergents ingredients; flavours and fragrances; nutraceuticals; elec-
tive pharmaceutical ingredients; organic metalworking chemicals; printing chemicals; tronic chemicals; industrial chemicals; plas-
chemicals; inorganic chemicals; vitamins; water treatment chemicals; customer specific tics; veterinary chemicals; concrete additives;
plant extracts; nutraceuticals; amino acids; compositions medical devices
specialty and fine chemicals Services: Mixing; blending; environmentally Services: Warehousing; blending; packaging;
Services: Sales and marketing; sourcing; cus- friendly consultancy and planning; technical custom/contract manufacturing; custom syn-
tom manufacturing; packaging; blending; consultancy; training sessions on safety and thesis; product development
milling and granulations; technical support; the law; waste disposal; consultancy on Assets: 69 stocking locations in North
regulatory services; market research; logistics chemical law and Reach America
Assets: Production equipment and inventory Assets: 14 warehouses
held at public warehouses in over 20 loca- Trading sales: 20% BUFA CHEMIKALIEN
tions worldwide 71 2017 SALES: $210M
Trading sales: Less than 30% HSH CHEMIE
68 DISTRIBUTION GROUP Altmoorhausen, Germany
ORKILA 2017 SALES: €181M ($217.2M) WWW.BUEFA.DE
65 2017 SALES: $230M CEO: Ronald Ijzer
Hamburg, Germany Products: Ethanolamines; ethylene glycol
Beirut, Lebanon WWW.HSH-CHEMIE.COM ethers; ethylene glycols; polyethylene glycols;
WWW.ORKILA.COM Managing directors: Stephan P Lohden, propylene glycol ethers; propylene glycol;
Chairman and CEO: Antoine Sacy Frank Raabe, Stefan Rather isopropylalcohol; propionic acid; formic acid;
Products: Specialty chemicals; food ingredi- Products: Coatings, adhesives and building caustic soda; solvents; aromatics; styrene; sur-
ents; life sciences chemicals; pharmaceutical chemicals; personal and home care chemi- factants; oxo alcohols
ingredients; agrochemicals; animal nutrition cals; food and feed ingredients; pharmaceuti- Services: Formulating; warehousing; filling
ingredients; personal care ingredients; perfor- cal ingredients; plastics and rubber additives; and bottling; blending; logistics; drumming
mance products; paints materials; construc- industrial performance chemicals Assets: 5 warehouses; 14 trucks
tion chemicals; oilfield chemicals; plastics Services: Technical consultancy; formulation Trading sales: 30%

BANG & BONSOMER Managing directors: Lars Hjorth, Andrey Products: Polyurethane systems; aromatic
72 2017 SALES: €172M ($206.4M) Shkola isocyanates; polyols; surfactants; catalysts;
Products: Paints and coatings chemicals; dry glycols; hydrocarbons; refrigerants; polymers
Helsinki, Finland mixture and construction chemicals; plastics and plastics
WWW.BANGBONSOMER.COM and polymer additives; rubber chemicals; res- Services: Warehousing; transloading; sourc-
CEO: Mikko Teittinen ins and chemicals for composites; fibres; ing; supplier due diligence and audit; sales
Products: Specialty raw materials; coatings chemicals for detergents; cosmetics and channel development; technology and ma-
and construction chemicals; food ingredients; household chemicals; oil and oilfield chemi- chinery services
personal and home care chemicals; packaging cals; lubricants; refinery additives and chemi- Assets: 10 warehouses; corporate head-
and plastics additives; composites and polyu- cals; food additives; specialty and industrial quarters
rethanes materials; polymer materials. chemicals; pharmaceutical raw materials; ag- Trading sales: 15%
Services: Process chemistry solutions with ricultural chemicals
engineering, remote control and digitisa- Services: Storage; mixing/blending; labora- CHEMGROUP
tion; manufacturing of intermediate prod- tory services; techical support; applications 83 2017 SALES: $176.5M)
ucts and functional blends; application lab- development; certification
oratory services, R&D and formulations; Assets: 11 offices; 11 warehouses; 40,000 Fairfield, Ohio, US
blending; dissolving; packaging; warehous- square metres of warehouse space; 14,000 WWW.CHEMGROUP.COM
ing; logistics square metres of office space; 4 laboratories; President: Marty Wehr
Assets: 5 application laboratories and tech- 421 employees Products: Acids; alkalis; hydrogen peroxide;
nical centres; 4 manufacturing sites; 15 sodium hypochlorite; solvents and intermedi-
warehouses KPL INTERNATIONAL ates; glycols; glycol ethers; amines; sur-
76 2017 SALES: RS12.79BN factants; alcohols; water treatment chemicals;
ATLANTIC CHEMICALS TRADING ($200.3M) nitrogen products; white oils; borates; lime;
73 2017 SALES: €170M ($204M) specialty chemicals; gas-to-liquid (GTL) fluids
New Delhi, India and solvents
Hamburg, Germany WWW.KPLINTL.COM Services: Inventory management; blending;

Stefan Ziese/imageBROKER/REX/Shutterstock
WWW.ACT.DE Managing director: Surinder Kumar Kak warehousing; technical and safety training;
CEO: Dr Ramin Ghaffari Products: Polymers; paper and allied chemi- customised billing
Products: Vitamins; amino acids; sweeten- cals; specialty chemicals; paint and coating Assets: 10 warehouses with over 400,000
ers; energy ingredients; sports nutrition in- chemicals; industrial and specialty gases; en- square feet; over 2m gal bulk storage; 26 trac-
gredients; preservatives; acidifiers; flavours gineering consumables; darjeeling teas tors; 16 straight trucks; 36 trailers; 12 tankers
and fragrances; plant extracts; feed additives; Services: Development of markets for new
food additives products and applications; repackaging; mar- TRANSMARE CHEMIE
Services: Customising; global supply chain ket intelligence, technical and after-sales sup- 84 2017 SALES: $169.3M
Assets: 13 offices worldwide; several ware- port; sourcing, export, procurement and au- VELOX ment; transportation Assets: 4 global production sites; 2 distribu-
houses worldwide diting services; sourcing and exporting from 78 2017 SALES: €160.2M ($192.3M) Assets: Tote and drum warehouse with over tion centres; toll manufacturing facility; own Antwerp, Belgium
Trading sales: 10% India, China and Middle East countries to in- 100,000 gal capacity; tank farm with over 1m fleet of 22 trucks and hazmat drivers WWW.TRANSMARE.COM
ternational markets; warehousing and logis- Hamburg, Germany gal capacity; fleet of trucks and trailers; flare; WWW.TRANSMARE-CHEMIE.COM
BANDEIRANTE QUIMICA tics; technical support for quality control, test- WWW.VELOX.COM nitrogen access; dock with full waterfront ac- IMPAG CEO: Dr Patrick Van Ende
74 2017 SALES: $203.4M ing and plant audits Managing directors: Bernard Goursaud, N cess and licensed tankerman on staff 81 2017 SALES: €150M ($180M) Products: Oilfield chemicals; fine chemicals
Assets: 7 warehouses; 1 refrigerant gas re- Max Schlenzig; General manager: Francois for health; personal and home care chemi-
Maua, Sao Paulo, Brazil packaging facility Minec SPECIAL MATERIALS COMPANY Zurich, Switzerland cals; food and feed ingredients; industrial
WWW.BBQUIMICA.COM.BR Trading sales: 33% Products: Plastics; additives; composites; 80 2017 SALES: $180M WWW.IMPAG.COM and high purity solvents; paints and adhe-
CEO: Carlos Eduardo Marin coatings, adhesives, sealants, elastomers (CASE) WWW.IMPAG.CH sives additives and pigments; reference fuels;
Products: Aromatics; aliphatic and oxygen- METADYNEA TRADING Services: Market studies; consulting; blend- New York, New York, US CEO: Remo Bernardi plastics additives
ated solvents; coatings additives; ethanola- 77 2017 SALES: €165.4M ($198.4M) ing; packaging; storage WWW.SMC-GLOBAL.COM Products: Coatings additives; anhydrides; Services: Personalised blends and formula-
mines; titanium dioxide (TiO2); specialty res- Assets: Public warehouses in over 20 loca- CEO: Adam Feldman acrylates; polyols; flame retardants; polyure- tion support; drumming; packaging
ins; carbon black; tailor-made blends; UV Geneva, Switzerland tions worldwide General manager: Francois Minec thane; green solvents; detergents; base chemi- Assets: Class 2 storage facilities; 11 ware-
monomers/oligomers; household and person- WWW.METADYNEATRADING.COM Trading sales: 5% Products: Specialty solvents; paint and coat- cals; cosmetic functionals and active ingredi- houses (Antwerp, Belgium; Hamburg, Ger-
al care chemicals; silicas; amines; agricultural President: Dr Ralph Theuer; Directors: Ivan ings; coatings, adhesives, sealants, elastomers ents; food ingredients; pharmaceutical many; Singapore; Malaysia; Algeria; Angola;
chemicals; epoxy resins; glycols; resins; min- Mazourenko, Alexander Maksimov GARNERKSOLV (CASE); oilfield chemicals; phosphorous de- ingredients/APIs; metals; oleochemicals Ivory Coast; Nigeria; Kenya)
ing chemicals Products: Methanol; hexamine (urotropine); 79 2017 SALES: $190M rivatives; surface coatings; water treatment Services: Global logistics; global sourcing; Trading sales: 50%
Services: Blending; agency sales (indent pentaerythritol; micronised hexamine; micro- chemicals; biocides; electronic chemicals; storage; laboratory services; technical sup-
sales); formulation; technical assistance; stor- nised pentaerythritol Houston, Texas, US mining chemicals; flame retardants; textile port; regulatory support; financing; packaging GRUPO RNM
age; packaging Services: Storage of liquid and solid chemi- WWW.KSOLV.COM chemicals; photo/image chemicals; PCBTF; Assets: 5 sales offices across Europe; 1 tank farm 85 2017 SALES: $168.8M
Assets: 8 branches; 95 tanks; 5 warehouses; cals; transhipment; blending; toll manufactur- Owner and CEO: Russ Allen coalescent for latex paints; industrial sol- for liquid goods; own application laboratory
truck fleet; 2 laboratories; 1,000 intermediate ing; warehousing; packaging; delivery by ves- Products: Aliphatic solvents; aromatic sol- vents; sodium hypophosphite; THPS; glutar- Trading sales: 20% Famalicao, Portugal
bulk containers (IBCs) sel, rail, container, truck and silo-truck vents; alcohols; glycols; glycol ethers; ace- aldehyde; corrosion Inhibitors WWW.GRUPORNM.PT
Assets: Head office in Switzerland; branch tates; chlorinated solvents; ketones; base oils; Services: Custom blending; relabelling; solu- ISOCHEM GROUP Chairman of the board, CEO:
UNITED TRADING SYSTEM office in Austria; 2 manufacturing/warehous- white oils; acids tion adjustments; neutralisation; reactions 82 2017 SALES: $180M Ricardo Machado
75 2017 SALES: $203M ing sites in Russia and 1 in Austria; 3rd-party Services: Packaging; blending small and and conversions; dilutions; storage; bulk dis- Products: Caustic soda; hydrogen peroxide;
warehouses in the Netherlands, Poland, Rus- large quantities; laboratory services; maritime tribution; consignment inventory; just-in-time Sydney, Australia sulphuric acid; hydrochloric acid; sodium hy-
St Petersburg, Russia sia, Spain and US services; emergency spill response; disaster delivery; 3rd party warehousing; technical WWW.ISOCHEM.COM.AU pochlorite; plastics (PE, PP, PVC, PS, PET,
WWW.UTSRUS.COM Trading sales: 10% response; industrial services; waste manage- sales; regulatory affairs expertise CEO: Alireza Ehsani EVA); solvents; glycols; propylene glycol; gly-
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col ethers; surfactants; silicones; methanol; tives; personal care ingredients; pharmaceuti- ELTON GROUP
epoxy resins; inorganics; specialty chemicals cal ingredients 90 2017 SALES: €126.9M ($152.3M)
Services: Storage of liquid and packed prod- Services: Laboratory services
ucts; blending; standard and tailor-made pack- Assets: 3 labs; 1 warehouse Athens, Greece
aging; stock control and telemetry; logistics WWW.ELTON-GROUP.COM
operations consulting BARTON SOLVENTS CEO: Nestor Papathanasiou
Assets: Logistics complex at the Famalicao, 89 2017 SALES: $154.2M Products: Coatings and adhesives materials;
Santo Tirso, Madrid, Valencia, Vigo, Cartagena, construction chemicals; detergent chemicals;
Lisboa with 45,000 square metres, capacity for Des Moines, Iowa, US cosmetics ingredients; pharmaceutical ingre-
30,000 tonnes of packed products and 8,000 WWW.BARSOL.COM dients; food, feed and beverage ingredients;
cubic metres of liquids in 45 tanks; four tank President David M Casten water treatment chemicals; metal treatment
terminals for liquids with 12,000 cubic metres Board member: Paweł Tomaszkiewicz chemicals; textile chemicals; paper chemi-
and packed solids; our own fleet of 45 trucks, Products: Aliphatics; aromatics; alcohols; cals; agrochemicals; rubber and plastics addi-
40 cisterns, 6 semi-trailers and 65 stainless glycol ethers; acetates; ketones; glycols; epoxy tives; refrigerants
steel Isotainers of 26 cubic metres resins; surfactants; distilled spirits; specialty Services: Local warehousing and storage; full
Trading sales: 10% chemicals; USP/NF pharmaceutical ingredi- coverage of Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia,
ents; oils; lubricants Turkey, Kosovo, Albania, FYROM, Cyprus and
THE PLAZA GROUP Services: Custom packaging; custom blend- Ukraine markets; technical promotion and
86 2017 SALES: $168M ing; delivery to customer or job site; waste ser- business development; inventory management
vices; laboratory services Assets: 9 warehouses (4 privately owned); 2
Houston, Texas, US Assets: 6 stocking locations; delivery fleet of laboratories; privately owned trucks and
WWW.THEPLAZAGRP.COM 81 power units and 147 trailers tank trucks
President: Randy Velarde
Products: Solvents; intermediates; elasto- MIDDLE EAST/AFRICA CHEMICAL DISTRIBUTION LEADERS (2017 SALES)
mers; styrenics; polyethylenes Company Sales ($m) Company Sales ($m)
Products: Additives; pigments and dyes; ac- 1 Snetor 810 34 KH Chemicals 25.0
tives and intermediates; performance materi- 2 Petrochem Middle East 703 35 Pon Pure Chemicals 13.6
als and fillers; resins 3 Pluschem 600 36 Norkem 13.2
Services: Marketing; logistics; storage 4 Tricon Energy 489 37 Ricardo Molina 13.2
Assets: 1 warehouse; 1 bulk storage tank; 86 5 Protea Chemicals (Omnea Group) 346
railcars 38 ECEM European Chemical Marketing 13.0
6 Manuchar 306
39 Quimdis 11.5
7 Solvochem 250
HAFFNER 40 Grupo RNM 9.3
87 2017 SALES: $160M 8 Orkila 230
41 Bufa Chemikalien 8.5
9 ICC Chemical 169
42 Indukern 8.4
Asperg, Germany 10 Vikudha Overseas 153
43 Joss Elastomers 8.4
WWW.HAEFFNERGROUP.COM 11 RAI Rakha Al Khaleej International 136
CEOs: Jurgen Martin, Thomas Dassler 44 Unipex 8.4
12 Ravago Chemicals 126
Products: Water treatment chemicals; paints, 13 Helm 120 45 Wego Chemical 8.0
inks, coatings, adhesives and resin additives; 14 Afriglobal Commodities 116 46 Arpadis Benelux 7.8
paint, textile and leather auxiliaries; food ad- 15 Quimidroga 102 47 Barentz International 7.2
ditives; feed additives; metal treatment chem- 48 Matrix Chemie 6.8
16 Taj Al Mulook 88.7
icals; household and personal care ingredi-
17 Transmare Chemie 79.4 49 Sinochem Plastics 6.3
ents; lubricant additives
Services: Mixing, blending and formulating; 18 Al Nahda International (Anichem 69.8 50 Group Barcelonesa 5.6
repackaging; contract packaging; warehous- 51 DutCH2 5.4
19 CellMark Chemicals 68.1
ing of hazardous goods; just-in-time delivery; 52 Proquibasa 5.2
applications advice; single sourcing 20 Omya 66.7
53 Isochem 5.0
Assets: 6 warehouse facilities across Europe 21 Safic-Alcan 60.0
54 Noahs Ark Chemicals 4.8
with tank farm for acids/lyes/solvents and 22 Solvadis 53.4
55 PENPET Petrochemical Trading 4.8
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points 23 Prakash Chemicals International 46.9
(HACCP) filling and blending area; 1 labora- 56 KPL International 4.0
24 Shamrock Shipping & Trading 44.9
tory; 22 trucks 25 Biesterfeld 44.4 57 Neo Chemical 3.9
Trading sales: 10% 26 DIA33 41.9 58 CG Chemikalien 3.8
27 Linkers Chemicals & Polymers 35.6 59 TOP Solvent Company 3.6
GROLMAN GROUP 60 2M Holdings 3.2
88 2017 SALES: €128.5M ($154.2M)
28 Solventis 33.6
29 Venus Chemicals 29.0 61 HARKE 3.1

Neuss, Germany 30 Jebsen & Jessen 27.6 62 Rahn 3.0

WWW.GROLMAN-GROUP.COM 31 Bodo Moller Chemie 27.1 63 Quimitecnica.com 2.6
Managing directors: Dirk Grolman, Florian 32 Metadynea Trading 25.7 64 Atlantic Chemicals Trading 2.4
Grolman, Jurgen Grolman, Mike Dorsam 33 Kale Kimya 25.0 65 Lehmann & Voss 2.4
Products: Pigments; dyes; mineral fillers; per- NOTE: Sales are by region and may differ from the total sales figure in the main Top 100 listing. Table excludes companies that do
formance materials; binders and resins; addi- not break out sales by geography.



KH CHEMICALS Products: Specialty chemicals der; solvents; polyurethane hardeners; per- WWW.CSC-JAEKLE.DE
91 2017 SALES: €125.5M ($150.6M) Services: Global sourcing; global logistics sonal care ingredients; PTFE powders; PE CEOs: Robert Spath, Philipp Klass, Dr Mi-
waxes; molecular sieves; benzyl alcohol; ben- chael Spehr
Zwijndrecht, Netherlands 2M HOLDINGS zyl acetate; benzyl chloride Products: Industrial chemicals; acids; alka-
WWW.KHCHEMICALS.COM 95 2017 SALES: £107.7M ($145.4M) Services: Repackaging; drumming; labora- line solutions; solvents; solids; specialities;
CEO: Hans Ketting tory services coatings, adhesives and sealants; high quality
Products: Acrylates; acetates; alcohols; anhy- Runcorn, UK Assets: 6 warehouses (140,000 square feet); parts cleaning chemicals; life science chemi-
drides; aromatics; chlorinated solvents; gly- WWW.2M-HOLDINGS.COM head office; 2 regional offices; 9 resident rep- cals; water treatment and environmental
cols; glycol ethers; hydrocarbons; ketones; CEO: Mottie Kessler resentatives; 2 application laboratories chemicals
monomers; oxo-alcohols; plasticizers; propyl- Products: Triklone, Perklone and MEC Trading sales: 15% Services: Technical expertise and field ser-
ene glycol ethers; vegetable oils Prime; SamSol; chlorine gas (cylinders & vice; warehouse distribution; direct distribu-
Services: Trading; packaging; drumming; drums) for water treatment and chemical KEYSER & MACKAY tion; inventory management; blending and
logistics synthesis; surfactants/reology modifiers; Ad- 98 2017 SALES: €118M ($141.6M) repackaging; proper disposal of chemical
Assets: Office space of 450 square metres; 2 Blue diesel exhaust fluid; aerospace cleaning waste; worldwide shipment; trucking
ISO tanks approved products; Pigmentan (anti-corro- Amsterdam, Netherlands Assets: Storing, filling and trans-shipment
Trading sales: 8% sive environment friendly pigments); oilfield WWW.KEYSERMACKAY.COM site; warehouse; laboratory for quality assur-
drilling and completion products; specialty Managing partners: Gerard de Waal, Willem ance; tank wagons for chemicals; trucks; com-
ARPADIS BENELUX personal care and cosmetics ingredients; hy- Augustinus pany vehicles
92 2017 SALES: €125M ($150.0M) drocarbons and oxygenated solvents; home Products: Specialty chemicals; coatings and
care and I&I ingredients; pharmaceutical ex- inks ingredients; plastics and rubber addi- SELECTCHEMIE
Antwerp, Belgium cipients and APIs; precision cleaning solu- tives; adhesives; sealants; construction chem- 102 2017 SALES: $136M
WWW.ARPADIS.COM tions; Cool-Phos and Vaposol; dry ice icals; personal care chemicals; food and feed
CEO: Laurent Abergel Services: Blending; packaging; storage; for- ingredients; pharmaceutical ingredients Zurich, Switzerland
Products: Acrylates and monomers; isocy- mulation and technical support with labora- Services: Technical sales and marketing; WWW.SELECTCHEMIE.CH
anates and polyols; solvents; specialty tory facilities; sample management; technical, local and central stockholding; sampling CEO and delegate of the board: Dr Peter
acrylates; HMD; glycols; additives and pig- regulatory and legislative expertise; cosmetics Assets: Offices and warehouses in 7 Europe- Kaufmann
ments; blowing agents; flame retardants and hygiene products formulation advice; an countries. Products: Active pharmaceutical ingredients
Services: Technical sales and marketing; water treatment; pigment dispersion; devel- Trading sales: Less than 5% (APIs); pharmaceutical excipients; nutritional
local and central stockholding; sampling opment and formulation ingredients
Assets: Blending; dilution; repackaging; stor- Assets: Application laboratories; warehous- CONNECT CHEMICALS Services: Regulatory support; development
age; transports ing in UK, Poland, Brazil, Nordics, Benelux, 99 2017 SALES: $139.7M of generic dossiers; storage; lab trials
Germany; blending and storage; own trucks Trading sales: 10%
THOMMEN-FURLER Ratingen, Germany
96 2017 SALES: €120M ($144.0M) Managing director: Dirk Otmar, Basar Karaca 103 2017 SALES: €112M ($134.4M)
Ruti bei Buren, Switzerland Products: Coatings, adhesives and sealants;
WWW.THOMMEN-FURLER.CH Assago, Milan, Italy construction chemicals; cosmetics and per- Milan, Italy
CEO: Franz Christ WWW.URAI.IT sonal care ingredients; flavours and fragranc- WWW.TILLMANNS.IT
Products: Industrial chemicals (inorganics, or- CEO: Roberto Giuliani es; household and industrial care chemicals; CEO: Stefano Vollmer
ganics, liquids and solids); hygiene and surface Products: Coatings chemicals; adhesives; life science chemicals; lubricants and metal- Products: Coatings additives; adhesives;
cleaning products; activated carbon; interme- construction chemicals; lubricants; pharma- working fluids; metal surface treatment chem- plastics additives; construction and ceramic
diates; plasticizers; high-purity solvents and ceutical ingredients; cosmetics chemicals; icals; paper chemicals; plastics additives; res- chemicals and materials; organic and inor-
reagents; electronic grade chemicals; industrial personal and home care chemicals; rubber ins; textile and leather chemicals; water ganic pigments; binders; resins; additives;
and automotive lubricants; marine and avia- and plastics additives; water treatment chem- treatment chemicals waxes; preservatives; specialty chemicals for
tion lubricants; automotive fluids; car care- icals; food and beverage ingredients Services: Custom manufacturing; blending; water treatment; functional additives and in-
products; AdBlue diesel exhaust fluid; waste- Services: Technical sales and marketing; ap- formulating; packaging; logistics gredients for food and feed
water treatment chemicals plication development; analytical testing and Assets: 3 production sites Services: Marketing; formulation and blend-
Services: Storage; blending; mixing; packag- quality control; warehousing; regulatory ser- ing; standard and tailor-made packaging; lab-
ing; laboratory services; quality and control vices; supply chain management; after sales RAINOLDI oratory testing and technical support; regula-
tests; hazardous waste management; Opti- services 100 2017 SALES: €115M ($138.0M) tory support; green chemistry product
Tank tank farm management by telemetry Assets: Tank farm solutions; warehousing and supply chain
Assets: 3 dedicated sites for chemicals and Varese, Italy management; extensive logistics; vendor
hazardous waste handling; tank farms and VIMAL INTERTRADE WWW.RAINOLDI.IT managed inventory; fire class 4.1 storage of
warehouses for chemicals and hazardous 97 2017 SALES: $144M CEO: Simone Bombardieri flammable products
waste; blending, mixing and filling installa- Products: Industrial chemicals; pharmaceuti- Assets: 2 company owned and operated
tions; waste treatment installations; 57 road Mumbai, India cal ingredients; feed and food ingredients warehouses with total capacity of 45,000
tankers and trucks for general cargo WWW.VIMALAGENCIES.NET Services: Packaging tonnes; technical team; 2 laboratories; own

Stefan Ziese/imageBROKER/REX/Shutterstock
CEO: Bimal Shah Assets: 2 warehouses truck fleet
ACETO Products: Amines; matting agents; isocy- Trading sales: 70%
94 2017 SALES: $147M anates; polyols; monomers; propylene gly- FARAVELLI
cols; epoxy resins and hardeners; hydroxyl CSC JAECKLECHEMIE 104 2017 SALES: €111M ($133.2M)
Port Washington, New York, US ethyl cellulose; additives; surfactants; glycol 101 2017 SALES: €114M ($136.8M)
WWW.ACETO.COM ethers; redispersible powders; carbon black; Milan, Italy
CEO: William Kennally vinyl resins; fatty acids; carbonyl iron pow- Nuremberg, Germany WWW.FARAVELLIGROUP.COM

CEO: Luca Benati CEO: Werner Figlhuber tics and rubber (pigments, stabilizers, master-
Products: Fine chemicals; food ingredients; Products: Additives; acrylates; alcohols; an- batches, stearates); additives for lubricants
nutraceuticals; cosmetics ingredients; phar- hydrides; flame retardants; methacrylates; (corrosion protection, antioxidants, metal de-
maceutical ingredients; animal nutrition raw monomers; organic acids; paper chemicals; activators); chemicals and dyes for textiles;
materials and ingredients pigments; resin intermediates; resins; PUR performance chemicals for paper, water and
Services: Blending; packaging; storage; cos- feedstocks; UV curing monomers air treatment, medical
metics and food application laboratory ser- Services: Manufacturer representations; mar- Services: Packaging; filling; testing; modifi-
vices; international trading of commodities ket research; product roll out; financing; cation; blending
Assets: 6 warehouses transport and warehouse logistics; refilling; Assets: Headquarters in Germany; affiliates
Trading sales: 25% repackaging in Europe, Africa, Asia and US; warehouses;
Assets: 11 points of sales; 12 warehouses in laboratory facilities; production plant for pol-
PENPET PETROCHEMICAL all European regions ymer formulations
107 2017 SALES: €107.6M ($129.1M) 108 2017 SALES: $129M
Hamburg, Germany
WWW.PENPET.COM Offenbach am Main, Germany Holtsville, New York, US
General managers: Tim Meister, Christoph WWW.BM-CHEMIE.COM WWW.PRIDESOL.COM
Meister Chairman and managing director: President: Art Dhom Jr
Products: Oxo-alcohols; melamine; solvents; Frank Haug Products: Alcohols; amines; esters; glycols;
plasticizers Products: Adhesives and bonding systems glycol ethers; glycol ether esters; hydrocarbon
Services: Blending; packaging; storage (epoxy, polyurethane, MMA, hotmelts); seal- solvents; ketones; mineral oils; oleochemi-
Assets: 1 warehouse ants; silicones; resins (basic, epoxy, alkyd, cals; petrolatum; plasticizers; polyols; sili-
Trading sales: 25% acrylic); casting and potting resins for elec- cones; stearates; surfactants
tronics (polyurethane, epoxy and silicone Services: Blending; packaging; storage; NF
PROCHEMA based); hardeners and curing agents; compos- USP Kosher repackaging; DSP ethyl alcohol
106 2017 SALES: €108M ($129.6M) ites (resins, gelcoats, reinforcements); mould- blending and repackaging
making materials (boards, pastes, casting res- Assets: 2 distribution centres; 12 tractor trail-
Vienna, Austria ins); additives for coatings (pigments, matting ers; 5 straight trucks; 25 tank wagons; 400,000
WWW.PROCHEMA.COM agents, drier, compounds); additives for plas- gal bulk storage

suriya silsaksom/Alamy Stock Photo



HB CHEMICAL President: Thorsten Harke and reinforcements; rheology modifiers

109 2017 SALES: $128M Products: Cleaning and detergent chemicals; Services: Sales development; customer ser-
coatings; electronic/high purity chemicals; vice; storage; logistics
Twinsburg, Ohio, US food ingredients; functional food; industrial Assets: 2 owned warehouses; 10 public
WWW.HBCHEMICAL.COM chemicals; cosmetics/personal care ingredi- warehouse sites; 2 trucks
President and CEO: Jeffrey L Rand ents; pharmaceutical excipients; phosphates; Trading sales: 15%
Products: Rubber accelerators; zinc oxide; plastics; specialty films; specialty chemicals;
magnesium oxide; synthetic polymers; natu- synthetic polymers; water-soluble films; UNIPEX
ral rubber; stearic acid; sulphur; antioxidants; water treatment chemicals 116 2017 SALES: €98.5M ($118.2M)
paraffin and microcrystalline waxes; polyeth- Services: Formulation; blending; mixing; en-
ylene glycol waxes; ester plasticizers; anti- capsulation; packaging; refilling; storage; gra- Paris, France
tack agents; carbon black; phenolic resins vure; film coating; Reach consulting WWW.UNIPEX.COM
Services: Packaging Assets: Warehouse; packaging machines; fill- President: Patrice Barthelmes
Assets: 2 warehouses ing stations; silo; encapsulation machines Products: Active and functional personal
Trading sales: 10% care ingredients; active pharmaceutical ingre-
HAVILAND ENTERPRISES dients (APIs) and excipients; enzymes; amino
110 2017 SALES: $128M RAHN GROUP acids; lactose; sweeteners; sugar; starch; fi-
113 2017 SALES: $125M bres; plasticizers; surfactants; additives; sili-
Grand Rapids, Michigan, US cones; titanium dioxide (TiO2); dyes and pig-
WWW.HAVILANDUSA.COM Zurich, Switzerland ments; sports grounds polymers and resins
President and CEO: Mike Karasiewicz WWW.RAHN-GROUP.COM Services: Corporate Social Responsibility
Products: Caustic soda; sulphuric acid; hy- CEO: Marcel Gatti (CSR); warehousing; application laboratory
drochloric acid; finishing chemicals; anodiz- Products: Raw materials for inks, coatings services; formulations; regulatory services;
ing chemicals; cleaning chemicals; waste and adhesives; personal care ingredients; fla- auditing; reconditioning
treatment chemicals; potable water chemi- vours and fragrances; food ingredients Assets: 2 owned warehouses in the Paris area
cals; swimming pool chemicals; solvents Services: Application support; R&D; custom- Trading sales: 9%
Services: Liquid and powder blending; liq- ised products; regulatory affairs; formula-
uid and powder packaging; sachet/pouching; tions; international logistics; analytics AFRIGLOBAL COMMODITIES
screen printing; labelling; laboratory analysis; Trading sales: 50% 117 2017 SALES: $116.3M
technical service; bulk storage
Assets: 6 warehouses; 14 trucks; 24 trailers; 3 ALGOL CHEMICALS Dubai, UAE
tankers; 5 manufacturing locations 114 2017 SALES: $120M WWW.AFRIGLOBALONLINE.COM
Trading sales: Less than 5% Managing director: Maneesh Bhushan Garg
Espoo, Finland Products: Flexible and rigid polyurethane
J. TECH SALES WWW.ALGOLCHEMICALS.COM chemicals; food and feed ingredients, bever-
111 2017 SALES: $127M Managing director: Juha Jokinen age grade ethanol; paint raw materials includ-
Products: Resins and binders; fillers and ad- ing solvents, specialty paint additives; cos-
Boca Raton, Florida, US ditives for paints and coatings; additives, aux- metics raw materials and fine chemicals; soap
WWW.JTECHSALES.COM iliaries and fillers for polymers and rubber; and detergent raw materials; leather, textile
CEO: Jeffrey Tannenbaum polymers; food ingredients and additives; raw and water treatment chemicals; oilfield chem-
Products: Surfactants; terpenes; soy methyl materials for animal feed; chemicals for metal icals; lubricant additives; plastic resins and
esters; fluoroadditives; biological products; production and systems for metal treatment; processing aids; construction chemicals;
enzymes; rheology modifiers; water-based de- industrial chemicals; water treatment chemi- pharmaceutical excipients
foamers; water-based acrylic copolymers; cals; mining chemicals; ammonia gas and Services: Imports; end to end logistics; ven-
polyethylene and wax emulsions; plasticiz- aqueous ammonia; soil remediation systems dor managed inventory (VMI); warehousing;
ers; polyurethanes; US EPA registered disin- Services: Warehousing and bulk storage; lo- blending; technical after-sales support
fectants; antimicrobials and biocides; silicone gistics; repackaging and relabelling; blending Assets: 8 warehouses with 150,000 square
fluids and emulsions; green solvents and mixing; toll production; Reach services; feet; 25 trucks; blending and formulation unit
Services: Inventory management and plan- laboratory testing Trading sales: 2.6%
ning; custom formulating; product develop- Assets: 23 warehouses in 11 countries (Fin-
ment; prototype formulating; regulatory com- land, Scandinavia, Baltics, Russia, Ukraine, SEA-LAND CHEMICAL
pliance and support; warehousing; logistics; Belarus, India) 118 2017 SALES: $115.2M
laboratory testing
Assets: Corporate headquarters; research and H.M. ROYAL Westlake, Ohio, US
analytical laboratory; 9 public warehouses 115 2017 SALES: $120M WWW.SEALANDCHEM.COM
throughout North America; regional office in President: Jennifer Altstadt
Colorado, US; regional office in Illinois, US; Trenton, New Jersey, US Products: Acids; amines; biocides; chlorinat-
regional office in Brazil WWW.HMROYAL.COM ed paraffins; corrosion inhibitors; defoamers;
President: Joseph E Royal esters, emulsifiers; ethoxylated alcohols; fatty
HARKE GROUP Products: Rubber polymers; resins and dilu- acids; industrial and transportation lubricant
112 2017 SALES: €105M ($126.0M) ents; curing agents; processing aids and plas- additive components; polyalphaolefins; pri-
ticizers; rubber to metal bonding adhesives; mary amino alcohols; natural petroleum sul-
Muelheim an der Ruhr, Germany flame retardants and smoke suppressants; fonates; surfactants; vegetable and animal oils
WWW.HARKE.COM films and wrapping tapes; functional fillers Services: Stocking; packaging and repackag-

ing; product sourcing; market development; clusive associates handling cargos via road, air feed additives; tailor-made blends for food
technical expertise; lubricant testing; logis- and sea to cater to customers in 26 countries and feed; agrochemicals; metalworking for-
tics; small package to bulk deliveries; Trading sales: 68% mulations; detergent and disinfection chemi-
ISO9001:2015 standards; regulatory support cals; home care and personal care chemicals;
Assets: 10 warehouse locations in North NORTEX pharmaceutical ingredients; textile and leath-
America and Europe; 6 repackaging facilities; 120 2017 SALES: $110M er chemicals; coatings materials; water treat-
1 testing laboratory ment chemicals; polyols and polyurethanes
Trading sales: 15% Moscow, Russia Services: Blending; drumming; custom and
WWW.NORTEX-CHEM.RU toll manufacturing; contract manufacturing;
DIA33 CEO: Vladimir Yakushin VMI (telemetry); environmental assistance;
119 2017 SALES: $111.5M Products: Isocyanates; polyols; epoxy resins; technical assistance; packaging; agency ser-
hardeners; fillers; flame retardants; polyole- vices; specialised chemicals storage and
Dubai, UAE fins; engineering plastics; antioxidants; syn- transportation
WWW.DIA33.COM thetic and natural rubber; vulcanising agents; Assets: 8 warehouses with storage capacity
Group CEO: Nadeem Raza PVC resins; plasticizers; blowing agents; tita- of 70,000 square metres equalling 56,000 pal-
Products: Polyolefins; acrylic resin; polyure- nium dioxide; oilfield chemicals; construc- lets in southwest Europe, northern Africa and
thane (PU) resin; radiation curing resin; pow- tion chemicals China; tanks capacity of 17,000 cubic metres;
der coating resin; epoxy resin; PU hardener; Services: Logistics; packaging; professional own trucks fleet; 80 person sales force in
epoxy hardener; micronised and polyethyl- technical support southwest Europe, northern Africa, Latin
ene (PE) wax; organic pigments; inorganic Assets: 8 warehouses; 4 trucks America and China
pigments; performance additives; fibres and Trading sales: 20% Trading sales: 20%
filler; concrete admixtures; binder cement
Services: Consignment stock solutions; call- GROUP BARCELONESA TILLEY CHEMICAL
off stock solutions; door-to-door logistics; free 121 2017 SALES: €90.7M ($108.8M) 122 2017 SALES: $106.3M
label solutions; customised product solu-
tions; technical consultancy; product devel- Barcelona, Spain Baltimore, Maryland US
opment and technical laboratory solutions; WWW.GRUPBARCELONESA.COM WWW.TILLEYCHEM.COM
storage for hazardous and classified chemi- President and CEO: D Enric Collell President: John M Tilley
cals; logistics and warehousing; inventory Products: Chlor-alkalis; acids and bases; me- Products: Food ingredients; pharmaceutical
management solutions tallic salts; oilfield and mining chemicals; res- ingredients; personal care ingredients; HI&I
Assets: 12 warehouses in 6 countries; 18 ex- ins, curing agents and composites; food and chemicals; process chemicals; beverage ingre-

SergBob/Alamy Stock Photo



dients; industrial chemicals nary APIs and excipients; food and feed ingre- cal ingredients; cosmetics ingredients; per-
Services: Blending; packaging dients and additives; food supplements; fla- sonal care and home care chemicals; rubber
Assets: 2 company owned warehouses; 3 vours and fragrances; cosmetics ingredients additives; plastics additives; electronics
public warehouses; 30+ trucks; 24 tank trucks Trading sales: 60% chemicals; water treatment chemicals; food
and beverage ingredients
HARWICK STANDARD THE CHEMICAL COMPANY Sevices: Technical sales and marketing; ap-
123 DISTRIBUTION 127 2017 SALES: $96.4M plication development; analytical testing
2017 SALES: $102.5M and quality control; warehousing; regulatory
Jamestown, Rhode Island, US services; supply chain management; after
Akron, Ohio, US WWW.THECHEMCO.COM sales services
WWW.HARWICK.COM CEO: Robert N Roach, Jr; President: Robert N Assets: 10 office locations; application and
President and CEO: Ernie Pouttu Roach III quality control laboratories; fully owned and
Products: Polymers; rubber chemicals; plasti- Products: Polymer additives; coatings, adhe- operated warehousing and tank farm
cizers; process oils; flame retardants; activa- sives, sealants and elastomers (CASE); flame
tors; chemical and colour dispersions; pro- retardants; silanes; water treatment chemi- TANNER INDUSTRIES
cessing aids; organic peroxides; resins; cals; intermediates; acids 131 2017 SALES: $93.4M
vulcanizing agents; colourants; fillers; stabi- Services: Global procurement; packaging; im-
lizers; dry liquid concentrates ports; international customs management: Southampton, Pennsylvania, US
Services: Warehousing; bulk break; logistics; EH&S team; logistics and rail fleet management WWW.TANNERIND.COM
storage; technical support; regulatory support Assets: Global network comprised of 41 sites, President and CEO: Stephen Brad Tanner
Assets: 2 company owned and operated with regional offices in California, US; Colom- Products: Anhydrous and aqua ammonia
warehouses; 7 public warehouses; 1 truck bia, Mexico City, Mexico; and Nanjing, China; Services: Safety training; tank storage;
10 storage facilities; 14 railcars; global ware- pump out services; storage tank repairs and
CLEARTECH INDUSTRIES houses, shore tanks and distribution centres maintenance
124 2017 SALES: $100M Assets: 16 distribution locations; full fleet of
NOAHS ARK CHEMICALS tractors and trailers
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada 128 2017 SALES: €80M ($96.0M)
President: Randy Bracewell London, UK 132 2017 SALES: $92M
Products: Water treatment; caustic soda; hy- WWW.NOAHSARK.EU.COM
drochloric acid; chlorine; sodium hypochlo- CEO: Dr Bharat Bhardwaj Bangkok, Thailand
rite; coagulants; flocculants; acids; alkalis; Products: Solvents; glycols; styrene; benzene; WWW.UNIONPETROCHEMICAL.COM
sulfites; defoamers; activated carbon; phos- acrylates Managing director: Perapol Suwannapasri
phates; chemical feed systems; analytical Services: Blending; storage Products: Alcohols; aromatics; esters; gly-
products Trading sales: 30% cols; ketones; monomers; PP; PE
Services: Blending; packaging Services: Blending; packaging; repackaging;
Assets: 10 buildings in 7 cities across Canada TAJ AL MULOOK storage, delivery; inventory management
129 2017 SALES: $95.6M Assets: 5 warehouses; 30 trucks
125 2017 SALES: €82M ($98.4M) Dubai, UAE NEO CHEMICAL
WWW.TAJCHEM.COM 133 2017 SALES: €76.2M ($91.4M)
Nuremberg, Germany Chairman and CEO: Irfan Mulla
WWW.STAUB-SILBERMANN.DE Products: Polyurethane chemicals (TDI, MDI, Dzerzhinsk, Russia
Managing directors: Andreas Frank, Thomas polyols); lubricant additives (PPD, TBM, WWW.NEOCHEMICAL.RU
Seiler, Peter Stockmeier ZDDP, base oils); paints, inks and coatings; CEO: Andrey Lipovetskiy; Director: Vladimir
Products: Industrial and speciality chemi- construction chemicals; oilfield chemicals; sol- Fedyushkin
cals; acids and lyes; solvents; solid chemicals; vents; polyurethanes (PU); machinery; fabrics Products: Additives; peroxide compounds;
cleaning agents; food and feed ingredients; Services: Blending; repackaging; local ware- titanium dioxide; silanes; polyisobutylenes;
pharmaceutical ingredients; cosmetics ingre- housing; technical support; supply chain hardeners; hexene-1; citric acid; surfactants;
dients; water treatment chemicals; thermal management; just-in-time delivery; invento- base oils; disinfectants; polyurethanes; poly-
transfer agents; ammonia; AdBlue diesel ex- ry management ols; n-pentane; furfuryl alcohol; amines
haust fluid Assets: Extensive marketing network in GCC Services: Storage; shipping
Services: Storage; mixing; blending; filling; and Africa; 3 warehouses in UAE; 1 Ware- Assets: Wholesale warehouse in Dzerzhinsk,
packaging; polymerisation house in Saudi Arabia Russia
Assets: 2 warehouses; 17 trucks Trading sales: 40% Trading sales: 49.5%
Trading sales: 34%
QUIMDIS 130 2017 SALES: €78M ($93.6M) 134 2017 SALES: €76M ($91.2M)
126 2017 SALES: €81.5M ($97.8M)
Krefeld, Germany Kraainem, Belgium
WWW.QUIMDIS.COM CEO: Christopher Erbsloeh General manager: Claude Fickers
President: Jean-Francois Quarre Products: Coatings materials; adhesives; con- Products: Specialty and commodity meth-
Products: Pharmaceutical excipients; veteri- struction chemicals; lubricants; pharmaceuti- acrylate monomers; specialty and commodity


Company Sales ($m) Company Sales ($m) Company Sales ($m)
1 Brenntag 982 22 Omya 35.9 43 LBB Specialties (includes Charkit 5.0
Chemical Company & AIC)
2 Tricon Energy 913 23 Sulatlantica 35.0
3 GTM 621 24 Morais de Castro 28.8 44 Transmare Chemie 5.0

4 Manuchar 583 25 Cosmiquimica 25.1 45 Van Horn, Metz 5.0

5 Industria Quimica Anastacio 336 26 Selectchemie 25.0 46 PENPET Petrochemical Trading 4.8
6 Pochteca Materias Primas 336 27 CG Chemikalien 20.7 47 Prakash Chemicals International 4.0
7 M. Cassab 314 28 Petrochem Middle East 18.7 48 Ricardo Molina 4.0
8 Quimtia 293 29 ECEM European Chemical Marketing 18.0
49 T.Z. Group (consolidating results of Tau 3.7
9 Jebsen & Jessen 212 30 Wego Chemical 16.0 Chemicals, T.Z. Trading, Quimica Treza,
Quimica Treza del Bajio, Treza del Caribe)
10 Bandeirante Quimica 203 31 KH Chemicals 15.2
50 Atlantic Chemicals Trading 3.6
11 Indukern 183 32 Equilex 14.9
12 Snetor 183 33 The Chemical Company 14.3 51 Norkem Holdings 3.5

13 Vikudha Overseas 102 34 Unique Chemical Technologies 12.5 52 Solvadis 3.1

14 ICC Chemical 57.1 35 DutCH2 9.6 53 The Plaza Group 3.0
15 Biesterfeld 54.0 36 Clariquimica 9.5 54 2M Holdings 2.9
16 Carbono Quimica 49.5 37 SolvChem 9.5 55 Lehmann & Voss 2.4
17 Andes Chemical 49.1 38 Joss Elastomers 8.4
56 Quimidroga 2.4
18 Metachem 44.7 39 Bufa Chemikalien Group 7.3
57 George S. Coyne Chemical 2.0
19 Henry Hirschen 40.1 40 Shamrock Shipping & Trading 6.8
58 Haffner 2.0
20 Pluschem 36.0 41 CellMark Chemicals 6.3
59 WISTEMA 2.0
21 Quelaris Internacional 36.0 42 Ravago Chemicals 6.0
NOTE: Sales are by region and may differ from the total sales figure in the main Top 100 listing. Table excludes companies that do not break out sales by geography

acrylate monomers; crosslinking agents; spe- tions and manufacturing; repackaging; R&D; tives for paints and coatings, plastics, rub-
cialty and commodity solvents; additives; sales and marketing ber and metalworking; crosslinkers;
emulsifiers; emollients; intermediates; fla- Assets: 9 warehouses; 5 laboratories; 2 man- personal care ingredients; resins; fillers;
vours and fragrances; surfactants; vitamins; ufacturing sites; 7 offices; 1 clean room colourants; printing ink materials; dyes;
water treatment chemicals; denaturants; Trading sales: 15% rubber adhesion promoters; lubricants; in-
pure solvents; crosslinking additives dustrial and institutional (I&I) cleaner in-
Services: Tailored services; flexibility; reac- PHT INTERNATIONAL gredients; building product chemicals; tex-
tivity; customer focus; single point of con- 136 2017 SALES: $90.1M tile auxiliary chemicals
tact; customised handling (filling, mixing, Services: Technical support; contract packag-
packaging and labelling) Charlotte, North Carolina, US ing; vendor managed inventory; temperature
Assets: Presence in North America, Eu- WWW.PHTCHEMICAL.COM controlled storage
rope, Asia; pan European presence in 23 President: Lihong Yu Assets: 13 warehouses
countries; development in Eastern Europe; Products: Pharmaceutical ingredients; agro-
Reach - own registration (lead registrant and chemicals; consumables; electronic chemicals; QUIMISA
co-registrant) personal care ingredients; industrial chemicals 138 2017 SALES: $89.9M
Services: Custom manufacturing; in-house
CORNELIUS GROUP chemical development; quality control and Santa Catarina, Brazil
135 2017 SALES: £67.2M ($90.7M) regulatory support; strategic sourcing; logis- WWW.QUIMISA.COM.BR
tics; sales and marketing; sample generation; President and CEO: Rogerio Wehmuth
Bishops Stortford, UK contract research organisation; import/export Products: Caustic soda; chlorinated solvents;
WWW.CORNELIUS.CO.UK services in the US and China oxygenated solvents; aromatic solvents; gly-
Chairman: Dr Neville Prior Assets: 100% owned Sancus Arc BioChem cols; hydrogen peroxide; organic acids; inor-
Products: Monomers; specialty chemicals; manufacturing facility ganic chemicals; ethanolamines; heat transfer
food ingredients; personal care ingredients; fluids; textile auxiliaries and dyestuffs; en-
pigments; additives; resins; minerals; sur- LINTECH INTERNATIONAL zymes; chemicals for household care and in-
factants; adhesive materials; excipients; nat- 137 2017 SALES: $90M dustrial/institutional applications; water
ural products; animal feed ingredients; med- treatment chemicals
ical device raw materials; coatings Macon, Georgia, US Services: Liquid and dry storage; packaging;
ingredients WWW.LINTECHINTERNATIONAL.COM blending; flexible delivery; technical support;
Services: Global supply chain management; CEO: Julie Van Brunt product and solutions development
laboratory services; logistics; legislative/reg- Products: Adhesives and sealants raw ma- Assets: Headquarters; 3 branches; 8 ware-
ulatory advice; distillation; chemical reac- terials; advanced composite resins; addi- houses; 75 trucks

NAC_010618_TOP 100.indd 50 05/06/2018 12:22


Tom Mueller/imageBROKER/REX/Shutterstock
139 2017 SALES: $87.2M 141 2017 SALES: $84M 143 2017 SALES: €70M ($84.0M)

Indianapolis, Indiana, US La Palma, California, US Alkmaar, Netherlands

President: Kristin Mays Corbitt CEO: Sam Rumfola CEO: Frits Jeukens
Products: Acidulants; binders; buffers; che- Products: Resins; pigments; additives; spe- Products: Natural rubber and latex; synthetic
lates; citrates; emulsifiers; excipients; glycer- cialties rubbers (SBR, BR, SBS, IIR, IR); process oils;
ine; gums; methanol; phosphates; solvents; Services: Storage zince oxide; accelerators; silica; carbon black
starches; stearates; surfactants Assets: 10 warehouses Services: Trading; warehousing; financing
Services: Shipping; warehousing; liquid Trading sales: 10-20% Trading sales: 50%
blending; repackaging; reformulation
Assets: 2 warehouses; 1 warehouse/blending ILARIO ORMEZZANO CHEMSOLV
facility; 2 freight trucks; 7 liquid tank trucks; 142 2017 SALES: €70.0M ($84.0M) 144 2017 SALES: $83.5M
12 forklifts/related equipment
Gaglianico, Italy Roanoke, Virginia, US
140 2017 SALES: $84.6M President: Giancarlo Ormezzano CEO: L Glenn Austin
Products: Solvents; phenol; acrylates; base Products: Specialty blends; thinners; ink sol-
Atlanta, Georgia, US chemicals; pharmaceutical intermediates; hy- vents; aromatics/aliphatics; hydrocarbons;
WWW.ESSENTIALINGREDIENTS.COM drocarbons isoparaffins; chlorinated solvents; alcohols;
CEO: Kris Maynard Services: Storage of liquid and solid prod- ketones; esters; glycols and glycol ethers; pol-
Services: Personal care ingredients; pharma- ucts; storage for third parties; blending; cus- yethylene glycols; amines; ethanolamines;
ceutical ingredients; home care, industrial tomised handling (packaging, mixing, filling plasticizers; surfactants; acrylates; silicones;
and institutional care chemicals; textile and labelling); quality control; technical after- metalworking fluids; process oils; oils and lu-
chemicals; animal care chemicals sales support; Reach support bricants; diesel exhaust fluid; inorganics; am-
Services: R&D solutions; product develop- Assets: 2 warehouses owned with a total of monium, sodium and potassium salts; phos-
ment; technical support; dedicated customer 85,000 square metres and storage capacity for phates; chlor-alkalis
service representatives; blending; repackag- liquid products of more than 7,000 cubic me- Services: Solvent blending; packaging; sol-
ing; logistics solutions; regulatory team; sam- tres; 1 warehouse for rent; 3 offices; 2 labora- vent distillation of NMP, EG, DEG, TEG, PG,
ple inventory; multi-language personnel tories; 5 trucks 2-EH; lab services; safety and environmental
Assets: 7 distribution centres in the US Trading sales: 20% consulting

Assets: 6 plant locations; 38 trucks; 50 trail- elastomers; household, institutional and in- Assets: Total bulk storage capacity of 102,000
ers, 1.75m gal bulk storage; 5 warehouse stor- dustrial chemicals; pharmaceuticals and nu- gal; total warehouse space of 275,000 square
age locations; rail service terminal traceuticals; personal care and cosmetics feet; 25 trailers; 28 railcars; 18 tankers; 4 Bob-
Trading sales: 2% chemicals; food ingredients; functional fluids tail trucks
Services: Bulk liquids packaging; custom
WILL & CO blending; returnable containers, drums and GEORGE S. COYNE CHEMICAL
145 2017 SALES: €68M ($81.6M) totes; customised tote programmes; custom 152 2017 SALES: $73M
labelling; remote tank monitoring; vendor
Badhoevedorp/Amsterdam, Netherlands managed inventory; consignment inventory; Croydon, Pennsylvania, US
WWW.WILL-CO.NL committed inventory to forecast; mixed WWW.COYNECHEMICAL.COM
Managing director: Jacques van Lindonk truckload deliveries, LTL quantities, just-in- President and CEO: Thomas H Coyne Sr
Products: 1,4 butanediol; methylamines; time deliveries Products: Acids; alcohols; amines; chelating
pigments; paint additives; paint resins; bar- Assets: 2 dedicated white rooms for NF, agents; chlor-alkai; chlorinated solvents; food
rier resins for plastics; foaming agents for FCC, USP and Kosher packaging; 9 ware- additives; glycol ethers; hydrogen peroxide;
plastics; impact modifiers for plastics; addi- houses; 5,000 square feet of temperature con- inorganics; ketones; polymers; specialty
tive masterbatches; proteins; plasticizers; trolled (hot and cold) warehousing; 400,000 quats; surfactants; potable and wastewater
sulfamic acid; long chain diacids; flame re- square feet of environmentally controlled treatment chemicals
tardant systems; ferric chloride warehousing; 90,000 gal bulk storage; com- Services: Blending; technical training; con-
Services: Storage management; logistics pany owned and operated fleet of 12 trucks; tract packaging; terminal rail to truck trans-
management; sales and marketing tank farm; 2 regional offices loading
Trading sales: Less than 10% Assets: Over 200,000 square feet of storage in
TRIISO 4 warehouses; 27 trucks; over 50 trailers or
KALE KIMYA 149 2017 SALES: $78M tankers
146 2017 SALES: $80M Trading sales: Less than 10%
Cardiff, California, US
WWW.KALEKIMYA.COM President: Jason Scott 153 2017 SALES: $72M
CEO: Birgen Kaleagasi Products: Paints; coatings and ink raw ma-
Products: Detergent additives; disinfectants terials; adhesives and sealants ingredients; Athens, Greece
and protection chemicals; emulsifiers; poly- plastics and composite chemicals; lubri- WWW.AFCO.GR
mers; surfactants; pool chemicals; actives and cants and metal-working additives; polyure- CEO: Christos Spanos
antioxidants; paints, oils and esters; condi- thane chemicals Products: Polymers; fertilizers; pharmaceuti-
tioners; protectives; perfume; silicones; UV Services: Logistics; warehousing cal ingredients; food ingredients; industrial
filters; fatty alcohols; adhesives Assets: 1 office; 3PL service providers chemicals
Services: Storage; transport; production; Services: logistics; project management;
blending; packaging CHEMICAL SOLVENTS technical product development
Assets: 5 warehouses; 4 trucks; 1 production 150 2017 SALES: $75M Trading sales: 10%
facility; total 35,000 square metres storage;
1,000 tonnes bulk storage Cleveland, Ohio, US RICARDO MOLINA GROUP
Trading sales: 30% WWW.CHEMICALSOLVENTS.COM 154 2017 SALES: €59.4M ($71.3M)
CEO: Ed Pavlish
CHEM INTERNATIONAL (CHEM PO- Products: Aromatics; aliphatics; amines; ke- Barcelona, Spain
147 LAND, CHEM DISTRIBUTION) tones; d-limonene; NPB; silicones; TBAC; me- WWW.RICARDOMOLINA.COM
2017 SALES: $78.8M thyl acetate President: Gemma Molina
Services: Custom blending; solvent recycling Products: Coatings chemicals; adhesives;
Warsaw, Poland Assets: 5 warehouses; 1.5m gal tank capacity building and construction chemicals; lubri-
WWW.CHEM-INTERNATIONAL.PL cants; pharmaceutical ingredients; cosmetics
CEO/Board member: Cezary Mielczarek; MILES CHEMICAL chemicals; personal and home care chemi-
Board member: Pawel Tomaszkiewicz 151 2017 SALES: $73.5M cals; rubber and plastics additives; water
Products: Anhydrides; glycols; vinyl ace- treatment chemicals; food and beverage in-
tate monomer (VAM); styrene monomer Arleta, California, US gredients; agrochemicals
(SM); butyl acrylate (BA); phenol; poly- WWW.MILESCHEMICAL.COM Services: Technical sales and marketing; ap-
mers; solvents CEO: Michael Miles; plication development; quality control; ware-
Services: Logistics support; intermodal solu- Chairman: Anthony Miles housing; regulatory services; supply chain
tions; warehousing; storage; customised ser- Products: Acids; esters; lubricants; alcohols; management; after sales services; repackaging
vices and solutions; technical support flavours and fragrances; plasticizers; food ad- Assets: 3 laboratories; 1 warehouse
ditives; polyglycols; amines; glycol ethers; hy-
CALLAHAN CHEMICAL drogen peroxide; solvents; chelating agents; MOGOIL
148 2017 SALES: $78M chlor-alkali; inorganics; surfactants; chlorinat- 155 2017 SALES: €59.3M ($71.2M)
ed solvents; thickening agents; ketones
Palmyra, New Jersey, US Services: Manufacturing; blending; contract Berlin, Germany
WWW.CALCHEM.COM packaging; solvent reclamation; technical WWW.MOGOIL.COM
President: Gregory Shetler training; safety training; hazardous waste re- Managing director: Miroslav Pribyl
Products: Coatings, adhesives sealants and moval; customer product research Products: Base oils; process oils; low viscosi-
B Christopher/Alamy Stock Photo

ty oils; paraffins; specialties nal storage with dedicated berth access chemicals; household industrial and institu-
Services: Storage; logistics; financing; techni- (<500m away) at the Jebel Ali port; 9 ware- tional (HI&I) chemicals; plastics additives; inks
cal support houses; 3 production facilities (including a Services: Warehouse distribution; customer
Trading sales: 25% 15,000 tonne/year sulphonation plant); 3 service; product availability; inventory man-
laboratories agement; technical expertise; formulation;
MAHA CHEMICALS Trading sales: 70% consulting
156 2017 SALES: $71M Assets: 13 warehouse locations
Singapore 158 2017 SALES: $69M PROQUIBASA
WWW.MAHACHEM.COM 160 2017 SALES: €57.3M ($68.8M)
CEO: Tan Seow Hoon West Palm Beach, Florida, US
Products: Carbon black; construction chemi- WWW.GREENCHEMINDUSTRIES.COM Barcelona, Spain
cals; resins; polymers; additives; functional CEO: John S Lagae WWW.PROQUIBASA.COM
fillers; pigments; colourants Products: Acetates; acids; acrylates; alcohols; CEO: Ivan Sanchez
Services: Sales and marketing; warehouse amines; aromatics; chlorinated solvents; ke- Products: Organic and inorganic chemicals;
storage; logistics; packaging tones; glycols; glycol ethers; nonyl phenol specialty and fine chemicals; organic and in-
Assets: 12 warehouses; 12 trucks ethoxylates; phthalates; PCBTF; DMC; THF; organic pigments; detergent chemicals
d-limonene Services: Technical service; blending; manu-
AL NAHDA INTERNATIONAL Services: Import specialist; logistics; re- facturing; toll manufacturing; bulk loading
157 (ANICHEM GROUP) packaging; just-in-time inventory manage- and storage; warehousing
2017 SALES: $70.3M ment; in-house customs broker; freight Assets: Full service and wholly owned facili-
specialist ties in Barcelona with tank farm (100 tanks)
Dubai, UAE Assets: 20 public warehouses across North and 7,000 square metre warehouse; regional
WWW.ALNAHDAFZ.COM America hub in Madrid with tank farm (25 tanks) and
Managing director: Dr T.R. Vijayan 2,000 square metre warehouse
Products: Solvents; ethanol; IPA; acetates; FITZ CHEM, NAGASE GROUP
acrylates; alcohols; aromatics; cellulose 159 2017 SALES: $69M WEBB CHEMICAL SERVICE
ethers; coating additives; glycols; pigments; 161 2017 SALES: $67M
polymer emulsions; thinners; LABSA Itasca, Illinois, US
Services: Terminal storage for bulk liquid WWW.FITZCHEM.COM Muskegon Heights, Mchigan, US
chemicals; drumming facility; 3PL warehous- CEO: Don Deihs WWW.WEBBCHEMICAL.COM
ing; custom blending Products: Personal care ingredients; coat- President: Charlie Stevens; CEO: Brad Hilleary
Assets: 20,000 cubic metres of tank termi- ings, adhesives, sealants, elastomers (CASE) Products: Caustic soda 50%; caustic potash

45%; alcohols; ketones; sulphuric acid; phos- Assets: 8 warehouses spread all over Egypt base oils; additives; glycols; waxes; white oils;
phoric acid; propylene glycols; aromatics; and Africa recycled oils; rubber process oils (RPO); pet-
ethylene glycols; surfactants; ethanolamines; Trading sales: 80% rolatum; bitumen; antifreeze
glycol ethers Services: Supply chain and logistics; financ-
Services: Special deliveries; warehousing; LAVOLLEE GROUP ing and trade finance; flexitank loading; mar-
vendor managed inventory (VMI); blending 165 2017 SALES: €53M ($63.6M) ket intelligence; storage; trans-shipment
Assets: 5 warehouses; 28 bulk tanks; 35 tank- Assets: Offices in Cyprus, France and the
ers; 15 box trucks; 20 trucks Levallois/Paris, France United Arab Emirates (UAE)
WWW.LAVOLLEE.COM Trading sales: 60%
PRAKASH CHEMICALS President: Herve Ory Lavollee
162 INTERNATIONAL Products: Coatings and adhesives addi- ASTRO CHEMICALS
2017 SALES: $66.8M tives; construction chemicals; lubricants; 169 2017 SALES: $60M
pharmaceutical ingredients; cosmetics in-
Vadodara, Gujarat, India gredients; personal and home care chemi- Springfield, Massachusetts, US
WWW.PCIPLINDIA.COM cals; fragrances and flavours; rubber and WWW.ASTROCHEMICALS.COM
Managing director: Manish K Shah plastics additives; electronics chemicals; President and CEO: Chris Diamond
Products: Caustic soda flakes; TDI; caustic water treatment chemicals; food and bever- Products: Solvents; chlor-alkali; pharma-
soda prills; benzyl alcohol; ethyl acetate; sodi- age ingredients ceutical-grade chemicals; food-grade chemi-
um sulphate anhydrous; cinnamic aldehdye; Services: Technical sales and marketing; ap- cals; adhesives; activated carbon; water treat-
SLES; chlorinated paraffin wax; benzyl chlo- plication development; analytical testing ment chemicals; wastewater treatment
ride; citric acid; liquid glucose; DEP; dextrose and quality control; warehousing; regulatory chemicals; mineral oils and petrolatums; ac-
monohydrate; hydrochloric acid; white oil services; supply chain management; after etates; heat transfer fluids; alcohols; citrates;
Services: Blending; packaging; storage; label- sales services; outsourcing; repackaging phosphates; silicates
ling; logistics supply chain service ex-works Services: Blending; packaging; storage; lo-
to DDP; quality assurance; inspection; coun- VAN HORN, METZ & CO gistics
try specific compliance documents; Reach 166 2017 SALES: $63M Assets: 2 warehouses, 11 trucks, 4 tankers, 12
registration; FAMI-QS certification storage tanks of 12,500 gal each
Assets: 2 manufacturing plants; 2 warehous- Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, US
es; 3 subsidiaries outside India WWW.VANHORNMETZ.COM BRAINERD CHEMICAL
President: Barret C Fisher 170 2017 SALES: $60M
CONNECTION CHEMICAL Products: Additives; specialty resins; extend-
163 2017 SALES: $65.4M ers; pigments; dyes; base stock; silicones; sur- Tulsa, Oklahoma, US
factants; esters; thickeners; polyalphaolefins WWW.BRAINERDCHEMICAL.COM
Newtown, Pennsylvania, US (PAOs) CEO: Mathew A Brainerd
WWW.CONNECTIONCHEMICAL.COM Services: Dry blending; pigment treatment Products: Peracetic acid; hydrofluoric acid;
President: Frank Farish Assets: 10 warehouses; 1 new warehouse in sulphuric acid; nitric acid; refrigerants; aro-
Products: Caustic soda (liquid and dry); Toronto, California matics; aliphatics; glycols; glycol ethers; high
caustic potash (liquid and dry); industrial Trading sales: 15% hazard acids; chlor-alkali; alcohols; formalde-
and institutional chemicals; compounding hyde; food processing sanitation chemicals,
chemicals; agricultural products; water TCL HUNT GROUP water treatment chemicals
treatment chemicals; food and beverage in- 167 2017 SALES: $61M Services: Packaging; blending; contract pack-
gredients; feed ingredients; pulp and paper aging; toll manufacturing; logistics; ware-
chemicals; oil and gas chemicals; metal fin- Auckland, New Zealand housing; transloading
ishing and flux chemicals; phosphates; min- WWW.TCLHUNT.CO.NZ Assets: 4 production locations in Oklahoma,
eral acids WWW.TCLHOFMANN.COM.AU North Carolina, and Illinois; public ware-
Services: Logistics; importing; inventory CEO: Tim Fraser house in Dallas, Texas; tank terminals; rail
management; supply chain solutions; repack- Products: Polyolefins; engineering plastics; terminals; extensive company owned fleet of
aging; dilutions; blending; outsourcing chemical additives; surface coating resins; trucks and trailers, and bulk tankers
Assets: 12 stocking locations in the US; stra- packaging films; building products
tegic deep draft storage Services: Technical sales and marketing CHEMISPHERE
Assets: Offices in New Zealand (Auckland, 171 2017 SALES: $59.7M
CBC EGYPT Wellington) and Australia (Sydney, Mel-
164 2017 SALES: $64.8M bourne); warehouses in 4 locations in New St Louis, Missouri, US
Zealand and 5 locations in Australia WWW.CHEMISPHERECORP.COM
Cairo, Egypt Trading sales: 20% President: Matthew Schwent
WWW.CBC-EGYPT.COM Products: Beverage grade ethanol; denatured
Chairman: Francis A Shehata SHAMROCK SHIPPING & TRADING ethanol; aliphatic solvents; alcohols; aromat-
Products: Coatings and construction chemi- 168 2017 SALES: $60.6M ics; ketones; glycol ethers
cals; surfactants; oil and gas chemicals; food Services: Toll manufacturing; custom blend-
ingredients; pharmaceutical ingredients; Limassol, Cyprus ing; packaging; USP packaging; storage; rail-
dairy farm supplies; paper chemicals; resins WWW.SHAMROCKOILS.COM car transloading
and minerals Managing director: Celine Boutier Assets: 1.4m gal tank farm storage; 14 car rail
Services: Blending; storage; formulation as- Products: Base oils (Group I, II, III); polyal- spur; 60,000 square feet warehouse space;
sistance; local laboratory services phaolefins (PAOs); naphthenic oils; re-refined bulk tanker fleet.


Company Sales ($m) Company Sales ($m) Company Sales ($m)
1 Brenntag* 6,020 44 Grupo RNM 159 89 Airedale Chemical 56.7
2 Helm 2,880 45 Haffner 156 90 KALE KIMYA 55.0
3 Univar* 1,821 46 ELTON Group 152 91 Ricardo Molina 54.1
4 Tricon Energy 1,567 47 Grolman Group 152 92 Interallis Group 54.0
5 IMCD* 1,370 48 URAI 144 93 PHT International 50.7
6 Stockmeier Holding 1,233 49 Metadynea Trading 142 94 Quimitecnica.com 43.9
7 Biesterfeld 1,219 50 Keyser & Mackay 142 95 National Chemical 41.4
8 Barentz International 1,213 51 Thommen-Furler 140 96 A.+ E. Fischer- Chemie 40.8
9 Azelis* 1,059 52 CSC Jaecklechemie 136 97 Sameca 40.4
10 Quimidroga 912 53 Tillmanns 134 98 MY-CHEM 39.6
11 OQEMA (formerly Overlack) 905 54 Faravelli 133 99 GB-Chemie 37.2
12 Omya 872 55 ICC Chemical 133 100 UCG (United Chemical Group) 36.3
13 TER GROUP 758 56 2M Holdings 133
101 Vendico Chemical 35.3
14 Caldic 750 57 Arpadis Benelux 124
102 WISTEMA 35.0
15 Solvadis Group 616 58 PROCHEMA 122
103 Jobachem 34.9
16 Nexeo Solutions 500 59 HARKE Group 119
104 Vikudha Overseas 34.0
17 SAFIC-ALCAN 486 60 Petrochem Middle East 115
105 Joss Elastomers 33.6
18 Nordmann, Rassmann 480 61 Connect Chemicals 113
106 Isochem Group 30.0
19 Ravago Chemicals 426 62 Algol Chemicals 111
107 Lumar Quimica 28.2
20 CG Chemikalien 420 63 Nortex 110
108 Aceto 25.0
21 Lehmann & Voss 396 64 Unipex 110
22 Pluschem 348 65 PENPET Petrochemical Trading 105 109 Tan International 24.3
23 Jebsen & Jessen 341 66 Selectchemie 105 110 EQUILEX 24.0
24 DKSH** 321 67 KH Chemicals 103 111 Matrix Chemie 23.6
25 Eigenmann & Veronelli 318 68 Group Barcelonesa 102 112 BRUGUES 21.6
26 Indukern 314 69 Staub & Co – Silbermann 98.4 113 RAI Rakha Al Khaleej International 21.0
27 Krahn Chemie 307 70 C.H. Erbsloh 93.0 114 Monarch Chemicals 19.8
28 KTM 246 71 Bodo Moller Chemie 92.9 115 Klaus F. Meyer 19.6
29 Arkem Kimya 235 72 CellMark Chemicals 84.8 116 Lake Chemicals and Minerals 18.7
30 Gamma Chimica 226 73 Ilario Ormezzano 84.0 117 WhitChem 18.5
31 Donauchem 226 74 Noahs Ark Chemicals 84.0 118 Biachem 17.0
32 HSH Chemie Distribution Group 217 75 QUIMDIS 82.8 119 Tecnosintesi 16.5
33 Solventis 209 76 Cornelius Group 82.6 120 Kemat 15.5
34 ECEM European Chemical 207 77 Rahn Group 79.0 121 DutCH2 12.1
Marketing 78 CHEM INTERNATIONAL 78.8 122 Stort Chemicals 10.8
35 Bang & Bonsomer 206 79 Will & Co. 78.6 123 Prakash Chemicals International 8.9
36 Snetor 203 80 Neo Chemical 75.5 124 LBB Specialties (includes Charkit 8.0
37 United Trading System 203 81 Behn Meyer Group 72.1 Chemical Company & AIC)
38 Norkem Holdings 202 82 Aegean First Company (AFCO) 72.0 125 McKinn International 7.5
39 Tennants Distribution (and 199 83 Novasol Chemicals Group 72.0 126 Transmare Chemie 3.7
associated group distribution
companies) 84 MOGoil 71.2 127 Dakram Materials 3.5
40 VELOX 192 85 PROQUIBASA 63.6 128 Shamrock Shipping & Trading 3.1
41 IMPAG 180 86 Lavollee 63.0 129 Van Horn, Metz & Co 3.0
42 Atlantic Chemicals Trading 169 87 Wego Chemical Group 61.0 130 The Chemical Company 2.9
43 Bufa Chemikalien Group 160 88 Manuchar 56.8 131 Venus Chemicals Group 2.0
EMEA sales for Azelis, Brenntag, Univar, IMCD, Nexeo Solutions **DKSH figures are based on industry estimates
NOTE: Sales are by region and may differ from the total sales figure in the main Top 100 listing. Table excludes companies that do not break out sales by geography

SOLVCHEM small container filling dustrial chemicals; agricultural chemicals;

172 2017 SALES: $59.6M Assets: 9 trucks; 24 trailers; 15 tankers; 2 food and beverage ingredients; pharmaceutical
railcars ingredients; plastics additives; green chemicals
Pearland, Texas, US Services: Manufacturing; blending; contract
WWW.SOLVCHEM.COM WALSH & ASSOCIATES packaging; technical training; IFS certified
President and CEO: Jean-Pierre Baizan 173 2017 SALES: $58.5M warehousing
Products: Solvents; organic and inorganic Assets: 8 warehouse locations; 30m gal liq-
chemicals; epoxies; silicones; silicone emul- St Louis, Missouri, US uid bulk storage
sions; hydrocarbon resins; hydroxyl ethyl cel- WWW.WALSH-ASSOC.COM
lulose; titanium dioxide; acrylates President and CEO: Ellen M Murphy AIREDALE CHEMICAL
Services: Custom packaging; custom blend- Products: Coatings, adhesives, sealants and 174 2017 SALES: £43.2M ($58.3M)
ing; toll manufacturing; container manage- elastomers (CASE) materials; household, in-
ment programs; export services; technical dustrial and institutional chemicals; inks; per- Skipton, North Yorkshire, UK
support; green chemistry; product solutions; sonal care ingredients; oilfield chemicals; in- WWW.AIREDALECHEMICAL.COM

Managing director: Chris Chadwick Midlothian, Texas, US Dielheim, Germany ingredients; nutrition ingredients; industri-
Products: Commodity chemicals; phos- WWW.BUCKLEYOIL.COM WWW.WISTEMA.DE al chemicals; oilfield chemicals
phates; phosphonates; surfactants; biocides President: Robert Rice Owner and manager: Winfried Friedel Services: Storage
Services: Toll manufacturing; formulating; Products: Aromatics; aliphatics; alcohols; Products: Catalysts; chemical intermediates; Assets: 2 locations
blending; production; reactions glycols; glycol ethers; ketones; VOC exempt cosmetics, toiletries and personal care prod-
Assets: 3 warehouse locations; 20 vehicles solvents; surfactants; plasticizers; thinners; ucts; food ingredients; industrial chemicals; SKYHAWK CHEMICALS
automotive blends; oil and gas blends; acids; pharmaceutical ingredients; plastics addi- 187 2017 SALES: $48.0M
RAMCHARAN base oils; finished lubricants tives; polymers; reprographic chemicals/ink
175 2017 SALES: $55M Services: Custom blending; packaging; full chemicals; solvents/distilled solvents; water Houston, Texas, US
bulk deliveries; LTL bulk deliveries; packaged treatment chemicals; waxes WWW.SKYHAWKCHEMICALS.COM
Chennai, India deliveries Services: Storage; waste management (waste President: Clark Knickerbocker
WWW.RAMCHARAN.ORG Assets: 4 facilities; 20 trucks disposal certified); salvage recovery and re- Products: Caustic soda; methanol; calcium
Chairman and managing director: Divyesh sale; Reach consultation; contract and toll chloride; sulphuric acid; anhydrous ammo-
A Palicha MCCULLOUGH & ASSOCIATES manufacture nia; aqua ammonia; KOH (potassium hydrox-
Products: Synthetic rubbers; fillers; activa- 179 2017 SALES: $51.7M Assets: 3 warehouses ide); urea; propylene glycol; hydrochloric
tors; process aids; process oils; waxes; re- Trading sales: 60% acid; xylene; bleach; polyphosphoric acid;
claimed rubber; resins; rubber chemicals; cur- Atlanta, Georgia, US benzoic acid; ethylene glycol
ing chemicals; plasticizers; release agents; dry WWW.MCCANDA.COM VALUDOR PRODUCTS Services: Blending; packaging; storage
bonding agents; MTRB; carbon black; ABS; President: George McCullough 183 2017 SALES: $50.5M Assets: 275 gal and 330 gal totes
polycarbonate; polyacetal; polyamide; HM- Products: Specialty chemicals
HDPE; LDPE; LLDPE; MLLDPE; POP; POE; Services: Engineering services San Diego, California, US QUIMITECNICA.COM
PP; SEBS; antioxidants; flame retardants President and CEO: Semyon Melamed 188 2017 SALES: €39.8M ($47.8M)
Services: Packaging; blending; testing for TRINTERNATIONAL Products: Specialty fertilizer ingredients;
rubber and liquid dispersant industries; trad- 180 2017 SALES: $51.5M acids; inorganics Lisbon, Portugal
ing of rubber and speciality raw materials Services: Dry and liquid blending; repackag- WWW.QUIMITECNICA.COM
Assets: 139 warehouses; 2 testing labs for Seattle, Washington, US ing; private labelling CEO: Jose A Magalhaes
rubber, inks, coatings and plastics WWW.TRICHEMICALS.COM Products: Inorganic chemicals – acids, alkalis
Trading sales: 20% Founder and CEO: Anthony M Ridnell CARBONO QUIMICA and salts; water treatment chemicals; feed ad-
Products: Paints, coatings, adhesives and 184 2017 SALES: R164M ($49.5M) ditives; food additives; formulated specialties
INTERALLIS GROUP sealants materials; inks and dyes; polymer ad- Services: Blending; packaging; storage; logis-
176 2017 SALES: €45M ($54.0M) ditives; composite and construction chemi- Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo, Brazil tics; training; 3rd party logistics; vendor man-
cals; metal-working fluids; textile chemicals; WWW.CARBONO.COM.BR aged inventory
Cyprus, Nicosia lubricants; household and industrial cleaning President: Vera Maria Miraglia Gabriel Assets: 7 warehouses; 2 blending plants;
WWW.INTERALLIS.COM chemicals; water treatment chemicals; oilfield Products: Aromatic solvents; aliphatic sol- 12,500 cubic metre tank farm; 1 bulk solids
CEO: Nikos Kazantzis chemicals; food and beverage ingredients; vents; hydrogenated solvents; epoxy resins; warehouse; 5 trucks
Products: Human nutrition ingredients; feed and agriculture chemicals; pharmaceuti- alkyd resins; pigments; surfactants; anti-
home care chemicals; personal care chemi- cal ingredients; cosmetics ingredients; per- foam agents; vegetable oils; base oils; epoxy CHEM ONE
cals; industrial care chemicals; polymers; sonal care products catalysers; coalescent agents; pitch and its 189 2017 SALES: $46.6M
agrochemicals; animal nutrition ingredients; Services: Marketing; logistics; technical ser- derivatives
lubricants; rubber; coatings additives; con- vices; custom manufacturing; blending; con- Services: Bulk storage; blending; packaging; Houston, Texas, US
struction chemicals tract packaging lab services WWW.CHEMONE.COM
Services: Logistics; warehousing; sampling Trading sales: 49% Assets: 2,500 cubic metres of bulk storage; 3 President and CEO: Terry Podlogar
service; EU Reach regulation warehouses; 9 trucks Products: Feed additives; fertilizer ingredi-
HUBBARD-HALL ents; water treatment chemicals; food addi-
CAMBRIAN SOLUTIONS 181 2017 SALES: $51.0M ANDES CHEMICAL tives; industrial chemicals
177 2017 SALES: C$66.5M ($52.9M)
Trading 185 2017 SALES: $49.1M Services: Just-in-time inventory; pallet quan-
Waterbury, Connecticut, US tities; truckloads
Oakville, Ontario, Canada WWW.HUBBARDHALL.COM Doral, Florida, US Assets: Houston, Texas headquarters and
WWW.CAMBRIAN.COM President and CEO: Molly Kellogg WWW.ANDESCHEM.COM warehouse; independent contract facilities in
President: Peter Jobling Products: Chlor-alkali chemicals; organic sol- President and CEO: Fernando Espinosa Laredo, Texas and Tampa, Florida
Products: Organic ingredients; functional vents; inorganic chemicals; specialty solvents; Products: Additives; coalescents; driers;
foods; clean label preservatives; flavours hydrogen peroxide based specialties; surface extenders and fillers; monomers; pigment METACHEM
and flavour enhancers; non-GMO ingredi- treatment chemistry; corrosion prevention dispersions; plasticizers; preservatives; res- 190 2017 SALES: $44.7M
ents; health ingredients; oilfield additives; chemistry; paint stripping specialty formula- ins; rheology modifiers; solvents; empty
paper chemicals; personal care ingredients; tions; wastewater treatment specialty blends containers Sao Paulo, Brazil
HI&I chemicals; cleaning additives; sol- Services: Manufacturing/formulation of Assets: 2 warehouses WWW.METACHEM.COM.BR
vents; surfactants chemical specialties; custom blending; ware- Managing director: Ricardo do Rego Freitas
Services: Blending; repackaging; formulation housing; analytical and lab services DIEN Products: Food and feed ingredients; addi-
development; custom client services; techni- Assets: 2 manufacturing facilities; 6 ware- 186 2017 SALES: $48.8M tives for paints and coatings; additives for

cal consulting; regulatory consulting houses; 8 trucks polymers; raw materials for home and per-
Dallas, Texas, US sonal care products
BUCKLEY OIL WISTEMA WWW.DIENINC.COM Services: Blending; packaging; storage
178 2017 SALES: $52M 182 2017 SALES: €42.4M ($50.9M) President: Dien Stout Assets: 5 warehouses
Products: Personal care ingredients; food Trading sales: 30%

A.+ E. FISCHER-CHEMIE Products: Full range of chemicals, food ingre- Products: Composite-thermosets (roving,
191 2017 SALES: €36M ($43.2M) dients and performance polymers resin and peroxides); composite-thermoplas-
Services: Supply chain risk assessment; sourc- tics; rubber additives; adhesives; waxes; flame
Wiesbaden, Germany ing; accreditation; regulatory support; logistics retardants; pharmaceutical ingredients; nutra-
WWW.FISCHER-CHEMIE.DE Assets: ISO 13485 cleanroom; medical com- ceutical ingredients, food ingredients; miner-
General manager: Manuel Fischer-Bothof pounding plant via JV Innovative Polymer al and industrial acids; water treatment chem-
Products: Caustic soda; solvents; hydrochlo- Compounds (IPC) icals; pool and spa chemicals; janitorial and
ric acid; citric acid; urea; phosphoric acid; Trading sales: 70% sanitation chemicals; industrial specialty
matting agent; pyrogenic silicon dioxide; pre- chemicals; winter ice melting products
cipitated silica; silicone oil; glycerine; caustic SAMECA Services: Manufacturing – blending and
pottash; sodium bicarbonate; hydrogen perox- 195 2017 SALES: €34M ($40.8) compounding; logistics
ide; activated carbon Assets: 3 warehouses in Canada
Services: Storage; packaging; mixing; ex- Porto, Portugal
Assets: 2 warehouses for solid and liquid CEO: Eduardo Moura e Sa 199 2017 SALES: €33M ($39.6M)
products; 16 trucks Products: Caustic soda and other chemical
Trading sales: 10% commodities; coatings, resins and additives; Buchholz, Germany
plastics and rubber additives; surfactants; sol- WWW.MY-CHEM.DE
MCKINN INTERNATIONAL vents; food additives; intermediates Owner and CEO: Ralf Meinecke
192 2017 SALES: $42.2M Sevrices: Blending; repackaging of solids and Products: Phthalic anhydride; maleic anhy-
liquids; storage dride; styrene; mono-pentaerythritol; di-pen-
Singapore Assets: 3 warehouses; 6 trucks; own offices taerythritol; paraformaldehyde; purified
WWW.MCKINN.COM.SG isophthalic acid; purified terephthalic acid;
Managing director: Chau Tak Vui COAST SOUTHWEST tall oil products
Products: Acid and anhydrides; additives 196 2017 SALES: $40.3M Services: Storage
and raw materials for plastics; flame retard- Trading sales: 20%
ants; oleochemicals; plasticizers; rubber addi- Placentia, California, US
tives; water-based acrylic resins; raw materi- WWW.COASTSOUTHWEST.COM EQUILEX
als for adhesives, coatings, unsaturated President: Joseph C Cimo 200 2017 SALES: €32.4M ($38.9M)
polyester resins (UPR), polyurethanes (PU) Products: Surfactants; silicones; personal
and thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPU) care ingredients; preservatives; oleochemicals Schiedam, Netherlands
Services: Sourcing Services: Liquid blending; liquid bulk stor- WWW.EQUILEX.COM
Trading sales: 85% age; drumming; formulating Managing director: Cees Verdel
Assets: 5 locations; 6 trucks; applications Products: Higher olefins; alkylphenol; ethan-
IDEAL CHEMICAL & SUPPLY laboratory olamines; ethylene glycol; cyclohexane; ace-
193 2017 SALES: $41.8M tone; MEK; Elevance Clean 1200; alpha me-
HENRY HIRSCHEN thyl styrene; acrylonitrile; maleic anhydride;
Memphis, Tennessee, US 197 2017 SALES: $40.1M phthalic anhydride; dicyclopentadiene;
WWW.IDEALCHEMICAL.COM pygas; aromatics
President: Sam Block Jr Buenos Aires, Argentina Services: Storage; packaging; sea, rail and
Products: Acids; alcohols; amines; chelating WWW.HIRSCHEN.COM.AR road transportation; custom formulation;
agents; chlor-alkali; food ingredients; glycol President: Miguel Hirschen Reach regulation
ethers; hydrogen peroxide; inorganics; ke- Products: Glycols; surfactants; amines; bioc- Trading sales: 20%
tones; personal care ingredients; polyglycols; ides; solvents; inorganics; food ingredients;
solvents; textile care ingredients; water treat- pharmaceutical ingredients; oil and gas spe- JOBACHEM
ment chemicals cialties; colourants 201 2017 SALES: $37.9M
Services: Wholesale custom blending and Services: Storage; packaging; blending; trad-
packaging (dry and liquid); DSP (Distilled ing; same day deliveries; financing; tailor- Dassel, Germany
Spirits Plant); in-house QC and R&D labs; LTL made solutions WWW.JOBACHEM.COM
and truckload quantities; single- and multi- Assets: Central warehouse strategically lo- Director: Dr Jens-U Kahl
compartment tanker deliveries; local ware- cated in the Buenos Aires industrial area fit Products: UV curing agents; flavours and
housing and logistics; returnable and one-way for liquids and solids, with separate area for fragrances; plasticizers; organic carbonates;
containers; remote tank monitoring food/pharmaceuticals. catalysts
Assets: Warehouses at 4 locations with com- Trading sales: 5% Services: Blending; packaging; storage; mix-
bined 170,000 square feet of space; 1m gal liq- tures; melting; transport
uid bulk storage; distilled spirits plant; 15 MIN-CHEM/LAWRASON’S Assets: 3 warehouses; 4 trucks; equipment
tractors; 23 trailers; 6 tankers 198 GROUP/CK INGREDIENTS GROUP making solutions
2017 SALES: $40M Trading sales: 95%
194 2017 SALES: $41.4M Oakville, Ontario, Canada GB-CHEMIE
WWW.MIN-CHEM.COM 202 2017 SALES: €31M ($37.2M)
CEO: Alan Looney President: David A Luciani WWW.GB-CHEMIE.COM

Managing director: Horst Ludwig housing; laboratory testing; chemical process Services: Technical sales and service; local
Products: Intermediates; amines; oxo-alco- equipment sales warehousing; immediate dispatch; repackaging
hols; sodium gluconate; potassium hydrox- Assets: 102,000 square feet of warehousing; Assets: 13-country distribution network –
ide; bromo derivates; paraformaldehyde; 11 trucks; 20 tankers/trailers; laboratory Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Domini-
phosphates; nickel sulphate; zinc chloride can Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guate-
Services: Storage; grinding; packaging; tech- UCG (UNITED CHEMICAL GROUP) mala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru,
nical support 205 2017 SALES: $36.3M Venezuela and Caribbean Islands
Assets: 10 warehouses Trading sales: 12%
Trading sales: 10% Moscow, Russia
INDEPENDENT CHEMICAL Chairman and CEO: Gennadiy Tolstobrov 207 POLYMERS
203 2017 SALES: $36.7M Products: Polymers (ABS, ASA, SAN, HIPS, 2017 SALES: $35.6M
Glendale, New York, US SIS, POE, EVA, HDPE, PP copolymer); road Dubai, UAE
WWW.INDEPENDENTCHEMICAL.COM construction materials (cellulose stabilizers, WWW.LCP.AE
President: Jonathan Spielman plasticizers, emulsions, adhesion additives); Managing director: Malik Pervez Zaman
Products: Surfactants; pharmaceutical excipi- oil additives and modifiers Products: Synthetic rubber; polyvinyl chlo-
ents; food ingredients; cosmetic ingredients Services: Logistics; packaging; storage; tech- ride (PVC); engineering plastics; plasticizers;
Services: Blending; packaging nical support latex; monomers; construction chemicals; an-
Assets: 1 warehouse; 6 trucks Assets: 7 offices including in St Petersburg, imal nutrition; coatings chemicals
Togliatti, Krasnodar, Kazan, Novosibirsk; 8 Services: Market expansion; technical support
CHEMICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC warehouses Trading sales: 100%
204 2017 SALES: $36.3M
Buffalo, New York, US 206 2017 SALES: $36M 208 2017 SALES: €29.4M ($35.3M)
President: Mark T Russell Panama City, Panama Malmo, Sweden
Products: acids; bases; food grade dry and liq- WWW.QUELARIS.COM WWW.VENDICO.SE
uid ingredients; reagents; solvents; equipment CEO: Paul Vanhauw CEO: Anders Hakansson
Services: Contract blending and packaging; Products: Polyurethane; rubber; coatings; per- Products: Surfactants; chelating agents; sili-
bulk and LTL shipments; storage and ware- sonal and home care chemicals; adhesives cates; oleochemicals; preservatives; rheology

Siegfried Kuttig/imageBROKER/REX/Shutterstock



modifiers; personal care specialties; vegetable

oils; detergent and home care specialties
Services: Formulation; storage
Trading sales: 25%

209 2017 SALES: $35M

Somerset, New Jersey, US

CEO: Diana Colonna
Products: Acrylates and monomers; high pu-
rity solvents; reagent chemicals; ketones;
monomers; plasticizers; acids and anhy-
drides; aromatic solvents; chlorinated sol-
vents; cosmetic preservatives; esters; glycol
ethers; glycols; heat transfer fluids
Services: Testing; bulk storage; repackaging;
liquid bulk handling; custom blending; puri-
fying and stabilising
Assets: 3 locations; 7 trucks; 30 tankers; 10
box trucks; full analytical laboratory
Trading sales: 10%

210 2017 SALES: $35M

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

General director: Mario Grumach
Products: Oilfield chemicals; mining chemi-
cals; chemicals for glass; agricultural chemi-
cals; food and feed ingredients; organic chem-
icals; inorganic chemicals; solvents;
High Level/REX/Shutterstock

emulsifiers; viscosifiers
Services: Importing; exporting; packaging;
Assets: 4 warehouses; 20 tanks; 1 office
VIVION Assets: 5 trucks; 2 warehouses (including 1 President and CEO: Jeff Miller
211 2017 SALES: $35M under construction) Products: Acetates; alcohols; aliphatic and
aromatic solvents; glycols; glycol ethers;
San Carlos, California, US VENUS CHEMICALS GROUP chlor-alkali products; organic and inorganic
WWW.VIVIONINC.COM 213 2017 SALES: $32M chemicals; metalworking lubricants; oilfield
President: Michael Poleselli chemicals; water treatment chemicals; sur-
Products: Acidulants; sweeteners; humec- Cairo, Egypt factants; specialty chemicals; custom blends
tants; preservatives; chelants; hydrocolloids; WWW.VENUSKIM.COM Services: Laboratory services; environmen-
surfactants; vegetable oils; antifoams; tablet- Chairman: Ahmed Alghoul tal services for hazardous and non-hazard-
ing aids; micronutrients; vitamins; minerals Products: Glycerine; nonyl phenol ethoxy- ous waste disposal; environmental consult-
Services: Document packages; product spe- lated; fatty alcohol ethoxylated; polysorbate ing; OSHA compliant SDS and labeling
cialist services ethoxylated; castor oil ethoxylated; soya software; rail/truck transloading; bulk haz-
Assets: 2 warehouses; 3 public warehouses; lethicin; latex; defoamers; thickeners; white mat shipping/transportation; warehousing;
1 semi-truck spirit; pine oil; maleic resin; gum rosin; hy- private label packaging in all sizes
drocarbon resin; SLES 70; fragrances; paints Assets: 4 bulk terminals (2m+ gal storage,
VECKRIDGE CHEMICAL and coatings materials; inks; detergent chem- 110,000 square feet warehouse space); 3 pub-
212 2017 SALES: $32M icals; personal care ingredients; agrochemi- lic warehouses; 10 tractors; 5 tank wagons; 20
cals; food ingredients tankers, 12 dry vans
Kearny, New Jersey, US Assets: 2 warehouses; 10 cars; 4 jumbo cars
President: Mark Veca RESEARCH SOLUTIONS GROUP 215 2017 SALES: $31.2M
Products: Chlor-alkali; acids; inorganics; 214 2017 SALES: $31.3M
ethyl amines; ethanolamines Trenton, New Jersey, US
Services: Stocking; dilutions; small packag- Pelham, Alabama, US WWW:RECARROLL.COM



President: Robert E Carroll III Salvador, Bahia, Brazil President and CEO: Donna F Cole
Products: Calcium carbonate; clays; blowing WWW.MORAISDECASTRO.COM.BR Products: Antifreeze; BHT; enhanced hydro-
agents; alumina trihydrate; zinc oxides; plas- CEO: Andre Castro carbon recovery chemicals; environmentally
ticizers; foaming agents; barium sulfate; pe- Products: Surfactants; glycols (EO/PO); friendly heavy duty cleaner; ethylene glycol;
troleum products (aromatic oils, naphthenic white mineral oils; caustic soda; caustic fire resistant hydraulic fluids; fuel additives;
oils); magnesium oxide; stearates; soybean soda; sulfonic acid (LAB-S); inorganic acids glycol ether DM; MIBK; propylene glycol;
oils; lubricants, ASTM reference oils (H2SO4, HCL, HNO3); sodium hypochlorite; sulfolane; sulphuric acid
Services: Repackaging; storage; capacity to personal care additives; food additives; rhe- Services: Back office support; customer ser-
efficiently repackage 6,000-12,000 gal/week ology modifiers; oxygenated solvents; chlo- vice; supply chain management; packaging;
at several locations for aromatic, naphthenic, rinated solvents; biocides; sulfates (Al, Na, warehousing; inventory management
paraffinic base and process oils Cu, NH3); silicones; Assets: 2 warehouses
Assets: Corporate office and warehousing in Services: Transportation; packaging (includ- Trading sales: 20%
New Jersey; warehouse locations in Ohio, ing USP grade products); bulk to packages;
Georgia and Texas repackaging; storage; imports (under con- NORTHSPEC CHEMICALS
tract); dilutions; trading 223 2017 SALES: $27M
MATRIX CHEMIE Assets: 2 warehouses (Bahia, Pernambuco);
216 2017 SALES: £22.9M ($30.9M) 13 trucks; 1 bulk storage facility (Bahia); 1 re- Toronto, Ontario, Canada
frigerated facility (Bahia) WWW.NORTHSPEC.COM
Stourton, Leeds, UK Trading sales: 1% Principals/Managing directors: John Ma-
WWW.MATRIXCHEMIE.COM clean, Noel Shahnazarian
Chairman and CEO: Graham Royle MONACHEM ADDITIVES Products: Resins; pigments; additives; coat-
Products: Surfactants; oleochemicals; per- 220 2017 SALES: RS1.838BN ($28.8M) ings materials; graphic arts materials; con-
sonal care ingredients; home care, industrial struction chemicals; floor care chemicals;
and institutional (I&I specialities; antiperspi- Vadodara, Gujarat, India composites materials; adhesives; plastics
rant actives; essential oils; phosphates; water WWW.MONACHEM.COM and rubber additives
treatment chemicals; emulsion polymerisa- Founder and managing director: Dilip Shah; Services: Inventory management; logistics
tion adjuncts; suncare ingredients CEO and executive director: Shamik Shah Assets: 6 warehouse facilities across Cana-
Services: Supply chain management; import Products: Plastic additives; aroma chemi- da; 1 head office; 3 automobiles
and export; warehousing cals; pharmaceutical excipients; pharmaceu-
Assets: 1 facility (offices and warehouse) tical intermediates; cosmetic ingredients; es- JNS-SMITHCHEM
Trading sales: 20% sential oils; feed and food ingredients; 224 2017 SALES: $26.3M
oilfield chemicals; water treatment chemi-
DUTCH2 cals; fine chemicals Paterson, New Jersey, US
217 2017 SALES: €25.6M ($30.7M) Services: Packaging; warehousing; sourcing; WWW.JNS-SMITHCHEM.COM
indenting; technical services; contract manu- CEO: Darren Jachts
Purmerend, Netherlands facturing Products: Resins; fillers; inorganic pigments;
WWW.DUTCH2.COM Assets: 4,000 square foot office at Vadodara; organic pigments; additives; minerals; anti-
Managing director: Steven Willekes 12,000 square foot office at Vadodara (rent- corrosives
Products: Acetates; acids; acrylates; alcohols; ed); 2 rented warehouses in Vadodara, Guja- Services: Packaging
amines; aromatics; chlorinated solvents; gly- rat of 6,000 square feet which includes 1,000 Trading sales: 25%
col ethers; glycols; hydrocarbons; ketones; square feet of AC warehouse space; 2,500
monomers; vegetable oils; propylene glycol square foot warehouse in Mumbai T.Z. GROUP (TAU CHEMICALS, T.Z.
ethers; plasticizers Trading sales: 20% 225 TRADING, TREZA)
Services: Trading; export; drumming; ware- 2017 SALES: $26.0M
housing; logistics; blending; packaging; storage LUMAR QUIMICA
Trading sales: 30% 221 2017 SALES: €23.5M ($28.2M) Mexico City, Mexico
218 2017 SALES: $29M WWW.LUMARQUIMICA.COM President: Fernando J Zavala
CEO: Luis Ribera Locutura Products: Acetic acid; formic acid; soda ash;
Chicago, Illinois, US Products: Antioxidants; corrosion inhibitors; sodium bicarbonate; calcium chloride; chlo-
WWW.ACIDPRODUCTS.NET metal deactivators; antiwear and EP additives rine; sodium hypochlorite; hydrochloric
CEO: Jann Fisher for lubes; fatty acids; fatty alcohols; emulsifi- acid; caustic soda liquid and flakes; sulphu-
Products: Acids; caustics; solvents; dry ers; polyalkylene glycols; esters; polyisobu- ric acid; sodium sulphate; sodium hydro-
chemicals; white oils; surfactants; glycols tene; polyalphaolefins; tackifiers; viscosity sulfite; organic phosphonates; titanium diox-
Services: Toll blending – liquids and pow- improvers; pour point depressants ide (TiO2); antifoams
ders; drum and tote packaging; contract pack- Services: Storage; logistics; repackaging; Services: Dilution of liquid hazard chemi-
aging – bottles of all sizes analysis; technical training cals; transportation; storage; packaging of liq-
Assets: 3 warehouses; 7 trucks; 4 liquid pack- uid hazard chemicals; local deliveries from
aging lines; 2 powder lines COLE CHEMICAL & DISTRIBUTING 500 kilos up
222 2017 SALES: $28M Assets: 5 warehouses for liquids and solid
MORAIS DE CASTRO hazardous chemicals in Mexico City,
219 2017 SALES: R95.6M ($28.8M) Houston, Texas, US Queretaro, Puebla, Cancun and Houston,

RADCHEM PRODUCTS President and founder: Jayme Marmelsztjen SEACOLE

226 2017 SALES: $26.0M Products: Oxygenated solvents; vitamins; 232 2017 SALES: $22M
glycerine; phosphoric acid; metamizole sodi-
Orland Park, Illinois, US um; paracetamol; acetic acid; phenol; benzyl Plymouth, Minnesota, US
WWW.RADCHEMINC.COM alcohol; camphor; hydrogen peroxide; anti- WWW.SEACOLE.COM
President: William M Radostits oxidants; mineral oil; polyols; colourants; CEO: Gregg Elliott
Products: Acetates; alcohols; aliphatic and fatty acids Products: Electronic processing (printed cir-
aromatic hydrocarbons; glycol ethers; process Services: Repackaging; tolling; blending; cuit and integrated circuit) chemicals; surface
and base oils; reuse solvents; resins; ketones; storage; chemical analysis finishing/plating chemicals; industrial clean-
K-1 kerosene Assets: Warehouse for pharmaceutical prod- ing chemicals; odour control chemicals;
Services: Railcar; tanker; drums; totes; ucts (1,100 square metres); warehouse for transportation cleaning and maintenance
blending flammable products (1,000 square metres; chemicals; laboratory reagents
Assets: Dedicated owned trailer warehouse for technical products (3,400 Services: Custom and contract blending
square metres); laboratory; tank farm with and packaging; private label blending and
INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS over 2,000 cubic metres packaging
227 2017 SALES: $25.9M Assets: 100,000 square foot warehouse, man-
TAN INTERNATIONAL ufacturing site, headquarters; delivery truck
Arvada, Colorado, US 230 2017 SALES: £18M ($24.3M)
President: Robert L Wilson II Perth, UK 233 2017 SALES: $21.1M
Products: Acetates; acids; aliphatic and ar- WWW.TANINTERNATIONAL.COM
omatic solvents; alcohols; biofuel chemi- Managing director: Chris Irvine Abbeville, Louisiana, US
cals; chelating agents; chlor-alkali products Products: General chemicals; oilfield chemi- WWW.GULFCOASTCHEMICAL.COM
(caustic soda, potassium hydroxide); deter- cals; food chemical products; solvents; agri- Managing member: Jim Fusilier
gent chemicals; glycols and glycol ethers; cultural products including fertilizers; indus- Products: Glycols; methanol; ethanola-
heat transfer fluids; hydrogen peroxide; trial chemicals; water treatment chemicals; mines; coolants; lubricants; antifreeze; heat
metal finishing chemicals; oilfield chemi- fine chemicals; pharmaceutical products transfer fluids; production chemicals; sol-
cals; organic and inorganic chemicals; phar- Services: Chemical sales; custom and vents; wireline lubes; specialty completion
maceutical ingredients; surfactants; water third-party blending; storage; handling; and stimulation products
treatment chemicals packaging sales and turnkey management of Services: Blending; laboratory services;
Services: Contract blending; transloading; chemical supply projects chemical treatment programmes; operator
warehousing Assets: Owned and operated 10-acre site training
Assets: 3 warehouses; 23 tankers; 12 tractors; with 10,000 tonnes of liquid storage along Assets: 7 locations; 120,000 square foot
5 vans; 700,000 gal bulk storage; rail siding to with 5,000 tonnes of dry/packed storage; warehouse storage; 500,000+ gal bulk storage;
accommodate 16 railcars owned and operated specialist vehicles in- laboratory; 21 delivery trucks; 2 tankers; 6
cluding hydrochloric acid/methanol and service trucks.
SEELER INDUSTRIES general purpose liquid tankers; blending Trading sales: Less than 10%
228 2017 SALES: $25.7M plants capable of 1 tonne, 5 tonne, 15 tonne,
50 tonne and 100 tonne blends; fertilizer SCHIBLEY SOLVENTS AND
Joliet, Illinois, US blending plant with 45,000 tonnes PA ca- 234 CHEMICALS
WWW.SEELER.COM pacity; 2 additional third-party owned but 2017 SALES: $20M
CEO: Steve Seeler Tan operated satellite sites
Products: Hydrogen peroxide; disenfect- Elyria, Ohio, US
ant; peracetic acid; caustic soda; hydrochlo- BRUGUES WWW.SCHIBLEY.COM
ric acid; glacial acetic acid; propylene gly- 231 2017 SALES: €18.5M ($22.2M) President: Reed Schibley
col; phosphoric acid; sodium chlorate Products: Organic peroxide initiators; sur-
liquid/dry; glycerine; manganous oxide Barcelona, Spain factants; chelates; stearic acid; stearates;
(HP); sodium silicate; sodium gluconate; WWW.BRUGUES.COM oleic acid; gum rosin; unsaturated polyester
monethanolamine CEO: Raimon Brugues Sintes resin; fibreglass reinforcements; solvents;
Services: Tank storage and warehousing; over- Products: acetone; butyl glycol; cyclohex- FRP processing equipment and parts; spe-
head rail unloading; rail siding; blending and anone; diacetone alcohol; dipropylene gly- cialty chemicals
toll manufacturing; liquid and dry bulk trans- col; ethyl acetate; formic acid; isopropyl al- Services: Blending; specialty packaging;
fers; bagging; trucking; laboratory services cohol; methyl ethyl ketone; methyl isobutyl warehousing and storage; trucking; chemi-
Assets: 275,000+ square feet of warehous- ketone; methoxypropyl acetate; monoethan- cal refrigerated and heated transport; bulk
ing; 5 trucks; 10 liquid and box trailers; 27 olamine; n-propanol; propylene glycol USP; unloading; product training and support
above ground storage tanks; 7 rail spurs of triethanolamine services
2.5 miles of track for transloading; overhead Services: Packaging; mixtures, solutions Assets: 4 temperature-controlled warehouses;
rail trestle and dilutions; storage; hazardous goods 3 tractors; 5 trailers
transportation Trading sales: 8%
COSMOQUIMICA Assets: Warehouses in Viladecans (Barcelo-
229 2017 SALES: $25.1M na), with 8,000 square metres, Alcaser (Va- MONARCH CHEMICALS
lencia) with 6,000 square metres; logistics 235 2017 SALES: £14.65M ($19.8M)
Barueri, Sao Paulo, Brazil warehouse in Igorre (Bizkaia); trucks
WWW.COSMOQUIMICA.COM.BR Trading sales: 20% Sheerness, Kent, UK

WWW.MONARCHCHEMICALS.CO.UK CEOs: Charles Hawley (Operations), Paul Ni- KEMAT

Chairman: Phillip Copeland cholson (Sales) 242 2017 SALES: €13.3M ($16.0M)
Products: Glycerine; glycols; citric acid; Products: Resins/polymers; pigments; ex-
amines; sodium sulphide; caustic soda; hy- tenders; functional fillers; adhesives and coat- Vilvoorde, Belgium
drochloric acid; sodium hypochlorite; propi- ings materials; construction chemicals; ink WWW.KEMATBELGIUM.COM
onic acid; agricultural silage and performance materials; plastics and rubber additives; tex- Managing director: Simon Mason
additives; fertilisers and feed products tiles chemicals; filtration chemicals for liq- Products: Polybutene (low, medium and high
Services: Warehousing; liquid and powder uid/solid separation molecular weight); tackified oligomers; poly-
blending; toll manufacturing; packed and Services: Storage for chemicals and minerals alphaolefins (PAOs); castor, linseed and flax-
bulk UK distribution; inventory manage- for customers in the UK and Ireland; technical seed oils; molybdenum disulphide; 12-hy-
ment; supplier reduction; just-in-time deliv- support; formulation advice droxystearic acid; bentonite; carbon black
ery; global sourcing Assets: Sales office and warehouse in the UK Services: Sourcing; transport; storage; pack-
Assets: 2 UK distribution locations with bulk aging and handling; financing support; docu-
and packed storage; warehouses; bulk blend- EAGLE ALCOHOL mentation; logistics; supply chain security;
ing facility; offices; 4 purpose built trucks. 239 2017 SALES: $17.0M outsourcing
Trading sales: Less than 10% Assets: 15 trucks (including ISO tanks); 3
St Louis, Missouri, US warehouses
KLAUS F. MEYER President: Daniel Croghan
236 2017 SALES: €16.5M ($19.8M) Products: Ethyl alcohol 190/200 proof; pro- INORTECH CHIMIE
cess oils; glycol ethers; glycols; alcohols; esters 243 2017 SALES: C$20M ($15.9M)
Fussgoenheim, Germany Services: Blending; storage; DSP, organic,
WWW.KLAUSFMEYER.DE USP and clean packaging; Kosher certified; Terrebonne, Quebec, Canada
Managing directors: Martina Magnie, Frank rail transport capabilities CEO: Jean-Baptiste Moranta
Meyer Assets: Warehouse; rail site; OTR tractors Products: Specialty chemicals for paints and
Products: Hydroxylamine sulfate, hydroxy- (2); private fleet of 10 stainless steel tankers; coatings – resins, additives, pigments
lamine hydrochloride; triflic acid; MEKO; 2 box trailers with cold storage; indoor bulk Assets: 2 offices
nitromethane; isocyanuric acid; BHT; p-tol- tanks
uenesulfonic acid; n-isopropylhydroxy- ROYALE GROUP (AWSM, SHORE-
lamine; TMEDA; agrochemicals; pharma- BIACHEM 244 CHEM, ROYALE PIGMENTS)
chemicals; specialty chemicals; catalysts; 240 2017 SALES: $17M 2017 SALES: $15M
anthranilic acid
Services: Door-to-door service; refilling of tri- London, UK Paramus, New Jersey, US
flic acid; dangerous goods handling; ISO WWW.BIACHEM.COM WWW.ROYALEPIGMENTS-CHEM.COM
tanks; stockholding Managing director: Bob Beaumont CEO: John Logue
Assets: 5 warehouses in Europe; rented labo- Products: Caustic soda; chlorine; sodium Products: Alkali fluoroborates; fluorides;
ratory; office in Shanghai, China sulphate; sodium chloride; EDTA; NTA; metal fluoroborates; nitrates/nitrites; borates;
GLDA; surfactants; sodium percarbonate; specialty chemicals; organic/inorganic fluori-
LAKE CHEMICALS AND MINERALS magnesium chloride; potassium chloride; so- nes; pearlscents; fluorescents; iron oxides
237 2017 SALES: €16.3M ($19.5M) dium hydrosulphite Services: Stocking; supply chain manage-
Services: Repackaging; blending; dilution ment; consulting; blending; grinding
Worcestershire, UK Assets: 5 contract warehouses in UK and Assets: 5 warehouses; 2 converting locations
CEO: Dr Steven Cartlidge UNIQUE CHEMICAL
Products: Coatings and adhesives additives; TECNOSINTESI 245 TECHNOLOGIES
corrosion removal and inhibition chemicals; 241 2017 SALES: €14M ($16.8M) 2017 SALES: $12.5M
construction chemicals; lubricants; pharma-
ceutical ingredients; cosmetics ingredients; Bergamo, Italy San Juan, Puerto Rico
personal and home care chemicals; rubber WWW.TECNOSINTESI.COM WWW.UNICHEMTECH.COM
and plastics additives; electronics chemi- Sales and marketing manager: President: Carlos M Acevedo
cals; water treatment chemicals; food ingre- Michele Angius Products: Solvents; intermediates; excipi-
dients; nutrition and beverage ingredients Products: Adipic acid; ammonium ents; ethyl alcohol; acrylic polymers; polyeth-
Services: Technical sales and marketing; ap- polyphosphate (APP); acetyl tributyl citrate ylene resins
plication development; quality control; (ATBC); tutanediol (BDO); cyclohexane- Services: Storage; logistics; inventory plan-
warehousing; regulatory services; supply dimethanol (CHDM); diallyl phthalate ning
chain management; blending and packaging; (DAP); hexanediol (HDO); isophthalic acid Assets: 1 leased warehouse
contract research and manufacturing (PIA); monobutyltin oxide (MBTO); poly-
Assets: R&D laboratories for food and per- ethylene wax; p-tert butyl phenol (PTBP); KIC CHEMICALS
sonal care; BRC accredited warehouse tartaric acid; titanium dioxide (TiO2); tri- 246 2017 SALES: $12M
methylolpropane (TMP); zinc oxide (gold,
WHITCHEM green and active) New Paltz, New York, US
238 2017 SALES: £13.7M ($18.5M) Services: Trading; sourcing; storage; blend- WWW.KICGROUP.COM
ing and repackaging; full service from sourc- President: Edward Kort
Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire, UK ing to DDP delivery Products: Glycerine; propylene glycol; fatty
WWW.WHITCHEM.CO.UK Trading sales: 80% acids; fatty alcohols; vitamins; acidulants;

vegetable oils; preservatives, essential oils Products: additives (amine neutralizer, adi- aging; sourcing
Services: Blending; packaging; storage; sam- pates, propionates, saturated block polyethers); Assets: 5 warehouse locations
pling amines (ethanolamines, ethyleneamines, iso-
Assets: 2 warehouses propanolamines; C4 chemicals (BDO, NMP, A.S. PATERSON
Trading sales: 10% THF, MPDiol Glycol); coalescing aids; glycol 255 2017 SALES: $8M
ethers (E-Series and P-Series); propylene gly-
AUDICHE TRADING cols; coalescing agents for high solid coatings; Toronto, Ontario, Canada
247 2017 SALES: $11.0M 1-2 diaminocyclohexane; 2-ethylhexyl acetate; WWW.ASPATERSON.COM
di-n-butyl ether; dimethyl succinate; isoamyl CEO: Rod Paterson
Alexandria, Egypt alcohol; vinyl-2-ethylhexanoate Products: Micronised waxes; wax emul-
WWW.AUDICHE.COM Services: Registered with the FSSAI (for sions; wax dispersions; pigment dispersions;
President: Alain Audiche supply of chemicals to the food and beverage dyes; organic pigments; foam control agents;
Products: Titanium dioxide; polyvinyl alco- industries); registered with the FDA (for sup- acrylic emulsions; polyurethane dispersions;
hol; methyl ethyl ketoxime; hydrocarbon ply of chemicals and intermediates to the nitrocellulose; concrete admixture; corro-
resin; micaceous iron oxide; glass flakes; pharmaceutical industry); custom blending sion control products; fragrances; shellac
iron oxides; acrylics; antimony trioxide; so- and repackaging; drumming; market re-
dium ammonium and potassium persul- search; technical support; trend analysis; SMA COLLABORATIVES
fates; glass beads warehousing; legal compliance 256 2017 SALES: $5.8M
Services: Agency sales; stocking Assets: 2 offices; 2 warehouses (1 owned);
Assets: 1 office; 2 warehouses blending/formulation unit Cincinnati, Ohio, US
Trading sales: 70% Trading sales: 2-3% WWW.SMACOLLABORATIVES.COM
President: Saad Ashoor
CLASSIC DISTRIBUTING COMPANY CHEMCEED Products: Bio-placenta; fermented oils; cos-
248 2017 SALES: $11.0M 252 2017 SALES: $9.6M metic pigments; natural preservatives; thick-
eners; clinically supported actives; natural
Pacoima, California Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, US replacements for petrolatum and silicone;
WWW.CLASSICDISTRIB.COM WWW.CHEMCEED.COM natural extracts; DHA tanning agent; natural
President: Larry H Helscher President: Marimel Enderes pentylene glycol
Products: Surfactants; preservatives; quater- Products: Plasticizers; corrosion inhibitors; Assets: 3 warehouses in the US; applications
naries; waxes; vitamins; esters additives; solvents; fatty acids; alcohols; spe- lab; office; extraction laboratory
Services: Blending; repackaging cialty chemicals; industrial chemicals; food
CUSTOM CHEMICAL SERVICES Services: Blending; packaging; labelling; 257 2017 SALES: £2.60M ($3.51M)
249 2017 SALES: $11M storage; consignment; just-in-time delivery
Assets: 4 warehouses Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, UK
Hitchcock, Texas, US Trading sales: 10% WWW.DAKRAM.COM
WWW.CCHEMICALS.COM Managing director: Kate Mingay
President: Margaret Roff CLARIQUIMICA Products: Water treatment chemicals; metal
Products: Solvents; aromatics; ketones; etha- 253 2017 SALES: $9.5M treatment chemicals; catalysts; glass; ceramics
nols; alcohols; caustics; glycols; inorganics;
oil and gas chemicals Sao Paulo, Brazil KETSIN DE COSTA RICA
Services: Blending; packaging; warehous- WWW.CLARIQUIMICA.COM 258 2017 SALES: $1.5M
ing; import/export; containerisations; trans- CEO: Valne Lucas Vieira
loading; neutralisations; laboratory services Products: Pigments and additives; pigment San Rafael, Costa Rica
Assets: 1 warehouse dispersions; paper and textile chemicals; iron WWW.KETSINCR.COM
oxide; dyes for paper and textile; caustic soda; CEO: Cesar Marin
STORT CHEMICALS carbon black Products: Masterbaches; solvents; electronic
250 2017 SALES: £8M ($10.8M) Services: Blending; packaging chemicals; food industry coatings
Assets: Warehouse; 1 truck. Services: Storage; packaging; blending
Bishops Stortford, UK Trading sales: 73% Assets: 1 warehouse; 3 trucks
Managing director: Richard Gilkes AMERICAN CHEMIE
Products: Resins/polymers; additives; col- 254 2017 SALES: $8.8M
ourants; pigments; fluorosurfactants; natural CURRENCY CONVERSION RATES
and synthetic raw materials for flavours and Austin, Texas, US 31 DECEMBER 2017
Trading sales: 5% President and CEO: Paula Kamdar $1 =
Products: Personal care ingredients; sun- Euro (€) 0.83343
SAIPER CHEMICALS screen actives; preservatives; lecithins; nutra- British pound (£) 0.74058
251 2017 SALES: RS685M ($10.7M) ceuticals; castor oil derivatives; organo-titan- Canadian dollar (C$) 1.25732
ates; titanium chelates; synthetic sulfonates; Brazilian real (R) 3.31241
Mumbai, India chloroacetic acids; flame retardants Indian rupee (Rs) 63.84991
WWW.SAIPER.COM Services: Logistics; imports; warehousing; Swiss franc (Swfr) 0.97473
Managing director: IBV Raghavan just-in-time inventory; door delivery; repack-

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